Donkey Kong (e)

     ____              _                     _   _
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    | | \ |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ // _ \| | | |    | |/ // _ \| '_ \ / _' |
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                                  |___/                       |___/

                        -= D O N K E Y   K O N G =-

|         FAQ/Walkthrough  || Version 1.42 || January 26, 2003         |
|            by Michael Gonzalez (Coffee)             |
|                         |

   1) Introduction
   2) Controls
   3) Walkthrough
         - Stage 0: Construction Site
         - Stage 1: Big City
         - Stage 2: Forest
         - Stage 3: Ship
         - Stage 4: Jungle
         - Stage 5: Desert
         - Stage 6: Airplane
         - Stage 7: Iceberg
         - Stage 8: Rocky Valley
         - Stage 9: Tower
   4) Best Times
   5) Credits & Info

Version 1.42 (01/26/2003):
- Removed in-game credits, to avoid controoversy :P
- Changed introduction

Version 1.41 (11/25/2002):
- Updated website URL

Version 1.4 (11/06/2002):
- Some formatting changes
- Added my opinion on the difficulty of eaach level
- Added quick descriptions of the in-game  cinema sequences
- Added in-game credits
- A few new best times

Version 1.3 (03/07/2001):
- Spellchecked everything, that's all

Version 1.2 (01/29/2000):
- Switched to a new alias, Coffee

Version 1.1 (12/17/1999):
- Fixed up some tiny errors in the walkthrrough
- Added an introduction
- Revised the copyright disclaimer

Version 1.0 (11/14/1999):
- Completed the walkthrough, including thee final boss

Version 0.88 (11/10/1999):
- Added FIFTEEN levels to the walkthrough!!

| 1) INTRODUCTION                                                      |

                             - Donkey Kong -

The Donkey Kong coin-op game was one of Nintendo's first big hits. It
only had 4 levels, but it was fun. Thirteen years later the original
Donkey Kong gameplay is back, this time on the Game Boy. This game not
only pays its homage to the original style of the arcade game, but
expands on it tremendously. What is truly amazing is how far it can go
with the quaint style of the arcade game. It’s unfortunate that it seems
to have slipped from the consciousness of gamers, because it is
undoubtedly one of the finest portable games there is.

| 2) CONTROLS                                                          |

Wow, Mario sure has a lot of new moves in this game! Unlike the original
Donkey Kong, this game has exactly 100 levels (101 if you include the
final boss), instead of just 4. Take your time in learning these
controls, only a few of them will be used early in the game. You will
learn the more advanced controls as you go on through the game.

                         <-= MARIO'S MOVES =->

MOVEMENT - As usual, movement is done with the control pad. In this
game, there is no distinction between walking and running. Mario can
only move at one speed (just like in the original Donkey Kong). Anyway,
there's no real need to run fast since this is more of a puzzle game
than an action game. You can also crouch by pressing down.

SIMPLE JUMP - This is another basic move. Jumping is done by simply
pressing the "A" button. Mario doesn't jump very high with the simple
jump, but there are also other kinds of jumps to make Mario jump

HANDSTAND - This move will make Mario stand on his hands (obviously). To
do a handstand, hold down on the control pad while jumping. You can
catch barrels with your feet while doing a handstand. [NOTE: You can
walk while doing a handstand... but you'll walk much, much slower than

HANDSTAND JUMP - Here's another type of jump. To do a handstand jump, do
a handstand (see above), then press the "A" button. This jump is double
the height of a simple jump and it can be used for reaching higher
platforms. You can also do a very high handstand jump if you press "A"
right after doing the handstand. You can even do a "triple jump" if you
press "A" again right after doing a handstand jump.

HANDLING OBJECTS - There are many objects in this game than Mario can
hold. To pick up an object, stand on top of it and press the "B" button.
Mario will hold the object above his head. To throw this object, press
the "B" button again. If Mario is hit by an enemy while holding an
object, he will drop the object and still live.

TURNING SWITCHES - You can turn a switch left or right to change some
things in a level. To turn a switch, stand beside it, hold onto the
lever with the "B" button, and use the control switch to move it. The
switch can control elevators, conveyers, bridges, or walls.

BACK-FLIP - A back-flip makes you jump just as high as a handstand jump.
Here's how to do a back-flip: While moving left or right, quickly press
the opposite direction (on the control pad) and "A" at the same time.
It might take some time for you to do this move perfectly.

CLIMB LADDERS/VINES/ROPES - There is a lot of stuff for Mario to climb
in this game! To climb a ladder, simply press up or down. For climbing
vines and ropes, jump up to it and you will automatically hold on. Then
you can press up or down to climb it. Press left or right to switch to
different vines. You'll climb up faster if you hold onto two vines,
you'll climb down faster if you hold onto only one vine.

SPINNING ON A WIRE - Sometimes in the game, you'll see a wire (it looks
like a simple black line). Especially in the ship. Jump to the wire to
hold onto it. Then use the control pad to spin around (hold the button).
Then press the "A" button to let go of the wire and fly off in a
direction. You will 'fly' further if you spin stronger.

FALLING - Falling can be dangerous depending on how high you fall. There
are four levels of falling: (1) If you fall for a very short distance,
you will land on your feet and there is no damage done. (2) Fall from a
higher distance, and Mario will tumble around for a second. (3) Fall
from an even higher distance, and Mario will land on his side, breaking
his leg. He will be stunned on the floor for about 2 seconds. (4) If you
fall from a very high place, Mario will land on his head and die :(

                         <-= OTHER CONTROLS =->

SELECT BUTTON - When you press "select" during a level, the game will
pause and some status things will be shown at the bottom of the screen.
This shows your time in some levels, and the items you collected in the
current level.

START BUTTON - When you press "start" during a level, a pause menu
screen will come up. Pick "continue" to exit this menu and continue the
game. Pick "save + quit" to quit the game. Pick "record" to view your
best times for the previous levels.

RESET - You can easily reset to the title screen by pressing A, B,
start, and select at the same time. The game will not be saved if you
reset this way.

| 3) WALKTHROUGH                                                       |

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 0 - CONSTRUCTION SITE >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level is a replica of the first level in the original Donkey
Kong arcade game. Donkey Kong is at the top throwing barrels around the
place. Some of them roll down, others drop down quickly. If a barrel
touches the fire at the bottom left corner, it turns into a fireball
enemy! Obviously, to beat this level you must climb up the ladders to
the top (where Pauline is). Jump over any barrels or fireballs you meet.
The barrels can also roll down the ladders (even broken ones), so be
careful about them. Keep in mind that you don't die right away from a
slight fall (unlike the arcade game). You can also use the hammers to
bash away at the barrels! The goal of this level is to get to the
platform beside Pauline. Simple enough. COOL TIP: I discovered a much
faster way to beat this level. First, go to the middle of the bottom
floor. Then do a handstand jump to the next floor. Continue doing this
until you reach the top floor and to the goal.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level is a replica of the second level in the original
Donkey Kong arcade game. This one introduces conveyers. Conveyers move
you to the left or right and you'll need to struggle to keep control
over yourself. There are some fireballs in this level that will cause
some problems for you. There are also pies moving around on the
conveyers that can also kill you (but you can easily kill them with the
hammer or jump over them). First, climb up a ladder to the second floor.
Then, climb another ladder... and keep on climbing until you get to the
highest platform (at the same level as Donkey Kong). If you want, you
can easily get the 1-up heart at the third floor, right side. Okay,
onward to the next level!


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level is a replica of the third level in the original
Donkey Kong arcade game. First, jump right onto the elevator and
continue right to the place with the fireball. Try to jump to the level
that the fireball is not on, you could get killed by that fireball! Make
sure that you don't fall down from too high... you'll get killed if you
drop to the floor from a very high distance. Continue right to the
ladder that leads to the top level. At the top level, Donkey Kong is
throwing some kind of spring at you. Go up the ladder and STAY at the
point right above the ladder. The springs can't reach you if you stay
here. Right after a spring goes over your head, quickly run left to the
ladder that leads to Pauline. STAY right at the bottom of the ladder.
Again, this is a "safe spot" where the springs can't get you. Go up the
ladder to the goal. End!


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This level is a replica of the fourth (and final) level in the
original Donkey Kong arcade game. This one is different from the other
levels in the game. This time, you'll need to cross over all the little
boxes in the floor to beat the level. When you cross over a box (or jump
over it), the box will disappear. Cross over all of the boxes and the
floors will collapse. Donkey Kong will fall on his head and you've beaten
stage 1! But unlike the arcade game, the game doesn't end here. As you
see, Donkey Kong is still alive! He gets up, takes Pauline, and escapes
to... the Big City.

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong escapes with Pauline to the Big City and locks
the door. Mario unlocks it with a key and continues! This teaches the
most basic concept of the game: Bring the key to the locked door.

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 1 - BIG CITY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is the first "new" level (it's not found in the old arcade game).
This level also introduces a new key element of the game: The key and
door. To beat this level, you need to get the key and bring it to the
locked door. This process will be used in most of the levels ahead.
Also keep in mind that you die when you touch an enemy here. First,
climb the two ladders to reach the oil thing. The oil goes up and down
and you die if you touch it. Go past the oil and climb the ladder.
Continue right and drop down to stand on top of the key. Press the "B"
button to pick up the key. Tada! You're holding the key! Drop down to
the door to exit the level. [NOTE: If you touch an enemy while holding
the key, you'll drop the key and still be alive!]


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is the first level that's more that one screen long. You start the
level riding on an enemy. Climb up the ladder and follow the path of
platforms (watch out for the oil!). Also be careful not fall off the
conveyer and drop into the oil. Pick up the key and continue on the
path. When you reach the ladder, you will have to *throw* the key up to
the next level. To do this, jump up (with A button) and hold the UP
button. When you are in the air (still holding UP), press B and you will
throw the key upwards. This technique will be used a lot in the future
levels. Then climb up the ladder and pick up the key again. The key will
disappear (and return to its original place) if you have it out of your
hands for too long! Continue on the path, past the oil, and to the exit.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

First, go left and climb up the ladder to reach the platform. Follow the
path right (jump over the enemy) and climb up the ladder to reach the
key. See the electric wire at the top of this level? An electric spark
occasionally goes across that wire. If you touch the spark, you die
(unless you have a key, then you would drop the key and still live).
Make sure there is no spark on that wire, then jump onto the moving
platform. Jump off to the upper-right platform and get in the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is the Donkey Kong level which occurs once every four levels. Here,
you need to get up to the platform where Pauline is (just like in the
first 4 levels). Once in a while, Donkey Kong will jump up and land back
down, shaking the whole level. If you are on the floor when he does
this, you will fall on your ass and will be temporarily stunned. To
avoid this happening, jump up into the air just before Donkey Kong comes
down. Also when Donkey Kong does this, some junk will fall from the sky.
You'll die if this junk touches you! First, go to the left and climb up
the ladders to reach the top floor. Climb down another ladder and follow
the path until you reach the goal. Be careful not to get hit by the junk
when you're at the top floor.

