Kessen 2 (e)

Kessen II Info FAQ
Version 1.60 (8.19.01)
Written by Muni Shinobu (

"The sky can't have two suns, the earth can't have two rulers."

Kessen II is a romantic fantasy war simulation game based on the well
known Chinese historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", or RTK
as referred by many.
The "romantic fantasy" was emphasized because other than the
characters, the story of the game is only loosely based on the book.
Many people were unhappy about the freedom Koei took in switching
around character relationships and altering historical events, but to
the others who understood the idea of this game being just a "romantic
fantasy" based on the book, this was an interesting change.

If you are playing this game, I assume you have, to a certain degree,
knowledge of either Kanji or Chinese, which is why in this faq I am not
going to hesitate to refer to characters or things simply by their
Romanized pronunciations.
Because this game is a Japanese game, the Japanese pronunciations will
be used in this faq as the default, while the Mandarin pronunciations
will be put in parantheses when listed following the Japanese

1. Characters (incomplete)
2. Special Skills / Attacks
3. Battle Formations
4. Special Troop Upgrades
5. Special Events - Battles of Fate
6. Special Effects - Bonds Between Allies
7. Stage Flow Chart
8. Pro Action Replay 2 Codes



In this section I will give brief descriptions of the characters that
appear in the game, together with a list of their special skills, their
troop battle formations, and the first stages they appear in.
The skills and formations with a "*" mark next to them are skills they
can learn through gaining experience by surviving after battles, and
the skills and formations without the mark are the ones available to
the character initially.

Originally I struggled over how to list the abilities:
Ryuubi (Liou Bei) - Leader of the Shyoku Kingdom
 Skills - Kobu, Teppeki*, Daikatsu*, Kirikomi*
 Skills - Gu Wu, Tie Bi*, Da Huh*, Dran Jin*
 Skills - Speech, Iron Wall*, Loud Yell*, Charge*
 Formations - En, Uroko, Taira, Kiri, Hou*, Mino*
 Formations - Yen, Ling, Ping, Druei, Fung*, Ji*
 Formations - Round, Fish Scale, Horizontal, Cone, Square*, Pan*
But in the end decided to make it easier on myself and just list the
Japanese pronunciations. Just check the info with the corresponding
portions of the faq by yourself.

Kingdom of Shyoku (Shu)
Ryuubi (Liou Bei) - leader of the Shyoku Kingdom
 Skills - Kobu, Teppeki*, Daikatsu*, Kirikomi*
 Formations - En, Uroko, Taira, Kiri, Hou*, Mino*
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Kan-U (Guan Yu) - sworn brother of Ryuubi and Chouhi
 Skills - Ikkiuchi, Kibatotsugeki*, Tankigake*, Kobu*, Daikatsu*
 Formations - Tsuki*, Tsuru*, Uroko*, Kiri, Kagi
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Chouhi (Chang Fei) - sworn brother of Ryuubi and Kan-U
 Skills - Ikkiuchi, Tankigake*, Daikatsu*, Yaritotsugeki*, Kobu*
 Formations - Ushi*, Ya, Taira*, Hou
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Koumei (Kong Ming) - councelor of the Shyoku Kingdom
 Skills - Kakyuu, Enran, Rakurai, Reppuu*, Jiware*
 Formations - En, Tsuki*, Tsuru, Uroko, Kari*, Hebi, Ushi*, Ya*
 First Stage - Hakubouha

Chou-Un (Chao Yun) - strongest general of the Shyoku Kingdom
 Skills - Ikkiuchi, Tankigake, Kobu*, Kirikomi*, Daikatsu*
 Formations - En, Kari*, Taira, Kiri*, Mino
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Bisanjyo (Mei San Niang) - childhood friend of Ryuubi
 Skills - Tsubute, Ikkiuchi*, Teppeki*, Tankigake*, Kobu*
 Formations - En*, Tsuru*, Kari, Ushi*, Kiri*
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Oldest daugher of Chouhi, not a playable character

