FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II The Complete FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.2 June 18, 2001 Copyright © 1999-2001, XSceptor (Jeff) This FAQ/Walkthrough is protected under national copyright law. You may NOT copy, change, use, publish, or alter this FAQ in any way, shape, or form without my consent. If you fail to comply with the above restrictions, you'll be in BIG trouble. This FAQ/Walkthrough can always be found at: [] Now on with the show… This FAQ/Walkthrough is meant to be a guide to any and all who are having difficulty with the game in any way. I strongly suggest you use this document only as a reference, because you will have the most fun completing the game on your own. ***************** Table of Contents ***************** A. Introduction/Version History B. Character Information C. Controls D. Battle Information E. Recommended Party Arrangement F. The Walkthrough 1. Home Town 2. The Cave of North 3. 1st Town 4. Shrine of Isis 5. Relics of the Ancient Gods 6. Return to Shrine of Isis 7. 2nd Town 8. Ashura's Base 9. Ashura's World a. Desert Town b. Ashura's Town c. Ashura's Tower 10. Giant's World 11. Inside Ki's Body 12. Apollo's World a. Underwater Volcano b. Bright Cave c. Cave of Dunatis 13. Guardian's World 14. Venus' World a. Sewer b. Volcano c. The Wedding Ceremony 15. The Dragon Race 16. Magnate's World (World of Sho-Gun) a. Edo b. Villiage, Ship, and Echigoya c. Sho-Gun's Hideout 17. Nasty Dungeon 18. Valhalla Palace 19. The Final Dungeon 20. The Central Shrine 21. Center of the World G. Items 1. Magic Books 2. Weapons 3. Armor 4. Other Items H. Powering Up Your Party I. Cheat/Codes J. Credits ********************* ******************************** A. Introduction and Version Info ******************************** This is the complete FAQ/Walkthrough for Final Fantasy Legend II. That means that this document contains_everything_ you need to know about the game and more. It does or will contain every useful hint, tip, strategy, cheat, code, and piece of information you could ever need. I will update this FAQ as needed. Feel free to e-mail me, but not with an abundance of game questions. I would prefer suggestions for the FAQ/Walkthrough, questions are welcome though. Version 1.0- December 5, 1999 The Introduction, Character information, Controls, Battle Information the Recommended Party Arrangement and the Walkthrough from F.1-F.9.b is included. More walkthrough information will be included in the next update along with parts of sections G and H. Version 1.5- December 6, 1999 The walkthrough up to the 1st town in Giants' World is included. I fixed some alignment mistakes in the shops tables. In the next update, the walkthrough up to Guardians' World will be included. I didn't get around to adding to sections G and H, but they will be up soon! Version 2.0-January 7, 2000 Finished the walkthrough for Giant's Town. The walkthrough for Ki's Body will be in the next update. I've been really busy for the past month, but updates will be more frequent now. Version 2.1-July 17 , 2000 It's been a while since I updated. The walkthrough for Ki's body is included, and some mistakes have been corrected as well. Version 2.2-June 18, 2001 Well, the guide is back after nearly a year. The guide was removed for several reasons (which I don't care to discuss), but I'm back now (along with the guide ^_^) and I hope to be updating this guide very heavily in the near future. It's good to be back. ********************* ************************ B. Character Information ************************ -Humans- Generally speaking, Humans become powerful by fighting in battles. Such qualities as Strength, Defense, Agility and Mana will upgrade their level depending on the Weapons, Armors, and Magic Books that have been used in the battles. HP (Hit Point Level), however, goes up regardless of the items and equipment used. While fighting the enemy increases the various characters' HP, their growth rate will not all be equal. The stronger the enemy is, the more powerful the characters become. Since the Humans do not possess any Special Skill, they need to depend on the items they carry. The Humans can use any items they wish and can possess eight such items. -Mutants- The basic system of growth for Mutants is equivalent to that for Humans, but the rate of growth is a little slower. However, they possess a higher level of Mana and can acquire various Special Skills by fighting battles. Mutants can posses up to eight items, of which a maximum of four can be Special Skills that are acquired. Mutants can acquire these Skills if there is room in their