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong crosses a bridge with Pauline and stomps the
ground, knocking out the bridge. Mario places a temporary bridge there
and crosses. This introduces you to temporary bridges.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level is so simple that it's pathetic. Here you are introduced to
the "temporary bridges" that will be used a lot in the coming levels.
Here, you start the level AT the door... but you don't have the key.
Go down two ladders and touch the box with the arrow symbol on it. Now
time has stopped and you'll need to place the bridge. I suggest you
make a bridge between the two lowest platforms. This bridge has a time
limit and it will disappear (after approximately 9 seconds). Cross the
bridge to the left side and climb the ladders to the top where the key
is. Pick up the key and touch another "bridge block". Place the bridge
so that you can go left to the door. Cross the bridge and go to the


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This level teaches you how to place temporary ladders. First, touch the
ladder symbol and place it in the area above you so that you can climb
up to the top. Then climb up the two ladders. You might have a problem
getting by fireball at the second area. Now at the top area, get make
another looong ladder so you can get down to the bottom right area.
Place it in a way that you won't be in danger from the fireball. When
you're at the bottom right, place the horizontal bridge lined up with
the platform at the top (right above the hat). Then place a ladder to
connect to this platform. Climb up the ladder, pick up the key, and get
in the door.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Go over to the platform at your right and go up the ladder. Hit the
"ladder block". Place the ladder so that you can reach the small
platform under the platform with the enemy (to be specific, 4 or 5
spaces to the right of the first ladder). Hurry and go down this ladder
(be careful about the enemy!). Go on the horizontal moving platform and
ride it to the key. Jump on the key to reach the "bridge block". Create
a bridge from the platform at the top right (with the enemy) to the
platform at the top left (with the exit door). Quickly pick up the key
and ride up the elevator lift. Cross the bridge you made, get in the
door, and you're done! Onward to the boss level...


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This boss level is different from the boss levels you've seen before.
This time, instead of simply getting up to the platform where Pauline
is, you need to *fight* with Donkey Kong himself! To do this, you'll
need to use the barrels that he throws at you. First, wait at the bottom
for Donkey Kong to throw a barrel. Don't get hit by a barrel, or else
you will die. When the barrel settles at the ground floor and isn't
moving, you can pick it up (just like you pick up a key). Then climb up
the platforms until you get close enough to DK, then throw it at him!
You can see him hurt if you really hit him. Continue on to hit him two
more times. Hit him 3 times to beat this level and the

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong crosses a bridge and uses a lever to pull the
bridge away. Mario uses another level to restore the bridge. There's
your introduction to levers. And the chase goes on... 

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 2 - FOREST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Welcome to the first level of the forest. This level introduces another
element of the game: switches. You start the level riding a bug. Climb
up the first ladder...then climb up another long ladder. Now you are at
a switch. To move the switch, hold the B button to hold the switch, and
move in the direction you want to turn the switch. So turn this switch
to the right. Bridges are formed! Go to the left to pick up the key...
then go all the way to the right and go down the moving platform. Get
off at the bottom, go all the way to the left and get in that door. End!


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go up the ladder at your left. Now you're at a switch. Turn the
switch to the *left*. This makes all of the elevator lifts start moving.
Go up the elevator at the left. Be careful not to get hit by the enemy
that you might meet. Get off at the top and drop down to hole to the
umbrella. Do some fancy jumping across the elevators to reach the key at
the top left. Pick up this key and ride down the elevator to the
starting point. Now go up the elevator at the left to the top. Jump
over the hole and follow the steps to the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level doesn't have any puzzles, it's all about action! First, jump
up to the second platform and go to the place where the elevator is
going up and down. At your left there is some kind of plant spitting
seeds at you. You can escape from getting hit by either jumping or
ducking. The next step requires very good timing and luck. When it looks
safe enough, get on the elevator and ride up to the platform with the
switch. [NOTE: You can get an easy 1-up at your right if you want it].
Turn the switch to the right. This will get rid of the wall covering the
door at the bottom. Now, carefully go down the elevator (be patient to
wait for a safe time). Pick up the key at the bottom and go to the exit


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a boss level where you need to get up to the platform where
Pauline is. I'm not really sure, but I think this level is a replica of
one of the levels in the original Donkey Kong Jr.  Before you begin, you
should know the basics about climbing. As soon as you touch a vine/rope,
you hold on to it. Mario moves *upward* faster if he is holding on to
two ropes. Mario moves *downward* faster if he is only holding on to one
rope. There are also some fruits in this level. If you touch a fruit, it
drops straight down and kills anything and everything it touches (and it
can only be used once). Okay, this level is pretty straight forward.
Climb the ropes and follow the path to Pauline while avoiding the
monsters that DK throws. The monsters are the ones that make this level
challenging. It can get especially difficult to avoid the monsters at the
top level where there are often many of them.

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong throws some bouncing barrels at Mario. Mario
counters by doing a handstand and safely bouncing the barrels away with
his feet. No practical help there...


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go right and jump into the water. [NOTE: To swim, press the A
button repeatedly]. If you want, you can get an easy 1-up at the bottom
left. Now swim to the right side of the level. Be sure not to touch the
fish... they could kill you. The following steps must be done very
quickly. Hit the bridge block and build a bridge over the water to the
left side of the level. Quickly jump up to the platform and pick up the
key. Now go over the bridge you built and enter the door at the other
side. If you were fast enough, you'll make it completely across the
water and reach the door at the left.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Ohhh... this level is evil. First, go right to the switch and turn it to
the right. This will form two bridges between the platforms above you.
Now wait for a ladybug to be right *under* one of those bridges...and
hit the switch! The bridge will disappear and the ladybug will fall down
to the ground. Don't let go of the switch yet. Continue making more
ladybugs fall to the ground until there are hardly any ladybugs left up
there. Okay, now go up there and follow the path up to the top. You can
ignore the other switch that you find, it does EXACTLY the same thing as
the first switch. Use the springs to get to the key at the top. Pick up
at the key and go left to the exit.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

This level is very confusing (and very hard for me to explain in words).
If you take too much time in this level, you WILL run out of time.
First, go right and push the switch to the left. This will remove the
bridge and free all of the enemies. When all of them are out of the
"cage", hit the switch again. When a clockwise-moving ladybug gets on
the platform to the right of the bridge, hit the switch to trap him
there. This ladybug must be moving clockwise (it might take some fooling
around with the switches to get a ladybug to move clockwise). When the
ladybug is on the wall above the "retractable wall", hit the switch
again to trap him on this wall. Now it might be a good idea to try to
put the other enemies back in the cage, but it's not required. Make sure
the cage is closed. Go to the left and use the spring to get up on the
platform. Follow the path to the right and go up the ladder. Use the
ladybug to get up to the higher platform. Drop down to the conveyer belt
and duck to get past the spikes. Go up the ladder and get the key. Go
right to the edge of the platform. Throw the key down and QUICKLY go
down the ladder at the other side. Pick up the key when it comes to you
and get in the exit.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is an easy boss level. First, step right to make the thwomp come
down. Then go over the thwomp and jump to the little platform just over
the spikes. Climb up to the highest moving platform by using handstand
jumps. From the highest moving platform, climb onto the vines. Stay at
the bottom of the left vine. When a spring passes over you, climb up to
the platform where Donkey Kong is but STAY at the right side (over the
left vine). If you are positioned correctly, the springs that DK throws
will jump right over you without hurting you. Right after a spring hops
over you, run to the bottom of the ladder. This is another "safe spot"
where the springs can't get you. Now you can easily climb up the ladder
to Pauline.

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong chaced by Mario, as usual. DK turns around and
prepares to charge into Mario. Mario back-flips his way to safety,
causing DK to charge into a wall. Hooray for Mario!


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

At first sight you should be able to see the objective of this simple
level. In this level, you need to constantly avoid the bird and the eggs
he drops down on you (you die if you get hit). First, go forward and
ride up the elevator. Jump from elevator to elevator to get to the right
side [NOTE: If you fall down, try to hit the bridge box and form a
bridge under you so you don't die]. At the right side, hit the switch to
reverse the directions of the elevators. Go up the ladder and pick up
the key. Now make your way back to the bottom left corner and into the
exit door.

LEVEL 2-10

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is very simple level. The flower monsters here will stay sleeping
unless you jump on the level that they are on. If they do wake up,
they'll attack you. First, go up the ladders to the top level without
waking up any flower enemies. When you are at the level with the door,
go down to ladder at the left. Pick up the key...and the flower monster
will wake up. When he charges at you, jump over him and go to the
platform at the right. Throw the key up to the top level, climb up the
ladder, pick up the key again, and go to the door. Done!

LEVEL 2-11

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go to the right side and touch the ladder box. Build a ladder
going up the long shaft at the right. This is a long ladder! Quickly
climb up this ladder to the top. Get on a moving platform and get the
key at the left side. Okay, now it's time for the hard part. You need to
go down to the door near the bottom of the level. To do this, you'll
need to carefully jump down the moving platforms and conveyers. This is
harder than it sounds since falling down too far could make you drop the
key. Be careful to avoid those spikes!

LEVEL 2-12

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Here it is, the final level of the Forest. This level is very similar to
the final level of the Big City...except this time there are springs
(which actually make it easier to beat Donkey Kong). Here you will
actually have to hurt DK, just like in level 1-8.  First, Donkey Kong
will throw a barrel off to the left, then off to the right, then
straight down, the rolling to the left, then rolling to the right, and
the pattern starts over again. Avoid getting hit by the barrels, or else
you will die (and nobody wants that to happen). When a barrel settles
down on the floor, pick it up and throw it at Donkey Kong. Like before,
it only takes three hits from a barrel to beat Donkey Kong. Then, he'll
take Pauline and head towards...the Ship!

