Dragon Ball Z Shin Butouden (e)

Here is the updated DBZ Saturn faq

     Henry LaPierre

 000000000   0000000000        00000   0000000      0000000  0000    000000
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      0        00        0   0        0        0     0    0000000   00   
       0     0 0          0 0          00000000    0    0         0 0
        0  0  0            0                     0    00000000000  0
         0    Dragonball Z  Shin Butouden      0                  0
              The fighting game              000000000000000000000
              F.A.Q. for the Sega Saturn
              By Henry LaPierre                           2nd edition

Dragonball Z for the Sega Saturn is a two dimensional fighting game that 
allows the characters to travel great distances from each other by way of 
a split screen. Like the Genesis and Super Nintendo versions of the 
Dragonball games, the split screen allows each side to scroll 
independently. There is also the ability to fight on two different 
planes. By using the float/land button your character is able to jump up 
into the sky and fight from a hovering position, or land and fight from 
the ground. The screen will automatically split when the two characters 
are on different planes from one another. The Saturn version is not semi 
three dimensional like the Playstation, however each character has the 
ability to knock their opponent, or move themselves into the background. 
When this happens the screen's background will rotate 90 degrees. This 
will cause a different background picture. Some backgrounds have upwards 
of three sections that you can rotate four times each before seeing the 
same background picture. That makes for some stages with twelve different 
background pictures. You fight single round matches, but your character 
can have upwards of three health bars worth of life. Your character also 
has a power meter which you can charge up at any time during the match. 
The power is used for the energy attacks in the game. The bigger the 
attack, the more power you need to have. Because of the area in which you 
can go in the matches, there is no time limit. There are twenty seven 
different fighters to choose from in any of the versus modes, twenty two 
in the one player game. The game uses five buttons in the default 
setting, six if you put dash left and dash right on seperate buttons 
(highly recomended). The X, Y, and Z buttons are used, but mainly just 
for character selection (unless you change the default controller 
setting). Now on to the F.A.Q.

New to this edition:
I fixed some typos, and added 15 previously undiscovered moves,
most of which were meteo attacks.

            Dragonball Z  Shin Butouden for the Sega Saturn

Turn the power to the Sega Saturn on with your Dragonball Z game in. An 
animated intro will run, showing all twenty seven fighters. This 
animation is actually a cropped version of the intro that runs on the 
Playstation Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 27 game. After the animation 
runs the title screen will appear. Pushing start on the title screen 
brings you to a selection screen. This selection screen has the following 
              battle mode..........regular type matches
              tournament mode......8 players compete to find a champion
              Mr. Satan mode.......bet on fights to get him out of debt
              options..............change certain game settings

Start, A or C accepts a choice, B declines.

   Choosing options brings you to option board 1
      This is the controller configuration screen. It looks like this:
   player 1             player 2    player 1             player 2
      ?....punch...........?           ?....dash w/pad......?
      ?....kick............?           ?....dash right......?
      ?....energy attack...?           ?....dash left.......?
      ?....float/land......?           ?....back to default.?

To change the controller settings, highlight what you would like to 
change and press the button that you would like it to be on. That 
button's initial will then appear beside it on the corrosponding players 
side. To advance to the next option board, highlight option #1 and press
right on the directional pad.

Option Board 2 is the settings board.
   You can change the following:

      difficulty.........easy, normal, severe, super (normal is default)
      help commands......on/off (on is default)
      music test.........0-38 different music samples
      sound test.........0-967 different samples
      background music...mono/stereo/off (mono is default)
      meters and radar...on/off (on is default)

The Help Commands are diagrams of the moves for the two characters 
currently battling. It is brought up by pausing the game. In a two player 
match, one player hits start, which causes the word pause to flash on the 
screen. If the other player accepts the pause by hitting start at this 
time, the help commands will then appear.

Option Board 3
This is the controller test screen.
   You can see if your controller is working properly. Whatever 
   direction, or button you press, is shown in a picture of the controller.
   To exit the controller test board, hold start and press left or right
   on controller one.

