Harvest Moon 3 (e)

 __   _   __  __    ______
|\ \ /|\ / /| \ \  /@@@/  \
| \ | | | / |  \ \/@@@| ()_|
 \ \|/_\|/ /   /_/\____\__/
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/___\| |/___\                 |  _| _ |  _|           @@@@'/  /|
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     | |                      |__||___|___|    / _  \___    / /
     | |                                      | |#| |__/___/ /_
Harvest Moon 3: Boy Meets Girl GAMEBOY COLOR   \/___________/__\
 _   _    _           ____  _   _    __        _     ______
| |_| |_ | |__   _   | __ || |_| |_ |  ----.  _\\__ |_   _/
|  _   / |  _/ _| |_ | __|||  _   / |/|     \ \____\ _| |
|_| | |_ |_||||__ __||___/ |_| | |    /   |\ \ .--. |_   \
   /   _|/\/ /  / ::::::::::  _| |_  / /| | \ \'::'  _||| \
 _/ / |  \  /  / _  _  _    \|_   _|/ / | | | ||__| |_____/
|__/| |  /  \  \// //_//_/_\ \ |_| / /  | | | || _ | ____
    |_|  \/\/   /_/      |___/    /_/   |_|/_/ ||_||| _  |
                                               |_  |||_| |
                                                 |_||__  |
                           |Boy Meets Girl|


This FAQ is written for Harvest Moon 3 on Gameboy Color.  This FAQ can
be found by these following websites:

An awesome Game Website.

An awesome Harvest Moon Website

Another awesome Game Website.

And will be seen soon on these websites,

One of the Best HM3 sites

Underdeveloped Site... but I could sense it will be a great site.

Harvest Moon 3 GBC: Boy Meets Girl
Nintendo 2000/2001

Author: Crazydude426 The Master Psycho of the Mental Hospital
FAQ/Walkthrough: Harvest Moon 3 GBC
Email: Crazydude426@hotmail.com 
Occupation: Student/ Harvest Master

Copyrighted cc 2001 www.MentalBreakDown.com

might be down until 8/15/2001.
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|    Table of Contents    |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|

Part 1 Introduction

1. FAQ History
2. Game Information
3. Game Control
4. Starting Out(Introduction)
5. How To Save

Part 2 Farming

1. Your Farm Land
2. Your House
3. Livestock Barns
4. Crop Field/Plants
5. Tools
6. Shipping Bin
7. Lumber
8. Spa
9.  Pets and your Pet's Job
10. Secrets
11. Cows
12. Horses
13. Chickens
14. Sheep
15. Animal Mating

Part 3 Island Map

1. The Town
2. The Sea Site
3. Mountain Cliff
4. Forest
5. Forest Maze

Part 4 The City

1. The Dock
2. The MarketPlace
3. Aquarium
4. Theater
5. The Mall

Part 5 Misc

1. Partner Interests
2. Power Berries
3. Trading
4. Mini Games
5. Yearly Events
6. Marriage/ Friends
7. Game Codes
8. Disclaimer
9. Credits
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|   PART 1 Introduction   |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|
                       ______        _______
                      /_____ \      /@@@@@@@\
                   _ /_/--_/__\    /@@@/  \@@\
                  |  / #  # |/|    |@|| ]  [\|
                  |/_|  __  |/     _\\|  __ |
                   /\_\_\/_/_/\    \_  \_\///\
                  /   \@@@@/   \  /  \___  /  \
                 /  /| \@@/  \  \/  /   ||\/|  \
                \ \/ |__\/___|\/ |\/|___/\|_|\/ /
                 \/  |__|_|__| \/\/ |       | \/
                     |       |      |___|___|
                     |___|___|       |  |  |
                     |___|___|       |__|__|
                    /____|___|      |___|___\
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    1. Faq History                     |_|_|_||

Ahh, reached 90 kb of info, also I greatly improved the info in all the
topics.  Hope I get this FAQ done.  Sorry for the wait.  I think I
might finish this FAQ the next time I update.

I added more info, and got more stuff down.  I will be updating soon.
Just to tell ya.  I will give out more info, about 20 kilobytes of
info, next time I update.

I reformatted my FAQ, and gave it a new look, and added lots of more
info to help you people out.  I will be updating in about five days.

Sorry, If I haven't updated.  I now have 3 Harvest Moon FAQS to work on
now.  I added more info, and added guides to help you out.  I will be
updating more often now.  I am up to my forth year.  Wow- I have two
kids that can walk.

I added more info and fixed some problems.  I added more art to this

Added more info
I fixed some of the prices and selling values of the crops.


I finally fixed my problems with the Maps.  I also added a few NOTES,
so they will help you out.


Finally, finished what I know and did on HM3.  Note: This FAQ is not
fully complete.

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                  2. Game Information                  |_|_|_||

Note: This FAQ is for the Japanese version.  English versions will
probably be different, in the future.  And yes I will make one in
English version too.

Bokujo Monogatari 3, (Harvest Moon 3) was released in Japan on
This game is the sequel to Harvest Moon 2.  Jack, the farmer, comes out
and leave the village of HM2.  He meets the girl of another farm.  They
will need to have two years to have enough money to stop a corporation
from turning the FARM into a landfill.  Then they are to raise the farm
where the girl farmer grew up in, the other farmer.  They have to have
requirements to stay on the farm each year.
You can only play this game on gameboy color or gameboy advanced.  The
game needs color or else you can't see much.  If you play gameboy
advanced, you will receive a secret to activate.  It is just one secret
that I can't tell.  The day is just 18 hours, and 30 seconds per hour.
If I were you, I would run a lot.  This game is a RPG and a Simulation
Game.  Although, not much of the game is RPG style.  It still has a
storyline so it is an RPG.

NOTE: If you are a beginner, look and probably download the FAQ from
Then read the WHOLE FAQ.  Oh yes, I will make an English FAQ too with
Gauntlet Avenger.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                   3. Game Control                     |_|_|_||

This will be the controls when playing.

Start: To view the memo, time, day, and year.
Select: To view menu options.
A button(during Menu) To select a choice on the menu.
B button(during Menu) To exit from the menu or option.

A button: Talk, pickup items, place items, use items, and to select.
B button: To run, place items in sack, to pick items in sack, and to
exit a option.

D pad: To move up, down, left, and right, also in the menu screens.
Menu(GamePlay)|Tools         |
              |Seeds         |
              |Sack          |
              |Name/Stats    |
              |Animal Stats. |
              |Options       |
              |Save          |

Menu(After Title Screen)Press Start
              |New Game           |
              |Continue Saved Game|
              |Copy Saved Game    |
              |Erase Saved Game   |
              |Trade              |

Trade Menu
|Trade Livestock|Trade Livestock from HM2|Trade Seeds|Trade Seeds HM2|
|Trade Items    |Trade Items from HM2|Back|

RUMOR: The trade from HM2, might be real, but I am going to test it
myself. Sort of like Pokemon RPG games.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                   4. Starting Out                     |_|_|_||

Follow the steps to create and start your game.

