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Priston Tale (e)

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Author: inwul (
Date: 11 August 2002
Version: 1.00

This document is copyright 2001-2002 inwul. All rights reserved.

You are allowed to do the following:

- Make copies (electronically or physical) for your own, personal use;
- Post this FAQ on a non-commercial, freely accessible web site. My 
permission is not required, however, the FAQ must be posted in its full, 
original form, including this notice, and credited to me.

You are not allowed to:

- Make money off this FAQ in any imaginable way.
- Post this FAQ on a commercial site without my explicit written 
- Use this FAQ, or part of it in magazines, guides, books, etc. without
  my explicit written permission.
- Edit this FAQ in any way, use it as a basis for your own FAQ, or post 
  this FAQ without giving proper credit. This is considered plagiarism.


 - Introduction
 - Basic Setup
 - The World of Priston
 - Character Information
 - Starting Out
 - Character Stats
 - Party System
 - NPC Info


-Background Info

Priston Tale is a free MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing
game) The game was created by Triglow Pictures LTD and is free for 
download. There are no cost associated with playing Priston Tale at 
the current time. Priston Tale is in a full 3d environment with the 
ability to zoom in and out, and also rotate the camera 360º. 

-Minimum Specs

The minimum system requirements as specified on the Priston Tale 
English website is 

OS  : Windows98/Me/2000/XP
CPU : Celeron 300 
RAM : 64MB 
VGA : 3D Acceleration Video Card /w 16MB RAM
ETC : DirectX 7.0 or above, 56K Modem

However the recommend system requirements are 

OS  : Windows98/Me/2000/XP 
CPU : Pentium III 450 
RAM : 128MB 
VGA : 3D Acceleration Video Card /w 16MB RAM
ETC : DirectX 7.0 or above, ISDN/ADSL/Cable

Although understanding a new RPG game is confusing. Trying to remember
the keyboard setup is worse. So here's the keyboard setup for PT.

Pressing esc will bring up the option to quit the game.

Pressing tab will turn on/off the mini map on the bottom right hand 

Pressing Enter will bring up the chat window on the bottom left hand 
corner of the screen. Pressing it a second time will allow you to
type in your messages for characters around you.

Pressing Ctrl+Home, will take a screen capture of the game. The 
picture will be put in the same folder as PT but in the folder 
called capture

Pressing 1,2 or 3 will cause your character to drink the potion in the
associated slots.

-Left Mouse-
The default left mouse button is your characters basic attack. It also
controls where your character moves and who it attacks. Holding down 
the left mouse button will make your character continually attack or 
move depending on where your cursor is.

However the left and right mouse button can be changed to initiate
another skill.

-Right Mouse-
The right mouse button causes your character perform the skill 

-Mouse Wheel-
If the camera zoom is on auto or manual, rolling the mouse wheel 
up/down will cause the camera to move up or down behind your character.
Holding down the mouse wheel button and moving your mouse up/down will
cause the camera to zoom in and out.

Pressing the Z button will cause the game to change the types of zoom.
There are 3 different zoom modes. Lock, manual and auto.

   Auto zoom makes the camera follow directly behind your character

   Manual zoom allows you to customize the camera position

   Lock zoom has the camera at 45º angle towards your character but 
   does not rotate the camera view

Pressing X will bring up the option to quit the game

Pressing C will bring up the character's information screen

Pressing V will bring up the character's inventory screen

Pressing S will bring up the character's skills

Pressing W will switch between your two equipment settings

Pressing R will alter between running and walking

-D- Pressing D will bring up the party screen

Currently, there is only one region available at this time. They are
divided into 4 regions. In PT, there also a Day/Night cycle. Visibility 
changes as it gets darker. Also, the in some areas, monsters cycle between

-Ricarten Town
   When you first create a new character, they will be in Ricarten Town.
   Ricarten town has 3 different merchants in which you can buy products 
   from. There is a merchant for selling potions, two merchants for
   selling different types or weapons and armors. 

-Woodlands Area
   Stepping outside Ricarten town, you will be in the Woodland area.
   Most of the monsters outside Ricarten town are low level. However, as 
   you venture deeper into the terrain, you will encounter more difficult
   monsters, so beware.

-Wastelands Area
   Venturing deeper into Priston, you will enter the Wasteland. The 
   monsters in this area are stronger then the enemies in the Woodlands
   area. This place should only be encountered once you have the right
   equipment and have a mid-level character.