The Command Help Board
   This board shows the name and diagrams for ten of each characters 
   moves or attacks. Push down to highlight the characters names, then left
   or right to select a character. Down then cycles through the moves.
   In case you don't know the characters by their japanese written names,
   they appear on the command help screen in this order:
      Super Saiyajin Son Gokou   (default)
      Super Saiyajin Son Gokou to the 3rd power
      Son Gohan
      Son Goten
      Young Trunks
      Piccolo Diamoah
      Artificial Human #18
      Artificial Human #16
      Dabura (devil)
      Majin Buu
      Super Buu
      Mr. Satan
      The Great Saiyaman
      Young Son Gokou

Battle Mode selections:
   Choosing battle mode gives you these choices:

          Story Mode     Versus Mode     Group Battle Mode
   Story mode
          1 player verse computer opponents to get an ending.
   Versus mode
          Choosing versus mode gives you the following choices:
             1 player vs. computer...single battle with opponent you choose 
             1 player vs. 2 player...single 2 player battles
             computer vs. computer...pick 2 fighters to watch battle
   Group Battle mode
          Each player picks 5 characters. Both players can pick the same 
          character, but cannot pick a character more than once. The 
          winner of each match goes on to fight the next opponent, 
          elimination style. The remaining life bar is extended by one half
          of the energy left in your powerbar at the end of the match. That
          is all the health that you have for the next match. The winning 
          team's portraits are shown over the match results at the end of
          all the battles.

          Choosing group battle mode gives you these choices:

             1 player vs. 2 player...you and a friend pick 5 player teams
             1 player vs. computer...choose both your team and the computers
Tournament Mode
   1 to 8 players can compete in elimination matches. Each player chooses 
   their character with the A button. After all players have selected 
   their characters, hit the start button on both controllers. This 
   causes the computer to select and control any unused tournament slots.
   After all 8 slots have been filled, you are brought to the tournament
   options board.
      Tournament Options Board
         On this board you can change some of the tournament settings.
            It is set up in a grid like this:

         player 1 name    player 3 name    player 5 name    player 7 name
         life   #         life   #         life   #         life   #
         power  #         power  #         power  #         power  #

         player 2 name    player 4 name    player 6 name    player 8 name
         life   #         life   #         life   #         life   #
         power  #         power  #         power  #         power  #

         % of life gained back from the    set to life &    end, start
         powerbar at the end of a match    power default    tournament

   The X or Z buttons raise your life meter level, Y decreases it.
   The A or C buttons raise your power meter level, B decreases it.
   Controller 1 controls the settings for players 1, 3, 5, and 7.
   Controller 2 controls the settings for players 2, 4, 6, and 8.

After the announcer is finished announcing the days matches, both current 
players must hit the start button to begin the match.
   The first round of battles is the elimination round. It consists of 
   four matches, the winners of which advance to the semi finals. The 
   losers games are over.

   The second round of battles is the semi finals. It consists of two 
   matches, these winners go on to the final. The losers battle each 
   other for third place.

   The third round is the losers of the semi finals battling for third 

   The fourth round is the finals, the winners of the semi finals battle 
   each other for the top position. After this round ends, a picture of 
   the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners is shown over the credits, with
   black and white pictures of the various matches shown randomly.

Mr. Satan Mode
   Apparently Mr. Satan owes some money and he must bet on fights to 
   raise it. You play Mr. Satan. A group of six fighters are choosen at 
   random to battle one another, and you bet on the fights. But wait,
   your Mr. Satan, YOU CAN CHEAT!!! There are four different options to
   choose from to help you pick the winner:
      pick the winner           item 
      and place bet             configure

      describe the              other 
      items you can use         options

   Pick the winner and place your bet:you are given 2 characters to pick 
   from, choose who you think will win. You start with 1,000 units of 
   money, but the object of this mode is to get to 10,000 so bet wisely.
   You may bet a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 3,000. After selecting 
   your choice of fighters, it will display their starting life level,
   starting power level, and attacking powers. After you place your bet 
   it's off to the match.

   Item configure:this lets you place your items that are in use on the 
   various controller buttons as you'd like them.

   Item descriptions:
     Row 1 left to right:

     banana peel.........makes character slip and fall over
     gun.................damages character, but not much
     mine................goes off when stepped on
     offerings...........give these to character in meeting screen
     Row 2 left to right:
     red bottle..........increase characters health by 10
     red jar.............increase characters power by 10
     flashlight..........blinds all non blocking characters
     offerings...........give these to character in meeting screen
     Row 3 left to right:
     blue bottle.........increase characters health by 30
     blue jar............increase characters power by 30
     dynamite............goes off after a short time
     offerings...........give these to character in meeting screen

   When asked to make a choice concerning the offerings, 1st is yes, 2nd  
   is no. You must buy the offerings. Press start to exit this screen.

