Dance! Dance! Dance! (e)

Dance! Dance! Dance! FAQ v.1.5
By Sailor Bacon 
9 November 1999


Warning: If you want to use this guide on a webpage or for any non-profit 
use, you may do so as long as it is not altered in any way. Please email 
me at before posting it on your site and send the 
URL in the email. Do NOT use this FAQ for any profit making usage at all. 
Dance! Dance! Dance! is copyright Konami and other important people who 
know who they are. This FAQ is mine though.

The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at

Revision History

v.1.5 Found the other Japan items in Story Mode and continued the walkthrough
      through England. Found out how to unlock Subaru in Dance Mode. Added Seiyuu 
      to the Random Stuff section. 

v.1.1 Added info for the Story Mode and started the walkthrough. Fixed some
      errors, added a new Gameshark code, added the Random Stuff section.

v.1.0 Umm... everything.

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Game modes

1.1  Dancing Mode
     - Free Mode
     - Trace Mode
     - Practice Mode
     - Challenge Mode

1.2  Story Mode

1.3  Options
     - Level
     - Counter
     - Sound
     - Sound Effect
     - Vibration
     - Memory Card

Part 2 - How to play

2.1  The basic concept

2.2  Putting everything together

2.3  Scoring system
     - Variation
     - Rhythm
     - Combo
     - Graceful
     - Faultless

2.4  Sample strings
     - Break style
     - Cossack style
     - Flamenco style
     - Hiphop style
     - Jazz style
     - Rockabilly style
     - Samba style
     - Special style
     - Tap style

2.5  Special combos
     - Break style
     - Cossack style
     - Flamenco style
     - Hiphop style
     - Jazz style
     - Rockabilly style
     - Samba style
     - Special style
     - Tap style

2.6  Swapping CDs

Part 3 - Story Mode

3.1  The Beginning

3.2  Controls

3.3  Walkthrough

Part 4 - Secrets

4.1  Secret characters
     - Dorry
     - Jack
     - Jack&Betty
     - Kerocker
     - Kit
     - Mai
     - Mummy
     - Muneyoshi
     - Pequeno
     - Sophia
     - Subaru
     - Yuhli
     - Yukimaro

4.2  Special outfits
     - Andre
     - Brian
     - Coco
     - George
     - Hitomi
     - Jennifer
     - Lynx
     - Michael
     - Muneyoshi
     - Sophia
     - Subaru

4.3  Gameshark codes (by me)
     - Character select
     - Dance type select
     - Stage select

Part 5  Random Stuff

5.1  Stages and phrases
     - Brazil
     - Egypt
     - England
     - Final
     - Japan
     - Las Vegas
     - Russia
     - Spain
     - Texas     

5.2  Seiyuu
     - Andre
     - Brian
     - Coco
     - George
     - Hitomi
     - Jennifer
     - Lynx
     - Mai
     - MC and Narration
     - Michael
     - Muneyoshi
     - Sophia
     - Subaru

Part 1: Game modes

1.1  Dancing Mode:

Dancing Mode is the part of main part of the game where you
actually dance and compete against the other dancers to show
off your moves. There are several different ways to compete
which are outlined here.

- Free Mode:

In Free Mode you choose your player, the player that the
computer uses (unless Player 2 is in the action), and the stage 
to compete at. The move lists are off and the two of you go at 
it to see who's got the best moves. After the match you can 
choose to retry, to exit back to the Dancing Mode select screen, 
or to change CDs. See Part 2 of the FAQ for more details on 
switching CDs.

- Trace Mode:

In Trace Mode you choose your player, the player that the
computer uses (unless Player 2 is in the action), and the stage 
to compete at. At the bottom of the screen the computer tells you
which move to do and you do it properly to the beat. This mode
is a little less fun once you really get good at the game but it's
a good place to practice and to learn some moves to string together
for the harder modes. After the match you again can choose to retry,
to exit back to the Dancing Mode select screen, of to change CDs.
Again, see Part 2 of the FAQ for more details on switching CDs.

- Practice Mode:

Choose your character and the stage to practice at. A fun little
chart appears showing you all of the moves that you can currently
do. Okay, you can do other moves but it'll screw up your flow and
that's not a good thing to do. Read Part 2 of the FAQ to know what
I'm talking about. Just do one of the moves on the list then the
list will change to show you what moves you can follow up the current
move with that will keep your flow and keep you from losing any of
your groove bar in the other modes. After reading Part 2 you'll most
likely want to come to Practice Mode to experiment and learn some
strings of moves to use in Challenge Mode or Free Mode. After your
time is up you'll be able to retry or exit back to the Dancing Mode
select screen.