-Desert Area
   Once you have adventured deep into the heart of Priston, you will 
   enter the Desert area. The monsters in this area are extremely 
   difficult and extreme caution should be taken. You should only enter
   this area if you're a high level character with exceptional items.

Currently there are only 4 characters available. They are the 
mechanician, the fighter, the pikeman and the archer.


The mechanician is not a very strong offensive character. However, he does 
have a range of different weapons and attacks. A mechanician requires more
tactics then just brute force.


++Extreme Shield++
   Req. LVL: 10
   Temporarily increases Block Rating of the current shield

++Mechanic Bomb++
   Req. LVL: 12
   Throws a bomb to damage enemies within explosive blast radius

++Poison Attribute++
   Req. LVL: 14
   Permanently raises resistance to poison

++Physical Absorption++
   Req. LVL: 17
   Temporarily increases the body's ability to absorb damage


The fighter is an complete offensive character. 'Kill first, ask questions
later'. A has fighter a variety of offensive skills to help take down it's
enemies. He can also withstand heavy blows without dying.


++Melee Mastery++
   Req. LVL: 10
   Increases efficiency in melee weapons, increases Attack Power 

++Fire Attribute++
   Req. LVL: 12
   Permanently raises resistance to fire
   Req. LVL: 14
   Goes berserk for a short period of time, but loses HP with each attack.

   Req. LVL: 17
   Raises attack rating to accurately strike the enemy.


The pikeman is an offensive character just like the fighter. However
it uses pole-arms as its main weapon. The pikeman is a variation of the


++Pike Wind++
   Req. LVL: 10
   Creates a whirlwind to push back and damage enemies

++Ice Attribute++
   Req. LVL: 12
   Permanently raises resistance to frost

++Critical Hit++
   Req. LVL: 14
   Aims for enemies' weak spots to raise probability of a critical strike

++Jumping Crash++
   Req. LVL: 17 
   Leaps up into the air to strike down with a powerful blow


The archer is a more of a support character. Her specialty is ranged
weapons, and doesn't survive well when in close combat. The archer 
requires someone to tank, while she helps in the background. 


++Scout Hawk++
   Req. LVL: 10
   Summons a hawk to scout the surrounding area, raising attack rating

++Shooting Mastery++
   Req. LVL: 12
   Permanently raises attack power with bows and crossbows

++Wind Arrow++
   Req. LVL: 14
   Imbues an arrow with wind properties to increase attack power

++Perfect Aim++
   Req. LVL: 17
   Make an aimed shot with increased Attack Rating and Power


Once you have selected your character, your first thing to do is to get 
some equipment and level up. Since you don't start off with either, the 
first thing you should do is to get out of town and fight a few monsters.
Usually a few kind players in PT will give away their lower level items to
you if you ask kindly. Try to get away from the crowds as experience is
given to whoever does more then 50% damage to the monster. Although it is
hard to find such an area, try to form a party so experience is shared.

Try to stay in the area just outside town, do not venture to further areas
as the monsters become too difficult and you will end up dying. Although
you don't have penalty for dying until level 10, it's not worth wasting all
that time travelling to further areas since you receive little experience.

As soon as you acquire enough gold to buy a weapon, return to town and
purchase a weapon for your character. Return outside and level up until
level 5+. Once you have become strong enough, venture deeper into further
areas. Remain in the woodland are until you are level 10. 

Once your character is level 10+, move onto the wastelands area. You will 
encounter skeletons and cocktrices. I recommend you form a party and try to
take down the enemies in a pack. It becomes far too difficult if you're by

If your character reaches level 20. Move on forward to the next area, the 
next area contains a lot more ranged attackers. Enemies here are extremely 
strong, so if you want to survive, stay in a party. Don't forget to bring
lots of potions. Keep away from ranged attackers, because, if a few ranged
enemies hit you, you will fall into stun lock and be stuck and slowly
killed as you can't run away.

When you reach level 30. Advance to the desert. Here, you will find more 
annoying ranged enemies and even stronger enemies. Once you reach the 3rd
town, beware of night time, as monsters spawn in the town once daylight is
gone. You can hide behind the fences, but it takes some running and moving
to be able to run past the fence. 

Alternatively, you could level up and fight a bit.