   Other options:
   This brings you to 3 other options:

      Give gifts to a fighter
      Talk with fighter
      Prey to the heavens

   Giving gifts:choose 1 of the fighters you'd like to give the gift to.
      Choose the gift you'd like to give. The gifts raise health, power
      and strength. After choosing your gift you are taken to a spinning
      wheel, this determines if the fighter will accept your offering. 
      The white highlighted word is no, and the yellow is yes. This will 
      be the same for all the options in this group.

   Talk with a fighter:this lets you meet with one of the fighters and
      see if they feel confident about the match going their way. You 
      spin the wheel to see their answer.

   Prey to the heavens:this lets you pray to the heavens to let the 
      fighter you pick win. You spin the wheel to see if you were 

These last two options have no real factor in the outcome of the match.
The object is to win 10,000 to pay off your debts. When the matches start 
you are on the side of the ring. You can move left and right, and throw 
things into the ring to sway the outcome of the match. But remember that 
both characters can be damaged or powered up by what you toss into the 
ring, so throw carefully.

Preparing for battle:
After choosing your desired mode of battle, you are brought to the 
character select screen. Here the characters are divided into 3 groups:

  Group X:bad guys    Group Y:heroes         Group Z:secondary characters

  Zarbon              Gokou                  Kulilin
  Recoom              Gohan                  Tenshinhan
  Ginew               Goten                  Artificial Human #18
  Freeza              Vegeta                 Artificial Human #16
  Cell                Young Trunks           The Great Saiyaman
  Dabura (devil)      Trunks                 Kaioushin
  Majin Buu           Piccolo Diamoah        Gotenks
  Super Buu           Super Gokou 3          Kamesennin
                      Mr. Satan              Gogeta
                                             Young Gokou

To choose simply hit the corrosponding button to the group that the 
character you want is in. Then scroll up and down to select the character 
you want (left and right go into the other groups), and press start, A, 
or the C button to select. B takes back the choice, and the right button 
does a random select.

After you've selected your character, you are brought to the Battle 
Options Board. From this board you can change a few settings:

                       Battle Options Board
         player 1                                     player 2
     character name             start                 character name
     #wins #losses     background music (selectable)  #wins #losses
                       name of song picked
     life meter                                       life meter
     50-420                  stage select             50-420
     power meter               picture                power meter
     0-140                       of                   0-140
                           stage selected
                      (11 different,? is random)

After you've selected your battle options, press start. A help command 
list with ten of the moves for each of the two current fighters will 
appear while the match is loading. A small animation also runs by the 
bottom of the screen at this time. There are 3 different animations:

   Mr. Satan lighting a fuse to a pile of dynamite.
   Chi Chi chasing Goten.
   Bubbles the monkey dancing by.

Controls during battle:
The float/land button causes your character to jump to the sky, or drop 
to the ground, depending on where you are. The screen needs to be split 
to do this with just the button. If you are within the same screen as
your opponent and press back on the directional pad while pressing the 
float/land button you will go to the alternate level. If you are at an 
alternate height from your opponent, press the directional pad forward 
while pressing the float/land button to appear right in front of them.
If both characters are in the sky and on the same screen when you press 
the float/land button, your character will fly into the background, 
revolving the background screen 90 degrees. Holding back on the 
directional pad while trying this will cause the your character to drop 
to the ground.

If you are knocked off screen, you will jump back on and power up for a 
second. You get no extra power in your meter for this, it's just your 
character being mad. The opponent also cannot attack you at this time.

Falling into water takes off a small amount of power.

Each character has a move that will knock the opponent into the 
background, causing the screen to rotate and the background view to change.

Blocking is done by holding straight back to block high to mid range 
attacks, and down/back to block low attacks.

To throw, hold forwards on the directional pad and press the punch button.

To land from a throw, do one of the following motions as soon as your 
opponent grabs you to throw you. Rapidly tap the directional pad towards 
your opponent to land safely from the throw. Rapidly tap the diractional 
pad away from your opponent to turn in the air and come diving back down 
at your opponent. You can attack while this is happening.

