Stuntman (e)

for Sony PlayStation 2

Version 4.0
Written by: Stephen Townsend (GameFaqs username: KG21)
Copyright 2002 by KG21
E-mail: (that's LXKG21XL)

This FAQ was created mainly because people have trouble with the game Stuntman.
Reflections is known for making hard games like Stuntman. Personally, this game
was not that challenging for me, but other people think otherwise.

--------   INTRODUCTION   --------

This FAQ contains information on how to beat each movie 100% and a driving game
walkthrough. I do not have the information to tell you where to unlock a certain
car, nor do I know which scenes unlock which parts for the Stunt Creator. If you
would like me to add these, or have information about unlocking cars or parts, please
e-mail me.

This FAQ is to only appear on,,, and unless a personal e-mail addressed by Stephen Townsend gives permission
to use it.

--------   TABLE OF CONTENTS   --------

1. Update Information
2. Game Controls
3. Dare Devil Shows Walkthrough
4. Toothless in Wapping Walkthrough
5. A Whoopin' and a Hollerin' Walkthrough
6. Blood Oath Walkthrough
7. Conspiracy Walkthrough
8. Scarab of Lost Souls Walkthrough
9. Live Twice for Tomorrow Walkthrough
10. Driving Games Walkthrough
11. Thanks
12. Copyright Information

--------   UPDATE INFORMATION   --------

JULY 05, 2002
Due to the fact that my DSL is down, I figured I might as well do something since
I'm bored. I will probably add part information, car information, and driving game
information in the future.

JULY 06, 2002
Second day of making the FAQ. DSL is still down, but I have the main portion of
the FAQ done after a hard day's work yesterday. Today I added driving game
information. The only thing to add now is to find out which cars/parts are won by
which scenes, and the stunt creator parts and what they are like.

July 08, 2002
Well, my DSL should be back by tomorrow, but I don't think I'll do much more. Since
the FAQ is debuting at gamefaqs at version three, not much more will be done. Car
information and part information is pretty much out of the question unless heavily
requested. I see no reason to include it. Just do your best to get 100% on everything
and you'll get it all eventually.

July 10, 2002
Added some more sites which are allowed to post the FAQ. Remember, if you want
anything added, just e-mail me at While when finished,
Adrenaline's FAQ will be much better than mine, I like to keep it short and sweet.
If I could get my PS2 by my computer I'd have more, but I have to write everything
in a notebook then type it on my computer. It's quite annoying.

--------   GAME CONTROLS   --------

Left Analog - Move left and right to steer your vehicle.

Right Analog - Push up to accelerate, push down to brake.

D-Pad - Also used for steering your vehicle.

X button - Accelerate

Square button - Brake, hold to Reverse

Circle button - Handbrake. Use in conjunction with steering to do 180 Emergency
brakes...also known as "E brakes"

Triangle button - Handbrake. Use in conjunction with steering to do 180 Emergency
brakes...also known as "E brakes"

R1 button - Horn

L1 button - Action button. Used in a designated area for jumping out of a car, or
triggering an effect.

R2 button - Look Right

L2 button - Look Left

L2+R2 buttons - Look Back

Select button - Camera View

Start Button - Pause game

--------   WALKTHROUGH   --------

This is broken up into the different movies of the game. Each movie has a Walkthrough,
and each Walkthrough is for earning 100%. I don't know the prizes for each particular
stage. Keep in mind that when I say "hit the jump" I mean take your thumb off the
X button at the last second (unless I tell you otherwise). If you go off of a jump
with your X button pressed down, your going to go flying in directions you don't
want to be flying in. I might remind you about this, but keep it in mind. Also,
when I say "U-turn" it is the equivalent to "180 E brake" which is holding right
and Circle or Triangle at the same time.

--------   DARE DEVIL SHOWS   --------

CANNON JUMP - Once the level starts up, hold X. You won't need to steer to get through
the fire rings. Bash through the burning fences. Now the cannon is aimed slightly
to the right, so aim yourself slightly left coming out of it. Don't let up on the
gas, keep it down through the level. If you go over the cars, try again.

