Die Abenteuer von Rad Gravity (e)

Walkthrough for 'The Adventures of Rad Gravity' .

Version 1.1
Copyright 2002-2006 Ruud Stolze

Published on 03 January 2006

Game copyright 1990 Interplay Productions
TM 1990 Activision All Rights Reserved

It's free to anyone to put this walkthtough on his site, as long as
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from this entire walkthrough is deleted!

1. Description of the game
2. Controls
3. Weapons, Armor & Objects
        3.1 Weapons
        3.2 Armor
        3.3 Objects
4. Walkthrough per planet
        4.1 Cyberia
        4.2 Effluvia
        4.3 Turvia
        4.4 Sauria
        4.5 Vernia
        4.6 Asteroid Belt
        4.7 Odar
        4.8 Utopia
        4.9 Volcania
        4.10 Telos

5. Locations of the energy units, weapons, armor and items
6. Some passwords
7. Thank list
8. Help wanted!
9. About the author

The Adventures of Rad Gravity is a game with action, adventure and puzzle
elements. The game takes places in a certain universe. In the game Rad
travels from planet to planet (with each having different gravity). At the
start you don't have all Teleport Locations of the planet, so you can't go
to most planets at the start. You will find these Teleport Locations in
computers on other planets. Rad's goal is to defeat the evil Agathos and
bring the Compuminds together.
It's a funny game with original elements in it. It's also a pretty long game
and it uses a password system.

Direction pad:
Up -> Enter door
Down -> Duck
Left -> Walk left
Right -> Walk right

Directions also used to select planet (in space ship).

A-button -> Jump and choosing planets and teleport locations (in space ship).   
B-button -> Use item (gun, sword, crystal bombs, etc)
Start -> Pause and see your inventory
Select -> Not used

Down + A-button -> Jumping through some obtacles/jumping to a lower level 

3.1 Weapons
There are seven types of weaponry:

*Laser Sword       - This hand-to-hand combat weapon is given to you at the
                     start of the game and is useful at close range.
*Super Sword       - A high powered version of the laser sword, this weapon
                     gives you a higher level of attack and longer range.
*Power Pistol      - A gun that fires electrobolts that can vaporize your 
                     enemies in milliseconds.
*Vertigun          - Similar to the power pistol, but with this weapon, you
                     can fire up and down to take out enemies above and below
*Maxigun           - The most powerful of all pistols.
*Saurian Crystals  - Highly explosive crystallized nitroglycerine that, when
                     thrown, detonates and destroys your enemy instantly.
*Crystal bombs     - Even worse.

3.2 Armor
There are four types of armor (in contradiction to the manual, which says
there are three types of armor!).

*Red Armor
*Pink Armor
*Green Armor
*White Armor

3.3 Objects
*Teleport Beacon   - Very useful. Pressing B throws it where you want it, and
                     B again teleport you there.
*Communicator      - Allows you to teleport back to your ship after your
                     mission on each planet is complete. Also, at any time
                     during gameplay, you can use it when you're in need of
                     energy and about to perish.
*Translator        - Gives you the ability to comprehend alien text messages.
                     Rad uses it automatically, you don't have to select it.
*Energy Disk       - Lets you float over dangerous areas for a short amount
                     of time. But you can only use one object at a time, so
                     you can't shoot, say, while floating on the disk - and
                     using the energy disk costs Rad life energy.

