Phantasy Star Online Version 2 (e)

************* PHANTASY STAR ONLINE Version 2: FAQ/WALKTHRU **************

                Dreamcast Online RPG; released (2001) UK (PAL)

                    FAQ/WALKTHRU (version 1.0) 01/10/2002

Author - falsehead (Sophie Cheshire). Contact me at

Copyright stuff; this is (c) Sophie Cheshire. If you wish to use this FAQ on
your website, feel free to do so under the following conditions. a) You email
me first and let me know where it will be appearing and b) you do not alter the
content in anyway (if you need to change the formatting slightly for display
purposes that's OK).

If I find out that any part of this FAQ has been lifted and used without credit
to me, especially if you use it to earn money, then I will be annoyed. I didn't
type all this up for the good of my health you know.

********************************* CONTENTS *****************************


a) What's New in PSO version 2?
b) Going Online (US and EU players)
c) Creating a Character

a) Hunters Guild Quests
b) Defeating the Dragon/Sil Dragon

a) Hunters Guild Quests
b) Defeating DE Rol Le

a) Hunters Guild Quests
b) Defeating Vol Opt

a) Hunters Guild Quests
b) Defeating Dark Falz

a) Soul of a Blacksmith
b) Letter from Lionel
c) The Retired Hunter
d) Central Dome Fire Swirl
e) Soul of Steel
f) Sunset at the Secret Base (Japanese)

a) Win Back - Lost Heat Sword/Lost Ice Spinner/Lost Soul Blade
b) Win Back - The Missing Maraca's
c) Win Back - Tinkerbell Lost Dog
d) Win back - Rappy's Holiday
e) Win Back - Garon's Treachery
f) Defeat - Mop Up Operation 1-4
g) Defeat - Endless Nightmare 1-4
h) Defeat - Today's Rate
i) Defeat - Towards the Future



11) MAGS
a) Normal Mag Types
b) Raising Mags/Photon Blasts
c) Special Mags and Mag Cells

a) Weapons
b) Shields
c) Armour
d) Armour Slot Items
e) Weapons Side Quests


14) ENEMY LIST - Normal/Hard/Very Hard
a) Forest
b) Caves
c) Mines
d) Ruins

a) Forest
b) Caves
c) Mines
d) Ruins

a) Force
b) Ranger
c) Hunter


18) PSO Storyline - Messages from Rico

********************** 1) INTRODUCTION/REVISIONS ***********************

INTRODUCTION - I have to admit that when I came to play PSO version 2 I was
surprised to find it had no completed FAQs written for it.  Considering how
popular the first instalment was, the lack of full and coherent material on the
update was quite a shock.  Having become totally and utterly addicted to this
wonderful game in the twilight days of the Dreamcast, I was delighted to find a
group of great players on the EU servers who have put up with my n00bish ways
and helped immensely in taking me through online missions, giving me
advice/stuff and answering all my damn fool questions!

I have written this guide with full walkthroughs for all the offline missions
that were present in the original incarnation, but also with full guides to the
new online and downloadable missions. I have provided a guide to the new mode
of Ultimate difficulty and comprehensive listings of all items, weapons etc.

As with all my FAQs I will add and refine info as I continue playing, but as
this stands version 1 of this FAQ is all that a new player should need to play
the game, and hopefully lays out more complex information in a way that will be
appreciated by a more experienced player.

So enjoy the FAQ and enjoy this wonderful DC game while it lasts.  In the
future I hope this guide can be refined for players of the forthcoming PC and
GameCube incarnations, but until then see you all on Ragol, last one to Dark
Falz is a wussy!

****************************** CREDITS **********************************

This guide could not have happened without the help and support of Fenon, Mia,
Poppy, Karl 2k2, Armok and all the peeps on GameFAqs PSOv.2 message board. 
Mucho thanks to Tigereye, WC Leader and nitecrawler for some cool Ultimate mode
advice.  Thanks guys and girls!

Also special thanks to Frizzle Fry for the excellent set of S-rank Spread
Needles.  Levelling up would have been an awful lot less fun without them mate!


The latest version of this guide is always posted first at, if
you found this guide on another site please check gamefaqs to make sure you
have the latest updates before emailing me with any questions.  I may have
already answered it!

REVISIONS - Version 1.0 (20/09/2002). First Version.

Help, where did my social life go?  All missions typed up.  Equipment lists as
comprehensive as possible.  Guide to Ultimate mode finished. There are bound to
be errors and omissions, BUT the important stuff is all in here.  As per usual
email me if you spot any diabolical mistakes.

**************************** 2) THE BASICS *****************************

a) What's New?

Phantasy Star Online Version 2 contains everything the original game had with
some significant additions.  These are:

1) A new offline Difficulty Mode - Ultimate difficulty that contains new
2) New online play modes.  Battle Mode, which allows players to fight each
other, and Challenge mode, which times your speed in completing the game. 
There is also a fun game called Go Go Ball, which can be played, in the online
3) New online and downloadable quests available.
4) Players can now level up to level 200.
5) Force Characters can now learn spells up to level 30 rather than the
previous level 15.  As other magic using ranger and hunter characters can still
only learn up to level 15 this removes the significant weakness from PSO 1
Force characters.
6) Androids can now set traps in Ultimate mode.
7) There are new items and weapons available.
8) Weapons can be equipped via the R2 shortcut menu.  Items and Techniques can
also be accessed here now.
9) If you have 100,000 meseta in your characters inventory when you continue a
game (not stored in the bank), you can visit the Dressing room.  For 100,000
meseta you can change your characters costume and hairdo or body colour and
head type if you are an android.

The two versions of the game are entirely compatible. PSO version 1 players can
play online with PSO version 2 players in PSO 1 games.  However if PSO version
2 players create a PSO 2 game online then only PSO 2 players can join in.

Its also worth noting that if you have a character you wish to convert from PSO
to PSO v2 then you should store any unequipped items at the bank.  When I
converted my character I lost my entire unequipped inventory, which ticked me
off as the manual contained no warning of this and I had a rather good Holy
Lance that I lost. You will also lose any "hacked" weapons or items.  Basically
if you have any weapons ground past their normal limit they will disappear.

Is it worth upgrading to Version 2 if you have PSO version 1?  I considered
this carefully at first (being a thrifty sort), but I can safely say the answer
is yes, yes and thrice yes! The new difficulty mode is almost like an entirely
new game.  The new online play modes are endlessly fun and exciting and the
character balance has been sorted out so people don't just go for Hunter types
all the time.


In the USA players must pay-to-play.  This involves buying a Hunters License
from sega, which lasts for 90 days and can be renewed as long as you want to
keep playing online.

In Europe the situation is different.  Here players can play online for free. 
However before US players get hysterical, please remember that UK players don't
get flat rate free local calls as standard.  We have to pay extra for that.  If
you can't set up a free ISP via your DC then you must pay local per minute call
rates to play.

In the UK you need Dream Key version 3 to get online with PSO v2.  This should
come as standard with any copy of PSO v2 you buy.  You should set up the
internet access first by going online with the browser disc then copying the
dreamkey file to whichever memory card you are using to play with.

If you can't set up an ISP via Dreamkey 3.0 (i.e. you are an AOL user) but
still want to play online and either don't mind the call charges or have
something like BT Anytime, Sega have provided a local call rate number you can
use to go online with: 0845 604 1482 (User Name: sega, Password: sega).


The most important part of any game of this type is creating a character that
you will feel comfortable playing as for long periods of time.  PSO offers
three "races" and three job types, which combine to offer nine character types
to choose from.  Each has their own strengths and weaknesses and like me you'll
probably start off trying several before settling with one or two characters
you really want to build up.  You can only save one character per VMU or memory
card, BUT I would recommend purchasing one of those third party "four page"
memory cards.  I have two of these and they are extremely reliable.  Each page
is read by the DC as an entirely separate entity, so I can store four
characters on each card.  It also makes life easier when downloading the
offline quests.

The races are as follows:

HUMAN - These are the basic "good all-round" characters.  They can use magic
(techniques) and have well-rounded stat growth.  They also come in all three
job flavours.

NEWMAN - These are more magic orientated characters.  They tend to lack
physical power but have excellent mental faculties and good defence and can use
techniques to devastating effect.

ANDROIDS - These can't use any magic techniques at all, but compensate with the
ability to spot traps.  They are also immune to poison and paralysis (though
can suffer "shock paralysis in the Mines).  They have high attack power and HP.

The jobs are as follows:

HUNTER - Excel in close range combat.  Experts in hand-to-hand combat, they can
also use pistols and techniques to add long range attacks.

RANGERS - The most accurate fighters in the game.  Rangers provide support with
a range of high-powered rifles and pistols.

FORCE - masters of techniques, Force characters can learn magic up to the
highest levels.  Can heal, cast support magic and powerful offensive spells.

The nine character types that result are listed below, along with the Maximum
stats each type can achieve.  There is no real "best" type; each one suits a
certain style of play.  For example playing as an Android means you don't have
to watch your step checking for traps, but in the harder modes offline the
inability to cast offence/defence raising magic can slow you down a lot. 
Playing as a Force means you have access to tremendous magic power, but the
lack of Hit Points can be unnerving when monsters can lay you out in one blow. 
If you like to play it safe rather than getting stuck in up close then you may
prefer a Ranger, being able to blow things away from a great distance.

Whatever you choose, remember the dynamic of your character can change a great
deal from online to offline.  Whereas offline your android may struggle from
lack of heal and stat raising magic, online with a Human or Newman in tow you
can get stuck in!  For them having you get up close and personal means they can
stay out of physical danger and concentrate on using magic without having to
keep running away!  That's an oversimplification, but its worth bearing in mind
if you feel you are getting nowhere with the game offline.  I know I found the
whole PSO experience falling into place when I finally got online and became
part of a team.

When you create character, it doesn't matter how large or small they are, they
will still do the same damage etc.  Creating an itty bitty Hunewearl and seeing
her wield a gigantic sword is always good comedy!  It also pains me to say
this, but no matter what sex you are in real life, if you create a female
character, you WILL get chatted up in the online lobbies.  Especially if you
have a Hunewearl character. It can be quite funny, but also annoying as well,
so be warned.

a) HUcast - Hunter + Android

My own personal favourite type.  Hucast's have the highest attacking power of
all the characters.  They can use no techniques, but can use a variety of
different weapons.  They excel with close combat ones though.

HP:   2012
TP:   0
ATP:  1611
DFP:  601
MST:  0
ATA:  181
EVP:  818
LUCK: 100

b) HUmar - Hunter + Human

My second favourite type to use.  The HUmar is probably the best character for
beginners to use.  They can use close combat weapons, pistols and can learn

HP:   1670
TP:   912
ATP:  1404
DFP:  506
MST:  713
ATA:  161
EVP:  702
LUCK: 100

c) HUnewearl - Hunter + Newman

Higher technique points and good offensive technique skills, low on HP though.

HP:   1558
TP:   1185
ATP:  1150
DFP:  433
MST:  986
ATA:  164
EVP:  799
LUCK: 100

d) RAmar - Ranger + Human

Another balanced character type.  Can use all guns and a variety of attack and
defensive orientated techniques.

HP:   1770
TP:   955
ATP:  1037
DFP:  431
MST:  756
ATA:  210
EVP:  737
LUCK: 100

e) RAcast - Ranger + Android

Excellent attack accuracy and power. Can use all guns but no techniques.

HP:   2214
TP:   0
ATP:  1267
DFP:  606
MST:  0
ATA:  222
EVP:  751
LUCK: 100

f) RAcaseal - Ranger + Android

Has the best attack accuracy of any character, although attack power is lower
than the RAcast, she has higher evasion.

HP:   2140
TP:   0
ATP:  1214
DFP:  558
MST:  0
ATA:  230
EVP:  830
LUCK: 100

g) FOmarl - Force + Human

The most balanced of the Forces.  Can use all techniques and has the most HP.

HP:   1469
TP:   2209
ATP:  865
DFP:  421
MST:  1274
ATA:  158
EVP:  616
LUCK: 100

h) FOnewm - Force + Human

Has the highest level of Technique points and best defence of all the Forces.

HP:   1431
TP:   2430
ATP:  735
DFP:  490
MST:  1421
ATA:  141
EVP:  637
LUCK: 100

i) FOnewearl - Force + Newman

Physically the weakest character in the game but counters that with having the
most powerful level of mental strength.

HP:   1398
TP:   2709
ATP:  579
DFP:  401
MST:  1607
ATA:  148
EVP:  688
LUCK: 100

When writing the following walkthrough, you should bear in mind that I have
mostly played as Hunter characters.  However in my observations of other
players online I have tried to provide a balanced guide to battle whatever
character you choose to play as.

When you begin a game of PSO you will have quests available to complete at the
Hunters Guild.  Completing certain missions will unlock new ones.  You don't
actually have to do any of the missions, but it is highly recommended that you
do so as they help you gain valuable experience, and break up the monotony of
replaying the four areas until you have levelled up enough to progress.

With this in mind I have laid out this guide with quest walkthroughs for each
area, the final part of each section guide is advice on killing that Boss
character so you can unlock the next area, this include Boss tactics per
difficulty mode.  I have noticed a certain "randomisation" in map layouts as
well, which is why the guides are not detailed room-by-room walkthroughs (I got
very lost following one in a PSO version 1 FAQ, when I realised I had actually
started in a different position to the author).

In fact most quests are very simple, you must progress to a point decreed by
your Employer.  On the way you must unlock rooms by either clearing them of all
enemies or activating buttons or switches in nearby rooms.  The Area map is
your best friend; use it to return to doors and rooms with switches you may
have missed if you find your progression is halted.

The joy of PSO is in exploring and finding new weapons and items.  You can also
use the items you collect to sell on to raise meseta to fund purchases of
things like recovery items.  Most weapons and armour you should pick up as you
adventure.  I never bought stuff from the weapon or armour shop.  But as a keen
Mag raiser (see MAG section) I spent a fortune on items to feed them with. 
Make sure you have plenty of telepipes especially when exploring the caves, as
you will want to telepipe back to sell up and stock up many times.

********************** 3) GAME WALKTHRU - FOREST ***********************

As your first area to explore the Forest is straightforward. There are two
sections, with the second half of Forest 2 being accessible only via a warp

********************** a) HUNTERS GUILD QUESTS *************************


This first quest is designed to introduce you to the concept of Mags and to
introduce a couple of PSO NPC's.  First you'll talk to Garon who will tell you
that he has lost a valuable commodity down on Ragol.

Warp down and explore Forest 1 until you come across a pink RAsceal called
Eleanor.  Talk to her and answer "I was looking for it".  She will now join you
and as you explore she will tell you more about mags (see Mag section for more
details on Mags).

Return to the Pioneer teleport area and you'll see a glittery object on the
ground nearby.  Walk up to it and you'll have found the missing Mag.  Talk to
Eleanor again, then return to Pioneer 2 and talk to Garon.  Visit the Guild
counter to complete the quest.


You are hired to find a man called Racton who has gone down to Ragol.  Warp
down to Forest 1 and as you get close by you'll see an arrow appear on you map.
 This is Racton.  Talk to him and he will only come if you can find three
capsules he has left lying about.

Head up and right to acquire the first capsule, which is, a glittery object
lying on the ground. Go back to the area with Racton in it and go past him and
to the left into the next area.  Work you way round until you find the next

Finally the last capsule is located by the teleport to Pioneer 2, collect it
and return to Racton.  Talk to him, then uses the telepipe to return to the
ship.  Talk to his son and claim your reward.


You are hired to find a data disk and a young hunter called Ash.  You should
first talk to Kireek the HUcast by the door, then return and talk to Zid.  Now
you both warp down.  The purpose of this quest is mainly to give you
instructions in how to battle.

Kireek will explain how to perform combo hits and also how to use the target
colours to decide on the most effective attacks. As you progress, check your
area map and Ash will show up as an arrow.  Make your way over and talk to him,
then walk towards the glowing object.  Collect the disk and fight off the
wolves then return to Ash.  Talk to Kireek and then use the pipe to return to
the ship.  Talk to Ash and Zid then claim your reward.

After completing this mission further ones will open up. Now you can play
"value of Money", "Journalistic Pursuit", "Fake in Yellow", "Native Research"
and "Gran Squall".


This is a quick quest.  Basically you must go and persuade a reluctant man not
to spend all his cash on weapons.  Go and find him pacing in the shop area. 
Answer "I don't understand" and "Because you're a fool".  Now return to the
wife talk to her, then return and talk to him.  Finally return to the wife and
you can then collect the reward.


Your mission is to squire about a young journalist called Nol around the Forest
areas without letting her get killed.  She is pretty good at keeping her self
healed as long as you don't let her get overwhelmed by monsters.

First make your way through Forest 1, as you go Nol will halt and make
observations.  Soon you'll reach a red transporter, which will take you to a
new area, Forest 2.   Use it and carry on exploring.

You'll pass an area with a "weather station" in it, Nol will point it out to
you.  You can't get across yet as the bridge is out.  In the next area a switch
(a red glowing post) can be activated to bring the bridge up.  Return to the
weather station and examine it.  Walk away from it and Nol will decide its time
to return to Pioneer 2.  So use the pipe back and collect the reward.


This is another easy quest.  The only enemies you have to face are Rag Rappies.
 Warp down and take out all the Rappies, you'll keep coming across one you can
talk to.  Each time though he will disappear.  Work your way around taking out
the Rappies as you go until finally you will be able to talk to the last rappy
and he won't disappear.  Keep talking to him until he reveals himself to be the
Professor you were sent to find.  Now use the pipe and return to claim your


Alicia the scientist has hired you to collect data on the five types of
creature that roam the forest area.  For this ou must visit Forest 1 and 2 and
kill enough of each type within 20 minutes.  Basically it works out at 5
Boomas, 4 Savage Wolves, 3 Rag Rappies, 2 Monests and 1 Hildebear.

In Forest 1 you can find the Rag Rappies and Booma easily.  But don't miss the
Monest that appears in a dead end section with a blue force field.  When you
get to Forest 2 you can find the second Monest in one of the small areas off
the big "lakeside" section.  Kill everything in the main body of that section
to gain access to the lakeside and you'll meet a Hildebear.  Kill that and its
mission complete and handily there is a transporter back to Pioneer 2 nearby.
Talk to Alicia then collect your Reward.

You can now access the new mission "Forest of Sorrow"


Now Alica wants you to take her down to Ragol.  Again you should protect her,
but she can heal you if things get bad and keep herself healthy as well.

First take her to Forest 2.  Once there lead her to the area with the bridge
and weather station.   Go into the next area to activate the bridge and also go
into the small area leading off it where you will find an injured baby
Hildebear (doh, cute!). "Talk" to it and it will disappear.

Now return to the weather station and examine it.  Alicia will make some
comments about the animals.  Now make your way to the large lakeside area and
make for the area off to the left that usually contains the warp up to the
upper section of Forest 2.  You'll be attacked by about six Hildebears, after
you have fought them off, head down to the far end and you'll find the baby
Hildebear again. Alicia will ask you if she should take it back to the ship. It
doesn't matter what you answer, she won't do it.  Now return to Pioneer 2, and
collect the reward.


This is a fairly straightforward quest.  You are contracted to find survivors
of a ship the "Gran Squall".  As you progress you will find all is not what it
seems.  First make your way through Forest 2 until you find a RAmar called
Bernie.  He is found usually in one of the dead end areas.  Talk to him and say
you believe the story.  He will join you.  You need him anyway as soon you will
come to a jammed door and only Bernie can open it.

Warp to Forest 2 and make your way to the warp pad that takes you up to the
raised area.  You will face a heavy wave of enemies, but Bernie is pretty tough
and in the early difficulties, quite powerful. Once you have cleared the area
make you way to where the dragon teleport usually is.  You'll see a girl lying
unconscious. Bernie says he will take care of it, so use the pipe back to
Pioneer 2 and claim your reward... you'll meet Bernie again.

**************** b) DEFEATING THE DRAGON/SIL DRAGON ********************

Before taking on any boss, drop a telepipe just before the Boss Warp.  This
will save time returning to battle if you get killed.  Keep dropping one each
time you have to go in and confront it.

DRAGON (Normal/Hard/V.Hard) - This first boss is fairly straightforward and I
was around level 5 (Hunter) when I took him out.  Its attack pattern is slow
and predictable.  It will land and walk towards the middle of the arena, if you
run around the side of it you will avoid being blasted by its fire breath.  It
will then sit itself down so make sure you aren't underneath it or you will get
squashed.  The dragon has targets across its body, but you will find its legs
the easiest to attack.  Get in close and hack away with your most powerful
weapons/techniques.  After a minute or so it will rise up and fly into the air,
if you are packing a long-range weapon you can keep hitting it as it rises.

