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Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (e)



                     M E T A L   G E A R   S O L I D    2  :

                              S u b s t a n c e

                               Version : 1.20
                       Last Updated : December 28, 2002


                      Written by Eric "Yushiro" Lamphear
                       Contact :



       I.    Introduction

       II.   Game Mechanics

       III.  Walkthrough
          a.  Introduction to Walkthrough
          A.  Tanker Chapter
          B.  Plant Chapter

       IV.   Extras / Secrets
          A.  Beating the Game
          B.  Extra Items

       V.    Missions
          a.  Introduciton to Missions
          A.  Raiden
          B.  Raiden (Ninja)
          C.  X Raiden

       VI.   Snake's Tales
          a.  Introduction to Tales
          A.  A Wrongdoing
          B.  Big Shell Evil
          C.  Confidential Legacy

       VII.  Appendices
          A.  Weapons
          B.  Items
          C.  Dog Tags
          D.  Miscellaneous

       VIII. Conclusion
          A.  Closing Notes
          B.  Version History
          C.  Credits
          D.  Disclaimer


I.   I n t r o d u c t i o n


This is a walkthrough for the Xbox game Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance,
developed and released by Konami. I intend this guide to be a  straight-forward
walkthrough that focuses on gameplay and taking you through the game in as much
detail as needed.

This guide is largely taken from my walkthrough for the Playstation 2 version
of the game. The PS2 walkthrugh was incorporated into this guide, and has been
re-worked and updated to work primarily for the Xbox version.  I have
thoroughly checked the walkthrough for consistency with the Xbox version and
am satisfied with it. Unlike my former PS2 guide, though, I have delved into
the extras far more, as this is the main draw of Substance over SoL (and the
fact that I prefer the Xbox Controller-S to the PS2 Dual Shock 2, but that's
just my preference).

If this is your first game, I first highly suggest that you complete or attempt
to complete the game on your own first and use this guide only as a reference
tool or only if you are inexhaustibly stuck on a certain aspect of the game.

This game acts largely on the assumption that you have already played Metal
Gear Solid. The game controls are very similar and though all the games in the
series are sequels to the previous game, Substance is a direct sequel to
its predecessor. It is highly suggested that you have played Metal Gear Solid
already so that you are readily familiar with the story, characters, and game
mechanics. It isn't required, but it will make the experience more memorable
and most likely more enjoyable. The game does include some brief synopsizes of
the previous games (Metal Gear Solid in particular) in the game manual and in
the 'Special' section at the Start Menu. There are three documents available in
the Special section - all of which you should read at some point. Obviously,
these documents and the game itself are riddled with spoilers for MGS.


II.   G a m e  M e c h a n i c s


The basic mechanics of gameplay will not be described in this guide.

The manual that comes with the game explains it far better than I ever could
and includes detailed drawings and screenshots of the mechanic in question.
I cannot stress enough how well this manual explains the basic movements. Read
it thoroughly and then read it again. (If you are renting the game and do not
have the manual, I apologize, but I am sure that after you play the game you
will want to buy it. If you only have the game disc for the game, you are more
than likely playing a burnt copy and I have no pity for you in the least.)
There is also a small tutorial feature in Substance to demonstrate how to
execute various moves - it is found in the 'Special' section from the main

And aside from the manual, the mechanics are nearly identical as they were
in Metal Gear Solid. There are some moves and features that were added from the 
first, which I shall go over below, but by and large, what you know from the 
first will get you very far in the second. That said, I will explain a few of 
the mechanics that the manual doesn't go over or doesn't explain to my 

---New features from MGS---------

This is just a quick reminder for veterans of Metal Gear Solid about the new
features in the game that the manual only casually mentions.

- You can climb waist high objects by flattening your back against one side of
  the surface and pushing the 'Action Button'.

- You can hang from railings and bridges by flattening your back against the
  railing and pushing the 'Action Button'. This will also bring up the Grip
  Gauge which will slowly deplete - the character will fall when it reaches
  the end.

- You can now hold up enemies. (See the Hold-ups section below.)

- When in First Person View (FPV), you can not only quickly look to the left
  and right by holding the shoulder buttons, but you can also boost up a bit
  by holding both triggers.

- There are now two speeds when crawling. Hold the directional pad or stick
  lightly to move slowly and hard to move quickly.

- Finally, one of the most important features is that when using the M9, USP,
  and SOCOM and holding down the Weapon Button to fire (and the laser sight
  comes up), you can release the weapon _without_ firing by slowly releasing
  the button, instead of just quickly letting go of it to fire. Very useful.


One of the new features in Metal Gear Solid 2 is the hold-up. If you can manage
to get close enough to an enemy sentry without him seeing, you can equip
any weapon that allows you to aim without firing (either by requiring that you
release the button or press it hard) and push the Weapon Button to draw the
weapon. The character will say 'Freeze!' and the guard will put his hands up.
He will stay this way until one of two things happen - you either manage to
maneuver the character so that he is face to face with the soldier and then
point the gun (using First Person View) at his head or his crotch and he will
shake himself out of fear, releasing an item that he is carrying or the guard
will reach or grab for his weapon and attack the character. Most often, the
first item that an enemy will drop will be his dog tag, the main reason for
doing a hold-up.(For more on dog-tags, see the appendix on tags.) 

It isn't always that cut and dry, though, as there can be complications.
First off all, the enemy can only be held-up when they have not seen you or
been notified of your presence. They can only be held up when their cone is
white or yellow. (Attempting to hold up a soldier while they are cautious can
be dangerous, but it allows automatic hold-ups when they are recovering from
being asleep, knocked out, or dragged. During the time they are standing up
from one of those positions, draw your weapon (so the laser is turned on) and
when the soldier has reached an upright position, the character will
automatically say 'Freeze!) Also, enemies have a tendency to leave themselves
open when they are located in inopportune places, where you may not be able
to maneuver in front of them. Always be sure you have room to be face to face
with him, or the hold up will be for nothing. Try sneaking up behind them
while they are still moving down a hallway with their back to you. Then,
lower your weapon (by slowly releasing the weapon button) and run around to
the soldier's front. Draw your weapon again and point it at his head
(or crotch if you are feeling particularly cruel) and he will shake himself
out, unless he is a 'Tough Guy' to use the common expression.

'Tough Guys' refuse to give up their items when you point your gun at their
head and taunt you by saying things like 'If you're going to shoot, then
shoot.' When this happens, you have to shoot them. Using the M9 won't work
as it won't cause bodily damage; it'll just knock him out. You have to use the
SOCOM or USP and shoot some part of their body that is non-lethal, such as
the hand, arm, or leg. He'll then submit and shake himself out. Be careful
when doing this, if you don't have a suppressor equipped on the gun, that
nearby enemies in the area won't hear you. Later in the game, they aren't
such a problem - you'll get a grenade launcher and a missile launcher. Point
those things at them and they will quake in their boots like all the rest. Heh.

Hold-ups are quite useful, not only for getting items, but for stopping
enemies who are blocking your path. Even if there are other patrols in the
area, running up and holding them up and disposing of them will open up a path.
Or, if it is possible that another sentry will come by and find the body, hold
them up, and grab them from behind. Drag them to a place where you and the body
won't be seen and break their neck. As mentioned above, draw your weapon and
when he straightens up, he will be held up automatically. Keep that in mind
when trying to get by a tight spot.

One final note : never, under any circumstances, unequip your weapon while
within the enemy's field of vision, or he will immediately grab his and
shoot you. And call in his buddies. (If you are going to have a prolonged
hold-up, you might want to shoot out the enemy's radio, located on their
right back hip, so they cannot call in reinforcements.)


Lockers are very useful things. They have four purposes. 

One - housing items. Always open lockers to check if there is anything in

Two - hiding enemies in. If you knock out or kill an enemy in an area with
enemies still in it, particularly if they patrol the room/area you are in,
hide the man/body in the locker. Just grab the body by hitting the Weapon
Button, without a weapon equipped, and drag them inside the locker. It seems
that soldiers who are asleep or knocked out never wake up when in a locker,
but if they have been in there long enough, they will automatically wake up
when you open the door.

Three - hiding yourself in. If you are spotted by an enemy and there are
lockers nearby, run for it! Don't let them see you get in, obviously, and
it doesn't always work during a clearing, but oftentimes, you will be able to
wait it out until the assault teams leaves and the area returns to normal.
You can also look through the vents of a locker while inside. You can pull on
the triggers to look around a bit. Be careful when leaning forward when there
are enemies around, though.

Four - they have girly posters in them. No, I'm not being a pervert - they
are useful for distracting soldiers who are performing a clearing. If there
is a locker with a poster in it, always leave it open just in case you need
to hide in a nearby locker. If the searching guards see it, they will go and
look at until the 'Caution' mode ends, rather than searching for you.

There are a few other quirks to lockers. You can break down the door by using
the 'Punch' button. This is useless for most lockers, even locked ones. Most
of the time, locked lockers will fall inward, so you still cannot see if there
is an item in them. However, a few locked lockers in the game will fall
outward and reveal an item. If you find a locked one, always try to break it
down, just in case it does fall outward. Be careful about busting them down,
though. Nearby enemies will hear you punching it and come investigate.


III.   W a l k t h r o u g h


a.   I n t r o d u c t i o n   t o   W a l k t h r o u g h

The walkthrough is based mostly upon Hard Mode, so variances may appear in the 
number enemies and items that appear in the text of the walkthrough, as well
various other matters. However, I will list the differences, if there are any,
between the different difficulty modes for each area and try to explain ways of
getting by for each difficulty if needed - it's just that greater emphasis is
places on strategies for Hard.

The walkthrough is broken into sections based upon the area you are working in.
Mostly you will only see each area described once as you should already be
familiar with it, should you need to re-enter it. If there is some significant
change, I will list it again, but for the greater part, you will simply be told
to backtrack through the area.

The writing style of the walkthrough lends to basic lack of story spoilers as
they happen. I may make mention of important events as they occur or after
the fact. Therefore, be aware of possible SPOILERS - this is your one and only

Writing directions for the game can be confusing as the game mostly takes
place from fixed cameras that change position to make it easier to see.
Most of the time, I will base my directions upon the radar. (And even if
the direction up isn't really north in the game, for sake of ease, just know
that I will refer to it as north.)

---Starting a New Game-----------

Upon first starting a new game, there are a number choices you must first make.
Select the difficulty, the radar type, and if you wish to enable the game over
condition. The radar type and game over condition selections are fairly self
explanatory. Radar Type 1 will enable the radar and allow it to be displayed
during Intrusion View. Type 2 will enable the radar, but it will not be 
displayed in Intrusion View. Radar Off will disable the radar. As for the
game over condition, simply stated, if you are spotted, it is game over. This
game places a higher emphasis on stealth and non-violence than most games of
this nature.... other than the fact that you really CAN murder people if you
are so inclined. (Details, details...) (The last option is only offered in Hard
and the two Extreme modes.)

Lastly, as an added bonus over the PS2's Sons of Liberty, you may choose
to do only one chapter at a time, or the whole storyline, from the outset,
whereas you are required to complete the game once in Sons of Liberty.

---Difficulty Overview-----------

For my convenience, I have set abbreviations for the various difficulties
and I will refer them as such from here on :

Very Easy         [VE]   Hard              [Ha]
Easy              [Ea]   Extreme           [Ex]
Normal            [No]   European Extreme  [EE]
All Difficulties  [AD]

[Ex] and [EE] modes unlock after beating the game once. (And to be clear,
[AD] isn't a difficulty. Just an abbreviation I'll be using.)

There are several things that change depending upon the difficulty. Some of
these things are a bit more tangible, like the fact that the character's
carrying capacity for items and weapon rounds decrease as you increase in
difficulty, the numbers for which are listed in the Weapon and Item lists.
Others are a bit more vague, such as : 

- the overall number of enemies and the amount of damage it takes to kill or
  knock them out.
- the amount of damage the character takes from enemy attacks.
- the amount of items enemies carry.
- the amount of time it takes enemies to wake up from sleeping and stunned
- the easier it is for the character to catch cold and the frequency of
  the sneezing.
- how sensitive sentries are to noises from a greater distance.
- how often enemies try to reach for their weapon when held up.
- how often clearings are performed.
- the number of soldiers in an assault team.
- the time it takes a tranquilizer dart to take effect on an enemy.

[Ex] and [EE] modes also has a couple of added 'features'. For one, Rations are 
_never_ found lying on the floor or in 'chests' like normal items. The only
way to obtain them is from holding up and shaking out enemies. Also, when held
up, enemies will _always_ try to reach for their gun and the chances of them
ducking or hitting you increase quite a bit. The Extreme difficulties are not
for the uninitiated or careless.

In [VE], during the Plant Chapter, you don't have to log into a node to
download a map for the radar - it is already present upon entering a new area.
Also, when using the M9, it is not required to hit someone in any specific
place to knock them out instantly - any shot that hits the target will send
them to sleep right away. Last, items almost always regenerate when you leave
an area and return.


A.   T a n k e r   C h a p t e r

===Aft Deck======================

Enemies     : 3 [AD]

Items       : Bandage [x2] [VE - Ha]
              Chaff        [AD]
              Medicine     [Ex]
              Pentazemin   [AD]
              Ration       [VE - Ha]

After the dramatic opening, you start the game on the Aft Deck of the Tanker.
You may want to take a moment to become aquatinted with controls. There are no
enemies that can spot you if you stay behind the four large coils of chain.

When you are ready to go, first head over to the left and pause at the left
most coil. In a moment you will see a white cone appear on the tip of your
radar - there is a single solider over there. Depending upon whether you want
to get his dog tags or not, you could just go into First Person View and shoot
him in the head from here with the M9 (you'll be doing a lot of this). If you
want his tags, run to the staircase and hide against the wall (be sure to stay
behind the shadow that is cast on the ground). Watch his patrol pattern on the
radar and take your opportunity. As you should have noticed there is a Bandage
under the staircase.

Once the guard is down, head around the back, past his patrol area. Go down
the enclosed area on the left - there is a ration in the back, on the left
(there is an ledge off-camera that you can walk onto, on the left). Return and
go up the stairs. If you get close to the door (don't go in right now), Otacon
will call you on the Codec (green - optional) and tell you that you can open
it by pushing and holding the 'Action Button'. Pressing it repeatedly will
cause the character to open the door much faster. Go up the stairs and down
this enclosed area to another staircase. Be careful going up - there is a guard
that patrols the entire front portion of the upper catwalk. Make sure he isn't
there and go on up.

If you are trying to get his tags, I suggest waiting until he has already
patrolled the left side and has started heading back to the right. At the
bottom left corner, he will take a moment to look through his scope. The
second he puts them away and starts heading right, run forward, get as close to
him as you can and draw your weapon. You should have enough room on this front
portion to maneuver around to his front. On [Ex], you can find some Medicine
in the recessed portion of the upper wall, at the halfway point.

Head right along with catwalk until you come to the set of stairs going down
comparable to the previous set going up. Look on the radar for a guard just
below you one deck. The best opportunity to go down is when right after he
comes up a little, checks around, then starts heading back down to check the
bay with his scope. If you want to get his tags, though, try to get to him
before he reaches the railing, as it can be difficult to get yourself in front
of him that close to the railing. Once he is out, head back into the enclosed
area on this level for a Bandage. Come forward and go down the stairs. Go 
right and back into another enclosed area. Head all the way to the back and
go to the ledge on the right for a box of Pentazemin.

Come forward further, past the raised area that is similar to the wall you hid
behind for the first guard. On the southern side of the wall, there is a
staircase - go up it. There is a waist-high box in the middle of the platform.
Back up against it and push the 'Action Button' to jump over it and get the
Chaff grenades on the other side. Once you have those, you are done here.

Head back to the starting area and towards the first guard. Depending upon how
long you took to do all this and your difficulty setting, he may or may not
be awake again. Get past him and go into the very first hatch you saw to enter

On a side note, if you skip one of the opening scenes (the one where Otacon
goes over the controls), you can save a single round on the M9.

===Deck-A, crew's quarters=======

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : M-9 Bullets [AD]
              Ration      [VE - Ha]

As you will notice, you enter the interior of the Tanker soaking wet, and 
most likely with a cold. Be careful about leaving footprints and that a
guard isn't close enough to hear you sneeze (it'll still happen at the worst
times, of course).

To the north, you'll notice that there is a door on the radar. Don't bother
with it - it is a one way door and the handle will come off in your hands.
Head down the hall to the right. There is a locker room on the northern wall
of the lower hallway - go in. Open the lockers by pushing the action button
in front of them. On the left most set, the bottom one contains a Ration.
(The one above contains a rather... nice... poster.) The four lockers in the
middle are either locked or empty. Of the set on the right, the top one is
empty and the bottom contains some M9 bullets and another... gorgeous...

When you are done here, you need to get past the guard patrolling the eastern
hallway. Wait until he pauses at the bottom and starts heading back. Quickly
run out the room behind him and hold him up. When you are done with him, 
head up to the door to the next area

By the way, in [Ex], the guard patrols the whole section, not just the eastern
hallway - take the Medicine as soon as you enter and just start running down
the hall on your right - he should be heading right down the southern hall,
giving you ample time to sneak up on him.

===Deck-A, crew's lounge=========

Enemies     : 2 [VE], 3 [Ea - Ex]

Items       : M-9 Bullets     [AD]
              Ration          [VE - No]
              Stun Grenade    [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets     [AD]

Points of
Interest : The large glass window in the middle of room can be shot out. 
           However, when you shoot at it, it will leave a large mark on the 
           glass. If a guard sees it, they will investigate it. Also, the TV on 
           the right side of the lounge (showing a large machine...) can be 
           shot out.

Alright, now it gets a bit more complex. You will most likely have three guards
in here - two patrolling the lounge and one in the stair well on the far left
(similar to the one you start enter in). First, run to the back of the
stairwell and go down the stairs. You'll find a box of Stun Grenades. Do not, I
repeat, DO NOT enter the door down there yet. It won't kill you, but if you are
collecting dog tags, I suggest you wait before entering this room. Head back up
the stairs.

What I suggest you do here, whether you are collecting dog tags or not, is to
wait until the guard who is patrolling the area in the back enters the main
hallway (south of the large glass window in the middle of the room) and shoot
him in the head. Enter the lounge and wait until the other guard patrolling the
left side of the main hallway turns his back and run up and hold him up. If
you are getting dog tags, you will be returning to this room later - when you
do, just knockout the one on the left, and hold up the one on the right.

When you are done with those two, head into the back area of the lounge. In the
back right corner, you'll notice a bar. Head into the back area through the
swinging doors and grab the M9 bullets. Next, head left and you will see a 
small TV lounge. Inside, there is a Ration in [No] and below.

Next, head over to the stairwell on the far left. You should notice on the
radar that there is guard at the bottom of the stairs. (In [Ex] he patrols
up and down the stairs, making your job a bit harder.) Just go down the stairs
and wait until he opens his eyes for a second (you will see a white cone
facing down on the map), then quickly run around to his front and pull your
weapon to hold him up. (And don't ask me why he is surrounded by flies... just
get away from him before they start following you...) The door at the bottom
of this stairwell is broken, so you cannot go in. Head back up the stairs and
go to the middle of the main hallway. You should have noticed the large
staircase. Head up it and go into the door on the right side. (The door on the
left is also broken.)

Remember to drag around knocked-out enemies for items.

===Deck-B, crew's quarters=======

Enemies     : 1 [VE - No], 2 [Ha - Ex]

Items       : M-9 Bullets [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets [AD]

This area is essentially a large circle. You want to head around to a set of
stairs going up on the opposite end of the circle. There are one or two guards
in your way, though. First, head up and there will be a quick in-game cutscene
where Snake notices a guard's shadow on the ground. What you want to do is
quickly run into the hallway (but stay out of the guard's field of vision) and
hold him up. It should be fairly easy to maneuver yourself in front of him from
his position. Once he is out, head back down the corridor to the stairwell on
the right you passed. There are some M9 bullets in the back of the room which
you cannot see due to the stairs blocking your field of vision. Use First
Person. The stairs, however, are blocked and the hatches lead to the Aft Deck.
So return to the 'circle' and head down, past the door you came in from.

In [Ha] and [Ex], there will be another guard patrolling the hallway at the
very bottom of the 'circle'. Just wait until he reaches the right side and
starts to go left again. Run behind him and hold him up. Unfortunately, you
probably won't have room to maneuver around him here. What you want to do is
run through him, which knock him off balance, then quickly turn around and
point your weapon at him again. Anyway, if you'll look at the map, you will see
that there is a very small niche in the wall in the southeast corner. Inside
there is a Ration. Proceed to the bottom most hallway and there is another,
larger, niche in its northern wall. There is a locker here that contains some
USP bullets, which you cannot get quite yet. Just remember the location.

Continue following the circle until you come to the stairwell on the left side.
Proceed up.

===Deck-C, crew's quarters=======

Enemies     : None

Items       : Chaff  [AD]
              Ration [VE - Ea]

Deck-C consists of a long horizontal hallway with a set of stairs leading up
(your goal) and a single security camera. In [VE - No] the camera is
stationary and it is a simple matter to just hug the wall and go beneath its
blind spot. However, in [Ha - EE], it is moving back and forth across the hall.
In this case, it is in your best interest to just throw a Chaff grenade and
knock it out, rather than risking being spotted. If you are spotted _quickly_
run right To the left of the staircase that you are supposed to go up, there is
a locker. Open it and get inside. (Don't go up the stairs, as there isn't a
good place to hide when you first get there.) Wait until the attack team is
recalled and exit. There is a box of Chaff grenades in the locker, by the way.

In [VE - Ea], there is a ration on the right hand side. Go into the stairwell
and face north. Drop down to your stomach and pull the right trigger. You
should notice that there is a very small air duct in the northwest corner of
the room. In the other difficulties, it is simply empty.

When you are done here, just head up the stairs in the middle room.

===Deck-D, crew's quarters=======

Enemies     : 1 [VE, Ea], 2 [No], 3 [Ha, Ex] + 1 Temporary [AD]

Items       : Box 1           [AD]
              M9 Bullets [x2] [AD]
              Ration          [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets     [AD]

There is quite a bit to deal with on this floor. There should be two or three
sentries on the deck, depending upon your difficulty. When you first come up
the stairs you may see one go left into a room. Follow him first. Do it quickly
too, as he will have his back to you for a short while. You can follow him
between the tables and hold up if you do it quickly. Once he is down, check
around the kitchen for some items. In the back through the swinging doors,
there is a Ration. If you crawl under the tables, you can find some ammo - 
USP on the left and M9 on the right. As you should have seen from the in-game
cutscene as you walked into the room, there is a security camera watching the
southern door out of here, where you want to go. You could use some Chaff if
you want, but you can just hug the southern wall to avoid it. (Plus you'll be
able to use your radar to tell where the guard on the other side of the door
is.) The camera is stationary in [VE - Ea], but moves back and forth in [No]
and up. Unlike the camera on Deck-C, you should be able to get it without

After watching the other guard(s) on the floor, just use the best opportunity
you see based upon their patrol patterns to take them out. When you are done
with them, there are two other points of interest - the Semtex and the 'remote
room'. On the right side, near the hallway that leads to a room in the
northeast corner (dubbed the remote room), there are two panels of IR sensors
connected to enough Semtex to blow Snake to bits. In all practicality, you
should just avoid these, but if you need to know, you can crawl underneath them
(not very wise if there are guards patrolling the adjacent halls). You can
tell where the beams are by equipping the Cigs and standing close the panels.
In the remote room, there is some ammo and a cardboard box - neither of which
you should really need, but if you want to get all the dog tags, you'll have
to go in and trigger the 'temporary man'.

The 'temporary man' here can be a bit of a pain to deal with if you want to
go into the remote room, and even more so if you are trying to get his tag.
And worse yet, I have had problems getting him to come back more than once
on the higher difficulties, so you really need to try and do this right the
first attempt. What I suggest you do is first clear out the entire Deck - knock
everyone out and do whatever else you have to do before entering the remote
room. This is just in case he is one of the 'tough' hold ups (which he is on
some difficulties) and it is just a good precaution. If you are on [Ha] or
[Ex] you'll have to deal with the extra man in the main hall, though. Knock
him out and drag him with you into remote room - just be aware that the second
you step foot inside, the other guard is coming up the stairs. Drag the body in
back and stay in the bottom half of the room until the guard enters (if you
stay on the top half, he won't enter the room, but patrol the hall and leave
again). The second the game starts to do the in-game cutscene, push X to cancel
it and run forward to the crates on the left side of the room. Duck into Box 1,
which you can grab in the remote room, right below the boxes. The guard will
walk over to the shelves in the middle of the room, and providing he doesn't
see the knocked out guard in the back, he will make like he is going to sleep
on his feet for a minute or two. As soon as he starts to nod off/the white
cone on the radar disappears, drop the box and draw your weapon.

When you are done here, head up the narrow stairs on the northern wall of the
bottom most corridor to the Bridge.

===Deck-E, the bridge============

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Ration          [VE - Ea]
              USP Bullets     [AD]

After a few cutscenes and a chat with Otacon on the Codec, which start as soon
as you enter, you're pretty much done here. There are some USP bullets on the
right, but you can't get them yet. Head left to the door to the Navigational
Deck, where you will have your first boss fight. There is a Ration in front of
the door out on [VE - Ea].

===Navigational Deck, Wing=======
---Boss Fight : Olga-------------

Enemies     : Olga

Items       : M9 Bullets [AD][Regenerates]
              Ration     [VE - Ha]

In [VE - Ha] this battle is fairly simple, once you understand how it works.
Basically, you have to hide behind the crates while Olga fires a seemingly
endless stream of bullets at you, while avoiding her grenades, when she throws
them. Not as hard as it sounds.

Before you do anything, shoot the spotlight in the back-left. If you don't,
this battle will be ridiculously hard. (In [Ex] you cannot shoot out the
light... see below for details on what to do if you don't. But in any other
mode, you have no reason not to shoot the light... unless you are one of the
sickest kinds of masochists there are.)

She continuously moves around while firing at the position where she last saw
you. What you need to do is move from one side to the other without her
knowing. To do this, use the running roll. When her field of vision cone can't
see you or when she ducks behind an object to hide or reload, push the stick
as fast as you can and hit the A button almost immediately after. With some
skill, you can seamlessly switch sides without her knowing. The point of all
of this? She leaves herself wide open to direct shots in most every direction 
except for the one where she thinks you are. However, don't think you can take
your time to line up a shot - after a little while of firing in one direction 
(and not seeing you fire), she will wonder if you are really there and start to 
search around. Also, she randomly will take a miniscule amount of damage and 
become alerted (red cone) and wildly look around. And if you have left yourself 
out in the open, she WILL spot you.

When shooting at Olga, always, and I mean, always do a face shot. Not a head
shot, a face shot. If you shoot her anywhere else, it does a negligible amount
of damage. (Well, if you shoot her in the heart, it can do a good deal, but
that is a bit too hard to hit most of the time.) And when I say face, I mean
the front lower part of her head - not the back or middle of the head, or the
forehead. Shooting her anywhere but her front 1/3 of the face will do no damage
and alert her to your location.

This battle has three parts - Olga hiding behind obstacles, Olga shooting out
the tarp and hiding behind it, and then a branching path - if you shoot out
the light, the last part will be more of her hiding behind obstacles; if you
don't, it will be her shining the light in your face. For the first part, just
use the confusion method described above.

For the second part, she will shoot out part of the tarp and hid behind it so
that you cannot see her. (Why in the hell she can still see Snake and shoot
with perfect accuracy is beyond me.) This occurs when you've knocked her down
to about one half of her total stun meter. (You cannot kill Olga, since you
only have the M9's tranqs.) What you need to do hit her directly once and she
will shoot the tarp again, making it fly away and starting the third part of
the battle. Hide behind the waist high crates in the middle of the field and
go into First Person View. Draw your weapon and quickly hit the A button to
jump up, shoot, and then hit A to drop down again. You won't hit her the first
time, but keep adjusting yourself slightly until you manage to hit her. Align
yourself directly in the middle of her field of vision cone on the map and
make the camera go slightly upward from the default view. With some luck,
you'll hit her eventually.

If you've taken out the light, she will again start doing her duck and shoot
routine and the battle should be in bag for you. Just use the confusion
tactics detailed above. Avoid her grenades, though - if she starts throwing
one, move as fast as you can.

Fighting her in the Extreme levels is an entirely different beast. You cannot 
take out the light. Two shots from her will kill you. One grenade blast will 
kill you. The battle is same up until the third part. Use confusion tactics and 
then hide behind the waist high boxes. For the third part, she will shine the 
light in your face so you cannot see her in First Person View (similar to the 
tarp, but much more of a pain). You could hide behind the crates and keeping 
popping up and down trying to hit her, but because she keeps throwing grenades, 
you'll have to keep moving, and losing the position of the camera.

What I suggest you start doing is to hide on one side of the area and wait for 
her to throw a bomb. Wait for her to start to say 'Take this!' - as soon as she 
begins saying it (the approximate time she throws the grenade) run clear across 
to the other side. Don't do it before then - she can change which direction she 
throw the bomb if you start running as soon as she pulls it out of her belt. 
Starting on the right and moving to the left when she throws is the best way to 
do it, in my opinion, since there is no obstruction on the left side of the 
left most stack of crates. In the time it takes her to recover from the throw 
and turn around to shoot the light (she shoots the light back and forth across 
the field so it always shine in your direction) you should have a window of 
opportunity where you have a clear shot of her face and you aren't bothered by 
the spotlight. Keep doing this until you get your shots in.

If you happen to face her on [Ex - EE], you have my sympathy for the 
frustration you will indeed feel.

===Navigational deck, wing=======

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : Ration          [VE - Ha]
              Thermal Goggles [AD]
              USP Supressor   [AD]
              Wet Box         [AD]

After the fight with Olga, you'll have a new weapon - the USP. Unlike the M9,
it can kill and it doesn't have a suppressor, so exercise caution when using.
Be sure that you drag Olga around to get her dog tags and a couple of items
(M9 bullets and a Ration). There is another ration in the crates - it's on
what used the be right side of the screen (during the boss fight). Drop down
off of the plank you start off on. When you are done here, go right towards
the exit. (Be sure you have Olga's tags now, though - she will disappear when
you move too far from her.)

Instead of going back on the bridge, go down and you will find a path right
and a staircase. First, go up the stairs to find a ladder leading up the
ship's crow's nest. At the top, you will find a pair of Thermal Goggles. Very
useful later on. Go back down the ladder and the stairs and take the path to
the right side of the deck. (If you are playing on [VE - Ha], you can also find
the USP Supressor in the middle crow's nest.)

As soon as you approach the end of the wall, a solider will come onto the deck
from the bridge. I highly suggest that you go run out and hold him up
immediately - his back is to you and when he gets in his patrol position, it'll
take some good timing and fast legs to hold him up again without being spotted.
Once he is out, run to the right and grab the Wet Box (which has no discernable
purpose to me...).

Now you need to backtrack a bit. Head back to the bridge and pick up the USP
bullets. Head down to Deck-D and take out the guards as necessary to get down
to Deck-C. (You might want to try and grab the USP bullets under the right
table in the kitchen, but it's not that big of a deal - there will be more

In [No - Ex], a man is added patrolling the hallway on Deck-C after the fight
with Olga. Taking him out or holding him up is a simple matter on [No - Ha].
When you first come down, he will be going left; flatten yourself against the
left wall and wait for him to return right. Run after him and hold him up.
[Ex] is a bit tougher as he only patrols from the camera to the small room
where you start and he also looks into the room, as opposed to just walking
past it. Hide in the locker that is to the left of the staircase until he looks
in the room and turns around. When he starts heading back to the small room,
you'll have an instant before he turns left to face the small room - hold him
up in that instant and you should be fine. Go past the camera (again, use a
Chaff if it is moving) and down to Deck-B

Go around the bottom of the 'circle' and pick up the USP bullets in the locker. 
Enter the door to the Deck-A lounge. On Deck-A, you should start at a prime 
location to takeout one guard and then quickly run and hold up the other (if 
you did what I suggested when you first came here). Proceed right to the 
stairwell and down the stairs to the door to the Engine Room.

===Engine Room===================

Enemies     : 5 [VE], 6 [Ea], 7 [No - Ex]

Items       : Grenades         [AD]
              M9 Bullets       [AD]
              Ration           [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets [x2] [AD]

Go down the hallway you find yourself in. As you approach the back room,
Snake will notice a suspicious shadow on the wall... Enter the back room and 
head for the lockers. The first one opens to reveal a dead body. Ick. The
others are empty. Hop on top of the block and grab the USP bullets.