The party system in 'Priston Tale' requires is more fair then other MMORPG.
The party must have other characters with relatively the same level. This
prevents a single character from being too strong and killing all the
monsters while a low level character sits and gains exp. In PT, you are
allowed to have 6 members in your party at one time. 

There are multiple commands which you can do if you're the party leader.
To activate any of these commands, press 'D' to bring up the party menu.
1. Change Leader: This command changes who the party leader will be.
2. Disband Party: This command will disband the party.
3. Dismiss Member: This command will kick someone out of the party.
4. Leave Party: This command will make you leave the party.

Clicking on a members face will initiate a private message.

To form a party, press enter to bring up the chat menu. Press enter again
and type in

"//party ?????" so if you wanted to add someone by the name of 'Killa'
type in "//party killa" 

This command is not case sensitive.

While in a party, all gold and experience is shared. If a member dies, they
are still in the party regardless of where the choose to respawn.

   Increases the character's attack, stamina recovery rate, carry weight
   and stamina
   Increases the character's stamina, mana and mana recovery rate
   Increases the characters, accuracy, attack, defense, stamina and speed
   Increases the character's accuracy, projectile damage and defense
   Affects the characters stamina, carry weight, speed, health, health 
   regeneration rate and mana recovery rate.

*Accuracy: Determines how often your attack's will hit the target
*Attack:   Determines how much damage your character inflicts each hit
*Defense:  Determines how well your character can dodge and block attacks
*Soak:     Determines how much physical damage your character can take
*Speed:    Determines how fast your character moves