1. Press start at the title screen. Then pick the top option. (Most of
the options just load a current saved game).  The last option is to
|New Game     |  ___________
|Continue     |-|Save Slots |
|Copy         |-|Save Slot 1|
|Erase        |-|Save Slot 2|
|Trade        |-|           |
|_____________|-|___________|-|Trade Menu|

2. Next pick your gender.

Obvious!- Boy is on the left, girl is on the right.

Then Type your name.  If you want it to be English, just pick the
option just above the "End" thing on the bottom right corner.
|(Picture Of Gender)  (NAME)|
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                   JAPANESE|
|                  (ENGLISH)|
|                        END|
3. Then pick your color of the people.  Go to the bottom-right option
to exit.  You can make any color from red, blue, and green.  Just
adjust the color levels from 0-31.
|Clothes      Hair       |
|                        |
|Restore      End        |
|Boy |Girl|      Red 0-31|
|    |    |     Blue 0-31|
|    |    |    Green 0-31|

4. Now you pick a birthday.
|                        |
|Spring |  1  2  3  4  5 |
|Summer |  6  7  8  9  10|
|Fall   |  11 12 13 14 15|
|Winter |  16 17 18 19 20|
|_______|  21 22 23 24 25|
|END    |  26 27 28 29 30|

5. Then pick your blood-type, A, B, O, or AB.
|                        |
|         A-Type         |
|                        |
|         B-Type         |
|                        |
|         O-Type         |
|                        |
|         AB-Type        |

Then pick your pet.
|                                                |
| Big. Dog  | Medium. Dog| Small. Dog| Pig       |
|                                                |
|Spring. Cat| Summer. Cat| Fall Cat  | Bird      |

Name Pet.
|   (Picture Of Pet)  (NAME)|
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                   JAPANESE|
|                  (ENGLISH)|
|                        END|

Then pick your partners's name.
|(Picture Of Parnter) (NAME)|
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                   JAPANESE|
|                  (ENGLISH)|
|                        END|

Then pick the yes answer if you want to have the options you chose.
Choose no to fix them.  Then the intro will go on.
|      |       |       |    |       |       | |
|      |Pasture|Pasture|    |Pasture|Pasture| |
|______|_______|_______|____|_______________| |
|   |  | Horses|Cows   |    |       |       | |
|   |  |       |       |    |       |       | |
|___|  |_______|_______|    |Chicken| Sheep | |
|Lumber                |____|_______|_______| |
|                       Silo                | |
|________________                           | |
|                |                          |_|
|                |      _______________        Crop Field
|                |     |Ship-  |Spa    |
|  Your House    |     |ping   |       |
|       _________|     |Bin    |       |
|       |              |_______|_______|     _
|_______|                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |____           ____________________| |
|_______|____|         |______________________|
Secret Garden

It depends on the gender of the beginning of the game.
Boy: You will be called by the Mayor in the village in Harvest Moon 2.
He will thank you and send you to another town that needs help.  Then
you go to a town square and meet another farmer (Jill) or the name you
call her.  Then you meet at your new farm, where Jill grew up.

Girl: You will fall on the ground, and Jack will help you out.  Then
Jill's father thanks you and allows Jill to raise the farm with Jack If
he passes away.  After the father dies, Jill only knows how to raise
animals.  Then she awaits to meet Jack at the town square.

You could pick what color you want to be. Also, you could choose one of
8 pets(3 dogs, 3 cats, a bird, a pig).

Alright, on the first day you would want to bring you pet outside.
Then go to the house just south of the chicken coop.  Pick up the
shovel and dig three times per square grid in the middle of the
darkened squares.  Then go to the crop field and clear about one fourth
of the land on the top field. Notice that you could only get six power
berries here, by plowing.  You will notice that when you are a girl she
is slow in the crop fields.

Depending on gender, if you are a girl feed your free grown up cow,
then brush it, feed it, and talk to it.  You have the feed, in your
tools menu.  The tools are on the top of the main menu.  Then check the
animal statistics, by choosing the menu below your name on the main
menu. Then milk the cow, and press the B button to put it in the sack.
Then exit.  Clear some of the land behind the cow barn, and hoe the
ground by 3by3 squares.  Three hoed patches should do.  Then go to the
shipping bin.  Then go to the town when you exit your farm.  Go all the
way down until you meet a guy with white hair.  Talk to him to get a
pass to get onto the boat.  Talk to him again and say yes, so you can
go to another island.  He will be there only on Mondays and Thursdays,
only if it is not rainy, snowing, or have a natural disaster.(Except
the earthquake).  When it is 8am, go down to the shop with a green
roof. Then buy one or two grass seeds on the top left side of the shop.
In case you didn't notice, this is a bank, and animal shop.  Exit, the
shop, then go to the shop with a red roof, it has to be 9am to enter.
This is a library, restaurant, tools, and flower shop.  Buy as much
seeds you want or can get.  Go back to the port and talk to the man,
and say yes to go back to your farm.  If you don't get back to the guy
with white hair by 6pm, he will take you out of any buildings.  The
other two buildings are the aquarium and the theater.  Both of them
will make you happier. Don't go here now. Go back to your farm and till
the soil in the crop field.  Then plant your seeds and water them.
Notice, you cannot grow grass here.  Grow your grass in the cow
pasture, back of the cow barn. If it is before 6 o'clock, pick some
grape in the forest.  The forest has infinite fruits there, just exit
and go back in.  Carry about 16 before 6pm.  Then go back to your farm.
To ship make sure you have your shippable items in the shipping bin
house.  Then go to your house, and use your phone before 6pm.  Then
pick yes, and the top choice, and you select the things you want to
ship, and how much you want to ship.  (Quantity, of one good.)  You
will have to do this over and over to ship more stuff.  Then go to
sleep, or do more work. (Clearing land, chopping wood, tilling soil,
gathering fruits, and other stuff.  Until you get 3200 gold, buy a
Scare Crow at the animal shop so your plants will survive.

Depending on gender, if you are a boy, clear more land in the crop
field, then the land behind the livestock barns.  Then till the soil in
the pastures and crop fields.  Then go to the town.  Go all the way
down until you meet a guy with white hair.  Talk to him to get a pass
to get onto the boat.  Talk to him again and say yes, so you can go to
another island.  He will be there only on Mondays and Thursdays, only
if it is not rainy, snowing, or have a natural disaster.(Except the
earthquake).  When it is 8am go down to the shop with a green roof.
Then buy one or two grass seeds on the top left side of the shop.  In
case you didn't notice, this is a bank, and animal shop.  Exit, the
shop, then go to the shop with a red roof, it has to be 9am to enter.
This is a library, restaurant, tools, and flower shop.  Buy as much
seeds you want or can get.  Go back to the port and talk to the man,
and say yes to go back to your farm.  If you don't get back to the guy
with white hair by 6pm, he will take you out of any buildings.  The
other two buildings are the aquarium and the theater.  Both of them
will make you happier.  Don't go here now. Go back to your farm and
till the soil in the crop field.  Then plant your seeds and water them.
Notice, you cannot grow grass here.  If it is before 6 o'clock, pick
some grape in the forest.  The forest has infinite fruits there, just
exit and go back in.  Carry about 16 before 6pm.  Then go back to your
farm.  To ship make sure you have your shippable items in the shipping
bin house.  Then go to your house, and use your phone before 6pm.  Then
pick yes, and the top choice, and you select the things you want to
ship, and how much you want to ship.  (Quantity, of one good.)  You
will have to do this over and over to ship more stuff.  Then go to
sleep, or do more work. (Clearing land, chopping wood, tilling soil,
gathering fruits, and other stuff...  Until you get 3200 gold, buy a
Scare Crow at the animal shop so your plants will survive.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. How to Save                     |_|_|_||

Saving is easy.  All you do is go to the main menu (while playing the
game)by pressing the select button. Then go to the last option, you
will have two save slots. Select one of them to save. Keep on saying
yes, until it has the day and hour you are on now.