Head back into the hallway and toward the door on the left wall. As you
should see on the radar, there is a man just on the other side. Taking him
out is not a problem, but holding him up is - there is barely enough room to
get on the other side of him. The best way I have found to hold him up is to
get on the other side of him, then run through him - it will knock him back
a few feet, but then you need to get on the other side of him again and
make sure he doesn't grab his weapon. You can also try dragging him, if you
feel you are comfortable enough with it. By the way, this guard only appears 
the first time you enter the room and never again afterwards. (Hence my warning
about entering here too early.)

Once he is out, head down the stairs. There is another guard below who is
fairly simple to take out. Just hide in the niche just right of the bottom of
the stairs until he turns around and then run up behind him. Go down the stairs
to the bottom floor where another guard is standing stationary in front of a
pillar. Wait until he turns right and run out and hold him up. Go down the path 
that runs next to the stairs you just came down and you'll find some M9 bullets 
in the back. Come forward to walkway that connects left. Run to the back on 
this catwalk to find a Ration in the back. Go down and around left to find a 
set of stairs.

There are two ways you can go here - straight back a path right of the stairs
or up the stairs. I suggest going up to take out the guard up there and to
make getting at the guard in the back (at the end of the catwalk lined with
red lights) easier. First watch the guard's patrol route on the radar, then
run up and grab him when you see it fit. Run to the back of the long catwalk
and go left onto a larger platform. There are two large, lighted niches
here - the second one down has some USP bullets in it. Be careful about coming
on here, though - in the higher difficulties a guard patrols the bottom of this
platform. Hide in the niches until he turns his back.

Run down the stairs to the bottom platform with two large blocks in the middle
of it. In the southwest corner of the area, there is a box of Grenades. Then
head to the northeastern corner to the red-lighted walkway. If the guard is
still there, the best time to run up and hit him is when he comes slightly down
the red walkway. The second he turns his back, run forward and hold him up.
There are some USP bullets in the back corner of the walkway. Go back up the
flight of stairs. There is one more guard up there - his pattern is fairly
easy to follow, but watch for the quick turn around he does down a couple of
steps. When he is taken out, head back and in the door on the left.

To the south is a door which is currently jammed. Head north and right before
you enter the small room, there will be a in-game cutscene showing a guard
coming in the door and radioing in his report. He will start making his way
to the back room. What you should do is wait inside the room, just left of the
entrance to the hallway. As soon as he comes up into the room, hold him up.

There is a box of USP bullets on top of one of the waist high structures.
(Two on [Ex].) There are also some lockers on the left wall, but there isn't
anything in them (except for a couple of posters). As soon as you try go down
the hall, Otacon will call you up (red - mandatory) and warn you about more
Semtex and IR.

For these, you can't get around them - you'll have to disable them. For the
first set, jump on top of the waist high structure that the ammo was on.
Put on your Thermal Goggles and go into First Person View. You'll notice a
brightly tinted box above some blinking lights. The bright box (has a green
light without the goggles) is the control box and the boxes with the blinking
lights is the Semtex. Don't hit the Semtex, obviously. As Otacon said you'll
have to use the USP. As you hold the gun in FPV, you should see a small slit
on the top where the laser sight is pointing - put the box in the sight and
fire. You should see the IR lines that were formerly there disappear with the
goggles on.

On most difficulties, the control box for the first set of sensor is on top of
the right side of the hall, by all of the Semtex. Just stand on the waist-high
box directly south of the hall and you will have a clear shot. On [Ha], though,
it is on top of the computer-like cabinents in the room south of the hall. On
[Ex], it is back in the hallway on the right side, but you can't reach it even
while standing on the box. What you need to do is pull both triggers while in
FPV to have Snake stand up slightly higher, which will then give you a clear
shot. For the next set, move into the narrow hallway and move as close to the
red lines as close as you feel you can safely get. Stick to the left side of
the hall, look in FPV, aim and fire. (Be sure not to send your bullet through
one of the lines, though - it will set it off.) The next one is just a bit
harder. Get as close as you can and stay on the right side of the hall. Look,
aim, fire.

When you're done, open the hatch to Deck 2.

===Deck 2, port==================

Enemies     : 3 [VE - Ha], 4 [Ex]

Items       : M9 Bullets       [AD]
              Ration           [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets [x2] [AD]

This area consists mostly of long hallways and small side rooms. Head down the
hall to the first small room on the right - there will be a Ration inside.
Shoot out the light on the right wall. Why? Because there will be a guard
heading down the hall towards you. You need to try and take out as many lights
as you can going down to prevent him from seeing you. (He can see further down,
far outside his cone of vision, when there are lights present.) Put on your
Thermal Goggles and slowly head down, taking out lights with the M9 as you
go. You will come to another small room on the right with a dead body lying
partially in the hall. (You can drag him to get a Ration, if you need it, and
there are some USP bullets in the room.) Take out the light and start slowly
moving down the hall watching the far end. You'll soon see the red glow of
the solider - he'll start walking down the hall. RUN back to the small room and
wait for him to come. Do the same thing you did in the small room in the Engine
Room - wait for him to come past you, run out, and hold him up.

Keep going back and you will come to another room. Nothing in there, but stop 
there to take out the lights at the end of this leg of the hall (you should see 
the back wall of the corridor here). Slowly move down the hallway until you see
yet another red outline approaching from the right. In the higher difficulties
he will start to come down the hall a bit, but only a little. Wait until he
turns around and run forward to hold him up. There is another box of USP ammo
at the end of this leg of the hall.

Note that on [Ex], once you start heading west down the hall, a guard will
enter at the south end of the vertical hall, where entered. (No tag, though.)
So be sure you hide any bodies you have amassed in the small rooms.

As soon as you enter the horizontal leg of the hall, you'll hear a sentry
saying 'Nothing to report.' and snoring. If you look straight right down the
hall, you'll see a guard standing still and nodding off. You don't need to
take out the lights here, as he just stands still. Make your way towards him,
hiding behind walls when he wakes up (watch him for his pattern). Wait for
him to wake up, go to sleep for a second, then wake for a half a second - 
that is the point where you have the most time to run up in front of him and
draw your weapon. You will pass a box of USP ammo and there is another at the
end of the hall at the hatch.

When you are ready, enter the hatch that is to the right of the final sentry.

===Deck 2, starboard=============

Enemies     : None

Items       : Ration           [VE - Ha]
              USP Bullets [x2] [AD]

There are no enemies in this side of the deck (yet), so use the USP and
start taking out lights as you go right to the end of the horizontal portion
and start making your way down another vertical portion. You'll come to yet
another small room, sticking out left. STOP HERE. As soon as you move down,
you'll be brought into a fight. You want to take out the lights to one past
the block you should seen down the hall. Go in the room and grab the USP ammo
and Ration if you need them. Equip the Thermal goggles When you are prepared,
head down the hall and there will be a cutscene that begins an intense fire

First off, you can do this fight with the M9 if you want, but it is much
tougher to knock them out and the M9 will only shoot one at a time, unlike
the USP. It's tougher, but if you want to try for zero kills, you'll have to
do it.

Quickly stand up, run to the box on the right closest to you, and duck back
down. Lean against the box, so that you only have to push the weapon button to
duck out left and shoot. With the Thermal Goggles equipped, you should be
able to watch their movements quite well. Just keep swinging out, firing, and
pulling back in when the move through the hall. Keep an eye on how many
rounds are in your gun! You do NOT want to be caught out there while Snake
decides to reload - you _will_ get hit. When you run out of ammo, quickly stand
up and run to the back where there are two boxes of USP rounds and a ration
back there. Run forward and kneel down again. Fairly soon, they will start
throwing grenades at you. Watch the man on the right side of hall - you will
clearly see his outline stand up, and throw his arm back like he is throwing
something towards you. Stand up and move! You do NOT want to be near a 
grenade when it goes off - just like the fight with Olga, you will die in one
hit. (Thankfully, these guys don't have Olga's aim.) He usually throws two -
one behind the box (or wherever you happen to be) and another when you stand up
and run to the back. Use the rolling dive if you need to. Just stay behind the
box, watch them with the goggles and use Rations if needed. Eventually, there
will only be the guy throwing grenades left. You'll have a hard time hitting
him just ducking out, so you should just stand up and aim your gun at his
position using FPV - hide behind the box, crouched, and pull the triggers to
quickly jump up. When he rises to throw a bomb at you, fire away. Once that guy
is down, a small squad of three to four men will come out and start running
towards you. You will clearly see them with the goggles - swing out and mow
them down. When they are taken out, the fight ends.

===Hold No.1=====================

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : M9 Bullets [AD]

After the fight, there will be a couple of scenes and a chat with Otacon, who
will once again explain what you are to do - get four photos of Metal Gear RAY,
within seven minutes, without being spotted by the marines. Not that hard,
really. A few ground rules first. First, don't make any noise. That means don't
fire the USP in here, or you will be spotted. Second, don't kill the marines.
As in going up behind one and snapping their neck - Otacon will berate you and
the game will end. Third, you can tranq the marines, though. (It's actually
pretty humorous - they sleep standing on their feet.) You can also hold them
up, if you want. You won't get any items, though. (Just don't kill them.) Next,
the clock will stop when the commandant randomly decides to throw in some
stretching or having the men stand at ease. When they do this, hide! They will
look in every conceivable direction, and most likely at you.

(By the way, if says during his speech 'We have intelligence that there are
anti-Metal Gear terrorists...' he is going to falsely alert his troops. He'll
say 'Intruder to the right!' and everyone will turn. Stay hidden and don't
get too startled.)

That said, Hold No.1 is easy. Head right and down the ladder. The ladder will
end and there will be another one down. When you reach the ground, you'll see
that they are looking to the screen, which is positioned on the right side of
the room. So, head left. When you reach the projector, duck down and crawl
beneath it so Snake doesn't cast a shadow on the screen. As you reach the left
wall you will see another ladder up - it leads to some M9 bullets. You
shouldn't need them, but if you are low, they can be useful for tranqing
guards that are in your way. Head towards the back wall. Careful about walking
on the metal plating - walking across them will make a noise and everyone will
see you. Crawl across them. And make your way back. You'll find a door on the
north wall.

(There is another way across the metal plates - running roll. It is a bit
riskier, but it is much quicker. You'll have to hit X the second before Snake
is about to walk on the plate.)

===Hold No.2=====================

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

Hold No.2 throws in two projectors that switch off. The path back on the left
is blocked, so you'll have to go back right. Crawl under the projectors and go
into the lower right hand corner. Wait until they are facing left and crawl
across the floor as fast as you can. (Or, if you are feeling adventurous,
running roll across them.) Once you are in the back, head around the other
side of the screen and through the door.

===Hold No.3=====================

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

All you need to do here is grab four photos : Front Left, Front, Front Right,
and the MARINES lettering. From where you walk in, just take out the camera and
shoot the Metal Gear. The lettering is only seen on the sides of the machine.
To see it, you'll have to head straight back from the door to a niche. There
is a guard sleeping in front of it on the right side (in most difficulties),
but if you back against the wall and slowly walk behind him, it should be fine.
(Or you could tranq him.) Snap the picture and head back down. To get the other
two, you'll have to pass below the camera men and behind the marines. So long
as you stay close to the walls, you'll be fine. Snap the pictures and run back
the corner by the entrance. You should have seen the computer Otacon was
talking about when you entered. Press the Action Button to being uploading the
photos and you are done.

By the way, there are two other ways through the holds other than the path
described above. One is the underground tunnels. It takes longer, but it is
with minimal risk of being spotted (except when a Marine drops his clip through
a grate in Hold 2...). When you enter Hold 1, take a look at the floor by the 
one of the southern corners. You'll see a hatch leading to a series of very 
linear underground tunnels which lead right straight to the back of the holds. 
Quite interesting, really, but nothing too monumental. Though, if you position 
yourself well and look at one of RAY's arms in FPV (after you've climbed to the 
upper walkways), you can catch a glimpse of... a certain person.  He's only 
there the first time you look and won't appear if the first time you look is 
while a weapon is equipped...

Another way is to hang over the railing on the upper walkways and hand-over-
hand your way across. Remember that ladder up in Hold 1 to the useless ammo?
Flip over the railing and make your way north. You'll have to move quickly,
though, and waste as little time as possible, but it is quite possible. Just
don't fall... As a matter of fact, if you move quickly enough, you can make
your way all the way around the walkway (down to Hold 3 and back to 1) and
find a pair of Night Vision Goggles... not that you NEED them this close to
the end of the chapter...

Regardless of which way you take, once you upload all of the photos, there will 
be a number of excellent cutscenes and the Tanker Chapter will end.

             to the Plant walkthrough. Spoilers to follow.


B.   P l a n t   C h a p t e r

===Strut A Deep Sea Dock=========

Enemies     : 2 [VE - No], 3 [Ha - Ex]

Items       : M9              [VE - Ea]
              M9 Bullets [x2] [VE - Ea]
              Ration [x3]     [VE - Ha]
              Shaver          [AD]

Starting Conditions : Weapons - [None]
                      Items   - AP Sensor, Scope

After the introduction to the new playable character, Raiden, and his
insertion into the Big Shell cleanup facility, you begin the Plant Chapter.

You are currently in the lower portion of the dock. First of all, there are a
few items to pick up in here. If you playing on [VE - Ea], then you can get
the first weapon - the M9. (The weapon will be found later on in [No - EE].)
On [VE], the gun is underneath the shelf just north of Raiden's starting
position. On [Ea], it is next to the right-most diving suit, in fenced-off
area (where the Shaver was in SoL on the PS2). To get to it, you need to hang
off the platform above the water. Go right of the staircase that leads up to
the raised area, past the bugs by the broken ventilation duct cover, and
flatten yourself against the railing that is over the water. Hit the Action
button to flip down and then make your way right. Flip up, and grab the gun.

Providing you are playing on a difficulty where you can get the gun here, you 
can find some ammo for the gun. One is on top of the crates in the northeast 
corner and the other is underneath the shelf that is left of the stairs leading 
up to the raised area of the room.

There are two rations to be found in this room as well. One is on the right 
side of the room, on the other side of the computers on the raised area. It is 
only accessible via the ducts or crawling underneath a large tank on the south 
side of the room. The second ration is in the middle locker that lines the
northern wall of the room.

You can also find the Thermal Goggles here as well. They are in the southwest
corner of the pool, underwater. Get in the water and from the surface, take
a look in the corner. If you look closely enough, you should see the box
spinning. Dive down as far as it will let you go and grab the box. If you
don't get them here, there will be two other points in the game that they will
also appear at.

Speaking of the bugs, try not to touch them, let alone lay down on top of them.
If you do, they will infect your Rations and they will not heal for the full
amount. If you do suspect you have bugs, you'll have to shake them out. Select
you rations and equip them. Now hit the right trigger to constantly unequip and 
equip it. (I believe this is how you shake out items, but I have also heard 
that you are supposed to scroll through your inventory over and over. I think 
the unequipping works, but you might want to try both.)

When you are done here head for the hatch on the north wall and open it. There
will be a quick cutscene and you will have access to a hallway that leads to
the upper portion of the dock and another cutscene.

To continue on, all you have to do is go to the node in the northeast corner
of the room and hit the Action Button to activate the radar map for this area.
When you activate the node, you will be asked to fill in some data such as
your name, sex, DOB, blood type, and nationality. Then the map will
download and the Options screen will come up. To access the Options screen
again, go to any node and hit the Action Button. You will now be able to
access the overview map of the Big Shell by pushing the Start button.
However, once you activate the node, the guards will start to wake up. You may
want to try to shake them out for items before you use the node. Hit the
terminal and there will be a couple of more Codec conversations, including the
introduction of Rose... the new save girl and Jack's girlfriend.

When those are  done, the guards will begin to wake up. Find somewhere to hide 
until the lift returns and you can make your way up. I suggest the crates on 
the left side of  the room - flatten against them and hit the Action Button to 
jump up (and find a Ration). Hide behind the upper box.

If you are on [VE - Ea] you have to hold them up and get their dog tags - once
you leave this room, you won't be back for a while. And when you do come back,
they won't be here. On [No - EE], you don't collect their tags, since you
don't have a weapon to hold them up with.

As usual, watch their patrol patterns and seize your opportunity to make a
move for the elevator. If there are three sentries, you will most likely have
to take one out. Wait until he turns his back, grab him, and drag him away
from the other two (then let him go, and pull out the M9 before he recovers). 
When you can, run for the lift up to the roof.

===Strut A Roof==================

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Bandage        [AD]
              Chaff Grenades [AD](Inaccessible at the moment)
              M9 Bullets     [AD](x2 on [VE])

From your starting position, you should see a Bandage on top of a pallet of
boxes, south of the newly mask-less Raiden. Flatten against the crates and
jump up to grab it. Next, head down to the southwestern corner of the roof,
avoiding bird droppings as you go, to find some M9 ammo below the structure.
Grab it (if you have the M9, that is).

When you are done collecting items, head over to the structure on the left.
Both of the fences into the structures are locked, but there is a hole in the
fence by the left one. Go to where the flock of birds are gathered on the
floor. They'll fly away and you should see it. (The Colonel will call you on
the Codec about it as well.) Crawl through and enter the structure (after the
Colonel calls you again to tell you about the SEALs.)

===Strut A Pump Room=============

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : Ration        [VE - Ha]
              M9 Bullets    [AD]
              SOCOM Bullets [AD]

Head down the stairs and Raiden will watch as a single guard leaves the floor
to go to the roof. Raiden will spot the node and call the Colonel. He tells you
to make a noise to distract the enemy, but it really isn't necessary. Just
watch the sentry's patrol and run in one of the sides when he is at the far
end of the cubical-type area. Download the map and you are pretty much done
in the area. 

There are a couple of items to grab, though. There are a pair of lockers on
the sides of both sets of staircases that lead to the roof. The left set has
box of SOCOM ammo in it (which you obviously don't have yet) and the other
has a Ration. You can also find some M9 bullets in the small area in the 
structure at the top of the right set of stairs. Use FPV if you cannot find it.

When you are done, go down the back hall on the left side of the cubical-area
that the guard is patrolling to the AB Connecting Bridge. If you are on [VE -
Ea], you can hold up the sentry on the ground floor and the one on the roof if
you wish, but you'll have to hold off in the other difficulties. You can grab
the box of Chaff up there, though, that is inside the fenced-in area on the

===AB Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 2 [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

As soon as you enter, there will be a cutscene and a Codec conversation with
the Colonel, who will mention hanging. Since you most likely cannot hold up
the guards, you'll have to hang over the railing and come back to these guys
to get their tags. (Which is unfortunate since the guy on the right disappears
after you leave the area and won't return for a little while.) The guy on the
right is stationary, so it wouldn't be best to try to get past him. Wait until
the sentry on the left comes to Strut A's end of the bridge, then run out
and flip over the railing as soon as he turns around. Be careful about the
floor, though! As you will notice, certain areas of the floor will make noise
when you walk across them (similar to the areas discussed earlier in the holds
of the Tanker), alerting the guard to Raiden's presence if the guard is too
close. You'll have to learn to recognize these areas and avoid them or be
careful upon them.

By the way, also be careful of the sentries' fields of vision while in the
daylight - they can see much farther than their cone. And if possible, don't
move while hanging in an enemy's field of vision. It is entirely possible that
they could spot you.

Hand your way over to the other side, past the guard, and enter Strut B.

===Strut B Transformer Room======

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : M9 Bullets         [AD]
              Ration             [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2] [AD]
              SOCOM Suppressor   [VE]

As soon as you start to move into the area, Raiden will notice the wall... and
a number of cutscenes will take place.

You'll meet your newest ally, Lt. Pliskin, the master of subtlety. If you 
grabbed the Shaver in the dock, Raiden will had it over, while Pliskin gives
you his pack of Cigs and a SOCOM (without a silencer, by the way - be careful
with it). Raiden will play around the gun when you first get it - you can skip
the scene and save a bullet, if you wish.

In [VE] you will find the SOCOM Suppressor just south/southwest of Raiden.

When the scenes are all done, head done the steps, by the now sleeping
Pliskin and grab the SOCOM ammo. You should notice the node station tucked
into a niche next the stairs - download the map. (Don't attack Pliskin, by the
way - he'll shoot you with his rifle, bringing down your life.) There is a box
of M9 ammo on the walkway on the raised portion of the room. When you grab it,
head out the northern door and Rose will contact you via Codec, prompting you
to save. Do so if you wish (not critical at the moment). Go to the lockers in
the northeast corner of the hall. The left one has a box of SOCOM ammo and
the second has another Ration. The last is locked and falls inward when
punched. When you are done, head out the door on the north wall to the BC
Connecting Bridge. As soon as you try to leave, cutscenes will begin.

One last note - Pliskin can't be added to your Codec list until he wakes up. Be
sure to contact him while he is asleep, though... His subtlety shows through
again in one of the 'conversations'. (They didn't even to TRY to hide his
identity, did he?) Though, be sure to talk to him throughout the game to
learn more about Dead Cell and the events going on around you. He also
dispenses some useful advice.

===BC Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Chaff Grenades [AD]

Once the scenes are done and you have met the most over-dramatic character in
the game, you'll be free to cross the bridge. There are no enemies here, so
just run across. Be sure to pick up the box of Chaff that is on the edge of
the now non-existent bridge that led to the Shell 1 Core.

===Strut C Dining Hall===========

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : M9 Bullets    [AD]
              Pentazemin    [AD]
              Ration        [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [AD]

There are no enemies in here at the moment, so you may move around freely.
Head into the bathrooms on both sides of the room and grab the items from the
stalls. Then, head down the center hall. The door on the left wall will be
locked, so keep going. When you reach the bend, another series of cutscenes
will start.

As the Colonel told you after the events on the BC Bridge, your new mission is
disposing of the bombs, using Stillman's spray and sensor. He'll also give you
a Level 1 Card. What I'm going to do with the walkthrough is have you start in
Strut C and back track to B, A, F, E, then D lastly. In [VE - No], there are no
sentries here, so just hit the node in the cafeteria (to the left of the
kitchen, which you start in after the cutscenes) and move on to freezing the
bomb (see the paragraph after the next one). There is a ration under the
northern table that runs horizontally, by the way. Crawl beneath it. Be sure to
come back here at a later point and get the guards' tags, when they appear.

However, in [Ha - Ex], there are two enemies in here now. Stay in the kitchen,
but duck below the table on the right and stay on the right side. There is a
single sentry in the cafeteria and another patrolling the bathrooms and the
corridor outside the cafeteria. Use the stretch up view in FPV (pull both 
triggers) and watch the sentry in the cafeteria. Wait until goes to the
northern end of the cafeteria and then duck down - he will look into the
kitchen and see you if you aren't completely hiding behind the table. He will
enter the kitchen and move around the table on the left. Get out of FPV, if you
are, and you will see him on the overhead view. Wait until he starts moving
away from your table and then jump up and hold him up with the SOCOM. Get his
dog tag, and then either knock him out by punching him or go around behind him
(do NOT let him see you unequip your weapon or he WILL grab his) and unequip
your weapon and grab him from behind. Either break his neck or drag him and hit
the Weapon Button when he struggles. After a few times, he will fall down
knocked out. Killing him is easier, but it's also rather cruel. Anyway, you do
NOT want to fire your weapon in here without the silencer - the other guard
will hear it and call for backup. And you will die. Hit the node and wait for
the other guard to patrol the hallway and then return to the bathrooms. You
will have plenty of chances to hold him up will he is entering the bathrooms
(he pauses with his back to you at every corner) or while he is walking down
the hall. Just be sure to watch him once, though, to get a feel for his

Once you are able to move around freely, head to the restroom on the right
(women's). Equip the Sensor A and you should see the green blob on the map
around the sinks. Go over there and look in the mirror on the right, at the
top. There is the bomb for this strut. Pull out the coolant and spray the box
on the wall across from the mirror.

A useful trick for the bombs : If you are have problems completing the bomb
disposal mission or don't know which struts you have disposed of its bomb(s)
already, you can check it on the map. Hit the start button to bring up the
map of the Big Shell. As you'll notice, any strut that has a bomb on it will
have a small box with a 'B' inside of it. So if you're having problems, try
checking the map and heading to whichever strut still has a 'B' on it.

A useful trick for the coolant : Coolant can be used to awaken guards that
have been knocked out by your M9. Makes getting their tags far easier, as you
don't necessarily need to sneak up on them anymore - take out all of the guards
in a room from a  distance with headshots with the M9, then wake them up one
by one, switching weapons as they begin to wake up, and holding X as they
rise (Raiden will automatically yell 'Freeze!'). Useful.

When you are done here, head south the way and go out the way you originally
entered this strut.

===BC Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

A cypher has now been placed watching the bridge. Cyphers come in two
varieties : unarmed and armed. The one here is unarmed. (It actually appears to
be the same model that Snake spotted on the Tanker.) The armed one is gray,
sleeker looking, and happens to have a gun turret on the bottom of it. The
unarmed ones can't attack you, but they will notify the sentries and they
will come running. And you will die. So, you need to either run past it and
hope you can make it, or disable it. I suggest shooting it down. Watch its
pattern of movement and when it is turned away from you (it has a cone of
vision on the map like humans), go into FPV and shoot it down. You can use
Chaff Grenades, if you wish, but I find it easier to just take the thing down
using the SOCOM. A few direct hits to the base will send it out of control and
then it will explode.

As a side note, if you aren't sure if there are cyphers in the area, or think
there may be more than the one(s) you have taken out, go into FPV and listen
closely. If there is one in the area, you will hear the whirring sound you
should become familiar with.

Take it out and head down to Strut B.

===Strut B Transformer Room=====

Enemies     : 2 [AD]

Items       : M9 Bullets         [AD]
              Ration             [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2] [AD]

Upon re-entering, you will find that guards are now patrolling the area. On
[VE - No], there is one in the hallway on the left and another in the room on
the right. It is a fairly simple matter to sneak up behind them and hold them
up (and then go behind them and grab them to take them out). Just be aware of
making noise on certain types of flooring. Get their tags, any items that may
have regenerated and head out the door to the AB Bridge.

[Ha - Ex] is a different matter, of course. Both guards are in the room on the
right and there are now two security cameras watching the hall on the left.
There is no easy way to hold up one guard without the other seeing, so what
I highly suggest is that you hold off getting their tags for now, until you
have the M9. Throw a Chaff Grenade and run like hell down the hallway. Avoid
stepping on the grates to make noises, to prevent the guards in the room from
getting suspicious. Use the running roll.

When you've got the M9 or the SOCOM suppressor, head back here. It is easier to
come in from the south, but if you come in from the north, just take out the
cameras with the SOCOM and then crawl across the hallway to the door on the
southern side. The guards inside have patrols that coincide with each other.
The inside guy's takes one half as long as the outside guy's. Wait until
the outside guy comes close to the door, pauses for a moment, then heads
east to continue his patrol. Get close enough to the door so that it opens and
then go in FPV and wait. The inside guy will soon appear - tranq him in the
head. (In_the_head. You only get one shot or he will turn around and see
you.) Pull away so the door closes and wait for the outside guy to come back
around to the door. He won't be able to see the inside guy from his route, so
you don't have to worry about that. Once he pauses by the door, rush out and
hold him up. Getting the inside guy's tag is a bit of a pain, though. Find 
a way to take out the outside guy (I found grabbing him and dragging him into
the hallway worked) and then you'll have to grab the inside guy and drag him
away from the railing - there isn't enough room to get Raiden between the
railing and the guard.

Once the guards are out, find the C4. It is located in the northwestern corner
of the transformer room, behind an open door. Close the door to reveal the
bomb. Spray it and continue on.

===AB Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 [Ea]

Items       : None [AD]

A single guard is present and now patrolling up and down the bridge. Getting 
past him and/or holding them up is a fairly simple matter, though. He moves in
circle around the entire middle portion of the bridge. Hide either in the small
area of the bridge connecting to the middle portion, or the small niche
opposite it, and run out behind him. Mind you don't let him get too far, as you
don't want to run across the metal portions (which make noise).

(When you come back to get tags on [Ha - EE], there will be two guards, but on
[Ha] do the one on the right first, as the one on the left is a Tough Guy and
you'll have to shoot him.)

Get past him/them and head into Strut A.

===Strut A Pump Room=============

Enemies     : 1 [VE - Ea], 2 [No - Ex]

Items       : Bandage       [VE - Ea]
              Box 1         [AD]
              Ration [x2]   [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [AD]

This room is actually a fairly simple matter. First hold up the guard in the
cubicle area and take him down; killing him would be for the best, so he
doesn't wake up while you are working in the southern room. Next, if there is
an additional guard in the room to the south (which is your goal for this strut
and now accessible due to the Level 1 Card you got from Stillman), wait for him
to come all the way right and stop and turn at the door. Rush in (his back will
be to you) and hold him up. There is also a security camera in here, in the
northwestern corner of the southern room. Just shoot it with the SOCOM.

Now you'll have to do quite a bit of crawling through these pipes. On the
south side of the mass of pipes, there are two short staircases. Go across the
one on the right and hit X to get down and crawl. Crawl north under the first
pipe, then west under the second. Keep moving west until you reach the red
pipe. As you should see, there is a Bandage on the other side and a ration
under the red pipe. Head south underneath the red pipe. You'll see the C4 on
the water tank in the middle of the room. Spray it and backtrack out of the
pipe area.

Next, head over to the left side and go over the stairs on that side. Get down
to the crawl position and head east. (Don't go under the pipe to the north -
just go straight east, just past the stairs.)  You'll be in a small enclave
with a large gray box to the south. Flatten yourself against it and hit the
Action Button to jump over it. You'll find Box 1, useful for hiding from
enemies. (Just don't let sentries see you move with it. And it is ineffective
against assault troops, as they are actively searching for you. Sentries are
tired and bored and won't search some innocuous box... even if it IS constantly
changing positions...)

When you are done here, head up the to the northern section and, if you haven't
already, go up to the roof and hold up the guard there to get his tag and
a box of Chaff Grenades, which should be inside of the fenced area on the
right. On [Ha - EE] there is an additional bomb on the roof. Get up there and
go to the fence on the south side of the area. In the eastern corner, go into
FPV and you should see the bomb on a tank on the other side. Just spray and
you're done. After that, head back into the hallway on the first floor that
leads to the FA Bridge. (Just left of the staircases on the right side of the

===FA Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : Chaff [AD]

There is a single cypher and a single guard here. Watch the cypher's pattern
and take it out. You don't have to worry about the guard hearing the gunshot,
though, so long as he is at the other end of the bridge.

If you want, you can just run across the bridge when the guard is down on
the lower level of the bridge, but holding him up is a bit trickier. I suggest
that you first get down on the lower level. (And grab the box of Chaff that is
at the end of the lower part, on the A side.) Now, watch his pattern with FPV.
Wait until he is making his way up the stairs and then move yourself into the
stairwell that is closet to the A side. Duck down, as he may see you. Now,
when he comes down, he will look for a second, spin around, then move into
his stairwell, pause for a second (with his back to the walkway) and then start
moving up. You can run over there and hold him up before or as he starts going
up the stairs, if you move quickly.

Once you've got his tag, enter Strut F. I suggest going in the upper door.

===Strut F Warehouse=============

Enemies     : 2 [VE], 3 [Ea - No], 4 [Ha - Ex]

Items       : Book [x2]        [AD]
              Box 2            [AD]
              Chaff            [AD]
              M9               [No - Ex]
              M9 Bullets [x3]  [AD]
              Mine Detector    [AD]
              Pentazemin       [AD]
              Ration           [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets    [AD]
              SOCOM Suppressor [Ea - Ex]
              Stun Grenade     [AD]

This is an... interesting room. It is chock full of items, but it is also
swarming with guards; including one guard who reports his progress. If he
doesn't use the radio to report that everything is clear regularly, command
will start to wonder why he hasn't filed his status report and send an
assault team to investigate. If they find him tranqed, they'll just assume
he fell asleep, kick him to wake him up, and then leave. If they can't find
the guard, they will stay in the area for a little while and may send a
replacement. If they find a dead body, they will search there area. (Always
hide dead bodies if you are going to be in the area for a while.) So, try to
keep him active. As you enter, you will see the guard moving down the hallway
and turning around. He'll file his report and then move around the catwalk and
down a staircase located in the back of the room. There should be one other
guard on the top level, and one more on the bottom (two on [Ha - Ex]).

First of all, head over to the door on the right, in the horizontal hallway
that you start in. (The door on the left requires Card 3.) Inside, you will
find (finally!) the M9 and two boxes of ammo, if you are on [No - EE], that is.
There is also a Ration outside the door, right of the crates. Head back to the
FA bridge and go down to the door on the lower level.