- Challenge Mode:

Here's the fun mode (unless you're doing two player Free Mode which
of course is also tons of fun ^_^) where you choose a character and
compete against the other basic characters with the move lists off.
The opponents become increasingly more and more difficult as you
progress. After defeating them all you'll go up against a hidden
character (depending on which character you are) and after defeating
the hidden character you can use them in any of the other Dancing
Modes. You can save the hidden characters to the memory card as well.
For more info on the hidden characters see Part 4 of the FAQ.


1.2  Story Mode:

In this mode you fill the shoes of young ? (Hitomi's sister) and go
on a bizarre quest. For more info on Story Mode see Part 3 of the FAQ.


1.3  Options:

- Level: 

Easy, normal, or hard. Self explanatory.

- Counter: 

Beat makes the gauge at the top countdown 1 per every four beat cycle.
Time makes the gauge at the top countdown every second. The Beat
Counter is easier to use because you can use it to help you hit your
moves correctly to the beat and who really cares how much time is left
when you can see how many more moves you can pull off instead?

- Sound:

Stereo or Mono, pretty self explanatory.

- Sound Effect:

On or off. You wanna hear noises when your character does their thing
on the dance floor (or whatever they may be standing upon)? Pick yes.
To concentrate on the music then pick no. I prefer yes myself.

- Vibration:

On or off. Only matters if you've got a Dual Shock or other vibrating
controller in the first place. The controller vibrates every 4 beat
cycle (the same time as the Beat Counter goes down). Again, this
helps you feel the beat in the song easier and recover from mistakes.

- Memory Card:

Load and save. I think you guys can ponder on this one.

Part 2: How to play

2.1  The basic concept:

Okay, the concept of this game is to make your person dance in a
better manner than your opponent does. To make your person dance, you
press a combination of the d-pad and one of the four face buttons on
the controller. In doing so, your person will do a move that lasts
for four beats of the song. The quicker the beat of the song, the 
faster your character does their move. After the move, you again press
a combination of d-pad and button to launch your character into another
move. You can press the buttons a little before or after the 4th beat
and still do another move but your Rhythm score won't be as high (more
on that later). If the move that you do is a proper follow up to the
previous move then your groove bar at the bottom of the screen goes
up and your opponent's groove bar does down. Thus you want to try to
link together moves that follow one another to do a big chain of moves
that'll raise your groove bar all the way and allow you to pull off
Special moves. Sounds complicated doesn't it? Fear not, for now I'll
make all of this gibberish make sense. ^_^


2.2  Putting it all together:

The easiest way for me to teach you how to do this is to run you through
the Practice Mode with a character. I'll choose Coco cause she's hot. ^_^

Okay, once you're in Practice Mode choose Coco and a stage with slow 
music. I recommend Texas but I suppose it's your call. The first thing
you'll see is Coco standing on the left with three boxes to your right.
One has an X, one has an O, and one has a Triangle (to be called T from
now on. Square is S). You'll notice that every four beats the boxes will
flash. Again, this is to help you with the rhythm. Now press the T
button roughly when the boxes flash. Coco will start wiggling and moving
down towards the ground. Ignore that (I know you don't wanna ^_^) and
you'll notice that there are now four boxes with a box with S in it has
been added. On the fourth beat hit the S button. If you timed it right 
then Coco starts gyrating her hips and you'll be back to three boxes
again. Now here's the deal. You now know that if you start off with the
T button then the next turn you can press any of the four face buttons
to do the next step and your two moves will flow together. Mess around
a little bit to get used to the timing and remember that the game shows
you all available moves that can flow from the current move. Go ahead
and screw around till the timer runs out. You might notice that sometimes
the box will have a direction and a button in it. This means you have
to push both at the same time on the fourth beat. Keep retrying a few
times till you get the hang of hitting the buttons on the proper beat and
stuff like that. If the suddenly hear "Feels go good!" don't freak out.
It just means you pushed the button exactly on the fourth beat. That's
a good thing. ^_^

Okay, retry and this time do the following sequence on each fourth beat:
T, S, O, X, T. If you've done everything right you'll see six boxes to
your right. This little five string you've just done is a very simple
little flow of moves that you can use in Challenge Mode when the move
list is off that'll cause your bar to increase each time. Practice Mode
is the easiest place to learn long strings of moves that you can do in
Challenge Mode to keep your moves flowing together and keep your bar
rising. I've listed some easier ones for all of the dance styles later
in the FAQ.