The first planet you will visit is Cyberia. Along the way you will encounter
enemies. It's not always necessary to beat them.
Go left and enter the door. Go to the left and enter the door. You're outside
again. Go left, until you see a big door. Enter it. Now go right. At the end
of this room there is an Energy Unit! Go back. When outside, proceed to the
left. Now jump to the green platform. After the two neon signs, there's an
orange/brown platform. Above that, it's black. This is a secret door! Jump
and press Up to enter. You will enter a secret room. Go to the right and take
the Energy Unit! Now go back outside and proceed to the left.
Enter the big door at the end. Now proceed to the right. At the end enter the
teleport machine. You will be teleported to another place on Cyberia.
You'll receive a teleport location. Hint: the big robots can destroy
themselves. Go to the right and get the Power Pistol.
Go back and go down with the 'elevator'. Enter the door and go right. Go up at
the first elevator. Walk to the right, jump over the hole and enter the door
at the end. Walk right. At the elevator, go one floor down and enter the door
at the right. Walk to the right, while jumping over the holes. Take the Energy
Unit. Walk to the right. Go to the computers, read the text and enter the
teleporter. You are now in the computer. Watch out for electricity and
viruses. Walk to the left. You have to shoot the 3 small 'balls' that go up
and down to destroy the security system. At the end enter the teleporter.
Walk to the left. The first computer will say that the security system is off.
The 2nd computer gives you the teleport location of Turvia. The 3rd computer
gives you the teleport location of Sauria. The 4th computer gives you the
teleport location of Volcania. The last computer gives you the location of a
Stargate and notices an illegal ship. Now use your Communicator to go back to
your ship. END OF CYBERIA.

The goal is to save Kakos. Chase the thieves, walk right all the time.
Shoot the engine to go further, the conveyor belts will be off. Look out for
the aluminium monster on the next screen. Sit and duck at the left, he will
disappear, otherwise let him grab your head and then jump against the
conveyor belt above you. Fall in the flame, to get the Energy Unit.
Now jump from bubble to bubble, this is not easy, be careful not to fall in
the lava. At the end where you see the Ice Cream van parked at the bottom of
the screen, don't enter the building but jump to the upper right corner,
there's a secret area. Here you will find an Energy Unit and the Super Sword.
After you've taken the Super Sword go up via a bubble and jump to the right
and you're in the building. Go to the right and you will see Kakos on a
conveyor belt. Hurry and shoot the engine to stop the conveyor belt so Kakos
will not go into the flames and will not become a monster. Now take Kakos and
use your communicator. END OF EFFLUVIA

Go to the Stargate to travel to the place where Turvia, Sauria and Vernia are
It doesn't really matter if you're going to Turvia or Sauria at this moment.
That's up to you, but I advise to go to Turvia first because you get the
Vertigun here.
Well the gravity is reversed on this planet, so holes are now at top of the
screen. If I say above or below I just mean it the way you see it.
First go right, just to the point you can jump on the tree. Jump on it, but
look out for the shark. Before jumping on the tree, it is wise to
distract the shark to the right. Now jump from tree to tree. Go left and
you'll see a moving block, shoot at it until it's gone. Jump over the hole
and proceed. Shoot the other two blocks and proceed. If you 'fall' into the
hole you will die. Now go to the right and enter the house. You will meet the
mayor and he gives you the Vertigun. With this gun you can also should up and
down. Now go back to start. You have to jump over the water and shoot the
shark. This may take some practice.
Go to the right. Then take the lowest way. Now wait when you see some slime.
Walk up on it and duck, you will be 'attached' to the slime and move the
right way. Go right. Now you are standing next to a tree house. Enter it and
talk to the man. Go outside and to the left. Duck at the water. A jet ski
will appear. Jump on it. Take the Energy Unit and the bone. Give it to the
dog. Jump on the cow. The cow will walk to the tree house. Jump on the tree
house. Go the right. Shoot the slime thing, now watch out, only every third
bubble will go down. The other ones will explode, and you will die. Jump to
the right. Watch out for the iron. Go right, until you see two of the same
enemy thingies move. Left of them is a magnet, it's hard to see. Take it and
go right. You will see a device, this is the gravity device. You can take
the moving iron with the magnet. Stand a bit above the device, and drop the
magnet. Iron will come out of it and take the device to above. Take the
device and go back. At the end go down with a bubble. Go left and go to the
mayor and give him the device. The world is turned right! Listen to the mayor
(he tells you the teleport location of Vernia) and go outside. Jump on the
roof and jump over the wall at the left, there's an Energy Unit! Now go to
the right. Take the (pink) armor and use your communicator. END OF TURVIA