NOTE: If you are using a emulator that has snapshots or save states,
use them for secondary saves.
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|     PART 2 Farming      |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|
       ____  _____  ____         _____        _____
       \   \|@@@@@|/   /         \    \      /    /
  ______\____\@@@/____/______     \  \ \    / /  /
  \     |@@@@|   |@@@@|     /      \  \ |  | /  /
   \ \_ |@@@@|   |@@@@| _/ /        \__\|__|/__/
    \__\|@@@//@@@\\@@@|/__/        /            \
       \/  /|@@@@@|\  \/          /______________\
       /  /  /| |\  \  \          \00000000000000/
      |  /  / | | \  \  |          \000000000000/
      |____/  | |  \____|           \0000000000/
              | |                       \  /
              | |                        \/
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    1. Your Farmland                   |_|_|_||

This is your entire farmland.
|      |       |       |    |       |       | |
|      |Pasture|Pasture|    |Pasture|Pasture| |
|______|_______|_______|____|_______________| |
|   |  | Horses|Cows   |    |       |       | |
|   |  |       |       |    |       |       | |
|___|  |_______|_______|    |Chicken| Sheep | |
|Lumber                |____|_______|_______| |
|                       Silo                | |
|________________                           | |
|                |                          |_|
|                |      _______________        Crop Field
|                |     |Ship-  |Spa    |
|  Your House    |     |ping   |       |
|       _________|     |Bin    |       |
|       |              |_______|_______|     _
|_______|                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |                                   | |
|       |____           ____________________| |
|_______|____|         |______________________|
Secret Garden
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                     2. Your House                     |_|_|_||

Your house is where you will wake up everyday, duh!  Anyways you will
notice you won't have a television.  You will have to buy one for
30,000 gold.  Money is hard to make in this game.  You will also want
to buy other things like rugs and flowerpots.  Why do you need this?
It makes you happier when you wake up.  For me, I bought the pot and
TV.  You don't have to buy food anymore.  You could have a child if you
buy a crib for 30,000 and get married.  When you have about 50000 gold
for a few days, your partner will ask you to buy a fertilizer maker for
about 49000 gold.  It is worth it, that is what I think of it.

NOTE: You CAN get sick, when it rains or snows.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                  3. Livestock Barns                   |_|_|_||

These include Horses, Cows, Chickens, and Sheep.

All but the horse gives you money.  You can sell horses though, and it
can help you to ship items.  Now I will tell you how to get your
livestock.  Notice it has to be your first animal of each.  Exception;
unless you are playing a girl with the cow.  The grass has to be nearly
grown patches.

_______________   _______________
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |
|             Barn 2            |
|                               |
|                          FEED |
|                          _____|
|                         |     |
|______________   ________|_____|
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |
|                               |
|            Barn 1             |
|______      __             FEED|
|   PREGNANT   |           _____|
|    FEMALES   |          |     |
|______________|   _______|_____|

Barns for horses, cows, and sheep
_______________   _______________
|                     FEED||  || |
|                   HOLDER||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||__|| |
|               Coop2        FEED|
|                           _____|
|                          |     |
|______________   _________|_____|
|                     FEED||  || |
|                   HOLDER||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||__|| |
|               Coop1        FEED|
|_                          _____|
| |Incubator               |     |
|_|____________   _________|_____|
Chicken Coop

Horses-To get a horse, you must have these requirements.
1.$4000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder pieces cut from grass.

Cows-To get a cow, you must have these requirements.

1.$5000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder of grass.

Chickens-To get a chicken, you must have these requirements.

1.$1000 gold.
2.4-5 patches of grass.
3.at least 20 fodder pieces.

Sheep-To get a sheep, you must have these requirements.

1.$3000 gold.
2.5-6 patches of grass.
3.at least 30-40 pieces of fodder.

You buy the animals in the animal shop, on the other island.  It is in
the shop with a green roof.

If you are a boy and need to milk, shear, and brush livestock-
Ask your girlfriend (The red head) To feed, milk, shear, gather eggs,
and brush, all the livestock.
Ask her and say yes.  Then ask the bottom left option.  Go outside and
go in the livestock barns.  You will meet her at every barn, depending
if you have at least one animal in every barn.  She will say this, per
barn.  Here is how to feed if you want to do it, or when you're a girl.

First number she says in the barn: The number of fodder she placed in a
Second number she says in the barn: Is the number she brushed.
Third number she says in the barn: The number of goods she collected,
eggs, milk, and wool.

Notice if she didn't do the expected work. If you buy books at the mall
for 1600 gold, she will do all the work with the animals.
Here is how to feed if you want to do it, or when you're a girl.
_______________   _______________
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||<--- (3)Press (A) here
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||        to release the
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |        fodder on the
|                               |        holders.
|            Barn 1             |
|______      __             FEED|<--- (2)Do not press (A)
|   PREGNANT   |           _____|        while walking.
|    FEMALES   |          |     |<--- (1)Press (A) here
|______________|   _______|_____|        on the Feed Box.

(4) Do not throw the feed onto the animals, you are wasting fodder
pieces, if you do so.
To make a male and a female mate, talk to them, and chose no to let
them outside, and chose yes to let them mate, so you cold have a calf
in 30 days.

NOTE: There is only one feed holder in the pen, so feed the male's
holder where he used to be, and feed the pregnant female, on the feed
holder next to the pen.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4. Crop Field and Planting         |_|_|_||

These are the allowable seeds to plant during the seasons and crop
fields.  You will notice some plants are gone, when you plant them.
Buy a Scare Crow at the Marketplace to scare to crows from eating your
Cost: 3200 gold.


All Crops are from the florist shop or received by certain pets.
Cost: 120 gold per bag
Five days to harvest.
40 Gold per turnip.
Cost: 200 gold per bag
Seven days to harvest.(Appears as white flowers)
50 gold per potato.
Cost: 320 gold per bag
Nine days To Harvest.
60 Gold per asparagus.

You get to plant the flowers below the peanut and potatoes pictures
when it is spring.  I don't know the names yet.
White Flower
Costs $400 gold
At the florist shop on the other island.
5 days to harvest.  50-70 gold per flower.
Poppy( Probably?)
Free: Received only by pet.
7 days to harvest.
150 gold per plant.