Grappling occurs when 2 characters dash into one another. They lock hands 
in a grapple and flare up with energy. To try and break your opponents 
grapple, rapidly tap back on the directional pad. To try and throw your 
opponent out of the grapple, rapidly tap the punch button.

Getting back up after being knocked down. You can still take damage from 
hits while you are on the ground, so get up as fast as possible. To do so 
you have these options:
   Before you even hit the ground, tap punch or kick twice, to flip to
      your feet, without falling to the ground.
   While on the ground:
      Rapidly tap up, to flip up.
      Rapidly tap back, to flip back.
      Rapidly tap down, to stand back up.
      Rapidly tap forward, to do a flip kick towards your opponent.

Press punch and kick together to charge up your characters power meter. 
Your character will flare with energy. Static electricity will sparkle 
around your character when they are fully charged.

When dizzy from expending too much power, rotate the directional pad in 
circles rapidly. this causes your power to come back quicker.

You can knock your opponent dizzy with multiple attacks.

Most meteo attacks must be performed from throwing range. Some characters 
will not do their meteos against certain other characters.

If you get a perfect victory, your character will do an alternate winning 

After a battle you are given 3 choices:

   next battle     (same mode, choose characters again)
   rematch         (same mode, same characters, straight to match)
   end             (back to the title screen)

Codes and such
Hold A, B, and C, while pressing start:this resets the game
Turbo Speed 
   Hold the left button on controller 1 during the title or selection
   screen, and press X for slow (dark background), Y for medium (regular 
   background, default), and Z for fast (normal background). For hyper 
   fast hold the left and right buttons on controller 2, on the same
   screens, and press the Z button (also on controller 2, sunset background)

There is undoubtably a code for making Gokou 3, Gogeta, Kamesennin, Mr. 
Satan, and Young Gokou playablein a one player story mode. Unfortunately, 
I don't have it. 

Descriptions of the backgrounds
There are 13 different backgrounds. All but the jaguar dome is made up of 
sections(only Mr. Satan mode happens here). A section has 4 different 
background angle pictures to it. You can get to the other sections within 
a background, by knocking your opponent there or flying there by the sky.
The backgrounds are as follows:
   #1 the road the artificial Humans #'s 16, 17, and 18 were fought on.
      This has 3 sections, 1 on top of 2.
   #2 surface of the planet Namek. There are pools of water that you can
      be knocked into. This has 3 sections, 1 on top of 2.
   #3 the desert where Majin Buu was released. This has only 1 section.
   #4 Cell's tournament grid. Very small, also has only 1 section.
   #5 the room of spirit and time. This has 1 large rectangular section.
   #6 Majin Buu's house. This background has 3 sections in a row.
   #7 city street. This has 3 sections, 1 on top of 2.
   #8 inside Babi-Di's spaceship. This has 1 large section.
   #9 desert with craters, inside Babi-Di's spaceship. You can smash your
      opponent through the craters, or jump on them, hide behind them,
      or just destroy them with a giant fireball attack. A character 
      standing behind a crater during a giant fireball attack of any
      kind, will not be hit. The crater will absorb the blast and explode.
      This background has 3 sections in a row.
   #10 under a large tree in the rain. This has 2 sections in a row.
   #11 above the ocean in front of Kamesennin's house. On this background 
       every time you get knocked down, you fall into the ocean. This has
       3 sections in a row.
   #12 Tenkai-ichi Budoukai. This is the tournament arena.(tournament 
       mode only) It has 1 large block. There are lots of secondary
       characters in the stands.
   #13 Jaguar Dome. Side view only.(Mr. Satan mode only) There are tons 
       of minor Dragonball characters in the bleachers.

Individual character moves listings

Key:A = punch  B = kick  C = the energy attack  S = shadowed
To = directly from the last direction to the next  O = knock offscreen
BA = knocks the opponent into the background  Charge = hold the 
directional pad in the direction listed for 3 seconds

*Some of the characters have a move that starts with 
Forward to Down to Forward, to do these moves you must let the controller
pass through the neutral position(center) on the way to Down.

