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Gauntlet Legends

			Final version :

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WELCOME in my walkthrough for this game. Gauntlet Legends is a great action game for the
Dreamcast. It's a game for 1 to 4 players.
In this walkthrough you'll find informations about the game, secrets i have found and that no
one knows.
I want also to say that Gauntlet (the ancestor) was one of my favourite games in years
past because it was less expensive to play with it in arcade and the game was  incredibly long
and difficult (100 levels if i remember correctly).
So refind all this world in a 3D like world is a great emotion for me. I would like to say
more but it's time to learn all what i know about this one.

Version 2.1 : i added some stats and corrected some faults . Also new credits have appeared.
I also changed "strange code" name in special code, it's less weird after all.

Version 2.2 : i added again some stats. I needed the stats of the three last
main character of this game to close the contest.

Final Version : As no one sent anymore stats to me, i think it's time to offer the final
version. It's also a more readable version of the guide. Sorry if it stays unclear for some of
you. After all it's an action game, even if you are stucked you have action while you are
searching for your way.

Here is the program of the next three days you need to complete this game :

1 Review of Gauntlet Legends
2 My personnal choice of character and what you can expect from the other.
3 Boss
4 Multiplayers tips
5 Secrets
6 Walkthrough
7 Bonus characters
8 Game shark codes (Not tested)
9 Credits


When i saw it in Arcade i was surprised. Atari made the impossible.
Another editor can create a dungeon and dragons world in 3D and it's
an action game. The story is really simple. Garm wants to overcome his
brother's, Summer, supremacy and wants to rule the tower. He summons a
demon, Skorn to help him but made a little mistake. The demon escapes and
rise a super army to destroy Summer and take the control of the world of
Gauntlet. We will learn what happened to Garm at the end of the game.
Even if Gauntlet has the story of a classical action game (there is a crazy
one who thinks he can conquer the world) the research in the game and the
adventure are really various.
Also i'll hurt a lot of people but if you want to play with the best Gauntlet
Legends on Dreamcast you must buy the European version of the game. Why ?
i bought the Gauntlet in "US" and it's optimized for a cinch.
Usually i like the cinch more than the RGB, but the american cinch is not the
same as the japanese cinch (i'm quite afraid for Eternal Arkadia).
The color are funny, i searched for the high resolution but i found only a
more colored version of the N64 one. In the european version it's
totally different. The RGB brings the high resolution.
Graphics and especially magic effects are better here and more thin. There's
absolutely NO pixel on the character. All is perfect. You are free to not
believe me but i know what i see. I must admit that sometimes i
found the game a little slower than the US one but it's not sure.
Well in term of presentation Gauntlet has some videos but they are short, too
short to be appreciate. I don't know why the end was cut, or it's probably
because of the Gauntlet Dark Legacy. It's too bad. I have nothing against a
"second strike", even if it's on Play 2, but it's not a reason to cut an end like
that. The worst is that it's clear and there's no TO BE CONTINUED... .
Graphically in RGB the game is wonderful, especially in yellow world and in the
orange one. The color are numerous and the ennemies very various. The magic effects
even if they are more thin, are not equal. The fire and the light are the best.
The bosses in the game are impressive and they require a special technique.
The animation is excellent in a 4 players game and in a one player mode it
depends of the character. Anyway you can increase the speed of your hero and
the difference is real. The boss are not so mobile but in fact it's better like
that. The only problem is to find three friends to play with you.
The sound is incredible. The musics are excellent with a special atmosphere in
each world. There is one music per stage and there's 26
stages so imagine a game that use the atmosphere of Dungeon and Dragon (SAT),
Exhumed (SAT/PLAY) and even a techno atmosphere. Too bad there's no sound test.
The voice in the US version are the same as in the Arcade game, but (another great advantage)
in the european version is that the voices take the nationality of your Dreamcast. And in
French it's completely different. The translation of the voices
is funny and however it is best than the US voices. You must hear it and speak french
to understand this fact but it's true.
The controls are perfect, the character hits quickly, the battle is fun and not so difficult.
When you play a multiplayers game the ennemies double or triple sometimes.
You can choose the difficulty (easy to hard). I appreciate the RPG phase when in a
shop you must choose what to increase (force,armor,speed and magic). The animal that
can help you is also a nice feature of this game.
Yes you have bought one of the best action game in the world. The game is full of items to
search for, false wall, super weapons, combos and multiplayers combos and even you can play
basket ball in one of the stage, so what are you waiting, buy this game and enter in the

