Confidential Mission

			VERSION 1.3 : 

Welcome to my new guide. You are probably curious to know what i can say for a
shooting game, so don't wait and read this guide.

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Version 1.1 : I finished the game in very and easy mode.
Version 1.2 : Added new details about stages in the walkthrough, a new tips
(thanks to Logan) and details about the training. If there is a top agent who
knows how to unlock the last secrets, e mail me at 
Version 1.3 : i added a new tips.

Program : 

1 Review
2 Characters
3 Boss
4 The 2 players mode
5 Agent academy
6 Secrets
7 Walkthrough
8 Credits

1 Review : 

Here we go with this new shooting game. CM is based on the engine of Vitrua Cop
but it reminds me more House of the Dead 2 for the quality. Yes, the true
purpose of this review is not to say if it's a good game or not, it's to say if
the game is better or not than old HotD 2. The story is the same as in Golden 
Eye. A
terrorist, Agares, stole the control of a satellite. 2 agents, Howard Gibson and
Jean Clifford, are hired to save the world. Hitmaker has created an excellent
game with an atmosphere identical to James Bond.
The presentation is a FMV quite different of what we can see usually. Even if
it's a short one, it's like in Code Veronica for the quality. It's a vision of
the future.
Graphically the game surprised me. I didn't pay attention to the arcade game. I
found it horrible and i didn't expect a good game on my DC. I suppose that the 
DC game is
more beautiful than the arcade game (like Soulcalibur was). Foes in the game are
various : you can shoot a cop or different types of terrorists and soldiers, as
for the hostages : you never see the same. Hitmaker pushes the quality to offer
new hostages in each stage. The number of sprites changes with the difficulty
level. My only regret concerns the number of stages, only 3.
The animation is in 60 fps. Not only the scrolling but also for all sprites in
the game. Look at the ennemy's animation : he can dive, he awaits you in your
back, he moves quickly, he hides behind a bar. In fact, he is alive and it's
hard for our eyes to look at all details. There is absolutely nothing common
with House of the dead 2, Virtua Cop 2 and Death Crimson 2. They are all very
slow compared to CM. The camera's movements are incredible.
The musics are excellent. They bring, for the 3 main themes, different
atmospheres. One music reminds me Rolling Thunder 2 on Genesis. The voice acting
is cool but once again the mouth didn't move. We cannot appreciate the scenes at 
100 %.
Controls in the game are minimum : shoot and reload. However don't expect to
press A+B to never reload. This a realistic game, you must shoot with precision
and reload after you count the number of bullets. In fact it's better like that.
In other game it was at least difficult to play an entire game without making a
pause or two (and even 15 pauses if necessary...). I really appreciate the
difference. Mini games in stages bring unexpected situation and change the next
scene if you succeed or not. They contribute greatly to the fun and the
originality. The training is optimized for the gun, but with the speed function 
of the pad,
it's possible to make it.
So, is it the best ? HotD 2 was long and very difficult. This one is funniest,
smoothest and easy to play. In fact he gains in interest. HotD 2 was quite 
cause of the difficulty. CM is also more beautiful than Death crimson 2 and the
boss are more original and impressive. I really think that Hitmaker has reached
a new step in the programmation of the Dreamcast. Yes CM is the first game of
the second generation and that's why i think it is better than HotD 2. 

GRAPHICS     : 19/20
ANIMATION    : 19/20
SOUND        : 17/20
CONTROLS     : 16/20
INTEREST     : 20/20
FINAL NOTE   : 96 %

							ADK, the new James Bond
							of video games.

2 Characters : 

HOWARD GIBSON : He is THE secret agent. Always serious, he never miss an ennemy.
he wants to capture ,or kill, Agares to complete his confidential mission. Sorry
but what he plans for holidays is ... confidential.

JEAN CLIFFORD : It's not a very beautiful woman, but i admit she is quite cute.
She has her style in fact. She is the best partner Howard can expect in all his
life. Fortunately for Howard, she knows what fun means. She reminds me Emma Pil,
the partner of John Steed.

3 Boss : 

About the boss : They change and gain new attacks according to the difficulty 

THE FAT MAN : He is slow and easy. As he is not powerful, he always runs from
you to activate devices. He also lets a lot of cops and terrorists die to
protect him.

TANKER + JETCOPTER : You must shoot both. When you can, hit and destroy the
jetcopter. It will fall on the tanker and decreased its power. They can be
accompagnied by snow mobiles in harder level.

AGARES : He is hard to shoot and hard to kill. He wears an armor and when he is
in danger he becomes invisible. Don't despair, after him is the end of the game.

4 The 2 players mode : 

There are two types of 2 players mode.

ARCADE : Begin a 1 player game and ask to a friend to press start when he can.
This 2 players mode is the same as in Virtua Cop 2.

ORIGINAL : Enter in the Partner menu. You can choose the number of bullets and
the life of each partner to create a handicap or to help a beginner. Then in the
game, each ennemy appears in pink or blue. If he is pink, player 1 must kill
him. If he is blue, Player 2 must kill him. It's a cooperative game and it
determines if you know what is the team's spirit.