In Sauria you constantly walk to the right. It's not necessary to kill the
baby dinosaurs. Watch out for the termites. If you kill one, another will
come back. You will see yourself how they move. Keep going to the right.
Eventually you will get at a point with gates and puzzle pieces. Throw these
pieces in the gates and they will disappear. Sometimes you have to throw a
piece over some stones, this can be quite tricky. Eventually uou will see an
Energy Unit, and a gate before it. Go the left and jump on the stones at the
top (so you can't see yourself). There's a hidden puzzle piece there!
After this puzzle-like area you'll see a giant dinosaur. Just go right and
dodge every danger, at the end get the Saurian Crystals and use your
communicator. END OF SAURIA

Go to the right, and watch out for the very fast birds! Go on the boat.
Keep shooting because birds will come towards you very fast. Jump in the
water below the planet in the sky. You enter a secret room with an Energy
Unit! Go up, enter the pyramid. Use the Saurian Crystals to defeat the
enemies here. They can also be effective through wall (for the last enemy
before going down). BTW, for enemy the gun is easier/better to use. Now
you have to go down. Jump up(!) to the far right, and immediately push left
while falling! If all goes well, you will get in the room with the Energy
Unit below. This move is quite tricky to perform! Take the Unit and go down
at the right (NOT at the middle, because you will fall in the water and die).
Go to the left and go in the balloon. Select your gun for safety (if you
throw a bomb it will destroy the balloon. Now don't get up to the next screen
yet! Jump to the right on the ceiling (ala Super Mario Bros.). Now go to the
right, jump over the small pit. At the end jump over to the far right on the
screen (since you can't see yourself, you just have to try out when to jump).
You will enter a secret room and find the Crystal Bombs! Now go back to the
balloon, go up and jump to the right. Birds will destroy the balloon. Go to
the right and enter the building. You have to fight two robots. They run out
of power on their own. After one of the robots is 'dead', use the Saurian
Crystals to keep the other robot from winding him up. When you have defeated
them go to the right. You will get a location of a new Stargate from the
computer. Use your communicator. END OF VERNIA

When using your communicator after Vernia, you get a message that the
spaceship is hit by an Asteroid Belt. You have to go to another ship to get
parts to repair your ship. Now this is fun, you move by shooting. You stop by
shooting to the side you are moving to. Practice the movements a bit at the
start. Just shoot the enemies and dodge the flames. Eventually you enter the
other ship. Shoot at the doors to destroy them. Proceed. Go right. There are
4 holes and 4 more holes below them. Go in the first hole and the first hole
again. Go left, enter the door. Take the key and enter the door. You get back
at the 4 holes point. Go to the third hole and third hole again. Go left,
throw the key in the keyhole. Go right now, through the door. Now go in the
second hole, and second hole again. Take one of the keys there. Go through one
of the doors. Go in the fourth hole, and fourth hole again. Throw the key in
the keyhole. Go through the door, now go in the second hole, and second hole
again. Take the key and go to one of the doors. Now you will be at that same
point again. Now go down to the left and enter the door (if you did this
before there was another door there and you couldn't get to the keyhole).
Throw the key in the keyhole. The computer there gives you the locations for
Odar and Utopia. Go through the door. Go left, the room will be lightened.
At the three elevators take the middle one. When it's to its highest points
jump to the right over the wall. Now get the item there (Teleport Beacon).
You will see a green monster and right of you a toxic ???. Shoot it while the
monster is below the point where the toxic falls down. When the toxic falls
on the monster it's defeated. Now shoot the door, then select the Teleport
Beacon. Jump and throw the Teleport Beacon (with the B-button) next to the
item (the parts to repair your ship). Press B-button again and you will
appear at the exact same place as where you threw the Teleport Beacon. Take
the parts and use your communicator. END OF ASTEROID BELT

4.7 ODAR
You can't go to the left because flying creatures will prevend that. Your
goal is stop these creatures. If you walk to the right you see that hands
from the ground are trying to grab you. Use your Teleport Beacon, throw it
on the ground, when a hand grabs it, press B! Now you're in the underground
maze of Odar. Proceed to the left, you have to shoot against blocks, so you
can use them to reach higher platforms. When you reach the leafs, shoot the
block right from you. Now go to that block and proceed to the left, don't
fall down! If you're at the end, jump on the block so you're going down. Now
push this block to the left and go up. You can see trees at your left. Shoot
the block until it falls down. Now the way for the flying creatures to go
outside is blocked! Leave the maze by jumping in the tree and pushing Up.
You're outside again, go a little bit to the right so you can go up the rocks.
Now go to the left, take the Energy Unit and continue your way to the left.
At the end you'll find the Green Armor. Take it and use your communicator.