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong takes Pauline from the forest and onto a ship.
Mario uses a very conveniently placed wire to swing himself to the ship.
This introduces you to slanted wires, which we'll be seeing more of...

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 3 - SHIP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

This is a tricky level. First, go right and go up the ladder. When one
of the stone guys is near you, jump on him and let him slowly bring you
to the right...jump on the other stone guy and jump to the right side.
Now touch the bridge block. See those spikes down below? Place the
bridge IN LINE with the spikes (not over them) so that the stone guy at
the bottom can cross over to the right. Use the stone guys to bring you
back to the left side. Go down the ladder and go right to the space
where the stone guy used to be. Now you need to jump to the stone guy
that's walking over the spikes (you need to do a handstand jump). Jump
top the right and pick up the key. Now return to the left. DON'T fall
into the can't swim while you're holding the key. Go into
the door at the left side. Next level...


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

At the beginning of this level, an enemy will immediately push you over
to the right and you'll fall down to the lower platform (he's a mean
bastard). Another enemy will try to push you over from the right side...
but JUMP over him and don't let him push you. Go up the ladder to reach
a platform with a crab enemy...get away from that crab! Go left to the
wire. Grab on to the wire (press up while jumping to it) and start
swinging. You need to jump to the platform directly above you, but
you'll go right over it if you're swinging too hard. You need to get
exactly the right speed of swinging so you can land on the platform.
Then pick up the key and drop down to your right. You'll probably have
dropped the key in your fall, so pick it up again. Go right to where the
crab is. Stand ON TOP of the crab and throw the key up to the door.
Climb up the ladder, pick up the key, and enter the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go to the left on the platform with that "pushing enemy". Jump
over him when he charges at you. When you are at his left side, press
down and LET HIM push you though the tiny space (don't let go of the
down button!). When you reach the floor, jump over the wall at your left
(with a handstand jump). Ride up the elevator to get up to the key. Pick
up the key and go all the way to the right, past those two robot guys.
Continue up the path until you see FOUR doors, instead of just one...but
only one of these doors is the real exit door. If you were watching
where Pauline's voice was coming from at the beginning of the level, you
would have noticed that Donkey Kong brought her into the door at the
LEFT. So throw the key up there, go up the ladder, pick up that key, and
get in the door. Next level is a boss level, be prepared...


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is a "get to Pauline" boss level, but it's not a very easy one.
First, jump onto one of those moving platforms on your left. Thwomp is
a dangerous threat here, so try to avoid getting squished by him. These
moving platforms follow a pre-determined path (that you can easily see).
When the platform is at the left, jump to the next platforms following
another track...the jump left to the platform. Go up the ladder, go up
the next ladder, and do a handstand jump to reach the switch. Push the
switch to the right so the thwomps down below won't give you any
trouble. Then go down to the conveyer and run right to the switch (note:
there may be a door blocking your path to the switch...this is
controlled by DK's switch, just wait for a few seconds and it will go
away). Push the switch to the right, this will take away the door
blocking Pauline. Return to the very beginning of the level. When the
thwomp comes down, ride it up to Pauline.

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong jumps onto a higher platform and does a dumb
sort of victory dance. "Hoorah! I'm rid of Mario forever!". But Mario
does a handstand jump to get up to that platform. "No you're not!"


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, run right to the wire hanging over the spikes. Jump up and grab
onto the wire. There's a spark that occasionally goes across this wire,
so jump off if it gets close to you. From here, swing up to the wire
above you...then swing up again to the upper-right platform. Climb up
the ladder. Watch out for the fireballs here! Climb up another ladder to
reach the key. Hooray! Pick up the key and go to the right. Ride down
the ladder and go to the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is a simple, one-screen level. First of all, hit the bridge block.
Form the bridge to go over the spikes at the top of the level. This will
allow the robot guys to get out of your way so you can reach the
platform up there. Next, go up the ladder at the left. Wait, don't go
all the way up...stop at the level of the bridge block and jump off to
your left so you'll hit it. Place the bridge over the LOWER spikes. This
next part should be done REALLY fast: Climb up the ladder, go down the
"steps", and cross the bridge that you formed. Don't waste any time! If
you were fast enough, you would have just barely made it over the
bridge before it vanished. After crossing the bridge, go up the ladder,
jump to the key, pick up the key, and jump up to the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

First, climb up the ladder (going up to the exit door). Now go right to
the switch (you will need to do a handstand jump to get up there). Push
the switch to the right. You should be able to see the bridges being
formed down below. Do you see that "pushing" enemy down beside the
umbrella? When that enemy is standing over the bridge (the bridge
created by the switch), hit the switch again to make him drop down to
the lower platform. Go left and climb down the ladder. Jump over him so
that you are at his right side. Now LET HIM push you to the right and
duck so you can go under the spikes. But just before you fall into the
water, jump right to the switch. Push the switch to the right. This will
free the key from its cage. Hit the ladder block. Make a ladder and
climb up to the platform above... and climb up another ladder to the
key. Pick up the key and run to the exit door at the left. Haruzz! Next
level is a boss level!


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Welcome to the last level of the ship! Just like before, you will have
to throw barrels at Donkey Kong to hurt him. And as usual, it will take
three hits for you to beat him. This time, the level is two screens
tall. Donkey Kong stays at the very top, throwing barrels at you like he
always does. There are two ways to beat this level: [1] Wait for a
barrel at the bottom of the level. When a barrel settles down on the
floor pick it up and make the long climb up to Donkey Kong to throw it
at him. [2] Another way to beat this level is to stay at the top and do
a handstand. When Donkey Kong throws down a barrel, try to make the
barrel hit your feet to make it stop. Then pick up the barrel and throw
it at DK. Both of these methods work well for different people. I
suggest using the first method for beginner players...more advanced
players can use the second method. Hey, why would an advanced player
even read this guide?! Anyway, onward to the Jungle...

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong jumps over rocks to get from the ship to the
jungle. Mario shows off his amazing acrobatic skills by doing a triple
jump to get over those rocks.

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 4 - JUNGLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Welcome to the first level of the jungle! Here in the jungle, you'll
encounter a few new stuff, like vines. To climb a vine, simply jump up
to it and you will hold on. Press up or down to climb up or down. Ok.
In this level you will constantly have to watch out for the bird that
flies around and tries to drop eggs at you. First, climb up the vines
above you. Now go left until you reach...the key! Pick up the key.
Continue left and hit the "spring block" (this will let you form a
temporary spring). Place the spring somewhere over the spikes at the
bottom. Continue and use that spring to get over the spikes, and to the


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a simple level, you can immediately see what you're supposed to
do. At the end of each conveyer thing, there is a plant that tries to
spit seeds at you. It IS possible to jump over those seeds, but that
would be too risky. Instead, try to hang on to the vines hanging down
from the ceiling. Just after the seed passes under you, jump down and
try to get to the next vine. Then climb the vines to get up to the next
floor. On the 3rd floor, pick up the key. There is a little more
difficulty since the thwomp might come down and squish you. You can
quickly pass under the thwomp by jumping under him.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level introduces a fun new feature: using monkey tails as vines!
First, climb up the vine above you. When the monkey gets close enough,
you can hang on to his tail just like a vine! The monkey will now bring
you to the other side. Jump off the tail and bounce on the spring to the
next vine. Again, grab onto the monkey's tail...then grab onto the next
monkey's tail. Then switch to the vine, to another vine, to another
vine, until you reach the key. Pick up the key and drop down to the exit
door (watch out not to get hit by that crab). Next is a boss level...


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a boss level where you just need to get to Pauline. This level
introduces a new feature. Introducing... Donkey Kong Jr.  You won't be
able to fight this little ape, all he does is flip the switches for
DK. In this level, the switch controls the bridge at the top of the
level. If the bridge is on, DK's spring will fall down on the moving
platform. If the bridge is off, the spring will fall on the platform
beside the moving one. Stay on the platform beside the moving platform
and wait for the bridge to disappear. When the bridge disappears,
immediately jump on the platform and go up to the top platform. Wait at
the top-right for the bridge to come back...then you can go left to

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong and DK Jr. ae running together this time. DK
turns to face Mario and throws a mushroom at him, making Mario shrink.
A few seconds later Mario grows back to normal and the chase goes on.


Skill difficulty:  2/4  
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is a tall level. Lots of climbing involved here. First, climb up
the vine above you to the very top (whoa, that's a really long vine).
You can get an easy 1-up if you want it (well, there's no reason why you
shouldn't get it). Go left on the vines, then go down (watch out for the
crab). Go left on the vines to the left side of the level, then go up to
the key (watch out for the crab and the bats). When you reach the seed,
try to make it fall on the bats and the crab...the rest of the level is
much easier with those enemies out of the way. Now pick up the key and
find some way to get it down to the bottom of the level. I suggest
throwing it down at the left and USING THE VINES to go down. You will
die if you try falling directly from the top to the floor. Then pick up
the key and head for the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Hmm... this level is weird, I'm not sure if I'm really doing it
correctly. First, jump over the spikes and ride on the moving platform
to get to the left side. Go up the first two ladders. Now there is a
bridge at your right. This is a "collapsing bridge" (the block under you
dissolves after you step on it). Jump your way across this bridge so you
don't destroy too many blocks. Pick up the key at the right and make a
return trip across the bridge. Go up to the higher platform. Now there
are these two monsters blocking your progress. See that block at the
left? Touch it and place the block in the gap between the platforms.
Hopefully, the enemies will go to the platform at the right. When the
enemies are at the right platform, you can go up there and continue.
Jump from platform to platform until you get to the exit door at the


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

In this level, Donkey Kong Jr. controls the switch for the bridges.
There's a bunch of flower monsters here, don't jump so you won't wake
them up (unless you have to). Go up the ladder at the left, and go up
the next ladder. Go to the right and up another ladder. Now you'll HAVE
to wake up the flower monster to make him move out of the way of the
ladder. Go up the ladder to the highest platform. When the bridges are
there, go to the left and get the key. A flower monster will charge at
you from the left, be prepared to jump over him. Now go into the exit at
the right. bum bum buuuummm bum! Stay tuned, the boss level is


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Oh dear, something new in this level. Donkey Kong is now throwing
mushrooms at you. These mushrooms won't kill you, but they will turn you
really small. While you are small you won't be able to jump too high or
climb on the vines (this condition lasts for 7 seconds). So avoid the
mushrooms! Aside from the mushrooms, this is a very simple level. Go to
the left and climb up the vines. From the vines, jump to the moving
platform. Ride the platform to the vine at the right. Climb up the vine
and enter the "danger zone". Now be careful not to get hit by the
mushrooms or the alligator guy! Climb the vines up to Pauline. Onward to
the next level...