Okay, retry again and this time ignore what the screen says and attempt
to do the following: U-U+O (U is Up, D is Down, L is Left, R is Right).
For a sequence with more than one direction is it, push the first one
then immediately push the second one and the button at the same time.
The timing is tricky so it'll probably take you a while to do it. If
you miss then allow your character to stop dancing and try again. If
you do it correctly you'll a gold box with a T in it. Any gold box
represents a Special move combo. In Challenge Mode you can only launch
into a Special combo when your groove bar is flashing. When the bar
is flashing you can launch into the Special move combo by doing the
first command while your character is not dancing or after certain
moves. The only ones I can seem to start a combo after are moves
involving the X button but maybe that's just me. I usually do R+X then
launch into the Special. The commands for the Special depend on the
dance style and I've listed all of the Specials later in the FAQ.

Now hopefully this all makes sense and if it doesn't then please email
me and tell me where you get lost at (email at
so that I can clear up the confusion and reword that part of the FAQ
so it doesn't confuse anyone else.


2.3  Scoring system:

In Free Mode, Challenge Mode, or Trace Mode you and your opponent are
scored in five different categories after your dance. Here's a list of
the categories and what you should do to get higher scored in them:

- Variation:

How much variety went into your dance? Did you just do the same strings
over and over again? Pull off as many different moves as possible to get
the highest score in this category.

- Rhythm:

How well do you push the button corresponding to the fourth beat? The more
cheers you get from the announcer the more you know you're doing well in
this category.

- Combo:

How many moves can you pull off without missing? The more you do, the higher
the score. I think only the highest combo influences this score but I could
be wrong..

- Graceful:

How well do your moves flow together? Hopefully you've learned from the 
previous section to experiment with moves that flow together using Practice
Mode to get a higher score here. Or at least you're using some of the strings
I've put together for you below..

- Faultless:

How often do you miss? The fewer misses the higher the score here. Nuff said.

Note: Even if you lose four out of the five categories remember that the winner
is the one with the most total points, not the one who wins the most individual
categories. So if you barely lose four categories but absolutely blow them away
in the fifth category then you will win. I'm not sure exactly how Specials figure
into the mix but you need to do them as often as possible.


2.4  Sample strings

Here are some simple yet good strings you can pull in Challenge or Free Mode 
to keep your meter rising and to boost your Graceful score. Switch between
them and sneak in a Special whenever you fill up your meter for the best
results. Also, throw your own stuff into the mix. Again, Practice Mode is
the best place to learn strings to blow away the competition.

- Break style:
  (Brian, Dorry)

X, S, X, O, T, D+T, U+T
S, X, T, X, O, X, D+X, D+O, D+T, U+T

- Cossack style:
  (Michael, Yukimaro)

X, O, S, T, X, R+X, U+O, D+X
S, S, T, O, X, U+O, D+S, T

- Flamenco style:
  (Andre, Yuhli)

X, O, T, S, X, R+X, L+X, R+T
T, S, X, O, T, R+S, R+X, L+O, T

- Hiphop style:
  (Hitomi, Kerocker, Mai, Jack&Betty)

X, O, T, X, X, R+X, L+X, U+X
S, S, T, T, O, L+O, L+X, R+X

- Jazz style:
  (Lynx, Mummy)

S, S, O, O, R+T, R+S, U+S, O
X, O, T, S, S, U+S, O, R+O, L+O

- Rockabilly style:
  (George, Jack)

X, S, T, O, X, R+O, L+O, L+X, D+X, R+X
S, S, T, T, O, L+O, R+O, L+X, D+X, R+X

- Samba style:
  (Coco, Pequeno)

T, S, O, X, T, U+S, U+O, X
O, S, X, T, O, U+S, U+X, U+O, U+T

- Special style:
  (Muneyoshi, Sophia)

X, O, T, S, S, T, R+T, R+S
T, O, X, O, T, R+T, R+S
O, O, T, T, X, R+X, L+X, R+T, R+S

- Tap style:
  (Jennifer, Kit)

T, S, O, X, T, R+S, R+O, X, D+X, R+X
X, O, T, S, X, R+O, R+T, R+S, D+X, R+X


2.5  Special combos:

Here is where you get to pull off the really awesome looking moves! ^_^
The Specials can only be done when your groove meter is flashing and
only while you're standing still or after certain dance steps (R+X works
the best for me and that's the one I recommend). So when the bar starts
to flash, stop your flow of moves and do R+X for the next move and after
that launch into your Special combo. Learn to time it to where you can
immediately continue dancing after the Special combo freeze so you can
keep your combo string running.