Riri - second daugher of Chouhi
 Skills - Teppeki*, Kirikomi*, Kobu*
 Formations - Tsuki*, Tsuru
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Ruru - youngest daugher of Chouhi
 Skills - Ikkiuchi*, Kobu*, Daikatsu*, Teppeki*
 Formations - En*, Ushi
 First Stage - Jyoshyu

Kanpei - adopted son of Kan-U
 Skills - Kobu*, Kibatotsugeki*, Teppeki*, Tankigake*
 Formations - Tsuki, Tsuru*, Uroko*, Taira
 First Stage - Jyonan

Ba-Chou (Ma Chao)
Ba-Tai (Ma Dai)

Houtou (Fong Tong) - the phoenix to Koumei's dragon
 Skills - 
 Formations - 
 First Stage - 

Kyou-I (Jiang Wei)

Jyoshyo (Shu Shru)

Shyusou (Drow Tsung) - loyal follower of Kan-U
 Skills - Daikatsu*, Teppeki*, Tankigake*
 Formations - Hebi, Ya*, Kiri*
 First Stage - Jyonan

Chou-Sen (Diao Chan)

Kou-Getsuei (Huang Yue Yin)
Koumei's wife, not actually a playable character, but she invents new
mechs for the army to utilize during battle.

Kingdom of Gi (Wei)
Sousou (Cao Cao) - leader of the Gi Kingdom
 Skills - 
 Formations - 
 First Stage - 

Soujin (Cao Ren)

Jyun-Iku (Shun Yu)

Kakouen (Xiahou Yuen)
Kakouha (Xiahou Ba)

Ukin (Yu Jin) - 
Kochi (Hu Tru)

Chouryou (Chang Liao)

Kakushyou (Guo Chao)

Kingdom of Go (Wu)
Sonken (Sun Quan)
 Skills - 
 Formations - 
 First Stage - 

Sonrei (Sun Li)
 Skills - 
 Formations - 
 First Stage - 

Shyu-Yu (Chow Yu)



During battles, you can activate the general or councelors' special
attacks, which does sudden damages to the enemy troops. Sometimes doing
a special attack at the right time could determine the outcome of the
General's have special troop attacks and Councelors have special magic

Daikatsu (Da Huh) - Loud Yell
 - lowers the enemy's troop spirit slightly
 - weakens enemy soldiers briefly against attacks
Ikkiuchi (I Chi Tao) - One on One with the enemy general
 - winning general's troop spirit goes up by 30
 - losing general's troop spirit goes down by 30
 - declining general's troop spirit goes down slightly
Kobu (Gu Wu) - Give Speech to your soldiers
 - raises troop spirit slightly
 - strengthens surrounding ally soldiers' offense and defense briefly
Tankigake (Dan Chi Chu) - Ride Alone into the enemies
 - attacks all enemies you touch in the limited time
Kibatotsugeki (Chi Ma Tu Ji) - Horse Team ride together into enemies
 - attacks enemy soldiers in the given area with riders
 - does high damage
Isseihassha (I Chi Fa Shre) - All Archers shoot at the same time
 - attacks enemy soldiers in the given area with arrows
 - does higher than average arrow damage
Sogeki (Chu Ji) - Sniping Attack
 - attack enemy soldiers in the given area with aimed arrows
 - does high arrow damage
Senzoutotsugeki (Dran Shian Tu Ji) - Battle Elephants Attack
 - attack enemy soldiers in the given area with elephants
 - does high damage
Teppeki (Tie Bi) - Iron Wall against all magic attacks
 - complete defense against all magic attacks
Kirikomi (Dran Jin) - Charge with foot soldiers
 - attack enemy soldiers in the given area with foot soldiers
 - does higher than average damage
Yaritotsugeki (Chian Tu Ji) - Lance Charge with lance soldiers
 - attack enemy soldiers in the given area with lance soldiers
 - does high damage