As soon as you enter, run over to the crates on the left. There should be a
guard just left of you. Watch his pattern, and as soon as he turn north after
facing south, run south and go into the room on the left that you will come
to. QUICKLY. There is a guard in this small hallway facing south (falling
asleep) who will turn around in a few seconds. (The guard isn't there below
[Ha].) Inside the room, get Box 2 and download the map from the node. Inside
the lockers, you can find a Ration and a Pentazemin (both of which should be
full...). One of the lockers is locked, though... Inside is a Book (of girly
pictures) which you can use to distract the guard. If you can, punch it down
and grab it. If the guard is in the hall, though, you'll have to take him out

Next, use FPV to look in the southwestern corner of the room. You should see
a duct opening on the floor. Crawl in and follow the path to the room on the
right. Inside you'll find an area that is enclosed by crates, only accessible
via the duct you just came out. There will be a SOCOM suppressor and a box of
ammo inside the enclosed area. Hop on top of the waist-high crate, jump on
the next highest one, and then fall down into the area with the door, where you
will find a Mine Detector. You can also crawl underneath the cabinet right
of the Mine Detector to find some M9 ammo underneath. Once you've obtained all
of these items, you need to get back out of the room.

I suggest that you wait until the guard who is patrolling the middle area of
the room goes north, then run out and grab the guard in the hall while he is
asleep, then drag him into the room on the left. Release him and get behind
him. As he is recovering, draw your weapon and when he stands up, he will be
alerted, but Raiden will say "Freeze!" and he'll put his hands up. Stuff him
in a locker, just in case you need to hide in another locker in here and then
break down the locked locker (while the guard in the main room isn't close by)
to get the Book.

Next get the guy patrolling the bottom floor. You'll have to wait until the
guy who reports (who patrols both the upper and lower floors) just left the
floor and then wait for a good opportunity to hold up the other guy. Grab him
and drag him into the room with the node to get his tag and stuff him in
another locker. Killing him would be the best thing to do, because you
are going to be in the room for a bit longer and you don't want him to wake
up in the middle of it all and have another guard to worry about.

The other two are a bit harder as they often cross paths and are on the top
floor. What I suggest you do is to tranq the guard who doesn't come down to
the lower level by using FPV and watching him as he walks - just make sure you
do it while is moving down the walkway south, so that the other guard, who will
be coming down the stairs soon, doesn't see him. This way, he won't spot you
and you can move about the bottom floor freely to take care of the other one.
Wait until the other guard comes downstairs and hide behind the boxes that are
in the middle of the room. As soon as he comes down, he'll stop for a second
and stretch. Take that time to run out and hold him up. Get his tags and tranq
him. Now, RUN up to the top floor, using the staircase on the northeast side of
the room (don't worry about any other doors - they require higher security card
clearance to enter). Now, drag the guard who is on the top floor over to the
hallway you just came up, so that he is in the other guard's patrol route. (And
will be found when the other guard resumes patrolling and be woken up so you
can hold him up.) Now, make your way to the east side of the railing on the top
floor. You should see a big crane sticking out of the railing. Flatten yourself
against the railing just north of it and swing down. Push the A button to drop
down, and you will find yourself on top of some boxes that enclose a small area
where the C4 for this section is. Drop off the boxes into the enclosed area,
spray the bomb, and wait. Eventually, the command post will wonder why the
guard hasn't checked in and send an assault team. They enter from the door on
the bottom floor, but they can't see you behind the boxes. (Just don't make any
noise or jump out of the boxes yet.) They will quickly find the guard asleep
and kick him to wake him up. He'll wake up and then continue with his patrol.
When he goes up the stairs, he will find the other guard and wake him up. Now,
jump on top of the waist high box in the pit and crouch down, so you aren't
seen. Wait until the guard comes back down the stairs and starts his yawning
and stretching bit. Quickly stand up and shoot him in the head with the M9.
Now, run up stairs and sneak up behind the other guy as he is walking south
down his walkway. If you are quick enough you can get his tags and be out of
here before the assault team arrives. That was quite complicated, yes, but also
quite effective.

There is some ammo and a box of Stun Grenades on the bottom floor which you
should notice and pick up while you are doing all of this running around. When
you are done here, head out the door on the back wall, top floor to the EF

===EF Connecting Bridge========

Enemies     : None + sniper [AD]

Items       : 7 Claymores [AD](Laid as traps)

As you enter, there will be a quick cutscene showing that there is a sniper
on the roof opposite the starting position. So, take him out. Use the Scope
to locate his exact location if you need to, and hit him with the M9 (if you
use the SOCOM, the guard won't appear on the strut at all... but you won't be
able to get his tag). It really isn't too hard to incapacitate him, if you just
aim at his body. On [Ex], you'll have three gun cyphers as company, which are
easily taken care of using the now silenced SOCOM. Three quick shots to the
main part of the robot will blow it to bits.

Once you leave the structure of Strut F, and start heading up the bridge, you
will be contacted over Codec. A familiar scene will play out and you will be
warned about Claymore mines which are planted on the ground. After the Codec
conversations are done, equip the Mine Detector you just got and start
crawling. If you crawl over a mine (the red dot on the radar), you will pick it
up - removing it as a threat and adding it as a weapon to you inventory.
Grab them all and head north into Strut E. (Don't bother trying to cross the
bridge into the Shell 1 Core, as the plates of the bridge will fall away,
making it difficult for you to get back. And you don't have the security
clearance to enter anyway.)

===Strut E Parcel Room===========

Enemies     : 1 [VE - Ea], 2 [No], 3 [Ha], 4 [Ex]

Items       : Box 5        [AD]
              M4 Bullets   [AD]
              Ration       [VE - Ha]
              Stun Grenade [VE]

This room is loads of fun.  If there are only one or two guards,
it is fairly easy to evade them using one of the Boxes and slowly making your
way through it. Just be careful of the guard who moves through the bottom
portion of the room - he can see into the small enclosure that you start in -
flatten yourself against the bottom wall in there. In [Ha - Ex], there are
three security cameras in the room - both high up and on the black lattices
around the room. Use the Scope to find their green lights, then take them out
with the SOCOM, all while making sure you aren't seen. Two on the ones on the
bottom and the other is on the one in the northwest corner of the room.

Your best bet for this room is to take out all of the guard except one and 
hold that guy up. Lather, rinse, repeat as many times you need to get all of
the dog tags. Just be aware of the guy who sends in status reports in the
northwest corner of the room.

On [Ha - EE], there is an extra bomb in this room - it is attached to one of 
the packages. Whee. Fun.  What you should do is stand at the eastern
end of the long horizontal belt, near where you entered from the EF Bridge.
Equip the Coolant and wait until you see it, then spray away. (It will be on
the side of the package that faces east.) You'll have wait for it to come
around two or three times to fully freeze it. It really helps if you take out
the two guards who don't send in the status report and leave the third guy,
who cannot see you if you are down in the southeast corner of the room.

There is also a staircase down on the left side of the room, but it only
leads to a small room with two Level 5 doors. You'll be back - don't worry.
There is a Ration down there, though. It's in a vent that is on the floor in
the southwestern corner of the room.

When you've completed everything you want to in this room, go up the staircase
that is on the eastern wall of the room up to the heliport.

===Strut E Heliport==============

Enemies     : 2 [VE - Ea], 3 [No - Ex]

Items       : Box 3        [AD]
              Claymore     [AD]
              Stun Grenade [AD]

As you start walking along the catwalk, a quick cutscene will take place.
Go back down the stairs and keep moving left... slowly. Eventually, the camera
will turn so you can see a solider nodding off at the end of the catwalk. Wait
until his eyes are shut and then rush in and hold him up. Grab the Claymore
behind him as well and head back to the staircase.

Wait on the staircase until a soldier walks past you. Quickly run up, following
him, avoiding the metal planks that make noise, and hold him up. Knock him
out and hide him, or toss him off the roof. Next, go up to the first large
green box on the right. Flatten yourself against the box and wait, watching
the lane to the right of the row of boxes. Eventually a guard will come walking
down. As soon as he stops and starts heading into the row of boxes, run out
after him and hold him up _before_ he gets too far onto the dark gray metal
plating (which makes noise) and certainly don't walk on it yourself.

Once that is done, pick up the items scattered across the place and head for
the Harrier in the back. Equip the sensor and you'll notice a the green blob.
Go around to the north side of the cockpit of the plane and look at the ground
in front of the back tires using FPV. You'll see a small C4 package. Spray
it and head out of here back downstairs. Take the door in the northwest corner
of the Parcel Room to the DE Bridge.

===DE Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 [AD] + a sniper

Items       : SOCOM Bullets [AD]
              Stun Grenade  [AD]

This time the sniper is above you, which means you cannot take him out, unless
you left him tranqed up there, and haven't gone more than a couple areas away
since doing so. There is also another guard patrolling the top and bottom of 
this bridge. What I want you to do is go out of the structure and in the small 
upside-down "T" area, flatten against the railing on the left and swing down 
and let go to drop down to the bottom part of the bridge. The sniper shouldn't 
be able to see you down here. Now you just have to deal with the patrolling 
guard. (There are a couple of boxes of ammo where you drop down, by the way.) 
It should be fairly easy for you to just duck below the various waist high 
railings and sneak close enough for you to jump out and hold him up.

Enter Strut D using the entrance on the bottom part of the bridge.

===Strut D Sediment Pool========

Enemies     : 2 [VE], 3 [Ea - No], 4 [Ha - Ex]

Items       : M9 Bullets    [AD]
              Ration        [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [AD]

I really loathe coming into this room. For one, the cone of vision for each
of these guys is twice what it appears on the map due to the open nature of the
place. Second, walking on the levels above and below an enemy inevitably
lead to them seeing you. Third, there is a guard who reports in, which means
even if you do manage to take out all of the guards, the command post will
send an assault team if you don't keep that guy ticking. Blargh.

If there are only two guards, possibly even three, it is fairly simply to
just tranq all but one of them, hold that guy up, and get out of there. But
four is ridiculous. On top of that, you have to find the bombs. They are in
maintenance panels built into the floor. For [VE - No], it is the one on the
far left, bottom level. For [Ha] it is the two on the far left, bottom level.
Lastly, on [Ex], it is the one on the far left, and the one on the north side,
directly underneath the door that leads to the 1-2 Bridge, where Pliskin went
to, and a third just above the door on the lower level that leads to the DE
Bridge (look for the flies). My suggestion : tranq the guys, and move quickly 
over there and spray the bombs. A squad will more than likely sent in (from the 
eastern door), but if you move yourself over to the other side, they should 
find the sentries before they find you. If you have to, just tranq them again 
and get out. Worry about getting tags later, if you want to. Like the last 
room, doing one at a time and disabling the rest is in your best interest.

There's not much else I can say. I detest the layout of this room.

When you have put out the last C4, Stillman will contact you over the radio
and tell you to head to Strut C and pick up Sensor B from the pantry he was in.

To recap, a list of the C4 locations.

---C4 Locations------------------

Strut A - Pump Room, in the middle of the pipes                [AD]
Strut A - Roof, on a tank outside of the southern fence        [Ha - Ex]
Strut B - Transformer Room, behind an open electrical door     [AD]
Strut C - Women's Bathroom, on an outcropping above the sink   [AD]
Strut D - Maintenance hatch, lower level, last on the right    [AD]
Strut D - Maintenance hatch, lower level, second to last       [Ha]
Strut D - Maintenance hatch, lower level, northernmost         [Ex]
Strut D - Lower level, Above the door to the CD Bridge         [Ex]
Strut E - Heliport, by the back wheels of the Harrier          [AD]
Strut E - Attached to a package that is on the conveyer belt   [Ha - Ex]
Strut F - Lower level, encircled by boxes (must drop down)     [AD]

===CD Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

This is an easy one. First take out the security camera that is right above
the door Raiden enters from. So long as you stay south of it, you'll be find.
Next, hit the single cypher with the SOCOM (if it is there - it's not present
on [VE - Ea]), then watch the guard's patrol and run up behind him. Quick and 
dirty. Be careful of going down on the lower level, though - the panels fall 

===Strut C Dining Hall===========

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Sensor B [AD]

Go into the kitchen and look in the pantry Stillman was hiding in. Grab the
Sensor B and there will be a quick Codec conversation.

You now have a few hundred seconds to rush to the bottom of Strut A and find
the final bomb. Well? Run. Now. The amount of time varies by difficulty.

[VE] - 400 seconds
[Ea] - 400 seconds
[No] - 400 seconds
[Ha] - 300 seconds
[Ex] - 200 seconds
[EE] - 

Strut C is empty, throw a Chaff on the BC, run through Strut B (forget being
quite, and assuming you've already taken out the security cameras), use the M9
on AB to put one of the two guards to sleep, run to the roof of Strut A and go
down the lift.

Run down to the lower section of the dock and go around the bottom catwalk,
south of the water. See that big submersible hanging from the ceiling? Look
on the bottom. There's the final C4. Spray it. (On [Ex], though, it is 
attached to the western wall, opposite the submersible.)

Head down the corridor and as soon as you try to enter the upper section,
a quick cutscene will take place and a boss 'fight' will commence.

===Strut A Deep Sea Dock=========
---Boss :  Fortune---------------

Enemies     : Fortune

Items       : Ration            [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2][AD]

This is less of a boss fight and more of a hide-and-don't-get-hit event.
Just hide behind the crates and don't get hit by Fortune's electric pulses.
She'll pulverize the crates, so you'll have to move around a lot. Oh, and
at the beginning of the battle - MOVE! Look at the floor and you'll see a 
large dark spot growing bigger - a fire is about to break out in your position.
Move to the other side.

Just wait it out. Don't even bother shooting at her and wasting your ammo.
Eventually, you'll get a call on the Codec and then someone else will come down
the lift and there will be a couple of (somewhat over the top) cutscenes.
The pulse packs, uh, quite a punch on [Ha] and even more on [Ex] (I'm talking
9/10 of the life meter). Try to running back and forth along the back wall and
doing running rolls. Once you've got the timing of the double blasts down,
you should be able to stay ahead of them... Just be sure not to end up in the
corner while she is shooting - try to turn around and run the other way right
after she fires. Use the crouching position to have her alternately fire at
the top and bottom quarters of the two large blocks, which will give you a bit
more time. Anyway... this *should* be fairly easy.

You now have precious few seconds to run to roof of Strut E. Well? Run! Again,
it varies by difficulty.

[VE] - 500 seconds
[Ea] - 400 seconds
[No] - 400 seconds
[Ha] - 300 seconds
[Ex] - 200 seconds
[EE] - 

On the roof of Strut A, equip the Mine Detector and you will see that there
are a couple of mines in front of the doors. Crawl over them and run down to
the first floor. On [VE - Ea] the guard is in the same place - just rush
past him. In [No - Ex], though, he is in the hall that leads to the FA bridge.
You'll have to wait until he turns his back and rush him. Take out the guard
on the FA bridge by using FPV and run into Strut F. In F, wait for the guard
who makes status reports to head down the stairs and when the other guard who
is on the top level isn't looking, run to the back wall and the EF bridge.
On the bridge, use FPV to snipe the sniper and cross into Strut E. In the
Parcel Room, use the M9 or SOCOM to take out the guard to the left and the
one who patrols the staircase and head up. Go to the middle of the catwalk
and head up to the heliport. As you should notice, there is a single bomb
placed on the floor directly north of Raiden's position. Run up and use the
Coolant on it. A couple of cutscenes will then take place and the first real
boss fight of the Big Shell takes place.

===Strut E Heliport==============
---Boss : Fatman-----------------

Enemies     : Fatman

Items       : M9 Bullets         [AD]
              Ration             [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2] [AD]

This battle can actually be quite simple once you get it down. Basically, he's
going to run around the roof planting C4s and you need to disable them with
the Coolant and still try to kill or stun him while you are doing that. You
cannot let even one of the bombs go off, or the game will end. Stick close to
him and when he plants one run up and spray it. He plants a series of bombs
(2-4, depending on the difficulty) and when the last in the series is planted
a countdown will begin. Usually, you should be able to take out all but one or
two of the bombs before the countdown starts, giving you plenty of time to
get the last one(s). Just be sure follow him closely so you can quickly get
to where the bombs are. 

Equip the Sensor A and you will be able to see which of the large boxes the
bombs are planted on. It can be difficult to determine their location, though.
They are usually on the sides of the crate, but they can also be on the top
and underneath it. For the top ones, you should see them, as the camera's
default position is overhead. For the ones underneath, just crouch down and
go into FPV. If you can't tell where he put it, look for tracks that his
rollerblades left on the ground. His bomb should be where there are circles or
lots of tracks.

Disabling the bombs is only half of it. You also need to take him down. He'll
leave you plenty of opportunities when he leaves himself open or pauses for
a minute to look at you. Shoot him with the SOCOM (use FPV for this - don't
rely on auto-targeting) or punch-punch-kick him. It won't do any (or little)
damage, but it should knock him onto the ground. He'll take about five seconds
to get back up again. During that time, get out your SOCOM or M9 (depending on
whether you want to kill him or not - it doesn't make a difference unless you
trying for zero kills) and shoot him in his big bald head. This is the ONLY
spot that will cause him a significant amount of damage. One of the best times
for knocking him down is when he is planting a bomb, but hasn't yet started
the countdown and place the final bomb. You'll have to follow him quickly, but
it is quite possible. He'll also randomly stop in the large open areas on the
north and south sides of the heliport. Last, he'll sometimes come close to
you while you are spraying a bomb and just pause there looking at you
(presumably to shoot you, but he delays for a number of seconds).

Most of the time, he'll run around planting bombs, giving you plenty of
chances to knock him down, but he does sometimes 'take a break from the bombs'
and move around the area very quickly shooting his gun at you. Your best bet
during this time is to either move around VERY quickly or hide. I suggest
crawling underneath one of the crates. On [Ha], he'll return to placing bombs
when you crawl underneath, so just go back to following him, spraying the
bombs, and taking every chance you get to knock him down. On [VE - No], though,
he'll run down the shelves on the south side of the heliport. For these
difficulties, when he is done planting bombs, I suggest you run down to the
bottom row of boxes and get underneath the second on from the right. It will
give you an excellent view of the area he skates across to go hide behind the
boxes. In FPV, have you gun drawn and aimed slightly above the default
position. When he comes into your field of vision, plug away at him. With some
skill, he'll go tumbling down. Quickly crawl out, run over, and shoot him in
the head. When you do shoot him, he quickly straightens out and will begin
firing at you and skating away. Run back to the box, crawl under and position
yourself to repeat the process.

Again, once you get his movement patterns and the actions he takes down, it
should be fairly simple for you to take him out. Once he is down, there will
be yet another cutscene. (Unless there are any bombs still active - the must
be defused before the battle will end.)

Now you have to find the final bomb and you have 1:40 to do it in. When you
first start this part, do you hear that beeping noise? The bomb is VERY
close by, as Fatman stated. Drag his body. It will reveal that the bomb is
underneath him. Spray it and you are finally done with bombs. (By the way,
when you drop Fatman's body, Peter Stillman's dog tag should fall out of him.
Grab it.) There will be a couple of quick Codec conversations and then you'll
be on the heliport again. When you start to leave and reach the south end of
the heliport, you will encounter... a seeming ally. Yet more cutscenes.

Raiden's mission now is to infiltrate the Shell 1 Core. You will have obtained
three new items - a Level 2 card, a cellphone and the B.D.U. uniform. The
phone is redundant, as Mr. X should still be able to contact you over Codec,
but I suppose it is because the Core has electronic interference that prevents
Codec signals from entering or leaving. (Hence why they cannot contact the
President.) The B.D.U. will disguise Raiden as an enemy sentry and allow him
to move about freely, even in front of the soldiers, but ONLY in Shell 1 Core
and ONLY if he has the AKS-74U equipped. So, let's go item hunting. Head to
Strut F.

===Strut F Warehouse=============

Enemies     : 2 [VE], 3 [No], 4 [Ha]

Items       : AKS-74U              [AD]
              AKS-74U Bullets [x3] [AD]
              AKS-74U Suppressor   [VE]
              C4 [x4]              [AD]
              Claymore             [AD]
              M4                   [AD]
              M4 Bullets [x3]      [AD]
              PSG1 Bullets         [AD]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2]   [AD]
                (+ whatever you may have missed, or has regenerated)

Evade the guards and enter the Level 2 doors on the top level and bottom to
find a number of weapons, including the needed AKS-74U.

If you are running low on ammo, as I was, you might want to make your way
around to some of the other struts and collect some items. If you are missing
any dog tags (and are collecting them) now would be a good time to make the
rounds and get any you don't have for the Struts.

When you are ready, head for the EF Bridge, disable the armed cyphers and the
sniper on the roof of Strut E and enter the Shell 1 Core. (There is a box of
AKS-74U ammo at the end of the bridge leading to the Shell 1 Core.)

===Shell 1 Core, 1F==============

Enemies     : 3 [AD]

Items       : Book           [AD]
              C4             [AD]
              Chaff Grenades [AD]
              Claymore       [AD]
              M4 Bullets     [AD]
              M9 Bullets     [AD]
              SOCOM Bullets  [AD]

Immediately equip the B.D.U. and AKS-74U and keep it on as often as possible
while inside the Core. That's not to say it can't be taken off if you want
to hold up an enemy (to get their tags), just don't let the guards or
cameras see you without it on. Also, don't do anything out of the ordinary
that might be seen or heard, such as ducking, crawling, hiding in lockers, 
banging on walls, and especially firing a weapon. Be careful and remain 

That said, head up the stairs. Go into FPV and you should soon see a guard
patrolling the hallway. There are actually two in here, patrolling both sides
of the hallway. Making sure you don't touch either of them, head south and
around the corner. Enter the door there to a small room. Go to the enclosed
area in the back of the room. In the northeast corner, you'll find the node
for this floor. To the west, you'll see a box of Chaff Grenades on top of
a crate and a series of three lockers on the wall. The bottom one has M9 ammo,
the middle is empty, and the top is locked. However, punch down the top locker
(minding the guard in the left hallway) and it'll fall outward, not inward.
Inside is some ammo for the M4. Now go to the long row of lockers along the
south wall. Inside three of them you will find a Book, a Claymore, and a box of
C4. Go into the left hall and there is a small hall that juts out to the left
of the wall, similar to the one you came in. The door inside is broken, but
there is a box of SOCOM bullets.

Now that you are done collecting items on this floor, you can just head north
to the back wall and take the elevator down. Hit the button to the right of
the elevator doors, wait for the camera to authorize you, then go down to
B2 (skip B1 for now; you'll be back all too soon). However, if you want to
collect the sentries' tags, be sure that you take out any security cameras in
the area using the SOCOM (and making sure they don't spot you without the
AK equipped) and drag them away from where you might be seen.

===Shell 1 Core, B2==============
Enemies     : 4 [AD]

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets        [AD]
              Bandage                [AD]
              Book [x5]              [AD]
              Box 4                  [AD]
              Directional Microphone [AD]
              M4 Bullets             [AD]
              M9 Bullets             [AD]
              Ration                 [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets          [AD]

As stated, skip B1 and go to B2 for now. This floor consists of a large
ring of a corridor with two rooms inside of it - the small elevator room to the
north and the larger computer room to the south. From where you start, head
right through a door. Go down the staircase and around the turn. As you come
down the steps, you should notice the Ration tucked away in a niche just left
of the bottom of the staircase. You may also see a guard - just be careful
not to touch him. Move south down the hallway, checking the lockers on the
wall that you will pass (don't worry about being seen - opening lockers is
permissible in disguise, but don't be seen going inside one and closing the
door behind you). Go to the corridor at the bottom, and go to the long hallway
on the left, parallel to the one you just came down. Check its lockers for
a few items. If you plan to take down the guards in here, come back to the
southernmost locker on this wall and punch it to find someone's... Book
collection that will rain down on you. (You can see an inaccessible book on the
top of the locker.) Just don't do it when the other guards inside the computer
room can hear you.

Move into the computer room. Watch the guards for a moment to get their 
patterns down. Wait until the guy on the right goes to his computer to look at 
his run to the room in the back left. Inside you'll find the node 
and a couple of items. Move to the open circle area of computers on the left to 
find the Directional Microphone, needed for listening for Ames' pacemaker. When 
you are done getting items here, head back to the elevator and go up to B1.

If you are trying to get dog tags, take out the guy in the outside ring
first, when he comes to the northeast corner, by the steps. For the guys
inside, lure them out of the cubicle and away from their comrades by knocking
on the wall. Don't let them see you do it or they will become suspicious of
you. Try to get them not just in the bottom hall, but over in the hall to the
left or right, around the corner, so that you aren't within the field of
vision of the other guards and when you call out the second guard, he doesn't
happen to notice the sleeping/dead body of the other guard. If you manage
to take out the guards, you can find a Bandage underneath the middle row
of computers (duck down). I would NOT recommend trying to get it unless all
of the guards are out.

Be careful about moving around in front of the parrot while there are still
guards in the computer area. If it looks at you when you are out of the
complete disguise (weapon included), it will exclaim 'It's him!' and the 
nearby guards will look at you. Other than that, the thing is pretty cute.
(Try shooting at it repeatedly with a machine gun. Heh. Better yet, use the
Coolant. HA!)

===Shell 1 Core, B1==============
Enemies     : 3 [AD] (Outside Conference Room)
              1 [VE - No], 2 [Ha] (Inside Conference Room)

Items       : Bandage         [AD]
              Book            [AD]
              C4              [AD]
              M4 Bullets      [AD]
              Ration          [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets   [AD]
              Stun Grenades   [AD]
              Thermal Goggles [AD]

As soon as you step off, you'll see a guard enter the Conference Room, your
goal, by using the retinal scan. What you need to do, is grab a soldier, while
he is still awake (he cannot be sleeping or dead - the eyes must be open)
and hold him up to the scanner. It is a fairly simple matter to sneak up
behind whichever one of them is patrolling the hall (the three of them take
turns patrolling the hall, while the other two rest in the break room), grab
him, and drag him over to the door. For getting tags, lure one of the guards
out of the break room and hold him up. Be careful about the other one hearing,
though. Be sure they are far enough away. Also, go in the room right of the
elevator to find the node and an item in the locker.

I suggest that you hold one guard up when he comes down to the end of the
top hallway (near the room with node), pauses, then turns his back on you.
Get his tag, and put him to sleep with the M9. Stuff him in the locker and
go get another one from the room (lure him into the hallway with the retinal
scanner - the other one will most likely hear, so be quick). Hold him up and
take him out. Run back to the bottom hallway, and the other guard should be
coming out. Hold him up before he sees the other guard's body. Get the items
in the lockers of the lounge, then run back to the sleeping guard and open
the door. Chances are that he has been in the long enough that he will wake
up as soon as he hits the ground. Pull out your gun and hold him up. Go
behind him and drag him over the retinal scanner. Again, he must be alive and
awake for it to work.

You'll enter the Conference Room and be faced with a room full of gagged and
bound hostages as well a guard or two who constantly report their progress.
If you stay in the room too long, the guard(s) will get suspicious and call in
another guard to patrol. If he sees you with the Directional Microphone,
he won't immediately call alert, but come over to look at it. Quickly switch
to the AK and you will be fine. Just don't let him examine you or see you
up close with anything but the AK and the B.D.U. equipped.

There are a couple of items in here as well. There is a Ration on the east
wall, near the scaffolding. There is a Bandage in the southwestern corner
of the room. Finally, behind the desk on the stage, you will find the very
useful Thermal Goggles (if you didn't already get them in the Strut A pool). Be 
sure to get them! They will be very valuable later on.

What you need to do is point the Directional Microphone at the hostages
until you can determine which one is Ames, while avoiding detection. You are
told to listen for an irregular heartbeat. A lot of help that is - all of the
heartbeats in here sound terrible. What you are really listening for is a
small electronic blip coming from one of them. Unfortunately, Ames isn't in
a fixed position. I can tell you that it is a white male with long brown hair.
That should narrow it down a bit. (Though that will eliminate all but one on
[VE]... everyone else in there will be female.)

Find him and hit the Action Button to call out to him. If you've got the right
one, a long bit of cutscenes and Codec conversations will commence. If it isn't
him, the person will either muffle that she or he isn't Ames, make a LOUD noise
(most likely attracting the guard's attention), or...  wet themselves.
Don't call out to too many people or Raiden's callings will become more and
more desperate and consequently, louder.

After the conversations with Ames and an eavesdropping session, a timed event 
will start. It's really simple - you have ten seconds to drop the Directional 
Microphone and pull out the AK. Just DO NOT move, or Ocelot will ask you where 
you are going and the game will end. Wait until Ocelot approaches you and yet 
more dramatic cutscenes will take place.

When those are done, you'll be on B1 outside the Conference Room. However,
the place will be in caution mode as they know of your presence. Run down
the hall towards the elevator. There will be a single guard in front of it,
but his back is to you. Grab him from be behind and drag him right into the
room with the node. Dispatch him and wait out the caution mode inside.

Take the elevator up to 1F. (By the way, be aware that once the door to
the elevator closes on 1F, you won't be able to go down it again, due to the
security camera.) Wait until the both of the guards in the right hallway are
moving away from you, pull into the hall, and tranq/kill them. Head out of
the door to the EF Bridge, grabbing the M9 and SOCOM ammo you will pass in the
short hall. Try to take out the guard on the roof of Strut E and throw a
Chaff or take out the cyphers. Enter Strut F.

===Strut F Warehouse=============

Enemies     : 2 [VE], 3 [No], 4 [Ha]

Items       : Grenade [x3]        [AD]
              PSG1                [AD]
              PSG1 Bullets [x2]   [AD]
              PSG1-T              [AD]
              PSG1-T Bullets [x3] [AD]
              RGB6                [AD]
              RGB6 Grenades [x2]  [AD]
              SOCOM Bullets       [AD]

Take out as many guards as necessary and raid the Level 3 doors on the top
floor. In one, you'll find the RGB6 grenade launcher and the PSG1 sniper
rifle in the other. (You can also find the PSG1-T, a non-lethal version of the
rifle, in a duct on the floor of the room. Check the radar for the exact
location.) When you're done, head back across the EF bridge, through Strut
E, across the DE bridge, and into Strut D. (Be sure to hold up the extra man
on the DE bridge that will now appear.) Knock out all of the guards and 
head for the door on the north wall.

However, if you are collecting tags, a number of guards may or may not have
just appeared, depending upon your difficulty. I highly suggest that you now
make your final rounds of the Shell 1 struts and be sure you have all of the
tags from Shell 1.

===Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge===

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : None [AD]

To enter into Shell 2, you need to cross the 1-2 Bridge, which just so happens
to be wired with a rather large amount of Semtex and IR sensors. You need to
take out all of the control units (the familiar open boxes with the green
light) to disable it all. There are up to ten units scattered throughout
the bridge, which are listed below. For disabling them, I _highly_ suggest
using the PSG1. Using a SOCOM is possible, but your chances of hitting some
Semtex by accident and having to redo it all again is much higher. Also be
sure to use the Pentazemin when firing, so as not to have Raiden jerk away
at the last second and hit the explosives.

---Control Panel Locations-------

A. South of the south-most set of IR sensors on the floor to the left.

B. South of the north-most set of IR sensors on the floor to the left. Be
   careful that you don't shoot a bullet though the sensors of the southern set
   when trying to get this - use the Thermal Goggles.

C. On the tank just north of the sets of IR sensors, facing south.

D. Northwest of the northern tank (near Shell G) on the floor in the corner.

E. On the wall of Strut G, left of the entrance, facing south.

F. On top of the cypher which is hovering above Strut G (Shell 2). Do NOT
   shoot down the cypher - it too is loaded with explosives. Only shoot the
   control panel. It moves fairly often, pausing for a second or two and
   the changing direction. I suggest finding a spot where it stops, aim the
   rifle at that position and wait for it to return, rather than risking it.

G. On the wall of Strut G, right of the entrance, facing south.

H. Outside the door leading to Strut D of Shell 1, above Raiden's starting
   position. (Move north, turn around, go into FPV and look up to see it.)

I. On the small platform above the pipe that connects to Shell G and D. The
   pipe is on the right side of the bridge and a few feet lower than it. The
   sensor is surrounded by birds when you first enter, making it difficult to
   see (though, you should notice the flock of half a dozen seagulls). Shoot a
   bullet in the area and the birds will fly away.

J. Behind the Sons of Liberty flag flying to the west. (Every once in a while
   the flag will flap forward a bit, giving you a quick glance of the panel.)

K. On the bottom of the balcony of Strut D. To see it, you'll have to go on
   or down the stairs and face Strut D. It will be on the east (or Raiden's
   left when facing Strut D) side, on the large box structure next to the pipe
   that connects Strut D and G.