GRAPHICS     : 17/20 (US = 15/20)
SOUND        : 18/20 (US = 17/20)
CONTROLS     : 18/20
INTEREST     : 18/20
FINAL NOTE   : 95%



Well you must know that the game is cool with all characters, you'll have an
adaptation time due to the skills of each one but it's just a question of time.
I choose the Green Warrior due to his style and his force. The maximum capacity
are :

                            STR : 999
                            ARM : 600
                          SPEED : 700
                          MAGIC : 500

In terms of HP at level 65 (my final level) i had 7300 if i remember correctly.
It's sufficient to end up the game in easy. The level are here to increase your
HP but not really for your Stats because you can buy the skills in a shop.
The warrior is excellent for a melee and have a correct magic effect range when
he is overcome by the situation.

I play the game with a magician but it's more difficult because he has less power
but a better magic.
The valkyrie is quick but have less power than the warrior. Anyway the game is
fun especially when she growth.
The archer is excellent in long range and top speed but not in close combat. I
don't play a complete adventure with him but with the warrior i had 90% of melee.
I use his shot only for the boss, so people who plays an entire single player game
with an archer have my respect because their skills are different from mine.
I haven't play  with the Jester because i don't like this fantasy but someone
says it has an explosive personna (if you surf on gamefaqs you know who he is) and
i think he is right because all what he said about the other characters was true.
Personally i didn't intend to do a profil of other characters than
mine, so if you find it "light" refer to the other faq.

HOWEVER, if you have increased to the max your character's skills e mail me so i
can add it in my walkthrough. I'm more interested by a comparison of each one when
they have the power of a god. The contest is open.

Thanks to Dan Resing for his stats :

"the red magician, and my maxed out stats are:

          650 strength
          750 speed
          550 armor
          999 magic "

Thanks to Brandyandjere for his stats :

" at level 60 Blue Cavalier Knight.
        My strength is at 750,
        speed is at       700,
        armor is at       850,
        and magic is at   650. "

Thanks to WMSNHOOVER and his brother for their stats :

"I have a dwarf level 62 here are the stats

	Strength 999
	Speed    700
	Armor    750
	Magic    500. "

"My brother has a Jester, here are his stats

	SPEED     850
	ARMOR     600
	MAGIC     625. "

Thanks to Braman6745 for his stats  :

"I play with a Red Tigress, and her stats are:
	Strength : 750
	Speed    : 999
	Armor    : 700
	Magic    : 800."

3 BOSS :

The monsters are too numerous to be described (or so i think) but for the boss
it's different.

GREAT DRAGON : this giant beast can be killed by using the ICE AXE OF UNTAR. Stay
far away from him, shoot and avoid his fireball.

CHIMAERA : (i give this name because it has a better style, CHIMERA is the exact
one) With the SCIMITAR OF DECAPITATION you cut the head that spits fireball. It's
the more powerful head. Again shoot but don't move if you have enough HP.

DJINN : He fears THE MAGIC LAMP but he stays the most difficult boss of the game.

ARACHNA QUEEN : There's no word to describe how ridiculous she is. Use the TOXIC
BELOWS on her.

SKORN : Use the Soul Savior. In the first fight you can hit him with the magic.
No need to move, shoot only.
In the second fight he doesn't fear magic so simply shoot and have 6000 points

4 Multiplayers tips :

In a single player mode play the Valley of Fire to heal yourself. It gives 450
to 500 points per session. At the end of the game the monsters can't hurt you.
In a two or more player mode, read your manual to abuse of the Combo attack. You
must learn also the turbo attack.
If you play with someone who has a great character, all the other players can
load the same so you will be all invincible. Of course it creates a little confusion
but it's a good way to explore the game. I can't imagine four players replaying again
and again valley of fire before a boss fight.
When you choose different characters, choose the complementary and not a Doppleganger
like a Dwarf and a Warrior. If you work like a team you can count on your friend(s).

