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Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (e)

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Harbinger // Hints

* How do I solve the chip puzzle in the runabout?

    Must vent Plasma first then match the chips on the left to the broken chips on the 
puzzle board. Click 1 replacement chip at a time and the replacement chip will appear 
on the puzzle board. To maneuver replacement chip, always stay one space behind to 
nudge it in the direction you want it to go until it replaces the broken chip. Replace all 
three broken chips and then go back to Odo to be beamed to DS9. 
* How do I find Karrig?

    You must first go there and click the door icon to ring the bell. You must then go 
back to Security and get the override code from Odo and then go back and use it to 
open the door. Go in and Karrig will be that green goo on the floor. 
* How do I solve Karrig's log puzzle?

    Each color bar is assigned to a word. You can click on the color then click on the 
Combadge symbol toward the lower corner for a translation. The five words are 
"peace" "is" "many" "voices" "arguing". You must arrange the colors to say this 
sentence in order to access the logs. The only log that you need to listen to in order to 
proceed with the game is "Clarity".

* What information do I need form Karrig's logs?

    The only log that you must read to continue forward in the game is "Clarity". If you 
do not read this log you will not be able to talk to the Scythians again. 

* After I see Yarrow killed by the Red Lykotian, what am I supposed to do?

    You must get the device off of the stunned Lykotian by clicking on the "zoom" icon 
on his wrist and then the "hand" icon over the "refraction mantle". You will then hear 
a clicking sound which acts as a detector, speeding up when you draw nearer to 
another invisible Red Lykotian. You must stun 5 Red Lykotians in the proper order. 
First the one in Karrig's quarters, then in front of the Bajoran Temple located on the 
lower promenade, across from the entrance to Quark's bar, then one in the upper bar, 
then one back in the Habitat ring, and then the final one in the second airlock section 
between the cargo bay and the docking ring. To stun a Lykotian you must approach 
until the clicking is rapid and then look for your cursor to become the "phaser" icon. 
You must then shoot the location of the invisible Lykotian. It will take some practice to 
find the exact location since the Lykotian is invisible and you only have a limited time 
before you are killed. 

* How do I solve power room puzzle?

    Match the four color pairs: blue, yellow, green, and pink. To do this simply click the 
icon over a particular color and then find it's match and click on it. If you have done 
this successfully, electricity will flow upward in the corresponding color. After the 
fourth color combination is done, four electric beams will flow upward representing 
the four color pairs. There is a fifth color, red, which when activated, increases the 
number of drones you will encounter in the maze but does not need to be activated. 

* No weapon to shoot at the drones in the drone factory?

    When you are in the crashed Runabout in the Drone Factory, make sure you look 
carefully around the interior. There is a wall panel you can access that contains 
Compression Rifle. Take this to defend yourself against Drone attacks. 

* How do I find and talk to Odo on the planet?

    To do this, you must go to the maze (make sure you've go the phaser rifle from the 
cabinet in the runabout) and turn on two reactors. There is one just to the right of the 
entrance and another opposite the first on the far side of the maze. Once both reactors 
are on you must go to the power room located at the very top on the maze accessed 
by the lift on the third tier. Once the power is turned on, you can go to the 
communications room located opposite the entrance on the far side of the maze. 

* What do I do after I crash land on the planet with Kira?

    When you are in the crashed Runabout in the Drone Factory, make sure you take a 
compression rifle for defending yourself against Drone attacks. Now exit the Runabout 
and go toward the Drone Region Maze. You must find your way to two Reactor Rooms 
and turn on the Reactors. Next you must find the Power Room (a large room with a 
square console in the middle. Console contains many buttons.) to turn the power on. 
Find your way next to the communications room where a static screen with Odo's 
voice coming through. Talk to Odo to figure out what to do next. Backtrack all the way 
to the Crashed Runabout. Access the Power Conduit puzzle through a black panel on 
your left. Once you solve this puzzle, Odo will be able to beam Kira out. Next exit the 
Runabout and explore the other part of the Planet through the gate. 

* How do I solve the tube puzzle in the crashed Runabout?

    You must send the colors from top to bottom. Turn arrows to set directions you 
want the flow to go. All three colors you are routing must go through the center point. 
Use only the good tubes for routing colors. Use caution not to route colors to an 
already occupied space. Click on the color node on top to start the flow. 

* What do I do after Kira has beamed out?

    Go to the gate that you are facing when you exit the runabout. Lift the gate by 
solving the puzzle of the gate control and enter the large room beyond. Quark will be 
waiting to talk to you in the room to your right, but he will not talk to you until you 
have gone through the door opposite the entrance and seen the unextended bridge 
and the bridge controls. Once you have done this, Quark will help you on your way. 

* How do I exit the crashed runabout?

    When facing the screen that has the "combadge" icon for the computer, use the 
turnaround icon at the bottom of the screen. Now look for the "zoom" icon over the 
dark patch in the center of the screen. 

* How do I solve the gate puzzle?

    Click the upper left quadrant until the shard second from the left is lit. Click the 
lower left quadrant so the middle shard is lit. Click the lower right quadrant so the 
shard second from the left is lit. 

* What do I do after I cross the invisible bridge with Quark?

    After you cross the bridge (watch out for the attacking drones here), you will come 
into a large room, there will be a console in the center. Hidden from view behind this 
console is a stairs. Go up the stairs and you will come into a landing. There will be 
another flight of stairs, go up these and you will come in contact with the first Scythian 
Holoprogram, Keel. Talk to Keel and find out information. You must also figure out the 
"words" of access on how to gain access to the other two Holoprograms. You will work 
out a plan on how to destroy one of the Holoprograms that has been raising havoc 
with the Drone Factory. 

* How do I estabilish a communication link between Syr and the Scythians?

    After you talk with Syr and he demands proof of the Scythian existence, go to the 
communications room and talk with Odo. Beneath the view screen there will be a 
puzzle. To complete the link-up, click on the bottom middle shard so it is the only one 

* How do I destroy Havik?

    You must "invoke the tactical" holoprogram with the refraction mantle set on 
"reflect." Havik will now think you are Havik and allow you to purge him from the 
system. Once this is done, you must find "Home Bank" and destroy it. It is located in 
the room where Quark has been hiding. Enter the room and turn left. You will now 
have the phaser icon. Shoot the Home Bank.