Son Gokou

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to back to forward+C.......blinding light
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
forward to back to forward+A.......double fisted punch (BA)
down to back+A.....................dashing elbow smash (S) (O)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...flaming dive kick (all the way down)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+B..............4 hit kick attack (S)
back to down+B.....................jumping double kick attack
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............kamehameha(alternate)
down to back,half circle forward+C.super kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............warping kamehameha*
back to forward,half circle back+A.meteo attack
*The warping kamehameha is performed with the same motion as the
alternate, but you must have less than 1/4 of a health bar and 
a full power meter. You must also be within red lined split screen
distance and hold the energy attack button until the energy crackles.

Saiyajin Son Gokou to the 3rd power

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to down+C..................traveling ground explosion
half circle back+C.................ground energy wave
forward to back to forward+A.......double fisted punch (BA)
half circle forward+A..............flip attack (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+B..............4 hit kick attack (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
back to down+B.....................jumping triple kick attack
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............super kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............warping kamehameha*
half circle back to half circle forward+A...meteo attack
*The warping kamehameha is performed with the same motion as his super 
kamehameha, but you must have less than 1/4 of a health bar and
a full power meter. You must also be within red lined split screen
distance and hold the energy attack button until the energy crackles.

Son Gohan

down to forward+C..................ground energy wave
half circle forward+C..............homing ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
half circle back+A.................multi hit punch attack (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
back to down+B(while jumping)......diving knee attack (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving rapid kicks attack
half circle back+C.................masenkou (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo #1
forward to back, half circle forward+C...meteo #2

Son Goten

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
back to down+C.....................ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................exploding energy ball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O) (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick 
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving stomp (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to back to forward+A.......rapid punch attack (O)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
half circle back+A.................meteo #1 (cry)*
back to forward, half circle back+A...meteo #2
charge down/back, to down to forward+C...meteo #3**
*Goten's crying meteo only works if your opponent touches him without an 
attack. (I.E. jumping at you)
**Goten's meteo #3 must be performed when he has less than 1/4 of 
a health bar and a full power meter. 


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
forward to back to forward+C.......breakapart fireball (close)
down to forward+A..................dashing elbow smash (O) (S)
half circle forward+A..............super rush punch and kick attack (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick 
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving knee drop (S)
half circle forward+C..............big bang attack (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........final flash (2nd giant fireball)
half circle back+A.................meteo #1
charge down/back, to down to forward+C...meteo #2 (final blast bomb)*
*Vegeta's final blast bomb meteo kills him when performed. It all but 
kills his opponent no matter how much power they have left. (good for 
group battles) Vegeta must have less than 1/4 life and more than 3/4 
power to perform this move.


down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to back to forward+C.......breakapart fireball (close)
back to down+C.....................ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
down to forward+A..................dashing elbow smash (O) (S)
forward to back to forward+A.......double fisted punch (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+B..............7 hit kick attack (S)
half circle back+A.................flip attack
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
half circle forward+C..............burning attack (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........finishing blast (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back, half circle forward+B...meteo attack*
*Trunks' meteo can only be done when he has less than 3/4 of a lifebar 
and full power.

Young Trunks

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
forward to back to forward+C.......ground energy wave
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
down to back+A.....................dashing elbow smash (O) (S)
forward to down+A(while jumping)...dive attack
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA) (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick 
down to forward+B..................jumping flame kick (S)
half circle forward+C..............kikouha (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........big bang attack (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack #1
forward to back, half circle forward+C...meteo attack #2*
*Young Trunks' meteo #2 must be performed fast, right next to opponent.

Piccolo Diamoah

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................ground energy wave
half circle forward+C..............homing ground energy wave
forward to back to forward+C.......psychic energy attack
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving body drop
down to forward+A..................dashing uppercut (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick 
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving rapid kick attack
down to back+B.................double streak kick (S)
down to back to forward+C..........masenkousenpa (giant fireball)
half circle back+C.................gekiretsukoudan (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack*
Piccolo's meteo can only be done when he has less than 3/4 of 1 life bar 
and at least 3/4 power.