Tsubute (Fei Shro) - Flying Debris
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given triangular area
Kakyuu (Huo Chio) - Flame Balls
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given rectangular
 - as the counselor's magic status raises, the number of balls increase
Hyoudan (Bao Dan) - Hail Bullets
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given circular area
Enran (Yen Ran) - Flame Storm passing through the field like snakes
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given long area
 - as the counselor's magic status raises, the number of snakes
Hyouran (Bing Ran) - Ice Storm freezing the enemy soldiers around you
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given donut area
Rakurai (Ruo Rei) - Falling Thunder
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given rectangular
 - as the counselor's magic status raises, number of lightnings
Reppuu (Rie Fong) - Strong Wind
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given rectangular
Jiware (Di Guh) - Opening Ground
 - does major damage to the enemy soldiers in the given rectangular



En no Jin (Yen) - Round Formation
 O O
O   O
A well balanced all purpose formation, good in defense and steady in
attack. No matter which direction enemy troops attack from, the defense
ability is the same. Recommended when you can't tell what formation the
enemy troop is using.
Strong Against : none
Weak Against : none

Tsuki no Jin (Yue) - Moon Formation
O   O
A good formation to surround the enemy troop. Very good in defense when
faced with an enemy small in number.
Strong Against : Fish Scale, Square
Weak Against : Snake, Cow

Tsuru no Jin (Huh) - Crane Formation
O   O
 O O
A good formation against a large enemy troop. Similar to the Moon
Formation, but restrict the enemy troop even more because of the narrow
back end. Recommended when facing a large enemy in a tight formation.
Strong Against : Fish Scale, Arrow, Square
Weak Against : Snake, Cow

Uroko no Jin (Ling) - Fish Scale Formation
 O O
A strong defense formation, each of the small troops can aid each other
easily, but weak against formations that surround you.
Strong Against : Snake, Cow
Weak Against : Moon, Crane, Pan

Kari no Jin (Yien) - Wild Goose Formation
A good formation protecting the general. Very useful when the general
has the ability to shoot arrows, for he can be protected from battle
and be available to shoot arrows.
Strong Against : Horizontal
Weak Against : Snake, Cow, Arrow

Hebi no Jin (Shruh) - Snake Formation
Very strong in the offensive, but in turn very weak in defense. Strong
in attacking a troop head on, but if being attacked from the sides, the
damage would be great.
Strong Against : Horizontal, Moon, Crane, Pan
Weak Against : Fish Scale, Square

Ushi no Jin (Nio) - Cow Formation
Another strong offensive formation, plus better defensive capabilities.
An altered version of the Snake Formation, this formation is better at
defending itself because of the 2 small troops side by side with each
other. But still, a weak defensed formation.
Strong Against : Horizontal, Moon, Crane, Pan
Weak Against : Fish Scale, Square

Ya no Jin (Shre) - Arrow Formation
A very strong and sturdy formation. The full power of this formation
can be achieved with a strong general, but not with a counsellor. For
the councelor to do his magic attacks, his own troops being so closely
gathered together will actually pose as an obstacle.
Strong Against : Horizontal
Weak Against : Moon, Crane

Taira no Jin (Ping) - Horizontal Formation
A very weak formation. Not strong in the offensive, and weak in the
defensive, an all around weak formation, not useful other than blocking
enemy troops for your other ally troops to pass in order to carry out
other objectives.
Strong Against : none
Weak Against : Snake, Cow, Arrow, Wild Goose

Kiri no Jin (Druei) - Cone Formation
 O O
O   O
A perfect formation for a strong general. The perfect formation to
attack if the first small troop where the general is located is strong,
so needless to say if the general is weak it would not be a good idea
to attack under this formation.
Strong Against : Horizontal, Hook
Weak Against : Moon, Crane