CAR DOMINOES - As soon as you start the level, nail the first upright car on your
right. Now before you hit it, and I mean IMMEDIATELY before, let your thumb off
of the X button and aim for the next one. This prevents spin outs or tipping over
your car. Keep doing this until you get to the three cars lined up. Now aim for
the middle of the middle and left cars to knock all three down. All that's left
to do is to hit L1 just before you hit the billboard.

HELL DRIVERS - Start driving right behind the last car, staying as close as possible.
Once you get to the jumps, let off the gas for a split second, then in midair hit
it again. It's game over if you damage the car in front of you too much. After these
jumps, you'll need to shift to a diamond formation. Stay within your bordered area
and eventually you'll be prompted to move behind the lead car. Stay CLOSE to this
car. If you don't, it won't count. Now once the game tells you to move back behind
the last car, let off the gas until it passes you, then nail it full throttle through
the cones. Don't hit the cones, slalom through them ;). OK, after that move back
in close to the lead car, and follow it around the turn. Once prompted to move behind
the left car, you might have to actually brake to give it enough room to hit the
jump. Follow it, and just before the jump through the ring of fire, let off the
X button. If you don't, you'll nail the car and have to start over. Now all that's
left to do is nail the last jump at full throttle.

MONSTER TRUCK - This is tricky. Nail the gas and over the cars through the first
checkpoint. It's very common to be tipped over throughout this level, but risk it
just this once. Hit the jump and drive over the cars. See how easier it is to jump
on TOP of cars instead of THROUGH them? Keep that in mind. Now do a U-turn at the
end, and jump through the checkpoint. A row of cars follows. I suggest riding to
the right of them, and having your left front tire hitting the checkpoint. Now hit
the cars after the jump, through the checkpoint. Round where you started, and this
time drive to the left of the row of cars. Hit the checkpoint with your right front
tire so you don't have to risk tipping over. Now repeat the course two more times
(starting with the next jump) and you'll have beaten it. That's three time around
total, if you don't get what I'm saying...

WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT - This looks easy, but can take a few tries. Once it starts,
you might want to switch to the camera view behind the dashboard to get a better
feel of where to steer during the loop. Make sure your car is lined up in the center
before you enter the loop, and you'll be fine. Now head for the ramp. Aim PERFECTLY
at it, and hit the Nitro (L1) in the designated area and pray. It's a matter of
luck if you'll land good or not. If you don't, keep trying.

--------   TOOTHLESS IN WAPPING   --------

HICCUP WITH THE PICKUP: SCENE ONE - Once you start, accelerate to the designated
zone. Once your back tire runs over the back part of the border, nail right and
circle at the same time. Now head back the way you came and turn right. Watch out
for the oncoming car in the right lane (corresponding to you) and turn right in
to the alley. Hit the boxes on the left, head right, and go through the tunnel (the
car on your left will stop). Once in the tunnel, keep left to avoid an oncoming
bus in the right lane. Overtake the car on your left and once you have, get back
in the left lane. Stay in the left lane, and turn left after the tunnel ends. Head
through the gap on the right, and head through the boxes right in front of you.
Stay right so you can head through the gap safely, and then hit the boxes. Head
left, and stop in the designated zone.

SAFE STEALIN': SCENE TWO - As soon as you start, hit the boxes. After that, avoid
the oncoming truck to your left. Avoid the stationary van to your right, and turn
right. Stay right, through the gap, and hit the boxes and head through the checkpoint.
Head right, then left, and hit the door on the van. Once you get into the zone,
U-turn by pressing left and circle and holding them until you turn completely around.
Head through the checkpoint in front of you, and turn left after it. Stop, and
reverse. Hold L2+R2 so you can see when to stop. Once you get into the zone, nail
the gas as hard as you can, and hit the jump. Stop after the checkpoint (U-turn
to make it look better) to pass the level.