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong does his thang with his son, running away from
Mario and such. Blah blah blah...Mario gets a hammer, throws it into the
air, climbs a ladder, and grabs the hammer again. A useful technique.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Another monkey level! This one is pretty long and confusing (it took me
a few tries to figure it out). First, go up the ladder at the right
side. Climb up on the vine and ride on the monkey tails to get to the
left side. Climb up a ladder, another ladder, and another ladder. There
are three monkeys here! Push the switch at the right to remove the wall
above you so the monkeys can go further to the right. Grab onto a monkey
tail and ride it to the platform at the right...then jump down to
another switch. Hit this switch to the right to make a bridge appear
above you. When a monkey is on this bridge, hit the switch again to make
the bridge disappear...the monkey will fall down to the lower platform.
Hit the switch again to free the key below you! Now ride the
monkey tail across the spikes. Go to the right and climb down to ladders
to the floor. Climb up the ladders at the right side and pick up the
key. Drop down to the floor and bring the key to the exit door.

LEVEL 4-10

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Holy macaroni! There's a lot of vines in this level! This level
introduces something new: frogs. These frogs are NOT enemies, they help
you! When you stand on a frog, he will jump up, allowing you to reach a
higher platform. Okay... climb up the vine right beside you and swing
over to the right side, past the frog, where you will find the key. Pick
up the key and go left to the frog. Jump on the frog to get up to the
higher platform. Then go all the way to the left side. Throw the key up
to the higher platform and use the vines to get up there and pick up the
key again. Go right and use the frog again to get up to the higher
platform. There's a lot of alligators here, watch out for them (you can
actually kill them by hitting them with the key). Go to the exit door at
the left.

LEVEL 4-11

Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Go left and jump over the spikes to reach the main area. Donkey Kong Jr.
is at the top of the level throwing (*gasp*) mushrooms at you! These
mushrooms can really be an annoyance here since you can't climb up
ladders when you're small. It's pretty hard to avoid them too. This
level is very simple, just climb up the ladders while avoiding the
mushrooms. Some of the ladders go up and down. When you get to the very
top, get the key from the right and bring it to the exit door. The end.
The next level is the boss level, the final level of the Jungle.

LEVEL 4-12

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

You'll need to hit Donkey Kong with barrels here. It's pretty easy if
you just know the right place to stay. At the very start, immediately
go to the right side and climb up the vines. Stay at the outer vine with
your body on the outer side. If you stay here, none of Donkey Kong's
barrels can hit you when he throws them! When a barrel settles beside
you, pick it up and throw it at Donkey Kong! You can even jump to the
platform when DK is before you throw the barrel. After hitting him,
quickly return to your "hiding place" in the vines. As usual, it take
three hits to beat the level. Then he'll take Pauline and run off
into the Desert...

* SEQUENCE: DK and junior run away from Mario, crossing a big block of
bricks. Mario gets a hammer from the hammer block and smashes his way
through them!

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 5 - DESERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

The first level of the's a pretty easy one. Here you will
find "hammer blocks". When you touch a hammer block, you will have a
hammer that lasts for about 12 seconds. You can use the hammer block as
much as you want. Ok...go right and touch the hammer block. Use the
hammer to smash your way through the blocks and continue. At the right
side, press "B" to throw the hammer up, then climb up the ladder and
catch the hammer. Continue mashing through more blocks and moving up to
the next level until you reach the top floor. After destroying all the
blocks on the top floor, pick up the key and stand at the left. The
blocks will fall, bringing you down to the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go climb up the ladder at your left...then hop over to the right
and climb up another ladder. There's a hammer block here! Take the
hammer and go all the way to the left (killing the mummies on the way).
Destroy the breakable floor and drop down to the ground. Destroy all the
blocks on the ground here. If you were fast enough, you would have
destroyed all of the blocks on the ground. Now pick up the key and go to
the exit at the right.


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

Whoa, there's lots of stuff in this level. Climb the ladder, then climb
another ladder, then go right and climb another ladder. Ride down the
elevator at the right side. Touch the ladder block. See that broken
ladder at the left of the screen? Place the ladder there to complete it.
Now quickly get your ass over there. At the foot of the ladder there is
a bridge block, touch it. Place the bridge at the base of the broken
ladder above you (to continue the platform with the switch). Now climb
up the ladder and turn the switch to the right (this will make the
elevator go down). Climb another ladder to reach the key. Pick up the
key and ride down the elevator...down to the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Dum da da's the boss level. This one is actually pretty hard!
Your objective here is to get up to the platform beside Pauline. ALL of
the floors here are conveyers, so it'll be hard to keep your balance.
To make things even more dangerous, there are spikes at the bottom
corner...and the conveyer is bringing you to the spikes! Also, the
ladders here are moving ladders (that go up and down). And to top it all
off, Donkey Kong is also doing his stomping thing (like he did in level
1-4). Be sure to jump every time Donkey Kong does a stomp. Also watch
out for the things that fall from the sky each time DK does a stomp.
When you get to the top floor, don't jump too high or you might hit the

* SEQUENCE: The chase brings Mario and Donkey Kong at opposite ends of a
large hole. Mario does the triple handstand jump to get across, and
comically hit his head on the ceiling.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Your time in this level is limited to only 100 seconds, try not to waste
too much time. First, climb up the ladder to a place with three enemies.
These enemies will cause trouble for you later, so I suggest you kill
them first (throw them at each other or use the hammer). When they are
all gone, drop down at the left to where the key is. Pick up the key and
use the spring to bounce yourself up to the moving platform. The rest of
the level must be done VERY QUICKLY. When the moving platform is at the
right, throw the key onto the conveyer (it will be brought to the other
side). You can't ride on the conveyer because of the spikes, so you'll
have to go all the way around (hurry up!!!). When going down the ladder,
you can drop down at the middle to save time. Pick up the key and go to
the exit.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Climb the first ladder, then climb another ladder. There's a flower
enemy beside you and a hammer block above pick up a hammer and
kill that flower guy! Now drop down at the left to destroy the wall on
the conveyer. Drop further down to the ground to destroy the wall
covering the key (also kill that flower enemy while you're at it, he can
be deadly!). By now your hammer is pretty much expired...get a new one
from the hammer block. Drop down to the conveyer and continue left to
kill the two fireballs there. Climb up the ladder at the left to reach
a switch. Push it to the right. This will remove the wall covering the
exit door. Now return to the bottom right corner to pick up the key. Run
all the way to the exit door at the left. Now give yourself a pat on the
back, because you have just beaten the 50th level! Only 50 more to go...


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Go right and climb up the blocks (conveniently shaped like stairs). When
you reach the top, don't pick up the key yet...go down the long ladder.
Watch out for the cannon balls! Drop down to the ground and get a
hammer. Destroy the walls at the left and right. Now climb up the blocks
again to get up to the key. Pick up the key and climb back down the
blocks. Go into the exit door at the right. Finished! There's also a lot
of obstacles at the left of the level...but you don't need to bother
with them (unless you really want to get the items and a 1-up).


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Yes, this is a boss level. Donkey Kong is at the top of the level
throwing barrels down at you (as always). You don't need to throw the
barrels a DK this time, just get up to the platform where Pauline is
(you can't pick up the barrels anyway). All you have to do is climb up
to the top while avoiding the barrels. When the barrels reach the
bottom, they will meet up with a burning garbage can...and they will
turn into fireballs! This shouldn't cause too much trouble for you.
Basically, this is a pretty easy boss level. If you want you can take
a hammer and kill some barrels for fun :)  Brace yourself for a very
difficult level...

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong runs past some mummies in a pyramid. Mario,
running after him as usual, picks up the first mummy an throws it at the
second one to kill it.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 4/4

I personally consider this level to be the hardest, most confusing, and
most complicated level in the game. You have 300 seconds of time here
(more than any other level), but you might still run out of time. Ok...
Climb up the ladder and push the switch to the right (this will make the
elevator at the left go down). Climb up the next ladder and push the
switch to the left (this will make the two bridges disappear). Continue
further to the right and push the next switch to the right. Go around to
pick up the key. DO NOT go on the elevator at the LEFT. Go ride on the
elevator at the RIGHT. Drop down to the third switch and push it to the
left. Pick up the key and go left to the second switch. Push the second
switch to the right (causing the bridges to appear). Get the key and
climb up the ladder at the right. Throw the key up on the long bridge
and use a back-flip to get up there (see the controls section for how to
do a back-flip). Pick up the key and go left, under the thwomp, and down
the elevator. Drop down to the exit door. Done!

LEVEL 5-10

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This level is going to be hard to explain, so I'll just do as best as I
can. There are actually many ways to beat this level. As you can see,
you need to use the temporary bridges, ladders, and springs to get up
to the top with the key. The ladder at the right has absolutely NO USE
at all since you can't climb up with the key. First, hit the bridge
block and place the bridge 5 blocks above the floor (so it is just above
the other blocks). Next, hit the spring block and place it one block
above the floor. Pick up the key and use the spring to bounce up to the
bridge. Now hit the bridge block and place the bride 5 blocks above the
temporary bridge (just above the ladder block). Then hit the ladder
block and form the ladder to connect the two bridges. Throw the key up
there, climb up the ladder, and pick up the key again. Finally, you can
use the spring block to bounce yourself up to the exit.