Hou no Jin (Fung) - Square Formation
A good offensive formation with strong defensive capabilities. An
altered version of the Round Formation, stronger in defensive because
of the tighter placement of the small troops, this is a good choice
when facing an enemy troop with high attack powers.
Strong Against : Snake, Cow
Weak Against : Moon, Crane, Pan

Mino no Jin (Ji)- Pan Formation
O     O
 O O O
A good way to surround the enemy, and still be quick in the offensive
at the same time. An altered version of the Crane Formation, this one
is better at the offensive with a strong general because of the pushed
up position of the general's small troop as compared with the
positioning in the Crane Formation.
Strong Against : Fish Scale, Square
Weak Against : Snake, Cow

Kagi no Jin (Gou) - Hook Formation
 O O O
O     O
A safe attack formation. An altered version of the Cone Formation,
while the general's small troop is more safely protected. Plus with the
closeness of the small troops on either sides, you are also strong
against enemy attacks from the sides.
Strong Against : Horizontal
Weak Against : Snake, Cow, Hook



Before battles, before the battle strategy meeting, there is a troop
task meeting, where you have to decide between a variety of choices
suggested by your counsellors and generals such as training troops,
develop new weapons, defeat tigers, working the land, etc. 
There are some special troop upgrade suggestions that will only be
suggested if through out all the troop task meetings of the game, you
met certain requirements.
Here are the special troops and their requirements.

Shyoku (Shu) Side
Bisanjyo special upgrade to White Horse Troop
 - Bisanjyo troop leveled up to Elite Rider Troop
 - suggested before Tensui, Bushyo, Shyoku Gi Kessen stages
Kan-U special upgrade to Red Wind Troop
 - Kan-U troop leveled up to Elite Rider Troop
 - suggested before Gisei, Bushyo, Shyoku Gi Kessen stages
Ryuubi specal upgrade to Crusade Against Demon Troop
 - of the 9 times Training Troop was suggested, you chose it 4 times
 - suggested before Shyoku Gi Kessen
Special speech to raise morale
 - of the 8 times Recruit Troop was suggested, you chose it 3 times
 - suggested before Shyoku Gi Kessen
Volunteer soldiers want to join Ryuubi's army
 - Hakubouha, Seito, Ryoshyu, of the 3, you chose the task to gain
   supplies 2 times
- suggested at Shyoku Gi Kessen

Gi (Wei) Side
Houtoku special upgrade to Godly Sword Troop
 - Houtoku troop leveled up to Heavy Armored Foot Soldiers
 - suggested before Hanjyo stage
Houtoku special upgrade to Godly Sword Troop (after Bushyo stage)
 - Houtoku troop leveled up to Iron Clad Foot Soldiers
 - suggested before Bushyo, Shyoku Gi Kessen stages
Chouryou special upgrade to Seishyu Green Oasis Troop
 - Chouryou troop leveled up to Iron Clad Foot Soldiers
 - suggested before Tensui, Bushyo, Shyoku Gi Kessen stages
Sousou special upgrade to Tiger Panther Rider
 - of the 6 times Train Troop was suggested, you chose it 3 times
 - suggested before Shyoku Gi Kessen
Special speech to raise morale
 - of the 6 times gain Troop Supply was suggested, you chose it 3 times
 - suggested before Shyoku Gi Kessen
Persuade with peace, a portion of Ryuubi's troops abandon war
 - Seito, Bushyo, both times choose Jyun-Iku's suggestion
 - suggested before Shyoku Gi Kessen



When 2 troops lead by certain generals, special FMV scenes will be
activated. These are called Battles of Fate in the game.
The Battles of Fate are different depending on the side you are