It will dive down under the ground and burrow out from the middle at high
speed; you can track its progress on your radar.  Just keep moving and you
should avoid taking a hit.  Once it reappears, just repeat the steps above. 
You should make sure you stay to the right of the dragon as when it dies it
will topple over to the left and can squish you.  Once it its dead walk around
the outside of the area and collect the items from the boxes then use the
teleport to return to Pioneer 2.  Once back you MUST go and talk to the
principal, this is the only way to gain access to the next area, the Caves.

SIL DRAGON (Ultimate) - Although this dragon looks pretty impressive in the new
snowbound arena, its actually virtually identical in tactics to the Dragon.  It
moves faster and is tougher obviously but it shouldn't cause you too much
grief. However just watch out for it when it dives under ground.  As well as
burrowing out it a straight line, it will also spiral inwards under ground as

*********************** 4) GAME WALKTHRU - CAVES ***********************

The Caves are the largest area in the game.  Three large maps to navigate
around.  Plenty of telepipes are recommended as you get deeper inside.  You
will also face traps here for the first time.  These take the form of floating
mines that can explode in your face or poison you.  Androids can see and target
them.  Everyone else won't see them until they are right up close, so Trap
Vision is a must.

There is one thing to be aware of; on your first time through the Caves it is
likely you will do the Quests in order.  However the download quest "Soul of
Steel" has two different endings.  To get the "good" ending, you need to leave
two of the caves quests (Waterfall Tears/Black Paper) until after you have done
two Mines Quests (Docs Secret Plan + Unsealed Door).  But you can choose to do
this on another difficulty setting if you wish. (See the Download Quests -
"Soul of Steel" for full details).

The same goes for the quest for the Soul Eater weapon.  These also require
these quest to be undertaken in this order.  You also can't acquire the Soul
Eater, or see the good ending to Soul of Steel in the same difficulty mode. 
(see "Special Weapons Quests" in the Weapons Section)

********************** a) HUNTERS GUILD QUESTS *************************


This is a simple quest, but a long one.  You have to make your way through the
caves, into Caves 3. Once in caves 3 you need to hunt down the Cake Sisters. 
They are usually found in one of the large (one exit bottom, two exits top)
rooms located on the right side of the map.

Once you find them, buy a cake off them and return via a pipe.  Talk to the
girl and get your reward at the counter.


This is another simple quest, but can become tricky in higher difficulty modes.
 You have to chaperone a fat woman called Cicil down into one of Caves 2
waterfall caves.  She says she has got fat using recovery items so would like
to get down there without using any.

So you have to keep Cicil out of trouble.  She can actually use magic and heal
herself, but if you let her die then its mission failed.  Try and let her
sustain as little amount of damage as possible as I think she may declare the
mission over of she has to heal up too many times as well (I am not totally
sure).  The easiest way is to stay close to doorways, so she will be out of
harms way.  It may result in slow progress, but her health drops alarmingly
when surrounded vicious Pal Sharks or the Lilies on Ultimate difficulties that
like to Megid you.  If you are a Hunter, I recommend you get a good long
distance weapon.  You'll need it!

Once you reach the right cave Cicil will let you know.  Just use the pipe to
return and talk to the newly slim Cicil to end the mission and then claim your


This is a bit more complex than the missions thus far.  You are instructed to
find an android who has stopped transmitting or something and input YN-0117. 
You have 45 minutes in which to do it.  You want to get yourself down to Caves
2 as quickly as possible.  In caves 1 you'll meet Bernie again who'll mutter
about another code.  To get access to the warp down to caves 2 you need to find
a room with a green arrow in it (an android in an alcove).  You can talk to the
androids you find, YN-0117 will have no effect and using the code Bernie gave
you - EM-05, will make them attack.  Best leave them alone.  However past this
first android you'll find the warp down to Caves 2.

Now for this mission the layout of Caves 2 has been changed drastically.  You
will spot the missing android fairly quickly, she is lying slumped across the
water in one of the waterfall rooms and the door that would appear to lead
around to her is locked.  But to get to her you must access a warp point.  If
you travel across the Southwest corner of the room you'll find a maze of small
rooms with androids in and switch rooms off to the sides.  Switch all the
switches then return to the room across from where you saw the stricken
android.  Go through the door and you'll be able to warp over and get to her.

Input YN-0117 and you'll wake the android up.  It's Eleanor!  She'll thank you,
then disappear.  Use a Pipe to return to Pioneer 2, talk to the scientist and
then claim your meseta!


This is a very straightforward Quest and you will have Matha for help (can cast
Poie and Anti).  Simply follow the Butlers messages (the lights on the ground)
down into Caves 2. The final message is located in one of the waterfall caves
on the top left side of the area map.  Once its read open the next door and
walk into the corridor.  Your companion will decide to finish the mission, so
return and claim your reward.


Your mission now is to locate Kroes twin sister a hunter who has gone missing
in the caves. When you beam down two people will attack you.  They are weak and
a few hits will take down the first and both will disappear. The next room is
FULL of traps, so make sure you have trap vision. In fact as your quarry Anna
is a trap setter, be prepared for a high number on this quest.

Make your way to caves 2, and check your Area Map.  You will see three arrows
on the map.  Make you way to the Yellow Arrow and you will find Anna.  She will
attack you, so defeat her, talk to her, then take the pipe back for a reward.

Now you can access the quest "Black Paper"


Kroe has a message for you.  She is down in the caves, so read the instructions
on the quest board.  She is in the caves room "where I can see a big hall that
looks outside".  So make your way down to caves 2.  When you reach the small
room with rocks and four exits in it, take the east one.  You'll wind up going
north to a small waterfall room.  You'll see Kroe, Black Paper and a Hunter. 
Krow and Black Paper will run off, so defeat the Hunter then carry onto caves

Check your map and you will see some arrows right ahead.  When you reach the
room though they will rush off again.  Check your map to see they have moved
eastwards.  Work your way around until you reach that room.  Here you'll find
Kroe who has defeated Black Paper.  Talk to her, then pipe back for the reward.

************************** b) DEFEATING DE ROL LE *********************

DE ROL LE (Normal/Hard/Very Hard)  De Rol Le drove me completely mad when I
first played the game.  Fighting him often involves standing around dodging
stuff, until you get a chance to hit him, it's basically a war of attrition. 
You will be on a small raft running at speed.  De Rol Le takes the form of a
big beetley-snake thing.  He will race at speed behind, in front and to the
sides of you.  If you have long-range magic and weapons you can target him and
hit him then.  When he is front and behind he will put spiky things onto the
raft, which you must destroy before the blow up.  As he passes down the sides
he will fire purple gas at you which you should dodge.

After this attack pattern he will beach his head on the raft, so time to take
out your most powerful close range weapon (this is about the only time Hunters
can really be effective against him). Hack away at his head but try and dodge
the antennae he will thrust into you.

After that he rear up behind the raft and sweep it with a purple beam.  Then
the lights will go out and he will float above you pummelling you with rocks,
after that he will fire the spiky things onto the raft and the cycle begins

Rangers probably have the easiest time here, powerful rifles mean they can
target him at most points of his attack run.  Hunters and Forces can use
pistols, but time may be better spent healing up.  Forces tend to suffer most
from De Rols powerful physical attacks, so cast Deband.  Foie tends to work
well at a distance and when he beaches you can target all nine body parts with
GiFoie and Rafoie!  You'll know you are making progress when his skull head
breaks off.

DAL RE LIE - (Ultimate) Well phooey, after the impressve changes made to the
look of the Dragon, I expected better than this.  Basically he looks like DE
ROL LE but without his skull head from the start.  Obviously tougher, with more
HP, he has no new attacks; just his old ones ramped up to super destructive
levels.  I hate this Boss, so take plenty of Scape Dolls and hopefully you have
a mag by now that can invince you otherwise you may have problems.

********************** 5) GAME WALKTHRU - MINES ************************

Now you must face the mines, there are many traps here and androids should
beware, they can be afflicted by Shock Paralysis here.  For some reason there
seems to be more grinders here than in other areas and you are more likely to
find new mags as well.

********************** a) HUNTERS GUILD QUESTS *************************


This mission is a straightforward one.  Elly has got messages from a person
called Calus and wants to find out what has happened to him.  She accompanies
you on the mission.  You will start at once side of Mines 1 and you must work
your way across the map to the far end. There are four pressure pads located on
four areas surrounding a square area with some boxes.  Stand on any of these
areas and you'll see the others across the gaps.  You must work you way around
to activate them all.

Once those are all depressed they will open a small room with a switch that
opens the room furthest right on the map.  This has a computer in it.  Once it
and Elly have talked its mission over and back to Pioneer 2 for a reward.


Now you have to find Dr. Ostos research contained on a computer in Mines 2. 
You first need to find Sue who will show up as an arrow on the map.  You will
need her help to open a jammed door a bit further on (in one of the large
square rooms).  Make your way through Mines 2.  I remove the purple barriers
blocking access to the computer room (its at the end of the room full of
tubes), use the switch found in a small room off the top of the large room that
connects to the tube room.

Once you have collected the data, Sue will ask you your name.  If you don't
tell her, you can access the extra quest for the "Soul Eater" weapon.  If you
do tell her your name then you can find out more about her and Bernie in the
same quests as the soul eater ones, but instead you will be able to see the
true ending to the "Soul of Steel" download quest.  You can do one path in one
difficulty mode and one in another though.

Now pipe back up to claim your reward.

Now you can access the quest - "Unsealed Door".


Now you have to return to the computer again, this time with Dr. Mome in tow. 
He is a total pain.  He likes to wander in front of enemies, has a lame little
gun and is terrible at healing himself.  If you are an android its time to
break out the Star Atomizers to keep him healthy.

First quickly make your way back to the computer ypu and Sue visited.  You'll
find both Bernie and Sue here depending on what path of that story you are
following.  Once Mome has examined the computer you are to head up to Mines 1.
There is a warp in the small room a couple of rooms back.  Take it and your in
Mines 1.

Now you must work your way though Mines 1 until you reach a warp marked
"Underground Passage". Check you have lots of healing items for you and Mome as
using this will send you into battle against De Rol Lee.

Keeping Mome alive is your priority.  If you are quite strong and heavily
armoured by now, use yourself as shield; you can definitely take more
punishment than mome.  In one game De Rol killed him with one tentacle hit! 
Tactics against Del Rol are the same as before, just keep watching Momes
health!  Once you have killed it, warp back up for your reward.

*********************** b) DEFEATING VOL OPT **************************

VOL OPT (Normal/Hard/Very hard)

Vol Opt is an easy boss to beat.  He will circle you via the screens; shoot the
red screens until he disappears. Also shoot down the thing on the ceiling as
well.  When pillars rise up, shoot the red one.  When they lower shoot the
central structure again.  Vol Opt will reappear on the screens, so repeat until
all the screens blow out.

Now a big mechanical creature will appear.  He will fire three missiles at you,
which will miss if you keep running.  Next he will target you with a laser
beam, keep running and three legs will stomp down one after the other.  Stay
moving and they will miss.  Now run up and shoot him or use your best Technique
or melee weapon.

When the centre section powers up, run away from the energy ball it fires at
you. If it hits you, you'll get stuck in a cage and be unable to attack.  Now
repeat the process, attacking when you can. When his sides fall off, he won't
be able to use the trap move.  Once Vol Opt is dead, warp to the next area. 
You'll find out that the entrance to the ruins is blocked.  You must revisit
each area and activate the columns similar to the one beside the ruins

VOL OPT ver 2 (Ultimate). Well phooey again, Vol Opt 2 is more or less
identical to Vol Opt 1.  Tougher and faster, but his attacks and attack
patterns are still all the same.  He looks a bit knobblier in his final form,
but its not big difference.

********************** 6) GAME WALKTHRU - RUINS ***********************

To access the Ruins find the column in each of the three areas.  They have some
randomisation but always turn up in Area 2.  So look in Forest 2, Caves 2,
Mines 2.  The forest one tends to be either by the lake, in a small room off
the main lake area or near where the warp up to the second level is.  The caves
one is often found in one of the waterfall caves or one of the small rooms
towards the exit to caves 3.  The Mines one can be a bit harder to find, but
search thoroughly. Once you have activated the last column (they vibrate and
light up), carry on and fight Vol Opt again.  Once he is dead again, warp to
the passage and walk into the newly opened entrance to the ruins.  Once you are
in they will be added to the destination list on the main Pioneer 2

The Ruins contain some ferocious enemies and traps that fall from the ceiling
which need a friend to get you out of with out damage, at the end of the ruins
is the final Boss Dark Falz.  Luckily the ruins also have lots of great items,
especially on higher difficulties!

********************** a) HUNTERS GUILD QUESTS *************************


Big hatted Doc. Montague has a job for you.  He wants you and Elenor to warp
down to Ruins 1 and kill lots of monsters in three designated test area.  Make
sure you are up to taking on masses of powerful monsters as you will get
everything thrown at you here!

Basically proceed through the Ruins and when Elenor declares a test area is
reached, destroy everything that comes at you.  Elenor is tough and strong but
is reluctant to leave a battle once started.  So keep plenty of Star Atomizers
to hand and watch both your health levels.

Fairly soon you should have all the info Doc. Needs and its time to telepipe
back for your reward.


Time to team up with another sexy female android, Shino.  Shino has lost her
master down on Ragol and needs you to accompany her down there.  You'll warp
down to Ruins 1, and pretty soon Shino will say he is not on this level. SO
seek out the warp to Ruins 2.  Shino is quite weak and also has a tendency to
stay put in a big fight.  The best option is to try and keep her safe in a
doorway, while you destroy the enemies.  If she dies, its mission over.

At some point during the Mission, pipe back to Pioneer 2 and talk to the Tekker
standing by the shops.  He will tell you about the legendary swords. Now when
you reach Zoke, you should get his fourth blade (see Weapons Side Quests -

Once you make it to Ruins 2 keep exploring.  The rooms will shake as you get
closer and soon Shino will find his missing Swords.  Zoke is lying injured is a
huge room, just before that room is another injured hunter.  Get ready for a
big fight.  The enemies won't appear until you get close to Zoke. Try edging
forward the running back as they appear to keep Shino out of harms way.

Once you have taken out the last lot of dark gunners you can talk to Zoke. 
After that its time to pipe up and claim your meseta.


This quest sees you penetrating the depths of the ruins in search of a missing
research team.  You should make your way through Ruins 1, on the way you'll
meet strange possessed humans. Carry on through Ruins 2 to Ruins 3.  You'll
meet up with an old friend - Ash! Remember him? You and Kireek rescued him
waaay back in the Battle Training Quest.  He is stronger now and a worthy

With him in tow make you way to the room with a raised area in the centre. 
This has a computer on it you need to access.  Look for switches nearby to open
the door leading to the warp you need to sue to warp up there.  Once up there,
use the computer and then talk to Ash.  With that your mission is over and time
to pipe back up to claim your reward!

Now you will find that if you have completed all the quests, they will all
become available to replay as much as you like.  This is useful for getting
Akikos Frying Pan!

********************** b) DEFEATING DARK FALZ *************************

DARK FALZ - (Normal) Dark Falz on normal mode is pretty easy to beat.  I was
level 33 HUCast with a Spread Needle and took him down quickly.  First spinning
spikey things will surround you.  Destroy the pink ones to avoid damage.  When
they are gone, Dark Falz will appear.  He has three heads on his lower body so
concentrate your strongest attacks on the right hand head.  This head throws
out mines so you can quickly destroy them.

When the head is killed he will take a second form.  A huge fan will grow out
of his back.  He will begin to move round the perimeter of the area.  Chase
after him and attack the bulbous base when he stops.  He will attack with his
arms and with a purple light field.  They are tricky to avoid, and can hit for
about 150HP each time. Keep close to him or the fire bomb attack will strike
twice and kill you!  Keep at it and soon Dark Falz will fall.  Collect the
goodies and step into the Warp.  There is no proper ending, damn!  After the
credits roll save and you can start again in the next difficulty level!

DARK FALZ - (Hard/V.hard/Ultimate)

Dark Falz first two forms behave in the same way as in Normal mode, so the same
tactics apply.  However once you kill the second form and new and far nastier
third form will appear!

He will rise up into the air, a sort of blue thing with big arms.  He will be
in the middle of a hoop of light, which is what you will be standing on.  His
attacks take this pattern.  He will float down at your level for a few seconds
where you can attack him with melee weapons.  He will swipe at you with his
huge bladed hands.  He will then rise up and fire energy balls at you, which
can be dodged.  He will also zap you with a powerful beam, which seems to be
undodgeable.  AS the fight progresses he will also do a nasty attack where he
drags your "soul" out of your body.  When this happens no-one should attack him
as this will result in death!  Wait until your spirit returns then attack him.

He will also go all shiny and this is when he is invulnerable. So you can only
attack him when he is dark blue, when he goes all shimmery, forget it.  This
can be a nasty fight, especially of you are on your own.  Scape Dolls and a
high level mag that can cast invincibility and revive you are good items to
have especially when taking him on it V.Hard and Ultimate.  I would recommend
Level 80 as a good guide for taking him on in V.Hard.  I managed to beat him at
level 63 (thank you Soniti mag), but found myself totally outclassed in
Ultimate mode by everything... even the Mothverts!

************************ 7) DOWNLOADABLE QUESTS ***********************

Memory Blocks:
Items available from quest: Weapon

This is a pretty lame quest.  Basically the blacksmith wants you to bring him
three items to make a weapon.  The items are Miwonite, dragons fang and a
mineral.  Warp down to Forest 1, you'll find the Miwonite by the river.  Carry
onto the Dragon Boss.  You'll gain the Dragons Fang when you kill it.  Finall
go to the caves. You will find Red mineral in caves 1, Geen mineral in caves 2
and Blue mineral in caves 3.

Return to the Blacksmith when you have the mineral you want and he will make a
weapon for you. The different minerals will give a different element of weapon.
 Red gives you a Fire weapon, Green a Frost and Blue a Freeze. All are low
level weapons and not much cop.  I believe in the Japanese version you can get
a rare weapon (godhand, suppressed gun, technical crozier) by picking Blue
Mineral.  But I have not tested this.  Go to the Guild counter to end the


Memory Blocks: 57
Items available from quest: None

This is a fairly straightforward quest.  Poor old Lionel the android has been
pulled to pieces.  It's your job to find all his bits!

After you take the quest, read the clue to where his first bit is in the Quest
Board.  He is actually in one of the side areas to the large area in Forest 2. 
You'll notice when you arrive there that it stays locked.  You need to go and
talk to the RAmar in the area that usually contains a warp up to the raised
area.  Now warp up and then down, and you will see a sparkly object.  Its
Lionels Head and one arm!  You can talk to it now in the Quest board.

His other parts are found in the following places:

1) Talk to Lionels head and he will say he is in a monsters stomach.  Return to
the previously locked room in Forest 2 and kill the Hildebear/Hidelt that
appears.  This will give you one of Lionel's arms.

2) Talk to the arm, and then go and find the Legs in the River in Forest 1.

3) Return to Forest 2 and go to where the Dragon Warp usually is, this time
you'll warp to Caves 1.  make your way through into Caves 2, Lionel's other leg
is about three rooms in.

4) Reutrn to Pioneer 2 and find the RAmar up there.  Talk to him to get
Lionel's torso.

Now go to the Hunters Guild and talk to the restored Lionel before claiming
your reward!


Memory Blocks: 36
Items available from quest: None (?)

This is a simple Quest.  You are hired by Donoph a hunter who wants you to help
him defeat 99 enemies.  He says he has 30 minutes to live, so you must defeat
all the enemies in that time.  Answer "!!" to his question.

Follow him down to Ruins 3 and methodically clear all the rooms of enemies. 
The final room requires you disable three force fields that have switches
dotted about the level.  There is plenty of time so you should have no trouble
if you have to do a bit of back tracking. One area in the Ruins is locked off.

There aren't really any things for you to look out for, he is strong and can
heal you and cure status ailments.  Just kill 99 enemies, then pipe back up.

Now talk to the yellow Fomarl (Alicia), if you hear the "quest" chime, you can
now beam down to Forest 2.  Here you should access the weather station by
pressing the switch in the next area.  Read the message from Heath, then pipe
back up.  You'll notice in Forest 2 and area is locked off.