LEVEL 5-11

Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

First, go over to the side and hit one of the black blocks. Now look
down at the bottom area of the screen. There is a place where a wall
will appear when you hit the switch. Place the block to *cover* that
place so that the wall will not be formed when you hit the switch. Ok,
now go down the ladder and hit the switch. If you positioned the block
correctly, the block will cover the area so that the wall will not be
formed! Neat! Climb back up the ladder. Get another black block and put
it in the key area. Go pick up the key and hop on the block to help you
get out. Now just go to the exit door and you're done. The next level is
a boss level, but lucky for you it's one of the easiest levels in the
game :)

LEVEL 5-12

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Uh huh, this is the boss level. And being the last level of the Desert,
you will need to hurt Donkey Kong here. But instead of barrels, Donkey
Kong will throw some kind of mummy enemy at you. All you need to do is
pick up this enemy and throw it at Donkey Kong. As usual, three hits
will finish him. If you touch those mummies from the side or the bottom,
you will die. After three hits, Donkey Kong will take Pauline and escape
to...the Airplane!

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong escapes from the Pyramid. Mario chases Donkey
Kong out of the Pyramid. And in the distance we are shown that the chase
had led to the airplane. Boring.

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 6 - AIRPLANE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Welcome to the airplane! This level introduces something new: Wind.
There is wind here that blows to the right. It is constantly pushing you
so that you slowly move to the right. This wind is present in a lot of
the levels of the airplane. Ok...jump up to the platform and ride the
moving platform to the left. Ride up the elevator and climb up the
ladder to the top. There are cannons shooting bullets at the top. To get
past these, duck under them (hold down) and let the wind push you to the
right...fall into the hole beside the cannon. Now pick up the key and
drop down to the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

More wind in this level (blowing to the right). First, go to the left
until you reach a thwomp. When the thwomp comes down, jump on top of it
and ride it up to the higher platform. Push the switch to the right
(this will make the wall at the right disappear). Now drop down at the
right to the other switch. Push it to the right (this will make a bridge
appear above you). Climb up the ladder at the right. Go left on the
bridge and pick up the key. Return to the right side. Drop the key and
climb down the ladder. Push the switch to the left (to make the bridge
disappear). If you were fast enough, the key will fall down and you can
pick it up. Now all you have to do is go to the exit. There's a lot of
doors in this level! The real exit door is the one just to the left of
the thwomp.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Judging from all the mechanical stuff around, you are now *inside* the
airplane...and there's no wind inside an airplane! First, jump down to
one of the moving platforms at the bottom. When the timing is right,
jump to one of the moving platforms at the top (note: the switches at
the bottom can be used to control the movement of the platforms). When
you are at the upper moving platforms, do a handstand jump to get on top
of the block. Now jump to one of the moving platforms at the side, then
to the key. There are 4 exit doors in this level...the correct one is
the door in the center of the bottom part. Bring the key over there and
you're done. Now brace yourself for an incredibly simple boss level...


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a boss level. As you can see, it is so goddamn simple that I
don't have to explain a thing. But I'll say something anyway. There are
these two moving platforms going around a circular path. They're going
counter-clockwise at first, but Donkey Kong has a switch that can change
their direction. So get on the platform and ride it to the switch at the
left (be careful not to hit the spiky enemy or a bullet from the
cannon, duck to avoid getting hit). Hit the switch to make the other
platform move. Ride on this platform to get to the top area. It will be
harder to avoid the spiky enemy this time, just get your timing right.
At the top, you will need to JUMP on the conveyer to reach Pauline.

* SEQUENCE: Some gun thingys are on the airplane, apparently shooting
balls of lightning at Mario. Mario dodges these wonders of nature and
makes his way past the gun thingys.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Okay, now you're back *inside* the airplane (so there's no wind in this
level). There are a lot of cannons here, so you'll need to avoid their
shots. Go to the right and jump up to the next platform (try not to hit
the spring block yet). Then go to the right and use the spring again to
get to the third floor. Hit the spring block and place it under that
wire above you. Use the spring to jump up to the wire. Twirl around on
this wire and shoot up to the higher floor. Continue going up until you
reach the key (you should have no problem with that, right?). The REAL
exit door is at the bottom of this level, at the beginning. Pick up the
key and slowly make your way down to the door. Be careful not to get hit
by the cannon's shots!


Skill difficulty:  4/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

You're back outside of the plane, so there's wind in this level. Climb
up the ladder and jump over the wide gap at the right. This is a pretty
big jump, the wind will help you to make it over. Hop on the cloud
platforms and ride them to the right side. Swing on the wire and jump to
reach the very top floor. Get on the *diagonal* wire and swing really
really fast...then jump all the way to the left side (you need to be
holding the button so that the wind won't push you back into the
spikes). Pick up the key. The next step is pretty hard: Now you'll need
to jump over the spikes to the need to run right and jump at
the *very edge* before the spikes. Have faith and trust in the wind!
Then drop down and put the key in the door.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

If you though the previous levels were bad, take a look at this!
Conveyers, switches...this is definitely one of the most complex levels.
Go left to the conveyer (do not hit the switch). To get through this
small gap, you will need to crouch down (hold down) and let the conveyer
bring you through. So go left, up the ladder, up the ladder, and up
another ladder. From now on you will need to watch out for shots from
the cannon. Pick up the key and continue going right. You cannot go
through the little space here because of the spike. So do this instead:
Throw the KEY onto the conveyer, it can go through the spike. When the
key reaches the tiny platform, hit the switch so that the conveyers go
the other way and the key returns. Then quickly go down the ladder and
pick up the key before is disappears. You are now on the lower floor
with the key! Now turn the switch again, and do exactly the same thing
on this floor. On the next floor, turn the switch to the left, and throw
the key onto the conveyer. Although there is no little platform here,
you still need to pull the switch to the right to control the conveyer
at the bottom. *gasp* There's no ladder to go down you will
need to make your own temporary ladder with the ladder block. Uh oh...
this isn't the real exit door yet :(  Turn the switch to the left, throw
the key onto the conveyer, and follow it. Pick it up at the other side.
Go up the ladders, throwing the key up to the next level. The real exit
door is the third one up there. Whew...that was long. Next level is the
last level of the airplane, a boss level...


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is the last level of the airplane, a boss level. It's just like all
the other boss levels where you have to hurt Donkey Kong... except this
time, there's WIND! How fun! There's springs at the sides to help you
get up to DK. As usual, just wait for a barrel to stop moving, then pick
it up and throw it at Donkey Kong. Three hits will defeat him. Be
careful not to fall from the top, you might get hurt. Also watch out for
the holes at the left and right side. It's safer to stay at the left
side, since the wind is trying to blow you to the right (and you might
fall into that hole in the corner). When you're done with all that,
Donkey Kong will take Pauline and run off into the next stage...just
like he always does :)  You're done with the airplane now. The next
stage is...the iceberg! It's strange, how did DK go straight from an
airplane to an iceberg? Anyway, on to the next level!

* SEQUENCE: Mario and Donkey Kong make their way to the next stage of
the game: The Iceburg. And a walking flame follows them, melting the
ground behing Mario...

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 7 - ICEBURG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  1/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

I was stuck on this level for quite a I feel pretty stupid
since the solution is so simple :) At the beginning, the door at the
right will close and you will be trapped in this little space for a
while. But not to worry, a walking fireball will come and melt the ice
above you! Go up the ladder, then ride up the elevator at the right.
Ooo... a switch is at the top. Push it to the left! This will free the
fireballs at the left (and make the elevator at the right go down). Ride
down the elevator and wait...soon the fireballs will come and melt more
ice. Do a handstand jump to get to the switch above you. Hit the switch
to the right, creating a floor beneath you. Go pick up the key. The next
part MUST be done fast! Drop the key on the floor over the ladder at the
right. Quickly hit the switch to make the key drop down, hit the switch
again to restore the floor, go down the ladder, and pick up the key. Now
simply take the key to the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

At first it looks like this level is impossible, it looks like there's
nothing at all to do. But you can jump into the water and sink down to
the bottom! Watch out for the octopus guy, he can cling on to your head
and make you move veeerry slowly. Go over to the switch...push it to the
side (this will make the platforms at the surface move). Swim back up to
the surface, jump on the mini-icebergs, then jump to the moving
platforms. Go get the key at the top-right (watch out for that walrus
guy). Pick up the key and make your way back down...and into the exit
door. Be careful not to fall into the water, you can't swim while
holding the key!


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

The exit door in this level is invisible, notice where Pauline's "Help!"
screams are coming from. First, climb up the ladder and go right. There
is a block and a spring block here, but you don't really need to
use them. Go to the right, jumping over these walrus enemies. When you
reach the other side, climb the ladder to the top. Push the switch to
the right (this will get rid of the wall at the right and make a floor
appear below you). You can throw the key at the penguins to kill them
(just for some sadistic fun :). Drop down to the beginning, then make
your journey across the walruses again. Do you remember where the exit
door was? Anyway, it's near the bottom right, just beside the spikes.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a boss level, and actually it's quite difficult! Here you must
reach the platform where Pauline is. Go to the left and climb up the
ladders. There are three elevators in the level. Donkey Kong has the
switch that controls their direction, and he can hit the switch anytime
he wants. Jump to the first elevator. The thwomp should come down if
you're close to it...jump on the thwomp and quickly hop to the next
elevator. The next part is tricky. Jump to the third elevator, a thwomp
will come down on you so quickly hop back to the second elevator. When
the thwomp goes back up, jump on top of it and ride it up to the top.
Jump off at the top and go over to Pauline. Whew...that was a lot of

* SEQUENCE: Mario approaches some icicles, and they almost impale him
when the fall to the ground. Mario escapes that near-death experience
and uses the icicles as a platform to get to Donkey Kong.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This simple level introduces something new: icicles. When you are close
to the area under an icicle, it will shake a bit for a second, then fall
down. Watch out, you'll die if you get hit by an icicle! After it falls
it will stay there for a few seconds before disappearing...and it will
reappear a few seconds later. Okay...go right past the walrus (watch out
for the icicles). The two icicles will fall down. Stand on them and do a
handstand jump to reach the platform. Grab on to the wire and use it to
fly up to the upper area. The icicle will fall down, quickly jump onto
it...then the next icicle will fall down, now jump onto that one.
Continue jumping on these icicles to cross over the spikes. Pick up the
key and go to the blocks at the left. The blocks will fall down,
bringing you to the exit door. Onward to the next level...