ROZZER BOVVER: SCENE THREE - Accelerate and barely hit the life ring with your left
headlight (to give you a perspective). Now head through the warehouse and hit the
boxes to your left. Turn right, and go straight into the warehouse. While heading
through, you'll see a forklift. Stay right of this forklift, and head out. Note
that there's another forklift you should stay to the right of. After you exit the
warehouse, stay to the left to hit the jump. Hit the quick 180 U-turn and head right
twice. Go through the roadworks, head right again, and stay left to avoid the car.
Head through the tunnel and overtake the first car, then overtake the second. After
you overtake the second, stay to the right, against the wall, to avoid the oncoming
van. Nail the gas, and hit the gap. After that, nail the dumpster ahead to complete
the level.

FINK IN THE DRINK: SCENE FOUR - Accelerate through the gap. Follow the car around,
staying right on the second turn. Follow the car through the alleyways until you
hit some barrels on your right. Keep following through a warehouse, staying left
of the forklift and through the boxes at the end. Head left, and head right after
that. Stay left on the first container, and go back right, and an immediate left
after that. Head through the gap, under the crane, and turn right. Hit the passenger
side door head on. Immediately after you do, brake/reverse to avoid going over the

FILLED IN: SCENE FIVE - Accelerate and stay left. Turn left and stay left to avoid
the oncoming truck. Turn left to avoid the truck, and turn right, following the
van. Head left past the stationary car, and immediately do a U-turn to the right.
Stay left and jump off the ramp through the boxes on the moving truck. Turn left
after the jump, and get ready to turn left barely dodging a truck. Follow the van
right, and stay right through the crossings. Go up the ramp, through the boxes,
and slow down considerably. Dodge the forklift by staying to the left. Jump down
on the left and head right through the warehouse and stay in the middle so you can
get through the gap that presents itself. Take a quick left out of the warehouse,
then a quick right. Go UNDER the ladder. Do NOT hit the ladder. Make sure you go
UNDER it. Now turn right. Keep driving and you'll reach a designated zone. Once
you reach it, a van will come out from the right. Hit L1 as soon as the van hits
you to complete the mission.

--------   A WHOOPIN' AND A HOLLERIN'   --------

OUTTA TOWN NITRO: SCENE ONE - Accelerate while staying on the left side of the road
to avoid an oncoming car on the right side. When prompted, head right through the
fence. Start lining up your car to aim for the smoke coming up. Don't let go of
the gas, and you'll sail through the chimney. Now once you land head right, and
head around to the jump through the trains. Don't let go of the gas, and watch out
for the police car to your left. Turn right around the fence through a burning shed.
Slowdown will occur here, making it hard to do this next part. But head right and
you'll see a ramp. Never let go of the gas, and nail the ramp to sail through the
moving train. Do a U-turn to the right and head through the checkpoint by the
crossing gates. U-turn right and head along the left side of the tracks. Get close
to the car to your left, and keep accelerating to get to the explosion in time.
Head left after the explosion, through a gap in the traffic, and then head right
through the fence. Head over the ramp, aiming yourself slightly left to avoid
running into the second pool. Aim yourself right as you head through the fence,
and head through the gap in traffic directly in front of you. Do a U-turn to the
left, and head for the explosion. Stay left, and head through the gap after the
explosion. Remember to stay left. Now head right, and gun it. Make sure you have
the speed to get under the chimneys, and make sure you ride over the yellow line
so you get credit for it. Now head right after the second chimney then left again.
Head for the ramp and let go of the gas right before you head through the billboard.
Get back on the road to the left, through the checkpoint, and head right. Keep
gaining speed, and nail the Nitro when prompted in the designated zone (L1 to use
Nitro). Go off the bridge and you'll land on the other side. Never let go of L1
or X when going off the bridge. Now get ready for a quick stop to end the level.