Cost:200 Gold
10 days to first harvest. Three days to next harvest.
60 gold per tomato.
Cost: 300 Gold
13 days to first harvest.  Four days to next harvest.
70 gold per corn.
Cost: 500 Gold
15 days to first harvest.  Four days to next harvest.
80 gold per melon.

Coming Soon


Cost:120 Gold
5 days to harvest.
40 gold per eggplant.
Cost:160 Gold
7 days to harvest.
50 gold per peanut.
Sweet Potatoes-
7 days to harvest.
60 gold per harvest

Coming Soon

Cash Crops-
Cost:600 gold
60 days(two seasons) to harvest.
200 gold per unit of rice.
Cost:600 gold
60 days(two seasons) to harvest.
200 gold per unit of wheat.

Nothing can't grow!!!

Here is the seed chart in the game.
|Turnip|Potato|Aspar-|Tomato|Corn  |
|      |      |agus  |      |      |
|Melon |Egg-  |Peanut|Sweet |Grass |
|      |plant |      |Potato|      |
|Wheat |Rice  |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
This is what your crop field should look like.
W= Water ways with shovel
P=Plowed land with hoe.
|                   WWWWWWW|
|   PPP PPP PPP PPP W      |
|                   WPPPWPPP|
|                   WPPPWPPP|
| | PPP PPP PPP PPP W       |
| |__________   ____WWWWWWWW|
|____________   ____________|
|@@@@@@@@@@@@|  |@@@@@@@@@@@|
|                  WWWWWWWWW|
|                 WWWWWWWWWW|
|                 WWWWWWWWW|
|  PP PP   PP PP   PP  _|
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                      5. Tools                         |_|_|_||

The tools that you start out with should be these kinds, depending on
gender of farmer.

Girl-Hammer, Axe, Empty Hands, Hoe, Sickle, Watering Can, Brush,
Milker, and Feed. Animals-Cow(Fully Grown Female).

Boy- Hammer, Axe, Empty Hands, Hoe, Sickle, Watering Can, and Miracle
Gloves. Seeds-Turnips, potatoes, and asparagus.
The shovel in the spa room is the first tool you should receive then
use it.  You should use your other tools to clear the land.  Most of
the tools you will have to buy.

If you are a boy and need to milk, shear, and brush livestock-
Ask your partner to feed, milk, shear, gather eggs, and brush, all the
Ask her and say yes.  Then ask the bottom left option.  Go outside and
go in the livestock barns.  You will meet her at every barn, depending
if you have at least one animal in every barn.  She will say this, per

First number she says in the barn: The number of fodder she placed in a
Second number she says in the barn: Is the number she brushed.
Third number she says in the barn: The number of goods she collected,
eggs, milk, and wool and sometimes mayonnaise.

Notice if she didn't do the expected work. If you buy books at the Mall
for 1600 gold, she will do all the work with the animals.

If you are a girl and need to water, harvest, and treat the plants-Ask
your partner to water, harvest, and treat your plants.  He will meet
you when you go to the crop fields.

First number he says in the field: The number of plants he watered.
Second number he says in the field: The number of things he cleared- I
Third number he says in the field: The number of plants he harvested.

Notice if he didn't do the expected work. If you buy books at the Mall
for 1600 gold, he will do all the work with the crops.
The basic tools Sickle, Hoe, Watering Can, Axe, and Hammer can be
upgraded. They upgrade by levels.  To see the levels, go to the Tools
screen.  Also, if you played HM 64, you should know how to use the tool

Here is how to use tool levels.

Lv1(Standard)-press the A button. Does one unit of work.  To upgrade a
LV1 tool, use it 117 times.
Lv2(Silver)-press+hold A button until you hear a beep, then release.
LV2 does 2 times of work for Hammer and Axe.  LV2 does three units of
work with the Sickle, Hoe, and Watering Can.  To up a tool from LV2,
use it on LV2 117 times.
Lv3(Golden)-press+hold A button until you hear two beeps, then release.
They act like super tools now.  Axe and Hammer does one hit to chop
wood and destroy boulders.  Hoe tills 6 square tiles in a row.  Sickle
and Watering Can(Watering Can acts like a old version of a sprinkler)
works an area of 3x3.

You get more tools, buy them or receive them, in the tool shop on the
other island, and by becoming friends with people.
Tools List
Hands-Carry items, puts items in the sack on your back.-FREE-START WITH

Axe-chops wood stumps-FREE-START WITH IT

Sickle-cuts crops, weeds, and grass.-FREE-START WITH IT

Hammer-destroys boulders and rocks.-FREE START WITH IT

Hoe-tills the land-FREE-START WITH IT

Watering Can-waters plants (cannot be used for rice and wheat)-FREE-

Shovel-it makes the spa and irrigation water ways.-FREE-FIND IT IN THE

Miracle Gloves-to ship the items to the shipping bin-FREE-START WITH IT

Scare Crow- Protects your crops-3200-GOLD

Milker- Milks cows-FEMALE FARMER

Brush- Brushes livestock-FEMALE FARMER

Clippers- Shears sheep wool-FEMALE FARMER

Sprinker- To automatically water any plants in a 10x10 area.-50000-

Snow Board- a mini game played in winter, and inside the forest.
(30,000 Gold)

Fertillizer- Helps you grow plants faster 2 times the growing rate. 99
maximum  bags.  Don't worry you could make more.

Feed-Extra Fodder for livestock.-1000 GOLD

Fishing Rod- To catch a big one-Get it from Willy-Guy brown hair next
to the first building when you come to the town on the main island. He
will ask you to borrow the axe.-FREE

Shots-Order From Left To Right-Horses, Cows, Chickens, and Sheep.-600-
2000 GOLD

Mysterious Egg- To socialize to the livestock, and raise livestock love
levels(Equip to use).-FREE-MUST CATCH A FISH WORTH OF 5000 GOLD.-

Extra Items
Coming Soon

Sack- To carry 8 items on your back.-FREE-START WITH IT
To use it, press (A) when you pick up something (other than your pet),
then press (B), to put an item in.

Rug Sack- To carry 16 items on your back.-GET IT ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. It
is the same as the sack, except you could hold more items.  To use it,
it has the same property as the sack.
Here are the tools lay out in the game.
|Hands |Sickle|Hoe   |Axe   |Hammer|Water-|
|      |      |      |      |      |ingCan|
|Shovel|Miracle|Horse|Cow   |Chicken|Sheep|
|      |Gloves|Shot  |Shot  |Shot  |Shot  |
|Brush |Milker|Sham- |Clipp-|Scare-|Sprin-|
|      |      |poo   |ers   |Crow  |kler  |
|Saddle|Ferti-|Fishi-|Snow  |Myste-|      |
|      |lizer |ngPole|Board |riousEgg|    |
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    6. Shipping Bin                    |_|_|_||

Your shipping bin could hold 99 quantities of each shippable goods.
Your goods will go bad in two weeks if not shipped.  When you get the
Frozen Ice in the Mountain cave, on the cliff, then you could ask to
build a non-spoiled shipping bin.  The person who makes the non-
sploiled bin, he is in the tool shop at the Mall area.

