Wild Arms 3 (e)

WILD ARMS Advanced 3rd
 - Walkthrough/FAQ

Author:     ZephyrJK
Email:      zephyrjk@email.com
Version:    1.0
Date:       24 July 2002
Do not email me or spam me with any question regarding this game.
I didn't make the game or have any direct connection with the company that did.
Only contact me for corrections or copyright/distro issues.
Author's Note:
This walkthrough/FAQ was actually written/compiled during April/May 2002.

I did not want to release it early as I have written this up for my personal
record ONLY. I do not want people to just follow instructions in a walkthrough
and not play the game themselves.

                    SO PLAY THE GAME BEFORE YOU READ THIS!!!!

Use this guide only as a reference.

Anyway, the info in this document was originally in a non-electronical format.
It took a long time for it to be digitised and it is still not fully completed.
Information such as Monster Stats, etc, still yet to be added.

The order of the contents is not finalised. I will have to think about
re-organising it again later IF I have time. There WILL be lots of typos, cause
I didn't have time to double check again.

Resaon for releasing:
Well, it's been on my hd for a while and since it's been typed up, why not.
Plus I'm kind of tired and don't have enough time to update/finish it anytime
soon, so might as well leave it like this for now.

Table of Contents:
* General Game Data
 - Controls
 - Encounter Cancel
 - Force
 - Elemental Weakness
 - Force Abilities
* Walkthrough
 - Abbreviations
 - Prologue - Fateful Encounter
  - Virginia Maxwell
  - Jet Enduro
  - Gallows Caradine
  - Clive Winslet
  - Train
 - Chapter 1 - Toko Yami no Kagayaki
 - Chapter 2 - Fargaia's Memories - Yggdrasil
 - Chapter 3 - Ao no Kyoui (Blue Menance)
 - Chapter 4 - Muma (Dream Devil)
* General Info
 - Locations
 - Characters
 - Villagers
* Locations
 - Migrant Badge Locations
 - Gauge Brasket Locations
 - Duplicator Locations
 - 320 Chests Locations
 - Totally Useless Sign Post Locations ^_^
 - World Map Gella Locations
 - World Map Item Locations (Item Checker)
 - Lombardia Missiles Target Locations
 - Change Crest Items Locations
* Items
 - Items
 - Gears
 - Black Market
 - Mystics
 - Status
* Magic/Skills
 - Post Battle Trap
 - Enemy Abilities
 - Guardians
 - Goods
 - ARMS Upgrades
 - Gatling/Finest Art
 - Hover Craft Upgrades
* Battles
 - Hover Craft Battle
 - Lombardia Battle
* Side Quests
 - Ex File Key
 - Gardening
 - Martina Locations
 - Sorairo no Bouken
 - Gunner's Heaven Battle
 - Optional (Hidden) Bosses
 - Sunset Peak
 - Telepath Towers/Konton Invasion
 - Millennium Puzzles
* Extras
 - FAQ
 - Misc
 - Unknown
 - Bugs/Glitches
 - References
 - Copyright

         |     Outfield      |     Infield     |     Battle      |    Menu    |
Circle   | Run/Enter         | Run/Action      | OK              | OK         |
Cross    | Encounter Cancel  | Sneak/E.Cancel  | Inertial Cancel | Cancel     |
Square   | Search System     | Goods           | -               | -          |
Triangle | Menu              | Menu            | Stats           | Help       |
L1/R1    | Pan               | Pan             | -               | Next Page  |
L2       | Character Switch  | Char Switch     | Up              | Up         |
R2       | Stop              | Stop            | Down            | Down       |
Select   | Toggle Map        | -               | -               | -          |
Start    | Goods Menu        | Goods Menu      | -               | -          |
R2+O     | -                 | Look            | -               | -          |
R2+L2    | -                 | Goods Switch    | -               | -          |
         |      Horse        |    Hover Craft    |    Lombardia      |
Up       | Run               | Forward           | Descend           |
Down     | Back up           | Back up           | Ascend            |
Left     | Steer Left        | Steer Left        | Steer Left        |
Right    | Steer Right       | Steer Right       | Steer Right       |
Circle   | Run               | Forward           | Forward           |
Cross    | Get Off/E.Cancel  | Land/E.Cancel     | Land/E.Cancel     |
Square   | Search System     | Auto Drive        | -                 |
Triangle | Menu              | Menu              | Menu              |
L1/R1    | Steering/Pan      | Steering/Pan      | Steering/Pan      |
L2       | Lock View Point   | Lock View Point   | Lock View Point   |
R2       | Stop              | Stop              | Missile           |
Select   | Toggle Map        | Toggle Map        | Toggle Map        |
Start    | Goods Menu        | Goods Menu        | Goods Menu        |
         |       Talk        | Sorairo no Bouken |  OP/ED/IM Movies  |
Circle   | Next              | Next              | -                 |
Cross    | Next              | Next              | -                 |
Select   | Toggle Emotion BG | Toggle Background | Toggle Subtitle   |
Start    | -                 | Exit              | Skip              |