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

I was stuck on this level for a while...but it's not really too hard :)
At the beginning, the three fireballs will walk over the ice above you
to melt most of it. Then they will fall to the ground (be careful not to
hit one of them). Before they get a chance to move to the upper area,
hit the switch to create a floor and close the gap. When a fireball is
walking on the floor that you just created, hit the switch to remove the
floor. The fireball will drop down to the ice and melt some more of it.
You can do this a few more times to melt more ice. Now pick up the key
and ride the elevator to the upper area. Hit the bridge block and place
the bridge at the top of the ladder. The fireballs will come and melt
the ice surrounding the exit door. Hit the bridge block again and place
it right under the exit door. Throw the key up there...then just climb
up the ladder and bring the key to the door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

I was also stuck on this level for about a day before discovering the
simple solution. Go pick up the key at the left. Drop down to the left.
Oh, here's the exit door! But it's suspended in mid air. I suggest you
throw the key at the fish in the water to kill them (especially those
two squid). You can just leave the key alone now. Go down the ladder at
the left. There's an enemy here, watch out for him. Hit the bridge
block. See the exit door at the very top of the screen? Put the bridge
right under the door. Now QUICKLY run to the right and hit the ladder
block BEFORE the other bridge expires. Place the ladder at your left, so
that it goes up to the water. Now VERY VERY QUICKLY climb up the ladder
(watch out for the squid), swim up to the surface, and hit the ladder
block BEFORE the other temporary bridge and ladder expires. Place this
ladder at the right of the umbrella. QUICKLY climb up the ladder, pick
up the key, and drop down to the exit door. Whew...a boss level is
coming up next!


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Oh yeah, this is a boss level! Just like in the boss level of the big
city, Donkey Kong is doing his stomping thing. You know the drill...if
you are on the ground while he stomps, you'll be stunned (so jump each
time he stomps)...and also avoid the garbage that falls down each time
the stomps. Okay, enough of the basic crap, here's how to beat this
level: Jump onto the mini-iceberg going to the left. You know, if you
stay on a mini-iceberg for too long, it sinks (so you should be
constantly jumping). Ride the iceberg to the left, then hop up to the
conveyer. Jump from conveyer to conveyer until you reach Pauline's
place. It can be a little hard to avoid the garbage while on the
conveyers, just do your best. As Peppy would say in Star Fox 64, "Never
give up! Trust your instincts!". And as Slippy would say, "Fox! Get
this guy of me!". Err, never mind... :)

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong jumps over the mini-iceburgs floating over the
water. Mario follows suit, but nearly drowns when he stays on one of the
iceburgs too long.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Go right, past the walrus, to the switch. Pull the switch to the right
(this will make the elevator move up). Now jump onto the elevator (yes,
I know it's going up). The icicle at the right will start to shake and
fall down. Jump onto the icicle and ride it down to the bottom. Jump
over the spikes to the left. Okay, now go to the are now
under the icicles, so they will start to shake...quickly go up the
ladder and cross over the spikes on the icicles. Now hit the ladder
block and place it just to the left of the hat. Climb up the ladder and
push the switch to the right (this will remove the wall covering the
key!). Climb down the ladders...get the key at the left. Bring it all
the way to the right, ride the elevator up to the top, and get to the
exit door.

LEVEL 7-10

Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Take a small step to the right. The icicle above will shake and fall cross the water, you must jump on the icicle and jump to the
platform WHILE it is falling down! This will take some practice to get
it right. You need very precise timing. So the same thing at the other
side to reach the right. Then the icicle at the ladder will fall down.
Jump on that icicle and climb up the ladder. Wait for the next icicle
to fall on the spikes, then use it to cross over them (watch out, the
floor of the next platform is slippery!). Now there are two icicles
hanging over the spikes. This next part is hard: Make the right icicle
fall down on the spikes, then jump onto it. When the left icicle falls
down, you must jump onto it WHILE it's falling and climb up the ladder!
This will probably take a lot of practice before you get it. So climb up
the ladder, pick up the key, and go into the door. [NOTE: There are the
three items just to the right of the door, you can get them if you want
an easy 1-up].

LEVEL 7-11

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

The exit door in this level is invisible, watch for Pauline's "Help!"
screams at the beginning. Go left to make the thwomp go down, then ride
it up and jump to the platform at the left. Ride the ice block down to
the floor. Go hit the ladder block at the left and place the ladder
going up to the switch. Quickly climb up that ladder and hit the switch.
You'll be trapped in this little space for a few seconds...but hitting
that switch released a fireball that will come and melt the ice around
you! Jump down and try to hit the bridge block while falling. Place it
right under you to break your fall (or else you will die). Go right,
pick up the key, and return to the left. Hit the bridge block and place
it 6 blocks above the floor. Then hit the ladder block and make a ladder
going up to the bridge. Then hit the spring and place it one block above
the floor. Quickly jump on the spring and throw the key up onto the
bridge. Then climb up the ladder, pick up the key, and go into the
invisible exit door. Stay tuned kids, the boss level is next!

LEVEL 7-12

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is the last level of the Iceberg, so you'll have to throw barrels
at Donkey Kong this time. This is a pretty basic boss level, except for
a few things. In this level, the floors are made of ice and they're a
little slippery, but that's no big problem. There are also icicles that
drop down from the ceiling...those might cause some problems, watch out
for them. As usual, it takes three hits to beat Donkey Kong, then you're
on to the next stage...THE ROCKY VALLEY! If you thought the Iceberg was
bad, wait until you've seen the Rocky Valley! It has puzzles, action,
and obstacles that will make you wish you were never born. Well, maybe
it's not THAT hard, but it's definitely not easy. And it has a record
breaking 16 LEVELS! Be prepared...

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong rides a mini-iceburg to dry land (for some
reason he doesn't seem to sink, despite being 4 times bigger than you),
and Mario follows him. Big whoop.

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 8 - ROCKY VALLEY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Go right and jump into the careful not to hit any fish! Try
your best to avoid the fish and go left to pick up the key. I suggest
you throw the key at the fish to kill them before continuing (just so
you don't have to worry about them anymore). Pick up the key, go to the
right, and climb up the platforms to the surface. Now, throw the key up
to the little place above the hat. Now QUICKLY hit the ladder block and
place the ladder at the right side. Climb up the ladders, then go around
and pick up the key again (you'll need some luck to be able to avoid
those armadillo enemies). With the key, jump to the left and drop down
to the exit door. Finished! Onward to the next level...


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This stage can be REALLY hard if you're not very good at controlling
your jumps. The path at your right is composed of some dissolving blocks
and some solid blocks (dissolving blocks are the blocks that vanish when
you step on them, and the solid blocks are the permanent ones). You need
to jump *over* all of the dissolving blocks and land only on the solid
blocks. If you step on a dissolving block, it will disappear and the
porcupine enemy will escape (and it will become much harder for you to
beat this level). So step only on the solid blocks while jumping your
way across the path, got that? You will also need to watch out for the
seeds being spit out by the spitting plant at the right. When you reach
the right side, hit the switch and pick up the key. Now make a return
trip back to the left side (still try to step only on the solid
blocks!). Ride up the elevator and make your way across the conveyers.
Warning: Between the conveyers there is a "falling block" (it falls down
when you step on it). Just be careful, like always :)


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is one of my most hated levels in the game...not because it has
hard puzzles or anything like that, but it actually requires a little
physical effort! You begin this level in a waterfall. Go down the
waterfall rapidly tapping the "A" button to slow down your decent,
you're actually swimming up a waterfall :). Also use the arrow keys to
move left and right to avoid the spikes. Jump to the middle area when
you reach the bottom of the waterfall. Make the thwomp come down to you,
ride it going up, then jump off to the vines. Climb up the vines, go to
the switch, and turn it to the right (this will make the wall covering
the exit door disappear). Climb up the next ladder at your right, jump
right to the key, and pick it up. Now go down the waterfall again...but
this time you CAN'T press the "A" button to slow down since your holding
the key! You'll need to move fast to avoid those spikes! Ride up the
thwomp again...and go into the exit door. Beware, next is the boss


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is a boss stage, you need to get up to Pauline's platform here.
Donkey Kong has the switch that controls the bridges in this level, they
can appear or disappear anytime Donkey Kong hits this switch. Remember:
If you are on a bridge and you see that Donkey Kong is about to hit the
switch, quickly jump up and hang onto the vines so you don't fall down
to your doom. You will also need to watch out for all the porcupine
enemies here, they can cause some very real dangers. First, go to the
ladder at the right. When Donkey Kong activates the bridges, quickly
climb up the ladder and head to the left. Climb up this ladder and hit
the switch to the right (this makes the wall blocking Pauline
disappear). Climb back down the ladder and go all the way to the right.
Climb up this ladder, then go left to Pauline. That wasn't so hard, was

* SEQUENCE: Boulders fall from the sky. One of them comically hits
Donkey Kong's head. Meanwhile, Mario safely jumps onto one of them and
rides it to DK.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Go right past the exit door and climb up the *second* ladder. Get one of
those hammers and go left destroying every enemy and block that you can!
Then climb up the vine to the higher platform, then climb up the ladder.
Go to the left and hit the ladder block. See the two hammers down on the
second floor? Place the hammer at the left of those hammers so that it
connects to the ladder on the next floor. Now quickly go down the two
ladders, pick up a hammer from the block, and bring it up (by throwing
it up, climbing the ladder, and catching it). Bring the hammer up
*three* ladders and use it to destroy the two blocks. Then drop down and
destroy the rest of the blocks (also destroy any enemies you meet). Now
go up to the highest platform to pick up the key. Drop down level by
level until you reach the exit door at the bottom.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