To ship make sure you have your shippable items in the shipping bin
house.  Do not press any items you want to ship. Then go to your house,
and use your phone before 6pm.  Then pick yes, and the top choice, and
you select the things you want to ship, and how much you want to ship.
(Quantity, of one good.)  You will have to do this over and over to
ship more stuff.

|Turnip|Potato|Aspa- |Tomato|Corn  |
|      |      |ragus |      |      |
|Melon |Egg-  |Peanut|Sweet |Celery|
|      |plant |      |Potato|      |
|Wheat |Rice  |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|Amary-|Moon- |      |
|sil   |Drop  |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |
|S.Wool|M.Wool|L.Wool|Yarn  |Knit- |
|      |      |      |      |wear  |
|Egg   |Golden|Mayon-|
|      |Egg   |aisse |
|Rasp- |Cherry|Mush- |
|berry |      |room  |

|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |
|      |

The miracle gloves really help.  Hold up an item and equip the miracle
gloves, then throw it.  It looks like it disappeared.  It went into the
shipping bin.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                      7. Lumber                        |_|_|_||

You basically use lumber when fixing tilled soil or irrigated
waterways.  You will lose lumber if you want to undo waterways.  The
lumber shed is to the left of the horse stable, and above your house.
A fence of lumber is always two, so if you have 4 amt of lumber, you
only have two pieces of fencing.

To get more lumber, cut stumps in your crop field, animal pastures, or
the forest.  The forest has a infinite amount of stumps.  If you chop
all the stumps in the forest, and want more, exit and reenter the
forest.  To get the lumber out of the lumber shed, press (A), while
being next to it.  To put a piece lumber back, be next to the shed and
press (A).

NOTE: You can carry lumber in your sack.  Hold up a piece of fence, by
pressing (A), then press (B) to put it in.
 _______   _
| || || | |_|-.    |^^^|
| || || | | |-|    '___'
|_______| |_| |
| | | | |   '-'     ___
| | | | |          '^^^'
|_|_|_|_|          |^^^|

BOAT-You'll will have to be friends will Bella and Willy in order for
them to build you a boat.  Also you need about 200-250 lumber.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                      8. The Spa                       |_|_|_||

8. The Spa

The spa is located south of the Chicken coop.  It looks like there is
nothing, but a shovel.  In order to get the spa, you have to do this
simple task.  Get the shovel, dig in the 2x4 patch of dirt in the
center about 3 times per square dirt.  Then you should see water. Then
wait until tomorrow, game days, 20 stamina points will recover per dip.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                        9. Pets                        |_|_|_||

Protects your livestock outside.  There is a big dog, a medium (basic
dog from other HM games, and a small dog.  I think the purpose of the
size is by level of experience.

Brings you various seeds(depending on which cat you chose).  Black,
brown, or white cat.

Brings you seeds(Mostly flowers and herbs, and no it won't fly away).

Brings you money(Various amounts I think)
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                      10. Secrets                      |_|_|_||

Here are the secrets so far.

1. Mermaid's Cave
Requirements- Have your own boat.
            - 6 PowerBerries
            - 3 mermaid stones (Optional)- Appears on the town beach
every week.

Go on your boat, by navigation.
To do that, select no first, then yes, when you want to ride on the

Now go down a screen.  Left 2 screens.  Up 3 screens.  Finally, a
screen to the right.  There should be a cave.  Direct your boat into
the cave.  Go up the stairs once you get off the boat.  Press A to meet
the mermaid.  If you have 3 mermaid stones you will get a powerberry.

2. Fishing for 5000 Gold

At Spring first, second year, talk to the aquarium guy, and

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                       11. Cows                        |_|_|_||

Cows bring you the best income on all the animals, depending on how
many females you have, and the love levels.  You first get them when
they are newborns.  It takes 13 days for it to grow into a large calf,
then 20 days to a adult cow. Males cannot be milked.  You must have
these requirements to have the first two or three cows.  The cows must
be fed every day to produce milk, except for the male.  They will
become grumpy if you do not feed them.  Feed the male anyways, because
it will not mate, if he is grumpy.  Hurricanes and heavy snow will also
cause the animals to be grumpy.  Also, on the 13th of Winter, 1st year
will cause animals to be grumpy.

Cows-To get a cow, you must have these requirements.

1.$5000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder of grass.

To get a newborn, you need a male and female cow. Both of them have to
be adults. Then talk to one of them and say no to the first option,
then yes to the second.  Do this again to the other cow. Then the next
day the female would be pregnant.  This works with the horse and sheep.
It takes a full season to give birth.

NOTE: Love levels cannot go down.  Gender of newborn (BY BREEDING) is

Here are the selling prices.

Newborn Calf- 1500 gold
Calf-2000 gold
Adult Cow-2500 gold
S.Milk-150 gold
M.Milk-200 gold
L.Milk-250 gold
Cheese-300 gold
Butter-300 gold

Note to get the Butter Maker, you must have shipped 200 Milk, any size.
To get the Cheese Maker, you must have shipped 200 Milk, any size.
Ask the Jill to milk, and brush the cows.  Feeding is optional for
Jill.  When you get the L.Milk, go to the shipping bin and select as
much milk as you can or want.  Then put it in the butter or cheese
maker in the cow barn.  Then put the cheese or the butter in the
shipping bin.
If you don't feed any cows in three days it will become sick.  Also, if
you send it outside when raining it will become sick.  You cannot send
any animals in winter.  After three more days of sickness the cow(s)
will die.  I only tried it to test. I did not save though.
You buy the shots in the animal shops.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    12. Horses                         |_|_|_||

Horses, they help you out, and they won't produce any money, except
selling them.  You will have to breed horses to get different colors of
horses.  When you buy horses, they are white with blue hair.  Breed
them to get black, brown, and other horses. To get a horse, you must
have these requirements.

Horses-To get a horse, you must have these requirements.
1.$4000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder pieces cut from grass.

Breed them like the cows. (MALE+FEMALE) GENDER is random if you

Selling prices.
Bought Horses
Breed Horses

The sickness is the same with cows.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    13. Chickens                       |_|_|_||

Chickens- To breed chickens you must have a male and a female chicken,
not chick.  Then pick and place the egg with your bare hands on the
incubator.  Roosters cannot lay eggs.  A chicken provides more money
than a sheep per week.  You can get golden chickens when you have a
love level of 10 and have them for a year.  You can get them by trade
too.  To get a chicken, you must have these requirements.

Chickens-To get a chicken, you must have these requirements.

1.$1000 gold.
2.4-5 patches of grass.
3.at least 20 fodder pieces.

To breed, have a hen and a rooster.  Then pick the fertilized egg with
your bare hands, (NOT MIRACLE GLOVES) and place it on the incubator.  A
chick will hatch from an egg in 7 days, game days.  Then they take
another 7 days to become an adult.

NOTE: The gender is random, if you hatch an egg.

