Burai Fighter Deluxe (e)

| 'Burai Fighter Deluxe' Strategy Guide 1.0          |
| By JDP (Lariuk@yahoo.com)                          |
| www.rose.net/~donnkat                              |
| Created/Last Version: 11/24/00                     | 
| Table of Contents:                                 |
|               I.   Introduction                    |
|               II.  Overall Strategy                |
|               III. Boss Strategies                 |
|               IV.  Stage Codes                     |

|         I. Introduction                            |
|   Well I thought that maybe this game would go     |
| unFAQed, and I having alot of time on my hands,    |
| decided to write a guide for it. I wrote this      |
| while actually playing it, so if I missed anything |
| just tell me and I'll put in the next version.     |
| Well I just hope someone finds this useful.        |

|        II. Overall Strategy                        |
   Well since this game really requires little       
  real thinking(this is what I'd call a reflex or     
  arcade type game) I decided I'd just give some      
  tips to help you keep out of trouble.               
   You may or may not thank me later.                 
  Tip #1: Stay away from the sides. Or atleast        
          until you have a full view of what          
          you're up against at the time.              
  Tip #2: Always be ready and on the lookout. This    
          game can start scrolling in an              
          unpredictable direction at any time. So     
          try to avoid any area that looks like you   
          could get trapped in. The best example of   
          totally unexpectable scrolling is stage 5   
          when you're scrolling up, winding through   
          passage ways going left to right, and when  
          you reach the top the game starts to        
          scroll back down.                           
  Tip #3: Avoid falling objects, such as those        
          falling rocks. Also beware that once a      
          rock has fallen(triggered by you flying     
          under it) more will fall in it's place      
          in 1 to 2 second intervals.                 
  Tip #4: Reserve your power attack(the A button).    
          I myself rarely had to use it. I only       
          had to use it when i was totally            
          surrounded by enemies and things looked     
          pretty grim, or when a passage was blocked  
          by enemies and I didn't have time to blow   
          them up one by one.                         
          Also the power attack will not work on      

|           III. Boss Strategy                       |
  Well here's the strategies that I used against      
  the bosses. I hope they're useful. Also note that   
  they get harder depending on the current difficulty 
  setting of the game, but the same strategy will     
  still apply.                                        
 Stage 1: To defeat the robot that you will           
          encounter sometime in the middle of         
          the level you must hit him in the center    
          on the right side of his body.              
          Make sure to avoid his two mechanical arms  
          on the top and bottom of his body.          
          The strategy for the big boss of Stage 1    
          is this:                                    
          Aim for his eyes. Also make sure to            
          avoid it's rotating arms. If you must fly   
          over the monster, do take notice that       
          the arms will slow down for a brief moment 
          and then speed up again after 2 to 4 secs.  
          This brief period is your window of         
          opportunity; but only fly over him if he's  
          too close to the bottom of the screen to    
          risk flying under him.                      
          Also you will want to try to get him to     
          stay near the top of the screen so when     
          he does get to close to you, you'll be      
          able to make a clean get away by flying     
          under him.                                  
 Stage 2:  This boss starts out as 1 big worm,        
           but if you shoot him right in  the         
           center of his body, he'll split in half    
           to become several smaller worms.           
           Start off by shooting him in the middle    
           breaking him into 2 worms. Then shoot      
           their tails, building your way              
           on up to the head.                         
  Stage 3: Watch out for the falling stones.          
          When you fly under one, it will             
          fall. Also expect more to keep              
          falling in approximately 3 or 4             
          second intervals.                            
          To kill the boss, aim under him             
          where that upside down U shape is           
          exposing his chin. Thankfully he has        
          no physical attacks of his own, but         
          try not to let him touch you though.        
 Stage 4: On the way to the boss you'll run into     
          those spinning balls. Just stay near the    
         top until you know where the next is coming  
         Once you reach the boss you will 1st       
         meet this big thing that looks like         
         a spiked football. Just dodge it. It         
         moves from Right to Left, so you want        
         to move up. Don't bother attacking the       
         spiked football(you can't kill it).          
           The real boss is a bird like monster.      
         A couple of shots destroys him easily.        
 Stage 5: The final boss of this game is a Dragon.    
         Luckily you just have to put up with his     
         head and neck. The way he moves is first     
         he'll move neck and head back, while he's    
         slowly moving his head back is when you      
         should fire into his mouth(his only          
         vulnerable spot). When he's coming back      
         towards be ready to go down in a hurry       
         and hide in the big area between his         
         head and neck(sorta making a round circle    
         shape). Also be careful because he           
         occasionally shoots, but this is seldom and  
         may only occur 4 or 5 times in the fight.    
         If your on ULTIMATE he'll shoot about every  
         3 or 4 times he pulls back.                  

|             IV. Stage Codes                        |
 Here's the codes for incase. It's listed by level   
 and level difficulty. Eagle being easiest and       
 ACE being the hardest.                              
 I've listed the ULTIMATE Stage Codes separately     
 because this is what's opened up to you once you   
 have beaten the main game. Also it provides        
  a code for stage 1.                                
  Difficulty|Eagle|Albatross| Ace  |                  
    Stage 2 |HGKM | HGNC    | GBHL |                  
    Stage 3 |CPFG | BMHB    | MHCB |                  
    Stage 4 |JJCM | DGBF    | CDMN |                  
    Stage 5 |DKLF | JGJH    | KDPG |                  
   ULTIMATE CODES| Code |                             
         Stage 1 | GDCP |                             
         Stage 2 | LMCJ |                             
         Stage 3 | CCHL |                             
         Stage 4 | HFKP |                             
         Stage 5 | BNGN |                             

|                                                    |
| I couldn't manage to find the secret rooms  in     |
| the ULTIMATE stages.  Well if I manage to find     |
| them or if someone emails me telling me some or    |
| all, I'll put them in a update of this guide.      |
|                                                    |  
| Well hope that this guide helped you.              |
| Feel free to drop me a line. Bye! - JDP            |
|                                                    |

 This document Copyright 2000 Jason Payne.
 No Portion of this may redistributed with the
 intent of profit(that means either in a magazine,
 CD, whatever) without my prior consent; or any
 other type of distribution without my prior 
 consent period unless it's solely for personal use.