Terraria (e)

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                          Walkthrough by: Bacter
			Contact: Bacterx@gmail.com
			      Version: 1.30
                       Last Updated: May 21, 2011

Note: items in [brackets] are put there for easier searching. If you want to 
skip right to enemies, for instance, type in [ENM].



                            TABLE OF CONTENTS


[TOC] Table of Contents

[INT] Introduction

[NOT] Opening Notes

[CTL] Controls

[STR] Getting Started - How not to die in five minutes!
   [ST1] Step 1: Timberrrrrr (Orientation and materials collection)
   [ST2] Step 2: Home Sweet Home (How to make your first house)
   [ST3] Step 3: Begin to Hope (Getting a furnace and anvil)
   [ST4] Step 4: Closing Notes (How to upgrade health/mana, alchemy stations)

[WLK] Sample Walkthrough - A possible, comprehensive path to top-tier gear!

[EXP] An Explorer's Guide to Terraria (Where to find terrain and what's there)
   [FST] Forest
   [GRS] Grasslands
   [DST] Desert
   [SEA] Border Seas
   [UGD] Underground - Dirt Layer
   [UGR] Underground - Rock Layer
   [UGH] Underground - Hell Layer
   [MUI] Mushroom Islands
   [COR] The Corruption
   [MET] Meteor Crash Site
   [DUN] Dungeons
   [FLI] Floating Islands

[SPE] Special Events: What they are and when they are
   [MTC] Meteor Crash
   [GLI] Goblin Invasion
   [BDM] Blood Moon

[NPC] The care and maintenance of NPCs: Who they are and how to get them

[CRF] Crafting Guide: Your life at the forge
   [NOC] - No Requirements Recipes
   [WBC] - Workbench Recipes
   [ASC] - Alchemy Station Recipes
   [TCC] - Table + Chair Recipes
   [FNC] - Furnace Recipes
   [ANC] - Anvil Recipes
   [DAC] - Demon Altar Recipes
   [HFC] - Hellforge Recipes

[FND] Found (uncraftable) items: Ancient artefacts of power that you can't make

[ARE] Armor Set Effects

[RAW] Raw Materials : The stuff of Life

[ENM] Enemy List/Strategies: Stupid mother slimes, how I hate you.
   [BOSS] - Strategies for Eye of Cthulu, The World Eater, and Skeletor

[FAQ] Frequently Asked Questions

[RKS] Thank Yous/ Awesome Links

[CPW] Copywight Information





Alright, well shucks and welcome to the world of Terraria! This addicting game
might best be described as minecraftvania. If you're familiar with
minecraft, there will be enough similarities between the two games that you
will have a real leg up when starting Terraria. If you have never heard of
minecraft, don't worry, this guide is here for you!

Terraria is exploration and building-based. Your character has the ability to
move and reshape terrain, craft and find unique items, and battle huge boss
enemies in your quest to... uh... to do whatever you want!

Most of the fun of Terraria is in the exploration and materials gathering, and
the beautiful environments really make it worth your while. I hope this guide
gives you a good start!



                              Opening Notes


In order to be most helpful, this guide is essentially divided into seven

First, there is a section that gives a helpful starter guide to new players
who are overwhelmed and have no idea what they're doing (like I was!).
Following that guide will get you safely through the first day or so, and put
you in a good place to expand your domain and resources further.

Second is an explorer's guide to Terraria. This will describe what
different terrain types you might come in contact with, as well as landmarks.
It will describe in broad terms what the randomly generated world will look 
like, and where you should go to look for anything in particular that you
want to find (how high the floating islands are etc.) 

Third is the NPC guide- this short section will talk about how to get NPCs to
move in, and list what they sell.

Fourth is a list of craftable items. Also included in this section is the
locations of the materials you need for crafting them, as well as any special
requirements (anvils, furnaces etc.) that you need. You should check here if
you want to know how to craft top-level items.

Fifth a list of findable items- any gear that cannot be created, but
must be found in chests will be included here, as well as items that are 
dropped by bosses. Check here if you want to know what items are our there
that you can hope to find, maybe to give you an edge vs. bosses.

Sixth is a list of all the items listed by stats. If you want to know what the
absolute best sword is, and don't care if you have to craft it or find it,
check this part of the guide.

Finally, there is an enemy list, along with strategies as to how to defeat 

This pattern may change as the guide progresses, but this is the opening 



                             Controls (default)


A- Move left
D- Move Right
S- Drop down (use on platforms, tables, and workbenches)
Space- Jump
Right Click- Use selected item
Left Click- Interact with environment (open doors, use beds, open chests, etc.)
Esc - Open inventory/crafting menu/equip list
Number Keys- Select the item on that spot in your inventory

Crafting: When pressing escape, a menu will open in the bottom-left of the
          screen. Thre will be a vertical scrolling list of items- these
          are the items you can craft based on what you have in your inventory.
          One item will be selected, which you can tell because its icon is
          larger and in the middle, and you can see the items that go into its
          construction to the right. 

          Click on any other item in the vertical scroll panel to select it,
          or click on the selected item to craft it.

          WARNING! Crafting an item will destroy all the items that go into
          its construction.

Equipping: When pressing escape, a menu will open on the right side of the
           screen: this is where to equip your helmet, shirt, pants, and
           five accessories. Choose your accessories carefully, as they can
           make difficult situations much easier!

           Note that you don't have to equip tools such as pickaxes, axes,
           hammers, or weapons. Those you will use by having them on your 

Toolbelt: When pressing escape, your full inventory will open. However, the
          top row of your inventory is special- this is where you place items
          that you want to have access to while roaming the world. To access
          them, press a number key from 1 to 0, one being the leftmost, 0
          being the rightmost. Then use the left mouse button to use the item.



                Getting Started- How to not die in five minutes!


This guide will get you started on your path to complete Terrarian dominance!

On my first playthrough, my first night found me totally unprepared. With just
some dirt in my inventory and zombies rampaging everywhere, I was forced to
hide in a tiny unlit 2X2 dirt hole, crying away the night. My hope is that
you won't repeat that experience!

Alright, take a deep breath. You are alone in a hostile wilderness, where all
the local animals and some of the local plants want to kill you, and all you
have is the clothes on your back. And night is coming. But we can get you
through this!


[ST1]  Step 1- Timberrrrrrrrrr

Alright, so first look around. You're standing on the surface, with the pits
beneath you and the sky overhead. You might see some trees nearby, and maybe
another guy walking around. You have five hearts and no mana. 

The other guy is your guide, and you can talk to him using the environment
interaction button (right mouse click). I didn't find him to be SUPER helpful,
but there he is if you need him.

The first thing you're going to need is some wood. If you don't see any trees
on your screen, walk left or right until you find some- three to five trees 
should be sufficient for now.

You've got two items in your inventory right now- the copper pickaxe and the
copper axe. Select the axe by left-clicking on it, and left-click on the BASE
of a tree when you are near it. Clicking on the base prevents there from being
a stump left over which you can't build over. It will take a while of chopping
before you get your prize, but eventually the tree will disappear, and a rain
of planks will fall into your pockets. Note that you can pick up items just
by being near them.

You should see the wood and maybe an acorn appear in your inventory next to
the axe.

At this point, you want to avoid falling into pits, so if you manage to fall
into one, and you can't readily jump out, mine some dirt with your pickaxe 
(just like chopping down trees with the axe), and place the dirt by selecting
dirt from your inventory and left-clicking on the screen. Use it to make a 
ramp and jump out.

At this time, the only monsters you should really run into are slimes. If you
want to run, that's fine. Otherwise select the axe or the pickaxe and swing 
it at them. You don't have to have your cursor over them to hit them, just
make sure that the swinging animation makes contact with them. 

You are the lowest level right now, and need to focus on surviving. If you 
run into 1) a brick structure wth an old man out front or 2) an area where
the screen darkens, and the music changes, and there are purple growths, 
LEAVE THEM ALONE. Seriously. Don't try to cross the corruption, build your
first house on the other side of it. The old man is harmless unless it's night,
but DO NOT TALK TO HIM if it is! You can tell it's night because of a music
change. The moon and stars come out slightly before it's "night", so you can't
always go by that. 

We'll deal with those areas later.

You lose half your money and respawn at the spawn point, but you keep all your
items. You can go back and collect your money, too!