L. On the lower level of the 1-2 Bridge. The only way to see it is to go into
   one of the wings of the balcony, go into the upper corner and look at the
   center of the lower portion of the bridge in FPV. Now, hold both triggers
   buttons and Raiden will get on his tip-toes and you'll be able to see it.
   You can only see it while you are holding the triggers, so you'll have to 
   fire while holding them too. (You obviously cannot use the PSG1 - use the 

The number of sensors varies by difficulty. Here are the ones used in each :

[VE] - A through F
[Ea] - A through H
[No] - A through J
[Ha] - A through L
[Ex] - 
[EE] - 

Carefully take out all of the sensors that are places, based upon your level,
and then head down the steps and make for Shell 2. But before you can cross,
Raiden will get some visitors...

===Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge===
---Boss : Harrier----------------

Enemies     : Harrier

Items       : Stinger         [AD]
              Stinger Missile [AD]

Ah, yes. The hero shoots down the plane. Sound familiar? Don't worry - this
battle isn't nearly as hard as the fight versus Liquid's vehicle in Metal Gear
Solid. It's relatively simple, actually.

As soon as the battle starts, grab the Stinger and missiles that Snake dropped
from the Kasatka. The position I like to use for the battle is between the
southern-most tank and the open area in the middle. The most important thing
in this battle is to keep track of where the Harrier is at all times, take
shots when you get a lock (the targeting system in the middle of the screen
when the Stinger is equipped will bleep red), and when the plane pauses
nearby you, fire away like hell!

Most of the time, when the plane is just flying around, you won't have a good
opportunity to shoot at it. It will occasionally dip above the bridge when
flying low or make a slow turn around the struts - fire if you can get a red
lock and there isn't any obstruction. When the plane flies far away into the
distance, you won't be able to hit it, but find where it is coming from
(the radar will always show a red sliver in the direction where the plane
is located and point the Stinger at it. When you see the flash of light, you'll
get a better idea of the location (though, it is usually a little bit to the
right of the flash) and hold it there until you get a lock. The _second_ it
turns red, fire, drop the Stinger, and hide on the opposite side of the tank.
The Stinger missile will more than likely hit and the tank will block whatever
missiles, bullets, or air drafts that the plane sends your way.

It will sometimes go into a sequenced attack, though. One of them is that
it will fly over the top of Strut D and hover on the south side of the
bridge. During this time, quickly get on the steps leading up the Strut D
balcony (which is currently blocked by fire), pull out the Stinger, point up,
and plug away as many as you can. You'll do a heck of a lot of damage before
the Harrier manages to pull away, and it can't hit you if you are directly
under it. Speaking of fire, you should know by now, but try not to catch on
fire. It will first cause a chunk of damage and then slowly take it away as
the fire continues to burn on the character. If Raiden does catch on fire,
do some running rolls to put it out.

Another sequenced attack is that it will fire a large amount of missiles from
a distance. When this happens, drop the weapon and run down to the lower level.
The higher the difficulty, the less time you have before the missiles hit. I
barely made it down on Hard.

The third one is that it will fire a HUGE number of missile from a close range,
on the east side of the bridge facing west. During this time, hide on the 
stairs that lead down to the lower level. Don't go on the bottom floor, as
the missiles can go down there. Try crouching or lying down right below the
point where the stairs descend past the upper level. After the Harrier is
done firing, it will pause for five to ten seconds before flying off. As soon
as it looks like the barrage of missiles is done, run up the upper floor, pull
out the missile launcher and fire as much as you possible can in its direction.
Like the first sequenced attack above, you should be able to do a good deal
of harm to it.

The last attack is that it will simply fly in close the bridge and circle
around it shooting a rapid fire gattling gun for a good minute or two. The
best thing you can do is hide behind the tank and hope it will deflect the
bullets. Keep a close watch on where the bullets are coming from and the 
sliver on the radar. Try to anticipate where and when the Harrier will move
by watching the stream of bullets as it moves.

Snake will also be providing assistance during the battle. He'll drop ammo and
Rations onto the bridge, should you need them (which you will). Just keep an
eye on your health, use Rations when needed, and grab Rations when they are
dropped. (Supposedly Snake will also try to get the Harrier to stop firing on
you when it does the last sequenced attack I mentioned, as he'll shout 'I'll
handle this.' However, I really didn't see him do anything. Then again, I
was focusing more on not getting shot, but that's just me.) One last thing.
Don't shoot down the chopper, okay? (Grrr... despite the fact that all it does
is seem to get in your way on the higher difficulties...)

All in all, not a terribly hard fight. Just pay attention to its location, fire
when you can, and watch for the sequenced attacks.

===LG Bridge Wreckage============

Enemies     : None [VE], 1 [Ea], 2 [No - Ha]

Items       : AK Suppressor  [Ea - Ex]
              PSG1 Bullets   [AD]
              PSG1-T Bullets [AD]
              Ration [x2]    [VE - Ha]

Now that the place is practically destroyed, you need to make your way to
Shell 2. You start on what is left of the southern half of the 1-2 Bridge. Go
to the fire on the left. Once you get close, the controller will start
vibrating and you'll hear a ringing tone. Equip the cell phone and a message
will come up. You can use the Coolant Spray to put the fire out. To do so, you
need to make sure that the fire is completely out in one section before moving
on to another, else the fire will start blazing again. A steady stream of smoke
and red sparks will fly up once the area is sufficiently cooled. Just make a
smooth motion from one area to the next so the fire doesn't spread over again.
When the fire is out, you can run down the steps and grab the Ration. Just be
careful as the stairs will fall away about five seconds after you step on it.
It may take a try or two, but since you are most likely out of Rations, it'd be
best to try for it.

There are a few items to get here, if you will notice when exploring in FPV.
There are a number of items in front of Strut G and there is a Ration on the
end of the pipe running below the bridge. To get over to the front
section of Strut G, you'll have to run up that strip of flooring that curves
up to the north and do a running roll the second you hit the end. With some
practice or luck, you'll safely end up on the platform on the other side. Grab
the items, and run up to the fire. Slowly put it out and grab the Suppressor.
Jump over to the right and the walkway the runs around Strut G. To get to the
Ration from the bridge,  go to the bottom right corner of what is left of the
main floor of the bridge, by the railing. Flip over the railing and hand-over-
hand across the long, gray beam. (Or, assuming you'd rather have the Suppressor
as well and jumped over there, you can just go down to the orange pipe on the
right.) When you are over the pipe, push X to drop down. If you got the items
from Strut G, as you should have, just drop down onto the pipe from the block
that leads up to the walkway around Strut G. Now, while you are on the pipe, do
not, under any circumstances, run. You will more than likely fall. And die.
Especially if you are over the bird crap (you should remember the roof of Strut 
A and slipping on the crap if you played around up there). Slowly make your way
south by tapping the pad or thumbstick, keeping in the middle of the pipe.
At the south end is a ration. Get it and slowly go north to a block leading
up to the walkway around Strut G. Once you step on the walkway, fires will
steam up to the left, by the opening of Strut G where the items were, making
it impassable. (Not that you can get at it from the box below it. The only way
up is to jump that curved piece of the wreckage.) To jump on the walkway,
flatten your back against it and hit the Action Button.

Make your way up the walkway, minding the fact that there is no railing to
prevent you from falling off and that there are certain panels which will
fall off once you step on them. When you reach the top, flatten against the
railing and drop down to the lower level. As soon as you do, two enemy sentries
will come out of Strut L and begin to patrol the GL Bridge above you. I'd
suggest taking the them out with the M9 or PSG1-T rather than trying to avoid
their sight. I wouldn't suggest using a lethal weapon as they will call out
a cypher that will appear directly right of you when they become alerted.
Bad news, them cyphers. Go right across the lower walkway to a ladder at the
end. There are two holes in the walkway, though. For the first, flatten against
the upper solid wall and slowly walk across the small ledge, keeping your
back on the wall. For the other, you'll have to flatten against the lower
railing, flip over, and hand-over-hand across. Not too difficult, but watch
that you don't make any sudden movements in any one direction, lest you fall
off and have to do this all over again. 

===Strut L Perimeter=============

Enemies     : 3 [AD]

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets [AD]
              Chaff Grenade   [AD]
              PSG1 Bullets    [AD]
              Ration          [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets   [AD]

As soon as you come up the ladder, you should hear footsteps. There are
guards just around the turn, but they are inside Strut L, looking out windows
across the walkway. You need to crawl underneath the windows to the other 
corner. You'll have to move quickly, though, as there are a couple of 
planks that will fall out when you get on them.

When you reach the bend, you'll see that the walkway is out. Like the
small walkway earlier, you'll have to get your back against the wall and
slowly walk over. However, you'll reach a large outcropping that blocks
the way. Crouch down, keeping your back against the wall, and go underneath

When you go around the next bend, you'll see that there is a guard on the
roof who needs to, well, take a leak. Unfortunately, he goes right on the
walkway. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not walk through that. If you
start running right after the cutscene starts (or you can save time by hitting
X to skip it), you can make it across before he starts. You can walk through
it, if you so choose, but I have no idea if it has any adverse affect on
gameplay. (Like, you'd smell funky and guards would become suspicious when you
are near. I don't know, really, and I don't care to test it. Just run over
quickly for cripe's sake.)

When you go around the next turn, the walkway ends. Before you back against the
railing and flip down, take a look north/northwest in FPV. A whole lot of
cyphers. Try to take some of them out with your newly-silenced AK. If one
gets too close or becomes alerted, drop down over the railing to another
walkway below it, where you will find a box of AK ammo. Run north across the
bridge and find a Ration at the end. Come back south and go up the staircase.
When you are only partially up, use the trigger buttons in FPV to check the
positions of any remaining cyphers and take them out (and use FPV to listen
for the cyphers, to be absolutely sure they are all gone before you make your
way up to the KL Bridge). Go up to the main KL Bridge and run north to the K 
and south to the L Struts. Both of the doors are broken, unfortunately, but you 
can pick up some ammo at both ends. When you're done, head over to the path in 
the middle that leads to the Shell 2 Core. As you'll notice, parts of it are 
missing. For the first hole, there is nothing to grab onto, so you'll have to 
do another running roll. For the second hole, you can lean your back against 
the railing and cross or flip over the side and hand-over-hand it. 

===Shell 2 Core, 1F==============

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Chaff                [AD]
              M4 Bullets [x2]      [AD]
              M9 Bullets           [AD]
              Nikita Missiles [x2] [AD]
              Ration               [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets        [AD]

As soon as Raiden enters the Core, there will be a Directional Microphone
sequence and you'll see that there are high voltage current panels lining
the floor to the President. To get past them, you need to use a remote
controlled missile to take out the circuit panel which controls the floor's
charge inside the room where the President is being held, while not hitting
him. (Which of course means he is going to get in your way...)

There are no enemies on the floor at the moment, so you may move freely. On
[Ha], you'll hear a deceptive snoring, though - it's not a guard, it's the
President. Just make your way clockwise around the floor to the break room
with the node and then to the elevator, grabbing the items along with way
(all of which are in easy to see locations). Head on down to B1.

===Shell 2 Core, B1==============

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Night Vision Goggles [AD]
              Nikita               [AD]
              Ration               [VE - Ha]
              Stinger Missiles     [AD]

When you first get off, you'll notice one thing - the place is in the
process of sinking. Hit the node just right of the door for the radar, and
keep going right to find a staircase leading down into the water. You're
going to have to swim for the greater part of this section of the game. You
should already be familiar with swimming controls if you played around in
the water pool in very first room in Strut A. If not, the Colonel will call
you and go over it again. Just hit the Punch Button to dive down and hit it
repeatedly to swim faster. Be sure to keep an eye on the O2 meter and come up
for air at the air pockets. They are shown as bright blue patches on the

From where you start, swim straight south until you reach the southern-most
room with an air pocket. In that room, you will find the Nikita in the 
southwestern corner. Now that you have it, you could run back to 1F now, but
since you're here, you might as well get a few more items scattered throughout
the floor. Head back north to the first air pocket. Go down the hall just
left of it. You'll soon come to a door on Raiden's left (to the south) with
a small dark corridor. In the corner, you'll find the Night Vision Goggles.
Nice. Turn back into the corridor and keep going west down it to another
room with an air pocket. (On [VE], you'll find te Nikita just south of the
first staircase you come down by the elevator. On [Ea], you should have found
it just south down the hall here. On [No], it is just before the long hallway
going south with two mines in it. You may or may not wish to continue on and
save what follows for your return trip on these difficulties. Up to you.)

[If you continue on...]If you want, you can go all the way south to another 
room with an air pocket and... a rubbery ducky... or you can take the corridor
that goes east that you will pass as you go south. Careful not to rush inside
- there is a mine planted there. My suggestion is to ram into it, causing it
to explode and thus, not be there anymore for you to worry about hitting.
You will have to come back through here in...less than favorable conditions
and having to worry about not hitting the mine is a waste of time. Hit it
and use a Ration. Go south down the corridor where the bomb was guarding.
You'll hit another corridor - go left into it, and the down the corridor
on the southern wall. Mind that there are two mines in the hall. I'd say just
kill the bottom one - you'll have plenty of room. From here, go south to
another room with an air pocket and two doors that are sealed. The one on the
east side won't open, but they west one will. Rapidly hit the Action Button
to open it...and a there will be a quick cutscene.

The door leads to a large room filled with wreckage. There are several holes
in it though, near the north and south sides of the walls of wreckage,
usually a the very top or very bottom. It's fairly easy to navigate, but use
the air pockets on the north wall if you need to. Go to the west-most
air pocket - you'll find a box of Stinger missiles directly below it. Make
your way west to a door on the north side of the western wall. Go in to find
an air pocket with a ration directly below it, which you will grab as you
head up to the air. If you go north, you'll come to a staircase leading up
to a small area that isn't flooded. However, the only thing here is a Level
4 door, which you don't have access to (yet). So, remember this location and
backtrack to the elevator and head up to 1F.

Alright, now to deal with the circuit panel. The best duct to use is the one
inside of the small room on the left, just above the lowered area that is on
the south wall of the floor. Inside, there are two security cameras. Get close
enough to the door so that it opens and then use the SOCOM to take out the
cameras. You'll find some Nikita missiles on top of the crates. Jump on top
of them and look at the north wall. It is dark, but you should see the vent
clear enough. Shoot the missile in and go to the second route right (not the
first one you come to) and then it is a straight shot into the room. On most
difficulties, you just have to avoid the running 'Prez', which is simple
enough. On [Ha], though, he is sleeping right in front of it. If you hit the
panel, he will die. All you have to do is shoot a decoy inside first and hit
some random wall somewhat close to him so he wakes up, but not so close as to
blow him up. Give him a second and then shoot another. He'll see it and run
away (and cower in a corner...). Hit the panel and run over to the now safe
to cross floor and into the room.

Now you'll have a nice long chat with the President and there will be... a
few revelations, to say the least. When you are done with him and walk out
the door, there will be yet more Codec conversations.

Inside the room with the President, you can crawl into one of the ducts that
is on the southern wall. As soon as you go in, look to the right and you'll
see a box of Stinger missiles. Keep going south and to the left, there is
a grate with a Book behind it. If you shoot out with the grate using the
Nikita, you can grab it. It'll take about three missiles to do it. Not much
else to do here. Don't bother trying to shake out... the body, as there isn't
anything to shake out. (Unfortunately - he could have had some interesting
items...) Be sure to talk to Campbell on Codec to learn a good deal more about
Emma, your new objective being to rescue her.

Again, there are no enemies, so just run back to the elevator and go down to
B1. Now, swim all the way back to that Level 4 door and enter. Be prepared
for a very challenging fight.

===Filtration Chamber============
---Boss : Vamp-------------------

Enemies     : Vamp

Items       : M4 Bullets [x2] [AD] [Regenerates]
              M9 Bullets      [AD] [Regenerates]
              RGB6 Grenades   [AD] [Regenerates]
              Ration          [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets   [AD] [Regenerates]

Vamp is a tough opponent, but you should be able to handle him. A few ground
rules first. One, do NOT fall into the water or you will die. Two, do NOT use
the auto-targeting systems for your hand guns and rifles. Vamp will anticipate
the movement of muscles and determine where your bullets will end up, avoiding
them. Always use FPV. It is slower, but it will vastly increase your chances of
hitting him. Three, do not waste your small arms ammo by trying to shoot at him
when he is glowing red. Ordinary bullets from hand guns and rifles will not
affect him. Use the RGB6 grenade launcher or Stinger - he should move slow
enough that you will have a shot. Fourth, when he comes onto the lower deck and
starts slowly walking toward you, take as many shots as you can, but do not let
him get close to you. (Later in the battle he will also start running towards
you.) As soon as he does, he will jump over you and come around from behind,
from which it is too difficult to recover fast enough to prevent the attack.

At the beginning of the battle, he will make a graceful bow and waste about
ten seconds before he actually starts. You cannot harm him during this time
(unless you'd like to take a cheap shot with the RGB6 or Stinger), so take the
opportunity to run to the right and back to get the Ration and ammo. Now run
back to the southeast corner, my favorite position to fight this battle from.

Vamp does four things during this battle : swims underwater for anywhere from
approximately ten to thirty seconds, walks along the upper balcony throwing
daggers at you, walking/running along the lower balcony towards you so as to
jump over you and cut you from behind, and finally, throws a dagger that pins
you (and your shadow) in place, unable to walk or equip items/weapons.

For the first part of the battle, he will alternate between jumping on the
upper balcony, to swimming, to jumping on the lower platform, back and forth
until he is down to about 1-2/5 of this life. This makes it really easy to
predict what he will do.

When he is swimming underwater, I highly suggest that you take the chance to
hit him with the RGB6 - just shoot off six or so rounds into random locations
underwater. More than likely half or more of them will either hit him or the
vibrations from the water will. If one hits him, it'll do a small amount of
damage and take some O2, whereas the water vibrations will cause a small amount
of stun damage and take away a LOT of his O2 meter, forcing him to come up
after he more than likely takes some damage from the lack of oxygen.

When he is walking on the upper balcony, he is almost always using the red
glow, so you'll have to pull out the big guns. Always try to evade or shoot
down his knives, first of all, and when he pauses at the end or beginning of
one of his attacks, fire the RGB6 at him or a Stinger. (Stingers are far more
effective and cause quite a bit of damage, but you will only have a limited
supply. Make them count.) Above all, avoid the knives. You can shoot them down,
but you'll have to use something that will allow you to fire rapidly. The
M4 or AK are ideal. To be honest, it is far easier to avoid them than to try
and shoot them down.

When he is walking on the lower platform towards you, I suggest that you either
hit him with the M4 as soon as he comes out of the water (while he takes a
second to rise and begin walking) and then run around avoid him or fire a
Stinger at him as soon as he comes up, which causes him to immediately jump
back into the water. I highly suggest using the Stinger - if you stand in the
southeastern corner, he will always jump into the northwestern corner. As soon
as he comes up, aim for the small hole in the railing by him - it will always
hit him and hit him hard. You could try C4 if you want, but it'd be bit of
a hassle as he won't always walk where you want him and during a moment of
confusion you could easily blow yourself to bits.

If you are really having problems with the first part of the battle, you may
want to just sit in the corner, wait for him to jump on the lower deck, shoot
the Stinger, and run around the square, avoiding the knives while he is up
top. This will really get you far into it and allow you to do a good amount of
damage while staying relatively safe.

The 'shadow dagger' is the hard part. He will constantly flip around the upper
balcony firing daggers, with the occasional Shadow Dagger and flurry of five
knives. He will always use the Shadow Dagger first, which will lock you into
your current position. The only thing you can do is spin around, crouch,
and fire whatever weapon (if any) you had equipped when you were hit by the
dagger. No moving, no using items, no nothing. (Be SURE that you always keep
Rations equipped as your item. Even if you cannot use it by choice, if you
run out of life, a Ration will automatically be used, but only if you have it
equipped) What you want to do is avoid the Shadow Dagger by staying constantly
on the move and right after he fires the flurry of five daggers at you (you'll
begin to recognize the 'pft-pft-pft-pft-pft' noise they make) and you are
safely out of their way, take up the Stinger (if you have any ammo left) or
RGB6 and fire at his position. Most of the time, you'll miss, but if you 
can move fast enough, you'll hit him one or two times, which is all you need
as he should be very low on life. However, if you get locked by the dagger,
just stay calm and listen to the noises he makes jumping around. He won't
throw any normal daggers at you in this mode; only the five at once. So when
you hear that noise, and I mean the _second_ you hear it, you push the A button
and crouch down. They'll fly right over your head. Hit X to stand back up
again and keep doing this until the dagger wears off. Then return to taking
those lucky shots when you can.

Or, to completely avoid the dagger altogether, you can shoot out the lights
that ring the chamber (four in all). The best time to do this might be during
the opening while he is taking his bow and you have a moment of peace. Either
that or when he is underwater - just be sure to watch and listen for him.

This is a tough battle and you will more than likely have to do a few times.
You'll get his pattern down eventually and get quicker at firing the grenade
when you have a split-second window of opportunity. I wish you luck.

If you are trying for no kills, you're going to have quite a long battle.
You will be able to hit him with the M9 while he is walking towards you on the
lower balcony (though it won't do much damage). Your best bet for wearing down
his stun meter is to keep lobbing grenades into the water while he is under
with the RGB6. Also, try firing the Stinger at the surface of the water - it
won't go underwater, but detonate at the surface and almost always cause a bit
of damage to him and completely take away his O2. I have no idea what you are
going to do when he is on top trying to hit you with the Shadow Dagger, if you
can't manage to take out the lights.

Update : I played around with it on the lower difficulty levels, and I found
that the easiest way to merely stun him, rather than kill him, is to use the
Stinger to shoot the water two to three times while Vamp is underwater to
bring down his stun gauge significantly. It won't allow you to knock him out
this way, but you can at least get very close to it. When that is done, I'd
suggest using PSG1-T and keeping a fix on an area on the upper platform 
opposite you where he will land (there a fixed spots). I'd use the PSG1 over
the M9 as the bullets fly much quicker, and Vamp only stays in the spots for
a few seconds. It helps greatly if you take out the lights well before
doing this as well. Lastly, he does occasionally rush you and try to physically
attack you from behind during the middle portion - punching and kicking him,
if you can avoid his attack, will help wear him down greatly as well.

===Shell 2 Core, B1==============

Enemies     : None

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets [AD]
              Body Armor      [AD]
              Book            [AD]
              C4 [x2]         [AD]
              Pentazemin      [AD]
              PSG1-T Bullets  [AD]
              Ration          [VE - Ha]
              Thermal Goggles [AD] [If not already obtained]

After that titan of a boss, head through the door in the back. There will be
Ration right where you come in. Head left and there is...yet more water to
swim through. No map this time either. And a lot more mines.

Head straight north to the air pocket. There is a small room north of there
with a mine to the immediate right and some AK ammo a bit left. Grab it and
get some air. Now head east down the long hall. There is another air pocket
at the other end. Skip the first door to the north for now, and go down the
second (east-most) one. You'll find the Body Armor at the end of the hall.
VERY nice. If there is one item you have to get in this game, it is the Body
Armor. Don't miss it. If you don't need Rations equipped, keep it on at all
times. Now go down to the south and there is a small room with two mines and a
box of PSG1-T bullets. Grab it, get air if needed, and head down the western-
most corridor north. Go past the mine, go through the hall to the left and up
the stairs.

Head inside the room and hit the node just north of the door. There is some
Pentazemin on the floor, left of the raised platform, a Book in the bottom-most
locker on the left, and two boxes of C4 in the upper-most locker on the left.
The rest are locked or empty...except for the middle one on the north wall.
Open it up to meet Emma. (Be sure you have all the items before opening the
locker - you'll automatically be forced out of the room when you meet her.)
(And if you are feeling particularly cruel, try banging on the door or
firing some weapons around it.)

By the way, if you didn't obtain the Thermal Goggles in the Conference Room,
you can now find them in the large locker on the east wall (southern locker).
Get them already!

Now backtrack through the water to the Filtration Chamber. The controls are
the same; just keep a close watch on Emma's O2, which is far smaller than
yours. Stop for air every single chance you get. From the stairs, head
south, then west at the long corridor to the end. Go south, then east
around the corner, and the up the stairs. To guide Emma, just hold the Action
Button when you are close to her and Raiden will s..l..o..w..l..y guide her

A few notes on guiding Emma. Don't take her everywhere with you - make sure the
area is clear before putting her in harm's way. Should she take damage for
some reason, you can let go of her and she will still down in a minute.
While sitting down, she will regain health. (Look at her while she is sitting,
by the way, to hear her, well, complain.) You cannot shoot weapons when you are
guiding her, so, again, be careful.

When you get to Chamber, there will be a few quick scenes and Codec calls.

After the scenes, don't move. Equip the Mine Detector and take a look around.
The left path is covered with them and the right is clear. You can grab some
if you want, but just head down to the door. When you get there, there will be
a number of scenes where Emma explains about Arsenal, GW, and the whole reason
for the construction of Arsenal.

When the scenes are done, backtrack through the first part of the water, with
which you should be eminently familiar with, to the elevator. When you reach
it, you'll find it surrounded by bugs. Emma doesn't like bugs, so spray them
with the Coolant and they'll run away. Be sure to get all of them and like on
the Deep Sea Dock, and don't get them on you. Head up the elevator to 1F.

===Shell 2 Core, 1F==============

Enemies     : 3 [VE - Ea], 6 [Ha]

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets [x2] [AD]
              M9 Bullets [x2]      [AD]
              PSG1 Bullets         [AD]
              PSG1-T Bullets       [AD]
              Ration               [VE - Ha]
              RGB6 Grenades        [AD]
              SOCOM Bullets [x2]   [AD]

On 1F, there are now a couple of guards. The first one is in the lounge, just
west of the elevator. He turns his back on Raiden's direction plenty of times
so holding him up isn't a problem. Take him out and hide the body in the
back corner, right of the elevator, out of sight. (Do this on [No - EE], at
least.) I'd also bring Emma over there, to keep her safe. Once the elevator
closes, and you bring Raiden down the hall to south end of the floor and enter
the room that use to have the two security cameras, a guard will come up the
elevator eventually. RUN back to the lounge and wait for him to leave himself
open to hold-up as he comes left around the bend. Just make sure he doesn't
see you.

Now it gets a bit more complicated. Once you bring Emma into the lounge, a
guard will appear in the small corridor that juts out left near the bottom
of the long vertical corridor on the right. But there are also two guards down
there with a difficult patrol pattern. I suggest you first leave Emma in the
corridor after taking out the first two, run down and take out one or both of
the two with the odd pattern (I'll tell you how in a second) and then bring
Emma to the break room and get the third guy. If you take out the third guy
first, there is a strong chance that one of the ones with the odd pattern will
hear and come find you.

For the odd guys, you need to lure one of the away. You couldn't possibly take 
one of them down with the other seeing you do it or trying to drag the body 
away. Watch their pattern, first of all. (You'll make noise going down the 
steps - use the running roll to get down quickly and silently.) When the one of 
the left is just about to turn around and come back towards you, make a 
knocking noise in the corner opposite the stairs. He'll come investigate, so 
you need to hide. Use one of the boxes. When he looks and doesn't see anything, 
he'll turn around. QUICKLY drop the box, and run a bit closer to him and hold 
up your weapon. When he puts up his arms, quickly drop your weapon, and grab 
him from behind. Drag him up the stairs and fairly far away from the other 
guard. Drop him and draw your weapon as he recovers. After taking out this guy, 
the other two should be a cakewalk to get. Once you bring Emma down into the 
lower portion of the floor on the southern wall and near the stairs, the final 
guard will appear in the hallway that leads to the KL Bridge. He should be 
fairly easy to handle - just hide behind the crates south of the corridor until 
he goes back int. Careful of stepping on floors that make noise, though.

There are fewer enemies on the easier difficulties, and you can handle those
on your own, I'm sure.

In case you hadn't noticed there are quite a few new items on the floor, in
the room where the President was in particular. Be sure to check the
ventilation ducts as well. When you've grabbed it all, drag Emma to the KL

===KL Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : Chaff Grenade [AD]
              M4 Bullets    [AD]
              PSG1 Bullets  [AD]
              Ration        [VE - Ha]
              SOCOM Bullets [AD]

Ah yes... time does indeed pass in the game. It is now dusk.

On the lower difficulties, this bridge is fairly simple - just cross, take
out the lone enemy and you are done. On [Ha], there are two cyphers and a
sniper in addition to the sentry. The cyphers is easy enough to take out with
the PSG1. For the sniper, go out onto the balcony in one of the corners.
Turn around and look at the roof of the Shell 2 Core. You should have a fairly
good view of him. Take out your weapon of choice and hold the triggers in FPV
to reach up (you cannot hit him otherwise) and fire away.

Run up the bridge and crouch behind the wall. Watch the guard's pattern and
rush him. (Careful of his double-take southward.) Grab all of the items on
the lower bridge, put out the fire in the way of Strut L with the Coolant, and
lead Emma to Strut L where there will be a quick scene.

===Strut L Sewage Treatment Factory===

Enemies     : 2 [AD]

Items       : SOCOM Bullets [AD]

This is a really small area, with only two guards, but they are patrolling
close together. The best way to get past them is to stay in the horizontal
hallway at the top and look south through the red hallway into to the red
room at the other end. Take out the M9 and go into FPV. Wait a minute and a
guard will come into view on the far side (not the closer one). Tranq him.
Now, there is also another guard closer, who should be just west of the red
hallway when the far guard comes into your view. Shoot the M9 at the railing
in the middle or to the left-middle so the guard comes into your view to
investigate. Quickly shoot him in the head - if don't do it fast enough he
will turn to leave, but he will turn towards you and see a figure. He won't
become alerted, but he will come cautious and come see who you are. Once they
are down, use the Coolant spray on them to wake them up (stay behind them)
and pull out your weapon as they are rising, which will automatically hold
them up. Nice and dirty.

Bring Emma through the door to the south and they'll start climbing down the

===Strut L Oil Fence=============

Enemies     : Varies - too many to count

Items       : Pentazemin   [x2][AD] [Regenerates]
              PSG1 Bullets [x2, VE - Ea][x1, Ha][Regenerates]

There aren't many specific directions I can give you for this sequence. You
have to lay cover fire via the PSG1 for Emma as she walks across the oil
fence to Strut E. You'll have to deal with armed cyphers, enemy sentries,
and Claymore mines. The most important thing to do is equip the Thermal
Goggles. With them, you'll be able to see the Claymores placed on the fence.
Be sure to take them all out long before Emma gets there. In fact, at the very
beginning of the battle, scan along the fence. On [Ha] there will be some on
the leg that Emma is already on and there is another group to the far right.
(There are no Claymore mines on [VE], by the way.) The next most important 
thing is to use the Pentazemin. Raiden's aim is terrible without it. Lastly,
constantly scan for enemies, starting with Emma's immediate area and moving
outward, while constantly checking on Emma. Take out an enemy as soon as you
see it. This is a fairly easy segment if you pay attention and scan around a

When Emma is almost to Strut E, a... familiar face will appear and hold her
hostage. This is pretty simple too, but you have to be quick. Aim just above
Emma's head at the top of her captor's head. When you've found the spot that
you can hit him from without endangering Emma, plug away as fast as you can.

After the sniping sequence is done, you'll have to rush over to the Shell 1 
Core, B2. The time limit changes by difficulty:

[VE] - 1,200 seconds
[Ea] - 600 seconds
[No] - 300 seconds
[Ha] - 240 seconds
[Ex] - 
[EE] - 

===Strut E Parcel Room===========

Enemies     : 1 [AD]

Items       : Digital Camera   [AD] (If not already obtained)
              Stinger Missiles [AD]

Once you are back in control, go through the hatch into a room simlar to the
one with the previous two sentries. Go through the level 5 door to find
yourself on the lower level of the parcel room. Duck into the northern level
5 door to find the Digital Camera.

There is a single guard (who appears to have missed the call to Arsenal due to 
his headphones...) here with a dog tag. In the lower modes, he is just sitting 
in the Level 5 door to the north or stationary on the upper level, an easy 
take. In [Ha], he's walking around the main floor. As soon as you start the 
timed section in [Ha], run as fast as you can through the hatch, and go wait on 
the stairs. You should make it there as he is going south to turn east. As soon 
as he does turn, run up and hold him up. After that, run further east to the EF
bridge (the door in the southeast corner of the Strut).

On the bridge, there will be some cyphers. You don't have time to mess around
trying to snipe them individually, so throw a Chaff grenade or two and run
out to the middle of the bridge. You may or may not be able to run straight
to the core, depending upon your difficulty. If the tiles haven't been put
back, it'd be best to quickly take out all three of the cyphers while the
Chaff is in effect and then flip over the railing of the bridge. When you
reach the edge of the railing, flip back up and do a running roll across the
last hole. Enter the Core.