5 Secrets :

I doubt there is more in the game but it's not impossible.
There is one bonus stage the MAUSOLEUM, which is easy to find (read the walkthrough).
There are five bonus level yes five and not four like the other one said where
you can collect gold and coins. The game is logical and when you find one in a stage
the other is in the symetrical stage except for MAUSOLEUM.
There are five weapons for five boss. But it makes a cross, IE : in red world
you find the weapon for blue boss and in blue world you find weapon for the red boss.
Except for the Soul Savior.
The alter egos are in the game but only for four characters. I don't see the
interest of their presence because they have just a different appearence.
You can play Basket ball with your potion in Stage 5.3.1 : fortress 1. There's the
atmosphere. I don't know if it gives a secret, because throwing potion is difficult
Press A + X to throw a potion. It's not in the manual and it's a shame.

There are 9 obelisks and 13 Rune stones.

The only way i see to have a different end is to increase the character to the
max in hard mode and with the maximum level (if there's one). Then kill again
Skorn but there's absolutely nothing sure. It's not important after all.

Here is a special code : when you have completed the game save and select a new
game. Choose the character you want and then you will see the character you choose
with his best weapon (a golden one). UNFORTUNATELY THE WEAPON DISAPEARED WHEN YOU


Well enough talk, let's finish it. Euh, if i say "follow the way" sometimes it's
because, there's nothing else to do. This game is more an action game than a RPG
and it's up to you to explore at 100% an area. Imagine my walkthrough if i must
describe all the possible ways...

HOW TO SAVE : In the Sumner tower press start and select the menu CHARACTER GESTION
to save and load.

HOW TO OPEN A NEW WORLD : It appears that the blue portal doesn't open automatically after the
death of the dragon. I don't remember of this problem. To avoid the problem maybe you need to
talk to Sumner. You must read the story of each world to open it after a boss fight.
Don't e mail me about this i can't tell more.


1) To obtain your first Rune stone, pass the bridge at the beginning of the stage. Climb the
stairs and break the door. Use the switch and  go down near the bridge to collect it.

2) If you follow the way (it begins) you will see the first obelisk. Use the switch near to
open the jail and illuminate the thing. Then you can find a Familiar near the end of this
stage. Last exit.

1) You will encounter a great golem here. Kill him and look carefully at your screen. Search
for a gray rock and break it.

2) Activate the switch and you will reach the second obelisk. There's nothing else
here and no secret wall, so follow the way to the exit.

1) At the beginning of the stage go south and activate the switch. it will
open a new road with the second rune stone on it. Visit all this part then take
the road of the stone.

2) You will be stucked by a barrier and you see a chest. Open it if you can and then search
for a suspicious looking green wall near. It hides a switch and it opens the barrier.

3) If you go straight, the way to the exit fall so go down and use the switch. Then
go south and search for a yellow wall to activate a switch. Then you can go to the

1) Go right and you will find the third obelisk. Break the gray rock, kill the monster in this
path. At the entrance you see a small gray rock, break it to use a switch and reach the

2) You can find the SCIMITAR here. SEARCH for a switch that exchanges two plateforms, follow
the new way provided and search for a dead end with the sword and the thunder shield. Then you
can exit of here.

1) At the beginning of the stage, near a barrel, break a suspicious wall to deactivate the
force field around the third rune stone. After you kill a golem you find a switch and you can
take the rune.

2) Then after a short battle you'll reach a giant clock. Use it to discover new paths. Find
the exit but don't take it. Search for a breakable wall and activate the switch. Now use the
plateform near the exit, it goes down and you see a wooden door, the bonus level 1. Then you
can exit.

You need a level 16 or around if you want to fight him now, without the
axe. Stay far and shoot. You can use the rock to protect yourself but it won't be a
good shield each time. When the dragon hits the ground, run and you will not fall.