[ST2]   Step 2- Home Sweet Home

MATERIALS LOCATIONS: Wood - trees on surface level, cut down with axe
                     Dirt - Surface and below, mine with pickaxe
                     Stone - Surface and below, mine with pickaxe
                     Gel - Collect from dead gels
                     Cobwebs - In the top corners of caves, can be found near
                     Silk - Make from cobwebs

So you've got about 3-5 trees worth of timber. Now it's time to constuct a 
shelter for the night (you'll understand when night gets here, trust me).

Find a more-or-less flat area, and make it totally flat by removing any trees
in the area and mining any dirt or stone down to level with your pickaxe. If
there are any gaps, fill them in with dirt or stone. This will be your house,
so make sure it's at least two dozen squares wide. You want to have some room,
after all!

Now, time to make your house! I prefer to make the walls and roof out of stone,
which can be mined just like dirt with your pickaxe. You're free to make them
out of wood if you please, there's no real difference. Build wides
straight up by stacking blocks on top of each other as high as you can reach,
six blocks up. There's no real reason to make it taller except aesthetics, but
if you want to build a scaffold with dirt to make it taller that's your call.
Note that dirt walls and edges do cause problems with the game recognizing 
your house, so stick with wood or stone!

Once the front and back edge are up, strack blocks to make a ceiling between
the walls on the topmost block. Now, from the floor, use the pickaxe or axe
(if your house is wood) to remove the bottom three block from both walls. Now
you've got the structure of your house!

Now press escape, and look at the bottom-right. Assuming you have enough wood
left, a menu will open there telling you that you can craft a wood platform
or what looks like a little table beneath that. Select the table.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Workbench - 10 wood

Craft the workbench, and add it to the top row of your inventory. Select the
workbench with a number key, and place it somewhere within your house. This
workbench will be the center of your item creation! While you are standing
near it, you can craft many more things than you could otherwise.

Now move on it, and let's start crafting some stuff! Venture out to get more
materials as you need them.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Door - 6 wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Table - 8 wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Chair - 4 wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Stone/Wood wall (4) - 1 stone/wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Torch (3) - 1 wood, 1 gel  *Workbench


CRAFTING RECIPE: Wooden Hammer - 8 Wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Wooden Sword - 7 Wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Wooden Bow - 10 wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Wooden Arrow (3) - 1 wood, 1 stone  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Sign - 6 Wood  *Workbench

CRAFTING RECIPE: Silk - 10 Cobwebs

CRAFTING RECIPE: Bed - 5 silk, 15 wood  *Workbench

To place anything, put it in your toolbelt, then select it and place it with 
the right mouse click.

You'll want to place the doors on each of your walls, put them in place of the
three blocks you hollowed out. You can open them by left-clicking on them. 
Monsters can't get in!


Walls were confusing to me in my first playthrough! They don't actually keep
monsters out, their purpose is to keep monsters from spawning anywhere they
are placed - so you can leave your house and not worry about finding twenty
slimes in your bed when you come back. Place walls the same as anything else-
but they don't have to be connected to any other blocks, they can float in
space. Think of them as the BACK wall to your house, while the edges are the
SIDE walls. 


Torches in minecraft are designed to prevent monster spawning, but as far as
I can tell, the only purpose they have here is to light an area. That said, 
it gets DARK out, so you will want lighting. You can't place a torch
on a ceiling, but you can on floors and walls. I'd recomment placing two
torches on the top-right and top-left corners of your house, and if you want 
to, add one block down from the center of the ceiling, and place torches on
either side of that. Now your house should be totally lit!


Place the chair and table next to each other in the house. These are needed
for the game's definition of a house, and also for some crafting recipes. 


For the game to consider your structure to be a "house" it must be:
Have two outer walls
Have a back wall
Have a table and chair
Have a light source (Torch is fine)
The floor can be dirt.


The sign is useful only for vanity purposes. Place it wherever you want, then
left-click on it and click edit. Then enter in any text you want, and anybody
who clicks on the sign in the future will see it. This is mostly valuable in
a multiplayer context but it can help to make your buildings seem more


If you're OCD like me, you don't want any walls sticking out past the sides
of your house. If you misplace one, you'll have to craft the hammer above and
use the hammer to break them. Hammers eliminate background objects, doors, 
and chests. 


You WILL have to go hunting during this part for gels. You don't need a sword
to fight them, as they are the weakest enemies. If you're having trouble
with them, check out the enemy section of the guide. If you want, you can craft
a wooden bow and arrows or wooden sword to go after them, but a pickaxe or axe
should be fine.


If your house is a long distance from your spawn point (where you started),
you'll probably want to craft a bed. A bed must be placed in a non-dirt room
with edges and walls. Once you place it, you can right-click it and it should
saw "Spawn Point Set!" You will now respawn here if you die.


[ST3] Step 3- Begin to Hope

MATERIALS LOCATIONS: Sand - Can be found in massive quantity in deserts, or in
                            pockets underground. Can be mined with a pickaxe.

So it's probably about nighttime by now. The music will change, and, more
importantly, zombies and flying demon eyes will come after you. This is why
you're glad you have a house! You'll probably want to wait out the night here.
If you're feeling bored, you can do some excavation. As long as you don't
open your house to the outside, you should be relatively safe from monster 
attacks. Make sure you don't dig yourself into a pit though!

My favorite way to get back up is to use wooden platforms. These you can jump
onto through the bottom, unlike dirt or stone. You can drop down from them by
pressing the S key. Keep in mind you will suffer falling damage if you fall 
too far!

CRAFTING RECIPE: Wood Platform - 1 Wood

NOTE: Lenses

If you want, you can farm zombies for coins and the demon eyes for both coins
and lenses. Getting two lenses and being near a table and workbench will allow
you to craft Goggles

CRAFTING RECIPE: Goggles - 2 Lenses  *Workbench, table

There are two major things you need to accomplish before you are ready to set
out on your own. One of them can be done aboveground, and one of them almost
certainly requires some digging. Which is good- it'll prep you for later!

The first one though is super important, so let's get to that.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Furnace - 3 torch, 20 stone, 4 wood  *Workbench

Once you create a furnace, you'll be able to do all sorts of other crafting!
Basically anything that requires working with metals requires a furnace. 

Now that you've created a furnace, you're ready to start exploring the deep!

If you want to find a natural cave to get a head start, go ahead. Make sure you
always leave yourself a way out! The two major ways to do this are: tunneling
diagonally down, so that the dirt forms natural stairs, and using wooden 
platforms as described above.

Once you get down far enough, you can start looking for metal deposits. The
two big ones to look for early on are iron and copper. Copper is sort of an
orangeish color, while iron is brownish red. 

When you mine ore with a pickaxe, it'll enter your inventory as ore. Take
it back to the furnace to make bars of metal out of it.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Iron Bar - 3 iron ore   *Furnace

CRAFTING RECIPE: Copper Bar - 3 copper ore   *Furnace

Your first goal should be to get 5 iron bars, and then to create an anvil.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Anvil - 5 Copper bars   *Workbench

Now that you've got the anvil, you can start collecting more ores, melting 
them into bars, and making the bars into weapons and armor at the anvil!


[ST4]  Step 4: Closing Notes

MATERIALS LOCATIONS: Mushrooms - Found in green vegetation, can be harvested
                     with any tool.

You are ALMOST ready to take on the world! From here, you will find more and
better ores, dig deeper, and discover a ton of new items to craft! Just a 
few final notes to get you ready for everything!

* To upgrade your health, look underground for crystal hearts - these commonly
  require some exploration. You'll break them apart with a hammer, and then
  use the heart that enters your inventory to gain a heart.

* To upgrade your mana, look for falling stars at night. They'll disappear if
  out in the open during the day, so get them fast! Collect ten and you can
  craft them into a mana star, which can be used to give you another point
  of mana.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Mana Star - 10 Fallen stars

* Look for chests and urns while you are exploring. Urns usually have money
  and health in them, while chests can have powerful, unique items. The lower
  you are, the better the loot!

* Try to get some NPCs to move in near you at the nearest opportunity. See the
  section on NPCs for more info about that.

* You can make glass at the furnace.

CRAFTING RECIPE: Glass - 2 sand blocks   *Furnace

CRAFTING RECIPE: Bottle (2) - Glass Block    *Workstation

* Put a glass bottle on a table or workbench to create an alchemy station
  where you can make health potions. This will be really useful for battles!

CRAFTING RECIPE: Lesser Healing Potion (2) - 2 gel, 1 mushroom, 2 bottles
That's all you need to know! Good luck, and happy hunting!