UPDATE! (thanks to kwto, Daniel and Lord Ronald)
Once you have the Energy Disk from Volcania, go back to Odar again. Go to 
the end part of the level (with the giant stone hand) and jump to the top.
Use the Energy Disk to walk to the right. Keep going and you'll see a 
platform to walk on. Go to the middle and there should be a trunk. Stand
on the trunk and press Down. You enter a secret room with an Energy Unit.

Talk to all people in Utopia, they want your help. Let the sensor scan you,
the door will open, quickly go inside. The last person gives you a teleport
location. Use your communicator and go to the other area of Utopia (it's
already selected). You can only defeat the robots that have a shield by
hitting them under the shield with a bomb (very precisely!!), they are also
defeated when they are hit by bullets from other robots. Go left, the sensor
will not work when you're in front of it. Throw the Teleport Beacon before it
instead. When the door appears quickly (!) press B and enter the door. You're
in a maze now. Use the directions given below.
Go down, go right, go down (wait for the robot to walk by), go right, go down
and right. Defeat the robot with a bomb. Go down and left (don't use the
elevator). Go up and left. Go up and left. Sit and duck on the moving robot-
thingy. It will shoot the robot. Go left. Go up using the elevator. Go left,
sit and duck on the moving robot-thingy. Stand up just before the elevator,
go down using it. Go left, go down, defeat the robot. Go up and right. Sit on
the moving robot-thingy again. Go right. Go down using elevator. Shoot at the
door at your right and enter it. Take the Energy Unit. Sit on the moving
robot-thingies, and go down at the end. You're at the boss now, and you'll
see a citizen from Utopia (warrior). Throw a bomb to this citizen, he will
catch it and will use it to hit the boss. At this moment you have to duck at
the left of the platform in the middle, otherwise you'll get hit. My advice is
to jump and then throw a bomb at the warrior. Most of the times the hits will
be more effective against the boss. Repeat this all until you've defeated the
boss. Now go to the right. You will get a Stargate location and the Maxigun.
Take the gun and use your communicator. END OF UTOPIA

Go all the end to the right and enter the last crater. Shoot the firefly
when it's close to you. If it's hit it won't harm you. Try to 'capture' it,
so it can't go back into the lava and return. Use the Teleport Beacon to go
through the hole. Shoot down the falling rocks. You can stand at the blue
things that come out of the lava when they're closed. Go to the far left, and
watch out! This is a very tricky part of the game, be careful not to fall
into the lava! Take the Energy Unit that you'll find and proceed to the left.
At the end jump over the fire. Two fireflies are approaching you. Keep
shooting them, until they're really close to each other. Jump over them and
immediately jump down into the pit. Don't get hit by the fireflies because
you'll fall into the lava and can start all over again.
Now go right and watch out for the steam! If you go up with the steam you're
outside again! Look closely at the rocks, there's a part where monsters are
hidden in it, which will come up when you're standing on these rock, so jump
quickly. Shoot down the pillars, watch out when they explode and watch out
for the creatures that appear, shoot them. Proceed to the right. You will
meet the boss. Shoot him and it will go towards you, eventually you will
have to shoot at the pillar at the left. The pillar will shoot things out
when you hit it. The purpose is to get the monster at the place where these
'bombs' fall. After a few hits, he will be destroyed. Go to the right and up
and enter door (watch out not to fall into the small lava pit!). You get the
teleport location to Telos and the Energy Disk. Take the disk and use your
communicator. END OF VOLCANIA

UPDATE! (thanks to Lord Ronald)
Once you get to the underground area, look for a large lava-waterfall. There 
should be a black doorway directly on top of it. Drop the teleporter into the
lava-waterfall. It will move back and forth. Teleport when it goes in the 
middle  (where there is the doorway). You will be in a secret room and you 
will find the last energy unit. It is also a great shortcut, bypassing most
of the 2nd part of Volcania. 