Selling prices
Regular Chicken
Egg-50 Gold each
Chick-cannot sell
Chicken-500 Gold
Golden Chicken
Golden Egg-200 Gold
Golden Chick-Cannot Sell
Golden Chicken-5000 Gold

The mayonnaise maker comes to the tool shop when you ship around 200
eggs.  The mayonnaise maker costs 30000 gold, and it makes 300 gold per
mayonnaise bottle.

The sickness is the same with cows.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    14. Sheep                         |_|_|_||

Sheep provides wool even if they are grumpy.  They only have two stages
like the horses.  Sheep provides wool every 7-9 days, depending on
love. If you have lots of sheep, they provide a large amount of income.
Here are the requirements for a Sheep.  Both male and female will give
off Wool.

Sheep-To get a sheep, you must have these requirements.

1.$3000 gold.
2.5-6 patches of grass.
3.at least 30-40 pieces of fodder.

To breed, do the same with cows. (MALE+FEMALE) GENDER is random if you
reproduce sheep.

Selling prices
Lamb-1000 Gold
Sheep-1500 Gold
S.Wool-150 Gold
M.Wool-200 Gold
L.Wool-250 Gold
Knitwear-300 Gold
Yarn-300 Gold

To Have the Knitwear maker, you must have shipped 50 Wool, any size
before you can buy the knitwear maker.  To get the yarn maker, you must
have shipped 100 wool, any size before you can buy yarn maker.

The sickness is the same with cows.
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|   PART 3 Island Map     |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|
                   / (3)\                1. Your Farm
          ________/  /__ \               2. The Sea Site
         / ___   __ ||||\ \              3. The Mountain Cliff
  ______/ /___\ |  ||____\ \___          4. The Forest
  \/  \/  |___|_|  |       __   \        5. The Forest Maze
 /||  ||   (1)|___/     __|__|_  \       6. The Town
|   (2)                |__|_|__| _\___
|     ___  __    _____  || |__|_|__|  \
|    | __||##|  /     \(4)_|__|_ |__|_|
|   _|_|_||__| |       \|__|_|__|__|__|
|  /_\__\ |@@| |        \|||||||__|(5)/
|  | |__| |__|  \        \ |__|__|__|/
 \ | | (6)|;;|  |        |__||_||_||/
  \|_|____|_ |__/
       __|_| |
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    1. The Town                        |_|_|_||

The town on the main land will allow you to become friends with the
inhabitants in the town.  You could receive tools from people.  You can
get the fishing pole here.  The port allows you to go to the other
island.  You cannot enter their houses though, except for the church
open every Sunday for Harvest praying. I got the names from my friend
that could speak Japanese.  I hope.  Here is the map for the town.
 ___________________________    ______________________
|          |   |          |            |
|  Church__|   |  Billy's |            |
|    |     |   |  House   |             \
|____| |3| |   |          |              |
|__________|   |__________|              |
|                  |2|                    \
|                                          |
|__________     __________                 |
|          |   |          |                |
|  Kent's  |   | Bella's  |                |
|  House   |   | House    |                |
|          |   |          |                |
|__________|   |__________|                |
|   |3|            |4|                    /
|                                        |
|__________     __________               |
|          |   |          |             /
| Light-   |   | Bella's  |            |
| House    |   |          |            |
| and Boat |   |          |            |
|__________|   |__________|            |
|________|8|_______|5|___       _______|
                         | |6| |
                      |7||     |

You can Fish here.

The Townsfolk

(2) Willy- He gives you the fishing pole-Sundays, Wednesdays, and
(3) Bella-She gives you advice an a boat.-Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
(5) Karen-She will go out on an event with you.-Sundays, Mondays,
(1) The Elder-he gives advice to save the farm.-Every Day
(6) The Karen's Father???- He gives you a ride from the main island to
the other island.-Every Mondays and Thursday, if not raining.
(3) The Kent- He wonders how does he gets a life.-Sundays, Tuesdays,
(7) Ferry Ride- Mondays and Thursday
(8) Your boat

They will not appear if raining.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    2. Sea Site                        |_|_|_||

This is where you are supposed to meet when your boyfriend/ girlfriend
asks you what time do you want to meet here.  It is a romantic SITE. If
you do this several times, you could get married.
Also, you can come here in Independence Day festival, I think that is
what its called.  To make sure you're here, here is how it looks.

|    Water_______ Water   |
|________/       \________|
|                         |
|______             ______|
|      |_         _|      |
|        \_     _/        |
|  Trees   |   |   Trees  |
|          |   |          |
|          |   |          |

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    3. Mountain Cliff                  |_|_|_||

This part is accessible only when the earthquake hits sometime during
spring, second year.  Then clear your crop field of rocks first,
because the earthquake landed some rocks on the field.  The earthquake
will not damage any crops.  Then go to the cliff  go to the right, then
go inside the cave.  Look at the jewel, it's a slab of ice, and it will
disappear.  Then you go to the right of the cave, right under spot
where you saw the slab of ice. Go all the way to the right on the black
area. Then go up, and talk to the dwarf.  He will give you a power

Before Earthquake
|          |
|          |

After Earthquake
            _________   _________       _____
           |   ___   | |||    (3)|     |_(4)_|
 __________|__/(2)\__| |       |||       | |
|                    | |||   ||()|_______| |
|___     ____       _| |||       |_________|
|___|   |__| |_____| | ||||    ()|
|          |         | |___(2)___|

(1) Entrance of the Mountain.

(2) Entrance of the Cave.

(3) The slab of ice is used to upgrade your shipping bin.  It will not
make the food spoil.  Talk to the guy at the tool shop to get the

(4) Harvest Sprite.  Talk to it an it will give you a power berry.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4. Forest                          |_|_|_||

You can chop lumber, gather fruits, break boulders, and ski here. Also,
you can jump down the cliffs with a one level steepness.

Fruit costs 30 gold each. (Grapes, Berries, and Mushrooms)
When it is Winter you can snowboard here.  Look at Misc. (Part 5)

Here is what it looks like.
|  |                        | (S)= Stump
|__| (R) (S)                | (R)= Raspberry-Spring
|___________________ (S)(R) | (C)= Cherry-Summer
|                   |  (S)  | (M)= Mushroom-Fall
|___________________|  (C)  | (B)= Boulder
|  | (S)(M)                 |
|  |       (B)  ____________|
|  |      _____|            |
|  |     |     |____________|
|  |(R)  |_____|        (M) |
|__|(C)(S)(M)(S)      (S)(C)|
|___________________      __|
|___________________|    |__|
|__|(R)(C)            (M)(B)|
|______________     ________|
|______________|   |________|

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. Forest Maze                     |_|_|_||

The Forest Maze Consists of many paths that lead to the Fountain
Spring.  The Maze has no purpose, cause it always lead to the Fountain.
You can catch a fish worth of 5000 gold here on the 1st of Spring.
Talk to the Aquarium guy(he is behind the counter).  Get the Fishing
Book, if you don't have it already.  You don't need this, but I
recommend you do.
 ________   ________
|        |2|        | Any exit, except one will lead to different
|        | |        | paths along the maze.
|        | |        |
|________| |________|
3________   ________4
|        | |        |
|        | |        |
|        | |        |