- Break style:
  (Brian, Dorry)

R-R+O, O, O
L-L+O, X, O, T, S
U-U+X, X, T, S, S, O, O

- Cossack style:
  (Michael, Yukimaro)

U-U+O, U+O, R+O
D-D+X, S, O, T

- Flamenco style:
  (Andre, Yuhli)

DR+O, DR+O, L+O, U+O
R-R+O, T, S, O, X

- Hiphop style:
  (Hitomi, Kerocker, Mai, Jack&Betty)

L-L+T, X, S
D-DR-R+T, X, S

- Jazz style:
  (Lynx, Mummy)

L-L+O, D+O, U+O, R+O
R-R+O, O, T, S, X, X

L-L+X, X
(Note: EXACTLY when you freeze this Special you can do one of these
 two follow-ups. Also, it seems like you can only do this Special
 after doing U+O the move before trying to start it..)
D-DR-R+O, D+X, U+T, R+O

- Rockabilly style:
  (George, Jack)

R-R+O, O, S, T, X

- Samba style:
  (Coco, Pequeno)

U-U+O, T, X, S, O
R-R+O, L+O, D+O, O, O, U+O

- Special style:
  (Muneyoshi, Sophia)

L-L+O, R+O, U+O, L+O, D+O

- Tap style:
  (Jennifer, Kit)

R-R+O, T, X, S
R-R+T, L+T, R+T, D+T


2.6  Swapping CDs

I couldn't figure out where else to mention this so I put it here. After
you finish a dance in Free Mode or Trace Mode (or if you just press Start
during the match) you have the option to CD Change. When you select this
you'll see the words "Please Set Music CD". This is when you open the PSX
lid, remove the game, put in the CD of your choice and close the lid. You
should see the words "Please Wait" while the PSX attempts to read your CD.
It shouldn't take long and if it does that means the PSX is having trouble
with your CD. Don't worry about it too much. Just open the lid again. 
You'll see the words "Disc Error". Close the lid again and "Please Wait"
reappears. If problems persist then I highly recommend you open the PSX
lid and turn the system upside down (yes, upside down). Carefully close
the lid as you put the system into place upside down. This usually helps
the process along but I still can't guarantee anything.. the game just
really hates some CDs for some reason.. when you luck out you'll see
"Please Set Music CD" again. Say okay and a CD player-looking thingie
appears on the screen, allowing you to choose between the tracks of your
CD and lets you listen to them to make sure you're selecting the correct
one. You can fast forward and rewind in the song too. When you find the
correct track then choose Dance to dance to your selected song. Choose 
Exit if you change your mind. This is a fun novelty to the game for a
while cause the game usually does a good job finding the beats in the
songs. Plus it's just strangely fun to put in the Dance Dance Revolution
CD and dance to Paranoia for some reason. ^_^ Make sure to pick a song
with a constant fourth beat or else it's gonna be hard to play to. When
you're done with the dance choose Exit and put the game back into the
PSX and carry on with life.

Part 3: Story Mode

3.1  The Beginning

First, the plot scrolls across the screen. Too bad I have no idea what
it's saying.. anyone who is fluent in Japanese who'd like to help me out
with the plot of this mode would make me very happy.

A guy walks out of a car and enters a building. Inside is a blue haired
guy named Asuka. In walks the man, known as Hisho, or secretary. He tells
his Boss something about the Blood Way (I think..) and the New York 
branch. Asuka responds with "10 years." Hisho seems confused (aren't we
all? ^_^) and Asuka explains that from now on 10 years is enough time to
fulfill what they wanna do. Hisho now seems to understand (too bad we
don't) and Asuka yells something at him and he leaves. Then "Kage no 
Shirei" (Shadow Commander) appears. They converse and Kage no Shirei
proceeds to say how he's the Nihon no Dance Master (Dance Master of
Japan) and seems to bother Asuka.

Now anyone who can read Japanese who wants to actually make this plot
make sense please email me! 

Anyways, you begin in control of Subaru. She is a 16 year old girl with 
B blood type if you really wanted to know.


3.2  Controls

-T Button: Brings up the menu where you can select the following:

--Status: Shows your stats and your strength in three categories:

---NORINORI!: If I'm not mistaken, this is the "sound" of dancing. 
   Japanese has several words that portray the "sound" of something.
   Anyways, this affects how much the groove bar shifts in your
   favor as you get your groove on.

