Troya - Historical Mystery Adventure 1186 (e)


Welcome to this walkthrough for a typical unknown game of the dreamcast. This is
an educative one, yes an educative game. It seems that the japanese like the
story of the horse of troya. The game is full of references, movies of excellent
quality with a cute girl to explain all to us. What really good is the PC style
of this game. It looks like Atlantis of Cryo and has a great atmosphear.

Here is the summary :



The first time i watch this game on my TV i can't believe what i saw. It was a
surprised to play to a real PC game made by japanese. The story is simple, in a
world not so different of ours, the japanese has created the kinkiou program to
"visit" a chapter of history. We can change anything, we are just a visitor.
unfortunately they didn't think to the consequences. The program disturb the
normal course of history. Troya the educative, become Troya the dangerous where
you must live the week before it was destroy. The history has changed and your
mission is to save your life and discover who is the mysterious girl that calls
you in your dream.
The presentation is so cool in Troya. I like the movie. The cinematic seems old
but if you look at how we draw an egyptian of antiquity or simply a worker, it's
the same thing. The spirit is here even if it's not very good.
The graphics are excellent. The first person view offers a large field. The city
is cool and various and you don't meet two times the same people.
The animation is not very fast. The game can do a fast animation, as we can see
it in the last scene, but during the game the progression is slowed by the speed
of the scrolling.
The sound is impressive, especially the voice acting. When you are far of people
you didn't hear what they say, the voice volume increase when you approach. Each
Troyan can talk of his story. You can learn a ot of informations. But it's in
japanese. There is no music except in some scene, they are normal.
The maniability is good but i think that it could be better sometimes.
In fact the problem is the interest. The game use a well balanced technic, but
the long cinematic and the animation spoil the fun of the game. Also all is in
japanese and alone you will want to sleep during the cinematics. be sure that a
friend is with you. I played the game alongside kyapiko and without him i think
that this faq will never be complete. This game stays very rare, i have seen two
in France, i have one and the other belongs to kyapiko, so you must know that it
exists and if you wish o buy it, just in case i make the guide.

GRAPHICS     : 14/20
ANIMATION    : 12/20
SOUND        : 17/20
INTEREST     : 12/20
FINAL NOTE   : 80%



PLAYER : you have no name and can't enter one in the game. It's up to you to
build a character that people in Troya can trust.

CASSANDRA : is the sister of Helen. You must find her cause she is the one on
the cover and the one of your dream.

HELENE OF TROYA : She is Paris lover. In this story peace can be real if Paris
marry Helene. Priam wants to conquer Troya but if his son marry Helene, the
problem won't exist any longer. It's completely different from the real story.

KING HECTOR : is the father of Helenos and Helene. He likes Paris and help him
to see his daughter, he wants peace with the Mikene empire of Priam.

PARIS OF MIKENE : He loves Helene and take care of her. On the contrary of
history, he didn't build the horse of Troya to knidnapped her, he wasn't aware
about this horse. He actually think it's a gift from his father.

HELENOS : I don't remember of him in history, maybe he is true, maybe not.
Anyway he suffers to not become the new king of Troya cause his sister will
marry before him.

ERG : this mysterious ninja helps you in your quest to save Troya. He looks
familiar no ?

GUID : is the guy you need to drag during all teh game. Unfortunately he will
not die and til the end you will think that he is a millstone round your neck.

BILANIAN : is the bad guy of this story, completely unreal, he is not in history
and was created for this game. He is a spy that works for Priam.


You will live one week in Troya. You can save between each day and fortunately
everytime you want. Just press Start and save. It's useful especially at the end
of the game.

Be sure that you have some cake and a friend with you cause sometimes this game
has very long cinematics.

DAY 1 : 

1 : You return in the past by using the kinkiou program.
2 : Guid says hello then you follow him in a bar.
He shows a map of Troya and the place you must visit. Look carefully cause there
is no text and no other clue. Push B and begin to play after you learn the news
in the city.
3 : Turn left and go to a wooden door to access a new quarter of the town.Here go
straight to two people in black clothes for a cinematic. Then search the
painting of the world. Click on it to hear Guid showing Troya and the Mikene
capitals (Acaya and Spart). exit of here.
4 : Just near here is a place with a big circle, visit it and exit.
Now go north and turn left when you can. Here you find 2 doors, visit the place
behind both in the order you wish.
5 : Exit, go left and visit the corner of the town.
6 : Come back to where you can see some guards and walls, find an exit on the right
in the hole of the big wall to a new quarter.
In this quarter search a place where you can play a mini game. It's a terrible
one, lose it or win it it doesn't change anything. Exit of this quarter.
Cutscene where you meet Helenos. He has seen you and you disturb him. After that
you go home.
7 : During the night go to the bar then to your home to complete this day.


DAY 2 : 


1 : Guide shows the place you must visit today. Look carefully.
2 : Return to where you played the mini game, search a door with a guard and pass
3 : Advance until you can turn left or right. Turn left to look at the bridge
(scene), now you can use the other way. You find a monument build for Hector the
king. Look at each stone around to learn some history, there are a horse, a woman
and a shell.
4 : exit of here and of this quarter to return in the military section (where you
met Helenos). Pass a door with a guard in front of it.
5 : you arrive in a new part of Troya. Pass a door and a corridor. Talk to an old
man to learn the story of Paris. Exit by the right of the old man.
6 : Return to the part with a circle place then return to the monument. Look at it,
and exit. Guid wants to go to the toilets.