When you arrive at the spring:
|^^^^^^^|(1)  |      | Any of the numbers will lead to the screen above
|^^^^^^^^\    |      | this one.
|^^^^^^^^^|   |______|
|^^^^^^^^^|    ____(3)
|^^^^^^^^^|   |      |
|^^^^^^^^/    |      |

You can Fish here.
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|   PART 4 The City       |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|
 ___________    __________________________ /_\
|  _______  |  |/_______\       /_______\ \| |
| |_______| |  ||   _   |       |  (_.< |  | |_
| |       | |  ||__|_|__|____(5)|__|_|__|  |_| \________
| |       | |  |(4)|  _________________ \  (1)|         |
| |       | |  |   | |                 \ \____|_________|
| |\     /| |  |   | |                  \_______  |     |
| | \___/ | |  |  _|_|___                       | |     |
| \       / |  | /_______\                    __|_|__   |
 \ \     / /   | |   _   |                (2)/_______\  |
  \ \   / /    | |__|_|__|___________________|   _   |  |
   \ \_/ /     |(3) |________________________|__|_|__|  |
    \___/      |________________________________________|

1. The Dock
2. Marketplace
3. Mall
4. Theater
5. Aquarium
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    1. The Dock                        |_|_|_||

This allows you to have access to the other island and the shops.  The
opening hours is from 6am-6pm.  If you are in a shop at 6pm, he will
take you back to the town.  The dock is only available on Mondays and
Thursdays, unless you have your boat.
If you have your own boat, you could visit the island anytime, but the
opening hours is the same.
 __ ____________________
|1 |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| (1)Lighthouse
|  |^^^^^ ______________| (2)Your Boat
|  |2___3|4             5 (3)Ferry
|                       | (4)Karen's Dad???
|                       | (5)Job Guy
|                       | (6)Exit
|_____________ 6 _______|

Yes, you can fish here.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    2. The Market Place                |_|_|_||

Here are the three main parts of the shops.  Open 8 AM- 6 PM

(1)The Botany Helper
(2)Animal shop
(3)Crop Jobs-You can print out pictures of horses and cows here.
(4The Bank
|(1) |   |(2) |
|____|   |____|
|             |
|____     ____|
|(4) |   |(3) |

The Animal Shop

You can buy these following stuff.
NOTE: When you buy a livestock, they ask you yes, if you want to buy
the livestock.  Then it asks you to pick what gender of the livestock.
Male is the left, and females are the right.
Horse-4000 Gold
Horse Medicine-2000 Gold
Cow-5000 Gold
Cow Medicine-1000 Gold
Chicken-1000 Gold
Chicken Medicine-500 Gold
Sheep-3000 Gold
Sheep Medicine-750 Gold
Feed-1500 Gold

You can sell these livestock.
Selling prices.
Bought Horses
Breed Horses
Newborn Calf- 1500 gold
Calf-2000 gold
Adult Cow-2500 gold
Selling prices
Chick-cannot sell
Chicken-500 Gold
Golden Chick-Cannot Sell
Golden Chicken-5000 Gold
Selling prices
Lamb-1000 Gold
Sheep-1500 Gold

The Botany helper

Here is what you can buy here.
Grass seeds-600 gold
You can only get these in the second year.
Wheat seeds-600 Gold
Rice seeds-600 Gold
Sprinkler-50000 Gold 1st year-Summer of 2nd year, 25000 fall 2nd year-
3rd year. Used to water Rice and Wheat, also you could use it on
flowers and crops.
Scare Crow- 3200 Gold

The Bank

You can Deposit and Receive your money at the bank in increments of
10000 Gold.  You must have a least of 10000 gold.  Get your money out
of the bank before Spring 1st, third year.

The Photo Store

You can take photos of your cows and horses on the Gameboy Color
printer.  To take picture of a certain horse or cow, just use the
cursor to pick the animal you want to pick, like in the Animal
Statistic Option in the IN game menu.

Also, you can sign up for jobs here.  Coming Soon
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    3. The Aquarium                    |_|_|_||

The aquarium will receive more fishes if you give them fishes. I heard
your happiness level will go up if you do so.  You can watch the fishes
swim in the tank.  You will get a powerberry here once, when you give
the aquarium all the fishes.

You could look into the tank to see a certain species of fish.  Just
walk to a tank and press the (A) button.  You should see a number and a
yes and no option.  Press yes to look at the tank, and no to leave.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4. The Theater                     |_|_|_||

The theater is there to rise your happiness rate.  The movies will be
depending on the happiness rate you have currently.  It also depends on
the seasons also.  It is about 2-3 minutes long each.
Each movie costs 1500 gold, so if you don't have that much money, I
suggest you leave.

To Exit a Movie, while it is playing, press start and select yes.
Each Movie takes 2-4 hours.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. The Mall                        |_|_|_||

Here is what you can buy in this buildings.

Orange juice-80 gold
Apple juice-80 gold
Tea-100 gold
Lunch box-200 gold
Cake-300 gold
NOTE: This is food to raise stamina at the restaurant.  You do not need
to purchase food for the farm to eat.

Flower pot-3000 Gold-DECORATION for house
Flower seeds
Spring-400 Gold
Summer-400 Gold
Fall-400 Gold
Turnips-120 Gold
Potatoes-160 Gold
Asparagus-300 Gold
Tomatoes-200 Gold
Corn-300 Gold
Melon-500 Gold
Eggplant-120 Gold
Peanut-160 Gold
Yam-300 Gold

TV-30000 Gold-DECORATION for house
Crib-30000 Gold-DECORATION for house

Tool Shop-
S.Rug-3000 Gold-DECORATION for house
M.Rug-6000 Gold-DECORATION for house
L.Rug-9000  Gold-DECORATION for house
These make your happiness go up.

Butter, Cheese, Yarn, Knitwear, and Mayo makers-30000 Gold each.

Books-1600-9000 Gold Each
More coming soon.
__ _ _____________________________________________________________ _ _
|_|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_                           _|_|_   _|_|_   _|_|_|
|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|   PART 5 Miscellaneous  |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|
 _____                           __________        __________
|     \   ______  ______        | ________ |<---->| ________ |
|   \  \ /@@@@@@\/@@@@@@\       ||        ||      ||        ||
 \   \  \@@@@@@@@@@    @@\      ||        ||      ||        ||
  \___\__|@@@@@@@@@@    @@|     ||________||      ||________||
       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @|     ||GameboyC||      ||GameboyC||
       |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|     |     _  _ |      |     _  _ |
        \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/      |_||_ || |||      |_||_ || |||
         \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/       |-||-      |      |-||-      |
          \@@@@@@@@@@@@/        |   =  =   |      |   =  =   |
           \@@@@/\@@@@/          \________/        \________/
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|              1. Partner's Interests                   |_|_|_||

1. Boy:

What he likes. (When you are the girl)

1. Milk
2. Butter
3. Cheese
4. Raspberries
5. Cherries
6. Mushrooms
7. Fish
8. Any type of plant(except weeds)

What he hates.