Ability List. If their capacity is full, a newly acquired Special Skill is exchanged with the last one in the list. It's best to let Mutants become powerful by using a lot of Special Skills and upgrade their Mana. It's also a good idea not to give them too may weapons since they acquire different Special Skills as they continue to become powerful. -Robots- Robots don't become powerful as a result of fighting in the battles. They can raise the HP and the values of Abilities by equipping them with weapons and armors. In other words, the more weapons and armors they acquire, the stronger they become. They can equip themselves with any available items with different degrees of power. You are reminded, however, that every time they put on or take off their items, the number of times you can potentially use these items will be decreased by half. When the robots have used up their weapons, don't throw them away. If the robots are staying in the Inn, such weapons will be restored to 50% of their maximum usage. (Ex: If you equip a robot with Colt (50 uses), use it all up, and then stay at the Inn, the Colt will be restored to 50% (25 uses). However, the operating level of the Skill Items will not decrease but they will not be restored at the Inn, either. It is recommended that the Robots be equipped with as many powerful weapons and armors as possible. -Monsters- Monsters don't become powerful by themselves. They can transform themselves into another Monster by eating the meat of the enemy Monster, which my occasionally be available after a battle. Whether or not they become stronger depends on the meat they eat. Basically, they need to eat the meat of a strong Monster to become stronger. They should not miss the meat of the Boss monster when it's available. They may become weaker, however, by eating the meat of a weak Monster. Once the Monsters become strong, they should not eat the Monster's mean unless you are sure that it's the meat of a very strong monster. -Non-Playing Characters (NPCs)- During your adventures, you will meet people, some of whom will join the group as the 5th member. These characters are called NPCs. They will leave your party when they have accomplished their goal. If you press the B button, they will give you helpful hints to help you proceed through the game. They will also participate in battles when you select a command for them. ********************* *********** C. Controls *********** -The Control Pad- Used to move Character on the game screen, and also used to move through Menu Screens. -A Button- Used to examine object, open treasure chests, talk to people, and execute commands in the Menu Screens. -B Button- Used to cancel a command executed with the A Button. Also used to have conversations with NPCs while they are in your party. -Start Button- Used to bring up the Menu Screen while you're in the overworld and in the cities. -Select Button- Used to bring up the Alter Order Screen. Use the A Button and the Control Pad to switch the order of your party members. ********************* ********************* D. Battle Information ********************* When a battle starts, you will be presented with two options: Fight or Run. In most battles, I suggest you Fight. If you always run from battles, you have no chance to become powerful and gain GP (Gold Pieces). When you choose fight, the name and number of each enemy is displayed on the screen (In this list, enemies are listed top to bottom to how they correspond left right on the screen. Ex: The enemy at the top of the list is at the left side of the screen.). When the first member of you party is displayed, select the attack or item you would like them to use and press the A Button. Select the attack/item for each member as they are displayed. After you have selected commands for all of your party members, you and the enemy exchange attacks. This is known as a Turn-Based Battle. During the battle, your party member may be inflicted with one or several ailments which are: Blindness- You lose sight and have difficulty attacking. (cure with Eye Drops) The Curse- You are unable to move. (cure with Curse Potion) Sleep- You are asleep and can't do anything. (you will automatically wake up after a few turns.) Paralyze- Your body is numb and you can't control it. (cure with Elixir) Stone- You are turned to stone and do not recover. (cure with Soft) Poison- HP decreases each turn. (cure with Elixir) Confused- You are confused and unable to distinguish friend from foe. (cure with Elixir) Stunned- All your HP is lost *Note: Any of the ailments above can be cured with Elixir. After the battle, you will gain GP. Sometimes, an