1) A bridge leads you to a switch which activate the mill. Then the water goes up and you can
take a new way. When you are blocked by a door, search for the blue wall on the left of the
hero to use a switch.

2) There is another blue wall you must break. Just after a blue circle on the ground go to the
left of the hero to activate the switch that gives the Rune stone.

3) Later a gray rock hides a switch which allows you to lower a bridge. Just after
that bridge, destroy the gray rock to activate the switch which opens the way to the
obelisk but avoid the death. Then you can exit.

1) Destroy everything here and look at the gate, it closes. Take the bridge and follow the
way. You cannot miss the obelisk, i add it's impossible.

2) Then you will arrive near a short serie of teleport warps.

3) You must find three switches (two are easy to find behind a false wall near the stairs) and
then you can reach the third protected by a beast arm.

4)Last after another wooden path you will reach the exit.

1) Here the monsters are weak, or my fighter is really strong. The first trap is a ground that
appears with a switch. Search around for a path. Then climb the stairs.

2) You arrive in a room with a cauldron. Use the other stairs and go left to find an elevator.
Use all of them to reach a switch. Then go down to the room with
the cauldron and search for another switch. Then a wall disappears and you can find the fifth
rune stone.

3) You will explore the stage until you find stairs with the death.
Go right of this stairs and break a wall. Enter the room and destroy the false wall on the
left. Use the switch. Now you can use the stairs with the death and reach the end of the

4) Hep not so fast! Under the stairs is a thunder hammer and the wooden door of Bonus level 2.
Then climb this final stairs and exit.

1) This stage is fairly simple. Follow the way and use all switches.

2) At the end of the stage you will discover the sixth rune stone. South of the
exit is the obelisk and left of the obelisk is the entrance to the Mausoleum behind a
false wall.

1) The secret is to use all the switches, especially at the end of the stage.

2) When you can't use a switch, continue the way and search for other switches. Later you will
come to the switch you couldn't use automatically and use it.

3) The last switch is under the left foot of a statue. Then you can exit. After that complete
the Treasure of the castle and exit.

1) Follow the ways by using wooden bridges. You will notice an inaccessible switch. Locate the

2) Down of the last stairs is a false wall. Break it and activate the switch. A plateform will
go up, full of rats. Activate the inaccessible switch to go up with a plateform. Destroy the
wall on your left and activate the new switch. The ICE AXE will appear. When you take it, the
acid will cover all the level. Use the plateform to reach quickly the exit. You will lose 15
to 20 HP. Then you can exit.

DUNGEON OF CHIMERA : Use the Scimitar to cut the fire head, then don't move and
cut the other heads by shooting.


1) Follow the way and kill everyone. The obelisk is on the road and again you can't miss it.
2) When you are blocked after you activate a switch, wait a little and by miracle stairs will
appear from nowhere. If you see monster it's that you are on the good way.

RUNE STONE 7 : you see one switch and another one behind a false wall. Activate
the switch behind the false wall first. Then the other. You will see a third switch. Pass the
door. Destroy the rock immediately on the left. Collect the stone. Now exit.

1) This stage is simple. First break the ground by using the switch, then go down the new
path, open the barrier to arrive near the rune stone.

2) To obtain the rune stone here, activate the first pillar by walking on it. Then search in
the waterfall for a switch for the second pillar. Walk on the pillar and take the stone.

3) Continue to search for a switch to open the access to the path under you, explore
that path and you arrive on the other side of the great fissure. Go up to use a switch
then down in another path. It opens ,after playing with mountains (up and down when you
walk on it), the exit.


1) In this level you need again to play with the switches. Search for all the secret walls.
You will eventually encounter a switch that rises a plateform  and lower it. Go down with the
plateform, you will reach a false wall.

2) After 2 switches you must take the path that leads to the south. A weird switch rotate a
wall, run in the wall during the rotation to reach the good path.

3) The obelisk is near a switch which can make appear and disappear a bridge. When you will
see a broken bridge on your way, walk on the left (it's not so evident to see).

4) Just near the end is the wooden door of bonus level 3. Last you can exit.

1) With the anti death power, kill the death. Then use a switch, pass the barrier.