---Rhythm!: Your rhythm ability. Affects how much time you have to
   put in the moves and not screw up.

---Lucky!: How lucky you are. Affects how quickly you get up after
   falling down.

--Item: What items you're currently holding.

--Command: What commands you've learned.

--Save: Save your game.

-O Button: Talk to people, do stuff in general.

-X Button: Hold it down to run. Cancels out of menus.

-S Button: Nothing.

-Start Button: Choose to end Story Mode

-Select Button: Nothing.


3.3  Walkthrough

Okay, here goes nothing. I again don't know what's going on but here's
what you need to do to advance in Story Mode.


-Leave the dance school and head left (I'm using the direction of the
screen for maximum ease for this walkthrough) to the park area. Enter the
park area and go up the steps on the left and walk up to the phone booth
and press the O button. You'll pick up a cell phone and learn the "Summer
Blizzard (2)" command (D-D+T, O, T, S, X).

-Walk immediately down from the phone booth and press the O button while
pressing against the top of the octopus slide thingy to get a Hitomi trading

-Walk down and talk to the kid in the purplish outfit in the park area.
He's a male dancer. You'll talk for a bit and he'll mention the World
Dance Company, or WDC for short. He'll mention a police guard that stands
in front of the building. The dancer tells you the WDC is a school to
learn Hiphop dancing and other stuff.

-Leave the area and take the street to the left and then go up at the 
first intersection. Then go left at the next intersection and go talk to
the cop in front of the WDC building twice. You're denied entrance.

-Go back to the dance school and go to the right entrance to meet Mai. 
Talk to her and after the conversation walk back in again. This time you'll 
discuss the WDC.

-Go to the left entrance and talk to the boy. You'll be interrupted by a
woman named Sophia. She'll get you pissed and you ask who she is (calling
her an old woman in the process). She calls your father a murderer and then
proceeds to wow you with her "sugoi" dance steps. She then corrects you
and explains that she not "obasan" but rather Sophia "oneesan", which means 
she's your older sister. She again angers you and you storm out. She seems
upset as you leave..

-Walk right back in to again talk to the boy who gives you a Pokopon doll
which causes your NORINORI! to go down 4 but your Rhythm! to go up 12. 

-Go back to the park to find Sophia there. She'll give you a pass to get
into the WDC.

-Go to the dance school left entrance and talk to Mai again. You'll learn 
the Autumn Flame technique (U-U+O, T, S, X).

-Go to the Smile building to the left of the park area (the one with the dorky 
orange face on it) and you'll steal a Pocket Camera. You thief! Now due to 
your five-finger discounted Camera your NORINORI! goes up by 16 points and your
Rhythm! goes down 4 points.

-Show the cop the WDC pass and go on in. Talk to the unimportant blonde
guy then meet your teacher. It's Hitomi. Talk to her for a bit and praise
her greatness then leave.

-Go back and tell Mai all about your fun experience and how great Hitomi is.

-Talk to the blue-haired kid who hangs out near the park area till he repeats
himself. If you talked to the right kid then when you go back to the WDC building 
and walk along the right side you should find a little covert area where you'll
meet up with Hitomi again. She does sugoi dance techniques and impresses you. 
You talk for a while and seem to get mad at each other. I think Hitomi challenges
you here but I'm not sure. Afterwards everyone's hero Kage no Shirei makes an

-Now when you go talk to Sophia you get to practice dancing which I recommend
you do to find a few easy strings of flowing moves to use for the dance against
Hitomi. Remember that you can't pull off a Special combo if you haven't learned
it yet.

-Go to the temple (down from the park area) to meet a neighborhood Miko-san 
(shrine maiden) and she'll give you a Shinto stick thingy that'll learn you
the "Summer Blizzard (1)" command (U-U+T, O, T, S, X).

-While you're there feel free to search to the left of the statue thingy on the
left to get a model of Tokyo Tower that makes your Lucky! go up by 12.

-Go back to the covert area and the unimportant blonde guy tells you Hitomi
isn't around.

-Go to the Smile building and talk to the guy there and he'll tell you Hitomi's 
at the area to the left of you with the gate. Well maybe he doesn't but I'm sure
that's what he means..