5 Agent academy : 

Here is the training. Each section offers a level 1, a level 2 and a simulation.
I found that the sentences used here are ... extreme. You will understand later
by playing this training. If you haven't a gun, you must used the speed option
(Press R to speed up the cursor) to succeed.

Justice shot : The goal is to shoot the arm of the ennemy. 
Judgement    : You must kill ennemies in the correct order.
Reflexes     : You must shoot the target. 
Who's the ennemy : Shoot the ennemy and not the hostages.
Timing       : You must shoot ennemies between hostages.
Combo shot   : You must perform a 3 hits combo on each ennemy.

Here are the challenges that await you. 

6 Secrets : 

It's not a tips, it's in the manual, but i say it here just in case you don't
read the manual. To regain one life you need to shoot a C, a M and a F. Once you
have at least one of them you gain a life.

To unlock the stage select, Finish the game in easy mode (or higher level).

To unlock the Another world menu, Finish the training mode (training 1,2 and
simulation). This tips was submitted by Logan and is confirmed by him.

To unlock 12 new exercises in the agent academy, complete the another world 

Display off ?

Credits in the option menu ?

7 Walkthrough : 

Your mission is to go inside the museum and to discover what the terrorists are

Scene 1 : You will shoot four guys.
Scene 2 : In this corridor you meet hostages and terrorists.
Scene 3 : Evolution room : kill all the cops and use the grenade to make a three
	  hits combos.
Scene 4 : Mini game 1 : The fat man releases a toxic gas on you. You must shoot
          all five targets. If you succeed, the poison will affect you a short 
time, if
	  you failed of course...
Scene 5 : You exit here, kill 8 guys.
Scene 6 : Once outside kill 2 guys. Then you must take the rifle to kill easily
	  the next serie of terrorists. 
Mini game 2 : You must shoot the target with the rope launcher the first once.
	      If you succeed, you join the boss quickly. If you failed You arrive 
in a
	      new scene.
Scene 7 : Now shoot in the stone tablets room, if you succeed.
Scene 7b: If you failed you will shoot in a warehouse. this scene is hard.
Scene 8 : You are in front of the entrance of the museum.
Scene 8b: It's the same decor after the warehouse but you will shoot terrorists 
on the
	  roof and not in front of the museum (after the warehouse scene).

Scene 9 : BOSS : THE FAT MAN : 
The only difficulty is to shoot the rockets before they hit you. The rest is a
question of timing and precision. Note that the fat man is hardest if you failed 
in mini game 2.

Your mission is to save Irina a russian scientist. She knows how to programmate
the satellite. If you save her, we will discover where the ennemy's base is.

Scene 1 : You begin to save Irina.
Scene 2 : Take the rifle and shoot them all.
Scene 3 : Descent the stairs and shoot.
Scene 4 : Now you choose to take another way to avoid the men of Agares.
Scene 5 : On the roof, shoot the snow mobiles. It's hard without a rifle so 
	  miss it. Also don't expect to touch them when they are hidden by snow. 
There are
	  no bugs here.
Scene 6 : Mini game 3 : Press B repeteadly to save Irina. If you succceed, you
	  will shoot upside down in the next scene. If you failed, it will be a 
Scene 7 : Upside down shooting/normal scene. 
Scene 8 : Another restaurant.
Scene 9 : The last cariage.
Scene 10 : The roof again.
Scene 11 : Mini game 4 : You must shoot the ring to split the train into two
	   parts and secure Irina. If you failed, you will shoot some guys and 
	   Howard will secure Irina automatically.
The general arrives in his tank. Shoot the machine gun of the jetcopter to 
destroy it.
This boss is really different in very easy and easy (and in higher level).
In easy mode, there are snow mobiles to shoot. There is nothing more in very 
hard mode.
Anyway, you need precision to shoot the rockets before they hit the train, 
especially in very hard mode.

Now that you have found Agares, you have two choices : capture him or kill him.
Scene 1 : You begin to slide in a tunnel, very fun of course but don't forget to
	  shoot the machine gun.
Scene 2 : In this room, shoot the guys who come out of the hole.
Scene 3 : You are on the way to the dock. Don't shoot the scientists.
Scene 4 : The (very) huge dock. 

Scene 5 : BOSS : AGARES : 
Phase 1, chase him and shoot when it's possible. He will use little robots to
fire rockets, so be very quick.
Phase 2, he will become invisible. When the screen turns white, he appears and
then shoot him before he injures you with his saber. You will finish him very

Scene 6 : It's not over. The ennemy escapes with his submarine. You must shoot
it by using the satellite control device.
Mini game 6 : Even if you are alone, you must synchronize the target of Howard
with the one of Jean on the submarine. It's the only way to see the true end. 

If you failed, you will see the short bad ending.
If you succeed prepare to laugh a lot with the true ending (from the beginning
to the end).  

8 Credits : 

Thanks to Hitmaker for this game.
Thanks to Kyapiko for playing with me the cooperative mode.
Thanks to Logan for the another world tips.

This guide is copyright 2001, ask for permission to post it in your site. 