Your character can carry up to 140 blocks of items in it's inventory.
However, there is also a weight limit on how much your character can hold
at one time. Just right of the inventory grid, you can see how much weight
your character can hold. Increasing your strength will increase your carry


`````````````````````````````Blacksmith Beans``````````````````````````````


-Stone Axe-                -Pole Mace-               -War Mace-
Attack Power:   1-3        Attack Power:   4-7       Attack Power:   2-4
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:   6         Weapon Speed:   7
Critical:       3%         Critical:       4%        Critical:       3%
Attack Rating:  30         Attack Rating:  35        Attack Rating:  45
Integrity:      30/30      Integrity:      35/35     Integrity:      30/30    
*Fighter Spec.*            Req. Level:     7         Req. Strength:  30
Spec. ATK SPED: 1          Req. Strength:  35        Cost:           460
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/4       Req. Talent:    24
Cost:           60         Cost:           1400 

-Battle Axe-               -Gothic Mace-             -War Hammer-
Attack Power:   3-6        Attack Power:   4-8       Attack Power:   5-10
Weapon Speed:   5          Weapon Speed:   7         Weapon Speed:   6
Critical:       4%         Critical:       4%        Critical:       5%
Attack Rating:  39         Attack Rating:  40        Attack Rating:  42
Integrity:      42/42      Integrity:      40/40     Integrity:      44/44    
Req. Level:     4          Req. Level:     9         Req. Level:     11   
Req. Strength:  42         Req. Strength:  42        Req. Strength:  58
*Fighter Spec.*            Req. Talent:    30        Req. Talent:    35
Spec. ATK SPD:  2          Cost:           3100      Cost:           6000
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5
Cost:           800         

-War Axe-                  -Pole-                    -Bill-
Attack Power:   4-8        Attack Power:   1-4       Attack Power:   4-7
Weapon Speed:   7          Weapon Speed:   7         Weapon Speed:   6
Critical:       5%         Critical:       3%        Critical:       3%
Attack Rating:  44         Attack Rating:  40        Attack Rating:  50
Integrity:      50/50      Integrity:      28/28     Integrity:      32/32    
Req. Level:     10         Req. Strength:  11        Req. Level:     7   
Req. Strength:  56         *Pikeman Spec*            Req. Strength:  11
Req Talent:     30         Spec. ATK SPD:  1         Req. Talent:    14
*Fighter Spec.*            Spec. ATK POW:  LV/4      *Pikeman Spec.*
Spec. Crit:     3%         Cost:           140       Spec. ATK SPD:  1
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5                                 Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/2
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5                                 Cost:           1100
Cost:           800         

-Club-                     -War Axe-                 -Gothic Mace-
Attack Power:   1-3        Attack Power:   4-8       Attack Power:   4-8
Weapon Speed:   7          Weapon Speed:   7         Weapon Speed:   7
Critical:       3%         Critical:       5%        Critical:       4%
Attack Rating:  35         Attack Rating   44        Attack Rating:  40
Integrity:      22/22      Integrity:      50/50     Integrity:      40/40    
Cost:           60         Req. Level:     10        Req. Level:     9  
                           Req. Strength:  56        Req. Strength:  42
                           Req. Talent:    18        Req. Talent:    38
                           *Fighter Spec.*           Cost:           3100
                           Spec. CRIT:     3%
                           Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5
                           Cost: 1800

-Spear-                    -Halberd-                 -Javelin-
Attack Power:   2-5        Attack Power:   6-10      Attack Power:   1-3
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:   6         Weapon Speed:   7
Critical:       3%         Critical:       5%        Range:          180
Attack Rating:  45         Attack Rating:  55        Critical:       2%
Integrity:      23/23      Integrity:      40/40     Attack Rating:  25    
Req. Strength:  11         Req. Level:     10        Cost:           100  
Req. Talent:    24         Req. Strength:  58        
*Pike Spec.*               Req. Talent:    38        
Spec. ATK SPD:  1          *Pikeman Spec.*           
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/4       Spec. ATK SPD:  1         
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5       Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/2
                           Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/2      
                           Cost:           2300

-War Javelin-              -Steel Javelin-           -Steel Axe-
Attack Power:   2-4        Attack Power:   4-6       Attack Power:   2-4
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:   5         Weapon Speed:   6
Range:          185        Range:          195       Critical:       3%
Critical:       3%         Critical:       4%        Attack Rating:  35
Attack Rating:  30         Attack Rating:  40        Integrity:      34/34   
Cost:           280        Req. Level:     6         *Fighter Spec.*  
                           Req. Strength:  38        Spec. ATK SPD:  1
                           Req. Talent:    14        SPec. ATK POW:  LV/4
                           Cost:           1200      Cost:           420

-Horn Scythe-              -Edged Javelin-           
Attack Power:   7-14       Attack Power:   3-5       
Weapon Speed:   5          Weapon Speed:   6        
Critical:       7%         Range:          190       
Attack Rating:  46         Critical:       4%       
Integrity:      37/37      Attack Rating:  36         
Req. Level:     14         Req. Talent:    26        
Req. Strength:  50         Cost:           500      
Req. Willpower: 18                                  
Req. Talent:    32                                   

-Leather Boots-            -Steel Half Gauntlets-    -Targe-
Defense Rating: 4          Defense Rating: 12        Defense Rating: 6
Absorb Rating:  0.1        Absorb Rating:  0.4       Absorb Rating:  0.4
Speed:         0.4         Integrity:      35/35     Block Rating:   8%
Integrity:     22/22       Organic Type:   3         Integrity:      20/20
Organic Type:  1           Flame Type:     -1        Organic Type:   1
Frost Type:    1           Frost Type:     3         Flame Type:     1
Poison Type:   1           Lightning Type: -1        Frost Type:     1
Cost:          110         Poison Type:    3         Lightning Type: -1
                           Req. Strength:  18        Poison Type:    1
                           Cost:           780       Req. Strength:  50
                                                     Cost:           420

-Elven Boots-              -Leather Half Gloves-     -Wood Shield-
Defense Rating: 6          Defense Rating: 5         Defense Rating: 4
Absorb Rating:  0.1        Absorb Rating:  0.3       Absorb Rating:  0.3
Speed:          0.5        Integrity:      24/24     Block Rating:   6%
Integrity:      27/27      Organic Type:   2         Integrity:      15/15
Organic Type:   1          Flame Type:     -1        Organic Type:  1
Frost Type:     1          Frost Type:     2         Flame Type:     -1
Poison Type:    2          Lightning Type: -1        Frost Type:     1
Lightning Type: 3          Poison Type:    2         Lightning Type: -1
Req. Willpower: 14         Cost:           340       Poison Type:    1
Cost:           480                                  Cost:           120
-Steel Boots-              -Leather Gloves-          -Kite Shield-
Defense Rating: 9          Defense Rating: 3         Defense Rating: 25
Absorb Rating:  0.2        Absorb Rating:  0.2       Absorb Rating:  0.6
Speed:         0.6         Integrity:      16/16     Block Rating:   8%
Integrity:     31/31       Organic Type:   1         Integrity:      40/40
Organic Type:  1           Flame Type:     -1        Organic Type:  2
Flame Type:    1           Frost Type:     1         Flame Type:     2
Poison Type:   1           Lightning Type: -1        Frost Type:     2
Req. Strength: 34          Poison Type:    1         Lightning Type: 2
Cost:          1200        Cost:           100       Poison Type:    2
                                                     Req. Level:     9
                                                     Req. Strength:  50
                                                     Req. Talent:    30
                                                     Cost:           3300

-Long Boots-               -Clamshell Gauntlets-     -Steel Buckler-
Defense Rating: 12         Defense Rating: 20        Defense Rating: 14
Absorb Rating:  0.2        Absorb Rating:  0.5       Absorb Rating:  0.5
Speed:          0.8        Integrity:      44/44     Block Rating:   9%
Integrity:      34/34      Organic Type:   3         Integrity:      27/27
Organic Type:   2          Flame Type:     3         Organic Type:  1
Flame Type:     2          Frost Type:     3         Flame Type:     1
Poison Type:    9          Lightning Type: -1        Frost Type:     1
Req. Strength:  40         Poison Type:    3         Lightning Type: -1
Req. Agility:   38         Req. Level:     9         Poison Type:    1
Cost:           2800       Req. Strength:  40        Req. Strength:  44  
                           Req. Talent:    30        Cost:           1700
                           Cost:           2500