THE CORKSCREW: SCENE TWO - Accelerate and aim yourself to the right. Follow the
car and overtake a vehicle to the left. Once you do, immediately get back in the
right lane and head through the road works and over the jump. Follow the car until
you get to a turn where you'll turn right on to a dirt road. Stay in the center
to get close to an oncoming pickup truck. Watch out for an oncoming van on the right,
and a car going in your direction on the left. When you get to a U-turn to the left,
stay on the right side so as to avoid an oncoming car in the right hand lane. Keep
following the car, and head right through a fence when prompted. Keep going and
head through two trees very close together. Now head through the fence on the other
side. Follow the car and overtake a pickup to the left, and a van to the right.
Brake shortly after overtaking the van and head left over a bridge. Head right past
a pickup and follow the car. When you see a barn, head through it, the car will
crash to the right. Now stay left after you go through the barn to make a jump through
a road block. Aim for the fence past the next checkpoint and head through it. Now
aim for the jump over the fence to get back onto the road. Keep going and eventually
do a 180 U-turn in the designated zone. Go as fast as you can down the road, and
aim up for the corkscrew. You just line it up so your car is in the middle and your
car does the rest. Drive through the last checkpoint to complete the level.

TAME THE TRAIN: SCENE THREE - Accelerate and head through the gap on your left.
Turn right after the gap, and go to the right of the van in front of you. Head up
the hill, and jump off the middle of the road blocks, aiming straight. You'll land
on a train. Accelerate along the train to land in a flatbed. Get ready to turn back
on to the walkway to your right when prompted. Now Head through the checkpoint in
front of you and head through the gap created by two cars ahead of that. Head through
the sign, and hit the picnic tables. Now aim yourself slightly left so you can hit
the gap created by two moving cars and the gap created by the car wash in a straight
shot. Head to the checkpoint in the distance and to a U-turn to the left. Head for
the checkpoint in the distance and get ready to head left in between the two trains.
Head along the tracks and once the train on your left ends, stay on the left side
of the tracks. From here, wait until the train on your right ends, and get on the
middle of the tracks. Keep going full throttle and get ready to turn left after
you've cleared the bridge. Make sure you clear it, or you could hit the bridge and
fail the scene.

--------   BLOOD OATH   --------

OFFICE OBLITERATION: SCENE ONE - Accelerate and overtake the car on the right to
the right. After that, head left on the left side of the car on the left and get
ready to overtake another car to the right. Immediately after that, overtake the
car on the left to the left. Immediately after that, head through the median on
your right. Head straight across the road to avoid the oncoming truck. Either stay
left or drive through the two oncoming cars. Stay left and move when you can an
oncoming car in your lane. After the checkpoint, stay left, avoiding cars, and go
through the median at full speed. Keep left, and overtake the car on the left to
the right. After that, stay left and go up the hill through the checkpoint. Hit
the bus' door and head for the trucks ahead of you. Make sure you pass the rear
truck before moving to the right. Now gun it and stay on the right side. Overtake
the car in front of you and immediately turn back into the left lane to avoid the
oncoming truck. Head through the checkpoint, squeeze past the truck on the left
and head through the median on the right when prompted. Stay in the middle of the
road to get close to an oncoming truck. Head back left into the median when prompted
and overtake a car to the right and head through the trailer. Just make sure that
you don't hit the trailer at full speed or you will most likely go flying. If anything,
go slower than normal and gun it at the last second. Stay on the left side of the
road after the jump to avoid any oncoming cars and head right through the office
building at the last second. Hit the desks in front of the checkpoint, head around
the building, and hit another set of desks (the desks you have to hit have yellow
markers on them) before jumping out the window. Don't nail it at full throttle,
let up right before you jump out, or you could flip over and fail. Head through
the last checkpoint past the transport unit to pass the scene.

