TimeSplitters 2 (e)

 ________                 ____       _ _ _   _                  ___  
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   | |  _ _ __ ___   ___| (__  _ __ | |_| |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___     ) |
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   |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|____/| .__/|_|_|\__|\__\___|_|  |___/ |____|
                              | |                                    

  | Xbox                        |
  | TimeSplitters 2 Demo        |
  | FAQ / Walkthrough           |
  | Date: 8/06/02               |
  | Version:  1.0               |
  | File Size:  8.99 KB         |
  | Author:  Jason Leyanna      |
  | Email: jleyanna@comcast.net |
  | URL: www.realmofgaming.com  |


 1. Contents

 | 1. Contents              |
 | 2. Basic Information     |
 | 3. Controls              |
 | 4. Briefing              |
 | 5. Walkthrough           |
 | 6. Weapons               |
 | 7. Maps                  |
 | 8. FAQ                   |
 | 9. Credits               |
 | 10. Revision History     |
 | 11. Legal Information    |
 | 12. Contact Information  |

 2. Basic Information

This demo can be found in the September 2002 issue of the 
Official Xbox Magazine.

 3. Controls

 4. Briefing

1990  SIBERIA - Bolask Dam

 A secret research facility under a Siberian Dam has unearthed 
preserved organic specimens which are over then thousand years old.

 Folowwing a number of mysterous accidents the original scientific 
team has left the site and a Russian military garrison has been 
assigned to the excavation project.

 Intelligence has revealed that the military are now attempting to 
develop biological weaponry from...

 5. Walkthrough

Mission Objectives

Deactivate the communication dish
Investigate the secret digging site
Retrieve the Time Crystal
Access the Top of the dam

Secondary objective
Burn all evidence in the filing cabinets   /5

First pick up the two weapons on the ground(Silenced Pistol and 
Sniper Rifle). 

Use the sniper rifle to take out the enemy on the 
second level of the building in view.(press on the right control 
stick to zoom in) 

Then go out of the place you are in and through 
the fence(when the enemies aren't visible) and stay close to the 

Go into the second building you see.. kill the enemy that 
is in there and wait for the other enemies(in the room) to come 
and kill them.

Exit after that and go outside the fence and to to the end.

Then go up the steps to the second level of the building(the same 
one where you sniped the enemy before)

Get seen by the cameras and go back in the room and wait for enemies.  
After you finish off the enemies first press the button at the end 
of the room to open the door.

Then go outside and go across the board to the building that has a 
hole in the top.

On a shelf in that building there are timed mines(pick them up).   

Go back to the three buildings with file cabinets and open them and 
throw timed mines and destroy data.

Go back to the building with two levels and destroy the 
'Communication Dish' on top of it.(watch out for a sniper, either 
snipe him or try not to get hit much)

Then go through the door that has been opened.


Once you get to part of the stairs where there is steam, duck under 
it(press on the left control stick) and go by it.

On level 2 of the stairs there will be an enemy.(kill him)

The next half level up there will be a surveilence camera and some 
barrels. (I'd suggest shooting the barrels disabling the survelience 

Then two enemies will come to there. Kill them.

Then there is an enemy about on level 3 and a half.

Continue going up.

Once you get to the 5th level there will be a door(Aprox 6 enemies 
in the hall).  

Go through it and you will come across enemies. Once it is clear 
going in the doorway to the left.

Turn the wheel to lower steam pressure to 66%. Also pick up the 
shield and ammo.

Go to the next room after you clear out enemies. Turn the wheel to 
lower steam to 33%.

The last wheel lowers the steam pressure to 0%.

That allows you to go out the door at the end(without being seriously 

Go through and start going down the flights of steps.

There is one enemy between level 4 and 3(the enemy faces his back 
towards you making it easier).

There is a shield and ammo between level 3 and 2.(Pick it up)

There are two more enemies on the way down.

Press the button that says puch.(the door will unlock and open)


There are about 2-3 enemies outside

Get into the large building.. there are a couple enemies inside there 
on that level.

Keep going down the stairs.


More coming soon

 6. Weapons

Silenced Pistol
 Clip size 12 
 Holds 48

Timed Mines
 Quantity 10
 5 seconds before exploding
Sniper Rifle
 Clip size 5  

Soviet S47
 Clip Size 30

Temporal Uplink

 6. Maps

F-File Cabinet
V-Video Survelience
Numbers-Floor Level
B-Board connecting levels
H-Hole(in ceiling)
start-where you start
Steps(to next level of the building)
stairs(take you up a few levels)

              Level 1                                  Level 2    
                        |                 |   |
              ------------  -----------|stairs|       ------------  -----
              |                 |      |------|      |                 |
              |  steps          |                    |  steps          |
              |  |----| |---|   |                    |  |----| |---|   |
              |  |    | |   |   |                    |  | 2  | |   |   |
              |  |--- | |__ |   |                    |  |--- | |__ |   |
  ____________|   _ _           |                    |   _B_           |
 /            |  |S  |  /---|   |                    |  |S  |  /---|   |
|             |  |___| |    |   |                    |  |___|B|    |   |
|             |        |   E|   |                    |    B   |    |   |
|       C     |  |---| |F   |   |                    |  |---| |    |   |
 \       _C      | A |  ---- |  |                       | H |  ---- |  |
  |     |  \__/| |- -|       |  |                     | |- -|       |  |
  |     |      |________________|                     |________________|
  |     |
  |     |
  |    C|
  |     |
  |     |
  |     |


 9. Frequently Asked Questions 
When questions are asked they will be put here.
Email questions to: jleyanna@comcast.net

 10. Credits 

Jason Leyanna:
 Making this FAQ
TimeSplitters 2 Demo:
 Weapons, Briefing, Mission Objectives

 11. Revision History 

Version 1.0 (8/06/02) 
 File Size:  8.99 KB

 12. Legal Information 

-This document Copyright 2002 Jason Leyanna.
-Any reproduction of this document in part or in whole without 
 the author's written consent is strictly forbidden. 
-This document may be printed out for personal use. 
-Ask for permission if you want to put this FAQ on your site
 (email me at jleyanna@comcast.net) and do not modify this 
-The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at:

 13. Contact Information 

Jason Leyanna
Email: jleyanna@comcast.net
ICQ: 49290625
AIM: jasonleyanna
URL: http://www.realmofgaming.com

-If you have something to contribute to this FAQ please 
 email me at: jleyanna@comcast.net
 with "TimeSplitters 2 Demo FAQ" in the subject line.
 You will be listed in the Credits section if you contribute.