               Sample Walkthrough- A possible path from zero to hero
                     (presented in the form of mile markers)

* Arrive on Terraria

* Gather wood with axe

* Flatten ground, build house

* Build workbench

* Build house

* Construct NPC Houses (6, or 5 if you're ok with one living in "your" house)

* Build a furnace

* Digging into dirt layer

* Find Iron desposits

* Build an anvil

* Build an alchemy station

* Find copper deposits

* Get copper gear

* Find more iron deposits

* Get iron gear

* Digging into rock layer

* Merchant has moved in by now

* Find silver deposits

* Get silver gear

* Collect stars and hearts to upgrade health/mana

* Find gold deposits

* Get gold gear

* Nurse has moved in by now

* Find demon alter

* Create suspicious looking eye

* Defeat eye of cthulu

* Dryad has moved in

* Exploring Corruption

* Create worm bait

* Defeat world eater (multiple times for enough shadow scales/ demonite ore)

* Get demonite gear

* Use nightmare pickaxe to mine ebonstone (or purifiation powder from dryad)

* Break shadow orbs with The Breaker

* Arms Dealer has moved in

* Demoman has moved in

* (Random event but hopefully) Meteorites fall

* Explore meteor crash sites, mine for meteorite

* Get meteorite gear

* Find underground jungle

* Get cobalt armor

* Digging into hell layer

* Divert underground stream onto lava pool, mine obsidian

* Mine hellstone

* Get molten gear

* Find floating islands

* Defeat Skeletron

* Explore Dungeon

* Start a new world!



                      An Explorer's Guide to Terraria 

Detailed herein are the various biomes to be found in Terraria, where they
can be found, and what you can generally expect there.


[FST]  Forests

Found on the surface, forests are notable because of the presence of trees.
Trees can be chopped down for the wood they produce. There seem to be more
natural caves in forests than in deserts or grasslands- look out for cobwebs
in those caves!

Forests are surface biomes, so night/day cycles matter. 

Monsters (Day): Slime, Pinky

Monsters (Night): Zombie, Demon Eye


[GRS]  Grasslands

Also found on the surface, grasslands are where not a lot is going on. Maybe
you've cleared the trees out, or maybe there's just nothing of interest there.
Grasslands are good for two purposes- building, and mushroom collection. There
are also lots of caves in these areas, like the forest.

Grasslands are surface biomes, so night/day cycles matter.

Monsters (Day): Slime, Pinky

Monsters (Night): Zombie, Demon Eye


[DST]  Desert

Found on the surface (huge pockets of sand are also found in the dirt or rock
layer of underground, but those aren't a unique biome), deserts are notable for
not much going on. There's just a heck of a lot of sand. There are relatively
fewer caves (because of sand's collapsibility), so fewer urns and chests too.

Deserts are surface biomes, so night/day cycles matter.

Monsters (Day): Slime, Pinky

Monsters (Night): Zombie, Demon Eye

[SEA]  Border Seas

On either side of the map there is a deep sea. These are mentioned here for
two reasons- firstly, that they are always there- so if you run into a big
pool of water and can't go further to the left or right, you've hit the edge
of the map, and second because a chest containing the flippers is ALWAYS in
one of these seas.

Border Seas are surface biomes, so night/day cycles matter.

Monsters (Day): Slime, Pinky

Monsters (Night): Zombie, Demon Eye


[UGD]  Underground - Dirt Layer

The dirt layer is the top layer of the underground. There are many iron,
copper, and some silver desposits. There may be chests and urns, but they
generally have mild rewards in them- some minor artefacts in the chests, and
some money or health in urns.

Mushroom islands can be found here, and the underground jungle frequently
extends into the dirt layer. If you run into the dungeon (notable for being
a layer of colored bricks), and haven't defeated skeletron, DO NOT tunnel into
it! You will die (and be unable to fight back).

Demon alters rarely spawn here.

The dirt layer goes from the surface to about 1200 feet down on medium-size 

Monsters: Slime, Pinky, Giant Worm


[UGR]  Underground - Rock Layer

The rock layer is the middle layer of the underground. There are more and 
tougher monsters down here (including the black slime and mother slime, that
I hate), but also many more ore deposits and better loot in chests and urns.

Mushroom islands are more likely to be found in the rock layer, and the 
underground jungle will certainly be in it. If you run into the dungeon and
haven't defeated skeletron, DO NOT tunnel into it.

Lava pools become common towards the bottom of the rock layer.

The rock layer extends from about 1200-3000 feet on a mediums-size map. 

Demon alters rarely spawn here.

Monsters: Slime, Pinky, Giant Worm, Mother Slime, Skeleton


[UGH]  Underground - Hell Layer

The hell layer is the bottom-most layer of the underground. It is currently the
highest-level area, and shouldn't be tackled by low- or even mid-layer players.
It should also never be tackled without an obsidian skull, as most of the
blocks down here are either lava which will always kill you, or hellstone,
which will burn you without an obsidian statue. 

The hell-layer is where players go to obtain stores of hellstone, which is
necessary for forging magma gear, the current highest level of gear.

There are also large deposits of ash, and the ruins of an ancient civilization 
with hellforges in them.

To the best of my knowledge, demon alters do not spawn here.

Monsters: Bone Serpent, Fire Imp (both EXTREMELY annoying)


[MUI]  Underground - Mushroom Islands

More of a cool, frequently found feature than an entire unique biome, sometimes
in the dirt or rock layer you will come across a large floating dirt platform,
flat on the top and curved along the bottom, which is just FULL of glowing
blue mushrooms as well as very, VERY tall mushrooms.

The tall mushrooms can be chopped down with an axe for many glowing mushrooms,
and when harvesting here, there is a greater chance (because of the number of
mushrooms) of finding mushroom seeds. Note these places and return periodically
to find new crops of glowing mushrooms.

To the best of my knowledge, mushroom islands are never found in the hell layer
but may be close to corrupted areas.

Monsters: As in dirt layer, rock layer, or corruption


[COR]  Corruption

The result of an assault on the very earth itself by the nefarious and 
mysterious shadow orbs, this area is recognizable because the screen takes on
a brownish-red tint, the music changes, you can't mine through the earth at
low levels of gear, and awful monsters spawn.

These areas are the source of much of the problems in the world of Terraria,
and so defeating the bosses that come from here place you firmly on the side
of good in the world of Terraria! (There's no "bad" side that you can align
yourself with, so don't get all excited).

You can induce corruption yourself by planting "seeds of corruption" in dirt,
and keep in mind that you can limit its spread by planting sunflowers or lining
an area with rocks.

To summon a boss you can harvest the vile mushrooms that grow here.
If you are having trouble finding enough, it can help to build a large flat
(one block thick) area or bridge, and plant corruption seeds on them.

Note that the purple spikes that grow here hurt, and don't give you anything,
but can be easily cleared away with tools or swords.

At the bottom of the deep pits in the earth rest the shadow orbs, extra-
terrestrial chests that hold potent artefacts, but are encysted in the super-
strong ebonstone. The ebonite is the first material that can't be mined with
most picks that players are likely to run into.

To get through the ebonite to the shadow orbs, players can:

1) Blow it up with dynamite (expensive but quick)
2) Clear it away with purification powder (buy from dryad after beating a boss)
3) Dig through it with a demonite or better pickaxe.

Breaking three shadow orbs WILL spawn the eater of worlds, so watch out! Each
shadow orb broken will also have a chance of spawning a meteor strike. Meteors
only hit one at a time, so the rest of the strikes will be in a cue until you
mine all the meteorite out of previous strikes.

1st Orb: "A horrible chill goes down your spine..."
2nd Orb: "Screams echo around you..."
3rd Orb: "The Eater of Worlds has Awoken!"

Shadow orbs are broken with a hammer or hamaxe.

Demon alters frequently spawn in the corruption - you will always be able to 
find at least one near corruption.

Note that ebonstone spawns eaters of souls, so it's not good to use it as a 
building material.

Monsters: Eater of Souls, Devourer


[MET]  Meteor Crash Site

Meteor crash sites are tiny biomes that are spawned when the player destroys
a shadow orb and causes a meteor to strike the earth. A message will appear
telling you of the meteor's strike. Different music will play when the player
encounters the meteor strike (plus the huge chunk of a hill taken out and 
glowing stone will be a clue). Meteor heads will continuously spawn and
swarm tne player, but can be avoided by continuously digging, causing them
to be harmed by the pickaxe.

The music will return to normal if a majority of the meteorite is mined, and
the meteor heads will stop spawning. Note that building with meteorite may
cause there to be sufficient quantity of meteorite to start spawning meteor
heads, so it's encouraged to use meteorite sparingly in construction.

