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Trade & Battle - Card Hero (Mini-FAQ) (e)

Card Hero Game Faq
by Artemus Harper


Card Hero is a Japanese Gameboy game where you battle with other players using cards.
This game started the real card game in Japan.


I do not know Japanese, but essentally the game is divided into two parts,
first is the story mode where all the card games you play are determined in the story,
expect at a certain point you may battle the computer for fun.
All money you get in this first part is limited in supply, so you just can't fight an
easier battle for cards.
The second part is a ladder game where you battle against others to obtain better ranking
and get money to buy more cards, there are 3 ladders, each for the different kind of card
rules: Jr. Sr. and Master

In the "story mode" part of the game all battles are in Jr. mode with 5 life (expect for a
few intro battles).

First the board is set up like this:
m m

M: a place to put your monster
P: you
m: a place for your opponent to put his/her/its monsters
p: opponent

Each player alernates in turns. Durring a players turn the opponent cannont do anything,
expect to super level a creature. (Very rare occurence durring an opponents turn).

Each player start with 5 life points (10 in Master mode).

Turn Phase:

Phase 1 (in order)
Add 3 gems to your gem pool
Turn over all hidden monsters
Move forward all monster in the back row that do not have a monster in front of them
Draw a card (if you still have cards to draw)

Phase 2 (in any order, can repeat steps)
Play a monster card face down with 1 gem on it (this gem comes from your gem pool)
Play a spell card (cost varies on each card, must have enought gems in gem pool)
Use monster Ability (most monster can only use an ability once per turn)
Move a monster to an empty place (counts as a monster Ability)
Swap two monster positions (counts as a monster Ability for both monsters)
Have a monster skip one of its turns (only for monster that has two turns)
Have the player attack (cost 3 gems, only allowed in Sr. and Master mode)
Use a player spell (varies on the player you are using, in Sr. and Master mode only)
Kill one of your own monster (cost 1 life, only in Master mode)
Sacrifice 2 life for 1 gem (only in Master mode)

Phase 3
Give all monsters that have not used all of their turns an ! mark

Ability descriptions:

Each monster has an '!' ability, some monsters have a gem ability
some monsters have other conditions that are always active

! ability: attack a monster or player (any side) next to (horizonal verticle or diagonal)
it. The power is the number on the monsters card before p. That monster/players loses that
much life if they are unprotected. If a monster has an ! and attackes it does 1 more 

Gem ability: Gem abilities come in severl forms and may require gems to use it the
symbol after the gem tells what its range is. the number represent the amount of damage.
If the the letter after the number is a D, then that creature does that much damage and
pentrates all defences (shields and ! protection, includes the defence of the player)
Also if a creature has an ! mark by using a Gem ability it loses it.
No Symbol: the same range as ! ability (no extra damage with !)
Horse: just like a knight in chess, jump over one monster or player 
       (horzizonal or verticle) and move one in the direction you did not jump over in.
       e.g. if a monster is in the back it can attack the opponent, if in the front row
       it can attack the monster not adjecent to it in the opponents front row or your own
       back row not adjecent to the monster
swigle arrow: any monster/player on the board is in the range.
two small arrows:in direct sight of the monster (no monster in the way of the shot,
                 hidden monster don't count and can be shot through)
three small arrows: just like two small arrows expect it loses 1 power per range over 1.
                    1 2
                    - M
                    if M has p of 3 then it cannot hit 1, or 3 and it can only hit 5 and 2
                    if there are no creatures in the way. 4 will take 2 damage so will 5
                    2 will take only one damage.

two big arrows: just like three arrows expect attacks can go through monsters and players
                even if the monster/player is shielded. This move can damage multiple 
one loop arrow with a 1 under it: cannot attack adjecent, if in back row cannot attack 
                                 opponents back row. All other monster can be hit.
one loop arrow with a 2 under it: monster can only attack in back row, and can only hit
                                  monster in opponents back row

More to come latter...