This level sure looks complicated, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's not too
hard... First, go right past the elevator and hit the switch to the
right. Go back to the left and jump up to the next level (at the place
with the lobster enemy). Go right and ride the elevator up to the top.
Go to the left (watch out for the thwomp!) and climb up the ladder
(don't pick up the key yet). Go to the right and hit the switch here (it
does exactly the same thing as the other two switches). Return to the
left, climb down the ladder, and pick up the key. Ride down the elevator
at the right. Go left, past the lobster, and ride the elevator up to the
switch. Hit this switch to the right. Ride back down the elevator and go
to the right (at the second floor). Watch out for the two thwomps in
here, and go into the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Donkey Kong Jr. is in this stage, but he doesn't really do much...he
has the switch that controls the direction of the conveyers in the
level. See that enemy there that looks like a flower? I'll call that the
"volcano plant" because once in a while, it erupts and little fireballs
burst out of it. Be careful whenever you're around them. Go left and
jump on the conveyer to get past the volcano plant. Hit the ladder block
and place the ladder right under you. Climb down the ladder. Get the
hammer from the block and destroy as many blocks as you can at the 
right. Make sure that there is a way for you to get to the exit door.
Return to the left and hit the ladder the ladder, and
climb up. Get the key from the top left corner. Hit the *bridge* block
at the left, place it right above the spikes, and drop down there with
the key. You'll drop the key and break your leg, but you're okay. Pick
up the key and go left...and into the exit door.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This is another *easy* boss level. Instead of barrels, Donkey Kong is
conveniently throwing boulders at you. If you remember the cinema scene
after level 8-4, you'll remember that Mario can ride on these boulders!
But unfortunately, you can also get killed by them if they hit you from
the side. So stay at the edge of the spikes and wait for a boulder. When
it comes, simply jump on top of it and ride it across the spikes. Climb
up the ladder and jump onto another boulder...this time you need to
climb up a ladder directly from a boulder. No problem, just hold the up
button while riding the boulder. Climb up this ladder and you're done
with this level. If you're fast, you can beat this level in only 20

* SEQUENCE: Mario tries swimming through a waterfall to get to Donkey
Kong, but realizes that he's too low and he's sinking. So he does a high
jump to a higher part of the waterfall and swims across to DK.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Whoa, check this out...the fish are swimming on the waterfall! Weird...
Donkey Kong Jr. is here again to cause trouble. He's up at the top right
corner throwing mushrooms down on the stage (you know, the kind of
mushroom that makes you small). First, try to get hit by one of DK Jr's
mushrooms. When you're small, you can go left and pass through the small
tunnel (you'll also get the hat and umbrella while going through). Now
swim UP the waterfall and hit the ladder block. Place the ladder right
beside the purse at your right. Go climb up the ladder (you'll get the have all three items!). Pick up the key and go to the right.
Push the switch to the LEFT (this will activate the elevator). Ride down
the elevator and go to the exit door.

LEVEL 8-10

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

You're getting higher and higher up the mountain, so there's wind again
(just like the wind in the airplane, it's blowing to the right). First,
step on the falling block just to your left and jump off to the key.
Pick up the key. Jump to the right and hit the spring block. Place it
right under you, so that you don't drop the key. Drop further down to
the next spring block and put it right under you again. Do the same
thing with the next spring block, then you can easily jump over to the
exit door. If you screwed up and fell to the bottom (and still
survived), you can climb up the ladder at the left and try again.

LEVEL 8-11

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

A lot of people seem to get stuck on this stage...but it's really not
too hard in my humble opinion. First, run all the way to the left side
and hit the ladder block (the one at the elevator area). Place the
ladder at the right side, so that it goes to the key. Quickly run to the
right, climb up the ladder, pick up the key, and hit the next ladder
block beside the key (this must all be done before the other ladder
expires). Place this ladder at the bottom left, so that it goes up to
the other side of the conveyer (make sure that it's connected to the
white floor, not the dark one). Now quickly throw the key onto the
conveyer, climb down the ladder, and hit the other ladder block. Place
that ladder to connect to the platform with the exit door. Climb up the
ladder, pick up the key (it should be at the left side if you threw it
on the conveyer correctly). Now throw the key up to the exit door, climb
up the ladder, pick up the key again...and you're done! Boss level
coming up...

LEVEL 8-12

Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Yes, this is a boss just need to get to Pauline in this one.
Donkey Kong is at the top of the level throwing boulders down at you
(the same kind of boulders he threw at you in level 8-8). These boulders
WILL cause some problems for you. A lot of the floor in this level is
composed of falling blocks. You should try to stay on the solid ground
as much as you possibly can. You can also use handstand jumps to reach
the higher platforms. It can be especially hard to avoid the boulders at
the top area near Donkey Kong since there's no place to hide! As usual,
after you reach Pauline Donkey Kong will take her 4 levels ahead...

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong jumps on some stones floating in lava to get
across the lava. Mario tries using those stones, but they sink into the
lava and Mario gets his ass burned. Don't think you can really do that..

LEVEL 8-13

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

First, go right and climb down the ladder (watch out for the seeds being
spit out by the plant). Hit the bridge block. Place the bridge so that
it connects with the platform that the key is on. The next part must be
done quickly: Drop down there and pick up the key. Go back to the right,
throw the key up to the platform, and do a handstand jump to get up
there. You should be able to do that just before the bridge disappears.
Pick up the key again. Hit the bridge block again and place the bridge
so that it connects to the "head" of the plant. Jump up the steps to get
up there, throw the key up, and do a handstand jump to reach the top.
Pick up the key and go to the exit door at the right. Finished! Now
brace yourself for an extremely complex level...

LEVEL 8-14

Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 3/4

This is one of the biggest, most complex, and most confusing levels in
the game. It's also pretty hard to explain, so please bear with me here.
First, climb up the ladder and go right (don't climb up the second
ladder yet). Jump across the gap and hit the second switch (this will
create bridges over the lava at the bottom). Climb up the vine and
continue going right. Hit this switch (it will take away the wall
covering the key). Return to the very left and hit the switch that was
previously blocked by a wall (you will see a bridge appear above you).
Go climb up the ladder at the left. Go to the right and hit the switch
(this will make the walking stone guys fall down). Hit the switch again
to restore the bridges at the top. Go back left and down the ladder. Hit
the switch to make the stone guy drop down to the very bottom (and hit
it again to restore the bridge at the top). Go hit the switch at the
right side to make the other stone guy fall down (and hit it again to
remove the wall covering the key)...go to the left and climb down the
ladder to the very bottom. Go right, using the stone guys to get across
the lava. Pick up the key and ride up the elevator. I suggest you throw
the key at the lava plant to kill him (but don't throw the key too high
or it will disappear!). Go left and into the exit door.

LEVEL 8-15

Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Climb up the ladder and go right. Warning: There's A LOT of difficult
jumping here...Jump onto the conveyer (you'll need to struggle a bit to
keep balanced)... a thwomp will come down beside you. Jump onto the
thwomp, jump to the elevator at your right, jump to yet another thwomp
at your right, and AGAIN jump right to the downward going elevator. Wow,
that was a lot of jumping! Ride the elevator down to the bottom. Ride on
one of those 'floating rocks' to reach the key. Pick it up. Jump on
another floating rock and ride it across the lava. You need to be
continuously jumping to stay afloat on the rock. Jump up to the platform
at the left. Hit the spring block, place the spring, and use it to reach
the platform above you. Throw the key up, climb the ladder, pick up the
key again, and go to the exit door. That level wasn't so hard, was it? I
wonder why your given so much time to beat it...250 seconds! Anyway, the
boss level is next...

LEVEL 8-16

Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This is a boss level. Since it's the final level of the Rocky Valley,
you will need to hurt Donkey Kong this time. Look, you can see the tower
in the background! Cool. This is the top of the mountain, so there's
wind in this level (blowing to the right, as always). You will also need
to watch out for the bird that flies around the area, throwing eggs down
at you. Instead of barrels, Donkey Kong throws some kind of rock
creature at you. These things can walk around at about the speed of a
snail, so it won't cause any trouble. Just pick up the rock guy and
throw it at DK. It takes only three hits for you to beat Donkey Kong
here. Here's something nice: You can throw the rocks at the bird to kill
him! But another bird instantly comes out of the nest :(  After three
hits, Donkey Kong will take Pauline and head off into the final stage of
the game: THE TOWER. What the hell does he want with Pauline anyway? And
why is Mario so concerned about saving her? All these questions and more
will *not* be answered in the next stage...

* SEQUENCE: We see Donkey Kong, DK Jr., and Pauling jumping over great
pillars of rock in the background, with Mario in hot pursuit. The chase
brings them to the foreground, and into the final level: The Tower.

        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< STAGE 9 - TOWER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Unlike in the other stages, EVERY level in the tower is a boss level.
Donkey Kong is doing his stomping thing again here. The ground shakes
each time he lands on the floor, and you'll be temporarily stunned if
you're on the floor at that time (so jump each time he comes down). Also
watch out for the garbage that comes down. It's a little harder to avoid
the garbage in this level because of the conveyers. DK Jr. is also here,
he controls the switch for the direction of the conveyers. Go right
until you reach the thwomp. Ride up the thwomp to the next conveyer. Now
go left, past the enemy, and hit the switch (this will remove the wall
covering the exit). Return to the right side. Ride up the thwomp and go
to Pauline.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

The springs from the third level have returned with a vengeance in this
level. Donkey Kong is at the side throwing springs to the right. Donkey
Kong Jr. has the switch that controls the floors. Go to the right and
climb up the ladder (you can stay right here if you want, this is a
"safe spot" where the springs won't get you). Go left to the other
ladder (here's another safe area). When the bridges are activated, climb
up the ladder and run all the way to the right. Watch for the areas that
the springs will or will not hit, and carefully go up the ladder and go
left to Pauline.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

In this level, Donkey Kong Jr. has the "master switch" that controls the
direction of the conveyers and the opening and closing of walls and
floors. Donkey Kong is also at the top throwing mushrooms down at you.
Go left onto the conveyer. When the conveyer is going to the left,
crouch down to pass under the spikes and go left. Climb up the ladder at
the left. Pass through these "rooms" and try not to get hit by the
enemies. If the doors are closed, just wait for Donkey Kong Jr. to open
them (he has the switch). Go up the ladder at the right. Now you will
have to watch out for mushrooms! Climb up the ladder, climb up another
ladder, and go left to Pauline.


Skill difficulty:  2/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

This level is really different from any other level in the game...
Instead of bringing the key to the door, or getting to Pauline, or
battling Donkey Kong, you need to trap Donkey Kong Jr. in a cage! I
think this level was included in the arcade game "Donkey Kong Jr.". To
trap DK Jr. in the cage, you need to push all those blocks on the chains
up to the floor above. You should climb on the chain, position yourself
under a block, and climb up to the top. For each block you push up, one
bar of the cage is formed around DK Jr. You will also need to watch out
for the birds and the eggs they drop down on you. Also be careful not to
touch any mushrooms that DK Jr. drops down. Falling from the top of the
chain will mean your death! Push all five blocks into the top and the
cage is formed. Now you don't have to bother with Donkey Kong Jr. for
for the remaining four stages!