Run north through the bugs (be sure to shake out your items...) and around the
corner, or south around the entire floor, if you wish (careful of Claymore
mines just south of the hallway you enter from). Enter into the elevator. Yet 
more cutscenes. Sad cutscenes.

===Arsenal Gear - Stomach===========
a.k.a. Azabu-Juban

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Medicine [AD]
              Ration   [VE - Ha]

After numerous scenes, Raiden will be inside an Arsenal Gear torture room...
naked. No equipment, no weapons, and even worse, no clothes. There will be
quick event where you need to hit the Action Button repeatedly to prevent
Raiden from losing his O2, but this is a short one and you can actually just
let it go and Raiden shouldn't lose any health.

There are two items in here. One is a Ration underneath the computer console
on the left wall. The other is some cold medicine in the locker to the right,
which you might need since it is rather cold in here and our hero is as naked
as the day he was born. Next, head right into an adjoining room. Inside you'll
find a node for the radar. (This is the only area in the game where you'll
need to log into a node to get the map in [VE], by the way.) Keep going right
into the next area.

===Arsenal Gear - Jejunum===========
a.k.a. Aoyma Ni-Chome

Enemies     : 3 [VE], 4 [Ea - Ha]

Items       : Bandage [AD]
              Box 5   [AD]
              Ration  [VE - Ha]

When you first enter, you'll get a rather...disturbing Codec call. Now before
you start moving about here, contact the Colonel over the Codec repeatedly.
He'll give you a good deal of information about your current situation, such
as you cannot hang or chokehold, and you will sustain a large amount of damage
since you have no armor. It is in your best interest to stay hidden, as you
should have been doing throughout the game.

Watch the guard's pattern and get to the block on the right, then up the
stairs, at which point you'll get another... strange call. Oh, it's only the
beginning, ladies and gentlemen. From this point on, you will be constantly
paged via Codec. Listen to them all you like - a number are actually pretty 
funny - but it does start to get annoying after a while.

Once you are thoroughly amused and confused, you want to get over to the left
balcony. There is a box at the south end that you can hide in. (It's not
clothes, but it'll have to do; good to hide from the enemy as well.) Be careful
about going over the bridges connecting the left and right side - they will
come running if they hear you - use the running roll, as usual. You'll also
want to be careful about moving while a guard on the lower level has his cone
pointed at you. If he sees the box move, he'll get curious (yellow) and come
investigate - move out of the area, ASAP.

Once you've got the box, make your way north on the left side. When you reach 
the end, you can go down and get a few items if you want, but it really isn't 
worth the hassle, in my opinion. Just head left at the top bridge. Once the 
guard patrolling the walkway leading to the east is at the west side of the 
balcony, overlooking the main area, move as fast as you can east to the door.

===Arsenal Gear - Ascending Colon===

Enemies     : None [AD]

Items       : Ration [VE - Ha]

When you arrive in the...  colon, go south down the tunnel to find
another Ration. Now you'll probably wander around for a moment and notice that
all of the doors are locked. Don't panic when you can't figure out what to
do. You need to start answering the Codec calls. (Yes, I know, you're probably
sick of them by now.) Eventually, Rose will come on and speak with you about...
'her past'. When she's done, Snake will show up...with Raiden's gear.

Not only does Snake give you your gear back, but he has a present from Olga - 
the High Frequency Blade. An excellent weapon, once you get used to the
controls. Listen to Snake explain the controls and practice as much as you can
with it. Don't take too long or go too to the north, though, or the practice
will end. And there is one thing you need to do first - knock out Snake. Press
the Weapon Button to change the blade from the sharp edge to the blunt. (If you
are going for no kills, you'll have to use the blunt edge to take out enemies,
but you also don't want to kill Snake or the game will end.) As soon as he is
out, drag him around and you'll get one of five very special dog tags (one for
each difficulty). Nice.

Finish up practicing and Snake will lead you to the next area.

===Arsenal Gear - Ileum=============

Enemies     : A whole lot.

Items       : None [AD]

Now it's a just a constant stream of enemies that Raiden and Snake have to
fight their way through it all. To be honest, there isn't much I can do for
you here. First of all, call Otacon - he has some good advice for you.

On the higher levels, protecting Snake will be the hardest part, as he keeps
pushing forward. It actually helps if you stay ahead of him and take the brunt
of the blows. He'll back you up and give you plenty of ammo and Rations.

My key points of advice are:

- Use the body armor. It'll save you.
- Use Rations if you life goes below 1/2.
- Stay ahead of Snake and be the enemy's primary target. 
- Take items when Snake drops them. Listen to his voice and the noises.
- Take out the guys on the upper levels first - they have deadeye aim and
  prime shooting positions for both of you.
- When the Tengu soldiers start reflecting you bullets, shoot at their feet.
- When you reach the end of the tunnel, drop the M4 or AK or whatever and
  break out the sword. You'll tear through those guys with it set on lethal.

If you're trying for no kills, you have your work cut out for you. You could
let Snake do all the work, but he'd be dead so fast. Perhaps if you played a
decoy target... I don't know really. Good luck.

When you've killed them all, head into the door in the back to next area.

===Arsenal Gear - Sigmoid Colon=====

Enemies     : Far too many to count.

Items       : Ration [VE - Ha]

Grab the Ration in the front room and head into the circular room. Again,
you'll be hit with an onslaught of Tengu soldiers. Same deal as last time
really, only I _highly_ suggest you use the sword primarily, if not
exclusively. You'll do much better with the sword, but you'll have to get close
to them, which means run quickly to get them as soon as possible and try to
avoid their physical attacks. Again, use the Body Armor and use Rations when

===Arsenal Gear - Rectum============
---Boss : Metal Gear RAYs-----------

Enemies     : A score of Metal Gear RAYs

Items       : Ration          [VE - Ha] [Regenerates]
              Stinger Missile [AD]      [Regenerates]

Raiden will be transported to a VR like arena on the roof. Solidus will begin
to speak with you and you'll be allowed to move about freely. During this
time, grab the Rations and missiles (if they are there, that is - they only
seem to appear if you are low on Rations or missiles). When he finishes...

You want intense? You got it. You're about to face a score of Metal Gear RAYs
on your own with only your Stinger Missile to do any significant damage. Before
you do a thing, call Otacon on the Codec to learn a lot about the RAYs and
tactics to use.

The key to this battle is to be moving as often as possible and keep actively
fighting them as much as possible. It seems to me that keeping a constant
stream of missiles headed towards them seems to be the most effective way to
keep them from getting at you. If they are reeling from an attack, they
can't very well hit you, now can they? That isn't all of it, of course. There
is one important detail to exploit that will win this battle for you.

Shoot the leg and the RAY will bend down, with it's mouth open, as if
screeching in pain. At that moment, shoot a missile directly into its mouth,
causing a good 1/3 - 1/4 off the life bar. 

Keep doing this, and I mean keep - I want you to constantly move, stop, knock
him down on his knees, hit the head, deal with any incoming missile attacks
from the other RAYs, move a bit if needed, and quickly take up the Stinger
again to set up another attack. If they start to fire their barrage of missiles
at you and you don't have time for the knee-mouth thing, just shoot one at
their head to do a small bit of damage. The best defense is a good offense,
as they say.

By the way, keeping the Body Armor equipped is a VERY good idea. The missile
barrages they fire won't outright kill you, but only knock you critical. (Heh.)
It is in your best interest to not get hit, obviously, but the armor will help
if you are.

Dealing with their attacks is a whole other thing. They have several, ranging
from the incredibly easy to avoid rail gun, to the pain in the rear and huge
damage causing missiles. When a RAY is standing on the platform, he'll often
swing down his arm and sweep an arc with his rail gun. To avoid this, simply
run at a diagonal angle towards the camera and to the left or right. After
the arc passes you, but before it stops, you'll have a perfect chance to
set up a knee-mouth deal. Take every chance you get.

The next attack is the ballistic missiles that RAYs in the background will
shoot towards you. You'll hear them being launched and there will be a constant
beeping that gets more rapid as they approach you. Just keep moving in a
diagonal line and often doing a running roll at the end, you should be able
to avoid them with out a problem. Granted, this will take a lot of practice,
but eventually, you'll be able to glide past them with great ease. If you
work at it, that is, and don't get overwhelmed. This battle is very much
possible to win and win well.

The RAY has a few other lesser attacks as well. The most dangerous of which
is the dual guided missiles from the knees. As soon as you hear or see these
guys come out, run to the left or right and do constant running rolls to
avoid them. (Be careful that you don't end up on the crawl position by leaning
on the A button too much.) As usual, there will be a slight delay in the
RAY's movement after launching those guys, so take your shot at its knee.
Another attack is a steady steam of pressurized water. This only happens
if you get too close to the RAY. It won't cause too much damage, though,
and it'll last for a good ten seconds or so. His mouth is obviously open,
so take the shot when you recover.

Speaking of getting close to RAY, that isn't an entirely bad idea. When you
are closer, the Stinger missiles reach their target almost instantly and
you can fire a knee-mouth combo at the RAY on the platform then fire another
combo at a RAY on the outside ring. Don't ever forget about the guys on
the outside ring, obviously, and causing damage to them before they get a
chance to jump on the platform. Just don't get _too_ close to the one on the

One additional tactic that Otacon suggests is to throw out a Chaff, which
will not only somewhat blind the RAY, but also cause missile targeting
systems to miss the target by a long shot. Use opportunities while you are
running form a barrage of missiles or the rail gun to throw one of them. It'll
pay off as they leave even more windows for you to do knee-mouth combos.

This is not an easy battle by any stretch of the imagination. But once you've
fought it ten times, you'll begin to understand the nuances of it and begin
to anticipate the RAYs' attacks and find plenty of windows for firing off
a knee-mouth combo. The biggest thing is to not get discouraged - keep at it.
Fight it over and over again until you make headway on the mechanics of the

The fight is obviously easier in the lower difficulties, as you will cause
more damage, they will cause less, and above all, you will have to kill
fewer RAYs. I know that there are a certain number of RAYs that must be killed
before the battle will end, but to be honest, I lost count on [Ha]. It's not
a big deal though - you shouldn't start becoming desperate once you know that 
you are near the end and start to make stupid mistakes that will get you
killed. You have to fight each RAY like it is the very first one and not expect
the relief come. Concentrate on constantly causing damage and avoiding their

===Federal Hall=====================
---Boss : Solidus-------------------

Enemies     : Solidus

Items       : Ration [x2, VE][x1, Ea - No]

Some of the most dramatic (and convoluted and, perhaps, somewhat profound)
scenes in the history of video gaming will commence. There will be another
button mashing event in there as well, from which it is very possible to die.

Eventually, Raiden and Solidus will be thrown on the roof of Federal Hall.
After revelations beyond what you could have possibly imagined for this game,
you have one last task - to take down Solidus. You will only have one weapon -
the blade. You'll have all of your items, though.

When you are finally in control of Raiden, don't start the battle quite yet.
First, contact Otacon over Codec. Like the last battle, he has numerous
pieces of advice for you. I'll expound on his points here :

- Don't try to confront him from his front side. He's twice as good as you
  with the sword and will (almost) always block a frontal assault from your
  sword. What you need to do is get around to his back or side or to take
  advantage of the delay time after he launches certain attacks on you. When he
  throws out his missile arms (when they are green), he leaves himself open for
  attack. Occasionally, you will be able to cause Solidus to stumble and fall
  back. The _second_ he does, you need to rush him and slice at him as much as
  you possibly can. For getting around to his back, use the running roll.
  Often. I cannot stress this enough. When he starts to rush you (either
  running toward you or when he starts using the flame trailing quick dash)
  use the roll to avoid his attack, get around to his other side, and attack
  him viciously. He will usually leave himself wide open after he rushes you.

- Stay away from Solidus' front when his arms turn green. He'll try to grab you
  and you'll have to do another button mashing event. Hit the Action Button
  and wildly throw the stick to keep your O2 meter up and to get loose,
  respectively. When he is about to throw out his arms, either hang back roll
  to one side and look for an opening to his back to slash at.

- When Solidus throws his missiles, try to lose them by moving in an arc in
  one direction. Their targeting systems are fairly shoddy, so you should be
  able to avoid them easily, so long as you keep moving. That is one of the
  key points of this battle - KEEP MOVING. Don't stop and try to assault him.
  Wait for him to leave himself open and rush in. Attack and rush out again.

- Avoid his fire trail. If you catch on fire, use the running roll to put it

- Solidus has an eye patch on his left eye, from the Harrier attack, which
  means he has a fairly good blind spot over there. When you are rolling to
  avoid one of this attacks or to get behind him, always go for his left
  side. It'll somewhat increase your chances for catching him off guard.

Good and practical advice that you should heed. Some more advice of my own :

- Use the Body Armor. It'll greatly reduce the damage should you slip up and
  give Solidus an opening to attack.

- One of the biggest factors for your success in this battle is your
  proficiency with the blade. If you've been using it as I suggested, you know
  the controls somewhat. But, believe me, you're going to be getting plenty of
  practice here as you fight this battle over and over again. Yes, you will
  die. Horribly and repeatedly. Like the RAY fight, just keep working on it and
  don't get discouraged. It'll take skill.

- If he is blocking your attacks too much, try to use the thrust (by pushing in
  on the right thumbstick). It reaches beyond his range of attacking you, so 
  you have a decent chance of recovering before he can pull off his counter-
  attack and it should go past his swords. It won't cause much damage, but 
  it'll knock him off base and leave him open for you to rush in and slash at 

- Most importantly : You've heard the saying that life is a game of inches?
  Well this is a game of millimeters. You have to slowly wear down his life
  gauge, one attack at a time. If you can manage to knock him off balance, by
  all means, try to get in two to three more slashes, so long as you don't
  leave yourself open when he recovers. Most of this battle is a waiting game
  while avoiding his attacks. Wait until he leaves himself open and quickly
  rush him.

Once you've knocked his life meter down to 1/2, it is a whole other game.

He'll lose the long arms and begin to constantly fire-dash around the arena.
You'll lose him and he will rush up to and elbow you in the arm or slash at
you. Do your best to avoid the fire trails and when he is about to rush to
you (you'll know it after a while - the camera zooms in on your position), do
a running roll in his direction. It'll either make him miss (and he may leave
himself open for attack) or Raiden will kick him the face and knock him down
(which will deplete Solidus' stun meter, but you won't have a good opening to
rush him as he is recovering). The fire trails are the biggest thing -
do_not_run_into_them. It'll deplete your life bar so fast it isn't even funny.
(And if you are like me, you won't have any Rations left due to the RAY fight
and there is no Ration on the roof in [Ha].)

However, there is a system to this. If you can manage to stay close to him
(let him back you against a wall), he'll stay close to you and do his multi
slash combos at you. These things are really easy to avoid and he leaves
himself wide open for a quick thrust. (Use the thrust by pushing in the right
thumbstick - trying to slash at him normally won't work as he'll just recover
instantaneously and block your attack.) Again, always use the thrust. It'll
to a good bit of damage to him and there is a chance that it'll knock him
off balance. If it does, use the thrust again. If you can manage to keep him
in close to you and not using the quick-dash, you'll have plenty of chances to
hit him when he leaves himself open to counterattack.

I'm not going to wish you luck for this battle. It'll take skill. And I hope
that you take the time to work on it to finish this glorious game. Enjoy the
ending and I hope you enjoyed this game as much as I did. (Be sure to stick
around after the credits...)


IV.   S e c r e t s   /   E x t r a   I n f o


A.   B e a t i n g   the   G a m e


After you defeat your final opponent, the credits roll, and you hear the
cliffhanger after-ending, you'll be shown your stats for the game. They
include : Rank (based upon an animal), Play Time, Save, Continue, Alert Mode,
Persons (killed), and Rations (used). Push the B button and you will be given
a clear code. Write down the code and log on to Go to the
Metal Gear Solid 2 section and there is an option in the page to return a
clear code. Do so and you can log your ranking, which can be compared to all
others who returned a clear code.

---Special Items-----------------

Push the B button again and you will be notified if you have obtained any
new items. The first time you beat the game, the Digital Camera will be
awarded to you for use in both chapters. Other than that, extra items are
determined by the number of dog tags you have collected in the chapters.
(They, and the rest of the items, are chapter specific.) After that, you will
be asked to save. Obviously, do so. You can use this save start a new game,
carrying over the special items and dog tags.


After you have beaten the game once (and there is a save on your hard drive or
memory card with red text) the difficulty modes Extreme and European Extreme 
will unlock.

---Casting Theater---------------

Also after beating the game once, the Casting Theater, in which you can view
seven key story sequences from the main game. You'll also be able to swap out
characters from their roles and replace them with various other people. Some
of them make for... interesting possibilities. Fun stuff.

---Boss Survival-----------------

The last major feature that unlocks after completing the main story once is
a Boss Survival mode, in which you face off against all of the boss fights in
the game, in order (for reference, that would be : Olga, Fatman, the Harrier,
Vamp, the RAYs, and Solidus), in various difficulties and at varying starting
conditions (as in, the items/weapons you start with). Upon completing a round,
you'll receive a clear code to take to Konami's website.


Another point of interest is that locations will now be shown in the dog tag
viewer in the Special menu, even for tags not obtained and even on difficulty
levels not yet played.

As a small side note, the main title screen will change from the red shaded
face of Snake to a blue shaded face of Raiden. To see the original Snake
again, just let the game sit and replay the opening movie. The original will
be back.

Lastly, in an odd quirk, sunglasses may appear on the main character (Snake or
Raiden) during gameplay and cutscenes after completing the game once. (Some
people assert you must beat it twice, but I am fairly sure it is only once.)
The glasses don't appear every time, but appear to be present at random


B.   E x t r a   I t e m s

Note : When a number of tags to collect is listed, it refers to the total of
number of tags possible in the chapter, across all of the difficulties, not
just one.

   << Entire Game >>

---Digital Camera----------------

Text : Press weapon button to take photographs. Zoom in with O button,
       zoom out with X button.
Unlocks : After completing the game once.

   << Tanker Chapter >>


Text : Solid Snake's bandanna. (Infinity) symbol is sewn in.
Use  : The rounds of ammo in Snake's possession will not deplete so long as
       it is equipped. You will still have to reload a magazine when it is
       empty, though.
Unlocks : After obtaining about 45 tags in the Tanker.


Text : Activates when equipped. Can optically deceive enemy, helping you to
Use  : Makes you completely invisible to enemy sentries. However, it will
       unequip if you bump a soldier.
Unlocks : After obtaining about 80 of the tags in the Tanker.

   << Plant Chapter >>

---Wig (Brown)-------------------

Text : Long color hair wig. Equip to wear. Hair whorl is -shaped.
Use  : Infinite ammo. (Reloading is still required, through.)
Unlocks : After obtaining approximately 1/5 of the tags in the Plant.


Text : Activates when equipped. Can optically deceive enemy, helping you to
Use  : Makes you completely invisible to enemy sentries. However, it will
       unequip if you bump a soldier.
Unlocks : After obtaining approximately 2/5 of the tags in the Plant.

---Wig (Orange)------------------

Text : Long color hair wig. Equip to wear.
Use  : Infinite grip.
Unlocks : After obtaining approximately 3/5 of the tags in the Plant.


V.   M i s s i o n s


a. I n t r o d u c t i o n   t o   M i s s i o n s

The return of VR missions. Yay! I LOVED the VR Missions disc released for the
PSX after Metal Gear Solid (1) and I was quite disappointed there weren't any
in Sons of Liberty on the PS2.

Initially, only select sets, using two characters, will be available - Raiden
VR, Raiden Alternative, Snake VR, and Snake Alternative. New sets will unlock
as you attain certain percentages in these. Below is a tree of how they are
subdivided and how each unlocks. ("[...]" denotes something that must be
unlocked, with the requirments below it.)

      I wish to discover and unlock them all on my own - don't spoil me!

---+ Raiden
   |---+ VR
   |   |---+ Sneaking Mode
   |   |   |--- Sneaking
   |   |   |--- Eliminate All
   |   |
   |   |---+ Weapon Mode
   |   |   |--- Handgun
   |   |   |--- Assault Rifle
   |   |   |--- C4/Claymore
   |   |   |--- Grenade
   |   |   |--- PSG-1
   |   |   |--- Stinger
   |   |   |--- Nikita
   |   |   |--- High Frequency Blade
   |   |  
   |   |---+ First Person View Mode
   |   |   |--- Control change option
   |   |
   |   |---[Variety Mode]
   |       [Unlocks after completing Sneaking, Weapon, and FPV modes]
   |---+ Alternative
       |--- Bomb Disposal Mode
       |--- Eliminate Mode
       |--- Hold Up Mode
       |--- [Photograph Mode]
            [Unlocks after completing Bomb, Eliminate, and Hold Up modes]

---+ [Raiden (Ninja)]
   | [Unlocks after reaching 50% for Raiden's missions]
   |---+ VR
   |   |---+ Sneaking Mode
   |   |   |---Sneaking
   |   |   |---Eliminate All
   |   |
   |   |---+ Weapon Mode
   |   |   |---High Frequency Blade
   |   |
   |   |---+ [Variety Mode]
   |         [Unlocks after completing Sneaking and Weapon modes]
   |---+ Alternative
       |---Bomb Disposal Mode
       |---Eliminate Mode

---+ [X Raiden]
   | [Unlocks after reaching 100% for BOTH Raiden and Ninja Raiden]
   |---+ VR
       |---+Streaking Mode

---+ Snake

---+ ???

---+ ???

---+ ???

In the level listings, successive levels in a category are not available
until you beat the previous one, starting with level one. After a level is
cleared it will change to orange colored. But if you manage to get the top
score, it will be red instead. In the missions list, press the Y button while
having a mission you attained the top score for and you'll be shown a clear
code to take to Konami's website. When you have top scores for all missions in
a category, that category will appear red in the listing, as opposed to the
usual yellow it turns to when you merely complete all missions in a category;
this applies to subdirectories and their parent directories as well. There
aren't any clear codes for directories, though.

Upon starting a mission, you are given your objective and pertinent information
such as the time limit and number of enemies/targets. For this reason, the
exact goal is not explictly stated in the following stratgies - it is expected
you already know what to do. (And the time limit is only listed for
verifications purposes, so you can be sure you are looking at the correct
entry and category.)

The following stratigies are aimed not at just completing the level, though
you can use them to do so, but at getting the top score. It helps if you
familarize yourself with the level by playing it, and exploring it, a couple
of times before attempting a top score, so you can move as quickly as you need
to in order follow my directions.


A.   R a i d e n

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                     =========Sneaking Mode===========


<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
They don't get much simpler. You have a few seconds before the guard starts
moving, so the quickest way to do it is to run up the alcove on the left side
of the hall on the right and wait for the guard to pass you. Run north, around
the small jutting wall, and to the goal. Shouldn't take you more than ten

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
First flatten against the left side of the left-most wall and move north to
the edge. Once the guard there turns around, run behind him, through the large
gap in the northern wall, and to the goal in the upper-right hand corner.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:20 >>
Wait for the guard on the left to move, then run up the duct-like opening in
the wall straight above you. Duck down, and crawl through north, keeping going
until you have to turn right at the corner, then up the first opening to the
north (by the time you reach the end, the guard on the left will have left,
so just crawl out). Wait for the guard on your right to turn around, then run
right to the goal.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:20 >>
Wait for the guard just north of you to turn to your left, the run out to the
box just northeast of him - he won't be able to see you. Next, run a little
ways into the alley on the right of the box to lure the guard to the north
down (he won't be alerted from this distance, just curious). When he comes,
run around the left side of the box, north of the guard, and past the second
box on the right. Run right down the alley to the goal.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
Run _directly_ right of Raiden's starting position and jump over the railing.
Drop down right next to the guard. Follow him a little ways, staying out of
his cone of vision, wait until he turns to the south, then quickly run over to
the right, around the bend, and out of his vision when he turns right. If your
timing is right, the guard on the right side of the field should have started
north on his patrol again. Run to the railing and jump over. Just hand-over-
hand your way left, not stopping at all, and you should make it all the way
to the end, past both "metal" flooring areas, just before your grip gauge runs
out and just after the guard turns to the south again. Jump up to the goal.

<< Level 06 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
First, hop over the waist-high block on the right. If you do it fast enough,
the guard won't be at his position above the discolored panel. Run over (be
quick about it - it disappears once you set foot on it), then roll or run over
the metal flooring and run down the row to the north. Keep running north until
there is a small area jutting out right, above an area of railing. You will
likely have made two guards' cones yellow by now, and they are heading towards
you, so be quick! Flatten against the platform with the goal on it, and jump
up on it, then to the goal. (There are safer ways to do this, but this is the
absolute quickest.)

<< Level 07 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
As soon as you can move, run over the locker on the left wall and open it.
Grab the knocked out guard to the right and pull him over into it, then run
into the leg north of the locker and wait. If you move fast enough, the guard
patrolling on the right won't notice you. (And since guards don't wake up
while in lockers, they won't call more security.) Once the guard turns around,
you need run up the hall, doing a running roll over the metal flooring, and
stick close to him until you come to the first hallway right. Turn in and you
should notice a guard just coming up on the next alley over, but he looks into
the corner. Run around his left and then down to the path all the way at the
bottom, that runs left-right. There is a guard in there as well - wait until
he turns, then run right into the path, and follow him closely (you'll most
likely make the guard to the left interested, so stick close, but out of his
cone). When the guard comes to the next corner, by two lockers, stick to his
left (as he turns to the right), wait for him to turn, then as soon as there
is gap between his cone and the northern wall, run through and north to the

<< Level 08 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
The quickest way to do this one is to start running up the stairs to the north,
then down the ones further up as soon as you can. Run past the cone of the
guard on the right (it will make him interested) and just stick the left side
of the wall in the hallway to the north, under the camera. Stick close to the
left and go around the guard. Then hold him up - yes, you've got the M9 for
this one, in case you hadn't noticed. Go in FPV, knock him out, and then you
should see a second guard come into view to the left, a platform up. Hit him
in the head with the M9. Run up the stairs to the right, around the block in
the middle and to the goal.

<< Level 09 // Time Limit - 5:00 >>
Run into the alcove on the left and grab the box. Wait until the guard to the
north has just turned his back to you, then run up the alley and down the first
right and keep running right to the other side of the wall on the north. If
you did it quick enough, you can make it past both guards without having either
becoming curious. After that, wait for the guard on the left to turn south -
run up the wall just north of your position, blocking the guard further north
from seeing you. Once that guard has turned to the right, run up as fast as
you can, then slightly left to the goal.

<< Level 10 // Time Limit - 4:00 >>
Right off, run very quickly down the hall on the left and up the stairs at
the end (they are the right side, facing towards the camera, so they are a
little hard to see). And flatten yourself against the small bit of wall just
south of a second, smaller flight of stairs. From the camera angle, you should
see a guard at the end of the hall who will soon face and come down towards
you. Wait until he turns to the south and run up the stairs and right down the
hall. Be sure to do a running roll across the metal bridge, then head down the
flight of stairs on the right. From the stairs, right directly to the right,
jumping over the metal panel, then pause at the structure just to the north.
Wait for the guard north of you to turn right, then run straight north, through
the gap in the wall and paneling, around the guard's left and up the stairs
to the goal.

---Eliminate All-----------------

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
Quickly run off to the right and grab the M9. Go down the aisle on the right
and hide in the alcove on the left. (If you want to get a higher score for
time, though, knock on the wall just south of the alcove so he goes there right
off, rather than pausing at the turn. This applies to Sneaking 01, as well.)
When he passes Raiden, hold him up, shoot him in the head with the M9 (to get
a no-kill bonus) and run to the upper curve and wait for the goal to appear.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
This level is so incredibly easy - just take them out with the M9 (already in
your inventory) from left to right successively as they turn their back to you.
Not hard at all.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:20 >>
Run straight right as soon as you can move and grab the M9. Switch to it, then
head north to the guard who was just walking away from the M9 and hold him up.
Knock him out, the run to the guard just north of him, should have his back
to you at this instant, then back down to the guard in the southwest corner.
If you are doing this all as quick as you can, you should have a few seconds
where he is looking south, so you should be able to run up behind him without
being spotted.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:20 >>
Knock on the southern wall of the crate you start off behind to distract the
guard above. When he starts walking down, run up and grab the M9 that is just
above where he was standing. Run down the right side of the crate towards him
and hold up the guard from behind. Quickly switch in and out of FPV to knock
him in the head with the M9. Then run up the row down the middle - as you reach
the end, the guard to the right should be facing south. Run over and hold the
weapon button to hold him up, then knock him out. Go over to the left and the
guard there should have just turned south. Hit him and run to the goal in the
northeast corner.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
The key to doing this one quickly is to use the higher elevations as sniping
positions with the M9. First run up the alley right of your starting position
and run to the right to pick it up. You most likely made the guard north of
the metal floor curious (if not, do so) so that he will come down to look
around. Hide behind the large wall to the north until he comes off of the
metal floor and hold him up. Tranq him, then go down to the railing and go into
FPV. You should see a guard just below your position - hit him in the head then
turn back to the metal flooring. Cross it, and take up a position near the
northwest corner. Go into FPV and look straight east to see a guard at the end
of the aisle. Knock him in the head and run down to his position at the end.
Go into FPV and take out the two remaining guards, to the south and southeast.
Get out of FPV and hang over the side of the railing on the right and drop down
to the goal.

<< Level 06 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
Again, use the M9 as a sniping weapon here. Jump up on the waist-high platforms
to your right to get the M9 on top of one. The hit the two guards to your
immediate right and further up north. The use the running roll on the platforms
to move to the right, then north to get the sleeping guard to the west and
the patrolling one to the east. Jump down, run north to another platform that
has the goal on top of it.

<< Level 07 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
This one is a bit trickier, but if you move quickly, it can fall together
nicely. First, run down to the locker on the left side - inside is the M9. Then
rush over behind the guard on the left (he'll most likley be turning in an
instant) and hold him up. Go into FPV and watch the end of the hall on the
right - a guard will soon appear. Tranq him and start running around the halls.
The next two guards to the east are a simple wait-until-they-turn deal, though
you can rush up on the last guard like you did to the very first one to get
a better time. Head down the halls to find the goal at the end of the lane.

<< Level 08 // Time Limit - 2:40 >>
This level is rather large, so it is easier to hit them from a distance again.
Head over to the right to get the M9, then turn around back left and north up
the stairs, grab the SOCOM bullets, then down the second flight of stairs. Hug
the northern wall near the camera and go into FPV. Watch the radar for the
guard coming south and take him out when he passes you. At this exact moment,
you should have the other two guards the south-southeast come into your view.
(Or, if you really want to be quick, pull the right trigger while waiting for
the first guard to be able to barely see the guard on the ground floor...)
Snipe them and drop FPV. Run underneath the camera, then north up the stairs
to the final guard, who should be facing to the left or north in the left
corner. Holding him up is safest - run around the structure to the goal.

<< Level 09 // Time Limit - 5:00 >>
Another very quick one. First grab the M9 just north of you and wait for the
guard up on the left to turn around. Run into the lane, go into FPV and hit
him in the head. Next, wait for the guard in front of the 'window' to turn away
and run right past it, which should make the guard further north curious. Go
down the right alley somewhat and turn around. Pull up FPV and you should see
the interested guard coming south. Plug him with the M9, then wait for the
guard who was in front of the window to come back to it. He'll face to the
right for a moment - hit him now before he turns south and sees you. Run north
and you'll see the goal. Grab the box of ammo in the upper right corner,
though, to knock your score up even more than the two seconds you take to get
it will bring it down.

<< Level 10 // Time Limit - 7:00 >>
First run to the right and grab the M9. Then stand just left of the dark gray
crates and face the north hall. Go into FPV and line up a head shot, as guards
will shortly come into view on both your north and east sides. Hit the guard
on the north, then turn to the staircase going up to your right. Hit that guard
and drop FPV. Go up the stairs the guard was on and continue following the path
until you reach an area with railing. Go into FPV again and look west at a
guard on the opposite structure. Hit him in the head and turn north. You should
be able to see a guard in the distance, just above the metal bridge in your
view. Hit him and drop FPV. Run to the right and down the stairs. Run around
the floor panels to the northwest and you'll see the cone of the final guard
on your radar. He should be moving north, providing you are doing this quickly.
Follow him to where he stops just south of the stairs leading to the goal and
hold him up. Hit him and wait for his body to disappear at the goal.