When Playing as Shyoku (Shu)
Kan-U - Chouryou
Chouhi - Kakouha
Bisanjyo - Jyun-Iku
Koumei - Shiba-I, Shyu-Yu
Bachou - Sousou, Houtoku
Batai - Sousou, Houtoku
Kouchyu - Gengan
Riri - Sousou, Tousenpuu, Seisenpuu
Ruru - Sousou, Tousenpuu, Seisenpuu
Sonrei - Sonken, Shyu-Yu

When Playing as Gi (Wei)
Soujin - Chouhi
Kakouha - Chouhi
Chouryou - Kan-U (twice)
Shiba-I - Koumei
Houtoku - Bachou
Tousenpuu - Riri
Seisenpuu - Ruru



Because of story connections, when certain events happen, certain
general's troop spirit will be affected. Here is a list of all the
events to trigger special effects, and the effects triggered.
The event triggers could be catagorized into three type groups.

Type A) When certain generals come to the aid of certain generals.

Ryuubi - when aided by Kan-U, Chouhi, Riri, Ruru, Bisanjyo, Chou-Un
 -> Ryuubi troop spirit up by 10
Kan-U - when aided by Ryuubi, Chouhi, Kanpei
 -> Kan-U troop spirit up by 10
Chouhi - when aided by Ryuubi, Kan-U, Riri, Ruru
 -> Chouhi troop spirit up by 10
Koumei - when aided by Kyou-I, Jyoshyo
 -> Koumei troop spirit up by 10
Bisanjyo - when aided by Kan-U
 -> Bisanjyo troop spirit up by 10
Bisanjyo - when aided by Ryuubi
 -> Bisanjyo troop spirit up by 20
Riri - when aided by Chouhi
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 15
Riri - when aided by Ryuubi
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 20
Ruru - when aided by Chouhi
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 15
Ruru - when aided by Ryuubi
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 20
Kanpei - when aided by Kan-U
 -> Kanpei troop spirit up by 10
Sonrei - when aided by Ryuubi
 -> Sonrei troop spirit up by 20
Bachou - when aided by Batai
 -> Bachou troop spirit up by 10
Bachou - when aided by Ryuubi
 -> Bachou troop spirit up by 15
Batai - when aided by Bachou
 -> Batai troop spirit up by 10
Houtou - when aided by Jyoshyo
 -> Houtou troop spirit up by 15
Kyou-I - when aided by Joyshyo
 -> Kyou-I troop spirit up by 15
Jyoshyo - when aided by Koumei, Houtou
 -> Jyoshyo troop spirit up by 15

Sousou - when aided by Kakouen
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 5
Sousou - when aided by Chouryou, Kakushyou
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 10
Sousou - when aided by Himiko
 -> Himiko troop spirit up by 10
Sousou - when aided by Jyun-Iku
 -> Jyun-Iku troop spirit up by 10 (before Battle of Tensui)
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 10 (after Battle of Tensui)
Sousou - when aided by Kochi
 -> Kochi troop spirit up by 10 (before Battle of Tensui)
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 10 (after Battle of Tensui)
Sousou - when aided by Kakouha
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 5 (before Battle of Tensui)
 -> Sousou troop spirit up by 10 (after Battle of Tensui)
Soujin - when aided by Kakouen
 -> Soujin troop spirit up by 10
Himiko - when aided by Kochi
 -> Himiko troop spirit up by 10
Himiko - when aided by Sousou
 -> Himiko troop spirit up by 20
Ukin - when aided by Tousenpuu, Seisenpuu
 -> Ukin troop spirit up by 10
Kakouen - when aided by Soujin
 -> Kakouen troop spirit up by 10
Kakouha - when aided by Chouryou
 -> Kakouha troop spirit up by 10

Type B) When old rivals or generals with previous relations meet.