-Go to the area to the left of you with the gate. Hitomi's there. Time to blow
her away! ^_^ In case you're lazy, here's a few strings and your Specials listed
all nice and neat to make it easier (like it needs to be...):

X, T, T, O, X, R+O, L+O, L+O, R+X
S, S, T, T, X, L+X, U+X, D+X, R+O
U-U+O, T, S, X
U-U+T, O, T, S, X
D-D+T, O, T, S, X

-When you win Hitomi tells you that she's not a real person and just a creation of 
WDC's power. She tells you all about how you must save people by dancing. Suddenly
you'll start hearing beeping while you talk.. when she walks away from you she'll
blow up. Yes, you heard me right. She explodes into a million pieces. I guess
that's what you get for double crossing the WDC..

-Meanwhile Asuka and the great Kage no Shirei are talking about Hitomi's failure
and about how there are others who won't fail. Typical evil people stuff.

-You tell Mai that you're off to go fight evil by dancing. Instead of laughing at
you she gives you a ribbon. You now have all the Japan items. ^_^ Now you're off 
to blow up other people. 

-Hmm.. England's first on the list so that sounds good to me.. let's go there!


-There's some stuff then you get to choose between two choices. I chose the first
one cause it had two exclamation points so it seemed important to me.

-Okay, head up to the building in the top right corner and choose the first option
when you are presented with options (the second one ends the event and you'll keep
having to come here until you pick the first one) and you'll meet up with Sophia. 
She's here to see the best tap dancer of the century. She also mentions her boyfriend 
Michael, who apparently provided her the ticket to go to England. What a nice guy. 
The two of you go to watch Jennifer tap dance. All Jennifer does is stand there though. 
Some best tap dancer of the century.. even Subaru looks disappointed.

-Walk over to the left side of the screen and you'll be looking for a woman in a pink
dress and has her hair up in a bun-looking way. Talk to her twice (yes, luckily her
young Subaru the England natives speak fluent Japanese) and on the second time choose
the first choice to get a bottle of perfume. Your Lucky! goes up 8 points but your 
Rhythm! falls 4.

-Go to the building in the bottom right corner of the screen. Before going inside take
a good look at the writing on the wall to the right of the door to pick up a Jennifer
trading card. YES!! Inside you'll find the leader of the local dance school. Not much 
of importance seems to be said.. but what could be more important than a Jennifer
trading card anyways?

-Go to the left and you'll see Jennifer kneeling down in the graveyard. I didn't
really pick out much from this conversation but you don't seem too happy when she 
walks off.

-Go back and talk to the leader guy. Spooky music plays while you talk. I suppose that
he told you something important..

-I bet now after that conversation that you want a top hat right? Well you certainly 
lucked out! ^_^ Walk up to the water fountain and talk to the person(?) in the center.
Choose the first option. Now talk to him again to get the Silk Hat top hat. I guess the
creators of this game think a lot like me. You'll notice that you now have the command 
"Flying Feet" (L-L+O, L+O, D+O, R+O). This hat is the coolest hat ever.

-Now what goes better with a top hat than boots? Well worry not my friend cause we'll
get some boots too. Talk to the blonde guy standing alone in the top left corner of the
map over and over again till he gives them to you. Your Rhythm! goes up 12 but your
NORINORI! goes down 8. 

-Talk to the old guy a little below this guy over and over again to get the London Bus
item. You'll walk around like an idiot for a while.. then it makes your Rhythm! go up by 4.

-Talk to the little girl nearby and you'll play Hide and Seek with her. She'll hide
between the two red houses on the bottom left part of the map. Find her and she'll give 
you the Opera Glass and you'll learn the command "Graceful Step" (R-D-DR+T, O, S, T, X, T).

-Back to plot... go to the WDC building (it's on the right side of the map in the middle) 
to overhear Jennifer talking to the infamous Kage no Shirei. Damn, he's cool. They mention 
training but I was too busy drinking my Sunkist to see anything else.

-Right above the graveyard area there's this blonde guy walking around. Talk to him.

-Go down to the graveyard area and talk to the boy there. That SHOULD open the gate at the 
bottom right corner of the graveyard area. If it doesn't let me know..

-Travel through said gate and go to the building to spy on Jennifer perfecting her Tap
skills with a scientist person. After her rhythm is off by .2%, Jennifer tries again
and Taps perfectly. You're impressed but also a little bit worried...

-Before leaving the area go search the top part of the barrels to get a T-Shirt. It makes 
your NORINORI! go up 4 points.

-Go back to the local dance school to talk to Sophia you will allow you to practice your
mad Tap dancing skills. Sophia tells you stuff then goes out to check the mail. You got
mail! Jennifer sent you a letter. Go back and practice again and you'll learn the command
"Shine Dream" (D-DR-R+O, O, O, DR+O).