Meteorite blocks hurt a player unless they have an obsidian skull, but it is
possible to mine it all without touching the stone. 

During a blood moon, overwhelming numbers of meteor heads are spawned, so it's
not encouraged to harvest meteorite during that time.

It is NOT encouraged to build a continent spanning bridge before meteor strikes
because if a meteor hits a thing bridge, it will replace only a very few of
the blocks with meteorite, allowing enough for only 2 bars or so of meteorite.

Monsters: Meteor Head


[DUN]  Dungeon

Probably the last biome most players will come in contact with, the dungeon
is guarded by skeletron, and the player will be struck dead if they attempt to
enter without first destroying that boss.

The dungeon is made of colored bricks, and contains large numbers of chests 
with high level loot, as well as chain lamps and books that can be collected,
and some unique items like the blue candle (be careful when carrying that!).

There are large numbers of life-up hearts in the dungeon as well.

The dungeon spans the whole depth of the level, from the surface to the hell
layer, but always has the same enemies.

Note that you can mine the dungeon blocks and walls, but NPCs will not live
in a house built from them.

Monsters: Skeleton Head, Angry Bones, Burning Skull, Dark Caster


[FLI]  Floating Islands

The highest of the biomes, the floating islands are easy to miss! They float
above the ground, at 400-500 feet up for a medium-size map. They contain a
chest with good loot in a building, as well as ore deposits. 

A quick way to tell how good the loot/ores on the island are is by looking at
the house on the floating island: the bricks show the quality of the treasure 
and the wall material shows the quality of the ore. 

The Floating Islands are on the surface level, so day/night cycles matter.

Monsters (Day): Slime, Pinky

Monsters (Night): Zombie, Demon Eye



                               Special Events

There are a few events that stand out- things that happen at a particular time,
and are announced to the player. You'll want to know and be prepared for these,
because getting caught off-guard can seriously mess you up!


[MTC] Meteor Crash

Meteors fall from the sky and can hit anywhere on the surface (or closest to
the surface) level in Terraria. They have a very small chance of falling 
naturally, which is increased greatly by breaking shadow orbs.

Meteors burrow into the area they hit and replace many blocks with Meteorite.
These areas also spawn meteor heads in small numbers (or large numbers during
a blood moon) until they are mined down sufficiently that they stop spawning.

Dynamite is a good mining tool here, as it makes large amounts of ore with
a quick explosion, which also reduces the amount of meteorite blocks, which can
quickly eliminate meteor head spawning.

Note that building a long thin bridge if you want meteor strikes is a bad idea,
since meteors will replace the ground it hits with meteorite ore, and if it
hits a thin bridge, it doesn't have much ground around it to replace, so you
won't get much meteorite.


[GLI]  Goblin Invasions

Not a terrain type so much as an event, Goblin Invasions nevertheless have a 
profound impact on the enemy types how well your day is going to go. 

You can get a goblin invasion if you fulfil the following three qualifiers:
1) At least one in-game player with 200+ life
2) At least one smashed shadow orb
3) At least seven in-game days since last invasion

Every morning after that you have a 1/15 chance of spawning a goblin invasion.

You will recieve a message "A goblin army is approaching from the East/West!"
a few times before finally getting "A goblin army has arrived!"

Goblins will pour into the area by your house. They will
steal your stuff, attack your NPCs, and generally make a nuisance of

Note: Goblins will always attack where your initial spawn point was, not where
you've changed it if you've used a bed.

There are 100 goblins + 50 for every in-game player with more than 200 life, 
of spiky balls, gold, harpoons, and even rocket boots!

There are four kinds of goblins: peons, theives, warriors, and sorcerers.

Thieves can open doors, so watch out for them! Warriors and peons are melee
attackers, while sorcerers can teleport and fire projectiles called chaos


[BDM]  Blood Moon

Every night has a 1/7 chance of being a blood moon. The sky will turn red,
the moon will be bright red, and enemy spawn rates double. 

This isn't the worst part about blood moons though! The WORST part is how
zombies can now open doors! Unlike the goblin invasions, they won't target
your NPCs, but they will still come after you.

There are really two options during a blood moon. You can board up your
house (with dirt walls or something) and wait it out, or if you have some
decent equipment, you can farm monsters for gold. It's a great way to get
a lot of quick money!



                     The care and maintenance of NPCs

You've been collecting money for some time now. You are starting to wonder
what to DO with it. That's what this guide is here for! NPCs are characters
that offer goods and services for a price, and who will move in near you if
you complete their requirements.  

Some quick notes about NPCS:

During the day, NPCs will wander within a small distance of the house, opening 
any doors around them and sometimes not closing them. 

At night, they will try to stay inside their houses. 

Each NPC settled in your town will decrease the spawn rate of monsters near 
your home.

All NPCs that are vulnerable to damage have a damage resistance (defence) of 

There is no set order in which the NPCs appear, you just have to fulfill the 
requirements and they will move into a empty house.  


Every NPC requires a house. A house in Terraria, to be a true house, must:

* Have walls (including background walls)
* Have a floor (some platforms are alright, but they can't all be platforms)
* Have a table and chair
* Have a door
* Have a light source (torch, etc.)
* Be at least 5 blocks wide X 7 blocks tall

There are additional requirements for each NPC. They are as follows:



*Requirement: No special requirement, spawns at beginning. Moves into your
              first house. Kind of annoying.



* Requirement: All players must have a combined total of 50 silver coins


Mining Helmt - 8 Gold Coins
Piggy Bank - 1 Gold Coin
Iron Anvil - 50 Silver Coins
Copper Pickaxe - 5 silver coins
Copper Axe - 4 silver coins
Lesser Healing Potion - 2 silver coins
Torch - 50 copper coins
Shuriken - 20 copper coins
Wooden Arrow - 10 copper coins


     Arms Dealer

* Requirement: Spawns when a player has a firearm, which can be found easily
               in shadow spheres


Minishark - 50 Gold Coins
Flintlock Pistol - 5 Gold Coins
Musket Ball - 8 Copper Coins



* Requirement: Player must have defeated a boss (eye of cthulu, world eater,
               or skeletron)


Dirt Rod - 20 Gold Coins
Sunflower - 2 Silver Coins 
Purification powder - 75 Copper Coins
Grass Seeds - 20 Copper Coins
Acorn - 10 Copper Coins



* Requirement: Player must obtain an explosive (dynamite or bomb)


Dynamite - 50 Silver Coins
Bomb - 5 Silver Coins
Grendae - 5 Silver Coins



* Requirement: Player must upgrade their health with a crystal heart


No inventory, but she heals you for coins.



                 Crafting Guide: Your life at the forge

Crafting is really at the center of the Terraria experience. This is how you
go from being just some dump off the street into a gleaming warrior. It's how
your appoint your house, get weapons and armor, and otherwise change the
landscape of terraria!

One of the first moves in crafting should be to make the things that allow you
to craft other items; workbenches, anvils, fornaces, and alchemy stations.
Some items also require a table and chair.

Recipes are set up like this

Name : Components - Description


[NOC] No Requirements Crafting

These recipes can be done anywhere, and don't require you to be near any kind
of workbench or forge.

Copper/Silver/Gold Coin (X100) : Silver/Gold/Platinum Coin (1) - Conversion!

Silver/Gold/Platinum Coin : Copper/Silver/Gold Coin (X100) - Conversion!

Flaming Arrow (X5) - Wooden Arrow (5), Torch (1) - 7 damage, for bows

Mana Crystal : Fallen Star (10) - Consumable, increases mana by 20, 200 max.

Sticky Bomb : Bomb (1), Gel (5) - Explosive, sticks to surfaces

Torch (x3) : Gel (1), Wood (1) - Can be placed, provides light

Wood Platform : Wood (1) - Flooring that can be fallen through with "s"

Workbench : Wood (10) - Can be placed, required to craft some items


[WBC] Workbench Crafting

These crafting recipes must be done near a workbench

Bed : Silk (5), Wood (15) - Placeable allows you to set your spawn point

Candle : Gold Bar (1), Torch (1) - Placeable, provides light

Chest : Wood (8), Iron Bar (2) - Holds up to 20 items

Furnace : Stone (20), Wood (4), Torch (3) - Required to craft some items

Necro Breastplate : Bones (35), Cobweb (50) - 7 Defense +30% movement speed

Necro Greaves : Bones (30), Cobweb (45) - 6 defense, +30% movement speed

Necro Helmet : Bones (25), Cobweb (40) - 6 defense, +30% movement speed

Sign : Wood (6) - Can be placed, contains editable message

Silk : Cobweb (10) - Used to create beds

Walls (X4) : Brick (1) - Building background.