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................ground energy wave
half circle forward+C..............homing ground energy wave
forward to back to forward+C.......breakapart fireball (1 each plane)
forward to down+A(while jumping)...somersault drop attack
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O) (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......jumping turn around kick  (BA) (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
half circle back+B.................double backflip (S)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
forward to down to forward+C.......super ghost kamikazi attack (2nd)
down to back to forward+A..........meteo attack #1
half circle forward+A..............meteo attack #2


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
back to down+C.....................homing energy disc
forward to back to forward+C.......blinding light
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
down to forward+A..................dashing punch (O) (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to back to down+A..........super massacre attack
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+C..............kienretsuzan (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
half circleback, half circle forward+A...meteo attack*
*Kulilin's meteo can be done from a distance as far away as the end of 
the red lined split screen.


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................ground energy wave
forward to back to forward+C.......blinding light
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O) (S)
forward to back to forward+A.......2 fisted backhand (BA)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
half circle forward+B..............upwards kick and knee smash (S)
half circle forward+C..............dodonpa (giant fireball)
forward to back, half circle forward+C...one handed energy triangle
down to back to forward+C..........kikouhou (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack


charge down/back,to down to forward+C...stunning energy ball
down to forward+A..................4 hopping cane smacks
down to back+B.....................4 hit knee and kick attack
forward to back to forward+A.......cane smack (BA)
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving flip attack (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (S) (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
down to forward+B..................jumping double kick (O)
half circle forward+C..............bankokubitsukurisyou (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
down to back to forward+A..........meteo attack
Kamesennin cannot levitate into the sky, he will just jump if you try. 
For the warping fireball defense, he will warp off the side of the screen 
and come walking back when the explosion settles.


down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
half circle back+C.................exploding ground energy wave
down to forward+C..................exploding fireball
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
back to forward to down+A..........multiple punch attack (O)
down to forward+B..................flip kick (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...leg drop attack (S)
forward to back to forward+A.......knockback punch (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to back, half circle forward+B...10,000 super king attack
down to back to forward+C..........giant blast (giant fireball)
forward to down to forward+C.......finger smash (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack*
Zarbon's meteo must be performed 1 step back from your opponent or he 
will do the multiple punch attack.


down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to back to forward+C.......ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................energy flare
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving body smash (S)
down to back+A.....................ground slam (when close)
forward to back to forward+A.......jumping smack (BA)
down to forward+B..................flying knee smash (S) (O)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
half circle back+A.................double jumping ballet attack
down to back to forward+C..........super recoom bomb (giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............eraser gun (2nd giant fireball)
down to back to forward+A..........meteo attack


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................exploding energy ball
back to down+C.....................ground energy explosion
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
down to forward+A..................shoulder smash (O) (S)
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving body drop attack
back to down+A.....................pose and jumping smash attack (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......jumping turn around kick (S) (O)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
half circle forward+B..............jumping streak kick (S)
down to back to forward+C..........terror smash (giant fireball)
forward to down to forward+C.......giant overhand fireball
half circle forward+C..............body exchange*
forward to back to down+A..........meteo attack
*Ginew's body exchange can only be done when he has less than 1/2 of 1 
lifebar left and more than 3/4 of a powerbar. No energy attacks of any 
kind are possible when the exchange is in effect. The effect drains your 
powerbar slowly and the characters will swap back when the bar is empty. 
you can keep charging up, to keep the exchange going longer.


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to back to forward+C.......energy disc
forward to down+C..................ground energy wave
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (S) (O)
forward to back to forward+A.......tailwhip (BA)
half circle back+B.................triple kick attack (S)
forward to down+B..................flying slide kick (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
charge down/back, to down to forward+C...stunning energy ball
half circle forward+C..............mega blast (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........death ball (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo #1
forward to down to forward+C.......meteo #2

Artificial Human #16

down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
back to down+C.....................traveling energy explosion
down to forward+C..................fist rocket
down to forward+A..................dashing punch (S) (O)
forward to down+A..................jumping body smash attack
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (S) (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to back to forward+A.......major damage throw (when close)
half circle forward+C..............super energy wave (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+ C.........hell's flash (2nd giant fireball)
back to forward, half circle back+A...meteo attack

Artificial Human #18

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................homing energy ball
back to down+C.....................ground energy wave
forward to back to forward+C.......breakapart fireball (each plane)
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O) (S)
forward to back to forward+A.......bitch slap (BA)
halfcircle back+B..................flip kick (O) (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to down+B(while jumping)...triple diving attack (S)
half circle forward+C..............super energy wave (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........energy flame (2nd giant fireball)
back to forward, half circle back+A...meteo #1
forward to back, half circle forward+C...meteo #2*
*18's meteo #2 must be performed when she has less than 1/4 of
a health bar and a full power meter.