Talk to Alicia again then warp down to Ruins 3.  You'll see the words "Cough,
Cough. Nearly done" as you walk forward.

And then I am stumped!  Can't find Donoph, the ruins are deserted, can't work
out how to unlock the areas in Forest 2 or Ruins 3.  So I returned and
collected my meseta.  Humph.


Memory Blocks:
Items available from quest: MK 3 Mag (V.Hard, Ult)

Your task here is to play Firefighter.  Listen to the instructions at the
start.  You can't use techs or melee weapons, so arm yourself with a good gun
and teleport down.  Putting out the fires is fairly straightforward. Simply
keep shooting at them until they go out, if you have a Spread Needle this can
speed things up greatly.  You can be damaged by the flames so don't get to
close.  Each area remains locked off until you clear all fires, so it's fairly
easy to see where to go next.  The person cowering behind a locked door refuses
to come out until you rescue the injured person by the lake.  Other than that
it's a cakewalk.

If you want the Mk3 mag there are some conditions you need to fulfil.  First of
all, when you rescue people you MUST put the fire out BEFORE you have them sent
uo.  If you don't do this they will register as injured.  If you manage to get
everyone out without injury (and you can take your time, there is no time
pressure), you can take on a second half to the quest.

You'll be asked to warp down and look for a Doctor.  First find and talk to
someone in one of the areas of the main Forest 2 area.  Then carry on up into
the next area to Find the Doctor surrounded by flames.  Four Hildebears will
attack you; whatever difficulty the quest is in, these Hildebears will have
ultimate stats.  Once you have managed to kill them all (it seems to be
impossible to prevent the Doc being injured).  Pipe back.  Talk to the kid on
Pioneer 2 to get "THE GLORY OF THE PAST".  If you visit the infirmary, you'll
get a note from Lionel advising you to found out about it.

There is a Tekker you need to get hold of.  He will be found wandering near the
bank area, he is dressed in a grey/blue outfit.  If he is not there, keep
telepiping back and forth between Pioneer 2 and the Forest until he does.  Once
you talk to him he will Tek the GLORY OF THE PAST into the MK3 mag.

Now go and claim your meseta reward.


Memory Blocks: 96
Items available from quest: None

Now before you play this quest you need to have played through the SUE
storyline and finished all quests.  This is what you need to have done to see
the full ending (and in the same difficulty level)

1) When doing the quest, "Dr. Osto's Research", tell SUE your name, unless you
want the SOUL EATER. Then complete the quest.

2) In the quest "Unsealed Door" first talk to Bernie, then find SUE, and talk
to her. Then go back to the beginning of Mine 2 and talk to Bernie again.
Choose to tell him what SUE told you. Complete the quest.

3) Now do "WaterFall Tear", first speak to Sue on Pioneer 2 and ask her about
Black Paper.  Now in the caves you will have to find Bernie. Talk to him, and
complete the quest.

4) Go and do "Black Paper".  First talk to Sue on Pioneer 2, it doesn't seem to
matter what you ask her.  Then go to the caves and Bernie should be in the
middle of nowhere, waiting for you. Talk with him, and finish the quest.

Now when all quests are done, you should choose to do Soul of Steel, while
playing Soul of Steel you must also get the MAG you are given to "move" three
times as you go through the Mines, after all this you can get the extra, proper

Once you choose to do the Soul of Steel Quest, you will find yourself reunited
with Doc. Montague and Elenor.  Your task is to rescue Elenors twin sister Ult.
 AS you leave to go down to the Mines you will be confronted by a Soldier from
WORKS who will warn you off. Then Elenor will give you a MAG CELL.  Now you all
warp down to the Mines.

The first room is small and throws everything at you, Gilchics, Canadines,
Sinows and Garanz.  Luckily Doc. Montague and Elenor are both strong and
powerful.  The Doc will heal you and Elenor and even cure paralysis.  But keep
an eye on them and have healing to hand as if either die it's misson over.

Once that's been cleared, head into the next large area and talk to the
soldier.  Whatever you answer, he won't let you pass. Go find the Doc, who has
gone into a side room. Talk to him and he will create a diversion.  You should
all go up to the opposite corner and wait for the soldier to leave.  Once he
has done, all sneak down through the barrier and into the next area.

Examine the computer, and Doc. Will tell you some stuff.  Then the Mag will
move for the first time.  Now you should walk forwards to the end of the room. 
When the screen fades to black briefly and there is a rumble you should check
your map to see doc and Elenor have moved.  Go to where they are and a cut
scene will occur.  Doc will tell her more about her special mag.  Then the mag
you are carrying should move for the second time.  You can go talk to them or
carry on looking for Ult.

You'll encounter Ult. Now. Your task is to follow her.  She walks slowly so
this task is not hard.  Once you have followed her far enough press the red
light switch to open the door and she will be on the other side.  Now Doc and
Elenor will arrive. She will disappear again.  Unlock the purple gate and carry
on alone through the next few rooms. You have to make like Solid Snake and
sneak past three sets of patrolling androids.  Watch their patrol patterns on
the map and make sure you don't get in their line of sight.

Once they have been avoided, you'll be in an open area where you must battle a
WORKS soldier and two androids.  There are also a few Gilchics to take out.
Once they are dealt with carry on to find Doc and Elenor.  If you did the Sue
stuff and got the mag to move twice, then a short cut scene will occur.  Sue
will talk to Doc and Elenor, then warp down to the mines.  The Mag you are
carrying will move again and a glow will follow you briefly.

WORKS have now activated the self-destruct and its up to you to disable it. 
You Elenor and Doc all warp to the Ruins.  Here you need to find the room that
is a hollow square with the raised area with a computer on it.  Now destroy all
the rocks blocking one pathway.

Carry on that path way and you'll find a room with a red force field blocking
the way.  You need to disable this using a timer switch in another location. 
Return to the square room and find a side room with a warp point in it. This
takes you to a small room.  Leave this one and battle through the next one. 
You'll end up in a room with a red switch gate.  Before you press it, use the
touch lamp switches to open the exit to the room.  Now press the timer switch
and run as fats as you can to the room with the red force field.  You may need
a couple of goes, but you have plenty of time.  Once through the force field,
you can warp up to the PC and Doc will disable the self-destruct.

Now you must catch Ult.  She is shown as a blue arrow.  Use the warp points to
catch her on the long, thin section.  Talk to her.  Now at this point two
things can happen.

If you did not complete the "Sue" events in the game, you will get the short
ending.  There will be a big explosion and you will wake up in the infirmary. 
All you can do now is read the letter from Doc. Montague and collect your
meseta reward.

If you did do the "Sue" events CORRECTLY then you will get some extra stuff.

Now all hell will start breaking loose.  When you are offered choices. Choose
"Rescue Elenor" and "No" x 3.  You can't really do anything but watch events
unfold.   Soon you'll end up in the medical centre.  Talk to the nurse walking
about then leave.  As you do a cut-scene occurs in the Hunters Guild.  Now go
to the desk and claim your meseta.


You can get an extra bit of ending.  As long as you said "No" to Doc. Montague
three times.  Choose to do the "Soul of Steel" Quest again and this time you'll
be greeted by a woman who says you have been asked for via the BEE system.

Warp down to Forest 1 and meet Elenor in the place she was in "Magnitude of
Metal".  Talk to her about everything. Then she will leave.  Pipe back up after
her and enjoy the groovy music playing as you collect your meseta reward.


Memory Blocks: 68
Items available from quest: Chu Chu Mag, Kapu Mag, Angel Wing Mag, Devil Wing
Mag, Hamburger Mag, GAMES MAGAZINE - weapon, CHU CHU FEVER - armour.

This quest is only available to Japanese and EU players.  If you are playing in
the EU you MUST set your games language settings to Japanese to be able to
download and play this quest.

After you dial up, select the download quest option and you'll get a list in
Japanese of quests.  For your information the quests are as follows:

Retired Hunter
Letter from Lionel
Soul of a Blacksmith
PSO Cup Ver.2
Central Dome Fire Swirl
Soul of Steel
Sunset at the Secret Base

So choose the final option and download the quest.  Now you'll have to carry on
playing with the language set to Japanese, or it won't recognise the quest
file.  So go to the Hunters Guild and select it as usual from the Download
Quest option.

There are no enemies to fight in this quest.  You basically have to do a lot of
talking to Rappy's.  The best things about this quest is the sheer number of
goodies available!

Begin the Quest and warp down.  When the rappy addresses you, select the top
answer to both questions.  Now carry on until you find a room with seven
Rappies in it.  After the conversation, carry on into a room with a time switch
and a maze of barriers.  Press the switch and run quickly ahead and round to
the right and warp.  Quickly turn around and use the next warp and then
straight ahead through the doors.  In the next room use the switch to free the
rappy trapped behind a barrier.  He will use his super rappy strength to move
the stone columns and allow you to warp to Forest 2.

Straight away, break toe boxes around the rappy and then talk to it. Your goal
now is to work your way around to a rappy standing on the SMALL metal bridge
thing that sticks out into the lake.  There is a switch there as well.  Talk to
the rappy and it will give you an item, you will know this has happened as the
chime and window will pop up. Now go all the way back to the Rappy that was
behind the boxes, choose the top answer to its question and you will get
another item.

Now make your way to where the Dragon Warp usually is.  Talk to the rappy
standing on a pad behind the fence.  After the conversation the music will
change.  That I think is the end of the offical quest, but there is more to do

Go back to the previous area.  Where there was a rappy blocking the warp, its
now free so warp down.  Pick up the shiny object.  Now head to the largest area
of Forest 2.  Your task now is to talk to to Rappys.  Rappy 1 is in the
smallest room off this area (the one that sometimes has the Pillar in it). 
Rappy 2 is lurking by the edge of the lake, so you don't have far to go between
the two of them.

Talk to rappy 1 and answer the following: Top answer, Bottom answer.
Go and talk to Rappy 2 and answer the following: Top answer, Bottom answer.
Talk again to rappy 2 and answer the following: Top answer x 3
Now back to Rappy 1 and give these answers: Top answer x 2
Back to Rappy 2 and give this answer: Top answer
Go to Rappy 1 and answer:  Top answer, Bottom answer
Back to Rappy 2 and answer: Top answer, Bottom answer
Go to Rappy 1 and answer: Bottom answer
Keep talking to Rappy 1 and answer: Top, Bottom, Bottom, Top
Go to Rappy 2 and just talk.
Then back to Rappy 1 and keep talking until you get the item chime.

Check your inventory and you got the Hamburger Mag!

Now you can also get the Angel/Devil Wing Mags from another rappy.  But
androids cannot get equip these. They will get a third choice of a chu chu mag
instead.  Go to the room with the warp to the raised part of Forest 2.  Go to
the back area and you'll find a rappy by some boxes.  Talk to it and you'll get
two choices if you are Human/Newman.  The top choice will give you an Angel
Wing mag, the bottom gives you a Devils Wing.  For androids a middle option
will also appear which is the Chu Chu mag.

When you complete the quest you can get some MORE stuff on Pioneer 2.  Go to
the Principals room and talk to the FOmarl sat behind the left desk.  After a
short scene talk to the man behind the Principals desk and you'll get the GAMES
MAGAZINE weapon!

But wait, theres more!  After you have done this go back to the main area of
Pioneer 2 and you'll spot a boy opposite.  Talk to him and he'll give you a
Kapu Kapu mag, Chu Chu mag and the Chu Chu Fever armour!  Bargain!

When you are all done, go to the Hunters Guild and claim your meseta reward.

************************** 8) ONLINE QUESTS ****************************

To play an Online Quest, set up a game in the lobby and once inside go to the
Hunters Guild and select the quest from there.


a) WIN BACK - Lost Heat Sword/Lost Ice Spinner/Lost Soul Blade

These are straightforward Quests.  The Heat Sword requires you to battle
through the forest and kill the Dragon.  The Ice Spinner requires you to battle
through the caves and kill Del Rol Le and the lost Soul Blade requires you to
battle through the Mines and defeat Vol Opt.  YAWN.


b) WIN BACK - The Missing Maraca's

You can't get the Maraca's weapon in this Quest unfortunately.  There doesn't
seem to be any reward other than Meseta for this quest.  You also need at least
two players.  There are enemies to fight on this quest as well.

After you have got your quest from the Guild warp down to Forest 1. You have
disc 1, but to get disc 2 you need to disable two light barriers.
One of you needs to warp to the "white" paved section and activate a blue timer
switch there and the other activate the red timer switch in the previous
section.  One of you pelt down and collect the Disc.  Then return to the paved
area and use the tones from the discs on the computer.

In the next area, a party member or two should wait by the orange barrier,
while another activates the pink timer switch.  Use spare team members to stand
on buttons so one can collect Disc 4 from the far end.

Pipe back up to Pioneer 2.  You can collect Disc 3 from the Principals Office,
next to secretary.  Now teleport down to Caves 1.

Work you way through the caves.  There are many traps hidden it rocks so be
careful when you shoot them out. Use the warps and computer discs to make your
way to the end of Caves 1.  You will have to fight Del Rol Le.  Before you do
so there is a terminal that will allow you to choose what music you want
playing as you battle him!

Once Del Rol Le is defeated, return to the last area of Forest 1 you were in
and use Disc 2 on the terminal. Now you can go through and collect Disc 5.  If
you return to the area just before Del Rol Le in the caves, you can now access
a room with items in it.

Once you have all the discs, return to the man with no memory and finish the


c) WIN BACK - Tinkerbell Lost Dog

A truly cool quest.  There are no enemies here to fight and only one person can
play it.  Your task is to accompany Sonic the Hedgehog down to the Forest to
find Rocky the fat dog!

The basic challenge is using Sonic and his friends to unlock forcefields.  This
must be done in the correct order as not to sue up all their turns.  As well as
finding Rocky, you should be on the look out for 5 Rings.  Get all of these and
you can get the Sonic Glove weapon!

Teleport down and head right.  You'll see a long, column blocking access to a
warp.  Walk a bit further up and press the timer switch, run down and get the
ring from behind the now moved column.  Then use the warp.

Now you're in the paved section. Go up to the doorway and use Sonic to turn off
the blue barrier. Use the pink switch gate to release... Tails!  Now he joins
you.  So head down into the next area.  For now ignore the two warps and carry
on down to the next area. Use Tails to unlock the forcefield that gives you
access to both rings, and collect them both.  Now return to the two warps and
use Tails again to deactivate the field.

Take one teleport to find another ring then come back.  Now take the other and
you'll find... Knuckles (who dah man??).  He will also join you. So warp back
again.  Head back to the paved area, and use Knuckles to disable the forcefield
and collect the ring. Now head back to the "two warp" area and this time take
the top right exit.

Use Sonic, then Knuckles to disable the forcefields.  Go forward and you'll see
a light.  It's Rocky the Dog!  But he disappears, so take the teleport to the

Here you'll find a time switch.  Turn it on and run quickly forward and then
right before the door shuts.  The path is rocky and getting "snagged" on the
rocks can slow you up nough to prevent you making it in time.  You may need a
few goes.  There is a warp to take you back to the timer switch.

Once you get through, you'll find... the CAKE SISTERS!  You may choose to buy
cake, cake or cake!  Once you have it. Use the warp behind the sisters stall to
return to the Forest teleport.  Once you get back to the Forest you'll find
Rocky.  Give him the cake, he'll start eating it (and how!). Mission complete
so return to Pioneer 2.

Before you finish up, if you collected all the five rings you can try and get
Sonics Glove.  Speak to Sonic, and if you refuse to hand over the rings he will
challenge you to a game of Rock, Paper and Scissors.  Now normally it takes
this sequence, and it ALWAYS did for me (four tries at the quest.. don't ask
why, lets just blame an elderly DC).  But it may be different for others.

Sonic chooses Rock, so you should choose Paper
Tails chooses Paper, so you should choose Scissors
Knuckles chooses Scissors, so you should choose Rock.

This pattern worked for me, a friend online said it didn't for him. He said
maybe its to do with the cake you buy!  Maybe, I bought the top cake he bought
the bottom...

Anyway, if you win you'll get Sonics Glove; this is not a weapon as yet. It is
data saved to your Guild File.  You'll need to convert it in the Download Quest
- "Central Dome Fire Swirl".  If you enter this quest you'll find an old guy in
the shop area. If you have the Sonic Glove, he will convert it to the weapon
SONIC KNUCKLE.  It may even have some photon % on it!

After you are done, talk to the Guild Counter to get your reward!


d) WIN BACK - Rappy's Holiday

This is basically a series of mini-games for you to play with the rappy's. To
enter these you need points, which can be bought for meseta off one of the
rappies in the first area.  Do well in the games and you earn more points to
spend.  There is a sort of Rappy lottery in the first area where you have to
bet on which buttons a prize will appear, this can be a good source of points.

GAME 1 - Hunt the Rappy (5 points entry fee).  Find three named rappies in the
correct order.  Get it wrong and you have to start over.  Get it right and one
of the "Stamp Rally" rappies will appear.

GAME 2 - Chicken Race (5 points fee).  In a sort of first person perspective,
race you "bike" and stop as near to the cliff edge as you dare.  Get an S or SS
rank to be able to access the computer later.  Get an A Rank and a "Stamp
Rally" rappy will appear.

GAME 3 - Glow Ball Catching (10 points fee). Simple enough, just catch
glo-balls as they fall from the sky.  Catching 20+ will give you 20 points
prize.  Catch 30 and another "stamp Rally" Rappy will appear.

GAME 4 - Glow Ball Race (3 points fee).  Doe this three times to gain access to
the an area with the last Stamp rally rappy in..

STAMP RALLY -  (20 points fee) just find all the stamp rally rappies mentioned
above.  When you have all the stamps, return to the Stamp Master and get a
"friendship fragment".

FIND THE RAPPY GIRL  - First make sure you have an S or SS rank in the Chicken
race game and the friendship fragment. You need to tool up and get ready to
kill monsters for this. Talk to the rappy and he'll talk about hearing a cry
for help. Walk on until you find a rappy surrounded by monsters. Kill them and
accept the thing he gives you.  Talk to the rappy in the Chicken race area, he
will open the forcefield behind him.

Go through and press the computer, if you are ready choose to go. You know have
to make your way though a bombardment of Hildebears and fire from the sky. Talk
to the baby Hildebears and keep moving and killing the big Hildebears until you
reach the imprisoned Rappy.  Talk to them and its mission over!


e) WIN BACK - Garon's Treachery

Garons Treachery is a fun, if sometimes frustrating quest and you must have at
least two people in your party to play it.  Garon is the greedy fool you met in
the first quest who wanted to harvest mags.  Well, now he wants to make a
movie. Although he has an ulterior motive of course...

The person who started the game will get a music box when you begin.  This
allows them to set the music you want to play while you do the quest.  Can
choose from Sonic Theme, Samba de Amigo, NiGHTS song (coolest!) and Burning
Rangers. The quest is made up of a series of tasks.

TASK 1 - Don't get caught by the flames.  You'll be chased by a wall of flames.
 Keep ahead of it!  If you get caught don't worry it doesn't affect the

TASK 2 - Overcome the Three rooms. In the first room, everything goes dark.  At
least one of you needs to make to the end.  In the second you'll be in a large
room and you must battle monsters while staying in "camera shot". The
perspective moves back and forth.  So don't stray far from the centre 9a
warning will sound if you do).  If you stray out too far you will disappear
into.. NID!! Aaah!  Don't worry you'll be back for the next room.  This is the
Lava room and it's a real pig to do, especially with four players.  You must
race ahead of the lava shooting/chopping the boulders in your way.

TASK 3 -Now you'll find out Garon's true aim.  He wants the Shiva Stone. 
However the ghost guarding it don't want to give it up.  You'll have to make
your way through a room full of light-ghosts.  If they surround you STOP! Don't
move or attack until they have moved away.  Attack the monsters only when there
are no ghosts nearby.

Now its time to run from the ghosts and boy are they mad. If you get caught by
them this time your soul will wander the ruins AND you have blown your teams
chance of getting the HEART OF POUWN.  SO be careful.  Clear this section and
its time to face the final challenge. The Ghost Wall.

A wall of Ghosts advances upon you, there are traps everywhere to slow you
down.  If you all make it intact to the transporter you can warp up and claim
the reward.  If some end up trapped below the ones who did make it can either
warp up (which will boot the trapped players back out into the lobby) and
finish the quest (no reward), or stay and free the others.

When you find them trapped behind a rock, drop the Shiva stone to create a bang
that frees them.  You can all return and talk to Garon, but will get no reward.