```````````````````````````Blacksmith Gorten```````````````````````````````


-Short Bow-                -Horned Bow-           -Hand Crossbow-
Attack Power:   1-3        Attack Power:  2-3     Attack Power:  3-5
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:  6       Weapon Speed:  7
Range:          190        Range:         170     Range:         190
Critical:       2%         Critical:      2%      Critical:      3%
Attack Rating:  15         Attack Rating: 20      Attack Rating  24
Integrity:      25/25      Integrity:     18/18   Integrity:     23/23
*Archer Spec.*             *Archer Spec.*         Req. Agility:  34
Spec. ATK SPD:  1          Spec. ATK SPD: 1       *Archer Spec.*  
Spec. CRIT:     3%         Spec. CRIT:    4%      Spec. ATK SPD: 1 
Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/1       Spec. ATK PTG: LV/1    Spec. CRIT:    4% 
Spec. RNG:      10         Spec. RNG:     15      Spec. ATK POW: LV/4 
Cost:           70         Cost:          300     Spec. RNG:     15
                                                  Cost:          720

-CrossBow-                 -Sword Breaker-          -Short Sword-    
Attack Power:   4-7        Attack Power:   2-6      Attack Power:   3-5  
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:   7        Weapon Speed:   8 
Range:          200        Critical:       2%       Critical:       3% 
Critical:       4%         Attack Rating:  45       Attack Rating:  38  
Attack Rating:  32         Integrity:      30/30    Integrity:      40/40 
Integrity:      36/36      Req. Strength:  10       Req. Level:     4  
*Archer Spec.*             Cost:           560      Cost:           1300 
Req. Level      6                     
Req. Talent:    24         
Req. Agility:   41                    
*Archer Spec.*                                 
Spec. ATK SPD:  1          
Spec. CRIT:     7%                          
Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/1
Cost:           1300

-Long Sword-               -Eagle Claw-               -Tiger Claw-       
Attack Power:   7-11       Attack Power:   1-3        Attack Power:   2-5  
Weapon Speed:   7          Weapon Speed:   7          Weapon Speed:   7    
Critical:       7%         Critical:       3%         Critical:       4%   
Attack Rating:  58         Defense Rating: 3          Defense Rating: 4    
Integrity:      48/48      Attack Rating:  30         Attack Rating:  35   
Req. Level:     9          Integrity:      28/28      Integrity:      32/32 
Req. Strength:  48         Req. Talent:    22         Req. Talent:    24    
Req. Talent:    30         Req. Agility:   24         Req. Agility:   26   
Cost:           2600       Cost:           70         Cost:           470  

-Griffin Claw-             -Snake Tooth-      
Attack Power:   3-6        Attack Power:   4-8   
Weapon Speed:   6          Weapon Speed:   7  
Critical:       4%         Critical:       5% 
Defense Rating: 8          Defense Rating: 12   
Attack Rating:  40         Attack Rating:  44  
Req. Level:     7          Integrity:      40/40  
Req. Strength:  26         Req. Level:     10 
Req. Agility:   24         Req. Strength:  36  
Cost:           1400       Req. Talent:    10 
                           Req. Agility:   18
                           Cost:           3500

