Front Mission Alternative (e)

                Front Mission Alternative Game Walkthrough

                             By Nathan Stout
                        From: FrontMission.Org:

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Mission 1: Kisangani
     Terrain: Dark Jungle
     Suggested Camouflage: Green
     Enemy Platoons: 4
        1.)      This is a basic easy mission to get you familiar with
                 the game.
        2.)      After you destroy the 3 platoons, Virtua will talk
                 to you and a forth platoon will appear.  
Mission 2: Buma
     Terrain: Dark Jungle
     Suggested Camouflage: Green
     Enemy Platoons: 4
        1.)      To finish this mission all you need to destroy is
                 the enemy platoon with the 2 big WAWs in it.
Mission 3: Gemena
     Terrain: Light Jungle
     Suggested Camouflage: O. Green
     Enemy Platoons: 6 Platoons
        1.)      Look for the Chocobos running around!
Mission 4: Yahorende
     Terrain: Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: F. Earth
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      On this mission you should not rush and take out all
                 enemy platoons before yo get to the main platoon on the
                 highest plateau.
Mission 5: Closed Mine
     Terrain: Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: F. Earth
     Enemy Platoons: 7
        1.)      This is the first mission where you have 2 Platoons
                 to command. Keep them together and let their
                 combined firepower wipeout the enemy. Onosai is the
                 commander of the 2nd platoon.
Mission 6: Bamingui
     Terrain: Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: F. Earth
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      Keep your platoons together.
        2.)      There is a spot on the map witch is highlighted. This
                 is where you can reload the weapons of your WAWs.  
Mission 7: Fort Zaius
     Terrain: Dried River Basin
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 4 Platoons + 15 other units
        1.)      Take out the missile emplacements before going for the
                 enemy platoons.   
Mission 8: Tiguiri
     Terrain: Dried River Basin
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      You now have 3 platoons under your command. This
                 3rd platoon is commanded by Reitz.
        2.)      There are 2 weapons reload spots on this map.   
Mission 9: El Arba
     Terrain: Dried River Basin
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 4 + Helicopters
        1.)      Watch out for the attacking helicopters. Take them out
                 or they will wear down your platoon's armor.  
Mission 10: Tourba Plant
     Terrain: Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: F. Earth
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      As usual, your best bet is to keep your platoons
Mission 11: Sangana Beach
     Terrain: Beach
     Suggested Camouflage: N. Blue
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      This is the first night mission of the game. You will
                 need to move along the beach and destroy the
                 different platoons. New platoons will show up when you
                 destroy the ones displayed.
        2.)      Before this level, increase your WAW's MOB skill. This
                 is a sandy beach and will slow you platoons down.  
Mission 12: Sangana Road
     Terrain: Dirt Road
     Suggested Camouflage: N. Blue
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      Before this mission you have the chance to purchase
                 some equipment. Your best bet are the supply packs.
        2.)      This is another night mission. But sure to readjust your
                 MOB skill. You are back on level terrain.  
Mission 13:
     Suggested Camouflage:
     Enemy Platoons:
Mission 14: East Lekki
     Terrain: Gravel/dirt
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
Mission 15: Newport Rd
     Terrain: Road
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      A nasty badguy (Leaf) shows up named Leaf. He attacks in
                 his super WAW. Frupy gets killed!!!!
        2.)      After Frupy's death, Leaf leaves and the
                 mission continues, but now there are only 2 people
                 in your squad. 
Mission 16: Lekki Newport
     Terrain: Port/Harbor
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      Keep all your platoons together if you have a hard time
                 staying alive.
Mission 17: Lagos Is.
     Terrain: City
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Brown
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      Before this mission, when you go to setup your WAWs, Maaul
                 shows up to sell you some of his weapons and accessories
                 and to let you use a Tank! The whole 1st platoon will be
                 in this tank for this mission.
        2.)      This is a night mission.  
Mission 18: Bridge
     Terrain: 2 bridges
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Brown
     Enemy Platoons: 3
        1.)      Platoon 1 now has a new member to take Frupys' place.
                 His name is Borchert.
        2.)      There are 3 bridges you have to cross to destroy the
                 enemy. At the beginning of this mission, the bridge is
                 blown up and you now have to work your way across the
                 broken bridges.
        3.)      This is an night mission.
Mission 19: Yaba
     Terrain: City streets
     Suggested Camouflage: Snd. Gray
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      Before this mission Maaul shows up and offers his wares.
Mission 20: Mt. Atakon
     Terrain: Canyon
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      Maaul show up again before this mission offering several
                 new items.
        2.)      Thoes flight pack at the beginning of the mission ROCK!  
Mission 21: Mt Tahat
     Terrain: Canyon
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 4
        1.)      I never got to the fourth enemy platoon.
Mission 22: Azoua
     Terrain: Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      All 3 of your platoons get those cool tanks!
        2.)      There is a super huge enemy tank in this mission. I went
                 for it after destroying all the other platoons but I
                 didn't get to destroy it before the mission ended.  
Mission 23: Titaf
     Terrain: Desert village
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      I never go to the last 2 enemy platoons.  
Mission 24: Oasis Adhim
     Terrain: Desert village
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 4
        1.)      This is the infamous "protect the black WAWs" mission.
                 Needless to say, I lost it too. You are supposed to
                 protect 3 black friendly WAWs as they make their way
                 through a village. There are several enemy units here
                 that seem to be super tough to destroy.
Mission 25: Ksabi Attack
     Terrain: City
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      You are to take out all the enemy platoons that occupy
                 this city. Its is a small map and it isn't loge before
                 the fighting begins.
Mission 26: Ksabi Defend
     Terrain: City
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      Now that you secured the city, its time to defend it from
                 an attack.
Mission 27: Targit
     Terrain: Deseret
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 6
        1.)      Maaul shows up with his usual wares and 3 new items for
                 you to purchase before the mission.
Mission 28: Regar Airport
     Terrain: Airport
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Gray
     Enemy Platoons: 5
        1.)      This is a night mission.  
Mission 29: Geofactory
     Terrain: Factory
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Gray
     Enemy Platoons: 3
        1.)      This factory has several different levels (floors). You
                 will have to get to all of them to destroy the enemy
Mission 30: Passage
     Terrain: Factory passageway
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Gray
     Enemy Platoons: 4
        1.)      This is a long hallway that will make it difficult to use
                 all your platoons at once to attack enemy platoons.  
Mission 31: Geoplant
     Terrain: Factory
     Suggested Camouflage: L. Gray
     Enemy Platoons: 3
        1.)      In this part of the factory you meet up with the dreaded
                 Leaf (who killed Frupy) as his deadly companion Buds and
                 their BAD boss Top! This is a really confined map so go
                 for the kill rightaway!  
Mission 32: Timgad
     Terrain: Rough Desert
     Suggested Camouflage: S. Yellow
     Enemy Platoons: 3
        1.)      This is the final showdown as the evil Zelman prepares to
                 destroy you all with his MONSTEROUSLY HUGE WAW!!!!.
        2.)      I wont give away the suprises in this level, but I will
                 tell you to WATCH out for the Laser Cannon!
Thats it! If you played different levels please let me know the info on 
them so I can add them here!
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Nathan Stout
updated: 8-4-99