If you did all make it through intact then you will get the "??? STONE".  Take
it to the Tekker who identifies it and the RAKONIA STONE.  Now end the quest
and go into the Rappy's Holiday Quest. Enter the "Find 3 Rappys"- contest and
find the rappy that gives you a fruit (it´s yellow if you have the RAKONIA
STONE, if not its red). You must then give the fruit to Grandma Rappy.  The
fruit will get mouldy if you take to long and you'll only get a Monofluid for
it. The grandma willthen  give you a pendant (HANDMADE PENDANT) for the fruit
(but only if you have the RAKONIA STONE).

Go to the menu and look at the pendant 3 or more times. Eventually you will
identify it as a SCREW. You can trade this with the rappy that loves machines
(the one behind some machine bits) for a battery.  THEN you need an S or
SS-rank in the cliff-racing game. This will give you access to this area with
the computer inside. Here you can use the battery on the Computer and call "the
master". Now the FOmarl from Pioneer 2 and a Rappy will appear and trade your
Stone for the HEART OF POUWM ! Phew!


f) DEFEAT - Mop Up Operation 1-4

(Play in V.Hard or Ultimate to obtain badges).

There are four Mop - Up Operation Quests to be undertaken.  You have a choice
of four areas, Forest, Caves, Mines and Ruins.  In each Quest you have one area
to totally clear of enemies.  You have a time limit which is counting down
constantly.  By clearing a room you will gain some extra time.  If you make it
to the end with out running out of time you can obtain 4 Weapons badges to
trade for weapons.

Caves - 4 x Bone Badges
Mines - 4 x Aluminium Badges
Ruins - 4 x Steel Badge

By collecting enough of these badges, you can then trade them for weapons in
the Online Quest "Towards the Future".  Take them to the WEAPONS club member in
front of the infirmary.  You can get the following items:

9 x Bone Badge = Panzer Tail (Mag)
9 x Aluminium Badge = BROOM (Weapon requires 600 MST to equip)
9 x Steel Badge = WOK OF AKIKOS SHOP (Weapon)


g) DEFEAT - Endless Nightmare 1-4

(Play in V.Hard or Ultimate to obtain badges).

There are four Endless Nightmare Quests to undertake.  With each one you must
find a specific room in the area you choose which constantly spawns enemies. 
This room is located in the final area of each main area (ie. Forest 2, Caves
2, Mines 2 and Ruins 3).  You have to option to warp straight to the final area
if you don't wish to clear the preceding areas.  Remember your quest is to
clear the one room.

The Endless Nightmare Quests are excellent for levelling up.  If you are
tackling them alone, a spread needle is very handy and you can gain masses of
EXP in the higher difficulties.  After you complete the room you will find two
badges in boxes by the warp back to Pioneer 2 (except Forest).

Caves - 2 x Bone Badges
Mines - 2 x Aluminium Badges
Ruins - 2 x Steel Badge

By collecting enough of these badges, you can then trade them for weapons in
the Online Quest "Towards the Future".  Take them to the WEAPONS club member in
front of the infirmary.  You can get the following items:

9 x Bone Badge = Panzer Tail (Mag)
9 x Aluminium Badge = BROOM (Weapon requires 600 MST to equip)
9 x Steel Badge = WOK OF AKIKOS SHOP (Weapon)


h) DEFEAT - Today's Rate

In this Quest if you have completed "Doc Secret Plan" offline and in this
difficulty you can get Doc. Montague to make weapons out of monsters parts that
also have photon percentages (the ones he makes offline will have none).

Your task is to delete some important scientific information that may fall into
the Military's hand.  So first of all warp down to the caves. In this quest you
will be shrunk in places to access new areas.  So it is a good idea to have at
least two people in the party.

You will start in Caves 2.  head for a room with a red force-field gate
surrounding a warp.  You will need to return here later but for now take the
left exit and head to the waterfall room.  Carry on to the Caves 3 teleport.

Keep exploring until you find a shrinking machine.  Now you are all diddy, run
back to the fenced off warp in Caves 2.  Your on the eastern side of Caves 2
now, and there is a hidden portal behind a fence that can only be switched off
by a person in their normal form. Telepipe to Pioneer 2, which will revert you
back to your normal size.  Now pipe back and use the "light gate" to get back
to Caves 3.

Clear the room of monsters, and then go south.  In this room with boxes, there
is a woman, talk to her.  She will for your help to find a microchip she lost.
Say you will help, then go back to the shrinking machine.  When shrunk, make
your way to the teleport to Mines 1 which is in the North Eastern corner of the

One of you should stay small at all times to access shut-off areas. You will
reach a room with a warp and red barrier blocking an area in the centre that
looks as if nothing is there, but actually hold the microchip.

Use the warp and soon you'll run into the Host Computer.  So destroy it. Now
return to the red barrier and cross it (need to be teeny).  You'll see a shiny
object.  That's the chip so collect it.

Now telepipe up to Pioneer 2.  Don't return the chip to the girl who asked for
it.  Instead talk to Doc. Montague.. if you have monster parts that is to make
into a weapon.  Otherwise go to the Guild and end the mission there.


i) DEFEAT - Towards the Future

Towards the Future is a fairly straightforward Quest. You have to complete a
couple of rooms in each area and then take on each Boss in a kind of speed run
through of the game, culminating in taking on Dark Falz.

If you choose to take it on in V.Hard or Ultimate you can get prizes depending
on how well you do.

Your score is calculated on how fast you are, how many enemies you kill and how
many deaths occurred in your party.

The two prizes available in V.Hard for an S rank are the EGG BLASTER and NEIS
CLAW.  The Egg Blaster can be equipped by anyone.  Neis Claw is female only.

The prizes available for an A or S rank in Ultimate are as follows:
MASER BEAM (ranger only)

To get these, kill all enemies (197), or don't die once.

The prizes available for SS rank are as follows:
HUGE PLANTAIN FAN (Force, Hunewearl) (SS condition 1)
YAMIGARUSU (Hunter) (SS condition 1)
ANO RIFLE (Ranger)(SS condition 2)
BLUE RING (Shield) (SS Condition 2)

Condition 1 is fairly straightforward, Kill all 197 enemies AND don't die once.

Condition 2 is much harder.  You must kill LESS than 20 enemies AND not die
once.  This is how it can be done:

In the Forest you only need to kill the Hidelt then go through the door.  Run
towards where the Boss Warp should open and a single enmy will spawn by the
door.  Ignore all the others and just kill that one to open the Boss warp. 
Then slay the dragon.

In the caves move along the left wall until you get to a "fake" wall section
and into a secret room. A Vulemr will appear back in the mian room so return
and kill it.  As you get to the next room lots of Vulmers will spawn.  But your
actually target is the Ob Lily, watch out for the Megid!! Remember you can't
die if you want the SS-rank!  Destro the lily and move into the next room.
Destro the lily in there as well.  In the final room, go and touch the locked
door then leave the room. Four slimes will appear and may attack each other so
cast attack lowering magic on them or leave freeze/paralyse traps out.  Watch
the radar and when a fifth dot appears that's a Pan Arms.  Walk over and kill
it when it pops up.  That will unlock the door to the Boss De Rol Le.

Now in the mines, race to the other end of the room and just kill the Sinow
Red. Don't even shot the fire spitting traps as they will count as kills! In
the next room you face a load of Canadines.  The one you need to kill is the
furthest to the left.  It will rise up and shoot lightning at you.  Kill that
one ONLY then move on.  In the next room keep going forward into another fake
wall/room opposite the entrance.  Come back out and  kill only the Sinow Red.
In the final room you will face three Baranz.  You must kill any off them and
there indiscrinate missles may harm each other so use any
Jellen/Paralysis/Freeze you can.  Pat them a Dubchic will appear.  Knock it
down and the Dubswithc should drop down.  Bust that up and then move onto Vol

If you are alone and do not have a mag that invinces you in Boss Fights you may
be in trouble.  Vol Opts "trap" attack is very hard to dodge and if you are
caught inside you will die online (it only damages offline).  If you have
company then they can break you out before it kills you.

In the Ruins, first waste the DeathBringer then carry on.  In the next room
take out the Gran Sorcerer only. Leave via the bottom left door and take the
warp. Then return via the warp straight away and leave the room via the top
right.  This will result in a single Arlan spawning in the next room.  Kill it
and the door to dark Falz is open.

Again if you are alone and have no mag that invinces you may have problems. 
Dark Falz's swipe attack will take off a set amount of HP online (1290).  If
you don't have over that and can't become invincible, you must either drop him
before he goes to swipe mode or forget the SS-rank.

It's a tough job, but the excellent weapons and armour make it worth
persevering with!


In this Quest you can also do a number of things.  If you talk to the FOmarl by
a computer near the bank before you leave.  You can choose to have one person
pipe back before the Dragon Boss encounter and control the Dragon!  You need to
fetch some papers from Irene in the Principles Office, give them to the FOmarl
and she'll give you the code to access the computer in the Forest (look in
Quest board). This is pretty funny as when you stomp on your friends they get
shrunk, BAHA!

Dragon Cotrols:
A: Breath
B: Tail Sweep
X: Fly
X (while flying) Drill Attack then X again for Rush Attack
R: Faint


If there are two of you of the opposite sex you can also get an item if you
behave all lovey dovey toward each other (not sure of this applies to
androids.. but going on the equipment rules, I see no reason a HUCast and
RAscaeal can't do this!).

Both go to the FOmarl and talk to her to get the "love code". Return and
activate the computer panel in the Forest.  Now stay as close to each other as
you can though the whole adventure, collecting any love hearts when they
appear.  You'll get a love index score on talking to her when you finish.  Get
a good score and you can get an accessory.  This can be swapped at the Medical
Centre in the download Quest "Soul of Steel" for the weapon MARINA'S BAG.

Also available on Pioneer 2 in this quest is the man who will exchange your
WEAPONS badges for weapons and a Tekker who will Tek your Sega console mags and
mag parts into the next version up.



In this Quest you have to take on Forest 2, Caves 3 and Mines 2 (but no
Bosses).  You have twenty minutes to kill as many enemies as possible.  If you
kill 500 or more you can collect 5 Bronze Badges from a special room.  Another
3 of 4 badges may show up in the cave and mines areas as well. These bronze
badges can be traded for better badges and those then traded for weapons.

To do this quest to the full you really need at least two players.  One can
carry on quickly into caves 2 vie a light gate which appears where the Dragon
Warp usually is.  While they start tackling Caves 2, the others can stay in
Forest 2 and mop up.  After 10 minutes have elapsed, the bridge will form and a
red transporter can be taken to another part of Caves 2.

Those fighting from that side should make their way to timed gate.  This drops
a forcefield around a button and warp. One player should run and stand on the
button so the other can go through the open door.  The switch that demands
items, only needs green items to be dropped, monomates, antidotes etc are fine.

There are two exits from the Caves, a light gate and a transporter.  The team
should split and take each one. To unlock the switch gates in the large room
where the transporter takes you, one person who came via the light gate should
stand on the button in the L-shaped area.

If you all kill 500 enemies or more you can collect an extra 5 badges.  These
can be traded to the WEAPONS fanatic waiting by the Bank.

3 x Bronze badge = 1 Silver Badge
3 x Silver badge = 1 Gold badge
3 x Gold badge = Choice of Weapon.

Weapons Available

You can keep replaying to collect badges and get all the weapons.  Return to
the Principal in the Guild to complete the quest.

*************************** 9) BATTLE MODE *****************************

Now I haven't had a lot of experience in Battle Mode, but I plan to add more
strategy in the future.  For now this is your basic Battle Mode information.
First of all to set up a Battle Mode game you must create a team.  When it asks
you to select Play Mode, select it to bring down a list of options and choose
Battle.  Once inside the game you can set rules to play by, listed below.


RULE ONE - There are no changes to the player's levels and there are enemies on
the map.  You get points for killing your opponents, but lose them for being

RULE TWO - All start at level one with no items.  No enemies on the map.  Can
find weapons/items on map.  Will lose points if killed gain them for killing.

RULE THREE - Warp battle.  You can only change rooms via the warps.  You start
at level 1 and have no items. There are enemies on the map and you can gain and
lose points for killing/being killed by them.

RULE FOUR - Meseta Battle - Basically, kill people and take their meseta. 
Person with the most meseta at the end wins.


Battles take place across unique maps.
If there are more than two-players, teams are automatically assigned.
Who ever is in the lead will have glowing purple lines radiate out of them.
When you are killed you will jump up a few levels.
Androids tend to be at a disadvantage in pure one-on-one battles due to lack of
stat raising and healing techniques.
If you are playing Rule 1 any items you lose will be returned to you at the end
of the game.

************************ 10) CHALLENGE MODE ****************************

Challenge Mode is the ultimate test of teamwork and skill.  Your task is to
play through the game starting at Level 1.  Your character will begin with a
level 5 mag, and basic equipment.  The challenge is divided into nine sections
and you can only tackle the next ones after you complete the ones before. If
several of you get together and are all at different stages you will begin at
the lowest stage reached.

To make matters worse, you cannot pipe back to Pioneer 2.  If anyone in the
team dies and has no Scape Doll, the challenge is failed.  However, unlike
Normal mode offline there are a lot of Grinders, scape dolls and stat raising
materials available from the word go.

Basically to stand any kind of chance you need to be in a team of four and you
need to play and share items wisely.  There is no use hogging the fluids and
mates if it results in another team members death.  Tactics need to be thought
out as you decide who should raise what photon blasts for their mags.  If you
have Force characters, you'll need to keep them protected until they can learn
the powerful magic that will benefit you all later in the game.

There are a couple of excellent in-depth guides to Challenge Mode already up on
gamefaqs, so this is merely included for completions sake.  However, as with
Battle Mode, I aim to add more observations soon.


C1 is forest1 to forest2, with the Dragon at the end
C2 is caves 1
C3 is caves 2
C4 is caves 3, with Del Rol Le at the end
C5 is mines 1
C6 is mines 2, with Vol Opt at the end
C7 is ruins 1
C8 is ruins 2
C9 is ruins 3, with Dark Falz at the end

Completing Challenge Mode in a certain time, gives you an end rank.  If they
are good enough you will get a reward.  You don't have to do all the levels in
one go either!

Complete all nine Challenges in under 7 hours total and you get a choice of a
S-Rank weapon.  These are powerful versions of standard weapons that can be
ground to +99.

An A rank will get you a White Ring Shield and a B Rank a Yellow Ring Shield.

***************************** 11) MAGS *********************************


When you begin the game you'll notice a small floating thing behind you.  This
is your Mag.  You mag functions as a stats boost.  Depending on what healing
items you feed your mag, it will develop and level up various stats.  How you
choose to build you mag is up to you.  For example you may choose to build a
mag that helps smooth out some weaknesses, ie. More power for a Force
character, more accuracy in a Hunter. Or you may decide to build the mag up to
complement you strengths, expending most of your mags 200 points on one

As you raise your mag, it will evolve and learn photon blasts.  As you hit
enemies or get hit by them your mags photon gauge will charge.  Once it reaches
100 you can launch powerful attacks or cast some status magic (see section b). 
Here you should watch the development of your mag carefully.  What it will
evolve into next and ensure it won't be a type that learns a photon blast the
mag already knows.  Android characters don't require mental strength so you can
ignore the Mind stat if you like, but it may be worth spending a few points on
raising it so the mag can learn the Photon blast Mylla and Youlla, which casts
Deband and Shifta.  These can be invaluable to an android in offline games.

Mags evolve at levels 10, 35 and 50. With each evolution then change shape. 
Level 50 is there last evolution, but they can be raised to level 200.  If the
stats ratio changes after level 50, they will change shape/type every five
levels, but won't learn any new photon blasts until level 100 and then only if
you have previously only learned two.  As well as their level, they have two
other stats, Synchro and IQ.  The higher these are, the faster your photon
gauge will fill and the more likely that your mag will cast useful magic on you
in dangerous situations.

Below is a chart of which mags evolve into what.  > means greater than.  So for
example Varuna would evolve into Rudra if it's Power stat is greater than Mind
and Dexterity.  Your section ID also determines a Mags appearance on its final

Type A

Type B


Level       | Section ID | MAG Name     | ALIGNMENT
Level 10    |    BOTH    | Varuna       | N/A
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Rudra        | POW > MIND + DEX
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Marutah      | DEX > POW + MIND
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Vayu         | MIND > POW + DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Varaha       | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Bhirava      | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Ila          | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Nandin       | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     A      | Kabanda      | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Ushasu       | MIND > DEX > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Kama         | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Apsaras      | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Garuda       | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Yaksa        | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Bana         | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Soma         | MIND > DEX > POW



Level       | Section ID | MAG Name     | ALIGNMENT
Level 10    |    BOTH    | Kalki        | N/A
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Surya        | POW > MIND + DEX
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Mitra        | DEX > POW + MIND
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Tapas        | MIND > POW + DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Kama         | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Bhirava      | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Bhirava      | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Kama         | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     A      | Varaha       | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Apsaras      | MIND > DEX > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Madu         | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Kaidabha     | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Kaitabha     | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Varaha       | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Kabanda      | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Durga        | MIND > DEX > POW



Level       | Section ID | MAG Name     | ALIGNMENT
Level 10    |    BOTH    | Vritra       | N/A
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Sumba        | POW > MIND + DEX
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Ashvinau     | DEX > POW + MIND
Level 35    |    BOTH    | Namuci       | MIND > POW + DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Naraka       | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Ravana       | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Ribhava      | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     A      | Sita         | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     A      | Naga         | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     A      | Kabanda      | MIND > DEX > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Marica       | POW > DEX > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Naga         | POW > MIND > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Garuda       | DEX > POW > MIND
Level 50    |     B      | Bhirava      | DEX > MIND > POW
Level 50    |     B      | Kumara       | MIND > POW > DEX
Level 50    |     B      | Ila          | MIND > DEX > POW


Raising mags can be a long and expensive process.  Mags love recovery items and
the more effective the item the better they like it.  Although I have seen huge
charts dedicated on exactly what does what for which mag, I go by a few basic
rules.  Fluids Raise Mind, Mates raise Power, Antidotes and Anti-paralysis
raise Dexterity and high level mates and fluid add defence as well.  Sol
Atomisers raise Power/Defence, Moon Atomisers raise Dexterity/Mind and Star
Atomisers raise everything.  When you start to raise a Mags Synchro, note that
if you store it at the bank before you end your game it won't lose 5% synchro,
which it does if you leave it equipped when you end a game.

The higher the mag evolves the less effect each item will have.  The exception
is with the special Mags listed in the next section.  A trimate will be as
effective at level 199 as it was at level 1 so they are faster to raise.  The
downside is, they cannot learn photon blasts.

The photon blasts each mag learns are listed below, use this and the charts
above to ensure your mag learns three different blasts.

Description: A pair of cute looking Chao things appear and cast Deband and
Shifta.  This is a great Photon Blast for Androids to have access to.

Learned by: Ila, Vayu, Kabanda, Tapas, Naga, Namuci, Madhu, Kaitabha

Description: A big Pillar thing swirls out and hits all enemies in the

Learned by: Garuda, Kama, Mitra, Marutah, Ashvinu, Kama, Sita, Shirava, Marica

Description: A weird angel thing appears and cast Resta, pretty lame actually.

Learned by: Vritia

Description: A big snake wins around you, hitting everything nearby.

Learned by: Varuna, Ravana, Ribhava

Description: A big fish will charge anything in front of you.

Learned by: Apsaras, Bana, Nandin, Durga, Soma, Andhaka, Kalki

Description: A big ole' moose appears and will charge anything enemy in front
of you.

Learned by: Rudra, Surya, Yaksa, Naraka, Varaha, Sumba, Ushasu, Kumara

Raising Mags is a lot of fun; you can pick up new mags in the Mines in any
difficulty mode.  Each time I beat Vol Opt the Mines Boss, I had a 50/50 chance
of getting a new mag.  These start out at level 5, like the one you started
with.  Its fun to experiment with new mags and how they make your character
look.  For example a Garuda mag takes the form of a pair of wings, whereas a
Kama mag looks like two bazookas floating over your shoulders!  Raise mags, a
high level mag is your best friend.  At level 200 with full sync and IQ my mag
was always casting invincibility on me in boss fights and resurrecting me when
killed.  It's a long job raising a level 200 mag, but worth it.


You may also want to take a step into the world of the Special mag.  These are
either normal mags that have been altered with mag cells or ones collected in
special missions

Mag Cells are extremely rare finds and can be used on an existing mag to alter
its appearance.