DOWNTOWN DASH: SCENE TWO - Accelerate and turn left. Turn left again at the alleyway.
Stop and reverse when prompted in the zone and use L2+R2 to see the car behind you.
Hit the car and accelerate the way you came. Turn right and pass to the left of
a car and then to the right of a truck and finally to the left of another truck.
Turn left past the checkpoint and hit the garbage on the left, and then the garbage
on the right. Stay right to avoid a car from the left. Keep driving left of a jeep
until you pass it, then line up with the transport and let go of the gas right before
jumping. You'll drive on top of the truck, then accelerate to make the jump over
the car in front of the truck. Pass through the checkpoint and turn left. Hit the
garbage on the left, and turn right. Turn left, and then turn right when the first
truck on your right side passes you. Watch out for street lights and hit the tables
on the right walkway. Drive through the checkpoint to the left, take another left
after that, and go through the checkpoint. Head through this alleyway until you
get to the end. Turn left, and keep driving until you can turn right. Now you'll
see a ramp in front of you. You need to line up with this ramp and let off the gas
right before you make the jump to land in the flatbed. One time only half of my
car was in the flatbed, so don't quit until you know for certain you've failed.

TUK TUK CHASE: SCENE THREE - Accelerate after the Tuk Tuk through the alleyway.
In the second alleyway there will be some boxes on your right. Turn left when you
get on the street and head between two cars to get close to the target car. Turn
left following the tuk tuk and turn left again. Hit the boxes on the left and turn
right. Hit the boxes on the left and turn right, then left, into the market. Hit
the ramp for the jump and hit the shop corner shortly after that. You need to just
hit the post which has the yellow target marker on it. Now follow the Tuk Tuk through
the alleyway and turn right. Swerve left of the first truck, and right of the second
on the right side of the road. Head left into an alleyway shortly after that. Head
through the corridor, then take a sharp left turn, followed by a right turn. Watch
out for a car that comes out from the left when you turn right. Head right of the
truck with the target on it, then turn left. Head through the gap of the poles and
follow the Tuk Tuk. Slow down and get ready to brake hard. You might want to start
breaking a little before the end of the road so you don't go over the brake zone.

ROOFTOP RUMBLE: SCENE FOUR - Head straight from the beginning of this level and
get ready to turn right through a gap in traffic. Keep going straight staying on
the left half of the explosion circle. Keep heading straight, and turn left up the
ramp into the office building. Do a U-turn to the left, and turn right out the other
end. Turn left, head straight, and then turn left again. Drive along the right wall
to get to the explosion in time. Head right, and cross the small bridge. Now gun
it, and don't let go of X. Hit the right side of the explosion circle, and jump
the gap into the yellow zone. Now quickly turn right, and gun it again. You need
to turn and accelerate at the same time, making this jump fairly difficult. If you
get enough speed, you'll make it. Now after the jump start to turn right, but stay
inside the explosion circle that appears. Now cross over the bridge, head through
the checkpoint, turn right, and gun it. Jump over the helicopter. After you do that,
turn left and then take your first right. Gun it over the exploding bridge and turn
right after that. Turn left twice after the checkpoint and then turn right then
left again onto the canopy (the catwalk). Slow down at the end and head through
the gap. Hit the ramp at full speed, never letting off of X. Head through the gap
immediately after the jump and stay on the right side of the explosion circle to
avoid the car that comes from the left. Hit the ramp at full speed aiming at the
barge to land on it.

--------   CONSPIRACY   --------

SUSPECTS ON SNOWMOBILES: SCENE ONE - Accelerate and head to the right of the hill
to your left. Hit the skies on the right before turning left to hit the jump after
you hit the skis. Take two immediate lefts and then take your immediate right,
staying on the left to avoid a car on the right. Same things with the next right.
Head straight, and follow the other snowmobile. Turn left, following the other
snowmobile, and head left, up the steps to the terrace. U-turn right through the
marked tables and head down through the window and balcony. Head straight up the
hill, on the left side, through the checkpoint, and through the top window on the
left side. Jump after the window, and swing left after you land. Take two more lefts
after that, and you'll continue to make turns following the snowmobile with no
immediate threats until you reach a jump. Aim slightly right and follow the
snowmobile until you are gold to get ready to jump. Aim for the black jeep coming
from the left and press L1 when you are lined up with the jeep to jump off and pass
the scene.