attribute of one of your party member may rise. The amount of GP and the level to which your attributes rise is dependent upon how tough the enemy is. ********************* ******************************** E. Recommended Party Arrangement ******************************** m stands for Male, f stands for Female For the sake of conformity, I will base this walkthrough around my party of a Human (m), a Mutant (m), a Human (f), and a Robot. I will, however, include information for ANY party so that this walk through is universal. You can also use: Human (m) or (f), Mutant (m) or (f), Robot, Monster. OR Two Humans (m) or (f), Two Mutants (m) or (f). OR Two Mutants (m) or (f), Two Robots. OR Any other party you would like! I do NOT recommend: Four Monsters. OR Four Robots. However, Four Robots is a little bit better than using Four Monsters. Like I said before, though, you can use any party arrangement you would like. ********************* ************** F. Walkthrough ************** The walkthrough will take you step by step through the game. If you don't find the information you are looking for, read this walk through again. If you are still having trouble, feel free to e-mail me. ***1.Hometown*** When the game begins, you are presented with the story. After the story, you will be asked to choose and name your main character. I chose a Human (m), but you can choose which ever character you like best. Name the character. There is a short cut-scene in which your father gives you the Prism Magi, and then he proceeds to exit through the window. When you can control your character, go visit the School which is at the north end of the town. Talk to Mr. S. After a short dialogue, you will be prompted to choose three other members for your party. I chose Mutant (m), Human (f), and a Robot. Choose which ever three you like, and then name them. After you have chosen and named your characters, exit the town by following the path to the east (right). Before you can exit the town, Mr. S. will join your party. ***2.The Cave of North*** Exit the town with Mr. S. in your party. Go into the cave that is to the north. Mr. S.' Fire skill will be able to defeat all of the enemies in the Cave if you are too weak. Follow the path until you come to a door-like opening. Go through it and go up the stairs to get Bronze Shield and a Cure Potion. Climb down the stairs and go right then climb the next set of stairs. In the next area, climb down the stairs. Follow the path and when it splits right, get the Hammer and Bow in the treasure chests. Go back and follow the path to the end. A BabyWyrm blocks the exit. Use Mr. S.' fire to rid of him easily. When you have defeated the Wyrm, exit the cave. Back outside, Mr. S. will leave the party. If you're in good health, you can battle to gain some attributes and GP. When you are finished battling, head to the first town, which is NE of the Cave. ***3.First Town*** The people in this town speak of a Shrine which is to the west. In this town you can buy some good Weapons and Items. S-Sword A-Armor B-Book H-Helmet G-Gauntlet K-Knife Sh-Shield P-Potion x- means infinite use Weapons Shop Item Shop Hammer x50 50 GP Bronze G x- 25 GP Bow x50 50 GP Bronze H x- 50 GP Punch x90 50 GP Bronze Sh x50 50 GP Rapier S x50 400 GP Gold G x- 3400 GP Long S x50 400 GP Curse P x4 300 GP Whip x40 400 GP EyeDrop P x4 200 GP Psi K x50 1400 GP Soft P x4 1000 GP Kick x50 1400 GP Cure P x4 50 GP You should by as many weapons and items as you can afford. You should buy at least 2 Cure P. Don't equip your mutants (if you have any) with weapons because you'll be able to buy Magic for them in the next Town. In the Café, the people talk of Ashura. The man in the upper right corner of the town looks like your dad! Is it really? No, it's just a man who asks you if you have heard about the Relics. When you have purchased some items and visited the Inn, leave the Town and head west to the Shrine. ***4.Shrine of Isis*** This is the big building to the west of the 1st town. When you're inside, head north up the stairs and talk to the lady who is standing in front of the Statue. She will heal your wounds (rejuvenate your HP), and then give you directions to the Relics of the Ancient Gods. Leave the Shrine and head SW to enter the forest and find the big rock Ki spoke of. Go 4 steps East from the rock, then go 3 steps South from your current position. ***5. Relics of the Ancient Gods*** Go north up the stairs. From here, going left and right from the split in the path lead you to the same area. Go up the stairs and then into the little door. In the next room, go up the stairs to get a Whip. After