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Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (FAQ für Juri) (e)

        by : Joe Palanca (
Any replies, comments, info, questions, cool ascii pics, etc. that I can use,
e-mail me at the address above.

This guide is strictly PUBLIC DOMAIN - it's FREE and no one should profit
from selling any part of this guide to anyone.  If anyone uses part of this 
guide in another publication, please acknowledge your source of information.

Galaxy Fight is one of the best fighting games I've ever seen.  There are
very few faults in this game, and none affect the game play.  The graphics
are superb, the movements are fluid, the sound and music are realistic and
astounding, and the game play is awesome.  It's surprising that many people
don't know about this game.  They don't know what they're missing.  As one of
the few people to get this game when it was first released, I intially found
it to be quite difficult to get used to, and to play.  But my style of game
play quickly helped me to adapt to this new system of running attacks and
such, and I found an easy and fun character in JURI.  I quickly learned how
to utilize all her moves, making me one of the best players of this game.  As
of yet, no one that I've played has been able to beat me (if I'm playing as
Juri).  That is the main reason for writing this guide.  I've recieved a lot
of mail from my Galaxy Fight FAQ, asking how to beat the game, and so I've
decided to use my favorite character to demonstrate how this game can be
played.  Please note that this is my style of play, and it is sometimes
difficult for some gamers to play this way.  This style involves close in
fighting, with a lot of quick jabs and running attacks.  For those who are
more comfortable using uppercuts and fireballs, don't bother reading this or
it'll be a waste of your time.  Now enter the world of JURI...


Version History
Character Information
Notes on Game Play
Normal Attacks
Special Attacks
General Strategies
Specific Strategies
Juri's Ending
Info Lacking/Needed


0.5 - Initial unreleased version; author's personal notes

0.7 - First released version; slightly reorganized; more information added


        This is too awesome a game; hoping for a sequel
Jason Saddrick (
        He bought me the game, the gamest mook, and showed me the pics in
        Diehard that made me want to buy this game
Kelya Saddrick (
        Contributing writer; first person I know who used Juri; editing


JURI THE SPACE BANDIT -> A beautiful woman who harnesses some awesome 
strength.  Can often outmaneuver an opponent.

Background : Juri was abandoned as a young child, and cast out because of her
        weaknesses.  She learned to live on the streets as a bandit.  She
        used what she stole to attempt to make a normal life for herself, but
        was cast away by the man she loved for a woman more beautiful than
        her.  After that, she trained herself, becoming stronger and more
        beautiful.  She was determined to become the strongest and most
        beautiful woman in the galaxy.  She learned about Felden's coming and
        set out to meet him.  She wants to prove herself.

Origin: Unknown
Stage : LEZAAR
Age : 23 Earth Years
Ht. : 165 cm / 3 (?)
Wt. : 49 kg
Measurements : B87/W56/H91
Taunts : Wipes mouth with hand then points at opponent and says one of the
         following :
                "Sore dio senai"
                "Aka teo de"
                "Sore teo nano"


The gameplay is quite different from most other fighting games.  A lot of
running is involved, as well as the fact that there are no designated buttons
for punches or kicks.  For more information, I suggest (as a cheap plug)
checking out my Galaxy Fight FAQ which is available through me and most sites
that carry video game faqs.


Close (Standing Close); Far (Standing Far); D (Down); U (Up); F (Forward);
A (A button); B (B button); C (C button); # after description (Damage rating)