 MAG Name    | MAG Item        | Section ID
 Soniti      | Cell of MAG 502 |     A
 Churel      | Cell of MAG 213 |     A
 Preta       | Cell of MAG 213 |     B
 Pitri       | Cell of MAG 502 |     B
 Pian        | Pian's Heart*   |   BOTH
 Opa Opa     | Opa Opa Heart** |   BOTH

* The mag you use the Pian Heart must have maximum IQ and Synchro
** The mag you use the Opa Opa Heart on must have a MIND stat of over 100

I can give no advice on finding Mag Cells, seems to be pure luck I'm afraid.
However it is easier to get your hands on the various special mags that learn
no photon blasts, but can be raised very quickly.

Description: It's a hamburger!
Abilities:  Unknown
Found: Acquire in download quest "Sunset at the Secret Base"

Description: A pair of small wings. Devil=Purple, Angel=Gold
Abilities: Invincibility, Resurrection
Found: Acquire in download quest "Sunset at the Secret Base"

Description: One of the cute little Mice from "Chu Chu Rocket"
Abilities: Invincibility, Casts Deband/Shifta
Found: Acquire in download quest "Sunset at the Secret Base"

Description: One of the mean cats from "Chu Chu Rocket"
Abilities: Invincibility, Casts Deband/Shifta
Found: Acquire in download quest "Sunset at the Secret Base"

Description: A funny little mag that hangs from your bum! A stripy tail
Abilities: Unknown
Found:  Collect 9 Bone WEAPONS badges and exchange them for this mag.

Description:  The base mag for creating the Sega systems mag.
Abilities: None
Found: Acquire it in the download quest "Central Done Fire Swirl"

You need to find some VERY rare mag parts to evolve your Mk3 into various sega
consoles.  These parts are about as rare as PSO items get so good luck!  The
chart is as follows.

Mark III + Sound Source FM = Master System which learns PB Estella
Master System + Parts of 68000 = Genesis which learns Mylla&Youlla
Genesis + SH2 = Sega Saturn which learns PB Pilla
Sega Saturn + SH4, Modem and Power VR = Dreamcast which learns PB Farla

Each time you evolve the mag, it will reset to Level 0 so be aware of that. 
The tekker you need to find to do this can be found in the online quest
"Towards the Future".

Guess you are all dying to know what I use right?  Well my high level HUcast
has a level 200 Soniti mag, which I love.  It's cute and has saved my ass in
the game more times than I can count!  I have also raised a MK3 console mag
with +100 Power for when I want to seriously damage things.  Previously I had a
garuda mag that was very fond of, but it got stolen from me online in a NOLing
incident =(

I have a lower level HUmar character that is raising many Mags.  He usually has
a Chu Chu mag equipped, this mag has impressed me with its ability to cast
invincibility even at such a low level of IQ and Synchro.

********************** 12) WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT ************************

Your section ID basically dictates what items will be available to you and how
common they will be.  Check the comments sections to see if section ID makes a
weapon/item unavailable. Trade online with other IDs to get more weapons.  Also
if you play a standard game online, the items available are dictated by the
section ID of whoever created the game.  So bear that in mind when you organise
and online session.

When you find a weapon whose name is in green that means it has some extra
attributes in the form of extra attack power signified by a plus photon
efficiency percentages.  These percentages are often overlooked but are
important.  Say you have two sabres, but one has a 30% photon efficiency in the
Forest area.  That weapon will do more damage than the first.  It may even do
more damage than a weapon with more attack power but 0% photon efficiency in
the Forest.

Using Mono/Di/Trigrinders can increase each weapons attack power.  These will
add 2/4/6 points of attack power when used on an EQUIPPED weapon. All weapons
have a maximum grind limit.  Only the EGG BLASTER (and S Rank Challenge
weapons) can be ground to +99.  Any other weapons ground past that point that
you may receive online have been "made".  Not necessarily a bad thing, a +99
Spread Needle can make levelling up much less of a chore, but do check with
other players first if you are using altered weapons online.  It's the polite
thing to do.  Also be aware that if you are converting a PSO 1 file to PSO 2
you will lose any weapons ground beyond their normal limits or with photon
efficiencies pumped to over 60% (the max).

When you acquire a weapon with "???" you need to take it to the TEKKER in the
shop area.  He will give your weapon an attribute.  These will get more
powerful as you progress through the difficulty levels.  You can keep getting
the same weapon Tekked if you have the cash.  You may get a more powerful one
than he first presents you with.  Here are the categories from weakest to

1) Heat - Fire - Flame - Burning
Special Attack does Fire Damage

2) Shock - Thunder - Storm - Tempest
Special Attack does Lightening Damage

3) Ice - Frost - Freeze - Blizzard
Special Attack may freeze enemies

4) Bind - Hold - Seize - Arrest
Special Attack may paralyse enemies

5) Panic - Riot - Havoc - Chaos
Special Attack may confuse enemies

6) Dim - Shadow - Dark - Hell
Special Attack has a chance of killing an enemy outright.

7) Draw - Drain - Fill - Gush
Special Attack drains 5%/9%/13%/17% of enemy HP and gives it to you.

8) Heart - Mind - Soul - Geist
Special Attack will refill 3%/4%/5%/6% of you Max TP

9) Master - Lord - King
Special Attack steals 8%/10%/12% of enemies EXP

10) Charge - Spirit - Berserk
Special Attack drains Meseta/TP/HP to perform a powerful attack

11) Devils - Demons
Special Attack reduces enemies HP to a half/quarter

You will also find weapons whose names are in yellow and in capitals; these are
special weapons and are among the most powerful in their group outside of the
super rarities (who's names are in glowing Orange).  They have their own
specialties and you won't find them as types listed above.

******************************** WEAPONS ********************************

                       ======= a) SABRES =======

- Sabre
Attributes: ATP +55, ATA +30
Description: "A sword with a Photon Blade"

- Brand
Attributes: ATP +100, ATA +33
Description: "A sword with good accuracy and power"

- Buster
Attributes: ATP +160, ATA +36
Description: "An extremely high performance sword"

- Pallasch ATP +220, ATA +39
Attributes: "A superior sword, usable only by masters."

- Gladius
Attributes: ATP +280, ATA +42
Description: "An exceptional sword.  Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +250, ATA +40
Special: Drains TP for extra power attack
Description: "A sword with "DB" carved into the hilt.
              Can use TP to launch a strong special attack."
Requirement: ATP 265
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments; Found in V.Hard Ruins and everywhere in Ult.  When you reach level
100 this can be bought in the shop.

Attributes: ATP +310, ATA +55
Special: Ice
Description: "A legendary sword long sought after by warriors.
                        Its special attack freezes  enemies."
Requirement: ATP +295
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Found in Ult Ruins

Attributes: ATP +353, ATA +49, MST +15
Special: Steals EXP
Description: "A legendary sword known as "The Knight's Blade."
              Its special attack steals experience points."
Requirement: ATP 310
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments:  Found in Ult. ruins

Attributes: ATP +680, ATA +68
Special: EXP steal
Description: "Legendary sword found in the ancient ruins. It absorbs enemy
Requirement: ATP 620
Stars: 10
Max grind: 45
Comments: Actually found in Ultimate Forest.

Attributes: ATP +600, ATA +155
Special: Steals HP
Description: "This red sabre is a prototype, so it's finish is incomplete.
              Letters, which say 'He', are carved on the hilt".
Requirement: ATP 620
Stars: 10
Max grind: 90
Comments:  Found in Ult. Forest

                     ======== b) SWORDS =======

- Sword
Attributes: ATP +60, ATA +25, EVP -5
Description: "A large weapon with a Photon Blade."

- Gigush
Attributes: ATP +100, ATA +27, EVP -5
Description: "A large sword with good accuracy and power."

- Breaker
Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +50, EVP -10
Description: "A large, extremely high performance sword."

- Claymore
Attributes: ATP +200. ATA +32, EVP -10
Description: "A large superior sword usable only by masters."

- Calibur
Attributes: ATP +250, ATA +35, EVP -10
Description: "AN exceptional large sword. Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +240, ATP+34, LCK +5
Description: "Bears the serial number 52-0003"
Requirement: ATP 385
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Common in Ultimate difficulty.  Can be purchased in shop after level
100, depending on Section ID

Attributes: ATP +280, ATA +25, EVP -15, HP +20
Special: HP drain
Description: "A sword said to protect its bearer in any battle.
              Its special attack steals HP."
Requirement: ATP 470
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Found in Ult. Ruins, Can be purchased in shop after level 100,
depending on section ID.

Attributes: ATP +300, ATA +40, EVP -15
Special: Fire
Description: "A legendary sword borne by one who defeated a dragon.
              Adds an explosive fire attack"
Requirement: ATP 480
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Sometimes found after killing the Dragon Boss in Hard/V.Hard mode

Attributes: ATP +660, ATA +98
Special: Paralyse
Description: "This red sword is a prototype, so it's finish is incomplete.
              Letters, which say 'a', are carved on the hilt".
Requirement: ATP 746
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments: Find in Ult. Caves

                    ======= c) DAGGERS =======

- Dagger
Attributes: ATP +40, ATA +20
Description: "A short photon sword.  Attacks enemies twice."

- Knife
Attributes: ATP +70, ATA +22
Description: "A short sword with good accuracy and power."

- Blade
Attributes: ATP +100, ATA +24
Description: "An extremely high performance short sword."

- Edge
Attributes: ATP +130, ATA +26
Description: "A superior short sword, usable only by masters."

- Ripper
Attributes: ATP +160, ATA +28
Description: "An exceptional short sword.  Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +170, ATA +27, DFP +10
Special: Paralyse
Description: "A short sword named for its dance-like attack.
              Its special attack paralyses enemies."
Requirement: ATP 385
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Common in Ultimate mode.  Can be bought in shop after level 100 on
some section IDs

Attributes: ATP +155, ATA +40, MST +10
Special: Halves HP
Description: "A legendary short sword named for all the blood that it spilled.
Its special attack halves enemy HP."
Requirement: ATP 412
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Found Ult. Ruins.

Attributes: ATP +190, ATA +32
Special: Lightning
Description: "A legendary short sword that leaves cross-shaped scars on its
victims. Adds lightning damage."
Requirement: ATP 463
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard, Ult. Mines

Attributes: ATP +613, ATA +162
Special: Steals TP
Description: "This red blade is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete.
Letters, which say 't', are carved on the hilt."
Requirement: ATP 710
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments:  Find in Ult. Caves.

                     ====== d) SLICERS =======

- Slicer
Attributes: ATP +15, ATA +13
Description: "A throwing blade that hits multiple enemies."

- Spinner
Attributes: +30 ATP, ATA +16
Description: "A throwing Blade with good accuracy and power."

- Cutter
Attributes: ATP +50, ATA +19
Description: "An extremely high performance throwing blade."

- Sawcer
Attributes: ATP +80, ATA +22
Description: "A superb throwing blade, used only by masters."

- Diska
Attributes: ATP +145, ATA +25
Description: "An exceptional throwing blade. Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +110, ATA +27, DFP +10
Special: Instant kill
Description: "A legendary throwing blade used by elie assasins.
              Its special attack can kill instantly."
Requirement: ATP 480
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ult ruins

Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +31
Special: Confusion
Description: "A legendary throwing blade used by a hunter called
              'The Liberator."
Requirement: ATP 480
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate Ruins

Attributes:  ATP +170, ATA +30
Special: HP sacrifice
Description: "A legendary throwing blade for the brave.
                        Sacrifices HP for a powerful special attack."
Requirement: ATP 495
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Buy in weapon shop on certain section IDs.

Attributes: ATP +695, ATA +144
Special: Fire
Description: "This red slicer is a prototype, so it's finish is incomplete.
                        Letters, which say 'Cl,' are carved on the hilt."
Requirement: ATP 970
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments: Find in Ultimate Ruins

                    ========= e) PARTISANS ========

- Partisan
Attributes: ATP +40, ATA +32
Description: "A long sword with a photon blade.  Hits multiple enemies."

- Halbert
Attributes: ATP +75, ATA +37
Description: "A long sword with good accuracy and power."

- Glaive
Attributes: ATP +110, ATA +41
Description: "An extremely high performance long sword."

- Berdys
Attributes: ATP +145, ATA +45
Description: "A superior long sword, usable only by masters."

- Gungnir
Attributes: ATP +180, ATA +49
Description: "An exceptional long sword.  Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +160, ATA +46
Special: TP steal
Description: "A legendary long sword made of pure photons."
Requirement: ATP 475
Stars: 9
Max grind: 0
Comments: Find in Ultimate mode.

Attributes: ATP +200, ATA +55
Special: Use meseta to increase attack power
Description: "A legendary long sword for the wealthy.
                       Can launch a powerful attack at the cost of Meseta."
Requirement: ATP 412
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in ultimate Forest

Attributes: ATP +220, ATA +40, LCK +5
Special: Ice
Description: "A legendary long sword that is said to become sharper with
                       every blow. Its special attack freezes enemies."
Requirement: ATP 463
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Buy in weapon shop on some IDs. Find in V.hard Ruins

Attributes: ATP +600, ATA +202
Special: Ice
Description: "This red partisan is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete.
                         Letters, which say "h," are carved on the grip."
Requirement: ATP 860
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mines.

                      ======= f) HANDGUNS =======

- Handgun
Attributes: ATP +30, ATA +26
Description: "A small gun that fires Photon bullets."

- Autogun
Attributes: ATP +65, ATA +29
Description: "A small gun with good accuracy and power."

- Lockgun
Attributes: ATP +110, ATA +26
Description: "An extremely high performance small gun."

- Railgun
Attributes: ATP +145, ATA +32
Description: "A superior small gun, usable only by masters."

- Raygun
Attributes: ATP +180, ATA +38
Description: "An exceptional small gun. Has amazing power

Attributes: ATP +222, ATA +43, EVP +20
Special: Paralysis
Description: "A legendary High performance pistol.
              Its special causes paralysis."
Requirement: ATA 110
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: V.Hard Ruins, Ultimate mode all areas. Can buy from shop after level

Attributes: ATP +195, ATA +45
Special: Fire
Description: "A pistol used by military mechanic group "Team00."
                        Proves the bearer to be a member of the team"
Requirement: ATA 105
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate mode, and V.hard ruins

Attributes: ATP +250, ATA +45
Special: Lightning
Description: "A legendary pistol reserved for high-ranking officers aboard
Pioneer 1.
                      Adds lightning damage."
Requirement: ATA 118
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in various places in V.Hard and Ult.

Attributes: ATP +530, ATA +85
Special: Lightning
Description: "This red gun is a prototype, so it's finish is incomplete.
                        Letters, which say 'i', are carved on the barrel."
Requirement: ATP 140
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments: Find in Ultimate Forest.

                      ======= g) MACHINE GUNS ========

- Mechgun
Attributes: +4 ATP
Description: "A machine gun that fires a hail of Photon bullets."

- Assault
Attributes: ATP +8, ATA +3
Description: "A machine gun with good power and accuracy."

- Repeater
Attributes: ATP +12, ATA +6
Description: "An extremely high performance machine gun."

- Gatling
Attributes: ATP +16, ATA +9
Description: "A superior machine gun, usable only by masters."

- Vulcan
Attributes: ATP +20, ATA +12
Description: "An exceptional machine gun. Has amazing power."

- M&A60 VISE
Attributes: ATP +35, ATA +40, LCK +5
Special: uses own HP for extra power attacks
Description: "A legendary machine gun from the Vise Corp.
              Sacrifices HP for a powerful special attack."
Requirement: ATA 120
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ult Ruins and purchase in shop on some section IDs.

Attributes: ATP +30, ATA +18
Special: Ice
Description: "A legendary machine gun from the Justice Corp.
              Its special attack freezes enemies."
Requirement: ATA 122
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mode and buy in some shops after level 100.

Attributes: ATP +35, ATA +19
Special: Paralysis
Description: "A legendary machine gun from the Combat Corp.
              It's special attack paralyses enemies".
Requirement: ATA 124
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard, Ultimate mode

Attributes: ATP +513. ATA +90
Special: Confusion
Description: "This red mechgun is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete.
              Letters, which say "ff," are carved on the grip."
Requirement: ATA 175
Stars: 9
Max grind: 90
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mode.

                    ======= h) RIFLES ========

- Rifle
Attributes: ATP +20, ATA +9
Description: "A long range gune that fires Photon bullets."

- Sniper
Attributes: ATP +90, ATA +18
Description: "A rifle with good accuracy and power."

- Blaster
Attributes: ATP +160, ATA +27
Description: "An extremely high performance rifle"

- Beam
Attributes: ATP +210, ATA +36
Description: "A superior rifle, usable only by masters."

- Laser
Attributes: ATP +280, ATA +45
Description: "An exceptional rifle. Has amazing power."

- VISK'235W
Attributes: +260 ATP, +50 ATA, EVP +5
Special: Paralyse
Description: "legendary rifle crafted by Visk, one of the three masters.
              It's special attack paralyses enemies."
Requirement: ATA 118
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in the Ult. forest

Attributes: ATP +290, ATA +54
Special: Confusion
Description: "Legendary rifle crafted by Wals, one of the three masters.
              It's special attack confuses enemies."
Requirement: 120
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mode

Attributes: ATP +270, ATA +54, DFP +10
Special: Halves enemy HP
Description: "Legendary rifle crafted by Justy, one of the three masters.
              It's special attack halves enemy HP."
Requirement: 125
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mode

                    ======= i) SHOTGUNS ========

- Shot
Attributes: ATP +25, ATA +27, EVP -10
Description: "A shotgun that fires a spread of Photon Bullets."

- Spread
Attributes: ATP +50, ATA +30, EVP -10
Description: "A shotgun with good accuracy and power."

- Cannon
Attributes: ATP +80, ATA +35
Description: "An extremely high performance rifle."

- Launcher
Attributes: ATP +110, ATA +41
Description: "A superior shotgun usable only by masters."

- Arms
Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +47
Description: "An exceptional shotgun. Has amazing powers."

Attributes: ATP +133, ATA +37, EVP -30
Special: HP thief
Description: "A legendary shotgun made with pure photons.
                         Its special attack steals enemy HP."
Requirement: ATA 122
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruins and Ultimate mode.

Attributes: ATP +188, ATA +40, LUCK +10
Special: EXP steal
Description: "A legendary shotgun with tremendous power.
              Its special attack steals enemies' experience points."
Requirement: ATA 125
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Mines/Ruins.

Attributes: ATP +160, ATA +43, EVP -30
Special: TP steal
Description: "A legendary shotgun with power that rivals a meteor strike.
              It's special attack steals enemy TP."
Requirement: ATA 125
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruin.

                    ======== j) CANES =========

- Cane
Attributes: ATP +30, ATA +40
Description: "A cane usable by Forces.  Has low attack power."

- Stick
Attributes: ATP +60, ATA +45
Description: "A high quality cane with average attack power."

- Mace
Attributes: ATP +90, ATA +50
Description: "A superior cane, usable only by masters."

- Club
Attributes: ATP +120, ATA +55
Description: "An exceptional cane.  Has amazing powers."

Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +60, Luck +10
Special: Fire
Description: "A legendary cane made of Laconium metal.
              It's special attack causes fire damage."
Requirement: MST 430
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruins and Ultimate mode.

Attributes: ATP +180, ATP +55
Special: Lightning
Description: "A legendary cane made of the magic stone Adaman.
              Its special attack adds lightning damage."
Requirement: MST 440
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ult. Mines/Ruins

Attributes: ATP +220, ATA +60, MST +10
Special: Death
Description: "A legendary cane made of the magic stone Zumiuran.
              Its special attack can cause instant death."
Requirement: MST 450
Stars: 9
Max grind: 0

                    ======= k) RODS =======

- Rod
Attributes: ATP +42, ATA +45
Description: "A battle cane made only for Forces."

- Pole
Attributes: ATP +80, ATA +50
Description: "A battle cane with good power and accuracy."

- Pillar
Attributes: ATP +115, ATA +55
Description: "A superior battle cane, useable only by masters."

- Striker
Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +60
Description: An exceptional Battle cane.  Has amazing power."

Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +60
Special: HP halve
Description: "A legendary cane made so Forces can hold their own in a fight.
              Halves enemy HP."
Requirement: MST 460
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruins

Attributes: ATP +220, ATA +65
Special: TP attack
Description: "A legendary battle cane for brave Forces.
              Its special attack uses TP to launch a powerful strike."
Requirement: MST 470
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Very Hard Caves

Attributes: ATP +260, ATA +65
Special: HP steal
Description: "A legendary battle cane made for a Force for intense fights.
              Its special attack steals enemies' HP."
Requirement: MST 480
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruins

                    ======= l) WANDS =======

- Wand
Attributes: ATP +30, ATA +30, MST +10
Description: "A magic cane with good power and attributes."