the Whip, go back down the stairs. Going left or right from here will lead you to the same area. When you reach the little door, go through it and then go down the stairs. Follow this path right, then go up, right, down the stairs, and then up and around the left. When you see the men, they take the Magi and run. Follow them. When you are in a room with the men, go into the door that they are not guarding. Collect the Magi that are in the treasure chests (Power, Speed, and Mana). Exit the room with the Magi and then go through the door that the men were blocking. Outside, both men are dead and Ashura's men have stolen the Magi from them. Return to the Shrine of Isis. ***6.Return to Shrine of Isis*** Go all the way inside the Shrine and talk to Ki. She will heal you and then she'll join your party because she is the only one who can enter Ashura's Base. She is very strong compared to the members of your party. Her attacks are very useful. Exit the Shrine and NW then NE to get to the second town. ***7.Second Town*** Before you enter the Town, engage in some battles in order to get some more GP. When you feel you have enough money, enter the Town. The people in this Town talk about Ashura's Base. First off, head into the Inn to heal yourself if needed, then go visit the Shops. Weapon Shop Item Shop Ice B x30 6800 GP Curse P x4 300 GP Temptat x30 6800 GP X-Cure P x4 300 GP SMG x30 6800 GP EyeDrop P x4 200 GP Thunder x30 6800 GP Soft P x4 1000 GP Fog B x30 6800 GP Cure P x4 50 GP Rocket x30 6800 GP Heal Rod x15 17000 GP Sleep B x30 6800 GP Cure B x30 6800 GP Prayer B x30 6800 GP Elixir x1 5000 GP Buy some Magic Books for your Mutant(s). You may notice that the Heal Rod costs an amazing 17000 GP. Buy this only if you have ample GP. The Magic Book of Cure may not be as good, but it is cheaper. After you have bought what your money can allow, leave Town and go North and East to reach Ashura's Base. ***8.Ashura's Base*** Be careful! If you touch any of the enemies you see walking around, you will be engaged in a battle! (there are still "regular battles"). Follow the path through the 1St and 2nd floors. On the 3rd floor, don't forget to get the Speed Potion in the treasure chest. Keep following the path, and on the 4th floor get the Axe in the treasure chest. On the 5th floor, follow the path and go through the door. Go talk to the enemy you see. <>Mini-Boss: Rhino<> HP: 150-300 Weak vs.: Ice If you have a Mutant(m), his Blizzard ability works excellent for this battle. The Ice magic also works well. If you don't have a Mutant, use the Rapier or Psi. If you have neither of these, then use your strongest attacks. Easy battle. When you defeat the Rhino, the base will begin to explode. Grab the Magi (Defense, Fire, and Ice), and exit. The Base will explode allowing you to proceed. Head north into the Pillar. While you're on the Pillar, you will not encounter battles. Step onto the light colored square. Ki will leave your party. Walk through the door, and then go left to the next Pillar. Walk onto the light colored square, and then walk through the door. ***9.Ashura's World*** a.Desert Town The people in this town talk about Ashura and how he came to power using the Magi. The Shops in this Town have good weapons and items, but you might want to save you money to buy things in the next town. Weapon Shop Item Shop Rapier S x50 400 GP Bronze A x- 75 GP Long S x50 400 GP Silver G x- 700 GP Whip x40 400 GP Silver Sh x50 700 GP Psi K x50 1400 GP Silver H x- 1400 GP Kick x80 1400 GP Curse P x4 50 GP Stungun x40 1400 GP EyeDrop P x4 200 GP Colt x50 1400 GP Soft P x4 1000 GP Axe x50 1400 GP Cure P x4 50 GP When you are finished shopping, heal at the Inn, then head to the Café to get directions to Ashura's Tower. In order to get the right directions, you have to pay the man behind the counter 10 GP. The Tower is 7 east and 7 south of the cactus south of the town. Exit the Café and then exit the Town. Go south and you'll see a cactus. Walk 7 spaces east of it, then 7 spaces south from where you are standing. You'll see a cactus. Walk south of it and you'll see a Town and a Tower. Enter the Town first. b.Ashura's Town If you have some money to spend, spend it here. There are some good weapons and items for sale. If you have enough money you should buy the Heal Rod. It will be helpful. Weapon Shop Item Shop Psi K x50 1400 GP Curse P x4 300 GP Kick x80 1400 GP X-Cure x4 300 GP Stungun x40 1400 GP EyeDrop P x4 200 GP Colt x50 1400 GP Soft P x4 1000 GP Axe x50 1400 GP Cure P x4 50 GP Sabre S x50 3200 GP Heal Rod x15 17000 GP Battle S x50 3200 GP Cure B x30 6800 GP Elixir x1 5000 GP The Sabre S and