Close A - Knee Bash (18)
Far A - Straight Kick (18)
D+A - Gut Punch (18)
U+A - Downwards Punch (18)
UF+A - Downwards Punch (18)
Close DASH+A - Knee Bash (27)
Far DASH+A - Straight Kick (27)
DASHU+A - Downwards Punch (27)
DASHUF+A - Downwards Punch (27)
Close B - Shin Kick (62)
Far B - High Kick (62)
D+B - Crouching Straight Kick (62)
U+B - Flying Knee (62)
UF+B - Flying Cross Kick (62)
Close DASH+B - Shin Kick (93)
Far DASH+B - High Kick (93)
DASHU+B - Flying Knee (93)
DASHUF+B - Flying Cross Kick (93)
Close C - 2 Hits/Downwards Heel Kick (62/88)
Far C - Elbow Smash (88)
D+C - 2 attempted hits/Sweep Kick (88)
U+C - Sideways Cross Kick (88)
UF+C - Downwards Heel Kick (88)
Close DASH+C - 2 Hits/Downwards Heel Kick (93/132)
Far DASH+C - Elbow Smash (132)
DASHU+C - Sideways Cross Kick (132)
DASHUF+C - Downwards Heel Kick (132) 


(The number next to the move name is the damage rating.  If two sets are
shown, the second is the rating if the move is done while dashing.  Exception
is the Needle Shot, which has three sets, depending on the button pressed.)

Note : D is the taunt button.

---= Holds/Throws =---------------------------------------------------------
          Air Dump (88)        |  Left or Right + C Button
There's not much to say in the way of throws...
---= Air Throws =-----------------------------------------------------------
          Air Toss (88)        |  Close in Air, Left or Right + C Button
Ditto for air throws...
---= Special Moves =--------------------------------------------------------
          Garing Elbow (64)    |   O-   + B button
This is a strong attack, and can be used to beat crouching defenses.  It can
be used in a combo.
          Laser Stroke         |   -O | \         + A/B/C button 
  (48/56/64/96) (64/72/80/112) |      O  O                       
This is extremely useful, especially in a running attack.  It knocks your
opponent clear across the screen if it connects.  It can do massive damage if
done at the right time.
          Rolling Slicer       |   | \  -O        + A/B/C button 
       (40/56/72) (64/80/96)   |   O  O                          
This is used best as a combo finisher.  It also ticks off a good amount of
damage.  It's quick, and can be used as a counter.
          Somersault Kick (80) |   |  / O-        + A/B/C button 
                               |   O O                           
This would be her anti-air counter, but can also be useful as a running
attack.  It can tick off some good damage too.
          Needle Shot          |   Jump,  O-  / | \  -O + A/B/C button     
      (48*64/56*72/64*80)      |             O  O  O                       
This is useful in attempting multiple hits in the air.  This does good damage
for those exciting air battles.
          Galactica Cyclone    |   -O  O-  / | \  -O   + ABC buttons  
             (18/0/224)        |          O  O  O                     
This is one of those Art of Fighting style finishers.  It does massive damage
and comes out fairly quickly.  Not much recovery time either.  Very good in
combos or for spectacular finishes.

- Jumping C, Crouching C
- Crouching A, Somersault Kick
- Standing Close A, Standing A, Crouching A x2, Rolling Slicer
- Standing Close A, Crouching A x2, Crouching B, Rolling Slicer
- Standing Far C, Galactica Cyclone
- Standing Close A, Crouching B, Garing Elbow


        Basically, this is an offensive game.  You don't last long playing
turtle, especially with Juri.  Running attacks are her specialty.  She is the
fastest character in the game, and has some pretty mean attacks.  All of her
attacks are useful.  She's especially good in close-in fighting.  Her jabs
have priority over all other attacks.
        The best strategy is to knock your opponent down somehow, then switch
off between crouching and standing A attacks as they get up, and as soon as
they make a blocking mistake, combo them.