7 : You meet Paris in a scene. Guide return to the toilets.
8 : During the night, Erg talk. This time enter the second door on the left of the
bar. Inside pass a door with a horse on it to meet Erg. Long cut scene.
9 : return home to sleep.



DAY 3 : 

1 : You find a word and go in the public shower. Once the voice stops, exit. Guide
Mini game 2 : Use A to accelerate but press it wisely to economize the energy of the
horse. You must win or Guide will kill you.
2 : you have gained an access to a new part of Troya.
3 : You are in Ilyon, you see a big hole. You enter a house and eat with the royal
4 : Helenos takes you to the exit and in your new home. What a mansion.
5 : It's time to collect infos about Cassandra. Find a man, bald with a bear and talk
to him.
6 : Continue straight to meet Bilanian.
7 : Return home to end this day.

FMV : THIRD VISION OF CASSANDRA. (In danger this time).


DAY 4 :

1 : Guide has the pass to meet Cassandra.
2 : A guy takes you to an old man. Talk, then the guy takes you to a new place.
3 : You can advance then turn left and go straight. Pass the door.
4 : You are in a corridor with a hole on the roof. The guy with you visit the place
5 : Remember carefully the way you use to go outside. Advance to a large place.
6 : Scene where you discover that Bilanian and helenos are traitors.
7 : Run to the exit. Scene, Cassandra opens a warp for you.
8 : You return to home and explain what happened to an old man (he is named Mustassa).
You haven't any proof for the moment.
9 : Go in Ilyon and pass between two pillars near the big hole. You see Cassandra.
10 : You meet her at least in a house. Long scene.
11 : In the night you come to see Cassandra but she has been kidnapped. Go where you
eat with the royal family and find her clothes and a key with a lion on it.
12 : Return to Cassandra's house and from there search a door with the lion on it.
Enter. Use the stairs here. Long scene + FMV. Erg saves everyone.



DAY 5 : 

You find a word. Go in Cassandra's house. Cassandra takes you to Mustassa's house. He
is not here. look at the stone, it moves and you see he is dead. Helenos comes and
arrest you (it was a trap). Long scene. helenos send you in prison. the soul of
Cassandra appears.


DAY 6 : 

The horse of Troya is ready.
1 : Guide comes to see you. He shows a map of Troya and what to do.
2 : You escape and look at the horse.
3 : Walk and turn right before the guard. Find your way (a FMV occurs when you reach
the good place) to the military section. Then use the only possible way and go
straight. Search a door on the right and pass it.
4 : move to the left (FMV) and pass the door. Now Guide plays with the guard. Enter
Helenos's house.
5 : Pass the dark brown door. In the underground you must find 3 items. Search on the
shelf of the room each time. Exit of here. guide find the plan by using 2 of the 3
items. Long scene.


DAY 7 : 

Long scene. The war begins. Meanwhile Guide gives the proof that Helenos is a
traitor and not Cassandra. Bilanian arrives. helenos explains that he wants to be the
king. Cassandra arrested and if Paris never married Helene all is possible. But
Bilanian is also a traitor and used Helenos ambition to conquer Troya in the name of
Priam. Bilanian wants to burn this town and the royal family. Nothing can stop him.
Suddenly Erg arrives, in fact it's Paris, the son of Priam. When all burn you escape.
Hector and his wife died. Then it's the turn of Helenos. Last Helene and Paris died.
You must fight to save Cassandra and Guide. Look at the body of a dead soldier. you
find a sword.


Pass the door.

ACTION SCENE 1 : Press A at the good time and one once to succeed. 


Pass the door at the end of the path.


Now go on the bridge and use the head of the horse to go down (you see a box on the
right, be in front of it and click on it to look at the scene).


Go right then pass under a hole without flame, turn left then use another hole to
reach a house. Enter it.



Bilanian is alive. He wants to kill Cassandra. you escape by a warp. here in the
tunnel is a trap. After the scene run in the corridor and activate 4 switchs. Once in
front of the fifth a scene begins.

When Bilanian says IMADAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!, use the fifth switch. there are 2 ends
to see. So once you can move save first.

If you go straight you look at the best end with a beautiful Cassandra. In fact you
decide to live with her and Guide decides to fight against the last guard to free

If you turn right in the light, you exit of the kinkiou program. This ending is...
there is no word to describe it.

Once you have see the two endings, save after the credits.

Now you have all the reference, including the movies. If you press start you have
also a select round and an access to all the mini game. 

Congratulations, you have completed this game. 



I thank Kyapiko cause we play the game together. It's better to have a friend with
you when you played this kind of game, believe me.
I thank Sega for this lesson of history even if it's not the exact one.

This walkthrough is copyright 2001, as usual ask the permission before posting it on
your site. 

See you soon in other of my walkthrough.