Wooden Arrow (X3) : Wood (1), Stone Block (1) - 5 damage, for bows

Wooden Bow : Wood (10) - 5 damage, slow speed, ranged combat.

Wooden Chair : Wood (4) - Required furnature for NPCs, some crafting

Wooden Door : Wood (6) - Toggled door. Required for a "house"

Wooden Hammer : Wood (8) - 2 damage, very slow speed, 25% hammer power

Wooden Sword : Wood (7) - 7 Damage, average speed

Wooden Table : Wood (8) - Required for NPCs, some crafting


[ASC] Alchemy Station Crafting

These recipes require you to be near a bottle on a table/workbench (alchemy

Healing Potion : Lesser Healing Potion (2), Glowing Mushroom (1) - +200 HP

Mana Potion : Lesser Mana Potion (2), Glowing Mushroom (1) - +200 MP

Lesser Healing Potion (X2) : Mushroom (1), Gel (2), Bottle (2) - + 100 HP

Lesser Mana Potion (X2) : Fallen Star (1), Gel (2), Bottle (2) - + 100 MP

Lesser Restoration Potion : Lesser Healing Potion (1), Lesser Mana Potion (1)
  - +100 HP +100 MP

Restoration Potion : Healing Potion (1), Mana Potion (1) - +200 HP, +200 MP

Vile Powder (X5) : Vile Mushroom (1) - Used to craft worm food


[TCC] Table and Chairs Crafting

These recipes require that you be near a table and chairs, and also require
a workbench.

Depth Meter : Copper Bar (10), Silver Bar (8), Gold Bar (6) - Tells depth.

Goggles : Lens (2) - Helmet, 1 defense

Watch (Copper/Silver/Gold) : Iron Chain (1) Copper/Silver/Gold Bar (1) 
Copper watch tells time to the hour, silver to the half hour, gold to the 


[FNC] Furnace Crafting

These recpies require that you be standing next to a furnace. A hellforge will
also work!

Bottle (2) - Glass (1) : Used to make potions and alchemy stations

Brick (Copper/Silver/Gold) : Stone Block (1), Copper/Silver/Gold Ore (1)

Clay Pot - Clay Block (6) : Can be placed, grows flower over time

Copper Bar : Copper Ore (3) - Used for making copper gear

Demonite Bar : Demonite Ore (4) - Used for making demonite gear

Glass : Sand (2) - Translucent building block

Gold Bar : Gold Ore (3) - Used for making gold gear

Gray Brick : Stone Block (2) - Can be placed

Iron Bar : Iron Ore (3) - Used for making iron gear

Meteorite Bar : Meteorite Ore (6) - Used for making meteorite gear

Obsidian Brick : Obsidian (2) - Can be used for building, explosion immune

Obsidian Skull : Obsidian (20) - Accessory 2 defense, immunity to fire blocks

Red Brick : Clay Block (2) - Can be used for building

Silver Bar : Silver Ore (3) - Used for making silver gear


[ANC] Anvil Crafting

These recipes require you to be near an anvil


Copper Axe : Copper Bar (9), Wood (3) - 3 damage, slow speed, 8% axe power

Copper Bow : Copper Bar (7) - 8 damage, slow speed

Copper Broadsword : Copper Bar (8) - 8 damage, average speed

Copper Chainmail : Copper Bar (25) - 2 defense, shirt

Copper Chandelier : Copper Bar (4), Torch (4), Iron Chain (1) - light source

Copper Greaves : Copper Bar (20) - 1 defense, pants

Copper Hammer : Copper Bar (10), Wood (3) - 4 damage, very slow speed, 35%
                Hammer power

Copper Helmet : Copper Bar (15) - 1 defense, helmet

Copper Pickaxe : Copper Bar (12), Wood (4) - 5 damage, average speed, 35%
                 pickaxe power

Copper Shortsword : Copper Bar (7) - 6 damage, very fast speed


Empty Bucket : Iron Bar (3) - Used to transport water and lava

Grappling Hook : Iron Chain (3), Hook (1) - Used to scale walls

Iron Axe : Iron Bar (9), Wood (3) - 5 damage, slow speed, 9% axe power

Iron Bow : Iron Bar (7) - 8 damage, fast speed

Iron Broadsword : Iron Bar (8) - 10 damage, average speed

Iron Chain : Iron Bar (3) - Used to make grappling hook and chandeliers

Iron Chainmail : Iron Bar (30) - 3 defense, shirt

Iron Greaves : Iron Bar (25) - 2 defense, pants

Iron Hammer : Iron Bar (10), Wood (3) - 7 damage, slow speed, 45% hammer power

Iron Helmet : Iron Bar (20) - 2 defense, helmet

Iron Pickaxe : Iron Bar (12), Wood (4) - 5 damage fast speed, 45% pickaxe power

Iron Shortsword : Iron Bar (7) - 8 Damage, very fast speed


Silver Axe : Silver Bar (9), Wood (3) - 6 damage, slow speed, 10% axe power

Silver Bow : Silver Bar (7) - 10 damage, slow speed

Silver Broadsword : Silver Bar (8) - 11 damage, average speed

Silver Chainmail : Silver Bar (30) - 4 defense, shirt

Silver Chandelier : Silver Bar (4), Torch (4), Iron Chain (1) - light source

Silver Greaves : Silver Bar (25) - 3 defense, pants

Silver Hammer : Silver Bar (10), Wood (3) - 9 damage, slow speed, 45% hammer

Silver Helmet : Silver Bar (20) - 3 defense, helmet

Silver Pickaxe : Silver Bar (12), Wood (4) - 6 damage, fast speed, 45% pickaxe



Gold Axe : Gold Bar (9), Wood (3) - 7 damage, slow speed, 11% axe power

Gold Bow : Gold Bar (7) - 11 damage, very fast speed

Gold Broadsword : Gold Bar (8) - 13 damage, fast speed

Gold Chainmail : Gold Bar (35) - 5 defense, shirt

Gold Chandelier : Gold Bar (4), Torch (5), Iron Chain (1) - Light Source

Gold Greaves : Gold Bar (30) - 4 defense, pants

Golden Hammer : Gold Bar (10), Wood (3) - 9 damage slow speed, 55% hammer power

Golden Helmet : Gold Bar (25) - 4 defense, helmet

Golden Pickaxe : Gold Bar (12), Wood (4) - 6 damage, fast speed, 55% pickaxe

Gold Shortsword : Gold Bar (7) - 11 damage, very fast speed


Demon Bow : Demonite Bar (8) - 12 damage, average speed

Light's Bane : Demonite Bar (10) - 16 damage, fast speed, sword

Nightmare Pickaxe : Demonite Bar (12), Shadow Scales (6) - 11 damage, fast
                    speed, 65% pickaxe power

Shadow Helmet : Demonite Bar (15), Shadow Scales (10) - 6 defense, helmet

Shadow Scalemail : Demonite Bar (25), Shadow Scales (20) - 7 defense, shirt

Shadow Greaves : Demonite Bar (20), Shadow Scales (15) - 6 defense, pants

The Breaker : Demonite Bar (10), Shadow Scales (5) - 28 damage, very slow speed
              55% Hammer power

War Axe of the Night : Demonite Bar (10) - 21 damage, slow speed, 15% axe power


Blue Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Sapphire (10) - 21 damage, average speed

Green Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Emerald (10) - 21 damage, average speed

Meteor Hamaxe : Meteorite Bar (35) - 20 damage, slow speed, 60% hammer power,
                20% axe power

Meteor Helmet : Meteorite Bar (25) - 4 defense, slowly regenerates mana

Meteor Leggings : Meteorite Bar (30) - 4 defense, slowly regenerates mana

Meteor Shot (X100) : Meteorite Bar (1) - 9 damage, bounces off surfaces

Meteor Suit : Meteorite Bar (25) - 5 defense, slowly regenerates mana

Purple Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Amethyst (10) - 21 damage average speed

Red Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Ruby (10) - 21 damage, average speed

Space Gun : Flinklock Pistol (1), Fallen Star (10), Meteorite Bar (30) - 15
            damage, fast speed, uses mana as ammo.

Star Cannon : Minishark (1) , Meteorite Bars (20), Fallen Stars (5) - 75 
              damage, very fast speed, fires falen stars.

White Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Diamond (10) - 21 damage, average speed

Yellow Phaseblade : Meteorite Bar (20), Topaz (10) - 21 damage, average speed


Fiery Greatsword : Hellstone Bar (35) - 34 damage, very slow speed, made of
                   fire! HUGE blade.

Flamarang : Hellstone Bar (15), Enchanted Boomerang (1) - 32 damage, very fast

Molten Breastplate : Hellstone Bar (40) - 10 defense, shirt

Molten Fury : Hellstone Bar (25) - 29 damage, average speed, lights wooden
               arrows on fire, bow.

Molten Greaves : Hellstone Bar (35) - 9 defense, pants

Molten Helmet : Hellstone Bar (30) - 9 defense, helmet

Molten Hamaxe : Hellstone Bar (35) - 20 damage, slow speed, 70% hammer power,
                30% axe power

Molten Pickaxe : Hellstone Bar (35) - 18 dmage, average speed, 100% pickaxe
                 power, light surrounding area when used

Molten Pickaxe : Hellstone Bar (35) - 18 damage, average speed, 100% pickaxe 

Phoenix Blaster : Hellstone Bar (20), Handgun (1) - 28 damage, very fast speed

   Underground Jungle

Blade of Grass : Silver Broadsword (1), Jungle Rose (40), Stinger (20) - 28
                 damage, slow speed.

Ivy Whip : Grappling Hook (1), Jungle Rose (30), Vines (3) - Upgraded grappling
           hook, shoots 3 vines that attach to walls

Thorn Chakrum : Jungle Rose (40), Stinger (30) - 25 damage, very fast speed


Unholy Arrow (2X) : Wooden Arrow (2), Worm Tooth (1) - 8 damage, consumable


[DAC]  Demon Altar Crafting Recipes

These recipes require that you work at a demon altar - this cannot be moved to
your home!

Suspicious Looking Eye : Lens (10) - Use at night to summon Eye of Cthulu

Worm Food : Vile Powder (30), Rotten Chunks (15) - Use in corruption to summon
            eater of worlds


[HFC]  Hellforge Crafting Recipes

This recipe requires that you be at a hellforge. Note that you can do all other
furnace crafting recipes here too!

Hellstone Bar : Hellstone Ore (6), Obsidian (2) - use for making hellstone gear


                        Found (uncraftable) items: 
                Ancient artefacts of power that you can't make

There are plenty of awesome items that show up as monster drops (not raw
materials, those are covered in the items section) or in chests. These are
found items. They are detailed here, along with any special places they are
found and their powers.

Included here are also all the monster drops.

The record goes Item : Description - Where to find


Acorns : When planted on grassy dirt above underground dirt level, spawns 
         trees. Number of leaves on tree = # of acorns spawned when cutting it
         down - Obtained by cutting down trees.

Angel Statue : Random item. Junk. - Chests

Anklet of the Wind : Gives 10% bonus to move speed, stacks with other anklets
                     - Found in shrines in underground jungle

Aqua Scepter : Magic staff that sprays glowing water 7 blocks. 15 base damage,
               slow speed - Found in the dungeon.

Ball 'O Hurt : Does 15 damage, slow speed. Throws spiked ball at foe then falls
               can hit enemies multiple times - found in shadow orb, dropped
               by eater of worlds.

Band of Regeneration : Accessory that slowly restores health, 1 HP/5 seconds.
                       Effect is stackable. Found in chests in rock layer or
                       below, dungeon, and underground jungle.

Band of Starpower : Accessory that slowly regenerates mana. Effect is
                    stackable. - Found in chests, shadow orbs, or dropped by
                    Eater of Worlds

Bones : Used with cobwebs to craft necro armor - dropped by angry bones, 
        burning skulls, and dark casters in dungeons.

Books : Decorative item, can be placed on surfaces. - Found in dungeon.

Blue Moon : Flail, does 30 damage, slow speed - Find in dungeon.

Bomb : Explosives that do 100 damage, thrown at average speed. - Buy from
       demolitionist for 5 silver, found in pots.

Breathing Reed : Lets you breathe as long as you are less than four blocks
                 under the nearest air pocket. Also doubles the time your
                 air lasts underwater, from 23 to 46 seconds - Find in

Chain Lantern : Source of light that hangs from ceiling - Dungeon

Cloud in a Bottle : Accessory that lets the player double jump. - Found in 

Cobalt Breastplate : 7 defense, slowly regenerates mana - Dropped by
                     underground jungle monsters.

Cobalt Greaves : 6 defense, slowly regenerates mana - Dropped by underground
                 jungle monsters

Cobalt Helmet : 6 defense, slowly regenerates mana - Dropped by underground
                jungle monsters.

Cobalt Shield : Accessory that removes knockback when damaged. - Found in 
                chests in dungeons.

Corrupt Seeds : Create a corrupted area when plantd on plant dirt blocks. 
                Won't grow near spawn point. Stop corruption with sunflowers/
                stone. Grows vile mushrooms - Only dropped by eye of Cthulu.

Cobweb : Slows player to 25% of normal speed. Useful for stopping falling 
         damage, can make silk, or combine with bones for necro armor. - Found
         in caves or underground.

Crystal Heart : Heart shaped stone that is obtained from crystaline hearts
                broken with a hammer. Use to increase max. life - Dungeons or

Dirt Rod : Magical tool that moves a single block of dirt around. Costs mana
           to use. Dirt may be flung with momentum - Buy for 20 gold coins from
           the dryad

Enchanted Boomerang : Does 13 damage, very fast speed, indefinate use, can
                      be upgraded to flamarang. - Find in chests

Fallen Star : Star shaped items that fall from the sky. Will hurt monsters if
              fallen, restores mana if taken, or combined to form mana potions
              or mana crystals. Disappears if dropped during the day. - Falls
              from sky anywhere on Terraria.

Feral Claws : Increase melee speed by 10%, stack with other claws. - Chests
              in Underground Jungle or Floating Islands.

Flamelash : Summons a fireball that can be controlled with mouse movement.
            Fast movement. -	 Rare drop from bone serpents

Flintlock Pistol : Gun, 7 damage per shot, fast speed, uses musket balls. - Buy
                   from arms dealer for 5 gold, find in shadow sphere

Flippers : Accessories that allow swimming in water (and lava, but that's a bad
           idea!). Press the jump key repeatedly to swim. - Found in chests in
           the border seas or underground lakes.

Flower of Fire : Spell that throws fireballs. Follow an arc and bounce 5X
                 before disappearing. Can pass through water and lava.  
                 do 30 damage, use  10 mana points per  cast. Dropped by
                 fire imp and bone serpent.

Gel : used to make torches, sticky bombs, and potions - Dropped by slimes

Glowing Mushroom : Can be consumed to recover 50 HP or used to make healing
                   potions. - Found on mushroom islands.

Grass Seed : Lets you grow grass that can be farmed for mushrooms if planted
             in dirt. - Buy from Dryad for 20 copper coins.

Grenade : Explosive, does 60 damage, explodes on contact with enemy monster.
          Buy from demolitionist for 10 silver.

Handgun : Similar to flintlock pistol, 12 damage - Found in chests in dungeons
          or in caves.

Harpoon : Ranged weapon, requires no ammo, similar to ball o' hurt. 15 damage,
          slow speed (quicker with shorter distance). Hold down left click to
          attack continuously - Rare drop from goblin army

Hellforge : Furnace capable of smelting Hellstone ore into Hellstone bars.
            - Found in the hell biome, can be picked up by removing the floor
              or using a Meteor Hamaxe or better hammer.

Hermes Boots: Accessory that increases max. speed by 100%, but acceleration is
              unchanged. Requires long stretch of flat land. - Found in chests

Hook : Can be crafted with 3 chains for Grappling Hook - Dropped by skeletons
       and pots.

Jester's Arrow : Arrow for bow, 9 damage, passes through unlimited enemies 
                 before disappearing in a cloud of sparkles a certain distance
                 away. Non-retrievable. - Found in chests

Lens : 10 can be combined to get a suspicious looking eye, or 2 for goggles.
       -Dropped by demon eye.

Lucky Horsehoe : Accessory that protects against falling damage - Found in 
                 chests on floating island or RARELY underground.

Magic Mirror : Use to instantly return to spawn point - Find in chests

Magic Missile : Spell that summons a projective that can be controlled with
                the mouse. Vanished on hitting obstacle or after a period
                of time. - Found in dungeon chests

Mining Helmet : Hat, 1 defense, provides player with light without using a
                torch. - Buy from merchant for 8 gold.