-This last retarded item took me forever to find.. talk to the thing that give you the
Silk Hat until it repeats itself. Now go to the old guy who gives you the London Bus and
when he's not in your way search the flowers in the middle of the flower store. You
should find Titanic model. Not only is it a replica of a ship but it's also a mystical
teaching device that teaches you the Special "Noble Attack" (L-L+T, L+T, R+T, L+T).

-Time to whip up on Jennifer! She's standing in the graveyard. Talk to her to layeth the
smacketh down on her roody-poo candy ass. I was lazy so I just used my Tap strings I 
mentioned in the Dance Mode section of the FAQ and won easily. Note: they seem to be
arguing over a love letter. Subaru wonders who it's for then decides it's for Paul whom
I haven't mentioned yet cause I have no freakin clue who he is.

T, S, O, X, T, R+S, R+O, X, D+X, R+X
X, O, T, S, X, R+O, R+T, R+S, D+X, R+X
L-L+O, L+O, D+O, R+O
R-D-DR+T, O, S, T, X, T
D-DR-R+O, O, O, DR+O
L-L+T, L+T, R+T, L+T

-You win and Jennifer tells you that her heart was in dancing but you're still better.
You talk about some stuff and she doesn't blow up. I guess that's kinda cool..

-Next on the list working our way down is Egypt. Let's go there!!!!!


-Nah, I haven't gotten this far w/ the walkthrough yet. Stay tuned though.

Part 4: Secrets

4.1  Secret Characters

Yep, like most games nowadays there are secret characters in this game.
I'm sure you wanna get them so I shall tell you how to do so since I'm
such a nice guy.

- Dorry: A badass Breakdancing rabbit. This guy is cool and he knows it.
  Just look at his portrait. Get him by beating Challenge Mode on at least
  Normal difficulty with Brian.

- Jack: A Rockabilly dancing Cactus. Yeah, a cactus. Get this thing by
  beating Challenge Mode on at least Normal difficulty with George.

- Jack&Betty: Um.. the ending credits has this name listed under "Public
  Image Inc." whatever that means. No idea how to get this char. w/o GS.
  Dances Hiphop.

- Kerocker: A cross-eyed Hiphop dancing frog. This guy's really cool
  looking. ^_^ Get him by beating Challenge Mode on at least Normal
  difficulty with Hitomi.

- Kit: A Tapdancing demonic clown. Well not really demonic but clowns
  just all seem demonic to me. Get him/her by beating Challenge Mode on
  at least Normal difficulty with Jennifer.

- Mai: I think Subaru's mom from Story Mode. Not quite sure how to get her
  yet w/o GS.

- Mummy: A mummy. Get him by beating Challenge Mode on at least normal
  difficulty with Lynx.

- Muneyoshi: The old guy from Arcade Mode. I don't know how to unlock
  him yet w/o GS. Dances Special style.

- Pequeno: The coolest hidden character of all time. A Samba dancing coffee
  bean that holds a cup of coffee in each hand! Pequeno freaking rules! Get
  um.. it by beating Challenge Mode on at least Normal difficulty with Coco.

- Sophia: Subaru's older sister in Story Mode. I don't know how to get her
  yet w/o GS. Dances Special.

- Subaru: The girl from Story Mode. Finish Japan in the Story Mode to use
  her in the Dance Mode. She can dance any style depending on which people
  you have beat in Story Mode.

- Yuhli: A weird little elfish boy who dances Flemenco. Get him by beating
  Challenge Mode on at least Normal difficulty with Andre.

- Yukimaro: A Cossack dancing snowman with an evil grin and one of those
  cool red hats too. Get him by beating Challenge Mode on at least Normal
  difficulty with Michael.


4.2  Special outfits

Each basic character has a special outfit. To get it, pick the character with
the T button. Here's what they look like..

-Andre: A red shirt with a high collar and black pants and shoes.

-Brian: Dresses up like Dorry! This outfit is really funny! A big ol' rabbit with

-Coco: A showgirl-type outfit with a big white headdress, a white bikini covering
       a little bit of her body, blue things above her hands and on the bottom of
       her legs, and white high-heeled shoes.

-George: Cyborg George.. his left arm, left body, and a little of his face is all
         cyborg-like and he's got shades, a watch, blue jeans, and black boots.

-Hitomi: A very short and very pink top with a triangle shaped hole right under
         the neck. Short black shorts and brown hiking boots finish the outfit.