VS ROLF - Rolf can be annoying as he is the only person capable of the upper-
        cut, fireball combo.  However, the CPU never uses him that way.  Keep
        the fight close-in, because Juri lacks the fireball to counter those
        of Rolf.  He frequently uses that hurricane kick type move, so block
        and use the crouching C when he lands.  Then use one of the Rolling
        Slicer combos continuously.  Against human players, stay close-in as
        well to prevent cheap fighting.  Watch out for Rolf's jabs, because
        they are fast and setup for some nasty combos.  Don't jump too much
        because his uppercut is very fast and he has his bomber move that
        does massive damage.
VS KAZUMA - His fireball isn't as fast to come out as Rolf's, so there's not
        much to worry about in the fireball, uppercut thing.  He likes to run
        and attack a lot, so interrupt his attack while he's still running at
        you with a crouching B or C (preferably B).  When knocked down, go
        into the Rolling Slicer combo, then wait for him to run at you again.
        Against human players, watch out for a running attack, because most
        likely they are attempting the Ninja Death Tornado.  Use the same
        techniques above for preventing such attacks.
VS ALVAN - He's the biggest cheeser in the game next to Felden.  He
        continually throws fireballs.  Keep the fight close-in to prevent him
        from doing so.  Remember, his fireballs take a while to come out, and
        you can attack the fireball.  Use Jumping C, Crouching B or Standing
        A to setup for combos.  Against human opponents, keep the same thing
        in mind, but watch out for the Super Alvan when his meter bar is
        flashing, because he can easily turn the game around with two moves.
VS JURI - N/A vs. CPU (See Yacopu).  Against human opponents, get ready for a
        quick game of hit and run attacks.  Watch for combo set ups.  That is
        the main thing most Juri players look for.
VS ROOMI - Play defensively against her, because it pays off.  Wait for her
        to attack first, then counter by running up and peforming a combo.
        Use the Crouching C or Galactica Cyclone when she runs at you.  Watch
        out for her quick jabs which lead to some combos.  Against human
        opponents, watch out for frequent air attacks and quick throws.
        Interrupt attacks with Crouching A.
VS GUNTER - Against CPU, jumping straight up with C most of the time will
        easily beat him.  But for those who care to try other things, just
        stay away from him as much as possible.  His holds are deadly.  Be
        careful with the Rolling Slicer, because if he blocks, he'll counter
        with a throw.  Against human opponents, remember that Gunter is the
        second slowest in the game.  Use your speed to take advantage.
VS G.DONE - Keep using jabs and the Somersault Kick.  It's hard to pull off
        combos because of his dodging ability.  Watch out for frequent air
        attacks.  Try not to let him get behind you either, because he has
        a lot of throws to choose from.  This strategy is good for both human
        and CPU opponents.
VS MUSAFAR - He's the slowest character in the game.  Use your speed to beat
        him.  Run in with A and use it to set up combos.  Watch out for his
        jabs though, because they are second in speed to yours, and he can
        perform about seven hits before your out of range.  Strategy is good
        for both human and CPU opponents.
VS BONUS KUN - I'll just say one thing : He can't block!
VS YACOPU - The only moves that will hit, are her crouching attacks, Needle
        Shot (if he jumps), Galactica Cyclone, the low hitting parts of the 
        Rolling Slicer, and the Somersault Kick.  Use the Crouching C
        frequently.  When he changes, get ready to counter your own attacks.
        Use the same basic techniques against Rolf for this one.
VS FELDEN - The best opening move is to jump with B as soon as the round
        begins.  If he blocks, block his uppercut and counter with Crouching
        C.  Always use the Needle Shot or B if you attempt an aerial attack.
        When you knock him down, immediately run up and perform Standing A's,
        moving into the Rolling Slicer combo.  Occasionally, you can run up
        to him and perform this same combo, but it is relatively difficult
        because of his fireballs.  Watch out for his plasma ball, because it
        dizzies usually.  Also remember to block up when he jumps at you with
        his flying elbow.
VS ROUWE - Block until you get an opportunity to knock him down, then do the
        Rolling Slicer combo continually.  (That's the only way I've ever
        beaten him.  If I never knock him down, I lose.)


She says she thought Felden was immortal, but he was weaker than her and one 
must be both beautiful and strong to survive.  For if you are weak, you will 
be destroyed and ugly, cast aside, so she vows to become more beautiful and 
stronger and someday good fortune will be hers.


- Anything you think may be missing (more combos/strategies)
						                                  [ 0-0 ]
END OF JURI STRATEGY GUIDE/FAQ                          (C)1996 JGPALANCA