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong is throwing barrels at Mario. Mario does a
handstand and a barrel falls onto his feet, and safely bounces off for
Mario to pick up and throw back at DK.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

This level is just a large scale version of the first level in the game
(level 0-1), so you shouldn't have any problems at all in this level.
Donkey Kong is at the top throwing barrels around the place. Some of
them roll down, others drop down quickly. If a barrel touches the fire
at the bottom left corner, it turns into a fireball enemy! Obviously,
to beat this level you must climb up the ladders to the top (where
Pauline is). Jump over any barrels or fireballs you meet. The barrels
can also roll down the ladders (even broken ones), so be careful about
them. Oh yeah, here's a much faster way to beat this level: Do backflips
to get up to the higher floor. I can beat this level in only 6 seconds
by using backflips!


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Go right and jump over the spikes. Climb up the ladder to the electric
wire. Spin around on this wire and swing yourself over to the wire at
the left (watch out for the sparks that travel along these wires). Spin
around again and swing yourself to the upper area. Go right and climb up
the ladder. Position yourself on the wire so that you're prepared to
swing to Pauline (there's no sparks on this wire, so you don't have to
worry about them). When the wall blocking Pauline disappears, swing over
to her. You must have the correct amount of energy in your swing. If you
spin too fast, you would have gone completely past Pauline and straight
to Donkey Kong (this isn't good, because Donkey Kong will juggle you
around for a while and kill you). And if you spin too slowly, you won't
reach Pauline at all. You should have the right amount of force put into
it: Not too fast and not too slow. Okay? Good. Go on to the next stage.


Skill difficulty:  3/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

Ooo...this level is very hard. The entire floor of the level is made of
dissolving blocks (the blocks that disappear when you step on them). As
you can see, you need to take the path up to the top where Donkey Kong
is. You can't simply jump up to the next floor, you need to do either a
handstand jump or a backflip (both of them work well, but I prefer the
backflip). To make things even harder, Donkey Kong is throwing mushrooms
down at you! When you touch a mushroom, you'll become small and you
can't to a handstand jump or backflip. If you do become small, just
wait to become big again while avoiding the mushrooms. As you climb up,
try to jump a lot so you won't destroy too many blocks. When you reach
Pauline, Donkey Kong will take you to the final stage before the big
battle with DK...


Skill difficulty:  4/4
Mental difficulty: 1/4

You will need to hurt Donkey Kong in this level. Donkey Kong will throw
barrels down at you, and you need to throw them back at him. Unlike in
other boss stages, the barrels won't rest on the floor...they'll just
roll off to the side. So you need to stop the barrels yourself by
catching them with a handstand. Go into handstand position and try to
make a barrel hit your feet. The barrel will bounce off your feet and
rest on the ground. It's hard to move well in this level because of the
wind. Whenever a barrel hits another barrel, two mushrooms are formed
(so be careful not to hit them). A mushroom is also formed each time you
hit Donkey Kong. After three hits, Donkey Kong will be defeated, Mario
will rescue Pauline, and the game is over...or is it?

After Donkey Kong drops off the tower, he somehow grows to 10 times his
normal size and comes back up to the top. Mario has shattered his dreams
of having Pauline...Donkey Kong doesn't just want Pauline anymore, he
wants revenge! Onward to level 9-9!

* SEQUENCE: Donkey Kong falls off the tower head-first, apparently with
the entire tower crumbling down with him. But hold on, this battle isn't
over yet...


Skill difficulty:  4/4
Mental difficulty: 2/4

Welcome to level 9-9, arguably the most difficult level of the game.
This level is way different from the other boss levels. Here you need to
really fight Donkey Kong...and he really fights back! It doesn't take
only 3 barrels to beat DK, but 9! And for some reason, Donkey Kong has
grown 10 times larger than his usual size.

Remember the stomping thing he does sometimes in the boss levels? Well,
he's doing it here using only his hands. Each time he stamps the ground
with his hands, jump so you don't get stunned (you can also get
flattened by those hands). Each time he stamps his hands, garbage comes
down from the sky. And along with the garbage comes two barrels! Do a
handstand and try to catch the barrels with your hands. The QUICKLY pick
up that barrel and throw it at Donkey Kong's head before he stamps his
hands again. Hit his head three times and he'll go into "Phase 2".

In Phase 2, he'll do a new move: The hand clap. Before he does this
move, you'll see his hands slowly appear at the side of the screen. You
should now jump up onto Donkey Kong's nose. Then the hands will come
together really fast. To avoid getting squished, you should jump just
before the hands squish you. After he does the clap, garbage will come
down (along with two barrels). Again, use these barrels to hit Donkey's
head. Along with the clap, he'll also do the hand stamp. Three more
hits and he'll go into "Phase 3".

In Phase 3, Donkey Kong will do the "Mega Hand Clap". Before he does
this, his head will go down and one of his hands will be in the air at
the side. When you see this, quickly move to the side. The hand will
stamp on to the ground several times while moving to the other side
(you will be stunned if you're on the ground during the stamp). Then the
garbage will come down. Use the barrels to hit Donkey Kong's head. Three
more hits beat the game! Yahoo! Now you can watch the
craptastic ending, and you will be happy.

                             ~  The End  ~

| 4) BEST TIMES                                                        |

Currently, all of the times shown here are my own personal records. If
you can beat any of these times here (which shouldn't be too easy),
please DO NOT e-mail me about it. There is absolutely no way at all to
verify if you are telling the truth about your record...

LEVEL 0-01 --  96/100                        LEVEL 5-07 -- 109/150
LEVEL 0-02 --  94/100                        LEVEL 5-08 -- 141/150
LEVEL 0-03 --  93/100                        LEVEL 5-09 -- 250/300
LEVEL 0-04 --  87/100                        LEVEL 5-10 -- 169/200
LEVEL 1-01 -- 140/150                        LEVEL 5-11 -- 184/200
LEVEL 1-02 -- 124/150                        LEVEL 5-12 -- 127/150
LEVEL 1-03 -- 131/150                        LEVEL 6-01 -- 130/150
LEVEL 1-04 -- 129/150                        LEVEL 6-02 -- 111/150
LEVEL 1-05 -- 139/150                        LEVEL 6-03 -- 179/200
LEVEL 1-06 -- 182/200                        LEVEL 6-04 -- 227/250
LEVEL 1-07 -- 186/200                        LEVEL 6-05 -- 114/150
LEVEL 1-08 -- 132/150                        LEVEL 6-06 -- 119/150
LEVEL 2-01 -- 177/200                        LEVEL 6-07 -- 128/200
LEVEL 2-02 -- 121/150                        LEVEL 6-08 -- 171/200
LEVEL 2-03 -- 138/150                        LEVEL 7-01 --  87/150
LEVEL 2-04 --  89/100                        LEVEL 7-02 -- 116/150
LEVEL 2-05 -- 134/150                        LEVEL 7-03 -- 120/150
LEVEL 2-06 -- 114/150                        LEVEL 7-04 -- 128/150
LEVEL 2-07 -- 134/200                        LEVEL 7-05 -- 120/150
LEVEL 2-08 -- 133/150                        LEVEL 7-06 -- 121/200
LEVEL 2-09 -- 138/150                        LEVEL 7-07 -- 182/300
LEVEL 2-10 -- 132/150                        LEVEL 7-08 -- 132/150
LEVEL 2-11 -- 119/150                        LEVEL 7-09 -- 201/250
LEVEL 2-12 -- 125/150                        LEVEL 7-10 -- 113/150
LEVEL 3-01 -- 177/200                        LEVEL 7-11 -- 157/200
LEVEL 3-02 -- 177/200                        LEVEL 7-12 -- 117/150
LEVEL 3-03 -- 167/200                        LEVEL 8-01 -- 162/200
LEVEL 3-04 -- 107/150                        LEVEL 8-02 -- 168/200
LEVEL 3-05 -- 175/200                        LEVEL 8-03 -- 151/200
LEVEL 3-06 -- 128/150                        LEVEL 8-04 -- 150/200
LEVEL 3-07 -- 159/200                        LEVEL 8-05 -- 151/200
LEVEL 3-08 -- 164/200                        LEVEL 8-06 -- 111/200
LEVEL 4-01 -- 184/200                        LEVEL 8-07 -- 142/200
LEVEL 4-02 -- 127/150                        LEVEL 8-08 -- 179/200
LEVEL 4-03 -- 124/150                        LEVEL 8-09 -- 163/200
LEVEL 4-04 -- 176/200                        LEVEL 8-10 -- 189/200
LEVEL 4-05 -- 169/200                        LEVEL 8-11 -- 175/200
LEVEL 4-06 -- 155/200                        LEVEL 8-12 -- 129/150
LEVEL 4-07 -- 178/200                        LEVEL 8-13 -- 132/150
LEVEL 4-08 -- 130/150                        LEVEL 8-14 -- 123/200
LEVEL 4-09 -- 177/250                        LEVEL 8-15 -- 206/250
LEVEL 4-10 -- 220/250                        LEVEL 8-16 -- 100/150
LEVEL 4-11 -- 172/200                        LEVEL 9-01 -- 182/200
LEVEL 4-12 -- 169/200                        LEVEL 9-02 -- 188/200
LEVEL 5-01 --  79/100                        LEVEL 9-03 -- 136/200
LEVEL 5-02 -- 127/150                        LEVEL 9-04 -- 154/200
LEVEL 5-03 -- 220/250                        LEVEL 9-05 -- 194/200
LEVEL 5-04 -- 140/150                        LEVEL 9-06 -- 181/200
LEVEL 5-05 --  71/100                        LEVEL 9-07 -- 186/200
LEVEL 5-06 --  99/150                        LEVEL 9-08 -- 152/200

| 5) CREDITS & INFO                                                    |

Special thanks to...
   - Nintendo for making this game
   - for posting all my FAQ's. This is my 5th so far.
   - for having some useful information
   - My parents for buying the game for me

You may freely place this document on non-profit websites without
explicit permission from the author as long as (1) it is not modified at
all and (2) I recieve full credit. Take note that any future
updates will be sent only to

Before coming to me with questions, please make sure that it's not
already answered in this guide. And make sure you're looking at the most
recent version of the guide (always available at All
feedback goes to

For news about the progress of my FAQs, and announcements of future
projects, visit my site at

Copyright (c) Michael Gonzalez 1999-2002