                     ===========Weapon Mode===========


<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
You point the gun at the target and you shoot. Simple enough. First, though,
I suggest that you stand on top of the blue area will be goal will appear so
you attain it right away, rather than having to waste time. Go into FPV. The
first target appears just left of the 'neutral' starting view, and you should
actually be automatically taken to it due to lock on. The next is to the left.
Then two will appear further left. Then three on the platforms in the back
left. Then three more in the back right.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
The targets are easy enough to find on this level. Getting a high score comes
from anticipating their appearance.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Same as 02. The fourth set, after the two on the ground, appears in the upper
right corner, in case you don't see it right away. And, of course, you want
to hit the last moving sets when the two halves come together, so you can hit
the red one to blow them all up at once and get a higher combo score. And if
you can, try to hit multiple sets within a short time period to link the
combos between sets.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
The opening text says to use the lock-on feature, but I suggest you use FPV on
the first couple of sets to snipe them one by one. It is far more accurate and,
I find, much quicker. The first two sets are easy enough. (Don't forget to use
the quick reload after these sets.) The last, at the long hall is a bit
deceptive - hitting the red targets will lower your score, as the text says,
but it can be difficult to tell them apart, as they are both rather dark. For
those who can't tell, and the colorblind, in the first pair, hit the right one,
then the left, then the right. Using the lock-on feature would be good here,
though, so long as you keep moving forward and stay facing the appropriate
side, so as not hit the incorrect target.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
Use FPV on the first set, on top of the blocks, the second, in a line in front
of you, and finally on the third, which are the four single targets moving
opposite each other. (Don't go for the red-green lines yet.) Then drop FPV
and another set of targets should have appeared on the platforms leading around
to the right. Use the lock-on feature to run foward through the line, taking
each one out as you go until you reach the other side of the square, in front
of a long hall. Now you can easily take out the red-green lines - be sure to
try to chain combos together here! Head up the steps to more bad red-green
pairs. Using lock-on, hit the left one, then right, then right again, and
another right. Then run to the goal. (The top score is extermely high here -
chaining combos on the lines is key.)

---Assault Rifle-----------------

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
These levels are pretty straight foward. Shoot the targets as they appear.
Heading to the goal and shooting from there is advisable again. The only way
you can increase you score is to be sure you hit the thin green line that runs
the middle of the targets. In case you hadn't noticed yet, the score you get
is different depending upon the area you hit - 500 for the green line, 50 for
the darker green middle, and 10 for the corners.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Again, go to the goal first and hit the thin green lines.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Same as last time, only you have to move quicker and there are more bad
red (score lowering) targets. The green targets actually come closer to you,
so you should have an easier time hitting the middle line.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Use lock-on to point at the big green blocks and shoot them. Don't stand
too close to the red blocks, but be sure to hit them first, as they are
exploders (not score lowering). Pretty easy, so long as you can move fast.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
Again, this one is largely up to you. Switch between FPV and lock-on when
needed (obviously, use FPV for the small plates and lock on for the big blocks
on the platform above the starting position). To get a higher score, use the
aiming feature (lightly hold the weapon button so the laser sight shows up,
but the weapon doesn't fire). The few seconds it takes to line up a 500 point
shot on the smaller panels is worth more the time bonus you would get from the
seconds lost. The top score is pretty high, like the handguns, so combos are
again key when taking out the blocks.


Note : The C4 is the weapon of choice here. Quicker to set up and more control.

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Run in a three-quarters circle to grab both boxes of ammo and pull open the
menu to select the C4. Set the charge a foot or two (in game terms, obviously)
from the stationary box on the left and run north to the goal. When the moving
box is close to it (it'll pause very briefly), let loose the charge and go to
the goal. To get the highest score, you need to do this the first time the
moving box is going left.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Just set 4-5 charges around the outer rim of the block's paths and one in the
middle for the centre block. Hit the charges when they are closest together
and head to the goal.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Set up two lines of C4 charges - four going across the back one direciton,
then do a second line of four closer up, but still in longer, back portion of
the area. Fire when ready.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
The best way to do this one is to play it a few times and get a feel for the
direction each block moves in, and note when and where they are grouped
closest together. So long as you can knock out a lot of blocks with as few
charges as possible, this one is easy to get a top score one. The first three
group together very well, the a second set of three northeast, then a lone
block in the northeast corner, and finally a last set of three to the east.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Again, this one is really easy to do quickly if you just place of a C4 so that
you can take out several blocks at a time. The sets are pretty well divided by
platform, and they come together rather often. Very easy level.


Note : The RGB6 is the weapon of choice.

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Ignore the opening text. Just run up to the goal, collecting the ammo and stop
at the blue circle. You'll already have the RGB6 out, so just go into FPV and
get a good arc, then lob a single grenade at the middle of the two blocks so
that it takes out both.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Another easy one. Run over the dark gray platform and jump up on top of it.
Then go into FPV and lob a grenade at each of the blocks, adjusting the arc
as needed. Drop FPV, jump off the platform, grab the ammo, and hit the goal.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
Run over the box of ammo and pull up FPV from that position. Hit the two boxes
moving just below you and drop FPV. Run up the stairs, past the goal and down
the long path that goes east all the way the top. Go down the steps and east
a ways, then pull up FPV and hit the two blocks to the north and two to the
south. Then run to the goal.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
First lob one right in the middle when a box appears there - that should set
off a chain reaction to take out the four running in lines up and down from it.
Then take a long arc and hit the two at the top when they show their corners
in the middle portion where it is lower than the rest of the wall. Then go down
to the two in the corners when the appear in a similar position. Be sure you
grabbed the ammo and are standing on the goal.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 3:00 >>
This one is a bit harder for me to give directions on. Stand on the upper lip
of the platform and do your best to combo up blocks, especially some of the
ones on the west side of the area. The fast moving one in the back is a pain,
but try for that one before doing the one south/southwest of it, to try and
combo it, rather than waste time doing both. Don't forget about the two on
the sides east and west of your platform.


There isn't much in the way of specific directions I can give you for the PSG1
levels. To get the top score, you need to play through the level a couple of
times and remember the exact locations of the targets so you can get to your
position, take them out, and head to the goal as quickly and with as few shots
as possible. And, of course, you want to ONLY hit the center bright green, so
as to greatly boost your score. Always use pentazemin, and zoom in and out
quickly to get your bearings and move on to the next target.

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
You shooting position should be on the stairs just left of the goal. This one
is simple, with a little memorization and quick moves on your part.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
The biggest factor here is how quickly you find each target and move to the
next, which isn't helped by the fact that two of them move behind pillars,
effectively putting them out of your range for prolonged periods. Take the
same shooting position as level one and try for the ones in the middle of
the structure (the ones that go behind objects) first, and work right to left.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
This level pretty much require that you do everything perfectly in order to get
even on the board. First use a running roll down the steps going left and grab
the drugs there. Quickly pull up your gun, use the pent., and take out all but
the one on the very right, comboing them whever possible. There are a couple
of line ups at the very beginning that you NEED to take advantage of to get a
decent score. In time it should take you to get down on the bottom platform
quickly, there will be a row of four on the bottom level, right of the center.
Next, quickly get over to the open area in the middle of the structure, where
if you zoom in all the way, another four will pass their middle sections in the
exact same spot in a matter of three seconds. Then get the ones on the top that
go behind a structure, then the exploding one. Lastly, run up to the goal and
take out the rest. This is a tough one, but pratice makes perfect, as they say.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
This one is easier than the last, once you get down where you need to be and
when. When the level opens, just head over to the goal and take up position
there. (You'll need to do this quickly, within the span of one pentazemin,
which you already carry.) Take out some random ones, then head up to the very
small square-like opening (with only three sides - the top opens up to the sky)
and three targets should appear there shortly. Then, look down to the bottom
level at the exploding target. You should watch these for a few rounds before
attempting for a high score, as they have a very precise instant in which you
can avoid causing the red "bad" target above them to go of, yet still take out
four targets at once, which should be equivilant to the time it takes you to
quickly knock out some of the roaming targets. This level is still tricky, but
knowing where to be helps immensly.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 4:00 >>
Another very tough one, due largely to the high number of targets, how often
they go behind pillars, and how spread out they tend to be. Take a position on
the upper platform, right of the goal from your point of view. Go to the north-
west side, so that you form a line with the PSG1 ammo and the stairs. First
take out the two exploding ones on the far left by hitting the one on the top.
(I can't seem to do these two without also exploding that "bad" target, so I
do them first, so as to simply negate the points from the exploding targets,
rather than detract from other targets.) Quickly move to the next tower left
and there should be an instant where the single green target emerges from the
field of "bad" targets. QUICKLY move to the next tower right (the one closer
to you, not the one in the distance) and there will be a moment when four
targets line up together on the top row of windows. Then take out the one of
the two (it will appear in the very left window) targets that appear in the
bottom row of windows in the same building. (If you are quick enough, you can
take it out before the four line up.) At this point, the exploding target on
the back right tower will be right under the two panels, and with practice,
you can take out both panels. Behind the right, you'll find several targets
bunched together. (If you are precise enough, you can take them out with the
exploding target, which will greatly speed things up.) Take them out, then
go to the top and middle row of windows for two more. Last, drop the gun, grab
the ammo and head down the goal. Be sure to watch the buildings as you are
running for any that you may have missed, and take position on the goal. The
last one you should have to get is in the far building, directly north of the
goal, in the bottom left window. Again, practice and move as fast as possible.


<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Just run up the goal, pull up the Stinger, get a lock on the target, tap the
stick up so that the missile will shoot into the window and fire. Make sure the
target lock stays on and that you shoot it _through_ the window and you'll be

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
The targets appear in a very precise order here, so you just have to anticipate
their appearance. Take the weapon immediately (don't run to the goal first) and
hit the two north of you. Then look to your right and fire when the two targets
are about to come together. Look 180 degrees behind you and again wait until
they come together. Last, two targets will appear to your 2 o'clock and 4
o'lock at the same height as you. The most important thing here is to move
quickly so that you have optimal positions on them.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
Take position at the top of the stairs and use a running roll down when you
are done. So long as you hit when the three groups when they come together,
combo-ing them, this one is a cinch.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
Stand on the goal for this stage. You basically need to manipulate the physics
of the rockets' targeting systems to shoot for open areas and allow the rocket
to bend around corners to the targets. It'll take a bit of practice, to judge
the best time to shoot at each target, but this one is fairly easy.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 3:00 >>
This is pretty much a shoot-em-up as they appear. It is best to move quickly
and conserve ammo, rather than trying to take out mulitple targets with a
single shot. The toughest part is when they appear in the long vertical pillars
on the left - there is one target that will appear low and move towards them,
though, so try to use that one to combo out the rest.


<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 1:00 >>
Easy as heck. Run up the goal and pull up the Nikita. Shoot out the gap just
north of you, and fire. Go through the gap, then turn right and let the rocket
speed up into the green box.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 1:30 >>
Pretty easy. Run to the goal and fire from there. Just watch the radar for the
positions of the boxes and use the speed-up on the rocket whenever possible.
It helps if you play it a few times and can anticipate where they will be.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
Shooting from the middle step, where you start on, is best. The first can be
reached by simply sending the rocket up the ramp just north and slightly right
of your position. The second is just down the bottom of the ramp just north
and somewhat left of your position. For the last, use the same ramp used on
the first to go up, then head straight back and to the right somewhat to find
the ramp the third box is on top of. Just be quick and use the speed-up
function as often as you can.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
This level is basically a vertical maze that you need to shoot through. It is
pretty linear, though, so you just have to explore it a bit to know exactly
where to go. Obviously, you need to get the target on your first try and use
the speed-up fuction as often as possible to get the top score. Not too hard.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
This one... can be a bit of a pain if you don't know where to go. Fire from
Raiden's starting position and just blow up the two red boxes in front of him
with one missile. (As you have no points, the don't subtract from you...) Fire
again and aim it for the small hole in the back left. In this area just head
for the very back left corner using the speed-up fuction, and then go to the
right and into the hole on the back corner - doing this should completely
circumvent any of the obstacles. Follow the corridors until you are shot out
in front of a large 'double' ramp. Go up both of them with the acceleration,
and then veer left at the top. Give yourself a bit of room to the north,
though, as there is a moving red block just left of the top. Go up the ramp
to the left that head back toward Raiden and get off once you've reached the
flat area of the ramp. The block is directly northwest, from the rocket's
point of view. Again, pretty easy.

---High Frequency Blade---------

If you have any profiencey whatsoever with the blade, these are quiet easy.
Just remember that combos are your friend.

                     =====First Person View Mode======

I personally prefer control setup number three. And note that directions below
(north, south, etc.) refer to the starting position as facing north.

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
As the opening text says, you ought to use the appropriate weapon for differing
kinds of targets. Use the SOCOM on the triangles, RGB6 on the crates, and the
M4 on the long row of squares. ALWAYS aim for the center - the time it takes
to set up a more precise shot gives far less points than a 500 point shot will.
Take advantage of the way the portions of a target highlight based on your
aiming to be more precise, and when you are used to it, speed things up.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 4:30 >>
Start moving foward, grabbing the Claymores on the right, and head down the
left fork ahead. Jump on top of the box on the left side of the hall to get
the C4 and go left at the turn. Forget the item straigh ahead, as it doesn't
give any points, and turn right at the bend. As you can see, there is a guard
so keep moving foward quickly and grab the M9 on the right side of the hall.
Equip it, go up behind the guard, who should have paused facing away from you
by now, and tranq him. Grab the Chaff right of the gray box and go left at the
corner. Go into north hall and you will see another guard. Tranq him. Move up
the hall, right at the end of it, then zig-zag north to the goal. Note that all
this is going on the premise that you are constantly moving foward. - if you
stop, it is likely the guards will be in inconvienent positions, which will
slow you down and lower your score.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 6:00 >>
No radar, so you need to be careful to get a sneaking bonus here. Start moving
foward and go down the hall on the right, grabbing the weapons as you go.
In hall that turns north, you'll find the M9 on the left side. Equip it and
slowly go around the corner that goes left - there is a stationary guard on
the other side of the gray box, who is facing you. Stick to the back wall and
slowly move over so that his head, but not his eyes, barely appears around the
side of the box and shoot him. Quickly look down the hall to the right and take
out the guard moving down it before he turns left out of it. (If it doesn't
look like you can get a head shot on him quick enough, just shoot his body so
that he stops and turns around, which will buy you time.) Grab the Chaff that
is on the other side of the dark gray crate, where the guard was. Move down the
hall and left at the bend. Look down the hall to the north and you'll see a
guard on the left side - easy to take out as he doesn't even come close to you.
Grab the PSG1 opposite the hall you just came in and head north down the hall.
When you reach the end, face north and back against the wall. Like with the
guard behind the gray box, slowly inch left and you'll see a guard by the goal
marking. Go west past the goal mark and south down the hall on the west side.
Continue going down and turn right down the first right. Slowly inch right,
facing south, and you will see another guard down the hall. Follow the hall to
the south, and around the bend to find the last guard to the south. Once he
is out, run back up the goal the way you came.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 8:00 >>
You can very easily make this thing more complicated than it needs to be, due
to the darkness, but it can be quite simple. Run up north just past the first
alcove on the left and pause there. Look to the north, around past the second
alcove on the left and you should discern a single guard's outline and red
thermal goggles. Switch the M9 and hit him in the head (aim of the two red
dots). Move up just past the second alove, but don't go into the area with the
now-sleeping guard. In a moment, you should see two more red dots move right,
near the back wall. Hit that guard with the M9. Go back into the second alcove
and pick up the AK. Head into the 'room' with the guards and go around to the
left side of the wall in the middle. Note the disappearing panels and move up
to the first target. Switch to the SOCOM and hit it repeatedly (DO NOT use the
AK or the other guards here will hear you). Switch back to the M9. Go over to
the upper right corner of the room and down the hall past the disappearing
panels. When you come to a T-junction, turn right and on top of the crate next
to you, you'll find the Thermal goggles. Stay by the crate and look to the left
path of the junction. On top of the structure with stairs, you should see a
guard on the right, behind a waist-high platform, and another guard at the
top of the stairs on the left. Hit them both and turn back to the crate. To
the northeast is a hallway north - take it around and pause when it turns you
to the left. Put on the Thermal goggles and look left to see another guard.
Hit him with the M9 and you can move freely here. The two targets are on top
of the structure with the two guards you tranqed, and in the northwest corner
near the third guard. Go up the stairs on the right, though, and grab the PSG1
and Night Vision goggles. From here, shoot at the target WITH A SILENCED WEAPON
on the structure with the two guards, then go down the steps near the third.
There is one more guard here, though - go to the west until you come to a hall
north. Go down it slowly, looking west, and when you reach the top, you will
see him standing by the target, most likely looking away from you. Hit him with
the M9 and move on the target. Once you've taken it out, go around south to
the other side of the wall and follow the path to the goal. Now, all you need
to do is do this in a matter of two and a half minutes, using as little ammo
as possible, to get the high score. ^^

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 25:00 >>
This is a very large area, so do your best to follow my directions to the
letter. Ground rules : leave Sensor A equipped and do not fire a weapon that
does not have a silencer. From your starting position head north to the waist
high platform and grab the pentazemin. Turn left and hop up on the platform
with the PSG1-T. Staying up on this platform, turn north and equip the PSG1-T.
Take out four guards - one in the main hallway directly north of you, one in
the 'building' to the right (near where you can see the PSG1), one in the
building to the left of the main hall (through the bottom row of 'windows'),
and one more on the roof of the building on the left. They don't stay in your
range very long and are pretty spread out, so unequip the PSG1-T after you hit
one and use your normal FPV to look around for when one comes into view. Once
that is done, you have a fair amount of freedom. Fall off the structure you
are on, moving foward. On a dark gray platform to your north and slighly west
you'll find the M9. Grab it and head into the building on your left. Once you
enter the doorway, turn to the left and head along the southern wall of the
structure to find the first bomb on the wall of a 'window'. Turn around out
of the building and head back to where you got the M9. Enter the building that
was on your right while sniping and go into the northeast corner, past the
very long staircase up that was directly east of the M9 platform. Run through
to the back right corner, picking up whatever weapons you can quickly get as
you go, and head up ONE flights of stairs in the back. When you reach the
landing, go over to the 'window' and hop on top of the waist-high platform.
Fall down and the second bomb will just to your right. Continue going west
(away from the stairs you just came up) and fall down another level. Go foward
into the hall, turn left when you can and re-enter the building you just went
through, only go back to the very long staircase I told you to avoid eariler
and go up it. At the top, follow the path the way around the open area in the
middle, grabbing the SOCOM ammo as you pass, and pause at the opening to the
building that was on your left when your sniping. Inside is another guard in
plain view. Hit him with the M9, but don't go in yet. Turn back to the open
area you just went around, and turn right down the short leg of the path to
find the third bomb stuck to the wall. Turn around and go into the building
with the guard you just knocked out. Head to the back-left corner of the
building and you'll find some SOCOM ammo on top of some gray crates. To the
right of the ammo, on the back wall, is an opening to a T-junction, with stairs
going down to the left, and stairs going up to the right.  Go right up the
stairs to the top of the building. When you emerge, turn to the right and head
around the dark gray "U" that surronds the stairs you came up. Go up the short
stairs on one side of them and turn left. Use the running roll to go over to
the dark gray block just below you, grab the RGB6, and spray the last bomb from
there. (If you can't roll over, don't worry - just get as close to the tall
light blue pillar (with the bomb) from the south side of the dark gray box
and just spray it from there. You should be able to reach it. Getting it will
boost your points, though.) Whew.

                     ==========Variety Mode===========

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 2:00 >>
The course is pretty self-explanatory - you just need to do the right thing for
the right obstacle and move as fast as you can. After the first two mines, the
crawlspace, and the first dark gray block, I suggest you right from the second
gray structure if you are going for a score and following the path off to the
left if you just want to make it through it. To go right, you'll need to use
the running roll across the chasam to the next pillar, which is pretty easy
as they have barriers set up to prevent you from going too far. Follow the
blocks around up the stairs and at the top, you have to roll again to the next
structure to the right, minding the mines. After that, you need to roll north
into the background to the winding path below, again timing it correctly with
the mines' movement. Follow the path and drop down to the final area over the

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
The key to this one is using the lock-on feature on the first set of targets,
but it is again pretty straight forward. Take the same path I directed you in
in level one, but don't shoot at the targets in the larger area to the north
until you reach the PSG1. Though, I wouldn't use the PSG1 to hit the targets -
the SOCOM can be much quicker. I'd just suggest you use this location to shoot
from. You may be tempted to use lock-on in the large area, but getting combo
bonuses is the only way you are going to get close to the top score, which are
FAR easier to set up in FPV with the SOCOM.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
This is an... interesting level. (I didn't even know this function existed in
the game until this level... Though I must say, I do find it useful in certain
areas of the main game, like Strut D or the Engine Room.) Getting used to it,
especially with these unrealistic heights, will take some doing, but once you
do it, it is easy enough to find a path around to the goal. For the high score,
though, you need to take the long plank running north-south that is just below
the tower you start on all the way to the end and drop unto the small west-east
bar just below it. It is just _barely_ possible to reach it before your grip
gauge runs out, and this will most certainly take a lot of practice, but it is
the absolute quickest way to do it, and likely the only way to get the points.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 3:00 >>
There isn't a whole lot of instruction I can give you on this one - you need to
take the guards as quickly as possible, and most certainly keep them away from
'Meryl'. The best time to hit them is when they peak around corners, but it
can be hard to keep track of them all, and you don't want to waste time waiting
for them to appear. Do your best to keep on one, rather than wildly shooting at
a guard, missing, then just scanning around for anybody.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 6:00 >>
First of all, switch weapons to the M9. Head north down the hall and right at
the bend. Pause just inside the hallway before it opens up and go into FPV. (Do
not go into the open area just yet!) Look to the top of the structure on the
right side of the open area and you should see the outline and red dots of a
guard. After he is out, pull on both triggers so that you stand up above the
walls and look to the north/northwest. On the left side of the pillar on the
structure, a patrolling guard will go forward and back by the opening - hit him
with the M9. Head into the open area, but continue going right into another
hallway along the south side of the area. Grab the items as you go through it
and pause in the shallow, but long, alcove on the right side of the hallway
going north-south, just by the stairs going up. Go into FPV and look at the
opening on the structure to the left, not where the stairs go up to, but
further up north and you should see another guard to take out. Go up the stairs
to the left and go around to the north side of 'roof'. Equip the Thermals you
should have picked up right of the stairs and look down the alley to the north-
east. You should see a guard moving in a left-right patrol. He only appears in
your field of vision briefly, so be careful about aiming - it'd actually be
best to use the PSG1-T which you should have picked up in the southern hall
for the last guard on top of the roof, and this one down the hall. When he is
out, head in his direction and down the hall in the back right. Follow it until
you come to two disappearing panels. Go just barely around the wall on the
right and look to the right at the final guard. Take him out at your lesiure
and keep going right to find the goal at the end.

<< Level 06 // Time Limit - 3:00 >>
As soon as you can move RUN to the right and hop up the stairs as fast as you
can. Do a running roll off of the top and pause south of the long pillar
between you and another Gurlugon. Wait for him to start flaing his arms about
(and consequently his head, as he does a kind of roar thing and looks up at
the sky, not towards you) and run around the corner north, pausing at the
corner-like wall that has a west and north side, inside of it so that the guard
to your left and north cannot see you. Wait a very quick second until the guard
to the north starts doing a roar and run all the way down the row to the "T"
like structure down at the left. Back agains the wall and watch the guard's
feet - when he starts moving right, RUN to the right and up the stairs. Go
into the 'building' and head into the back, towards the window, then go up a
second flight of stairs on your right. When you get to the top, RUN across the
floor to the doorway on the left door and pause for about three seconds. (If
you are timing this correctly, the clock should be at about 2:02 when you
go out, and the guard to the north should still be looking to your right, and
another guard southwest of your (the player's) camera angle will have just
turned away.) Run out the doorway and up the stairs to the roof. Just RUN as
fast as you can across the roof, doing a running roll when you reach the gap
between rooftops, and run into the goal.

<< Level 07 // Zako Survival // Time Limit - 20:00 >>
Here, you basically fight four battles in a row, with the same equipment,
items, health, and time elasped transfering between them. To be perfectly
honest here, don't even try for the no-kill bonus - trying to knock them out
will take more time points away from you than the bonus will give. The main
thing is to move as fast as you can and conserve ammo when possible.

Raiden vs. Solider : Easy as it gets. Grab all of the items, including the
Ration which is on top of the crates on the far bottom right, then take out
the guard with a jump-out shot or hide behind the waist-high block and snipe
him with the M9.

Raiden vs. Soliders : Now it starts to getting real. Grab the items to the left
and then take a position behind the waist-high platform on the left side and
go into FPV. Take out the two assualt-gear guards with shots to the head (don't
waste shots going after their shields), then go for the guard on the left side
of the catwalk above 'their' side, then the guard in the window on the the
back wall. If you do this quickly enough, you can get them all before they
cause any serious problems for you. There are only two more guards left after
this, so make the rounds of the area and grab all of the items, taking out the
other two guards at your lesiure.

Raiden vs. Soliders and Tengus : As soon as it opens, pull out the blade and
wait a moment near your starting position, holding the Y button to block any
gunfire. In a moment, two Tengus will drop in right above your staring point,
so slice them up, then head to the northeast, as a normal guard will emerge
from the hole on right side of 'your' area. Holding the Y button as you move
in on him, slice him up and return to the area where you fought the Tengus, as
more are on their way. Once it appears that they have stopped, grab what ammo
you can and just start sniping at the remaining guards using everything from
the SOCOM, to the PSG1, to the AK, as you run out of ammo (and, of course,
explore the area to find as much as you can, as some of it regenerates). Be
wary, though, as after about a few minutes, two guards, if you have not taken
them out, will come over on your side - use the sword.

Raiden vs. Gurlugon : As soon as you can move, run foward, towards the monster,
grabbing the Stinger and whatever ammo you can find, then head back to open
area towards you (the player). Now, the trick to this battle involves two
things - avoiding the paralyzing circles he spews out and hitting various
parts of his body with the Stinger to scatter him, revealing several shrinking
targets inside of his body, which you must then hit with either the PSG1 or
AK (the PSG1 being prferred for accuracy over speed). Avoiding the paralyze
breath is easy enough once you get it down - he will roar when he is about to
let it out, so be somewhere other than where you were when he started roaring.
Think back to the Fortune 'fight' on higher difficulties when you have to just
run back and forth along the back wall, to bait her to fire in one direction as
you are moving in another - the same principle applies here. The targets are
also easy enough once you know about them, and easy to see once his body is
scattered, except for his left (left from your perspective) leg, where it is
in his knee, but it is hard to see from directly south of him. As usual,
practice will be very advantageous to you in both completing it and getting the
top score.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A L T E R N A T I V E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                     =======Bomb Disposal Mode========

The biggest factor in these levels is time, so getting to the bombs as quickly
as possible is key in getting a high score, which is what I will focus on,
rather than step-by-step with each and every guard (as I presume you are
capable of handling them).

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 7:00 >>
Tranq the guard and head into the room to the north (that the President was
kept in during SoL). Head into the northwest corner of the room and go under
the string of pipes to a small area with what appears to be an air conditioning
unit on the ground. Look at the top of the north wall, above the air unit, left
of the pipes, but right of the very small box on the top of the crates and you
will see the first bomb. Defuse it and head back down the hall where you took
down the guard. Go all the way down into the southeast corner, being careful
about the guard below when going south past the staircase. When the guard
patrolling the southern wall turns, pull the triggers to get high up and tranq
both guards in the area below. Walk through the area and pause on the stairs
at the left side. A guard in the small hall on the left side will emerge in a
matter of seconds - either wait for him to turn back into the hall and run up
behind him, or if you are quick enough, you can just run up the stairs and into
the hall before he turns (which you'll likely need to do to get the top score).
There are two more guards to the north, but rather than take them out, stay
inside of the small hallway with the now-sleeping guard, so that they cannot
see you from their hall. Look south at the crates just outside the door and
you will see the second bomb.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 10:00 >>
Just run into the room to the north and the first bomb is on top of first
locker from the left on the north wall. Run out into the main engine room and
once the guard just below you has turned south and jump over the railing and
drop down two levels. (It'll take down your health greatly, but health isn't
a factor in score - time is.) Run to the south and the guard patrolling down
there should have just turned to the right - hold him up and tranq him. Go over
to the middle section and follow the path south around it. When you get to
the bottom of the stairs, note the guard in the 'red' hallway. When he turns
to start going to the north, run up the short set of stairs and go around the
right side of the larger set of stairs. Look through the lattice work and down
in the gap between the floor you are standing on and the next section over to
see the second bomb.

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 15:00 >>
Run into the torture room to your left and go down the bathroom area in the
lower right-hand corner. Look in the sink just right of the door for the first
bomb. Go back through the room you started in and through the right door into
Jejunum. Now that you actually have weapons (as well as clothes...), it is a
simple matter to take out all of the guards with the M9 - make your way to the
upper catwalk, the right side. Keep moving north until you reach the second
metal bridge that connects the two sides. Go out halfway on it and go into
FPV. Look to the right side of the room, and at the bottom of the catwalk that
goes further north - you'll see the second bomb stuck to the small wall. After
it is out, head north along the catwalk and into the Ascending Colon. When you
enter, pull up the Coolant and look at the left side of the doorway you just
came through to see the final bomb. (Note that to get the high score, you need
to not even bother taking out the guards, to save ammo and time, and just keep
moving from one bomb to the other. The guards are pretty easy to get around,
though, so it shouldn't be a problem once you know where to go. Be sure to use
the running roll over the gap in the catwalk on the right side, too, rather
than going around.)

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 20:00 >>
This one is... interesting. First off all, there are two bombs on the guards
sitting on the stairs. Run into the small alcove right of the stairs and just
spray them with the Coolant, which will knock out the bombs and keep the guards
occupied. When the bombs are out, drop the Coolant, run back to the stairwell
you started in and in into the door to Deck A, crew's quarters before they can
call in. Hitting the guard in the right hall with the M9 as needed, go into the
small room on the south side of the area and open the bottom locker on the left
wall to find the next bomb. Go back up the right hall into crew lounge, where
you started. The guards will be sitting back down as though nothing happened,
but now they won't explode when you tranq them with the M9 ^^. Head up the 
stairs into the LEFT door to Deck B. When you enter, don't even bother with the
guard north of you and just start running to the south. When you reach the
southern-most horizontal hallway, go into FPV and watch the other end of the
hall for the guard to emerge. Tranq him and head down the hall. The next bomb
is in the very small alcove just north of where the guard should be laying,
attached to the souther wall. Backtrack through the floor, tranq the guard who
was just north of you when you first entered, and go up the stairs just north
of him  in the northwest corner to Deck C. When you enter, look down the long
hallway and hit the guard. Then run up to Deck D. Watch the radar for when the
two guard in the room to your left turn to the left and pause for a moment.
When they pause, run into the room and tranq them both. Finally, go into the
small kitchen area and look inside the curved sides the hanging frying pans to
see the last bomb. (To get the high score, it'd be best if you didn't tranq
the guards on C and D, but just ran through.)

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 25:00 >>

This one is actually rather easy - it is quick to do and there are a couple
of places to pick up excellent ammo bonuses. You start on Strut B - just run
right into the main hallway and tranq the guard with the M9, then wait until
the guard in the room on the right goes past the door to get him. Go in and
go up all the way north. The first bomb is stuck on the ceiling above the
locker where it was in SoL. Go through the door to the north and grab the
Book in the middle locker on the north wall. Go out the north door to the BC
Bridge. Just tranq the guard then run over to the railing and hold the triggers
to reach up and use the SOCOM on the cypher, which should be going north
below the bridge. Run across the bridge, grabbing the PSG1 which is hidden on
the short leg that used to lead to the Shell 1 Core. The bomb here is attached
to the wall of Strut C, just right of the door leading off the bridge. On C,
stand north of the plants and look down the main hall - tranq the guard who
will appear. Run just into the women's bath, in the small entrance enclosure.
The bomb here is on the right wall, towards the top. Go north and into the
dining room. Hit the guard and go under the northern horizontal table to find
the PSG1-T. (There is a Ration under a table too, but don't bother - no points
and a waste of time.) Run out to the CD Bridge, where there is a single, very
easy guard. Hit him and run down the first steps on the right . The bomb is
attached to the outside railing on the lower level. It is on the second small
pole from the "bottom" (towards Strut C). Stand by the first pole and spray
from there. Then run across the bridge and into D. Just tranq the two guards
on the upper level and run over to the door to the Shell 1-2 Bridge. Go up the
steps onto the platform and pause right of the door. Look right and up on the
ceiling you will find the final bomb. Simple.