HUNTED BY MICROLITES: SCENE TWO - Accelerate and head left past the car on your
left. Turn left and gun it to reach the first explosion in time. After you do, head
to the left of a small post to this the second explosion. Keep heading straight
to go through the trees where a checkpoint is. Get near the next explosion on the
right side and aim for the jump signal to safely jump across the gorge. Head through
two more checkpoints and hit the right of an explosion circle in mid-air. Then head
straight to hit the next explosion and aim yourself up with the next explosion's
signal (a bomb) to safely jump over the falling tree. Pass through the checkpoint,
and go straight to hit the next explosion. Switch to first person view to be able
to aim correctly to hit the snowman. Now go off of the jump at full speed, never
letting go of X, to hit the microlite in mid-air. Gun it, so as the other snowmobile
behind you doesn't get ahead of you, and go through the next explosion. Head right
a little after the checkpoint and go through the rigged hut. Turn right and go around
on the path. Jump off the ramp at full speed to get under the tree. Hit the left
side of the next explosion circle to dodge the oncoming snowmobile and turn right
immediately after to aim for the next explosion. From here it is a straight shot
through one more explosion. Now just aim for the top of the barn and jump at full

RIVER RACE: SCENE THREE - As soon as this mission starts, give chase. Hit the posts
holding up the bridge and swerve left of the rock then right of the next one. Head
left following the car, but hit the snowman on the right. Keep heading straight
to pass through a gap two cars make. Hit the logs ahead and head back on the iced
over river. Stay slightly left and aim right to get close to both rocks. Head down
the waterfall, and turn left as best you can (slow down alot to make it) and go
around the island, following the car the whole time. Go through the boathouse and
follow the car through the trees. You will weave between three different trees at
one point, so weave in and out of those, and then keep right and you will eventually
go through a fence. Turn left after the fence, and keep heading along this path
until you reach a hill that acts as a jump which enables you to hit the target in

--------   SCARAB OF LOST SOULS   --------

WAKE THE GARRISON: SCENE ONE - Accelerate and nail the crossing ahead of you. Swerve
left of the truck and turn hard left to hit the side of the truck. Smash a stall,
go through the checkpoint. Turn right, and smash through the stall. Turn right,
do a quick 180, and gun it to make the explosion in time. Do another 180 and go
up and over the steps. Go left, do yet another 180, and go left and smash through
some stalls. Get to the explosion in time, and stay right after the explosion in
order to go up a slope. Go right at the slope and keep heading straight to hit a
jump. Jump into the stalls below and turn right. Stay right as you drive, and hit
the gap. Now turn left and press L1 while in the designated zone to pass the mission.

PANZER ATTACK: SCENE TWO - Accelerate and go right following the other vehicle.
Let up on the gas to make the turn and gun it to pass the back of the truck. Turn
right and aim straight for the target in the cafe. Don't worry about turning up
there, just aim straight for it and you'll jump up there. Jump off the other end
and follow the car. Clip the car that begins to drive the way you are and drive
through the rigged hut. Turn left, following the car. Also watch out for a car
driving to the right, which might clip you. Drive up the hill and hit the small
sign with a marker on it. Head straight for the next explosion and never let off
the gas. Head for the next two explosions in a straight line. After that, head
slightly left, then head right and straight through the fourth explosion. Now you
should be lined up with the fifth explosion so you'll be able to make it. Hit the
jump, letting off of the gas just before you start it. Head through the marked rigged
hut and around the rock. Go through the explosion, then through the checkpoint.
Now aim your vehicle to the left side of the pillar and eject (L1 in the designated