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
down to back+B.....................sliding double kick (S)
forward to back to down+A..........punch and kick attack (O)
forward to down+C..................energy flare
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O)
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving body slam attack (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+C..............super idol blast (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
half circle back+A.................meteo #1
charge down/back, to down to forward+C...meteo #2*
*Cell's meteo #2 can only be performed when he has less than 1/4 of
a health bar and a full power meter. It must be done within screen 


down to forward+C..................quadruple fireball
half circle back+C.................exploding ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
charge down/back, to down to forward+C...stunning energy ball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to back to forward+A.......double backhand (BA)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
down to forward+B..................kick into air and body slam attack (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
down to back+B.....................quadruple kick attack
forward to down to forward+C.......energy slash (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........gekiretsushinohou (2nd giant fireball)
half circle back+A.................meteo attack

Majin Buu

down to forward+C..................triple fireball
forward to down+C..................homing energy ball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to back to forward+C.......drain attack
forward to back to forward+A.......fast uppercut (BA)
down/back to up/forward+A..........shadow uppercut (S)
down to forward+A..................flying headbutt (O) (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to down+B(while jumping)...cannonball flip attack
down to back to forward+A..........buu's juggle punch dance attack
half circle back+C.................buu bomb (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........dotsukan breath (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to down+A..........meteo attack

Super Buu

down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball 
forward to back to forward+C.......breakapart fireball (1 each plane)
forward to down+C..................energy flare
forward to back to forward+A.......backhand (BA)
down to back+A.....................headwhip
half circle forward+A..............dashing diving knee attack (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
forward to back to forward+B.......jump kick (BA)
down to back to forward+A..........elbow dash rapid punch attack (S)
half circle back+B.................jump kick elbow charge attack (O) (S)
forward to down+A..................crouching dash punch (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
down to forward+B..................double jumping kick attack 
down to back to forward+C..........super buu breath (giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............super buu beam (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack

Dabura (devil)

forward to down+C..................large energy ball
half circle forward+C..............homing ground energy wave
back to down+C.....................energy flare
forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
forward to back to forward+A.......double fisted backhand (BA)
down to forward+A..................major damage throw attack (close)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle back+C.................death crash (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........devil's fury (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back, half circle forward+C...meteo attack

Mr. Satan

forward to down+C..................grenade toss
down to forward+A..................uppercut
half circle back+A.................dashing punch and kick attack
down to back+A.....................dash punch (O)
half circle forward+B..............dynamite kick (O)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to down to forward+C.......single missle launcher
half circle forward+C..............4 missle attack (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........super satan bomb (2nd giant fireball)
half circle forward to back, half circle forward+B...meteo attack
*Mr. Satan cannot levitate into the sky, he will just jump if you try.
He is also not capable of energy attacks, so instead of fireballs, he 
swings a bat. Since he can't do energy attacks, there is no need to 
charge him up, trying to will result in him getting dizzy. He cannot 
catch, send back, or warp away from the giant energy attacks. However if 
the motion is performed correctly, he will do something else to avoid 
being damaged by the attacks.

The Great Saiyaman

forward to down+C(while jumping)...energy grenade toss
down to forward+C..................ground energy wave
down to back+C.....................homing ground energy wave
forward to down+C..................traveling energy explosion
down to forward+A..................dashing punch (O) (S)
forward to back to forward+A.......backhand (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving rapid kick attack
forward to back to forward+B.......jumping knee smash
half circle forward+B..............flip over triple kick attack
back to down+B.....................6 hit flying kick attack (S)
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
half circle forward+C..............super kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
down to back to forward+A..........meteo attack


down to forward+C..................triple fireball
down to back+C.....................fast invisible fireball (O)
forward to down+C..................ground energy explosion
back to down+C.....................traveling energy explosion
forward to down+A(while jumping)...jumping body slam
forward to back to forward+A.......double fisted backhand (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick (S)
half circle forward+B..............rolling ball attack (O) (S)
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick (S)
half circle forward+C..............super urutoradonuts (giant fireball)
down to back to forward+C..........final kamehameha (2nd giant fireball)
forward to back, half circle forward+B....meteo #1*
forward to down to forward+C.......meteo #2**
*Gogeta's meteo is easier if performed a few steps away from his 
opponent, or he will usually do his rolling ball attack.
**Gogeta's meteo #2 must be performed when he has less than 1/4 of
a health bar and a full power meter.