                     =========Eliminate Mode==========

<< Level 01 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
This one is really easy to do very quickly and smoothly, but hard to get the
top score. Just run out onto the bridge, pull up FPV looking across it, hit
the two guards on the top, then run down onto the stairs on the right and
hit the two guards on the bottom level. Then run across the upper portion of
the bridge, get the ammo, jump over the railing to the lower level, get the
M9 ammo, and run to the goal in the alcove on the lower level to the north.
But you have to do all of this in one fluid motion to get the high score,
without killing, without being seen, and using only one bullet per guard.

<< Level 02 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
A very simple one, but you again need to move as fast as you can to get the
top score. If you are quick enough with the first guard, you can stand at
the ends of the halls opposite the other two guards and get a shot off before
the start moving towards you. (They will most likely becoming interested in
you, though, and start coming towards you faster. Be quick about it.)

<< Level 03 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
This one is a bit easier on you time-wise, as it possible to take out all four
guards VERY quickly. Run into the doorway, hit the one guy on the bridge (in
the head, with one shot, of course...), then the guy on the upper catwalk
(where the sniper usually is in SoL), then the guy on the heliport above. Last,
come back down the bridge and watch the far stairwell for a moment for the
final guard. Run across the bridge to the goal.

<< Level 04 // Time Limit - 2:30 >>
Since you only have the AK, and it takes too long to punch out guards, forget
the no-kill bonus (but NOT the sneaking) and just do head shots with as few
bullets as possible. The best place to stand for the first three is just
below the yellow structure that is directly southeast of where you start. Hit
the guard on the left, then the one walking towards you, then wait for the
guy coming from the right. Drop FPV and run south - here it'd be best to use
the lock-on (Y button) and hit him while you are running down. At the end, run
east to the goal. Again, speed and stealth are key.

<< Level 05 // Time Limit - 3:00 >>

                     ==========Hold Up Mode===========

                     =========Photograph Mode=========


                   Further VR Missions will be coming soon.


VI.   S n a k e ' s   T a l e s


a.   I n t r o d u c t i o n   t o   T a l e s

Snake's Tales are fictional side stories into various situations in the game's
enviroments, usually types of things that you have already encountered in the
main story, such as defusing bombs and the story boss fights. The stories
clearly fictional even within the game's world as it takes characters from
Sons of Liberty and puts them in different kinds of positions, so they aren't
really meant as back-story on Snake or anything.

The focus of the tales is gameplay - there are no new movies or story
sequences, outside of pages of text that act as interludes between sections of
gameplay within the stories. The pages of text are the only opportunity, other
than upon completing a tale, you have to save, which you can do by pushing the
Codec button while viewing the text. If try to Codec during a mission, it will
pop up with a synopsis of the last text you read, as well as giving you
concise directions on what you need to do.

The emphasis within the gameplay is on stealth. True stealth, as you don't have
the radar as a crutch, and must rely on what you see, hear, and feel, as well
as the tools at your disposal, to get you through. (And actually use all of
those nifty little tricks and camera angles they built into the game, that most
likely went to waste in SoL.) You do have one very good tool from the outset in
all the tales - the AP Sensor. Keep it equipped whenever you don't have to have
another accessory equipped.

Just so you know, the difficulty for the tales seems to be set around [Ha].

Also, enemies don't drop items (or dog tags), when dragged or held up, so
don't hold them up too often. As the difficulty is on [Ha], there is a fairly
good chance that they suddenly make a grab for their weapon and send out an
alert. Hold ups can be useful in the tales, but be sure to take down the guard

Upon completing a tale, you'll get play results similar to the ending of game
proper and be asked to save your data. Load the save and, the episode, along
with any others you have completed will be shown orange in the list and will be
marked on successive save files made with that save data by having the letter
of the tale attached to it.

Lastly, if you replay an episode you have beaten, there will be an added
starting condition - the M9, if not already in inventory at start. The weapon
can then be used to complete the tale to stun, not kill, which will result in
a better ending.


A.   A   W r o n g d o i n g

The opening storyline runs pretty generically : extremists have seized the
Big Shell and are holding the President hostage. Snake, inserted at Strut A, is
to make contact with Ames, in Strut F.

===Strut A Roof==================

Enemies     : 1

Items       : Ration

Starting conditions : No weapons, AP Sensor, Cigs, Scope

You start on the roof of Strut A. There is a single guard up here, but you
don't have your radar, so you can't easily tell much of anything. The guard is
in the lower left hand corner (from the player's perspective, of course) near
the door. What I suggest you do is run over to the crates on the lower left as
soon as you can, and flatten yourself against the two-block high portion on the
bottom (facing to the right, not downward, where the guard will be walking).
When flattened, you should see him easily. Wait until he passes you and run up
behind him and grab him in a chokehold and kill him. (Or pull him enough to
knock him out - your choice.) After that, grab the Ration on top of the blue 
crates and you're done on the roof. Head in the left-most door down.

===Strut A Pump Room=============

Enemies     : 3

Items       : Box 4

The two guards in the cubicle area and they don't follow the patrol paths used 
in the main story - don't rely on what you know about enemy patterns/locations 
from Sons of Liberty. Anyway, if you came in the left door, as I suggested, go 
on down the stairs, flatten against the wall. Stop at the bottom and from the 
camera angle down the hall, you'll see one of the guards patterns, as he walks 
into the aisle below the cubicle regularly. You should also notice, from the AP 
sensor and light moving on the ground, that the second guard patrols the aisle 
just on the other side of the staircase.

To take out the left-most guard, run over to the lockers just below the
stairs (you shouldn't have to worry about being see, so long as you don't
go too far right). Open the left-most locker and leave it open. Go around the
open door and bang any wall. As soon as you do, the guard, no matter his
position in his patrol, will hear you and come investigate. Quick run over 
into the open locker, being careful NOT to shut it, but also not to stick out
at all and wait for him to come over. He should be looking in the small alcove
formed by the stairs and the open locker door, which will leave him blind to
his sides. Run out, around, and grab him. Stuff him in the locker, just be

For the second guard, wait for him to leave the bottom aisle and hide behind
the north-south leg of the cubicle wall shaped like an L. As you now have a
bird's eye view of the area, it should be fairly easy to watch his pattern and
determine a good time to run up and grab him.

The final guard is in the pump room to the south. It isn't really necessary
that you go in there, but you probably should, as the Box inside will be
useful. Assuming you want useful things, equip the AP sensor and stand by the
door (with it closed). Every once in a while, it'll slowly build up, then pulse 
rapidly, then slow down. The rapid is when the guard is right next to door,
and the slowing down is him walking away to south, east of the mass of pipes.
As soon as it starts slowing, run into the room and along the eastern wall
until  you can grab him from behind. Once that is done, you can move with
impunity.  Mind that the security camera is active in the northwestern corner,

Crawl under the pipes the same way you did to get to the bomb in the main
story. The box is past the red pipe, while a Ration may be found south of
it. Once that is done, head out to the right-hand door to the FA bridge.

===FA Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 sentry and 2 unarmed cyphers

Items       : Stun Grenades

Head down to the door, flattening yourself against the wall, and peak out
onto the bridge to get a feel for the guard's movement pattern, as well as
the positions of the cyphers.

The best way to go here is to move straight across the top of the bridge. (If
you are feeling adventurous, you could try for the box of Stun Grenades, which
is in the alcove directly below where you enter the bridge from, but I hardly
use them anyway.) Making good use of FPV and the excellent overhead view
you get of the bridge while walking across it, use the box to slowly move
forward. Mind the guard and the cypher that will go below your field of vision
in the overhead view. Not too tough.

===Strut F Warehouse=============

Enemies     : 4

Items       : Book
              Chaff Grenades
              Stun Grenades
              USP Bullets
              USP Suppressor

Assuming you enter from the top, run right into the room just to the right of 
the entrance. You'll notice that there is guard walking around the top side - 
he can't see you. Watch his extremely simple pattern from the other side of the 
crates and grab him. Check the locker for a Book and stuff the guard inside.

Head into the hall and watch the man in the central corridor. As he reports
in, it isn't wise to take him out. Watch his pattern and run to the room on the 
right. There is some USP ammo here, which you can't get yet, and an air duct.
Crawl through the duct around and exit it (no fear of being spotted here).
Run into the room just north of the duct - there is another air duct with a
Claymore mine at the end of it. Wait for the guard to go to the southern
corridor and run into upper area of the main room.

First run into the small room that is just north of the path you took up, left
of the small balcony over the stairs going to the lower area. In one of the
lockers you'll find a box of Stun Grenades. Minding the reporting guard to
the south, run over west to the upper room on the other side to meet up with
Ames. More pages of text. You'll get some items as well - the USP, Coolant
spray, Sensor A, and Level 1 card.

To finish up Strut F, head down to the room on the west wall and run inside,
from the south. Note that there is a IR trap here - crawl underneath and into
the air duct on the left wall to find some Chaff.

Next, head back around to the north and head down the staircase, past the door 
to the EF bridge. Back against the left side and go down to the end of the 
white wall, before it gives way to the metal railing. From here, you can easily 
observe the third guard patrolling the bottom area (holding the right 
thumbstick to the left to get a better view). Wait until he is heading south 
and then run over to the blue crates just southwest of the stairs and wait for 
him to come back and head south again. Run up and grab him.

Head down to the two rooms on the bottom area. In the left one, break down
the locked locker on the left wall to find a Ration, then crawl through the
duct on the south wall to the room on the right. Inside you'll find Box 4.
Hop over the boxes and head up to the upper level. There is one last guard in 
the large room on the north wall, but there isn't anything in there other than 
the guard anyway, so don't bother. When you are ready, head out to the EF

As a side note, there is a USP Suppressor here on the bottom level, on top of 
the crates in the lower right-hand corner, as you probably noticed. But the
only way to get at it is to clear out Strut E enough so you have the freedom
of movement to grab a box and use the loading dock, which seems quite
impossible your first time through.

===EF Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : None (except three armed cyphers)

Items       : None

At this point you have a choice, as mentioned in the text after you found
Ames. You can either go to Strut E and face Fatman or go to the Core and help
the hostages. If you decide to help the hostages, continue reading with the
Shell 1 Core area below. If you pick Fatman, skip the marked areas below to
the Strut E area below.

Either way you go, you have to deal with the cyphers first. You can either
throw a chaff or use the USP to take them out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

---Route 1-----------------------
===Shell 1 Core 1F===============

Enemies     : 2

Items       : Chaff Grenades
              Directional Microphone
              USP Bullets

If you decide to save the hostages first, you'll start in the small hall on
1F of the Core; the hostages are on B1, same place as in the main story. To
start with, flatten against the northern hall (the security camera that was
in the short hall in SoL is not here) and look up into the hall the left -
two cameras, but no guards patrolling. HOWEVER, don't shoot out the cameras
just yet - there is a guard in the small leg of the hall leading to the room
on the south side. Flatten against the western wall and walk down to see him.
He doesn't move, so you'll have to make him move - knock against the wall and
quickly drop into a box. When he sees nothing, he'll turn around. You have to
_quickly_ drop the box and run up behind him. Grabbing him would take too long,
so use the USP to hold him up, then drop the gun and grab him from behind.
(Don't shoot him - there is another guard patrolling on the other side of the
small room.)

Go into the small room and start searching lockers. The second from the left
on the bottom has the Directional Microphone. The fourth from the left has
some more Chaff. There is a locked locker at the top left, but there isn't
anything in it, so don't bother.

Next, deal with the guard on the left side. Equip the AP Sensor and stand 
next to the door, without opening it. Note the increase and decreasing
detections, and when it starts decreasing, run out and hold up/grab the guard
from behind. Now head down the left hall to the elevator (no guards/cameras
are near the elevator). There are some USP bullets in the small hall off the 
left, by the way. Go down to B1. (You can go to B2, but there are level 2
doors blocking the small room you enter from, so don't bother.)

---Route 1-----------------------
===Shell 1 Core B1===============

Enemies     : 3

Items       : Chaff Grenades
              Stun Grenades

If you left the AP Sensor on, you'll note that there is a guard very near
your position when the elevator doors open. Use FPV, standing next to the
control pad, and look out of the doors. You should see a man patrolling up
and down the hall. On his return path, though, he walks past the elevator into
the small room on the right side of the floor. So, when he passes you at
the elevator, either run behind him then, or wait until he returns to walk
past the elevator again and run behind him.

In the small room, you can find some Stun Grenades. Next, head over the lounge
on the left side. There are two more guards within. As you may or may not have
noticed, you don't have to worry about the biometrics on the door this time,
so feel free to knock out the guards. Use the trick with an open locker that
you used back in Strut A to bring both of the guards from their positions in
the lounge. (Of course, hide or drag one of them, so the other doesn't see
him.) In the lounge, you can find a ration in the lower left-hand corner
(below the left-most table), but nothing in any of the lockers.

When ready, head into the B1 Hall.

---Route 1-----------------------
===Shell 1 Core B1 Hall==========

Enemies     : 2

Items       : M9 Bullets
              USP Bullets

This sequence, as you should gather from the text interlude, is very similar
to the search for Ames in this room from SoL. You need to listen to the 
hostages, listening for the electronic sound of someone pushing keypads on
their cellphone. Jennifer is obviously female, brown hair with a short skirt.
Her legs tend to be, uh, in an awkward position. (Jennifer was in SoL, in case
you never noticed.) Oh, and your AP Sensor will be going wild in here, by the
way, so it won't do you much good. I'd actually suggest you use the box to
move around anyway. Her position will be random, so I can't offer you specific
directions. You should know how to watch for the guards by now anyway, and you
get a nice overhead view of the area.

There are various items strewn about that you might as well get if you are
close, but I wouldn't dally too long around here risking getting caught just
for them.

Once you've contacted her, there will be another text interlude and you'll be
booted out of the conference room. Apparently, there is a bomb on board.
Jennifer gave you a level 2 card, so why don't we go look behind the level 2
doors on B2? Run up to the elevator and go in. (Mind that the guards are
back and one is still doing his patrol past the elevator - go quickly.)

---Route 1-----------------------
===Shell 1 Core B2===============

Enemies     : 1

Items       : Bandage

Head through the left door, and back yourself against the south wall. Stop at
the end of the first set of stairs. You should notice, with the AP Sensor
another fade in/out from a patrolling guard. Go down the second set and wait
at the end, against the wall. You should see the guard easy enough, but don't
act just yet - there is a second guard doing another left-right patrol, but
over a greater distance, who you'll only see occasionally. The best thing to
do is wait until the guard roaming is heading down the hall on the left, while
the guard in the northern hall has his back to you. Rush down and hold up or
grab the roaming guard.

There is another guard doing a left-right patrol at the bottom end of the
floor. He should be a bit easier to sneak up on, as there isn't a second guard
that near him, other than the one in the computer room (which actually does
look right out the window, so I would suggest crouching while passing by him).

Assuming you end up in the left hall, head down and come around to the entrance
to the computer room. The overhead view of the room should clearly show the
guard on the right side of the middle bay of computers. He is stationary and
has a very simple left-down viewing pattern, so it should be easy enough for
you to either shoot him from a distance with the M9 or to sneak up with the
box and get close enough to him to either hold him up or grab him.

After the guards are done, equip the Sensor A and look for the bomb in the
computer room - it is underneath the middle bay of computers, attached to the
bottom of the table.

If you feel like getting items, there is a Book on the left side of the hall,
in an alcove above the lockers, and a bandage in the southern-most locker in
the right hall.

When you are done, head back to the elevator and go to 1F. There will be a
short text interlude once you go up in the elevator. From here on, continue
over to Strut E. The catwalk from the Shell 1 Core is mostly likely out on the
EF, so I would highly suggest taking out the cyphers with the USP. (Then
back against one of the railings and slowly walk across, staying flat.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

---Route 1 and 2-----------------
===Strut E Parcel Room===========

Enemies     : 3

Items       : Book
              Box 5

Moving around in here is a rather large pain, as there are three guards
patrolling close together and three security cameras, making movement the
boxes impossible without a chaff in effect. (Ugh! How useful that suppressor
would be here...) And you can't really move out of the small area by the door
without being spotted. My best advice, actually is to toss out a Stun and just
run out guns blazing and head for the roof as quickly as possible, taking out
the single guard on the right, so he doesn't shoot you as you run up the

After you have beaten this episode, though, and have the M9, it is much easier
to clear the room, and you can even do a couple things. First of all, once you
enter the room, the guard on the left will instantly see you (and become
curious, not alerted) and come investigate. It may take some practice, but 
go into FPV and aim the M9 at him as soon as possible. After that, drop into
a box and move a little ways into the room, so as you can have the overhead
view and see where the reporting guard on the left is facing. (He reports in
when he is facing away from you, so go in then.) Note his pattern, and knock
him out with the M9. He's right under a camera, though, so you need to quickly
whip out the USP and take out that camera, on the pylon just west/northwest of
the door. There is another camera above the loading dock (where you use the
boxes to travel, to the left, so take that one out too. There is a guard in
here, but he shouldn't hear you. The final guard is easy to take out by 
waiting in the alley all the way on the right.

As the guard isn't reporting in now, though, you need to move quick if you
want to pick up some stuff. First run up past the staircase on the right and
you will see Box 5 on a platform. Jump up and grab it, then run down to the
loading dock and use Box 5 to get down to the small room. Inside is a Ration.
If you want, now, you could use Box 4 to get to the SOCOM Suppressor back in
Strut F, but you don't really need it from here on.

===Strut E Heliport==============
---Boss : Fatman-----------------

Enemies     : Fatman

Items       : Claymore

First, run along the lower catwalk all the way around to find a box of
Claymores in the back left. Then, head up the stairs and you'll be taken to
more text. Afterwards, a boss fight against Fatman will commence - for tactics
and tips, see the Fatman fight in walkthrough for the main story. (The
difficulty for this fight, as with the rest of the 'Tales', appears to set at
about [Ha], as mentioned earlier.)

The ending text is different, depending upon whether or not you take on Fatman
first. Obviously, one is a very BAD ending, while the other... is kind of
ambiguous. However, after you complete the episode once, and have the M9, you
can use it to merely stun Fatman, rather than kill him, which will lead to
the true 'good' ending.


B.   B i g   S h e l l   E v i l

This time Hal's sister, Emma, is working at the Big Shell as a programmer,
where there appears to be some... trouble. (This one is actually pretty
humorous. Hehe.) You start on the Heliport.

===Strut E Heliport==============

Enemies     : 3

Items       : None

Starting conditions : USP (16 rounds), AP Sensor, Cigs, Scope

First thing's first - you need to get off of the heliport. Run around to the
north side of the Harrier, just west of the cockpit, and go into FPV. You
should soon note two guards patrolling the roof. In a few moments, you should
see both head off to the right side (from Snake's PoV facing south, left) of
the heliport. Run down the side of the heliport south and pause south of the
barrels. There is a guard coming up from the east. Wait until you see him on-
screen and go around the opposite side of the shelves he passes. Head for the
stairs down.

If you are timing this right, you should just miss the guard who is patrolling
the catwalk around the strut. Hurry down and head right around the path to
go into Strut E.

===Strut E Parcel Room===========

Enemies     : 3

Items       : Box 5
              M9 Bullets
              Stun Grenades

Go down the first flight and back yourself against the wall on the left side
of the second flight down. Slowly go down a ways and take a look at the flash
light of the guard who is patrolling, but not the one reporting in, from the
other side of the wall, from the 'corner view'. As you'll note, he doesn't
look to the right, so you can risk going against the flat wall that runs
east-west, but just know that you have between the time that his light leaves
to the time just before the other guard sends his report before he turns back
to look south. So, when he turns, run out and hold him up (but don't fire!).
Drop your weapon and grab him from behind and pull him back to the staircase.
Do the deed and hide his body at the top.

Now, you want that box you should have just seen on top of the platform. But,
there is another guard just west of it, as you should have noted. (You should
also have noted that there are no security cameras here, unlike A Wrongdoing.)
Step out into the room, so that you have an overhead view and watch his
pattern. He never turns right, so just waltz up and grab the box. He doesn't
look south either, so you should be able to grab the box of Stuns underneath
the belt just below him. Once that is done, just leave him be.

Go over on the right side of the cardboard boxes in the middle and go into FPV.
Pull both triggers to stand up a bit, and look east. You should see a single
stationary guard with a very simple, but quick movement. Note that he keeps
his back to the alley to the north. Watch the reporting guard to the north for
a moment, and you should see that you have just enough time to crawl past him.
Do so, wait for him to turn north and go down to the guard south. Watch him
for a moment and when he turns slightly south, hold him up, and then grab him
to take care of him silently.

Now that you have a bit more freedom, head down the staircase on the left side
and crawl down into the duct in the small room, bottom left-hand corner to
find a Ration. If you want, you can use the box to jump onto the platform on
the south side of the belt to get into the locked small room, but there is only
some M9 ammo, which won't help you your first time through.

The door to the EF Bridge is locked, so sneak up on the reporting guard and 
hold him up to get past him to the door to the DE Bridge in the back. When
you do, there will be a text interlude.

===DE Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 2 (and a sniper)

Items       : Stun Grenades
              USP Bullets

Both guards here stay on the bottom of the bridge, but if you watch the far
end of the bridge from the alcove, you'll see the far guard comes up every
once in a while. Wait until he comes up, then down, and go out onto the bridge
to get the overhead view. You should see the guard below you on the bottom
portion of the bridge moving away. Hang over the bottom/left railing and drop
down on top of some ammo.

Duck down and watch the guards. You have two options with the guard close to
you - wait until the far guard goes up on top, then either shoot him with the
USP (the other one shouldn't hear) or rush him from behind when he starts to
walk away from your position. After the first one is out, it'd be best to use
the USP to snipe the other guard from a bit of a distance.

Last, there is a sniper on the roof of Strut E. Again, it'd be best if you
took him out by using the USP in FPV. Go on up and take the upper door into
Strut D.

===Strut D Sediment Pool=========

Enemies     : 3

Items       : Bandage
              USP Bullets

As soon as you enter, crouch down. There are two guards on top, one of which
is going to shortly come down from the north, patrolling along the northeastern
portion of the upper floor. Once he passes, stand back up and wait until the
guard that patrols the bottom is in the far back, near the stairs. In FPV,
take out the two on top, being careful the other, who reports in, doesn't hear.

After that, you are fairly free to move about. Grab the Bandage just below
the door you came in, the Ration in the center portion, and finally the USP
ammo below the door to the CD Bridge, which is where you exit.

===CD Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 2

Items       : None

First off, take out the security camera above the door right off. Don't worry
about the noise - there is a guard just outside, but if you do it as soon as
you come out here, he is far away enough that he won't hear. The best thing to
do here is to rush and hold up the guard at the far end as soon as he comes
halfway down the bridge and turns, as the guard closest to you will have just
gone down and will be down long enough for you to do this. Watch the guards
for a few minutes, peeking out of the door, then exit to Strut D and return to
reset their patterns. Enter Strut C.

===Strut C Dining Hall===========

Enemies     : 1

Items       : M9
              Stun Grenade
              USP Bullets

Back against the wall to the left and go down far enough to go into corner
view of the hall to the south. In a moment, you'll see guard come down close
to you. Stay against the wall until he turns, then run up and hold him up.
Grab him and drag him into the first door on the north side. Choke him and go
up to the pantry Stillman was hiding inside in SoL. If you knock on the door,
you'll hear a girl gasp. Hit the Action Button while facing the pantry and
there will be a text interlude. Save.

After flipping through the pages, there will be a shooting event. About five
guards will assault the room. I suggest you head down to the right side of
the table, below the pantry and go into FPV. They're wearing heavy armor, so
you'll need head shots. There will be two guard at the door to the south (they
will open the door - you can't, and shouldn't anyway), then one will move into
the dining hall on the left, and almost right after that, two more will open
the door to the south. Crouch behind the table after the first two and take
out the second pair at the door, then go after the one in the hall, from the
same position. Another text interlude will open after they are all down.

A Ration will be added to your inventory after the text (and you most likely
ought to use it), and there is another underneath the horizontal table in the
dining hall. There aren't any more guards in here, so just grab it and head
out the door down to the rest rooms. Raid the stalls to find a few items,
including the M9. When done, head out the southern door to the BC bridge.

===BC Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 1 (and an unarmed cypher)

Items       : Chaff Grenades

Back against the southern wall and take a look out onto the bridge in corner
view. You should see a single reporting guard and a single gun-less cypher.
Simply wait until the guard is at the far end of the bridge and snipe the
cypher with the USP. Then hit the guard with the M9 after he reports in. Rush
down onto the bridge, grab the Chaff on the destroyed bridge to the Shell 1
Core, then go down to the door to Strut B.

===Strut B Transformer Room======

Enemies     : None (at first)

Items       : Ration
              USP Bullets [x2]

Check the lockers for items then head into the very bloodied up transformer
room. Go down to the node on the bottom level, at the southern portion of the
room and log into it (grabbing the bullets next to it first). Another text

As soon as you've read all of the text, you need to move _RIGHT_ away. There
is a guard approaching your position down the alley on the right who will see
you through the wire meshing. Just run up the stairs below you, and up the.
path on the left (careful not to open the door, as there is a guard just on
the other side). Then head out the door to the north, past the lockers, and
onto the BC Bridge. (Don't even waste time looking around. If you move quickly
no one will see you.)


Now you need to backtrack to Strut F. On the BC Bridge, wait for the guard to
come down once, then go back up the middle. At this point, the cypher should
come up on your left - take it out with the USP, then kill/tranq the guard.

On B, wait on one of the short walls between the door to the rest room and
the main hallway for the guard to come down. He will pause for a moment at the
end of the hall, then come down a bit further, still facing south - this is
when you hold him up. The Stuns have regenerated in the right bathroom, if you
want them. There is another guard in the dining area, but there is nothing in
there, so don't bother head out the CD Bridge.

On the bridge, wait for the guard close to you to go down, then use the M9 on
the far guard. When you get close to the other end, toss a Chaff to deal with
the security camera inside the alcove then head into D.

You can easily hit the two guards on the top level from your position here, so
do so and merely wait for the guy on the bottom to come up, report in, then
go down. Rush over to the door to the DE Bridge.

From this side of the bridge, you have position on the sniper, so do him in
with the M9 first when the guard at the far end goes down. Then wait for the
guard at the far end to return and tranq him. Head across the bridge.

On E, stay in the corner and go into FPV. Look east down the row and you'll see
the guard at the other end - hit him with the M9. Then watch the reporting
guard close to you and either crawl past him and go down the right side of
the room, or hit the guard directly south of you to use the loading platform.
Jump up on it, and fall into Box 5 to get into the small room below and find
some M9 ammunition. When you return, the guards you took out will have returned
to their normal positions, but it is easy enough to get past the guard on the
right - he leaves plenty of time, when he faces north, for you to drop the
box, jump down, and run to the EF Bridge.

===EF Connecting Bridge==========

Enemies     : 3 cyphers and a sniper

Items       : Chaff Grenades

This one's easy. Throw a chaff and run across the bridge to Strut E. The
chaff will take care of the cyphers, though the sniper on the roof will see
you. Fortunately, the chaff will have killed his radio, which he'll fidget
with for a moment. When you enter, there will be a text interlude.

===Strut F Warehouse=============

Enemies     : 4

Items       : Claymore [x2]
              M9 Bullets
              Stun Grenades [x3]
              USP Bullets [x2]
              USP Suppressor

As the text states, you cannot be spotted until you find Emma or the mission
is over. Period.

Once you are in control, you need to immediately move - there is a guard
coming up the stairs on the right just run left, then south down the main
hall and run into the room on the left, where you can pick up some ammo and
a Ration.

Stand near the door so that it opens and switch to FPV. You should see a 
single guard patrolling around the top level; he also comes up the row that
points straight south of the room you are in, so you have to careful to close
the door if you see him start coming towards you. Once he goes somewhere out
of the way, hit him with the M9.

Exit the room so that you have the overhead view, but stay close to the wall
or corner. You can see the reporting guard, on the lower level, easily and the
the guard I warned you about at the beginning should make a brief appearance
in the main hall to the north. When he comes, waits, then turns around, run up
and hold him up and take him out. (I'd pull him into one of the rooms too, but
I'm overly cautious.)

Now that you have free range of movement, raid the rooms. In the one on the top
right, you'll find Claymores and Rations. The middle right one has Emma in it,
but hold off for now. The bottom right has some Stuns, while the bottom left
has a single box of M9 ammo. The middle left is locked. (Just be careful
about moving in front of the below reporting guard's direction. He may very
well see you from down there. Use the boxes and only move where he is not

The bottom is a bit more tense, as you need to keep the guard alive to raid
the rooms down there, as he reports with a very short interval. Watch him for
a moment, and note that he doesn't look in the northwest corner. Go over to
the railing there and drop down. Run into the door just north of you. There is
one last guard inside, so stick to the wall just right of you. He'll point his
light down in the corner, but if you are against the wall, he won't see. He
then walks north a little - run up behind him then. Collect the Ration, M4, and
oodles of ammo.

Go back out into the main room and watch the guard - when he is as far right
as he goes, run down to the two rooms at the southern end of the area. The
left one is locked, but the right isn't. It appears empty, but crouch down and
look underneath the two metal cabinets to the right. You'll find the USP

Getting back up is a bit harder, but go behind the large crates just south of
the guard and watch his light. Right after he reports in, he head as far left
as he ever goes and stands there for a moment. Use this time to run around to
the other side of boxes left of him and run up the stairs. If you are done
grabbing items head back to Emma's room and there will be some more text.

You now have to lead Emma up to Strut D. Fun. Leave Emma in the room for a
minute and go out onto the main floor. All of the guards are back! Fun!
(Note the sarcasm.) Now that you know the guards patterns, the two on top at
least, should be easy enough to dispatch. The problem is the reporting guy
below. Like when going up the stairs, wait until he reports in, then turns to
the left to take Emma up the catwalk. Go out to the EF Bridge.

===EF Connecting Bridge==========

More backtracking. Throw another chaff on EF, but you need to take everything
out this time - snipe the sniper and use your newly acquired M4 on the cyphers.
Lead Emma across to Strut E. (Note that the Chaff Grenades near the door are
back, and that there is some M4 ammo in the balcony by the Shell 1 Core, though
you can't go in the Core. The bridge doesn't fall away too! Yay for the little
things.) When you enter E, more text. Save.

===Strut E Parcel Room===========

Another fire fight. Against a whole lot of guards. The one and only way to
get out of this event is to exit through the door straight left of you to the
DE bridge. Note that leaving without Emma would be a BAD thing and would lead
to BAD events. There are a couple of ways you could go about this, but the
easiest and more direct distance between two paths is a straight line - just
fire the M4 at the first batch of guards, drop the weapon, and grab Emma for
as a long as you can. When you get hit again, pull out the M4, fire away (going
into FPV is actually best, so you can aim for the head and the guard have a
tendency to hide behind things and pop out, so you don't want to waste ammo
here). When you aren't being hit anymore, drop the weapon, grab Emma, and so
on until you reach the door. Throwing down some Claymores in the back corner
where you start can be useful, as well, but don't bother dropping them when
you are moving done the lane - they won't come that far down it, but wait at
the end and fire from there.

When you get out, another text interlude. Save.

===Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge===
---Boss : Harrier----------------

Enemies     : Harrier

Items       : Stinger
              Stinger Missiles

You'll be taken straight out of the flames into the fire. For a full strategy
on the Harrier fight, see the main walkthrough. Don't forget that you can
skip the animations - if you have played through Sons of Liberty and done this
fight, you should be able to anticipate what is going to happen, and skipping
the cutscenes will buy you some time.

After shooting down the Harrier, there will be a final text interlude. So long
as you defeat the boss, this is the 'middle' ending. (The bad ending being if
you leave Emma behind during the fire fight in Strut E.) It seems as though
there is another, better ending, and something to do with the file, but I
haven't gotten it yet. I'll play through a couple more times to try and find
it. (If you do know, DON'T EMAIL IT TO ME. I wish to figure it out myself.)


C.   C o n f i d e n t i a l   L e g a c y

A small South American country has managed to get ahold of a new type of Metal
Gear. The US Marines went into steal it, only to have the cargo tanker hi-
jacked by Gurlukovich's forces. And, somehow, a certain... somebody... is

===Aft Deck=====================

Enemies     : 3

Items       : None

Starting conditions : USP (16 rounds), AP Sensor, Cigs

You'll obviously be able to see the guard just in front of you moving left.
Run down a bit and wait for him to pass you. Then quickly run up behind him,
hold him up, drop your weapon, and grab him from behind. Once he is out, go
back down to the wire rolls on the left and crouch down. Using the overhead
view, watch for the guard who goes up and down the stairs on the left. When he
just comes down and starts to head back, run up behind him and hold him up.

There is one more guard, up on the catwalk overlooking the main deck (where
you start), but he shouldn't even bother you. (There are no items here, so
there is no reason to even deal with him.) Just take the entrance on the bottom
floor into Deck A, as the rest of the doors are locked.