Minishark : A minigun that's "half shark, half gun, completely awesome". Does
            5 damage, fires at insanely fast speed. 

Muramasa : 22 damage, fast attack speed, can be swung continuously - Found in
           dungeon chests

Mushroom : Healing plants found on grass, regrow. Eat for 20 HP, or combine
           with bottle/gel for lesser healing potion.  -Found on grass.

Mushroom Seeds : Planted on mud underground, will slowly grow glowing 
                 mushrooms. Farmed from glowing mushrooms.

Musket : Gun, 14 damage, extremely slow speed, fires musket balls - Found in
         shadow orbs.

Musket Ball : Ammo for musket, flintlock pistol, minishark, handgun, phoenix
              blaster.  Musket balls do 7 damage. - Bought from arms dealer
              for 8 copper, found in shadow sphere.

Nature's Gift : Lets wearer spawn with max life/mana after regrowth - Found
                in jungle shrines or growing on mud tiles. 

Orb of Light : Summoned orb costs 40 mana and projects light around you. A 
               little slow, but can teleport up to you. - Found in shadow

Piggy Bank : Functions like a chest, the main difference being in multiplayer
             where only the person who purchased the piggy bank can access it.
             Multiple players can use the same piggy pank without having access
             to each otheres items. - Purchased for one gold from the merchant.

Purification Powder : Turns Ebonstone into stone - Bought from Dryad for 75 c.

Rocket Books : Accessory, allows you to fly, uses mana. - Dropped during goblin
               invasion, chests underground or in floating islands.

Rotten Chunks : Ingredient in Worm Bait - Dropped by Eater of Souls

Shackle : Accessory that gives you +1 to defense. Stackable - Zombie drop

Shadow Scale : Makes nightmare tools and armor - Droped by eater of worlds.

Shiny Red Balloon : Accessory that increases jump height by 50%. - Found
                    in chests in copper buildings on floating islands.

Shuriken : Ranged weapon, passes through enemies and inflicts damage. Most
           can be retrieved, but some break - Found in pots and chests, bought
           from merchant for 20 copper.

Starfury : Sword, when swung 3 pinkish-red stars fall from the sky. Stars +
           sword damage 45 per hit. uses 11 mana to swing. Area of effect 
           weapon - Found in floating islands.

Stinger : Used for making thorn charkum and blade of grass - Dropped by hornets
          in jungles

Sunflower : Stops spreading of corruption - Found on surface, break ground
            under them to get them.

Sunfury : Flail with 40 damage, emits light. - Rare drop from goblins, bone
          serpants, and Skeletron.

Vile Mushroom : Used to make vile powder for worm bait - found in corruption

Vilethorn : Staff that does 8 damage, slow speed, costs 5 mana. Causes a
            piercing spear of thorns to go through walls and hit enemies.
            Hitting casters stuns them, and they won't fire spells.
            - Found in shadow orbs. 

Water Bolt : Spellbook that casts slow-moving projectile. Bounces off walls 
             and passes through enemies causing 15 damage. Bolts richochet 5
             times and cost 20 mana. - found on bookshelves in dungeon.

Water Candle : Blue candle, source of light. Causes extra monsters to spawn
               when in inventory, may spawn Eye of Cthulu, increases chances
               of blood moon. Effective for farming monsters. - Found in

Whoopie Cushion : Makes funny noise when steped on - Chests, pots, or dropped
                  by burrowing monsters

Worm Tooth : Used to make unholy arrows - Dropped by devourers and giant worms



                              Armor Effects

When all three pieces of armor (hat, shirt, pants) are similar, the player
gains an extra bonus! These are the bonuses:


Copper Armor: +2 Defense

Iron Armor: +2 Defense

Silver Armor: +3 Defense

Gold Armor: +3 Defense

Meteor Armor: 20% reduced mana consumption

Shadowscale Armor: 25% reduced mana consumption, 15% faster melee speed

Necro Armor: 30% faster movement speed

Molten Armor: + 10 defense



                         Raw Materials - The Stuff of Life

This section details the various materials that can be used in construction,
crafting metals, and gems for phaseblades.


Construction Materials

    Dirt - Found on floating islands and from surface to hell layer
    Stone - Found on floating islands and from surface to hell layer
    Sand - Found in deserts and large pockets underground in rock layer
    Clay - Found near surface and large bodies of water, in pockets underground
    Mud - Found in massive quantity near underground jungle
    Ash - Found in hell layer
    Glass - Created using sand
    Bricks - Created from stone using Anvil
    Ebonstone - Mined from corruption using meteor or better axe
    Walls - Created from stone using workshop


    Copper - Found from surface layer to hell layer underground
    Iron - Found from surface layer to hell layer underground
    Silver - Commonly found from rock layer down underground
    Gold - Commonly found from rock layer down underground 
    Demonite - Found in corruption, mined with meteorite or better pickaxe
    Meteorite - Found at meteor crash sites
    Hellstone - Found in hell layer, mined with meteorite or better pickaxe
    Obsidian - Created by combining lava with water, mined with meteorite or
               better pickaxe



All found in small deposits commonly from rock layer down. Topaz seems to be
the most common.



        Enemy List/Strategies: Stupid mother slimes, how I hate you.

This section is a rundown of the enemies you'll come across, where you'll
face them, and what to do about them.

It is laid out like this:

- Where Encountered




*Bone Serpent* 
- Hell Layer

This guy is super annoying. Space is pretty cramped in the hell layer, so
these guys can get some good hits in. Destroy at least one part of him to kill
him, so that means that attacks that hit one part multiple times like the 
ball o' hurt are good ideas. Try to mine yourself a little room to run around
in when facing him, and he'll go down without too much trouble.

    Head - 120
    Body - 150
    Tail - 200 

Attack Damage
    Head - 40
    Body - 30
    Tail - 20 

    Head - 5
    Body - 6
    Tail - 9 


    Flower of Fire 


*Burning Skull*
- Dungeon

By the time you get to the dungeon these things shouldn't be much of a problem
individually, but they can really pester you while you're exploring. The cobalt
shield will keep them from knocking you around, and using a big powerful sword
will knock them back far enough that you don't have to worry too much about 



Attack Damage:
     Physical Contact - 25

    Up to Gold Coins. 




*Dark Caster* 
- Dungeon

These guys are super annoying. They teleport, throw water spheres at you, 
and generally harass you. They spawn in great numbers. Wear a cobalt shield
to keep them from knocking you around and charge them when you see them to
clear them out.


   50 HP

Attack Damage:
    Water Sphere - 20
    Physical Contact - 20 




*Demon Eye*
- Overworld, night

While kind of a menace early on, these guys will be no challenge to a mid- or
high-level character. Wait for them to swoop at you and bat them away. They
fly away from you, so don't try to chase after them.


Attack Damage

    60-105 Copper Coins



- Corruption

These should not be tackled by beginning level players. These burrowing
enemies are a giant step up from mere giant worms. Using a grenade will kill
them in one shot, no matter where you hit them!


Attack Damage:	



   Worm Teeth, Coins


   Head - 1 Body - 3 Tail - 5 


*Eater of Souls*
- Corruption and ebonstone-rich areas

These guys are like upgraded demon eyes. They fly in straight patterns and
can knock into you and be generally annoying while you're adventuring. If you
can get a clear area with time to react, it shouldn't be any trouble batting
them away. If they corner you in a pit, you can be in trouble.


Attack Damage	


    Rotten Chunks
    70-130 Copper Coins 



*Fire Imp*
-Hell Layer

You'll be cursing their name by the time this game is done. They can appear
far from you and fling burning spheres at you. Hit the sphere with anything
(you can  be digging and hit it with a pickaxe) and ignore them, or go after
them and dig when you have a break between spawns, either way these guys
will hound you the whole time you're in hell. There are vulnerable to lava,
which is weird.


Attack Damage
    Burning Sphere - 25
    Physical Contact - 30 

    Flower of Fire



*Giant Worm*
-Underground, rock/dirt layer

The first of the burrowing enemies, listen for the increasing tempo of their
digging sound to indicate that they are close. Once they get close swing
wildly with pickaxe or sword, and you should do enough damage to take them
down. Having the cobalt shield equipped will keep them from knocking you

    Head - 10HP
    Body - 15HP 

Attack Damage:


   Whoopee Cushion



*Goblin Peons*
-Aboveground during goblin invasion

These are basic melee fighters with no real special abilities. Take them out
or they'll protect the sorcerers.