2) You'll play with other switches and a plateform will go up. Take the plateform and use the
switch. It opens the path to the obelisk.

3) You will open a path to a pool with spikes inside. The switch is behind you and not in this
path. Climb upstairs and activate another switch. Then go down to the path i mentioned
and take a plateform which goes up.

4) Before you pass a closed door use the other way and kill everyone until you use a switch.
It adds a bridge on your way. Then pass the door and use the new way.

5) Activate 2 switches go down and between two walls you will find the TOXIC BELLOWS. Go right
and search for a false wall to find Rune stone 9.

6) Take the good path and search for a switch that illuminates a circle on the ground on the
left of the golem (you must destroy it). Then the ground moves. 2 more switches will activate
a new path and the final switch is behind a false wall (the one that looks like a monster).
The wall goes up when you are near it. Then you can exit.


1) The main way has a lot of sub ways. Complete them in order of appearance.

2) Follow the way until you are completely stucked. Then find stairs and play with the switch
of the acide swamp. The way will be unlocked.

3) Play with the switch again until stairs appear. Go again in the swamp and destroy
the false wall, climb the other stairs and exit.

1) Follow the way. When you will have to choose between 2 elevators go
straight first, activate a switch then come back and use the left elevator.

2) You will see the rune stone but you cannot take it. To obtain it you must follow the normal
way and use all the switches. There is a switch hidden in a log near the rune stone.

3) Then On the bridge, take the elevator. Then you will see some plateforms, use a switch
which goes up a log full of arachnas. Go on it. There is a switch there (false wall), activate
it. Then you will come in the path you know.

4) Go to the rune stone and collect it. Now go again to the fork of elevator. Go again
straight and then down to a new path. Activate the switch and then go north and exit.

1) Here you will have frequently to make a return journey. Keep this in mind.

2) The 11th rune stone is far in this stage. It is near a place with switches on
logs. You will see a lot of logs with switches. You must use them all. Then
go to the path up and take the stone.

3) Later you will see a wall of creeper, break it but don't touch the switch now. Use the
switch of the normal way then come back to this one. You will go up. When you will walk on the
log the first switch will unlock bonus level 4.

5) Go to the normal path and search for a switch that opens the barrier. Last you will exit.

1) The way here is very complicated to explain. so sorry. You must know that the Lamp is not
hidden. It awaits you on a leaf south of a crossroad.

2) The last rune stone of this world is just behind a big green leaf near the exit.
Then you can exit.


Now you can use the lamp to kill him (i was at level 46). Run when he shots and shot when he
searches for you.

Shoot her from a distance. (i was at level 48).

Then search,in the tower of Summer, for the teleport gate near him.

1) First destroy the generator by following the way. When you must stop, you can
use the switches to see their effects. Switch them on in the order of appearence.

2) Then you will come in a square room. Then you will meet a room where the ground
falls. Go left and break the wall to collect the soul savior. Then go right to the

SKORN'S ALTAR : Boss fight. Shoot him and don't move. If you have enough HP he
will die.


1) Go down in the trench. You must find 2 switches. Then look for a plateform on the right
which leads to a third switch.

2) Explore the area and go again in a new trench. You must find one switch.

3) In the last part go up by using a plateform and a switch then go down by the same way.
4) LAST use another plateform to go up and activate the last switch. Now you can exit.

There's absolutely nothing special here, follow the ways
provided by the switches.

The rule is simple here. Follow the path, activate a switch, when you are stucked search for a
breakable wall. It works perfectly.

The rule is the same, no need to explain, just run as fast as you can.

1) Here you will find the last rune stone at the end of the stage. But
before that you can play basket ball with your potions, believe me it's ultra hard.

2) For the stone, you will activate a switch that moves up the plateform with the stone.
Then advance and activate two more switches to lower the plateform of the
stone. Ouf. Now you must exit to the next stage.

1) Here is the fifth bonus level. You will find a place in this stage with 3 iron plates full
of tacks. Use the way to go on the other side and break a wall in front of you. There's a
switch. Use it and a path to the bonus level 5 opens.