4.10 TELOS
Congratulations you're at the last planet at the game. It's not the only the
last planet, but also the hardest one. Let's get Agathos now!
Go to the right and enter the building. Now just go to the right, and at the
end go up and to the left. Enter the door at the end. Go the right again,
and again up and to the left and enter the door, go left and enter the door
at the end (for some reason in the US version a long spike thing appears so
you can't pass, use the Teleport Beacon here (throw it, when the thing is
passed it, press B), this doesn't happen in the PAL version though).
Enter the firt door to your right. Enter the left door, enter left door again.
Enter door at the right. Go to the right, DON'T enter the first door, but
enter the door above you there (right,up,left). Enter the left door. Go far
to the right (over the belt) and enter the door above. Enter the door next to
you and immediately enter the door next to you again (otherwise you get hit,
or try to avoid the lasers). Enter the right door. Now enter the 3rd, the 2nd
and the 4th door.
Go to the right. Use the Energy Disk at the point you can't go further. Avoid
the spikes. Beware that the Energy Disk disappear after a while. Stand on
the platform (at the lasers) and shoot the lasers, now use another Energy
Disk to go further. Beware that you don't go too low with it, otherwise you
can't jump on the next platform! Go to the door and enter. Go all the way up
quickly. Platform will disappear and avoid the lasers shooting at you. At the
room where the spikey object comes out of a pipe, throw the Teleport Beacon
on the belt and use it when it's passed the spikey object. At the top enter
the door. Go to the left of the room, you'll fall down, keep pushing left!
You enter a secret room, take the White Armor and now go all the way back to
the top. If you are in the room with the three doors again (where you falled
down), now use your Energy Disk at the platform. Go to the right on the disk
and jump against the wall. You will go through the wall, enter the door at
the right. You meet Agathos now! You get the Teleport Location to this room,
to beat Agathos use the bombs when he opens and show his brain. You have to
hit his brain with a bomb. After a while (it isn't easy) you have beaten
Agathos. Congratulations... END OF TELOS

Cyberia:        3 Energy Units, Power Pistol
Effluvia:       2 Energy Units, Super Sword
Turvia:         2 Energy Units, Vertigun, Pink Armor
Sauria:         1 Energy Unit, Saurian Crystals
Vernia:         2 Energy Units, Crystal Bombs
Asteroid Belt:  Teleport Beacon
Odar:           2 Energy Units, Green Armor
Utopia:         1 Energy Unit, Maxigun
Volcania:       1 Energy Unit, Energy Disk
Telos:          White Armor

Password to Volcania (all items, except Energy Disk, 14 Energy Units, Green

Password to Telos (all items, 14 Energy Units, Green Armor)
1CBS8 Z67N9

Password to Agathos (all items, 14 Energy Units, White Armor)

I want to thank the following people:
- Lord Ronald for giving me the location of the last Energy Unit (Volcania)!
- Daniel, Lord Ronald and ktwo, for giving me the location of an Energy Unit 
  in Odar.
- ktwo, for giving me the location of the Crystal Bombs 
- Adaml, for keep telling me to finish this walkthrough
- The people from Interplay for making this game
- The people from Activision for publishing this game

Thanks to the people mentioned above help is no longer needed, BUT if you do
find something new (which I doubt), I would be more than happy to hear about

Since I've first started playing the game "The Adventures of Rad Gravity"
I've been a big fan of it. I was surprised that only a few people knew about
this game and there wasn't a walkthrough. I deciced to write this one, my
first walkthrough ever too.
On my NES site "The NES Fountain" (http://nesfountain.silius.net) I've made
a shrine dedicated to this great game. I hope all this effort helps and
hopefully more people are going to play this game.
In the meantime I'm waiting for The Adventures of Rad Gravity 2!