TEMPLE TRAP: SCENE THREE - Accelerate and overtake the truck to the left and head
through the sentry gate. Head left and aim right off of the jump to land in the
area. Go through the checkpoint, and brake to turn left and go to the right of the
second pillar from the right. Turn left, through the gap, up the steps, and over
the jump and head for the explosion. Head around the rock and go between the truck.
Head to the left of the crates, and gun it. Never let go of X here, and jump over
the large gap. Head right to hit the barrels, and head through the checkpoint on
the left. Head between the fences and hit the machine gun with your bike. Head left
and up the ramp. Go fast enough, but aim slightly left. Jump the gap on the right,
and go left, straight past the checkpoint. What I'm trying to say is that there
is a steep staircase that is you went up, would lead TO the checkpoint. Don't go
flying off the ledge past the checkpoint. Go THROUGH the checkpoint, and down. Now
head left once down here and through the crates. Head through the gap, and turn
left again and once more. Then turn right up the steps through the checkpoint. Aim
right at the end here to get ahead of the armored car. Turn right through the gap
and hit the ramp. You don't need alot of speed to clear the reservoir.

SCENE FOUR - Accelerate and head through the entrance. Turn right past the tank
and then head left around the monument. Then turn left again towards the checkpoint
and hit the ammo boxes to the left and shoot at the pillar while accelerating. Note
that you have to shoot while in the designated zone. The main reason to accelerate
while shooting is to hit the gap that two tanks make before going up the monument.
Jump off the monument, and head through the rigged hut. Turn left, and head left
around the truck. Head through the checkpoint and through the explosion. Head
through another rigged hut and turn right. Head through the trucks, and over the
bridge through another checkpoint. Go at full speed and clip off the wing of the
plane in front of you. Now turn right and hit the explosion. Turn BACK left to hit
another explosion, and go through the wall straight in front of you into town. Go
right through the stalls. There's two of them on the left side. Take a left, then
a right through the corner of a building. Stay left, and turn right after the first
truck passes you. Turn left through the wall and jump towards the sub and hit the

--------   LIVE TWICE FOR TOMORROW   --------

MOUNTAIN CHASE: SCENE ONE - Give chase to the lead car. Dodge to the right of the
first car, and swerve left then back right of the next one. Stay in the right lane
during the turn, and pass the car in your lane on the right. So that's drive as
right as you can past the car in your lane. Overtake the vehicle up ahead to the
left, and drive around the truck, staying in the right lane afterwards.  Aim straight
for the truck after the turn and overtake it. Follow the lead car closely and swerve
the avoid the oncoming truck on the bridge. Stay in the right lane around this turn
and shift to the middle before entering the tunnel. Once you exit the tunnel, shift
back into the right lane. Head between the two trucks and drive on the right side
of the next two cars. In the tunnel, stay to the left and overtake the car on the
right, then overtake on the left (which requires you to drive between two cars)
and then overtake another car on the right. Hit the sharp turn left and avoid hitting
the lead car. Follow the path of the lead car throughout this whole path, it knows
where to go. When prompted to turn left and jump, do so. It doesn't matter if you
land the jump, so just focus on turning left when your supposed to and hitting the
jump hill.

HEAD ON: SCENE TWO - Accelerate hard to overtake the vehicle on the right and turn
right again to dodge the car in the left lane. Get close to the explosion after
the turn and make a right U-turn through the tunnel. Overtake the car to the right,
gun it, and then overtake the car on your left. Get close to the explosion out of
the tunnel and let off the X button until your through this turn. Then gun it, and
nail the overtake against the second car in the right lane. There will be an
explosion to your left, so get that, then head through the fence on your right.
Avoid oversteering at this part by steering right after you make the turn if you
car appears unstable. Head straight then right through a tunnel. After exiting,
keep right past two cars in the right lane to jump the broken bridge. Swerve through
the two trucks and drive along the pass until you see a checkpoint. Aim for the
rock gap then turn left and aim for the other gap. Right before the signal, turn
right to avoid the rocks that obscure your path. Overtake a car on the left in the
tunnel and keep driving until the next tunnel where you'll drive between two trucks.
Jump into the helicopter, pressing L1 when in the designated zone to jump out at
the last second.