- Staff
Attributes: ATP +40, ATA +35, MST +10
Description: "An extremely high performance magic cane."

- Baton
Attributes: ATP +50, ATA +40, MST +10
Description: "A superior cane, usable only by masters."

- Sceptre
Attributes: ATP +75, ATA +45, MST +10
Description: "An exceptional magic cane. Has amazing power

Attributes: ATP +100, ATA +50, MST +20
Special: Fire
Description: "A legendary magic cane containing the power of fire.
              Its special attack adds fire damage.
Requirement: MST 470
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.hard/Ult ruins.  Can be bought from some shops after level

Attributes: ATP +125, ATA +50, MST +20
Special: Ice/Freeze
Description: "Legendary magic cane with the power of ice.
              Has the ability to freeze enemies."
Requirement: MST 485
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard and Ult modes. Cam be bought in some shops after level

Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +50, MST +20
Special: Lightning
Description: "Legendary magic cane containing the power of lightning.
              Adds lightning damage."
Requirement: MST 490
Stars: 9
Max grind: 9
Comments: Buy in weapons stores on PINKAL ID.

                      ======= m) CLAWS/FISTS =======

Attributes: ATP +215, ATA +38
Special: HP steal
Description: "Claws with photon blades for quick attacks with the right hand.
              Its special attack steals enemies' HP."
Requirement: ATP 215
Stars: 9
Max grind: 20
Comments: Find in V.Hard Mines/Ruins and Ult. Forest

Attributes: ATP +285, ATA +39
Special: Instant death
Description: "Legendary claws that kill silently. It's special attack can
              fell enemies with a single blow."
Requirement: ATP 336
Stars: 10
Max grind: 15
Comments: Find in Ultimate Forest

Attributes: ATP +172, ATA +45
Special: HP steal
Description: "Legendary claws equippable only by female Hunters or Rangers.
              Its special attack steals enemy HP."
Requirement: ATP 336
Stars: 10
Max grind: 9
Comments: Prize for S rank in Online Quest "Towards the Future" V.Hard
difficulty.  Usable by females only.

Attributes: ATP +240, ATA +60
Special: Ice
Description: "Gear that boosts attack power for unarmed combat.
              Its special attack freezes enemies."
Requirement: ATP 315
Stars: 10
Max grind: 30
Comments: Find in Ultimate caves

Attributes: ATP +330, ATA +60, DEF, EVP, MST +5
Special: EXP thief
Description: "The ultimate gear for unarmed combat.
              Its special attack steals experience points."
Stars: 9
Max grind: 15
Comments: Supposedly available in download quest, "Soul of the Blacksmith". 
Possibly the Japanese version.

Attributes: ATP +165, ATA +65
Special: EXP thief
Description: "Unarmed combat gear that allows attacks at sonic speeds.
              Its special attack steals experience."
Stars: 10
Max grind: 9
Comments:  get the Sonic Glove in the Online quest "Tinkerbell Lost Dog" and
convert it into Sonic Knuckle in download quest "Central Dome Fire Swirl"

                     ======= n) TWIN BLADES =======

Attributes: ATP +150, ATA +28
Special: TP drain
Description: "A double-bladed photon sword.
              Its special attack steals enemies' TP."
Requirement: 235
Stars: 9
Max grind: 20
Comments: Found mainly in V.Hard Mine.

Attributes: ATP +235, ATA +23
Special: confusion
Description: "A legendary double-bladed sword useable only by male
              Hunters and Rangers. Causes Confusion."
Requirement: ATP 343
Stars: 10
Max grind: 15
Comments: Find in Ultimate Forest.

 Attributes: ATP +225, ATA +32
Special: halves HP
Description: "The ultimate double-bladed sword, only for masters.
              Its special attack halves enemy HP."
Requirement: ATP 270
Stars: 11
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in V.Hard Ruins.  Hunters only.

Attributes: ATP +640, ATA =180
Special: Ice
Description: "The crystals on both sides of the staff can inflict a
             lot of damage. Its special attack freezes enemies."
Requirement: ATP 950
Stars: 10
Max grind: 30
Comments: Find in Ultimate ruins.  Hunters only.

Attributes: ATP +700, ATA +155
Special: Fire
Description: "The ancient characters on its blade produce magic.
              Its special attack is the fire bomb."
Requirement: ATP 880
Stars: 11
Max grind: 25
Comments: Find in Ultimate Mines.

Attributes: ATP +590, ATA +150, MST +40
Special: Fire
Description: "Flames from both ends of this magic cane will burn enemies.
              Its special flame attack is very powerful."
Requirement: ATP 800
Stars: 12
Max grind: 9
Comments: Find in Ultimate Caves.

                  ======= o) MISCELLENEOUS RARES =======

Attributes: ATP +93, ATA +35
Special: None (?)
Description: "The ultimate weapon?-hard, yet supple and smooth."
Requirement: ATA 130
Stars: 10
Max grind: 9
Comments: Acquire in a weapons subquest.

Attributes: ATP +465, ATA +40, EVP -20
Special: Halves enemy HP
Description: "A powerful bazooka with highly destructive shells.
              Its special attack halves enemies' HP."
Requirement: ATA 125
Stars: 11
Max grind: 9
Comments: can be equipped by all characters.

Attributes: ATP +302, ATA +72
Special: Paralysis
Description: "A special gun that impales enemies with a giant spear.
              Its special attack paralyses enemies."
Requirement: ATA 120
Stars: 11
Max grind: 30
Comments: Can be equipped by all characters.

Attributes: ATP +558, ATA +183
Special: Pushes enemies back.
Description: "When you wave this magic fan once, it produces a strong wind,
              which blows enemies away."
Requirement: MST 650
Stars: 11
Max grind: 45
Comments: A, B or S rank prize in the online Quest "Towards the future"
(Ultimate difficulty). Usable by Forces only.

Attributes: ATP +185, ATP +49
Special: Drains HP
Description: "A cursed sickle that drains HP from the user.
              Its special attack drains HP for a powerful strike."
Requirement: ATP 165
Stars: 9
Max grind: 35
Comments: Acquire in offline "Soul Eater" side quest. Slowly reduces your HP
while equipped. Usable by all characters.

Attributes: ATP +240, ATA +35
Special: Fire damage
Description: "A special gun made by a mysterious scientist out to conquer the
              world. Does fire damage."
Requirement: ATA 100
Stars: 10
Max grind: +99
Comments: Prize for S rank in online quest "Towards the Future" (V.hard).
Usable by all characters.  Is this made by Dr. Robotnik (Eggman) from Sonic the
Hedgehog perchance?

Attributes: ATP +620, ATA +234
Special: Halves enemy HP
Description: "The blades can kill an enemy in one hit.
              Its special attack can take away half of an enemy's health."
Requirement: ATP 960
Stars: 10
Max grind: 20
Comments: Usable by Hunters only.

Attributes: ATP +350, ATA +55
Special: Gives you extra EXP
Description: "A one-handed axe with a Photon Blade.
              Its special attack steals EXP"
Requirement: ATP 250
Stars: 9
Max grind: 20
Comments: Usable by all characters

Attributes: ATP +422, ATA +72
Special: Hits in a sequence
Description: "Few facts or even rumours are known about this ultimate sword.
              Its abilities are a mystery."
Requirement: ATP 500
Stars: 12
Max grind: 15
Comments: Usable by Hunters only

Attributes: ATP + 245, ATA +35, EVP -30
Special: Paralysis
Description: "A custom shotgun that shoots countless needles.
              Its special attack paralyses enemies."
Requirement: ATA 130
Stars: 11
Max grind: 15
Comments: Usable by Hunters and Rangers.  Ace solo levelling up weapon, but
frowned upon for online use as an EXP thief.

Attributes: ATP +780, ATA +95
Special: None
Description: "This weapon fires a punch bomb. It does great damage, but
              sequence attacks are not possible."
Requirement: ATA 160
Stars: 12
Max grind: 50
Comments: Hunter and Ranger only. Ult. Ruins.

Attributes: ATP +500, ATA +90
Special: Confusion
Description: "Shaking the maracas with a Latin rhythm produces shock
              waves to damage enemies"
Requirement: ATA 135
Stars: 11
Max grind: 9
Comments: Get three gold badges from online quest "Famitsu Maximum Attack" to
trade for this.  Usable by all.

Attributes: ATP +680, ATA +180
Special: HP drain
Description: "Once a child's toy, it has been refined over the years to
              become the ultimate toy. Its power is devastating."
Requirement: ATP 670
Stars: 11
Max grind: 50
Comments: Get three gold badges from online quest "Famitsu Maxium Attack" to
trade for this.  Usable by all.

Attributes: ATP +630, ATA +120, MST +45
Special: None
Description: "This is a cleaning tool that was found in the ancient ruins.
              Something is carved on it. It increases mental strength."
Requirement: MST 600
Stars: 10
Max grind: 0
Comments: Exchange for 9 Aluminium Weapons Badges in the Online Quest "Towards
the Future"

Attributes: ATP +300, ATA +132
Special: None
Description: "Secret technique.  Type URAENDING at the Title with the
Requirement: None
Stars: 11
Max grind: None
Comments: Acquire in the download Quest "Sunset at the Secret base".  Usable by
all.  Handy beginners weapon as has no stat requirements and is very powerful.

Attributes: ATP +660, ATA +180
Special: Paralysis
Description: "This rifle was used as the military Android's primary weapon
              in a certain country."
Requirement: ATA 150
Stars: 12
Max grind: 15
Comments: Acquire by getting SS rank condition 2 in online quest "Towards the
Future."  Usable by RAmar and RAcast only.

Attributes: ATP +600, ATA +215
Special: Steals TP
Description: "This scythe is considered a work of art because of its
              intricate design. It's special attack confuses enemies."
Requirement: ATP 670
Stars: 11
Max grind: 80
Comments: Get three gold badges from online quest "Famitsu Maximum Attack" to
trade for this.  Usable by all.

Attributes: ATP +649, ATA +150
Special: Lightning
Description: "A government certified scientist created this
              high-performance rifle based on the A-35 rifle function."
Requirement: ATA 175
Stars: 11
Max grind: 80
Comments: Usable by rangers only.

Attributes: ATP +566, ATA +140, MST +55
Special: Lightning
Description: "The stone on this cane increases your mental strength.
              Its special attack is lightning."
Requirement: MST 800
Stars: 11
Max grind: 45
Comments: Force only.  Find in Ult. Ruins

Attributes: ATP +500, ATA +150, MST +20
Special: none
Description: "A huge leaf. When equipped, it increases your
              mental strength by 20."
Requirement: ATP 550
Stars: 10
Max grind: 0
Comments: Not usable by Androids.  Find in Ult. Forest.

Attributes: ATP +500, ATA +100, MST +50
Special: none
Description: "This magic cane was developed for female users. It's
              very popular and can be used as an accessory".
Requirement: MST 600
Stars: 11
Max grind: 0
Comments: Force only.

Attributes: ATP +590, ATA +120
Special: none
Description: "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans.
              The power is as strong as the new model."
Requirement: ATA 180
Stars: 10
Max grind: 10
Comments: Ranger only.

Attributes: ATP +695, ATA +180
Special: None
Description: "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans.
              The power is as strong as the new model."
Requirement: ATA 190
Stars: 10
Max grind: 10
Comments: ranger only

Attributes: ATP +622, ATA +122
Special: none
Description: "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans.
              The power is as strong as the new model."
Requirement: ATA 160
Stars: 10
Max grind: 10
Comments: ranger only

Attributes: ATP +590, ATA +159
Special: none
Description: "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans.
              The power is as strong as the new model."
Requirement: ATA 175
Stars: 10
Max grind: 10
Comments: Rangers only

Attributes: ATP +488, ATA +168, MST +55
Special: Lighting
Description: "The star-shaped design increases mental strength.
              Its special attack causes a large shock."
Requirement: MST 850
Stars: 11
Max grind: 9
Comments: Force only, find in Ult. Ruins

Attributes: ATP +680, ATA +185
Special: EXP steal
Description: "When thrown, this fan can kill several enemies at once.
              It's special attack steals 12% of the enemies experience".
Requirement: ATP 880
Stars: 11
Max grind: 15
Comments: S Rank prize in the online quest "Towards the Future"

Attributes: ATP +720, ATA +112
Special: Confusion
Description: "AUW 1985 model. Made by Kikoku".
Requirement: ATP 860
Stars: 11
Max grind: 10
Comments: Rare find in Ult. Mine

                   ======= p) MONSTER PARTS WEAPONS =========

To create a Monster Part weapon you first need to find a Monster part (good
luck!). then you need Doc. Montague to be unlocked offline.  DO this by playing
all the Hunters Guild Missions. Now when you enter the Unsealed Door mission
(and maybe others), he will be pacing about and you can get a weapon made.
Weapons made offline will have no photon percentages though.  To get him to
make a weapon with a random percentage added, you need to play through the
online Quest "Today's Rate" and get the microchip.  Presenting him with the
part and microchip will get you a weapon with photon efficiencies on it.

Attributes: ATP +289, ATA +45
Special: Lightning
Description: "Delsaber's hand now an enemy weapon. Powers up 100%
              if used with a  Delsaber's shield. Lightning damage."
Requirement: ATP +295
Stars: 11
Max grind: 0
Comments: Sabre type weapon. Requires the right of Del Saber.  This can be
equipped by all.

Attributes: ATP +372, ATA +35
Special: Death
Description: "An enemy weapon made from the hands of a Sinow Beat.
              Its special attack can kill in a single strike"
Requirement: ATP 485
Stars: 11
Max grind: 25
Comments: A dagger type weapon. Requires the arm of a Sinow Beat. Hunter and
Ranger only.

Attributes: ATP +288, ATA +55
Special: Steals TP
Description: "A magic cane made from the cane of a Chaos Sorcerer.
              Reduces TP cost by 10% and steals enemy TP."
Requirement: MST 420
Stars: 11
Max grind: 0
Comments: Need monster part, Chaos Sorcerers Cane. Force only.

Attributes: ATP +298, ATA +45
Special: Paralysis
Description: "An enemy weapon made from the hands of a Pan Arms.
              Its special attack paralyses enemies".
Requirement: ATP +300
Stars: 10
Max grind: 25
Comments: I have these and they are very precious to me!  One of the rarest of
the rare monster parts.  Causes some jealousy online I can tell you!  These are
dagger type weapons requiring the arms of a Pan Arm. Hunter and Ranger only.

Attributes: ATP +480, ATA +80, MST +35
Special: Fire
Description: "Hildebear's Cane-Hildebear's skull was used to make this
              weapon. Its special attack will shoot fire."
Requirement: MST 300
Stars: 10
Max grind: 0
Comments: Force only.  Requires Hildebear/Hidelt monster part.

Attributes: ATP +657, ATA +175
Special: None
Description: "Indi Belra's right hand was remodelled into this enemy weapon.
              Its special attack is even more powerful... "
Requirement: ATA 180
Stars: 12
Max grind: 9
Comments: Requires hand of Belra monster part.  Ranger only.

Attributes: ATP +315, DFP +48
Special: None
Description: "A claw made from the right arm of a booma."
Requirement: ATP +300
Stars: 9
Max grind: 0
Comments: Made from claw of Booma.  Hunter and Ranger only.

**************************** b) ARMOUR/FRAMES ****************************

Frames and barriers can be used by all classes. Armour and Shields can't be
used by Forces. On basic armours, there are some variation in defence stats. 
Check out new ones and always go for the ones with most armour slots.

Armour - Level 4, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Psy Armour - Level 7, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Giga Frame - Level 10, Boosts defence for all classes
Soul Frame - Level 13, Boosts defence for all classes
Cross Armour - Level 16, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Solid Frame - Level 19, Boosts defence for all classes
Brave Armour - Level 23, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Hyper Frame - Level 27, Boosts defence for all classes
Grand Armour - Level 31, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Shock Frame - Level 35, Boosts defence for all classes
King's Frame - Level 39, Boosts defence for all classes
Dragon Frame - Level 43, Boosts defence for all classes
Absorb Armour - Level 47, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Protect Frame - Level 51, Boosts defence for all classes
General Armour - Level 55, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Perfect Frame - Level 59, Boosts defence for all classes
Valiant Frame - Level 63, Boosts defence for all classes
Imperial Armour - Level 67, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Holiness Armour - Level 71, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Guardian Armour - Level 75, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Divinity Armour - Level 78, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers
Ultimate Frame - Level 81, Boosts defence for all classes
Celestial Armour - Level 85, Boosts defence for Hunters and Rangers

HUNTER FIELD - Level 28, Hunters only
RANGER FIELD - Level 28, Rangers only
FORCE FIELD - Level 28, Force only
REVIVAL GARMENT - Level 58.  Usable by all, recovers HP over time
SPIRIT GARMENT - Level 58. Usable by all, recovers TP over time
D-PARTS Ver1.01 - Level 51. Androids only
PARASITE WEAR: De Rol - Reduces HP, raises Defence. Not usable by androids
PARASITE WEAR: Nelgal - Level 66. Reduces HP, raises Defence. Force/Ranger
PARASITE WEAR: Vajulla - Level 89. Reduces HP, raises Defence. Force/Ranger

SENSE PLATE - Level 53. makes traps visible. Not usable by Forces
GRAVITON PLATE - Level 54, boosts defence, but lowers accuracy. Hunter/Ranger
ATTRIBUTE PLATE - Level 54.  Boosts all resistance. Hunter/Ranger only
FLOWEN'S FRAME - Level 66. Not usable by Forces
CUSTOM FRAME Ver.00 - Level 76
DB's ARMOR - Level 76
GUARD WAVE Ver.2 - Level 101, usable by all
DF FIELD Ver.2 - Level 141, usable by all
LUMINOUS FIELD Ver.2 - Level 121, drains HP but raise defence.
CHU CHU FEVER - Level 101. Ranger/Hunter only. Prize in download Quest
LOVE HEART - Level 151. Females only.  Boosts evasion and defence
AURA FIELD - Level 181. High defence but drains TP over time
SACRED CLOTH - Level 171, extremely high defence/evasion
SMOKING PLATE - Level 151, extremely high defence/evasion

************************** c) SHIELDS/BARRIERS **************************

Shield - level 4, Boost Evasion for Hunters and Rangers
Core Shield - level 7, Boost Evasion for Hunters and Rangers
Giga Shield - level 10, Boost Evasion for Hunters and Rangers
Soul Barrier - level 13 Boost Evasion for all classes
Hard Shield - level 17, Boost Evasion for Hunters and Rangers
Brave Barrier - level 20 Boost Evasion for all classes
Solid Shield - level 23, Boost Evasion for Hunters and Rangers
Flame Barrier - level 27 Boost Defence and Fire Resist for all classes
Plasma Barrier - level 31 Boost Defence and Lightning Resist for all classes
Freeze Barrier - level 35 Boost Defence and Ice Resist for all classes
Psychic Barrier - level 39 Boost Defence for all classes
General Shield - level 43, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers
Protect Barrier - level 47 Boost Defence for all classes
Glorious Shield - level 51, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers
Imperial Barrier - level 55 Boost Defence for all classes
Guardian Sheild - level 59, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers
Divinity Barrier - level 63 Boost Defence for all classes
Ultimate Shield - level 67, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers
Spiritual Shield - level 71, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers
Celestial Shield - level 75, Boost Defence for Hunters and Rangers

SACRED GUARD - Level 17. Usable by all
S-PARTS Ver1.16 - Level 17.  Androids only
S-PARTS Ver2.01 - Level 17. Androids only
LIGHT RELIEF - Level 17.  Boosts dark resistance
SHIELD OF DELSABER - Level 41. Evasion increases if used with DelSabres Buster
FORCE WALL - Level 41. Force only
HUNTER WALL - Level 41. Hunter only
RANGER WALL - Level 41. ranger only
ATTRIBUTE WALL - Level 41.  Boost resistances for all classes
SECRET GEAR - Level 41.  Boosts evasion significantly for all classes
COMBAT GEAR - Level 66.  Boosts attack and not defence.
REGENERATE GEAR - Level 66. Restores HP when you block an attack
FLOWEN'S SHIELD - Level 66. Not usable by Forces
DB'S SHIELD - Level 66
BLUE RING - Level 101. SS-Rank prize in "Towards the Future" online quest
WHITE RING - A Rabk Challenge mode prize
YELLOW RING - B Rank Challenge mode prize

************************* d) ARMOUR SLOT ITEMS **************************

Each slot item that adds a stats bonus can come in various strengths.  Below
are listed stats for the basic unit.  But you can find units with +, ++. -, --
on them. Each plus or minus, adds or subtracts a small amount from the default
stat.  The amount depends on the level of the add-on.