Battle S are very good weapons. They will be very helpful in Ashura's Tower. Heal at the Inn, and go to the Café if you want to. When you are ready, leave town and enter Ashura's Tower. c.Ashura's Tower When you go in the tower, go up the stairs then through the door to the 2nd floor. Go left and down around the poles, then up the stairs and through the door. Go right and open the chest to get a Sabre Sword. Head right, down, and then around up the stairs. Talk to the monster you see <>Mini-Boss: Woodman<> HP: 200-350 Weak vs.: nothing Strong vs.: nothing This enemy isn't too tough, just use your strongest weapons. The Battle Sword would work best if you have it. After the battle, a man named Mask will join your party. He says he came to the tower to defeat Ashura. Go up the stairs, and walk up to the white box to get Mask's equipment so he can fight. Walk around to the right and go up the stairs. Follow the path and go in the door. Follow the path and open the chest to get a Silver Shield. After you open the chest, go up the stairs. In the left chest, there is a Magic Potion, in the right chest there is a Power Potion. Go up the next set of stairs. In the left chest, pick up the Silver Helmet, in the right chest get the Battle Swords. Go up the stairs. Before you walk up to the monster (all you have to do is touch it), equip your characters with Magi. Press start and go to the MAGI option and press A. Select equip and choose a character. Pick the Magi you want to equip them with and press A. Press B twice to choose another character. Equip your strongest character with the Power Magi, your Mutant (if you have one), with the Mana Magi, and equip your weakest character with the Defense Magi. <>Boss: Ashura<> HP: ~900 Weak vs.: Sleep Strong vs.: Ice, Fire, Thunder, Fog Magi: Power, Speed, Mana, Fire, Ice, Thunder (Magi: (list of Magi) stands for the magi you receive after beating Ashura. This item (Magi list) will be listed with every major boss.) This is the toughest battle yet. Use the Battle Sword which causes 100-400 damage, Sabre Sword which causes 100-350 damage, Long Sword which causes 50-250 damage, Whip which causes 50-200 damage, and Rapier which causes 100-400 damage. The only magic book effective on Ashura is sleep. Have your Mutant(s) cure as needed. When the battle is over, you'll receive the Magi listed above. After the battle, Mask will leave your party and you'll be brought to Ki. Talk to the monster beside Ki. She'll tell you to go to Giant's World because the people there know how to make you small. She will also give you a Defense Magi. Leave the Shrine and head back to the Pillar (in the north). Go through the Celestial World (the world with all the pillars, tiles (squares on the floor), and doors) until you come to the third pillar. Go on it and enter the door to get to Giant's World. ***10.Giant's World*** Head south when you exit the Pillar to get to a Town. Enter the town and when the path splits, take the left path to get to a man. Talk to the man and he's your dad! You'll have a short conversation in which you try to convince him to come home with you, but he does not want to and he insists on continuing his quest to find the Magi. Before he leaves, he'll give you a Thunder Magi. Continue following the path and enter the door. Follow the path and when it splits, go down. Go and talk to the Mutant. He'll tell you to talk to a man named Johnny who is in the Café. Leave the way you came and the enter the town and go to the Café. Talk to the man sitting at the table. He'll tell you how to get into Giant's Town. When he asks you if you think he's a giant, answer No, and he'll give you another hint. Before you go to Giant's Town, heal yourself at the Inn, and then go buy any needed items at the shops. Weapon Shop Item Shop Sabre S x50 3200 GP Silver A x- 2100 GP Battle S x50 3200 GP Gold G x- 3400 GP Katana S x50 6800 GP Cure B x30 6800 GP Gold Bow x50 6800 GP Curse P x4 300 GP Ice B x30 6800 GP X-Cure P x4 300 GP Temptat x30 6800 GP EyeDrop P x4 200 GP SMG x30 6800 GP Soft P x4 1000 GP Thunder B x30 6800 GP Cure P x4 50 GP Giant's Shop Giant A x- 26000 GP Giant H x- 17000 GP Giant G x- 8500 GP Geta Boots x- 2800 GP You may notice that the items in the Giant's Shop are very expensive. I would only recommend shopping here if you have ample GP. If you don't have much GP to spend, go shop at the regular Item Shop. ***Giant's Town*** Exit the town you were just in and head right. When you're inside the "wall border", walk north until you see giant steps. Walk up to the dark spot in the stone (the bottom step). When you are in giants town, go right a few steps