1. Cleared land (No rocks, No weeds)
2. Natural Disasters

2. Girl

What she likes. (When you are the boy)

1. Milk
2. Butter
3. Cheese
4. Raspberries
5. Cherries
6. Wool
7. Knitwear
8. Yarn
9. Flowers

2. What she hates.

1. Fish
2. Mushrooms
3. Either sweet potatoes or eggplant
4. Animal sickness and deaths

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    2. Power Berries                   |_|_|_||

Power berries will help you keep the farm from the corporation.

1. Tilling the soil
2. Tilling the soil
3. Tilling the soil
4. Tilling the soil
5. Tilling the soil
6. Tilling the soil
7. Talk to dwarf
8. Snowboarding Score
9. Being friends with the Mermaid
10. Give all types of Fish to the Aquarium
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    3. Trading                         |_|_|_||

Go to the menu screen when you want to continue your save game.  The
screen that is after you press start.  Then go to the bottom most
option, you must have a saved game.  Then chose the game you want to
trade.  Then press link.  Now you can trade stuff.
You can trade seeds, pets, livestock, and other stuff through HM3
games. You can get a Golden Chicken by trading, this will make it a lot
faster than waiting a year.
Here is what you can trade.

#| Item Sent     | Item Received
Items/ Misc.
1. Seeds         | Seeds
2. Fish(Large)   | Fish(Large)
   Fish(Medium)  | Fish(Medium)
   Fish(Small)   | Fish(Small)
Livestock-Can trade male- male/ male- female/ female- female/ female-
1. Horse(Adult)  | Horse(Adult)/(Mare)
   Horse(Mare)   | Horse(Mare)/(Adult)
2. Cow(Adult)    | Cow(Adult)/(Calf)/(New Born Calf)
   Cow(Calf)     | Cow(Calf)/(New Born Calf)/(Adult)
   Cow(New Born) | Cow(New Born Calf)/(Adult)/(Calf)
3. Chicken(Reg)  | Chicken(Regular)/(Golden)
   Chicken(Gold) | Chicken(Golden)/(Regular)
4. Sheep(Adult)  | Sheep(Adult)/(Lamb)
   Sheep(Lamb)   | Sheep(Lamb)/(Adult)

RUMOR-I heard you can trade HM3 stuff to HM2, but only the stuff that
is found on HM2.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4. Mini Games                      |_|_|_||

I only found one mini-game so far.

1.It is the snow boarding one.
You have to buy a snowboard in winter at the tool shop for 30000 gold.
Then go to the forest and select the board and press A. Say yes two
times to snowboard.
You have to go over obstacles, and the finish line is 2500 meters.

Accelerate- Tap Up Arrow
Snow Board- Hold (A) button
Jump over logs- Press (A) or (B)
Jump over ice chunks- Press (A) or (B)
Dodge trees- Use left or right arrows
Turn- Use arrows
NOTE: You can do tricks by pressing different buttons in a order.

NOTE: The points are determined by seconds.
Here are the points for the scores.
150 seconds- and under- 100 points- Get powerberry.
155 seconds-151 seconds- 90 points
160 seconds-156 seconds- 80 points
165 seconds-161 seconds- 70 points
170 seconds-166 seconds- 60 points
175 seconds-171 seconds- 50 points
180 seconds-176 seconds- 40 points
185 seconds-181 seconds- 30 points
190 seconds-186 seconds- 20 points
195 seconds-191 seconds- 10 points
200 seconds- and up 0 points.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. Yearly Events/ Events           |_|_|_||

1.Anytime-Get married to your girlfriend/boyfriend.

2.Earthquake-around mid spring, second year.

3.Hurricanes in Summer: Any year 11th & 21st days

4.Heavy Snow: Any year 1st - 5th days & 20th - 25th days.

5.Mondays and Thursdays- (Sunny Days) Access to the other island.

6.Fireworks(Independence Day) Holiday 20th of Summer.  Go to the Sea
site after 6 pm.  You will meet Karen.

7.Red Secret of the Spring 24th of Fall. Go to the forest maze and
enter the spring at 3pm.

8.Date with wife/boyfriend-Anytime when they ask.  Go to the Sea Site,
or somewhere else.

9.Solar Eclispe- First Monday of Summer (1st year).

10.Fertilizer maker- Anytime, when you make more than 50000 gold,
Either gender of Farmer (CPU) will ask you to buy a fertilizer maker.
Cost-49000 gold.

11.Lightning- Spring, 1st year, Sunday the 28th at 10pm.  Female
partner will be scared, only if you are a boy.

12.River King- Spring 1st, 2nd year.  Go talk to the Aquarium Manager,
about the river king... I think.  He says catching it at 6pm- 12am at
the spring in the forest maze.  The next day, there will be an egg.

More Coming Soon
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    6. Marriage/ Friends               |_|_|_||

To get married or get new friends, do this as much as possible to every
NOTE: You could only marry you Farmer Partner.

1. Talk to them everyday, if possible.
2. Give them treats, like, crops, berries, milk, mayonnaise and eggs.
I am not sure about wool.
3. Don't give them bad stuff like weeds.
4. Answer a question correctly, to the person that asks one.
5. Go on events with them.

To get a baby...

To get a baby, do the following...

1. Be a Male-reason-if you are a Female and you're pregnant you can't
work hard as you used to while having a kid inside.
2. Get Married
3. Buy Crib for baby. Cost (30000) gold
4. Go sleep with your wife.
5. Give food to your wife.
6. (Recommended from me) Never neglect your wife.

A few weeks or months will make your wife pregnant. Two kids maximum,
by my standards so far.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    7. Game Codes                      |_|_|_||

I don't have any codes now, but look at these websites!




|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    8. Disclaimer                      |_|_|_||

This FAQ belongs to Crazydude426.  I have signed a document that
verifies that, this FAQ is protected by Copyright Law. Also, if any of
the Text art is used in any way, without my authorization, you will be
warned.  I will be authorized to sue, if you get a warning, and won't
take action for 5 days.  This FAQ is only used by these following

And will probably be allowed by these recipients within two weeks.

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|              9. Credits and Thanks List               |_|_|_||

Here is my credits/ thanks list.

CRAZYDUDE426- Author of this FAQ, and an advanced player at HM games.

MEW25414 or MEW254141- Supporter and hacker for HM 3 GameShark Codes.
The person who helped me get through to this game.  Harvest Moon games
on GBC.

HMGBKING- Hint master and the person who also helped me get through to
this game.  Harvest Moon 3.

ANDROID50- Great HM player. Retired hacker.

CHERUBAE- Helped me make this FAQ. Queen of Fogu.

JANE717- Helped me get some info together.  Harvest Moon Spa.

KAENJIE2- Hacks codes for Hm3 and helps people at Hm3.

GAUNTLET AVENGER- Thanks for letting me help with your FAQ.

NATSUME- The Game Programmers who made this game. Serious Fun.


... And all those people who created this game.

Copyright 2001 by CrazyDude426

Word Count

Characters(No Spaces):48932
Characters(With Spaces):66786