-Battle Suit-              -Brigandine-              -Leather Armor-
Defense Rating: 8          Defense Rating: 16        Defense Rating: 10
Absorb Rating:  0.3        Absorb Rating:  0.6       Absorb Rating:  0.5
Integrity:      18/18      Integrity:      25/25     Integrity:      22/22
Organic Type:   1          Organic Type:   2         Organic Type:   2
Flame Type:     -1         Flame Type:     -1        Flame Type:     -1
Frost Type:     -1         Frost Type:     2         Frost Type:     2
Poison Type:    1          Lightning Type: -1        Lightning Type: -1
Cost:           400        Poison Type:    2         Poison Type:    2
                           Req. Level:     10        Cost:           1200
                           Req. Strength:  52
                           Req. Talent:    30
                           Cost:           2500

-Leather Armlets-          -Long Armlets-             -Wide Armlets-
Defense Rating: 3          Defense Rating: 5          Defense Rating: 6
Attack Rating:  10         Attack Rating:  12         Integrity:      34/34
Integrity:      26/26      Integrity:      30/30      Potion Storage: 24
Potion Storage: 20         Potion Storage: 22         Req. Agility:   20
Cost:           150        Cost:           400        Cost:           850

-Fold Armlets-             -Steel Armor-
Defense Rating: 8          Defense Rating: 35
Attack Rating:  20         Absorb Rating:  0.8
Integrity:      38/38      Integrity:      30
Potion Storage: 26         Organic Type:   2
Req. Level:     9          Flame Type:     2
Req. Strength:  48         Frost Type:     2
Req. Agility:   22         Lightning Type: -1
Cost:           2500       Poison Type:    2
                           Req. Level:     17
                           Req. Strength:  68
                           Req. Talent:    34
                           Cost:           5000  

```````````````````````````Merchant Ruden``````````````````````````````````

-Mini Life Potion-         -Mini Stamina Potion-     -Lucidy-
HP Recovery: 50-70         STM Recovery: 40-70       HP Regen:       0.1
Cost:        50            Cost:         50          MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. Level:     5
                                                     Cost:           1000

-Medium Life Potion-       -Medium Stamina Potion-   -Sereneo-
HP Recovery: 80-140        STM Recovery: 80-140      HP Regen:       0.2
Cost:        150           Cost:         150         MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. level:     12
                                                     Cost:           2000

-Great Life Potion-        -Great Stamina Potion-    -Fadeo-
HP Recovery: 180-270       STM Recovery: 120-250     HP Regen:       0.3
Cost:        300           Cost:         300         MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. Level:     20
                                                     Req. Willpower: 18
                                                     Cost:           4000

-Ether Core-
Recalls to Ricarten
Cost:        1000

```````````````````````````Skillmaster Neuon```````````````````````````````
Skillmaster Neuon allows you to learn your character's skills. However,
it does cost you gold to learn a particular skill. 

Every 2 levels past level 10, your character will gain one skill point. If
you meet the requirements for a particular skill, talk to Skillmaster Neuon
to activate the skill.

`````````````````````````````Alchemist Marx````````````````````````````````
The Alchemist Marx allows you to imbue special properties into your items.
However, you need sheltoms to be able to imbue your equipment with special

You can purchase sheltoms at Merchant Ruden. However, you can only purchase
'lucidy', 'sereneo' and 'fadeo' sheltoms. More powerful sheltoms can only
be found by killing strong monsters. 

````````````````````````````Wareskeeper Dolph``````````````````````````````
Wareskeeper Dolph holds equipment for you. It costs you nothing to deposit
or withdraw items. The good thing about this is that you can hold items on
one character, and withdraw them on another character.

Wareskeeper Dolph can't hold potions, but can hold everything else.