then south until you come to a building with 2 windows and a cave-like opening under one of the windows. Go into the cave-like opening and go down and open the treasure chests. They contain a Power Magi and a Poison Magi. Leave the building by going back through the cave-like opening. Go into the northern most building in Giant's Town and go into the cave-like opening. Go down and open the chest to get a Gold Sword. From the treasure chest, go right to another chest to get Geta Boots. From this chest, go up and climb the dark box-like shelf in order to get onto the table (the table is the thing with stripes that go from side to side). Walk down when you're on the table and walk to the round ball-like object. When you're touching the object, press the A button to get the Micron Potion. Once you have the Micron, leave the building and go back to the cave you first entered which is to the left of this building in order to exit the Giant's Town. head back to the Pillar, and go back to the First World to get to Ki. Talk to the Fairy standing next to Ki to get a Thunder Magi. Then, talk to Ki to "Micronize" (shrink) and enter her body. ***11.Inside Ki's Body*** The pathways inside of Ki's body can be somewhat confusing at times, so remember where you have been, and remember where you are headed. From the entrace to Ki's body, walk down and when the path splits, take the left-most path. Follow this trail and enter the opening at the end of it. Work your way around the path and when you reach the multiple pathways, take the 2nd from the left. When you reach the round object, press the A button when you are touching the object and you will receive a Fire magi. After you receive the magi, you will be returned to entrance to the opening. Return to the main entrance and from there go down the center path and the follow the path that splits to the left. Go all the way down and into the opening. Follow this path and when it splits take a right, and the when it splits again follow the right-most path to get to a Thunder magi. When you are returned to the entrance to the opening you just were in, go up and go right when the path leads to the right and then go into the opening. Follow the path to get to a Defense magi. When you are returned to the entrance to the opening, go to the main entrance of Ki's body and go down the center path and then go right when you can. Go in the entrance. Follow the path and when the path splits, take the right-most path to get to a Poison Magi. When you are returned to the path entrance, go up the path and go left when the path deviates left and go in the entrace. Follow the path to get to a Speed Magi. When you are returned to the path entrance, go to the main entrance and take the right-most path and go into the opening. Follow the path and when it splits, go left then up the first path on the left. When the path splits again, go up the left path to get to an Ice Magi. When you are retunred to the opening to the path, you should have 24 magi. Go to the entrance to Ki's body and go north of the entrance and enter the opening. Follow the path to the center and talk to the monster (it's white and it's moving from side to side). <>Mini-Boss: Phagocyt (there are between 5 and 8 of them)<> HP: ~150 each Weak vs.: Ice Strong vs.: Poison These monster(s) aren't too incredibly tough. They attack with Dissolve which causes 50-150 damage and Wind-Up which causes 30-150 damage. You should attack with Whip which causes 40-200 damage, Katana which causes 50-150 damage. For magic use Fog which causes 100-200 damage to all foes, and Ice which causes 150-300 damage to all foes. The Colt gun also causes 50-100 damage. When you defeat the Phagocyts, go up and get the Mana Magi. When you are returned to the outside of Ki's body, talk to her and she'll thank you for saving her. Return to the pillar (up north), and go through pillars and doors until you can't go any further. Step on the light-colored tile and go through the door to enter Apollo's World. ***12.Apollo's World*** Coming Soon! ******** G. Items ******** Coming Soon! ************************* H. Powering Up your Party ************************* Coming Soon! *************** I. Cheats/Codes *************** Coming Soon! ********** J. Credits ********** All information in this walkthrough was/is created by me and it is protected under international copyright law. You may NOT do any thing with this FAQ/Walkthrough without my consent. If you fail to contact me and you use my information anyway, you'll be in BIG trouble. Thank YOU for reading my FAQ/Walkthrough! Copyright © 1999-2001 XSceptor (Jeff). All rights reserved.