Young Son Gokou

down to forward+C..................double fireball
down to back+A.....................extending pole attack
forward to down+A(while jumping)...diving shoulder smash
down to forward+A..................triple punch attack (O)
forward to back to forward+B.......turn around kick (BA)
forward to down+B..................dashing slide kick
down to back+B.....................tail trip
forward to down+B(while jumping)...diving flame kick
down to back to forward+C..........kamehameha (giant fireball)
forward to back to forward to down+A...meteo attack

Giant Energy Attacks
Also called giant fireballs. There are two kinds of giant energy attacks, 
long range, and close range.

Long range energy attacks:
To perform a long range energy attack, you must do your characters motion 
when the screen is split by a black line only. Your opponent will take 
the maximum damage from the attack if hit from long range. When a long 
range energy attack is fired, the screen will show the character doing 
the attack on one side of the split screen, but the other side will turn 
into a close up picture of the opponent's face. First they will look 
surprised, then they will smile or grin. Next the screen will pan to show 
them either performing a defensive manuever against the attack, or being 
hit by it.

Defending yourself against the long range energy attacks:
To stop the damage from the attack, you must perform one of the following 
motions while your character's portrait looks shocked. If they grin 
before you've finished the motion, it's too late, you will be hit!
   down to back to forward+C......this fires the attack back at your 
   down/back to up/forward to down/back+C......this warps you to the 
   alternate level. (the instructions booklet was wrong on this one)

   up, then down to forward+C......this puts an energy shield up around 
   your character.

   back to forward+C......this catches the attack. Rapidly press the 
   energy attack button (C) after catching it, to deflect it away.

 Note:all of these defensive actions, except for the warp, require you 
      to have at least a small amount of energy in your powerbar, in 
      order to perform them.

Close range giant energy attacks:
To perform one of these, you must be at a distance of, red lined split 
screen or less. You can be right next to your opponent also. Perform 
your character's correct attack motion and out it comes. Unlike the long 
range attacks, the screen doesn't pan or change when close. Because of 
this, to defend yourself, you'd do regular blocks, or jump over or up to 
the sky to avoid them. You can also attack your opponent while their in 
the attack stance and knock them out of it. One thing about the close 
range attacks is the ability to charge up the energy, so that it does 
more damage if it hits. To do this, instead of tapping the energy (C) 
button, hold it. Your character will not fire until you release the 
button, and all the while your holding it, they are building up more 
power. After a few seconds your character will sparkle and crackle with 
static electricity, this means they have reached their maximum power 
level for the attack. Let go of the button and fire away.

Well I think that about wraps it up for this game, Let me know if I've 
missed anything and I'll try and squeeze it in. I hope you liked 
reading this, it's pretty much my first attempt at F.A.Q writing. I 
apologize if I ran on too long, but I wanted everything to be very 
clear, as the instructions are in Japanese.
                             Henry LaPierre

I'd like to thank a few people who sent me an E mail:
Rishard Chapoteau, for sending me the speed code.
Greg Miller, for also sending me the speed code.
El pesao, for the Gotenks meteos
Michael Nguyen, for alerting me to the fact that Young Trunks and Gohan 
                had another meteo.
and Edward Benson for asking questions and being a generally good guy.

Special thanks go out to Steve Feldman for being such a goof :)
and Scott deyesso for being player 2 through all my annoying
"wait a minute, I want to try something" 's

Once again, this F.A.Q. was written by Henry LaPierre. If you have any 
questions send them to me at freeza@ix.netcom.com I'll try to answer 
them. This F.A.Q. may also be available through FTP at Andy Eddy's 
Videogame F.A.Q. site at netcom.com    pub/vi/vidgames/faqs
and the Tronix website at http://www.calyx.com/~tronix
(the best darn importer on the net)

                                                   Thank you