Chouhi - when meeting Sousou
 -> Chouhi troop spirit up by 10
Riri - when meeting Sousou
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 10
Ruru - when meeting Sousou
 -> Riri troop spirit up by 10
Bachou - when meeting Sousou
 -> Bachou troop spirit up by 10
Batai - when meeting Sousou
 -> Batai troop spirit up by 10
Kan-U - when meeting Chouryou
 -> both troops spirit up by 10

Chouryou - when meeting Kan-U
 -> both troops spirit up by 10
Soujin - when meeting Chouhi
 -> Soujin troop spirit up by 10
Kakouha - when meeting Chouhi, Riri, Ruru
 -> Kakouha troop spirit up by 10

Sonken - when meeting Sonrei
 -> two troops separate from battle
Sonrei - when meeting Sonken
 -> two troops separate from battle

Type C) When certain generals are defeated.

Kan-U defeated
 -> Ryuubi, Kanpei troops spirit up by 10
Chouhi defeated
 -> Ryuubi, Riri troops spirit up by 10
Koumei defeated
 -> Kyou-I troop spirit up by 10
Bisanjyo defeated
 -> Kan-U troop spirit up by 15
Riri defeated
 -> Chouhi troop spirit up by 20
Kanpei defeated
 -> Kan-U troop spirit up by 10
Bachou defeated
 -> Batai troop spirit up by 10
Batai defeated
 -> Bachou troop spirit up by 10

Soujin defeated
 -> Kakouen troop spirit up by 10
Kakouen defeated
 -> Soujin troop spirit up by 10



* "no tatakai" means "battle of"

Shyoku (Shu)
 1) Jyoshyu no Tatakai
 2) Jyonan no Tatakai
 3) Hakubouha no Tatakai
 4) Chouhanha no Tatakai
 5) Sekiheki Taisen
 6) Seito Kouryakusen
7a) Teigunzan no Takakai
7b) Nan Sei
7c) Hanjyo no Tatakai
 8) Tensui no Tatakai
9a) Ryoshyu Seibatsu
9b) Chinsou Kouhousen
9c) Gisei Dengekisen
10) Bushyo no Tatakai
11) Shyoku Gi Kessen
Extra) Ryoutou no Tatakai

Gi (Wei)
 1) Jyoshyu no Tatakai
 2) Jyonan no Tatakai
 3) Hakubouha no Tatakai
 4) Chouhanha no Tatakai
 5) Sekiheki Taisen
 6) Doukan no Tatakai
7a) Teigunzan no Tatakai
7b) Hanjyo no Tatakai
7c) Ryoshyu Seibatsu
 8) Tensui no Tatakai
 9) Seito Kouryakusen
10) Bushyo no Tatakai
11) Shyoku Gi Kessen
Extra) Choujyou no Tatakai

* In the Easy or Normal difficulty, there are only 11 stages per
scenario. Only during the Hard difficulty game do you get the 2 Extra
stages, at the end of which during the staff roll, there are CG in the



Must Be On Code
EC8314E8 1456E60A

Ryuubi Army Soldier Max
3CE874A9 1456E781
Ryuubi Army Food Max
3CE874A6 1456E781
Ryuubi Army Skill Max
3CE874A7 1456E781

Ryuubi Army Soldier Minimum
3CE874A9 1456E7A6
Ryuubi Army Food Minimum
3CE874A6 1456E7A6
Ryuubi Army Skill Minimum
3CE874A7 1456E7A6

Sousou Army Soldier Max
3CE874AD 1456E781
Sousou Army Food Max
3CE874AA 1456E781
Sousou Army Skill Max
3CE874AB 1456E781

Sousou Army Soldier Minimum
3CE874AD 1456E7A6
Sousou Army Food Minimum
3CE874AA 1456E7A6
Sousou Army Skill Minimum
3CE874AB 1456E7A6

Can Choose Side and Game Difficulty (need a previous memory card save)
1CE84780 1456E7B6


To be added in the future, if there are demands for it.

Stage Descriptions
Fact - Fiction Differences


Kessen II official website:

If I think of more info to put in here, I will update this faq.
Suggestions are welcome, just e-mail me.

This Document Copyright 2001 Muni Shinobu