Trap/Search - Makes all traps visible
State/Maintenance - Prevents adverse status effects

HP Restorate - Restores HP as you walk long distances
HP Generate - Restores HP as you walk medium distances
HP/Revival - Restores HP as you walk short distances

TP Restorate - Restores TP as you walk long distances
TP Generate - Restores TP as you walk medium distances
TP/Revival- Restores TP as you walk short distances

PB Amplifier - Increases PB as you walk long distances
PB/Generate - Increases PB as you walk medium distances
PB/Create - Increases PB as you walk short distances

Digger/HP - HP +10
General/HP - HP +20
Dragon/HP - HP +30
God/HP - HP +40

Warrior/Body - DEF +10
Metal/Body - DEF +30
God/Body - DEF +50

Priest/Mind - MST +5
General/Mind  - MST +10
Wizard/Mind - MST +15
Angel/Mind - MST +20
God/Mind - MST +25

Thief/Legs - EVP +10
General/Legs - EVP +20
Elf/Legs - EVP +30
God/Legs - EVP +40

Master/Ability - EVP, ATP, ATA, MST DEF +10
Hero/Ability - EVP, ATP, ATA, MST DEF +15
God/Ability  - EVP, ATP, ATA, MST DEF +20

Marksman/Arm - ATA +3
General/Arms - ATA +7
Elf/Arms - ATA +10
God/Arms - ATA +15

Knight/Power - ATP +5
General/Power - ATP +10
Ogre/Power - ATP +15
God/Power - ATP +20

Angel/Luck - LUCK +10
God/Luck - LUCK +20

Resist/Fire - Fire Resist +3
Resist/Cold - Ice Resist +3
Resist/Shock - Lightning Resist +3
Resist/Light - Light Resist +3
Resist/Dark - Dark Resist +3

Resist/Freeze - Ice Resist +7
Resist/Flame - Fire Resist +7
Resist/Thunder - Lightning Resist +7
Resist/Saint - Light Resist +7
Resist/Evil - Dark Resist +7

Resist/Burning - Fire Resist +11
Resist/Blizzard - Ice Resist +11
Resist/Storm - Lightning Resist +11
Resist/Holy - Light Resist +11
Resist/Devil - Dark Resist +11

All/Resist - Resist Ice, Fire, Lightning, Dark, Light +3
Super/Resist - Resist Ice, Fire, Lightning, Dark, Light +7
Perfect/Resist - Resist Ice, Fire, Lightning, Dark, Light +11

Wizard/Technique - Raises all techniques by 1 level
Devil/Technique - Raises all techniques by 2 levels
God/Technique - Raises all techniques by 3 levels

General/Battle - Increases attack speed by 10%
Devil/Battle - Increases attack speed by 20%
God/Battle - Increases attack speed by 30%

************************** e) WEAPONS SIDE QUESTS ***********************


As you play the Hunters Guild Quests in the caves, DON'T play Waterfall Tears
or Black Paper yet.  First you need to have access to the Mines.  Begin "Dr.
Osto's Research". At the end when Sue asks you your name, don't tell her.  If
you do tell her, you won't be able to get the Soul Eater in this difficulty
mode, but you can see the real ending to the download quest "Soul of Steel".

Now do the Unsealed Door Quest and make sure you find and talk to Sue (she is
south of the "s" shaped room), finish the quest.

Now you can do the "Waterfall Tears" quest. Beat Anna in the waterfall/rainbow
room and carry on up.  You should see a NPC arrow appear.  It's Kireek (who you
met back in your Battle Training Quest).  He is Black Hound, so fight him and
defeat him.

Now start the "Black Paper" Quest.  On the way to cave 2 you will run into
Kireek.  Battle him again.  Then complete the Quest.

Now do "From the Depths". When Ash leaves you by the crystal causing the
Earthquakes. Carry on further into the Ruins and meet Kireek for the last time.
 Defeat him and you'll get the "Soul Eater".  The cursed scythe.


When you start the Quest "Secret Delivery", make sure you talk to the man
walking about outside the medical centre.  He'll start going on about WEAPON
the secret society.  Answer "!!" to his questions and he will give you his
approval.  He'll tell you that you need four more approvals.  The only way to
get these now is to complete ALL the Hunters Guild Quests so you can revisit
earlier ones.  If you didn't talk to him first time through, you can go into
Secret Delivery when its unlocked again, BUT you'll have to play it through. 
The same goes for the next missions.

The next approval can be found in "Claiming a Stake".  Talk to the kid pacing
outside the medical centre.  You must then complete the quest.

The next approval can be found in "Value of Money".  Talk to the young man
walking around near the Bank. Complete the Quest.

The next approval can be found in "Gran Squall".  Talk to the woman standing by
the Bank.. now complete the mission.

The next approval can be found in "The Lost Bride".  Talk to the Soldier by the
bank.  Then complete the mission. Actually if you can't face taking Cicil all
the way into the caves, let her get killed!  If you fail the mission you will
still have the approval OK.

Now go back into the Secret Delivery Quest. Talk to the man again, then to the
woman by the Bank.  She'll give you AKIKO'S FRYING PAN!  You don't have to do
the Secret Delivery quest again by the way!


When you do the Quest "Seek My Master", telepipe back to Pioneer 2 at anytime
and you'll find a new Tekker lurking about.  Talk to him and he will tell you
about mystical sword stuff.

Now when you finish up you can get the SANGE blade from Zoke. TO get the
Orotiagito you need to find the "real" AGITO and the three Books of Katana.
Then take them back to the Tekker in the "Seek my Master" Quest

- AGITO (1975 Dousetsu - real)
- AGITO (1983 Dousetsu)
- AGITO (2001 Kikoku)
- AGITO (1991 Kikoku)
- AGITO (1977 Jou'un)
- AGITO (1980 Tengai)

*************************** 13) TECHNIQUES ******************************

Techniques are PSO's equivalent of magic. These are learned by either finding
or purchasing Tech discs.  To learn a new technique or take an existing one to
another level you must have learned the level before and also have the requied
MST.  In PSO2 None Forces can only learn Techs up to level 15. Forces can learn
them up to level 30.  High level technique discs tend to be found in the
Ultimate Ruins.


Foie - A fire technique. Ball of fire burns a single enemy.
Barta - An ice technique. A penetrating linear ice attack.
Zonde - A lightning technique. Strikes a single enemy from above.


Gifoie - A fire technique. Ring of fire burns any nearby enemies.
Gibarta - An ice technique. Freezes enemies with ice projectiles.
Gizonde - A lightning technique. Strikes enemies in a chain reaction.


Rafoie - A fire technique. Large fiery explosion burns all nearby enemies.
Rabarta - An ice technique. Launches arrows of ice to freeze nearby enemies.
Razonde - A lightning technique. Strikes all surrounding enemies.
Grants - A light technique. Strikes one enemy with countless arrows of light.
Megid - A dark technique. Strikes an enemy with a curse of death.


Resta - HP restoration technique. Helps nearby team-mates at higher levels.
Anti - Status restoration technique. Helps nearby team-mates at higher levels.
Reverser - A revival technique. Revives 1 fallen team-mate back to life.


Shifta - Attack-enhancing technique. Also helps team-mates at higher levels.
Deband - A defence boost technique. Helps team-mates as well, at higher levels.
Jellen - Attack-weakening technique. Can affect enemies near the target.
Zalure - Defence-weakening technique. Can affect enemies near the target.
Ryuker - Opens a teleport gate to the city until the creator returns through

********************* 14) ENEMIES Normal/Hard/V.Hard ********************

In this list I have basically recorded the enemies you find in each section and
the amount of EXP you'll get in each mode for killing them.

                 Normal            Hard           Very Hard
Booma              5                42                90
GoBooma            6                43                92
GigaBooma          7                45                94
Rag Rappy          4                40                88
Monest             6                43                92
Mothmant           1                36                82
Savage Wolf        5                42                90
Barbarous Wolf     7                45                94
Hildebear         10                49               100
DRAGON           350              2000              4100

                Normal             Hard           Very Hard
Evil Shark        10                49               100
Pal Shark         12                52               104
Guil Shark        14                55               108
Poison Lilly      10                39               100
Grass Assassin    17                60               114
Nano Dragon       15                60               110
Pan Arms           6                26                52
Hidoom             4                23                48
Migium             4                18                48
Pofuilly Slime    10                39               100
DE ROL LE        700              2500              4700

                Normal             Hard           Very Hard
Gillchic          18                61               116
Canadine          18                58               112
Canane            17                60               114
Sinow Beat        20                64               120
Sinow Gold        20                64               120
Garanz            22                67               124
Vol Opt         1100              3000              5300

                Normal             Hard            Very Hard
Dimenian          22                67               124
La Dimenian       24                70               128
Sol Dimenian      26                73               132
Claw              26                92                92
Buclaw            24                70               128
Delsabers         25                72               130
Dark Belra        28                79               136
Dark Gunner       16                64               120
Chaos Bringer     30                79               140
Chaos Sorcerer    24                70               128
DARK FALZ       1500              3500              5900

************************* 14) ENEMIES - Ultimate ************************

As the monsters in Ultimate Mode have different names and increased HP, I have
included this HP and EXP chart in a separate section.  Most of the monsters act
in the same way as there Very Hard mode counterparts.  However in the chart I
have noted any new attacks these enemies may have and what to watch out for
(some of my HP numbers are estimates!).

                      EXP      HP       Special Attacks
Bartle                260     1555
Barble                264     1700
Tallow                268     1530
El Rappy              256     1920
Mothvist              264     1900
Mothvert              140     1000
Gulgus                260     1540
Gulgus-gue            268     1565
Hidelt                280     1310     Lightning Bolts
SIL DRAGON           6500    11000

                      EXP      HP       Special Attacks
Vulmer                280     1690
GoVulmer              288     1800
Melqueek              296     1900
Ob Lily               280     1000          Megid
Nano Dragon           300     2050
Pan-Arms              234     2500
Migium                176     1000
Hidoom                176     1000
Crimson Assassin      308     1920         Freeze
Pofuilly Slime        280      850
DAL RA LIE           7000   15,000

                       EXP      HP       Special Attacks
Gillchich              312     2000       Causes Slow
DubChich                50     8000     (kill DubSwitch)
Dubswitch                0     1000
Canabin                304     1550    Can cause Shock Paralysis
Sinow Blue             320     2600    Can cause Confusion
Sinow Red              320     2100    Cast Deband/Shifta on self
Baranz                 325     3050
VOL OPT ver.2         7500   30,000

                       EXP      HP        Special Attacks
Arlan                  328     2400
Merlan                 360     2450
DelSabre               340     2500
Del-D                  344     2550
Claw                   264     1600
Bulclaw                336     2000
Indi Belra             354     2900      Can cause confusion
Dark Bringer           360     2700   Charge de-equips your weapon
Dark Gunner            320     2300
Death Gunner           320     2350
Gran Sorcerer          336     4000      Casts Grants/Megid
DARK FALZ             9000     35,000

There are certain rare monsters that will turn up in Ultimate and Very Hard
mode.  These are the Pal Rappy (blue Rappy), Hildeblue (Blue Hildebear/Hidelt)
and Pouilly Slime (red slime).  Out of all these, I have seen one Pal rappy in
several hundred hours of playing.  I believe they have identical stats, just a
different colour.  They often drop rare items as well.  Good luck in ever
seeing one though.

******************** 16) ULTIMATE MODE STRATEGIES ***********************

Ultimate mode is certainly a huge challenge when you first play it, and can
remain so even when you reach level 100 and beyond.  As I have little
experience playing anything other than a Hunter, I asked people on the PSO2
GameFAQs message board for any advice on beating the bosses as well as any
general hints and tips.  I hope you find all this advice as useful as I did.  I
have also included my own Hunter Strategies as well.

General Tips for Ultimate though are as follows:

a) If you manage to fluke your way past V.Hard Dark Falz and access Ult. Mode
at around level 65 you're gonna have trouble hitting anything.  Online you
can't access Ultimate mode until you reach level 81 and that's a good guideline
for offline mode as well.  Keep replaying the V.Hard ruins to level up.  That
way you may also find some powerful rare weapons and armour to help you.

b) Once in Ultimate mode Red Weapons are your friends.  Get a good selection of
Handguns, Swords and Sabres with good photon percentages on them.  Red Handguns
especially are plentiful in the Ult. Forest.

c) A high level mag is invaluable.  I really suggest to all androids that you
have taught your Mag the Mylla and Youlla Photon Blast.  That way you can at
least cast Deband and Shifta some of the time.  Get it to level 200 and max out
it's IQ and Synchro.  At high levels many mags will cast invincibility,
deband+shifta or revive you when killed.  Special Mags can do all three, but
are hard to get (eg. Soniti).  The Chu Chu and Kapu mags are good mags for
invincibility and any mag created with a CELL of MAG is supreme!

d) If all else fails and frustration is setting in, go online and beg for
better weapons.  Many high level players are happy to trade weapons and an
S-Rank Spread Needle can make clearing Ultimate a lot easier!


Magic users in Ultimate Mode actually have more of an advantage in Ult. Mode to
begin with over the raw power of the androids.  Many Monsters need you to cast
Jellen/Zalure on them and Deband/Shifta on yourself to start doing any damage
at all.  When playing as a HUcast I found it hard to damage anything without
Deband/Shifta on myself until I was level 105.

Tigereye gave these useful general strategies for Force survival in Ult mode,
for solo and group play, as well as recommended key assignments.

1) Plantain Huge Fans and Red Handguns are perhaps your best weapons to use in

2) Abuse Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure

3) This may not work for you but I set-up up the 1st few techs in the quick
select as follows:


4) Hotkey Jellen and Zalure when playing in Ult so that they can be cast
quickly. If you're party's relatively weak, cast Jellen 1st to reduce damage
before casting Zalure. However, when your party's stronger, cast Zalure 1st to
enable your party to inflict more damage faster, thus dispatching the enemies
more quickly.

5) This is how I set up my buttons for the various parts of the game assuming
that I have all techs and playing in Ult:

Outside Of Bosses
Primary: Hard Attack, Normal Attack, Resta
Secondary: Jellen, Zalure, Rabarta

Sil Dragon/Dal Ral Lie
Primary: Hard Attack, Normal Attack, Resta
Secondary: Jellen, Zalure, Rafoie

Vol Opt v2
Primary: Hard Attack, Normal Attack, Resta
Secondary: Rabarta (for 1st form), Moon Atomizer, Trimate

Dark Falz
Darvant Phase
Primary: Grants, Normal Attack, Resta
Secondary: Foie, Moon Atomizer, Trimate

Note: Grants is the best way to trash the Darvants here. At level 30 it has
obscene range so just find a safe spot before you cast it.

All Other Phases
Primary: Hard Attack, Normal Attack, Resta
Secondary: Foie, Moon Atomizer, Trimate

Note: Definitely use a gun with Shifta and Zalure to maximize your damage.

Nitecrawler offered me this excellent guide to Boss Strategy for Forces.  Which
is actually helpful to most other Magic users as well.

Bosses have lower defence than regular enemies. Attacking with weapons should
be your main priority, not with techs. Techs are important though for certain

*Use a state/maintenence or sacred guard.
*Zailure/Jellen are applicable. Weak to fire/grants
*Practice your footwork mobility to get around dragon
*Ground mode: 7,500 HP. Tunnel mode: 3,500 HP.
*Head has very low defence. Feet has normal defence. Body has very high defence
(you'll need about 2100+ATP to do damage)

*Zailure/Jellen applicable. Weak against grants. Head weak to lightning. Body
weak to lighting
*Learn it's probe attack timing, so you develop an efficient attack/evade
*About 15,000 HP, but you must get thru armour first. Attack head. If you have
multi-hit weapon, attack body segments for more multi-hits. Body armour is much
*When it shoots rapid-mouth laser, it does about 500 damage. You need to
recover fast in between shots, like with trimates (male characters cast resta
very quickly when bare-handed, so take that into consideration)

*Zailure/Jellen not applicable on both forms
*Form 1: weak to grants. slightly vulnerable to all techs. I recommend using a
FOnewm, and casting as much rabarta bare-handed when knobs show up
*Have good ice resistance. Gibarta is a deadly attack
*Form 2: 30,000 HP? Only thing to fear is green orb that traps you. Offline:
try to outrun, or swerve off w/ a hairpin turn. Online: it's too fast, you're
99% likely to get caught, need scape dolls, invinc mag, or buttload of HP and
lightning resistance (I think)

*Zailure applicable. Jellen is waste of time
*Darvants: Cast grants if you're a force. Move to open area while attacking. I
recommend hugging the edge.
*Form 1: 10,000 HP. Use rabarta to kill off swarming darvants. Or stay far away
and shoot down w/ rifle/shot type weapon
*Form 2: 14,000 HP. Stay away from arm when Falz casts rabarta, or you'll take
more damage. Then run around so darvants don't pop up from ground and hit you.
If you stay still and try to heal, they'll triple-hit you, doing mass damage.
When Falz is near death, it tries to suck your HP. When that happens, KILL
FALZ'S ASS ASAP, or you'll get drained.
*Form 3: 10,000 HP. Attack with foie/rafoie when Falz is invincible. Foie =
range, less damage. Slash attack does 940 damage offline, 1290 online. It's
non-elemental, so Jellen don't help. After Falz does a soul-lock, watch for


WC Leader gave some excellent advice for those playing as Rangers.

Like the forces,use Jellen/Zalure with Shifta/Deband constantly. But since they
have better physical stats than forces, they can probably get through Forest
without needing it so much.

Of course, try to find weapons with the proper %.

A good setup on your pallets would be this(IMO):
Top-Hard attack,Normal attack,Resta
Bottom(No particular order)-Razonde or Rabarta,Anti,Grants.
If you have a State/Maintnence,don't bother with Anti.

Recommended weapons: Red Handgun, Red Mechgun, Any Yasminkov, Baranz Launcher,
Handgun:Guld(Unlikely though),Anti Android Rifle.

Probably the hardest chars to use in ULT, make sure you have a big supply of
Mates and Stars.

Use traps wisely. Freeze is the most popular .But confuse combined with a
damage is effective. If you're lucky, you can actually confuse the Darvants.

Recommended pallet set-up: Hard Attack, Normal Attack, Special Attack or
Dimate. Bottom would be Sol Atomizer(for slow motion),another mate(Tri is
best),and anything else.

Recommended weapons: Same as RAmar with the inclusion of Frozen Shooter because
of the special.

There are better weapons to choose from, but I'm trying to use a realistic
point of view. But if you actually do find those weapons, use them.

Simple weapon strategy for bosses:
Dragon-Mechgun with Native% drops him rather quickly.

Worm boy-Shots when he's on the raft, handguns or rifles when he's not.

Vol Opt-Shots or mechs work well on both forms, but a decent handgun also

Dark Falz-Rifles on the Darvants, mechs or handguns on Falz's 1st form, mechs
or rifles on the 2nd form, handguns or rifles against his 3rd form.

Movement strategy:
Sil Dragon-Just run up on his side and shoot, when the head drops, shoot that.
When fighting the Sil Dragon though, if you wedge yourself in the cracks on the
edge of the stage, you can avoid his 3rd burrow attack without having to time
the run when he passes you.

Da Ral Lie - Run around the raft and shoot, when he gets on the raft you can
pull about 4-5 3-hit combos before he starts attacking, but only about 2 in
ULT, after his attack, pull off 2 3-hitters then move about 4 steps and repeat,
you need to move quickly though, when he starts dropping rocks, the far corner
is the best place to go, 80% of the time you won't get hit, when the lights are
out and he uses his laser, run to the back of the raft and wait till he stops,
but this won't work in ULT I've heard (never tried it myself in ULT).

Vol Opt-Just follow the monitor and go for the red pillar 1st,on the 2nd form,
pull 1 combo the run in a tight circle to avoid the missiles, after the 1st 3
pillars drop pull 1-2 combos then run, after the next 3 pillars, attack the
part that shoots the orb, don't worry about the healing because it doesn't heal
much anyway.

