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Dark Rift (Combos) (e)

The following info is for the N64 game called DARK RIFT. What follows is a
moves list for all the characters, and the cheats to play as the secret 
characters in the game. Hope this helps you.

CR = "C" button RIGHT
CL = "C" button LEFT
CU = "C" button UP
CD = "C" button DOWN
A  = "A" button
B  = "B" button
L  = "L" button
R  = "R" button
Z  = "Z" button under controller
f  = Press pad towards the opponent
b  = Press pad away from opponent
d  = Press pad down
u  = Press pad up
df = Press pad down and towards the opponent
db = Press pad down and away from opponent
uf = Press pad up and towards the opponent
ub = Press pad up and away from opponent
,  = Anytime you see this, do one button after the other
+  = Anytime you see this between buttons, press at the same time
() = Anything between this means to HOLD that button down

The moves listed are assuming you left the button configuration at default

CU                          = Vertical attack
CL                          = Horizontal attack
CD                          = Kick
A                           = Special
L or Z                      = Side step in
R                           = Side step out
B                           = (when close) Throw opponent

All moves are under the assumption that you didn't change the button

Lock N Load        = f, f+CU
Slash N Crash      = f, f+A
Duck N Cover       = d, df, f+A
Vertical Slice     = df + CU
Rough N Tumble     = b, b+CL, CU
Side Wipe          = f, f+CL
Horizontal Combo 1 = CL, CL, CU, f+CU, b+CL, b+CL
Horizontal Combo 2 = CL, CL, CU, CU, CD, CD, CL
Horizontal Combo 3 = CL, CL, CU, CU, b+CL, b+CL
Vertical Combo 1   = CU, CD, CL, d+CL
Vertical Combo 2   = CU, CD, CL, CU, CU, CD, CD, CL, B
Kick Combo 1       = CD, CD, d+CD

Hades Bite            = db+CL
Demon Breath          = f, f+CU
Portal Uppercut       = df+CU
Incubus Ball          = f, f+A
Backhand Garroter     = b, b+CL
Snarl Lewis           = f, f+CL
Demon Flip            = (d)+A
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, CU, CL, d+CU, B
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, d+CL, d+CL
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, CU, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, CU
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, d+CL, d+CL
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CU, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, CU
Kick Combo 1          = CD, CD

Spiral Slice          = f, f+CL
Argon Saber Bolt      = d, df, f+A
Stygian Lunge         = f+CU
Fierce Stab           = f, f+CU
Stygian Ballet        = f+CL, CL
Low Thrust            = db+CU
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, d+CL
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CU
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, CU, CL, CL, A
Horizontal Combo 4    = CL, CL, CU, CL, CL, d+CU, f+CU
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, d+CU
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CL, CU, CL, CL, d+CU, f+CU
Vertical Combo 3      = CU, CU, CL, CU, CL, d+CL

Ground Zero           = df+CL
Cain Lunge            = f, f+CU
Back Smash            = f, f+A
Dorlon Roller Coaster = b+CL, B
Siesmic Ripple        = d, df, f+A
Tree Feller           = f, f+CL
Horizontal Combo 1    = db+CL, CL, CU, B
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, d+CL, CL, CU, B
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, d+CL, CL, d+CU, CU
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CD, CL, f+CL
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CL, CU, B
Kick Combo 1          = CD, d+CL

Blender               = f, f+CL
Mantis Strike         = f, f+A
Amputator             = f, f+CD
Zenith Spike          = f, f+CU, b+CL
Tesla Plasma Ring     = d, df, f+A
Leg Division          = db+CL
Horizontal Combo 1    = b+CL, d+CL, CU, B
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, d+CU
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, CU, B
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, CU, B
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CL, CU, CL
Vertical Combo 3      = CU, CU, CL, CU, d+CL, d+CL, d+CU
Kick Combo 1          = CD, CD

Deadly Butterfly      = b, b+CL
Forward Vault         = f, f+CD
Starburst Blast       = d, df, f+A
Fatal Pirouette       = f, f+CL
Faralon Tumble        = f, f+CD
Back Vault            = b+CD
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, d+CD
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, CD, b+CD, d+CU, d+CD
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, CD, b+CD, CD, f+CD
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU d+CL
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CD, b+CD, d+CU, d+CU
Vertical Combo 3      = CU, CU, CD, b+CD, CD, f+CD
Kick Combo 1          = f+CD, CD, f+CD
Kick Combo 2          = CD, CD, CU
Kick Combo 3          = CD, CD, CD, b+CD, CD, f+CD

Side Kick             = f, f+CD
Slayer Punch          = f, f+CU
Angel's Fight         = f, f+A
Ascension Slash       = f, f+CL
Spiral Lava Flow      = d, df, f+A
Slayer Eviscerator    = f+CU, CL
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, CL, CD
Horizontal Combo 2    = df+CL, CU, B
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, CU
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, d+CL, CU, B
Vertical Combo 3      = CU, CU, d+CL, CU, CU, d+CL
Kick Combo 1          = CD, CL

Ankle Separator       = db+CL
Phoenix Strike        = f, f+CL
Propulsion Kick       = f, f+A
Fiery Phoenix Bolt    = d, df, f+A
Mantis Lung           = f, f+CU
Phoenix Kick          = b, b+CD
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, CU, CU, CU, B
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, d+CU
Horizontal Combo 3    = CL, CL, CU, CD, CD, CD, b+CD, CD
Vertical Combo 1      = f+CU, CD, CD, B
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CU, CL, CU. d+CL, d+CU, CU
Vertical Combo 3      = CU, CU, CU, CD, CU, B
Kick Combo 1          = CD, CD, f+CD, CU, CD, CD, CD, b+CD, CD, CD

What follows here is teh cheat to play as the 2 secret characters in the game.
Both cheats are to be done during the title screen with the words PRESS START
on screen. You will knowthe cheat is in place when you hear a strange laughter
in the sound.


L, R, CU, CD, CL, CR

This character will be located between SCARLET and ZENMURON.


A, B, R, L, CU, CD

This character will be located between AARON and DEMONICA.


Death From Above      = b, b+CU
Gatling Drill         = f, f+CU
Gatling Cannon        = d, df, f+A
Machine Gun Kick      = b, b+CD
Bionic Stomp          = f, f+CD
Drill Upper           = f, f+A
Gatling Shredder      = f, f+CL
Die Swatter           = b, b+CL
Carrier Bludgeon      = df+CL
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, d+CL
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, f+CU, f+CU, B
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, CU, f+CU, f+CU, B

Stampede              = f, f+CU
Blade Strike          = b, b+CU
Portal Uppercut       = df+CU
Teleport (NEAR)       = b, b+A
Teleport (FAR)        = b+A
Hell Saw              = d, df, f+A
Teleport Stomp        = df+CD
Crescent Sault        = f, f+CD
Hell Smasher          = b, b+CD
Vertigo               = b, b+CL
Horizontal Combo 1    = CL, CL, CU, CL, A
Horizontal Combo 2    = CL, CL, d+CL
Vertical Combo 1      = CU, CU, CU, CL, A
Vertical Combo 2      = CU, CU, CU, CL, CL, CU, d+CU, d+CU
Kick Combo 1          = f+CD, CD

Moves List by CooperTeam