Attack Damage	





    Spiky Ball
    Rocket Boots
    Gold Bar


*Goblin Sorcerer*
-Aboveground during goblin invasion

The really annoying part of the goblin invasion, these guys can teleport
and cast spells at you, acting as support troops while the rest of the army
charges you. Make them a priority! Swat their spells to destroy them, and
try to take them out before they teleport away.


Attack Damage



    Spiky Ball
    Rocket Boots
    Gold Bar


*Goblin Thief*
-Aboveground during goblin invasion

These jerks open doors the same way that zombies do during a blood moon.
They move quickly and have a higher/longer jump. 


Attack Damage


    Spiky Ball
    Rocket Boots
    Gold Bar


*Goblin Warriors*
-Aboveground during goblin invasion

These are the straight-up melee fighters of the goblins. They are frontline
troops, so expect a tough fight! They are also the slowest moving of the


Attack Damage


    Spiky Ball
    Rocket Boots
    Gold Bar


-Underground Jungle

These are somewhat like demon eyes. They will swarm you the whole time you are
there, but fortunately have drops that you want! Swat them away with either
a fast gun or a big sword.


Attack Damage

    Blade of Grass
    Thorn Chakrum
    Ivy Whip
    Cobalt Greaves
    Cobalt Helmet
    Cobalt Breastplate
    Up to Silver Coins 



*Man Eater*
-Underground Jungle

This is a plant monster, so it's rooted in place. You'll want to hit the head,
while making sure it doesn't jump out and hit you. These things hit HARD.
Note that you can also destroy the block it's tetherd to to destroy the 


Attack Damage



    Gold Coins
    Silver Coins
    Vine (Uncommon)
    Ivy Whip (Very Rare) 


*Meteor Head*
-Meteor crash site

These guys are essentially identical to the demon eyes. They'll swarm you
while you're trying to mine meteorite ore. You can keep them at bay by hitting
them with the pickaxe while mining the ore, or swatting them far away with
a powerful sword. They disappear once enough ore is gone, so blowing it up
with dynamite is a quick way to dispatch them.


Attack Damage

    250 Copper to 5 Silver Coins 



*Servant of Cthulu*
- Around Eye of Cthulu

Esentially a stronger, low-health version of the demon eye. Deal with them
as soon as the Eye of Cthulu spawns in order to not be swarmed by them when
fighting that boss! They can drop health hearts, and most weapons will kill
them in one hit.


Attack Damage





- Stone Layer

Tough monsters for the early player, they can break down doors and jump
after the player. They give up on trying to attack you if blocked for a short
time. Ranged weapons are a good choice for the early player.

Occasionally drop hooks!


Attack Damage




-Above ground, dirt layer, rock layer, floating island, underground jungle,

Slimes are the most common enemy. Besides mother slimes, that divide into three
baby slimes when killed they all simply hop after the player. They drop gel
when killed. Each color has a different health and damage rate. Mother slime,
baby slime, and black slime can only be found underground.

Slime Type 	Health 	Damage 	Defense

Green Slime 	15 	8 	1
Blue Slime 	25 	7 	1
Red Slime 	35 	12 	2
Purple Slime 	40 	12 	3
Yellow Slime 	45 	15 	4
Black Slime 	45 	15 	2
Mother Slime 	90 	20 	4
Baby Slime 	30 	12 	1
Pinky 	       150 	1-3 	3




-Above ground, at night.

The biggest threat to earl-game characters, you want to stay indoors to
avoid them. They can open doors during a blood moon, so make sure and block
up your doors during that time. They are good to farm for money and shackles
once the player is able. They simply walk in a straight line, so they should
be easily repelled with offensive gear.


Attack Damage:


    40-90 Copper Coins



[BOSS] Boss Monsters

Some general tips for boss monsters: You get to (usually) choose the time and
place of your battle, so do some pre-battle modification. I find that it's
helpful to build a lattice of wooden platforms, maybe five platforms running
the length of the battlefield, each withing jumping distance of each other,
so you get manuverability along the X and Y axes. Additionally, make sure you
are full of ammo and health potions, and that all of these are displayed on
your toolbelt. Get full of health, and good luck!

*Eye of Cthulu*
-At night, after using suspicious looking eye

The first boss is sometimes  the hardest. A frequently used strategy is to buy
a large number of shurikens from a merchant, I bought about 200 and have maybe
100 left over, and run back and forth flinging them at the eye. Make sure to
take out the servants of cthulu as soon as they're spawned.

Once the eye is to about 1500 health it'll get faster and grow teeth. The good
thing is it doesn't spawn servants anymore, the bad thing is that it hits 
harder. Run fast, have your potions on standby, and throw shurikens as you
run. It should go down.

Note that you have to beat the eye before sunrise or it'll run off.

The eye can be farmed later for corruption seeds or demonite. 


Attack Damage	

    Phase 1 - 18 
    Servants - 23 
    Phase 2 - 30 

   Demonite Ore 
   Unholy Arrows 
   Crystal Heart 
   Corrupt Seeds

    Phase 1 - 6 
    Phase 2 - 3 


*Eater of Worlds*
-Corruption, after using worm bait or destroying 3 shadow spheres

The eater of worlds is like the devourer but with more health. Also note
that it will split into segments if a piece of it is destroyed, so if possible
it's good to destroy segments at the front or back of the body to keep the
number of small segments down. 

Try to have upgraded your health a lot by this point. Shurikens are good as
they hit multiple segments, the Ball O' Hurt is fantastic for that same
reason, and the vilethorn works well too. Have PLENTY of potions handly, try
to get the eater to come up through the ground next to you and you can hit it
a lot, and try to stay topside!

If you summon the eater by breaking shadow spheres get topside in a hurry. You
want to be as manuverable as possible with this boss!

Note that this boss will follow you after you die back to your home, and will
keep attacking until you're destroyed. It's the only boss that doesn't mind
the daytime.

    Head - 120
    Body Segment - 200
    Tail - 300 

Attack Damage
    Head - 40
    Body Segment - 15
    Tail - 10 

    Head - 0
    Body Segment - 2
    Tail - 4 


    Demonite Ore
    Shadow Scale
    Shadow Scale Armor
    Ball 'O Hurt
    Up to Gold Coins. 


-Outside of dungeon, talk to old man at night

This is it, the final battle! Make sure you've got lots of end-game level
weapons and armor. Skeletron has two segments to his body, the hands and
head.  The hands come after you sweeping or swating, and the head will
roll after you while spinning and roaring.

Avoid the rolling head at all costs, as it hurts a lot. Make SURE you have
a lot of platforms to deal with him on. Note that arrows shoot through

My winning strategy was to get a long-range melee weapon, like a flail or the
molten sword, and take out his hands, as they had less HP, first. Once that
was done I ran away from the head, hopping from platform to platform, shooting
arrows at the head until it died.

Manuverability is key in this fight, so make sure you can quickly jump to
all sections of your battle. Clear out part of the dungeon entrance as this 
will help you manuver. Bring plenty of potions.

If you have access to the phoenix blaster with 500 meteor shots, jump as far
away from him as possible and spam bullets. This should deal with him.


Attack Damage
    Hands - 30
    Head - 35 

    Life Crystal,

    Hands - 9
    Head - 6 



                          Frequently Asked Questions

This is where I'll put the answers to any further questions you guys have
that weren't covered in the previous part of the walkthrough. Ask away!



                          Thank yous / Awesome Links

This game was really fun for me, and it's the first massively open-ended game
I've tried to walkthrough! I hope this guide served to focus and crystallize
the data for you, offered up as easily-plucked peices of datafruit.

I didn't want to bog you down with details, but I wanted to be more or less
complete. If there's anything else you guys want in here, send me an email
and I'll be happy to include it!

Also: thank yous to: The Terraria Wiki. You guys were INVALUABLE for filling
in the gaps in my knowledge, both the ones at 




You guys are awesome!

Let me also HIGHLY recommend googling the "Terraria Map Viewer". It can be
REALLY super helpful to find those blasted floating islands and underground
jungles, and it's an awesome way to visualize your projects besides! Top 

I'll also include the links to any awesome servers/ fan projects you guys want
me to put in here. Send me and email, and I'll include them!



                        Copywight Information

Because I find including copyrights on privately published online FAQS silly,
at least until people start paying me to do this, I will simply say that the
use of this document without crediting me will cause wights to haunt you. 
Specifically, the copywights. They HATE people who steal stuff.

As long as you give me credit, use away!