Encounter Cancel:
White !  | Normal            | Normal                 | Cancellable (ECN)
Green !  | Safe              | Low Level Monster      | Cancellable (Free)
Red !    | Disadventage      | Pinch and Back Attack  | Non-Cancellable
Black !  | Unavoidable       | ECN = 0                | Non-Cancellable

- Encounter(!) can be cancelled by pressing [X].
- Go directly into the battle without waiting by double-clicking [X].

- When cancelled, ECN gauge will decrease.
- The amount ECN reduced = Enemies' Migrant Level - Party's Migrant Level.
- ECN is 0 if Party's Migrant Level is higher then Enemies' Migrant Level.
- 1 ECN point will be recovered after each successful battle.

- Encounter Gauge is located in the Top Left corner of the screen.
- Initial ECN is 10/10.

To build Force in Battle:
 - Hit Monster normally for 6 FP
 - Being hitted by Monster for 1 FP
 - Avade attack for 12 FP
 - Use Mini Carrot for 25 FP
 - Use Force Carrot for MAX FP

Elemental Weakness:
Earth       | Water     | Fire      | Light     |
Wind        | Thunder   | Frost     | Dark      |

Force Abilities:
Virginia    | Mystic        | Extend item's effects
Jet         | Accelerator   | First to attack
Clive       | Lock-On Snipe | Increase accuracy (for high PRY enemy)
Gallows     | Extension     | Group effects on Arcana

- Directions:
 - N         - North
 - E         - East
 - S         - South
 - W         - West
 - NE        - North East
 - NW        - North West
 - SE        - South East
 - SW        - South West
 - C         - Center
 - L         - Left
 - R         - Right
 - (D)       - Drop
- Goods/Action:
 - T-Crest   - Use Tinder Crest
 - G-Crest   - Use Gale Crest
 - C-Crest   - Use Change Crest
 - Boomer    - Use Boomerang
 - RS-Jump   - Use Radical Sneaker Jump
 - Bomb      - Set Bomb
 - MultiBomb - Set Multiple Bombs Continuously
 - M-Glove   - Use Might Glove to Move
 - A-Fork    - Fire Anchor Fork
 - F-Doll    - Use Freezer Doll
 - S-Doll    - Use Steady Doll
 - K-Dolls   - Play Kramer Dolls
 - N-Walk    - Ninja Walk (”E‚Ñ•à‚«|Shinobi Aruki), Hold [X] and walk.
- Devices:
 - O.Gem     - Orange Gem (VIT)
 - W.Gem     - White Gem (ECN)
 - P.Plate   - Yellow Pressure Plate
 - J.Tile    - Jumping Tile
 - F.Switch  - Orange Floor Switch
 - G.Switch  - Gem Switch (activated Boomerang or A-Fork)
 - B.Switch  - Blood Switch (activated by Gallows's blood)
 - H.Block   - Heavy Block (requires M-Glove to move)
 - G.Block   - Orange Gem Block
 - H.Button  - Heavy Button (activated by jumping on it)
 - W.Button  - Wall Button (activated by running into it)
 - C.Wall    - Cracked Wall (can be broken by Bomb to make path)
 - F.Floor   - Fragil Floor (will fall if walked on normally)
 - Wire      - Wire Grid
 - Dup.Door  - Duplicator Door
 - Dup.Chest - Duplicator Chest
- Misc:
 - <>        - Comment/Note
 - []        - Items
 - ""        - Location Names
 - (Dup)     - Require Duplicator
 - *         - Location Section
 - -         - Action Line
 - +         - Cutscene/Events Line
 - (V/J/C/G) - Control with Virginia, Jet, Clive or Gallow

Prologue - Fateful Encounter:
* Fargaia Express:
 - Virginia was travelling on the train when an explosion occurred. She ran out
   of her cabin to investigate, but was stopped by the train attendant Tony.
   Virginia sneaked passed him and headed to the Secret Cargo cart. They found
   out that the lock had been broken and went inside to check it out. Suddenly,
   3 more people rushed in and pointed guns at each other...