Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (e)

Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade from Codemasters
walkthrough by |tsr (k.gifford) 1998.5.19

"Wow! An all expenses paid trip to a car factory! That's the trip of a


To get your password during the game, you need to pause, then hold down 
Select while hitting Start.

There are a bunch of platform levels in the game. Once you finish a platform
level you don't need to go through it again.

In these levels there are a total of 170 pieces of Cosmic Candy. Collecting
ten of these things gives you an extra guy so you could feasibly create a
scary yawning army of 20 Linuses.


- Pick up the Old Lino Town telekey and the 1-dollar coin. Enter the post
  office and grab the jokebook from the lost and found.

- Go left to Cape Carnival and talk to the attendant. He'll not let you into
  the hot bumper race, but he'll give you a balloon regardless. Use your coin
  on the slot machine to get $50. Whenever you're short on money go back to
  this slot machine and pump coins in until you get another $50 payoff.

- Go right and right again to the wilderness. Give the balloon to the scary
  monster to make him go away.

- Go back to Old Lino Town and enter the post office. Use money in the vending
  machine for some gunpowder, and use money in the photo booth for some 
  photos. Go to the enquiries desk and you'll get a passport. Talk to the
  enquiries guy again and you'll buy some paper and write a letter to some
  cousin of yours. Put the letter in the mail slot.

- Take the lower exit and go to Formica City. Pick up the telekey there.

- Go right of the passport control, and pick up the icing sugar. Go to the
  river to the right of the Wilderness, and use the icing sugar. The pool
  will freeze over, letting you cross.

- Head to Dodgey City, and pick up the telekey. Go back to Old Lino Town, 
  teleport back to Dodgey City and pick up the plug inside the teleporter.
  Teleport to Formica City. When you get out of the teleporter you'll 
  realize that you've cloned youself (hit Select to switch control). Have one
  clone push the button while having the other run to the other side and 
  push the button over there.

- Go right of passport control and use the plug on the boat. On the other side
  take the surfboard and go right again to the other side of Dodgey City. Buy
  a $50 driver's license here. Go back to Cape Carnival and win the bumper car
  race to get the bus ticket to get offa this planet. Make a note of the wall
  that goes up and down in the racetrack and use it as a shortcut when it's
  down when possible.

- Go to the Cosmic Coast left of Formica City and use the surfboard on the
  water. After an action scene, you'll end up on a coast where you can pick
  up some fuse wire.

- Teleport back to Old Lino Town and check out how you're glowing like a 
  light bulb. Hurry up and pick up your letter in the post office, then go
  to Cape Carnival as it says. Go down the secret passage (although if you're
  not glowing anymore, you better go back and re-teleport to old lino town
  or else you won't be able to see your way through the secret passage).
  You'll end up in Linograd - go left and get the match in the caves.

- Go back to Old Lino Town and get the targetting device at the lost and
  found. Go back to Linograd and use the fuse, gunpowder, targetting
  device and finally the match on the missile.

- Now that you've broken down the wall, go right to get the Linograd telekey.
  Go back to a town and teleport back to Linograd. You'll get "super strength"
  so go right and you'll be able to jump over the giant hole. Go right, pick
  up the Linoville telekey, and go right to Linoville.

- Teleport somewhere then back to Linoville. Go right and use the door to get
  to the camera shop. Buy a $50 camera here. Once you've got everything you
  need, go right to the bus depot, a long cutscene, and a new couse map..

- On Planet Detroitica, pick up the bus stop sign (aka. a metal bar) and go
  right. Go right again at the reception room, and be sure to pick up the key
  while going through this action scene. Go right one more time and get your
  ass kicked by the robot. You'll get thrown into a junkyard; use the metal 
  bar on the fire extinguisher to pick it up.

  (It is possible to get past the superrobot without deactivating it, but it's
  easier just to let it kick your ass, and you'll miss out on a couple of cool
  platform levels)

- Go left, back to the reception room. Use the key on the computer, and play
  the Master Mind style game to deactivate the assembly-line robots. Go right
  past the now defunct robots, and use the fire extinguisher on the power
  generator. Go right, past the now defunct super robot, and push the button
  in the kitchen area. You'll free the trapped workers, steal a hot space
  vehicle, and fly off.

- You'll go through another long cutscene. You can actually control your
  space cruiser, but you'll always eventually get crashed up and run out of
  fuel, and land on a space station.

- Go down to the hub. Go to #4 and get the anti gravity slide. Go to #2 and
  use the slide to get the trampoline. Go to #5 and use the trampoline to get
  to the bridge. Go to #6 and use the slide, bridge, and finally the 
  trampoline to get to the blowpipe. Go to #3 and use the bridge, the
  trampoline and finally the slide to get to the point where you can use the
  blowpipe to knock the money box off of the ledge.

- Pick up everything again and go to #1. Use the slide, trampoline and finally
  bridge to get to the area where the spacebucks are floating around. Use the
  money box, wait until it falls in, and pick up the money box. Go back up to
  the gas station and use the gas pump. (password MLHFPUDSWWL9RRWESDGA)

Have fun..