-Jennifer: I'm not really sure how to describe this one.. a blue halter top with
           a white shirt w/ puffy sleeves underneath. Black gloves go up to her 
           elbows and she's got on a black mini-skirt with black boots that go 
           almost all the way up.

-Lynx: A shirtless outfit with only black pants... pass.

-Michael: A nerdy costume with gray pants and suspenders over a white collared
          shirt with rolled up sleeves.

-Muneyoshi: His "Kage no Shirei" outfit from Story Mode.

-Sophia: Black halter top and long white shorts w/ white shoes.

-Subaru: A really weird Swedish girl outfit with red puffy pants and a white top
         with puffy sleeves. Also has a red bandanns in her hair and brown wooden
         shoes to go with shite stockings and a brown vest thingie.


4.3  Gameshark Codes

No, these codes are not from CMGSCCC. I made these codes myself and if you use 
them anywhere in any way whatsoever then I expect credit for them.

- Character Select Code:

Player 1: 80055F60 00XX
Player 2: 80055F62 00XX

With these codes you can make yourself always the character of your choice.
This is how you can be some of the characters I don't know how to get yet.
Just replace the XX with any of the combos below for your character.

00 - Subaru
01 - Michael
02 - Jennifer
03 - Hitomi
04 - Lynx
05 - Andre
06 - Coco
07 - Mai
08 - Sophia
09 - Brian
0A - Muneyoshi
0B - George
0C - George (dances Hiphop) (Note: Don't ask cause I don't know)
1A - Jack&Betty
1B - Yukimaro
1C - Kit
1D - Kerocker
1E - Mummy
1F - Yuhli
20 - Pequeno

- Dance style select code:

Player 1: 80055F64 000X
Player 2: 80055F66 000X

Now here's the fun part! Have your favorite character dance any style
you want them to!! Ever wanted to see Coco dance Tap or Brian dance Samba
(please tell me you answered no to that second one...) Well now anything's
possible! Just put one of these in for X and you're set. Pick the 
character as usual (or use an above code if you want) then you're good to
go. Enjoy!

1 - Cossack
2 - Tap
3 - Hiphop
4 - Jazz
5 - Flamenco
6 - Samba
8 - Special
9 - Break
B - Rockabilly

- Stage Select Codes

80055F58 000X

Wanna choose where you dance whenever you want to? No problem! There are
even a few special places to dance at. Whee!

0 - Practice (This stage is a little buggy)
1 - Russia
2 - England
3 - Japan
4 - Egypt
5 - Spain
6 - Brazil
9 - Las Vegas
A - Final
B - Texas

Part 5: Random Stuff

All this stuff is just for fun. It's not gonna help you beat the game
but it's still cool to know.

5.1  Stages and Phrases

Perfect timed button press: Que bon!
Special bar filled: Que maravillia!

Perfect timed button press: Cool
Special bar filled: Amazing!

Perfect timed button press: Beautiful!
Special bar filled: Brilliant!

Perfect timed button press: Way to go out!
Special bar filled: Extreme!

Perfect timed button press: Awesome!
Special bar filled: Super groove!

-Las Vegas:
Perfect timed button press: Good job!
Special bar filled: Freeze!

Perfect timed button press: Harascho!
Special bar filled: Prekrasna!

Perfect timed button press: Vali!
Special bar filled: Le bien!

Perfect timed button press: Feel so good
Special bar filled: Nice vibes!


5.2  Seiyuu

Wanna know who did the voice for your favorite character?

- Andre: Koichi Sakaguchi

- Brian: Koichi Nagano

- Coco: Chiemi Chiba

- George: Takuma Suzuki

- Hitomi: Asako Shirakura

- Jennifer: Megumi Toyoguchi

- Lynx: Hisayoshi Izaki

- Mai: Takako Kikuchi

- MC and Narration: Masashi Ebara

- Michael: Tokuyoshi Kawashima

- Muneyoshi: Hidenari Ugaki

- Sophia: Yuko Kato

- Subaru: Minako Moto

Last words

I just threw this FAQ together due to inspiration from the fact that
it's been on the GameFAQs wanted list forever and I felt I could help
fill the void. A whole lot will be added to this FAQ as time allows. 
This is just the quick rough version to hurry up and get something up 
for people to benefit from. More Gameshark codes, strategy, and info
on the Story Mode are all to come shortly. Please feel free to email me
at  with questions or hints or anything like
that. Don't flame me though cause I'll just ignore it.