                            |Town 2 Merchants|

`````````````````````````````Blacksmith Lugar``````````````````````````````

-Great Bow-                 -Broad Sword-            -Blade-
Attack Power:  5-10         Attack Power: 5-10       Weapon Speed: 7
Weapon Speed:  6            Weapon Speed: 6          Critical: 5%
Range:         215          Critical:       5%       Attacking Rating: 45
Critical:      6%           Attack Rating: 45        Integrity: 48/48
Attack Rating: 42           Integrity: 52/52         Req. Level: 17
Integrity:     43/43        Req. Level: 17           Req. Strength: 62
Req. Level:    15           Req. Strength: 50        Req. Agility 40
Req. Strength: 29           Req. Talent: 36          Cost: 5400
Req. Talent:   40           Cost: 3500
Req. Agility:  52
*Archer Spec.*
Spec. ATK SPD: 2
Spec. CRIT:    5%
Spec. ATK POW: LV/5
Spec. RNG:     20
Cost:          4800

-War Axe-                   -Double Sided War Axe-   -War Hammer- 
Attack Power:   4-8         Attack Power:   7-16     Attack Power:  5-10
Weapon Speed:   7           Weapon Speed:   6        Weapon Speed:  6
Critical:       5%          Critical:       9%       Critical:      5%
Attack Rating   44          Attack Rating:  45       Attack Rating: 42
Integrity:      50/50       Integrity:      55/55    Integrity:    44/44
Req. Level:     10          Req. Level:     16       Req. Level:    12
Req. Strength:  56          Req. Strength:  57       Req. Strength: 50
Req. Talent:    18          Req. Talent:    36       Req. Talent:   35
*Fighter Spec.*             *Fighter Spec.*          Cost:          6000
Spec. CRIT:     3%          Spec. ATK SPD: 2
Spec. ATK POW:  LV/5        Spec. ATK PTG: LV/2
Cost: 1800                  Cost: 4600

-Metal Hammer-              -Lightning Arm-          -Horn Scythe- 
Attack Power:   8-15        Attack Power:   5-10     Attack Power:   7-14
Weapon Speed:   5           Weapon Speed:   6        Weapon Speed:   5
Critical:       10%         Critical:       6%       Critical:       7%
Attack Rating   52          Defense Rating: 50       Attack Rating:  46
Integrity:      52/52       Attack Rating:  50       Integrity:      37/37
Req. Level:     14          Integrity:      34/34    Req. Level:     14
Req. Strength:  66          Req. Level:     14       Req. Strength:  50
Req. Talent:    40          Req. Strength:  42       Req. Willpower: 28
*Mechanician Spec.*         Req. Talent:    34       Cost:           5200
Spec. ATK SPD:     2        Req. Agility:   28
Spec. CRIT:  4              *Mechanician SPec.*
Spec. ATK POW: LV/5         Spec. ATK PSD:  2
Cost: 11000                 Spec. CRIT:     5%
                            Spec. ATK PTG:  LV/4
                            Cost:           6400

-Steel Javelin-             
Attack Power:   4-6         
Weapon Speed:   5           
Range:          195         
Critical:       4%          
Attack Rating:  40          
Req. Level:     6           
Req. Strength:  38         
Req. Talent:    26          
Cost:           1200       

``````````````````````````````Merchant Luin``````````````````````````````

-Mini Life Potion-         -Mini Stamina Potion-     -Lucidy-
HP Recovery: 50-70         STM Recovery: 40-70       HP Regen:       0.1
Cost:        50            Cost:         50          MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. Level:     5
                                                     Cost:           1000

-Medium Life Potion-       -Medium Stamina Potion-   -Sereneo-
HP Recovery: 80-140        STM Recovery: 80-140      HP Regen:       0.2
Cost:        150           Cost:         150         MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. level:     12
                                                     Cost:           2000

-Ether Core-               -Great Stamina Potion-    -Fadeo-
Recalls to Ricarten        STM Recovery: 120-250     HP Regen:       0.3
Cost:        1000          Cost:         300         MP Regen:       0.2
                                                     Req. Level:     20
                                                     Req. Willpower: 18
                                                     Cost:           4000

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Thanks for reading-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

There are some errors in the weapons/armor list due to the poor 
compression made by PT and also, due to the bug of screen dumping, some
items have not been listed.

I don't take credit for all this information. Most of the information was
from the main PT website and also the guide that you can download.

For the latest news and information go to

Send errors or messages to with the subject as "FAQ"
Send flames to

PS. Please don't have to follow this FAQ. It is merely for informational
purposes. Just remember to have fun.

This document copyright 2001-2002, inwul. All rights reserved.