Dark Falz - Run and shoot against the Darvants,1st form, if using a shot just
attack the centre head so you can get the Darvants as he shoots them, otherwise
just attack whichever is closest, when you see him raise his "arms" start
running because DFA is on it's way.2nd form, just follow his movements and fire
when he stops, but in ULT be wary of the Darvants after Rafoie and Rabarta,3rd
form,  If you're lucky, avoid the swipe, use Foie or Grants when he's "immune".


Well, most of the guide has been written from the perspective of a Hunter
player.  But here is some extra strategy.  The descriptions of the Bosses
attack patterns have been well described above so no need to reiterate them.

With no techs available to Hucast it becomes much harder for then to inflict
damage on enemies.  Levelling up in V.hard mode is highly recommended.  Playing
online in Ult with tech users is also a good idea as you will have magic
support and will be able to find better weapons to help you offline.  Look for
a good piece of armour with four slots in.  Plug ins can help massively.  A
good set-up is one below:

HUNTERS WALL - four slots
God Legs
God/Metal Body
Perfect Resist
God Battle

God Legs increases evasion, God/Metal Body pumps your defence and God Battle
raises speed.  So you can take a bit more punishment and attack faster.  The
speed of some enemies in Ult is tremendous.  An Ultimate frame or Celestial
Armour is a good substitute for a Hunters Wall.  The Hunters field raises
Attack as well as defence so that is good to have.

Humars and Hunewearls can use much of the Force strategies magic wise laid out
above.  With Deband/Shifta and Jellen/Zalure at their disposal life is made a
touch easier.  For the poor old HUcast its time to learn how to hit and run

Red Swords and Sabres raise your attack power significantly and the
tremendously strong Imperial Pick is another great Hunter weapon.  When it
comes to Boss Fights  with a HUcast I am a great believer in packing as much
healing as possible on the second pallet menu Trimate/Dimate/Stars.  Taking as
many scape dolls as possible (they are plentiful in Ult. Mode) and basically
hoping the Boss runs out of health before I run out of Revival/healing stuff! 
Not a very evolved strategy I grant you, but I get sick of running about and
wasting good attack time trying to dodge Boss attacks!

************************* 17) GENERAL FAQ *******************************

Question: When are Sega closing the servers for DC online play?
Answer: Basically, no idea.  Officially Sega haven't fixed a date.  But
unofficially, most people seem to think DC online play will be ended around
January 2003.

Question:  Can I play online with GameCube and PC players?
Answer:  I am afraid not.  The two versions are incompatible online as Sega
have added new character classes, weapons, armour etc.

Question:  If I get this game pre-owned can I still play it online.
Answer:  So long as you have the serial numbers in the box, you can call Sega
and get them to reset the numbers so you can go online.  If you haven't got the
numbers then you are in trouble.  You can't even start an offline game with out

Question:  I got PSO 1 new, but PSO 2 pre-owned?  Does that make a difference?
Answer:  Using a PSO 1 character seems to bypass the problem of registering
pre-used PSO2 serial numbers online.  You do still need to have the PSO2 serial
numbers though to continue the game.

Question:  I can't find any rare weapons, help!
Answer:  Keep playing. The higher your levels, the better weapons etc you will
start finding. As I guide about every 10 levels (71, 81, 91, 101 etc) will
result in new stuff appearing.

Question:  I went online and lost all my inventory. How come?
Answer:  If your DC resets itself, you fail to save properly or you are
"hacked" by cheaters online, you can lose any unequipped items.  The rule of
thumb is never take something online you can't live without.  And certainly
don't carry a huge inventory with you.  Always bank spare items before quitting
a game.

Question: How can people cheat like this?
Answer:  Don't know.  Cheaters who Player Kill and hack your characters online
are scum sucking little boys who hopefully will live miserable, unfulfilled
lives and die alone, their bodies only discovered when neighbours complain
about the smell.

Question: How do I avoid cheaters?
Answer: The Japan and EU servers are generally more friendly places. Be extra
careful the US servers, cheating is rampant on them.  Only play locked games. 
Get to know people before you go questing with them. Beware of level 200
characters, they are usually hacked.  Be cautious of anyone who has a name
including the words "Majin", "Dark", "Evil", "/_\" or all in CAPITALS.

Question:  Do you play online still?? Where can I find U?? Gimme some stuff!!!!
Answer: Go away.

Question:  Sorry got carried away, but I am still interested in meeting up for
game oh wise and beautiful one.
Answer:  That better, ask politely and I am more ameanable.  If you want to
play with me online, email me at to arrange a time and place.
 I am based in the UK though so be aware I am 6 hours ahead of US CST.

************************* 18) PSO STORYLINE *****************************

The "Pioneer Project" --A plan born of desperation, conceived in response to
the imminent destruction of their home worlds.

As plans for the evacuation began, unmanned probes were sent into deep space to
find a habitable planet.  When a potential site was discovered, the first
interstellar transport ship, Pioneer 1, was sent to establish a colony.

Pioneer 1 confirmed that the Planet Ragol was a suitable location, and the
initial colonists started preparing the planet for the main wave of refugees,
beginning with the construction of the Central Dome.

7 years later...

Pioneer 2 completed its long voyage with the main wave of refugees aboard.
But as Pioneer 2 entered orbit and opened a communications link with the
Central Dome, an enormous explosion shook the entire planet.

All contact with the thousands of men and women of Pioneer 1 was lost...

[Theme song Lyrics]

Innumerable stars
Won't tell us where to go
It's a long, long run
To the palace in the sun
With hopes and dreams
Our ship will cross the sea
To the whole new world
Shining like a Pearl
The whole new world


PRINCIPAL TYRELL - Are you [YOUR NAME], the [YOUR CLASS]?  I'm Principal
Tyrell.  We have a bad situation...  We need to act quickly.  Did you hear
about the explosion on Ragol?  Very well.  Pay attention and listen to me. 
We've lost contact with Pioneer 1.  We have no idea what has happened. We've
sent unmanned search units, but communication seems to cut off near the
What happened on Ragol?  What occurred on Pioneer 1?  Are the people on board
alive?  The council made a decision to send a manned search team.  You are a
skilled Hunter.  We need your help.  We have no choice...  We need a place to
settle on.
Uh, could you........  ...No, it's nothing.  Take care and good luck.

We can't return to our planet.  Now we must emigrate to Ragol.  If we don't
settle on Ragol, then we'd just drift about in space forever...  I'm putting my
trust in you.

IRENE -  Well, let me brief you on your mission.  Once you're on the surface of
Ragol, check the status of the residential area.  Checking the status of the
Central Dome is a good idea.  A transporter was launched earlier.  You can go
down to Ragol directly from the city.  It may be a little risky, so please be
careful.  That's all.  ......  Um, excuse me...  Oh, sorry... no, nothing.  I
wish you the best of luck.
This is just between us, OK?  The Principal's daughter was on Pioneer 1.  After
that explosion, he's been constantly worrying about her.  He can't even sleep. 
This is a personal request.  If it's possible...  Find out what happened to
her.  He isn't in a position to ask you such a personal favour.  Red Ring
Rico...  A famous hunter and a top scientist on Pioneer 1.  Rico's his only
daughter.  Please, look for her! Red Ring Rico is the principal's daughter.  I
hope she's safe...

SCIENTIST AT DESK - Our planet was tearing itself apart, we couldn't stop it. 
So we started searching for a new planet, and we found Ragol with unmanned
search units.  A huge interstellar transport ship was sent to Ragol.  That was
Pioneer 1.  Pioneer 1 confirmed Ragol as a suitable location to settle on.  And
a second ship departed.  That was us... Pioneer 2.
Oh, sorry.  You already knew that.
Pioneer 1 and 2 are identical spaceships.  Each Pioneer can travel in space,
holding 30,000 people.

SCIENTIST BY DESK - When our ship was led by the signal from Pioneer 1 to land
on Ragol, we saw... that strange explosion!  Pioneer 2 decided to orbit Ragol
and collect data before landing on the surface. I was against the immigration! 
If a planet dies, the people have to die with it.  Don't you think so?

"Ah, testing, testing...  Cough!  I'm Rico, Rico Tyrell.  I'm a hunter.  This
capsule is for anyone who has come here looking for me.  I hope this helps you.
 I don't know who you are, but you must know that there's something unusual
about Ragol.  This is important. Pay attention to everything around you if you
want to survive."

"Disable the laser fences by using the coloured switches."

"What made the animals become so violent all of a sudden?  They weren't before.
 They were very quiet and friendly...  There must be some cause.  I'll find it.
 I know I'm a fool.  This won't make me any richer.  Perhaps that's why I'm
exalted by them... Red Ring Rico, ha, ha.  But I'm not really the great hunter
citizens say I am.  They needed a hero.  And I just happened to fill that

"Wow... bodies of dead animals...  We hunters sometimes use firearms, but
this...  They were killed by firearms that are much stronger than ours!"

"A disaster occurred.  Things were shaking, then something broke through the
surface. And then it exploded in the Central Dome!  I don't know what to say...
 For 7 years, we've tried to adjust and improve the environment.  What was it? 
Was it related to the accidents we've had recently?"

"I heard that this tall column was built to commemorate the immigration of
Pioneer 1. But... it may just be me, but it doesn't look very new.  And these
patterns... aren't they characters?"

"Tactics are important, but strategy is vital.  You have to think about how you
can put yourself into an advantageous situation.  Look, learn, analyse and
judge.  Think carefully."

"Pioneer 1 may have damaged the ecological system of Ragol before we were aware
of it. So, the native creatures tried to remove the invaders.  That's one
supposition.  But what about the explosion!?  I need more information.  I have
to go do some research."

"No.  It won't open.  It might be easier to look for another way to get in".

[Normal/Hard/Very Hard Message Pods]
"Boomas... I don't like their weird faces.  Be careful, you don't want to get
surrounded by them."
"Mothmants will keep appearing, one after another.  You have to strike them out
at the root."
"Don't show your back to a Savage Wolf!  It'll attack if it sees this opening."
"Rag Rappies are cowards, but they like to attack straight on.  When a Rag
Rappy falls down, it may still be alive.  So be careful".
"If you can't hit a Hildebear, try standing in front of it.  Of course, I don't

[Ultimate Message Pods]
"Bartles... I don't like their weird faces.  Be careful, you don't want to get
surrounded by them.
"Every time I get an abnormal status, I wish I were an android.  Androids can
optimise themselves, so they hit with greater accuracy.  More than anything,
it's great that they can set traps.  Wish I could..."
"Mothverts will keep appearing, one after another.  You have to strike them out
at the root."
"Don't turn your back on a Gulgus, otherwise it'll pounce on you.  You might
get paralysed if you get bitten."
"El Rappies are cowards, but they like to attack straight on.  When an El Rappy
falls down, it may still be alive.  So be careful".
"Watch out For Hildelt's lightning attack.  I prefer NOT to get electrocuted."

- PRINCIPALS OFFICE (After Dragon killed)

PRINCIPAL - The... The dragon, did it attack you!?  You think the native
animals on Ragol attacked Pioneer 1 to defend their territory...  It's
possible...  But why did it happen all of a sudden?  Continue investigating

IRENE - I heard that you found messages from Rico.  But she's still missing. 
Please, please find her as soon as you possibly can!  Please!

SCIENTIST AT DESK - A huge dragon!?  No data.  Pioneer 1 didn't mention it in
their report...  We didn't know Ragol was such a dangerous planet! As a
scientist, I'm very interested in the ecological system of Ragol...  But as a
citizen I'm frightened.

"Wow... this cave is a treasure trove of discoveries.  Creatures that have
never been discovered by people.  Completely unknown animals.  They look like
mutant forms of the native animals...  Perhaps the government has kept this a
secret...?  It's possible... but for what purpose?"

"The Nano Dragon is a fierce monster.  It becomes stronger as it kills others. 
I suggest you defeat it as quickly as possible."

"If you hear an alert, be careful!  There must be land mines around you.  You
can detect them if you use the Trap Vision."

"The attack range of the Grass Assassin is wide.  Move quickly to enter its
blind spot!"

"Evil Sharks attack in obvious straight movement patterns.  Don't get

"You may find yourself trapped by a parasite mine in the ground.  To free
yourself, ask someone to hit you with a technique or a gun".

"I know that Pioneer 1 had some strange aspects to it.  In the data that I
procured, the consumption rate was much higher than the population...  Perhaps
there were a lot of non-registered citizens onboard.  Why?  What was their

"My first question about Ragol was, "Why didn't any sentient life exist here?" 
But...look at this monument!  This is identical to the one I saw in the forest!
 It's NOT ours though...  Was there an ancient civilization on Ragol?  But
these monuments are the only evidence I see...  It'd be strange if there was a
civilization, indeed... Can I decipher the characters with my simple tools?"

"Pan Arms are a little tricky.  They get stronger when they combine.  But
they're really quick when separated.  Don't panic, OK?

"I saw it with my own eyes.  An animal metamorphosed when it was pierced by a
tentacle from that giant worm.  Were the monsters I saw in the cave all changed
by that giant worm?"

"I've got such mixed emotions... I'm scared, but excited, inspired even! 
Should I act  as a scientist now?  Or should I act as a hunter who is facing
unknown enemies?  I feel like someone's herding me somewhere... but where?  To
the underground... I feel like I'm being invited."

- PRINCIPALS OFFICE (After De Rol Le killed)

PRINCIPAL - Visit the lab and tell them about the creatures you encountered on
Ragol.  It seems our initial perception of Ragol is wrong.  Based on what
you've told us, Ragol isn't the paradise that Pioneer 1 stated it was.  The
cause of the explosion is still not known. We haven't heard anything from the
people on Pioneer 1!  [YOUR NAME], please...!  Continue investigating!

SCIENTIST AT DESK - I'm assuming the monsters you saw in the cave as mutant
variations of the native life. And this big crustacean...  It has an organ
shaped like a needle, to inject its sap into other animals.  I'm probably being
too hasty, but I think I have a theory...  It's very possible that this sap is
changing the animals into these mutant monsters.

"This area...  Apparently technology was involved in creating this.  Why did
they dig so deeply into the ground?"

"To defeat Canadines, first disrupt their formation.  The red one is the
leader.  Kill it first.  It makes the battle easier."

"Don't panic if you see more than one Sinow Beat.  Just find the real body."

"I'm attacked by robots this time...  What are they?!  They were customized
robots originally for industrial use.  ...Who did this?  I can understand
animals being metamorphosed by a crustacean into mutants, but...  These were
robots.  Somebody modified them.  Was it done by someone from Pioneer 1?"

"I heard a rumour that the government was building a secret underground
factory.  Were the robots manufactured in that secret factory?  Or, was the
factory a decoy?  The government was developing another project behind it... 
Information is always controlled by the government.  We don't know the truth at
all.  We hunters are always used by the government.  We're just tools to them."

"Here, I found the third one.  Will it fit together when all the parts are
combined? "Light, darkness, pair, exist, unlimited, rule, seal..."  I can make
out each word, but I still don't understand the meaning of the whole thing."

"A Dubchic will get up when knocked down from an attack.  There must be a
switch to kill them all simultaneously.  Look for it."

"To defeat a Garanz, you have to strip it of its hard shell first.  Its
protection will drop, but its attack power will be enhanced.  Be careful!"

"I can now say that there was an ancient civilization on this planet.  Ruins
buried in the ground.  This is the evidence.  The government was about to
secretly conduct an excavation to study the ruins."

"No intelligent life was discovered when Pioneer 1 landed here...  Something
else must have caused the destruction of this ancient civilization.  What
happened on Ragol in the past?"

"The government was decoding the characters as well.  Here is their analysis. 
I'll try to fill in the gaps with my own data...

  "Light, darkness,...
  a pair, no, ...
  exist, no exist...
  unlimited, seal, ...

What's the last line?  An incantation?  Seal, seal...  What is sealed?  Where? 
Is it about this door?  Was it sealed with the words, MUTT DITTS POUMN?  Maybe
each word in the incantation means something?  I found three monuments...  Are
they keys to open the door?"

- PRINCIPALS OFFICE (After Vol Opt killed)

PRINCIPAL - I am responsible for 30,000 people on Pioneer 2.  Should we abandon
Ragol and just depart?  But we don't have any other planet that we can settle
on. We need a home...

The underground ruins...  Are they the cause of everything?  Did people from
Pioneer 1 go down into the ruins?  [YOUR NAME], Please continue investigating.

SCIENTIST AT DESK - Based on our analysis, I discovered that the robots you
fought against were restructured mechanisms that were used on Pioneer 1.  It is
my job to find facts.  Reasoning with the collected facts is someone else's
job. But...  I... I'm scared.  Very scared.

Ruins found underground...  Did sentient life exist on Ragol at one time?  But
Pioneer 1 didn't find any traces of sentient life on the surface.  It's a
perplexing question...

SCIENTIST BY DESK - By now, you must know that Ragol is a dangerous planet. 
That is something!  Nobody on Pioneer 1 survived.  We have to leave here right

"Why am I here, with monsters lurking everywhere?  Did the army even stand a
chance against them?"

"Frontal attacks against Delsabers are ineffective.  So don't try it.  Go
around to its back."

"Do you see the crystals floating around a Chaos Sorcerer?  One is used for
attack, and the other is for healing."

"I can't move... what a horrific trap.  I wish I had a friend here..."

"Wreckage...!  These weapons are from Pioneer 1.  They must've already entered
the ruins, and from the look of things, fighting went on.  It must've been a
big battle.  Seems our army was hurt badly."

"I can see a distant view through this window...  The "ruins" are huge.  I
would never have imagined such a great civilization..."

"What is this big hole?  It looks like... remnants of some type of energy
explosion...Energy...?  Was the Central Dome destroyed by this!?"

"Dark Belra's are very slow, but they have lots of health.  Prepare for a long
battle. Those strange characters were found here and there.  I think I have
enough samples to decipher the meaning of the message on the monument.  "Light
makes darkness, a pair exists, but it doesn't always exist.  Reincarnation goes
forever.  The rule is here.  It should be sealed.  MUUT DITTS POUMN"...  Does
it make sense?  I wish I had enough time to study these unknown characters..."

"I haven't studied all the characters yet, but I've got some useful
information.  This is the most important fact that I have found.  There was NO
ancient civilization on Ragol. We didn't discover ruins.  This is a spaceship. 
A gigantic spaceship."

"I'm now inside the ancient spaceship.  Well, it's not just a spaceship.  It's
a... "casket." Something or somebody was sealed in this spaceship to remain
buried here.  What is IT? Why was something buried in such a manner?  Anyway, I
know that a monster is sleeping in this cave.  We've opened the forbidden

"Still moving...  This ship's still operating!"

"Be careful of the Chaos Bringer's charge.  Dodge the charge, then attack it
from behind."

"I want to run away!  But I have no place to return to...  Perhaps no one will
ever find this message and listen to it.  Ever...  Pioneer 2 will not come down
when they discover that this planet is dangerous.  Will somebody from Pioneer 2
still come to save us?  Who knows?  Regardless, I leave this message here. 
This is evidence of my existence."

"This mist is very unusual...  Be careful!"

"Dark Falz!  That's the name.  The god of destruction that revives in the
millennial cycle. Perhaps this entity encountered a civilization thousands of
years ago.  They could not defeat it, but managed to seal it in this gigantic
spaceship.  They abandoned it somewhere far from their planet.  It was this
place, Ragol.  We've come to a terrible place at the worst possible time..."

"Dark Falz is a consciousness.  This entity has no body."

"I miss my father.  I wasn't a very good daughter... was I?  Is my father OK

"Don't let it come in.  The dark consciousness looks for the best animal to
obtain its temporal host body."

"The door is already opened.  We opened it.  This may be the beginning of the
end of the universe.  We have to do something...  We must do it.  We have to
defeat it now!  Defeat it before that dark "thing" revives with the perfect

Feel fee to email me about any aspect of this guide, any contributions you
would like to make will be fully credited if used and are more than welcome. 
Please inform me of any errors, typos etc so I can rectify them immediately
My email is

(Blatant plug: check out my games website at for
loads of info on Martial Arts, Beat 'em Ups, Kung Fu Movies and Pokemon!)

Thanks to all at for being such a laugh, and giving me the
push to actually start contributing my own work.

Special thanks go out to: BillyKane, Magus747, Pat Uhler, totalstuff and
Andy78787, fakeplasticmanatree, bloomer, sashanan, ASchultz, MaxH, Vegita, the
daremo and
everyone else on the gamefaqs review board.  Love yah all guys!

***************************** THE END *********************************