2) By using more switches you will exit of here. To open the exit walk on the plateform down
and it will go up and open the mouth. Believe me there's nothing else to say about this round.

NOW save your game. Heal yourself and collect 2700 gold, 9 potions and 9 key.

(i was at level 65 when i won). In hell there's no gold and no secrets.
There's no secret walls. The path is ultra clear. It's a super melee fight with all
the strongest creatures of the game. After a long fight you will arrive in front of
a door guarded by a golem, avoid the golem and use all the switches. Then pass the
door and exit. IN THE SHOP :
BUY A THREE WAY SHOT AND 2 GROWTH POWER, you can add a reflective shot and a
gold invincibility but you need more gold for this. Note that with a dwarf, only
2500 HP will be lost during the fight.

Final boss. It's a question of HP here. Shoot until he dies. If
you failed you will find yourself in the tower of Summer with all the experience
points and HP you had before this major fight. So try again and again until you win.
I do this two times only.

WELL, the end is cut like i said above and i don't know if there's an alternate ending. It
seems not because of Gauntlet Dark Legacy. Thank you ATARI for this stupid end. I don't
understand why Gauntlet Dark Legacy was not released for the Dreamcast but i think it's really
stupid to cut the story in two on two different machines. Except for that and the
healing technique in valley of fire all was perfect.
There's a last possibility to change the end, play the hell in a four players
mode after you obtain four gods in hard mode and maybe, but there's nothing official,
you will see a true end.


7 Bonus characters

Reach level 25 with each of the four original characters to unlock Falconess,
Minotaur, Tigress, and Jackal. Load your level 25 character and start a new
one through character management. Hold Turbo and you will notice your
character has turned into its counterpart. For example, Barbarian becomes
Minotaur and Wizard becomes Jackal. They can be selected with any color.

Maximum levels
Note: A controller with an auto-fire feature is useful for this trick. Begin
a game in the first level in the mountain world. Go to the first set of
stairs. Stand in front of the stairs and keep holding Fire. Unlimited green
trolls will keep coming at you. Leave the game in this position for as long
as needed to maximize your levels. Warning however : it can freeze the game...

Full pause screen
Pause the game and press X + Y.

Allow the game to idle for a short time and a screensaver will appear.

8 Game Shark Codes

Player 1 Codes :
Infinite Magic 7475DF39
Infinite Keys 2D276F7E
Infinite Gold F2599ABC
Infinite Turbo ADDB5DAA
Max Strength 7EEDDF3E
Max Speed C683EBC4
Max Armor F7019ABA
Max Magic 491213F5

Player 2 Codes :
Infinite Health 110C1AA9
Infininte Magic F4899ABE
Infinite Keys D9B88FE7
Infinite Gold DAA88FE7
Infinite Special Attack 65E36779
Max Strength 70FDDF38
Max Speed 36F9287D
Max Armor A9DB5DAB
Max Magic F9119ABC

Player 3 Codes :
Infinite Health F9119AB0
Infinite Magic BED636BB
Infinite Keys 6C7B6777
Infinite Gold 90B806C1
Infinite Turbo 36F92871
Max Strength F3019AB1
Max Speed DDF08FE8
Max Armor 551F7B60
Max Magic 88FB8137

Player 4 Codes :
Infinite Health 9DE006C4
Infinite Magic 8B738133
Infinite Keys 56977B64
Infinite Gold 4F4A13FA
Infinite Turbo 3C992874
Max Strength F5119AB3
Max Speed C433EBCD
Max Armor 3AF92872
Max Magic 8EEB8135

9 Credits :

All this walkthrough is copyright 2001.
Thanks to MIDWAY for the european version of the game.
Thanks to the guy who create the other faq, i found the Ice axe with his help.
Thanks to Napalm who checked this walkthrough.
Thanks to SSJ4SCO for the gameshark codes & bonus characters hints.
Thanks to Punnisher83 for the special code.
Thanks to Dan Resing and Brandyandjere for their stats.
Thanks to WMSNHOOVER and his brother for their stats.

You can send me your commentary and suggestion, be sure i'll give the credit to you.

                                                        It's time to close this