===Deck A, Crew's Quarters=======

Enemies     : 2

Items       : Medicine
              USP Bullets

There is a guard in the hall on the right, but you most likely have caught
a cold, so you'll want to be careful here. I'd suggest going back in the corner
on the left until Snake sneezes once, then back against the wall just right
of the entrance and watch the guard. When he turns to go back down, hold him
up. The second guard is even easier - he patrols the vertical hall on the left,
but he comes down the horizontal one on the bottom for a moment, turns, then
looks in the southeast corner for a few seconds. Use this idle time to run up
to him and hold him up.

Once the guards are out, raid the lockers in the room on the south. You'll
find a few items, including some much needed Medicine - take it. When you are
finished, head around to the door in the northeast corner to the Crew's Lounge.

===Deck A, Crew's Lounge=========

Enemies     : 3

Items       : AKS-74U
              AKS-74U Bullets
              Book [x3]
              M4 Bullets

Flatten against the small wall south of the doorway to the left of where you
enter. Peek around and you'll see a couple of guards sitting on the steps on
the left, but if you wait long enough, you should also see through the glass a
third guard in the lounge area itself. What you need to do is listen for the
sound of the swinging doors in the bar area to swing on their hinges once, then
twice, then run into the lounge area, straight to the back wall, then left
until you hit the guard. Hold him up, then grab him and pull him into the TV
area and strangle him. You shouldn't have any problems with the two guards on
the stairs if you stick close to the right while running into the room and
while running to the back wall.

After you've taken out the guard in the lounge, head back down by the stairs
and try to get yourself in a horizontal line with both guards, then fire away
with the USP. Taking out the first one is no problem, as you can get close
enough to line up an easy head shot, but be careful about the second one, as
he'll reach for the radio unless you start plugging at him right away. If he
does manage to turn on the radio, but doesn't say anything, head into another
area and return - it should negate the guy on the other end's "What's wrong?"
and avert an assualt team.

Once all of that is done, head into the bar area and grab the AK behind the
swinging doors and the three Books in the TV area. Then head down the stairwell
on the left side of the area, where the guard with the flies was in the main
game, to find some ammo. Once all of that is done, head up the stairs and
through the door on the right.

===Deck B, Crew's Quarters=======

Enemies     : 4

Items       : Medicine
              M4 Bullets

As soon as you enter, you'll see two guards north of you, but don't panic. They
never look to the south, so you will be safe. They are too close together to
easily get past them, though, so head to the south. Go into the long vertical
corridor on the right, but stay in the middle of the hall. You should have a
view from the south, straight down. If you wait a bit and look close to the
camera's (imaginary) position, you'll see a guard's gun occasionally appear and
disappear. Wait for it to come, then go, and run down the hall and hold him up.

Head down to the bottom corridor and open the locker inset in the north hall
to find another package of Medicine. Next, back against the northern wall and
slowly head left until you go into Corner View of the hall up north and left.
You should see a guard with a very simple pattern - watch, wait, and strike.

Go up the hall until you reach the end of the yellow-ish area, where it turns
to the blue-ish. Back against the northern wall and peek out to watch the guard
in the hall at the very north portion of the area. Wait until he comes, turns
south, then walks away. Run up the hall and to the left when you can. Head up
the stairs to Deck C.

===Deck C, Crew's Quarters=======

Enemies     : 1

Items       : Thermal Goggles

Back against the wall on the right, north of the long horizontal hall. You
should see a guard in the hall with another simple pattern. Wait until he
comes closest to you, then turns. Get out the as quick as you can and hold him
up. You should also have noticed, while looking down the hall, the two
security cameras on the far end. Walk down to the middle part of the hall, but
don't enter. From the overhead view, you should see that there is a third
camera positioned right above the door. From just inside the left portion of
the hall, you should be able to hit all three with realtive ease, using the
USP. Once they are all out, head down to the right side of hall and pick up
the Thermal Goggles. Then head back to the middle and up the stairs.

===Deck D, Crew's Quarters=======

Enemies     : 3

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets
              Box 4
              M4 Bullets

After coming up the stairs, first go into the remote room in the northeast
corner of the area. Inside, you'll find a dozing guard, who is easy enough to
dispatch of. You'll find Box 1 just below him. Grab them and head back to the
IR sensor in the short hall on the right. If you put on the Thermal Goggles,
you can see that there is room enough for you to crawl under. Do so, and you
will be right by the stairs up to Deck D.

If you are so inclined, though, you can head into the dining area on the right.
There are two guards in there, who will most likely be straight left of you.
The best thing to do here is to just blow them away with the AK. Watch for the
camera just north of the door and you'll find some ammo in the southwest corner
and in the kitchen area.

As soon as you are done on the floor, head up the stairs to Deck D, where there
will be a very quick encounter, then a text interlude.


Grab the Ration on the Bridge and start heading down to the holds. Deck D
should still be clear, so either go through the dining area or crawl under the
IR sensors again and head down to Deck C. On C, back against the right wall
just south of the stairs and wait for the guard that just passed you to come
back. Be sure to stay against the wall until he is fully past you or he WILL
see you. You won't be able to see him in corner view once he passes you, but
wait a few seconds before removing yourself from the wall. Head left and down
the stairs to Deck B.

The guards have changed positions slightly, somewhat to your advantage. There
isn't a guard on the left side of the blueish white colored halls, so go up
the top-most horizontal hallway and right up to the beginning of the second
handrail that is on the south wall. Wait there with the AP Sensor equipped and
note the slight increase and decrease. There is a guard just down the right
hall, but he comes close enough that you can't go into Corner View at the end
of the wall without him seeing you or your shadow if he sees you moving. Wait
until it decreases slightly, then back against the wall and move right just
enough to get a view of the corridor and DON'T move. Wait until you see him
leave to his right and run up behind him. Head down to Deck A.

Two guards here, one in the TV area and another roaming the floor. The TV guy
shouldn't be a problem, but watch the second man in FPV. Wait until he goes
past the stairs, then come back. Once he does, follow him and run right past
him when he moves into the lounge. In the stairwell area, there is a single
guard facing the wall to the north - hold him up, strangle him, and head down
the stairs.

===Engine Room===================

Enemies     : 4

Items       : M9
              M9 Bullets
              Night Vision Goggles
              PSG1 Bullets
              USP Bullets

First run up on the small room to the north and grab the goodies there. Go out
the door on the left and back against the right wall. Move south until you've
got a camera angle from the south which shows the next level down. You should
see one end of the below guard's route. Wait until he comes to the north, then
run down the stairs south of your position and hide in the darkened corner
just right of the bottom. Wait until the guard comes back around to you, then
run out and grab him when he starts to head back to the left.

Next, head down the catwalk on the left and pause north of the stairs to the
next tier down. Go into FPV and watch down the steps. You'll note that he
never turns to the north, so you can head down the steps and wait by the
lighted room for him to come to the right, then turn left. Run up behind him
just as he is turning and hold him up. Now look in the darkened corner to the
right of the light and you'll find the PSG1.

The best thing to do now is head back up the top tier and snipe the remaining
two guards on the left side of the area. The top guard is a problem, though,
as he tends to fall over the railing after you hit him - try to line up a good
head shot for when he is walking down the long hallway parallel to you. You
don't really have a good position on the guy in the red-lit hallway, so I'd
suggest you run back down the stairs, head around the catwalks to the left
side of the section, and go up to the very long catwalk in the middle of the
area. From just right of the long flight of steps up, you should have be able
to line up an excellent shot between the metal posts.

Once the guards are out, you can head down to the large block on the bottom
tier, in the southwest corner. Under the block you can find the M9 (so you
can now get the bullets you passed on the right side of the middle section)
and some PSG1 ammo on the left side of it. When you are done, head up the
stairs on the left side to the top and enter the small room in the northwest
corner. By the IR sensors, you'll find the PSG1-T. Then, start taking out
the control boxes - there's one on top of the lockers, while the other two
are down the hall on the left. The first is easy enough, but the second is
pretty hard to see past the Semtex right in the way. Just aim for the right
side as much as possible - it is better you miss once or twice than blow
yourself up and have to restart. When they are all out, head through the
hatch into Deck 2.

===Deck 2, Port==================

Enemies     : None

Items       : USP Suppressor

There aren't any guards in here, so don't worry about being seen or taking
out the lights. Just head north to the second small room on the right to
find the USP Suppressor. Continue north, then right to the hatch to the next

===Deck 2, Starboard=============

Enemies     : None

Items       : AKS-74U Bullets
              M4 Bullets [x2]
              M9 Bullets

Just head down the halls again, picking up what ammo you can. As you should
expect, though, once you pass the small room on the left, there will be the
familar fire fight from the main game after a text interlude. Fairly straight-
forward - use the AK for as long as you can, then I'd actually switch the PSG1
since you have it. Quite effective for the guy in the back who will start
tossing grenades if you don't take him out quickly enough. After the fight
you'll be taken to another text interlude. Which leads to...

...another fire fight through the port side of Deck 2. This one is also pretty
straight foward, as you just need to hide behind the walls and do jump-out
shots going west, then use either the Thermal or Night Vision Goggles when
heading down the long vertical hall. After the intial set of guards, who are
easy to take out from behind the walls on the north side, a pair will advance
on you from the south every a few seconds, but still plenty of time to make
your way. Along the way, you'll find a ton of ammo and items, including the
M4 and AK Suppressor. Once you reach the south end of the vertical hall, a
guard or two will approach from the north, so be careful when you get close
to the end. Once you reach it, open the hatch and there will be more text.


And more backtracking, with your goal being the bridge. The Engine Room is
pretty easy. Head through the small room and into the main area. From here,
snipe the guard on the middle tier on the right side. Then back against the
railing just right of the door and watch for the guard on the tier just
below you. When he comes to the north, wait until he turns, then hang over the
north-south running railing and drop down behind him. Hold him up, but be sure
to drag him elsewhere, as you don't want the guard in the red-lit hall below
you to hear. Use your overhead view of the area with the large crate to wait
until he heads north down the hall and hold him up. Head around past the large
stairs and wait just inside the long hall north on the right side of the
middle section. Go into FPV, watch the guard, and hit him when he comes as
far to your left as he ever goes. Go back up the tiers on the fight to Deck A.

For getting back up the bridge from here on, simply refer to the walkthrough
for this tale thus from from the Deck A Crew Lounge to Deck D, as all of the
guards have reverted to their original positions. You should have plenty of
weapons, so this should be a cakewalk. Once you reach the bridge, there will
be a text interlude.

===Navigational Deck=============
---Boss : Meryl------------------

This is pretty much the Olga fight... only with Meryl (^^). One of her shots
will take you down about half your life gauge, though, and note that using the
small opening in the crates on the right won't necessarily work. But, you've
got a ton of toys, like the M4, AK, and sniper rifles which should make hitting
her child's play. Just remember to take out the spotlight ASAP.

Obviously, killing her will net you medium ending, while using the M9 and
PSG1-T to stun her will give the better ending.


                      Further tales will be coming soon.


VII.  A p p e n d i c e s


A.   W e a p o n s


Text : Assault rifle. 30 rounds per magazine. Press X button lightly to
       aim, strongly for full automatic fire.
Use  : Excellent rifle for fighting numerous enemies or attack cyphers.

Magazine capacity       : 30
Round carrying capacity : 241 [Ea], 211 [No], 151 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 30


Text : Publication w/ adult-oriented material. Full of girly photos and
       interesting columns. Press X button to set.
Use  : Distracts guards for several minutes.

Carrying capacity : 8 [Ea], 5 [No - Ha], 3 [Ex]


Text : Plastic explosive w/ remote detonator. Press X button to set. Press B
       button to detonate.
Use  : Blow stuff up. Ba-boom. 

Round carrying capacity : 16 [Ea - Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 4

---Chaff Grenade-----------------

Text : Grenade the neutralizes electronic devices temporarily. Press X
       to aim, release to throw.
Use  : Good for disabling cyphers and security cameras without destroying
       them. However, it will also disable the radar.

Round carrying capacity : 30 [Ea], 20 [No], 10 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 2


Text : Anti-personnel landmine w/ front sensor. Press X button to
       set. Can be retrieve if crawled over.
Use  : Good for setting traps to cause damage, bosses in particular.

Round carrying capacity : 16 [Ea - Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 4

---Coolant Spray---------------

Text : For bomb disposal. Hold in First Person View, spray w/ X button.
       How strong button is pressed varies spray amount.
Use  : Good for disabling C4 bombs. Can be sprayed in soldier's faces to
       blind them. Can also quickly wake up sleeping soldiers by spraying it
       in their face.
Note : Infinite spraying capacity.

---Directional Microphone--------

Text : Microphone that can pick up small sounds. Hold in First Person View,
       move w/ [left thumbstick].


Text : (Frag) Grenade. Press X button to hold, release to throw. How strong
       button is pressed varies distance.
Use  : Be sure to throw it before it blows up in your hand, okay?

Round carrying capacity : 50 [VE], 30 [Ea], 20 [No], 16 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 2

---High-Frequency Blade----------

Text : Move [right thumbstick] to slash, press to lunge. Block w/ Y button.
       Switch between blade and back w/ X button.
Use  : Lethal katana. Powerful weapon good for tearing through large numbers
       of enemies or tough bosses. Pressing the weapon button while the weapon
       is equipped will switch back and forth between the lethal blade and the
       non-lethal blunt side.


Text : Assault rifle. 30 rounds per magazine. Press X lightly to aim, strongly
       for full automatic fire.
Use  : See AK.
Magazine capacity       : 30
Round carrying capacity : 241 [Ea], 211 [No], 151 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 20, 30


Text : Tranquilizer with suppressor. Press X to aim, and release to fire.
       Equipped with laser pointer.
Use  : Good for temporarily disabling sentries without killing. Very little
       force, making it impractical for attacking inanimate objects.

Magazine capacity       : 15
Round carrying capacity : 106 [VE], 61 [Ea], 46 [No - Ex]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 15


Text : Empty magazine. Press X button to hold, release to throw. How strong
       button is pressed varies distance.
Use  : Good for distracting guards.

Round carrying capacity : 150 [Ea], 100 [No], 50 [Ha]


Text : Press X button to aim in First Person View, release to fire. Missile
       can be controlled with [left thumbstick].
Use  : Good for attacking enemies from a distance, reducing chance of 
       discovery. Will make a loud explosion, though.

Round carrying capacity : 50 [Ea], 40 [No], 30 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 10, 20


Text : Sniper rifle. Aim in First Person View, fire w/ X button. Zoom in with
       B button, zoom out with A button.
Use  : Good for sniping enemies from a distance.

Magazine capacity       : 20
Round carrying capacity : 81 [Ea], 61 [No], 41 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 20


Text : Tranquilizer rifle. Aim in First Person View, fire w/ X button. Zoom in
       with B button, zoom out with A button.
Use  : Good for sniping enemies from a distance without killing them

Magazine capacity       : 5
Round carrying capacity : 81 [Ea], 61 [No], 41 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 10


Text : 6-round grenade launcher. Press X button to aim, and release to fire.
       Grenade will explode upon impact.
Use  : Good for, uh, blowing stuff up. 

Magazine capacity       : 6
Round carrying capacity : 42 [Ea], 30 [No], 24 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 6


Text : .45 handgun. Press X button to aim, release to fire. 12 rounds per
       magazine. Can attach suppressor./Suppressor attached.
Use  : Basic handgun of deadly force. Good for taking out sentries, assault
       soldiers, cyphers, and attacking inanimate objects. Unlike the USP,
       there is no flash light attachment.

Magazine capacity       : 12
Round carrying capacity : 73 [Ea], 61 [No - Ha], 37 [Ex]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 12


Text : Portable surface-to-air missile. Aim in First Person View, fire w/
       X button. Align sight on target to lock on.  
Use  : Good for attacking large machinery and annihilating enemy soldiers.

Round carrying capacity : 50 [Ea], 40 [No], 30 [Ha]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 10, 20

---Stun Grenade------------------

Text : Grenade that stuns enemy soldiers temporarily. Press X button to aim,
       release to throw.
Use  : Knocks enemy soldiers, including some bosses, into a daze. They will
       become alerted, but will not know your location.

Round carrying capacity : 30 [Ea], 16 [No], 10 [Ha], 6 [Ex]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 20


Text : 9mm auto. Press X button to aim, release to fire. 15 rounds per
       magazine. Can attach suppressor. 
Use  : Standard handgun. Good for killing enemy soldiers. Also equipped with
       a flash light.
Note : Only found in Tanker chapter/Snake scenarios.

Magazine capacity       : 15
Round carrying capacity : 61 [VE - Ea], 46 [No - Ha], 16 [Ex]
Rounds per box of ammo  : 15


B.   I t e m s

---AP Sensor---------------------

Text : Sensor detecting life forms. Vibrates on enemy approach. All other
       vibrations will be OFF when the sensor is activated.

---AK Suppressor-----------------

Text : Firing noise is reduced when attached to AKS-74U. Equip together w/
       AK to attach. Unremovable once attached.
Use  : Firing the AKS-74U no longer makes noise, thus allowing you to shoot it
       without alerting nearby guards.


Text : Absorbent pads to stop blood loss when bleeding. Press A button to use
       while having it selected in the window.
Use  : Stops loss of life when life meter is critical (orange).

Carrying Capacity : 10 [Ea - No], 5 [Ha], 3 [Ex]

---B.D.U. / Field Uniform--------

Text : Same uniform as Shell 1 Core Gurlukovich soldiers. Equip AK at the
       same time to disguise as enemy soldier./Equip to wear. Balaclava is no
       longer present.
Use  : Allows you to move free inside the Shell 1 Core, even in front of
       enemy soldiers, so long as you also have the AK 74U equipped as well.
       The disguise will be removed if you bump into an enemy, though.

---Body Armor--------------------

Text  : Bulletproof vest made of special fibers. Damage incurred while equipped
        is reduced by half.

---Box A-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport perishable foods. Equip to wear.
Use  : All cardboard boxes will hide the character from enemy sentries.
       Enemy will become suspicious if the box is seen moving and flip it
       over. Does not work against assault/clearing teams.
Note : Only found in Tanker Chapter.

---Box 1-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport perishable foods. Equip to wear.
Use  : Will transport character to Strut C when worn while on top of
       conveyer belt in Strut E.

---Box 2-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport electronic equipment. Equip to wear.
Use  : Will transport character to Strut B when worn while on top of
       conveyer belt in Strut E.

---Box 3-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport daily supplies. Equip to wear.
Use  : Will transport character to Strut A when worn while on top of
       conveyer belt in Strut E.

---Box 4-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport action figures. Equip to wear.
Use  : Will transport character to Strut F when worn while on top of
       conveyer belt in Strut E.

---Box 5-------------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport game software. Equip to wear. The eye
       design is "eye-catching."
Use  : Will transport character to the small room on the bottom of Strut E
       when worn while on top of conveyer belt in Strut E.

---Card Key----------------------

Text : Security card Level <1-5>. Opens security level <1-5> doors.
Use  : Opens security doors of the level assigned to the card or below. Cannot
       open doors above the security level.


Text : Highly addictive and hazardous to your health.
Use  : Can be used to see IR sensors when equipped. It will slowly drain life
       meter when equipped.

---Mine Detector-----------------

Text : Chemically detects mines. Activates when equipped. Displays position of
       Claymore mines on radar.
Note : Radar must be activated for the area in order to work.

---MO Disc-----------------------

Text : Optical disc given by the President. Contains computer virus to destroy
       control function of GW / Arsenal Gear.

---Night Vision Goggles----------

Text : Electronically amplifies weak dim light for visualization. Allows one to
       see in the dark.


Text : Benzodiazepine anti-depressant. Stops trembling of hand when sniping.
       Select in window and use with A button.

Carrying Capacity : 15 [Ea], 10 [No], 5 [Ha - Ex]


Text : Mobile phone w/ vibration feature. Allows receiving of E-mails.
Use  : Mr. X will use it to warn you of unknown dangers or helpful hints.
       Does not need to be equipped to receive call. Controller will vibrate
       and there will be a ringing tone. To view message, equip while it is


Text : "Meal ready to eat" to restore life. Press A button to use. Life
       automatically recovers when down to 0 if equipped.
Carrying Capacity : 10 [VE], 7 [Ea], 5 [No], 3 [Ha], 2 [Ex]

---Sensor A---------------------

Text : Ion mobility spectrometer explosion detector. Activates when equipped.
       Displays Fatman's scented C4 on radar.

---Sensor B---------------------

Text : Neutron scintillator explosive detector. Beeps when detecting Fatman's
       odorless C4.

---Scope Binoculars-------------

Text : Military binoculars allowing long-distance reconnaissance. Zoom in
       with O button. Zoom out with X button.

---SOCOM Suppressor ------------

Text : Firing noise is reduced when attached to SOCOM. Equip together with
       SOCOM to attach. Unremovable once attached.
Use  : Firing the SOCOM no longer makes noise, thus allowing you to shoot it
       without alerting nearby guards.

---Thermal Goggles---------------

Text : Visualizes heat source distribution. Allows one to see in the dark. 
       Claymores can be seen when equipped.
Use  : Shows living beings, items, light sources, bullets, grenades, and
       missiles as bright red objects. When looking at an enemy soldier's
       front, dog tags will appear as dark objects within the bright red of
       a soldier's body.

---Wet Box-----------------------

Text : Cardboard box to transport perishable foods. Wet and weak. Equip
       to wear.
Use  : Not very effective cover...
Note : Only found in Tanker Chapter.


C.   D o g   T a g s

Most enemy sentries in Sons of Liberty wear dog tags. Collecting these tags
will unlock secret items that will be added to your inventory after you beat
the game (or chapter, depending upon which you selected), just as the Digital
Camera was added to your inventory after you beat the game the first time. A
full list of the possible items are listed in section VII. B. 'Extra Items'.
This section is meant to aid you in obtaining these tags.

Dog tags can only be obtained from holding up enemies. For more on holding up
enemy sentries, see the Game Mechanics section.

I had considered including a full list of the tags and the data for them, but
there really is no point to it - the full list of locations can be accessed at
anytime by going to the 'Special' menu at the start screen. And the actual data
(name, DOB and blood type) is hardly relevant to gameplay. I did find having
a list of the dog tag locations useful for making sure I had obtained all of
the tags for an area, so you may wish to write down the locations. (Or, I'm
sure there will be another guide with a full listing, if you don't want to
write them down yourself.)

However, there are a number of enemies that have odd patrolling patterns,
making obtaining their tags more of a challenge. For these tags, I have listed
below their movement patterns.

===Noteworthy Tags===============

---Tanker Chapter----------------

- 000 [AD]
  Obtained from Olga when she is knocked out after the boss fight. Drag her
  body and it will drop out.

- 008 and 009 [VE]
  008 appears when you enter the area from the door to the other portion of
  Deck A, while 009 appears when you enter from the door to Deck B, above the
  short spliting staircase at the south end of the room.

- 011 [VE - Ea], 14 [No], 15 [Ha - Ex]
  Appears after entering the remote room on the northeastern side of Deck-D.
  However, he will only enter the room if you stay on the southern half of
  the room. Otherwise, he will patrol the middle hallway once, then stop in
  the middle of it facing east. If you exit the room, he will leave. If you
  re-enter while he is leaving he will turn around and return. If you stay
  towards the northern half of the room, he will go down the northern hall
  that leads to the room, but won't enter and will stand guard by the door.
  However, once you go to leave the room, he will leave. [My suggestion is to
  wait on the southern half of the room until he enters, then quickly move
  north to the crates on the western side of the room and drop into Box 1.
  When he yawns, quickly drop the box and draw your weapon.]

- 018 [VE], 019 [Ea], 23 [No], 24 [Ha - Ex]
  Appears upon first entering the room, but disappears afterwards.

- 020 [VE], 025 [No], 026 [Ha], 026 [Ex]
  Appears in the upper catwalk on the right hand side in Hold 1. To get to
  him, you must hang over the railing that runs along the right side of the
  hold. After the sequence starts, go down the staircase once until you are
  forced off and would normally go down a second staircase. Instead, flip over
  the railing and quickly hand-over-hand your way up.

- 021 [VE], 026 [No]
  Is the Marine solider just left of the projector in Hold 1, set apart from
  the main force. Stand a good distance back and hold him up, then grab him
  from behind and pull him away from the rest of the Marines so no one hears
  you hold him up.

- 022 [Ea]
  The Marine in Hold 1 who appears in his boxers - second row from the top,
  third column from the right. (You'll have to tranq all, or most at least,
  guards in the Hold to get to him.)
- 022 [VE], 023 [Ea], 030 [No], 031 [Ha], 030 [Ex]
  Appears in the upper catwalk on the right hand side in Hold 3. If you flip
  over the rail in Hold 1 and continue down the right side, you will enter
  through the door to Hold 3 right at his position.

- 023 [VE], 024 [Ea], 031 [No], 032 [Ha], 031 [Ex]
  Is the guard on the right hand side of the room, north of the catwalk Dolph
  is conducting his speech from. The guard is nodding off and fairly easy to
  sneak up on, and you shouldn't be heard from this distance from the main

- 027 [No - Ha]
  Is the Marine standing on the lower left side of Hold 1, facing directly to
  the east.

- 028 [No]
  Is the Marine patrolling up and down the upper left side of the Hold 2.
  I suggest coming from the south, knocking on the large block while he is
  close to it, then running on the other side of the smaller crates left of
  the large block you knocked on. When he is about to leave, hold him up.

- 028 [Ha], 027 [Ex]
  The Marine patrolling the northwestern portion of the Hold 1.

- 029 [No]
  Is the Marine standing just east/northeast of the right projector in Hold 2.

- 029 [Ha], 028 [Ex]
  Is the Marine standing the northwest corner of Hold 2, facing east.

- 030 [Ha], 029 [Ex]
  Is the Marine patrolling the northeast corner of Hold 2, set apart from the
  main formation.

- 032 [No]
  Is the Marine standing on the left side of Hold 3, facing northeast at Dolph.

- 033 [Ha], 032 [Ex]
  The Marine standing on the left side of Hold 3, set apart from the main

- 034 [Ha], 033 [Ex]
  The Marine roaming Hold 3, south of the catwalk Dolph is on.

---Plant Chapter-----------------

- 000 [AD]
  Obtained from knocking out Snake with the blunt edge of the sword while
  in the Ascending Colon. Knock him out and then drag his body to find it.

- 007 [VE - Ea], 005 [No - Ex]
  Appears upon first entering the area, but disappears afterwards, only to
  return again after completing the Shell 1 Core scenario.

- 010 [VE - Ea], 008 [No - Ex]
  Appears on the BC Connecting Bridge after the boss fight on the Strut E

- 014 [VE - Ea], 012 [No], 012 [Ha - Ex]
  Appears on the CD Bridge after completing the Shell 1 Core scenario.

- 018 [VE], 019 [Ea], 017 [No], 018 [Ha - Ex], 
  Appears on the DE Bridge after completing the Shell 1 Core scenario.

- 020 [VE], 021 [Ea], 020 [No], 022 [Ha], 023 [Ex]
  Appears inside the Level 5 doors on the lower level, which cannot be
  accessed until late in the game. In [Ha], he is walking around the main

- 031 [Ex]
  Appears in Strut F before meeting with Pliskin for the first time.

- 036 [VE], 038 [Ea], 039 [No], 042 [Ha], 044 [Ex]
  Appears on KL Connecting Bridge after bringing Emma out of Shell 2 and
  after the character approaches the long walkway connecting Struts K and L.

- 041 [VE], 041 [No], 044 [No], 047 [Ha]
  Appears in corridor leading to KL Connecting Bridge after bringing the girl
  down the stairs into the lower area on the southern wall. (Remains in that
  corridor until the character ascends the right-most stairs and then the
  guard begins patrolling.)

- 042 [Ea], 045 [No], 048 [Ha]
  Appears in the small corridor on the bottom left wall after Emma is
  brought to the lounge in the northwest corner.

- 046 [No], 049 [Ha]
  Appears coming off the elevator when the character goes into the small
  room just at the south end of the long vertical hallway on the left.

- 042 [VE], 044 [Ea], 048 [No], 051 [Ha], 053 [Ex]
  Obtained from Fatman's body after defeating him.


D.   M i s c e l l a n e o u s

===Guards with Rations===========

This is mostly to benefit those who are playing on [Ex - EE], in which the only
way (usually, that is...) to obtain rations is through holding up or dragging
guards who carry them.

---Tanker Chapter----------------

- Aft Deck, guard on 'ground' level, left side of the area, patrolling near the
  hatch to Deck A, crew's quarters
- Deck A, Crew's Lounge, man in left stairwell (with the flies around him)
- Deck D, Crew's Quarters, man who appears in the 'remote room' (see walk.)
- Deck 2, port, dead tanker worker in orange jumpsuit in the vertical hallway
- Deck 2, port, guard wearing headphones in the northwest corner of the area
- In an exception to the rule, there will be a Ration on the ground during the
  fire fight event on the starboard side of Deck 2


VIII. C o n c l u s i o n


A.   C l o s i n g   N o t e s

Well, that is the guide, ladies and gentlemen. I hope it was helpful and that
you enjoyed the game as immensely as I did.

You may email me if you wish, but if you have a gameplay question, it should
already be answered by this guide. If you still have questions, you can check 
one of the many message boards for the answer to your question. To be
perfectly honest, I am not interested in contributions. No matter how
interesting your little tidbit may be, I probably don't need it - the focus of
this guide is gameplay.

To reiterate, I am not accepting any submissions, especially on the added
features, such as the Missions and Snake's Tales. I wish to uncover it all for
myself, if you please.


B.   V e r s i o n   H i s t o r y

---Version 1.20----------------------

Raiden's VR missions almost complete. Snake's Tale C added. More soliders with
difficult dog tags added, for the Tanker in particular. Consistency checking on
[Ea - Ha]. Added a  "Miscellaneous" appendix for various odds and ends in the
game. Slight formatting changes.

---Version 1.10----------------------

More VR missions added. Snake's Tale B added. (At the rate these things are
going, I'm thinking about spliting those two sections off into seperate
in-depth guides once they are complete, as they are rather larger and unwieldy
attached to the end like they are.) Further consistency checking on [VE] of
the main game. Typo corrections.

---Version 1.00----------------------

First released version. Walkthrough, almost entirely taken from my guide for
the PS2 version, is complete and has been updated, revised, and improved for
the Xbox game. Bonus areas started. Though they are likely correct, I still 
wish to peform a consistency check on various numbers (enemies, items, etc.) 
across the difficulty levels I haven't yet played, and especially add numbers 
for European Extreme. (Most everything thus far has been consistent with the
PS2 numbers.) Noteworthy dog tags need going through and updating. Regardless, 
the main focus of future updates will be on completing the Missions, Snake's 
Tales, and Dog Tags sections.


C.   C r e d i t s

Thanks to Hideo Kojima and his staff for creating a game that can really can be
called a magnificent game, despite it's flaws. My appreciation also extends to 
Konami, the English voice actors, and the composer, Harry Gregson-Williams for
their excellent work.

Thanks to the Metal Gear Solid 2 Game Manual for being a thoroughly useful and
well designed little book and explaining the gameplay so well (for the most

Credit to Robert Goemans for the trick to shoot out the lights, and thus
avoid the 'shadow dagger' in the Vamp fight.

Thanks to Jagboy and Yee Seng Fu for pointing me in the right direction to find
the tunnels in the holds of the tanker.

Credit to Justin Evans for making me aware of the fact that the Thermal Goggles
also appear in B1 of Shell 2 if not obtained in Shell 1 (during the Plant
Chapter, obviously). And to 'fluffy' for pointing out that the goggles also
appear in the pool in the lower portion of the Strut A dock.

I suppose I should give a nod to DEngle's dogtag guide for the use of the
term 'Tough Guys'. (Much cleaner than the term I was using before I read his
guides and decided to use Tough Guys.)


D.   D i s c l a i m e r

Metal Gear(r), Metal Gear Solid(r), and Sons of Liberty(tm) are trademarks of
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. or (c) 1987, 2001, 2002 Konami
Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. All rights reserved.
Any infringement upon KCEJ's rights is unintentional.

This document is under copyright protection and is the property of the author.
This document may not be reproduced (electronically, physically, or otherwise;
in whole or in part) or altered for public use without the author's explicit
permission. All rights reserved.

This document may only be hosted at GameFAQs . Please contact
me at the address below if you see this hosted anywhere other than GameFAQs or
through GameSpot.

Contact :
[Please invoke Joy or Interest, not Anger or Fear!]          [La-li-lu-le-lo!!]


               Copyright (c) Eric "Yushiro" Lamphear 2001 - 2002.