POLICE CHASE: SCENE THREE - Head out of the parking lot and overtake the car on
the right, then overtake the car on the left. Now drive along the left shoulder
so as to avoid the oncoming blue car in the left lane. Head straight through the
gap and smash through the fence, aiming left, but not so as to hit the stationary
police car Head through the checkpoint and turn right. Gun it, gaining distance
from the police car. Now head right, avoiding any poles sticking out of the ground,
as soon as you can. From here, overtake a car on the right, then on the left. Turn
right, then left between the building and a streetlight. Overtake the car on the
right, and immediately after that, overtake a car on the left. Turn right and jump
the fountain and a little after that U-turn in the designated zone. Go around the
fountain counter clockwise until you are prompted to hit the tables. Turn right
after that and go through more tables. Go down steps past the checkpoint and head
left. Take these turns slow and at the end run through the balcony and line up your
final jump. Brake in the area and make sure not to go off the edge.

MOVING TARGET: SCENE FOUR - Go left and through the boxes down the pier. U-turn
right into the tables, and gun it down the steps through the checkpoint. Swerve
to miss the car and hit the gap on the right side. Head back left and swerve to
miss the oncoming car (swerve left). Turn left and overtake the van on the left.
Now have enough speed to make it through the gap that two cars make. Follow the
van through two more turns, and then nail the barrier, and aim left off of the ramp
back on to the road. Head through the gap that presents itself, and hit the jump.
This jump is pretty tough. Mainly all you should worry about is lining it up
PERFECTLY and gunning it full throttle without letting go of the X Button. Do this
for all the jumps in this level. Anyways, jump off the ramp through the trailer,
back on to the road. Now hit the next ramp, and head through the cafe. Following
the van, hit the U-turn and get ready for some tricky stuff. Now barely miss the
oncoming car on your right. Now head straight and miss the car moving left straight
ahead of you. Head right after the second car so your on the shoulder of the road.
Now do a U-turn to the right following the van. When the van jumps off the edge
of the road, follow it. Now go through the checkpoint and go clockwise until you
can enter the parking lot. You can only have one point of view for this part of
the level, so be careful. At the end, you'll have to ram the van to complete this

STOP THE STEALTH JET: SCENE FIVE - As the level starts, drive right and head through
the cafe. Aim left after you hit it so you land back on the right. Turn left, the
right, and overtake the car on the left side. Turn right and get on the left side
of the truck. Let go of the X button momentarily until your car is on the other
side or almost on the other side of the truck. Gun it after you make it under, and
hit the tables. Swerve left to miss the oncoming truck and go straight. Head through
the checkpoint here and go under the moving truck. Don't let off the X button here.
Just gun it under the truck. Now you'll see a ramp. You have to have ALOT of speed
to get over the diving board at this part, so gun it and don't stop until you land.
Now turn right along the pier, hugging the left side. Do a quick U-turn at the end
of the pier and come back the way you came. Head right, through a gap the cars make,
and turn right again along another pier. Here you need to make sure you land on
the lower pier. From here, nail the jump with fast speed, but let off the gas right
before you make the jump. Head up the steps, take a left, and stay on the left side.
When you see a car with a target on it, get close to it, then turn right and drive
through the boat racks. From here, turn left and get ready to drive through a gap
that presents itself. Now turn BACK right through a cafe. See the steps to the left?
Well, gun it, and I mean gun it like you never have before. You'll reach an explosion,
and after that you'll reach another one. After the second explosion, you'll reach
the designated area where you should press L1 to jump out. Now watch your awesome
car and the stealth jet succumb to a powerful and fiery explosion. A game well played,
and well deserved...


Here I'll cover the driving games and how to beat each one. While I am using the
car used in scene five of Live Twice for Tomorrow, you can use whichever car you
want to.

--------   PRECISION TESTS    --------

Keep note that blue cones mean reverse, and green cones mean forward. Four yellow
cones at the end of a yellow mean stop within that zone. If cones are shaped like
a parking spot (I'll just call it a spot) then you must pull in enough to get credit
for that spot. If there are blue arrows, you must sometimes go over those blue arrows
in reverse to get credit. Also keep in mind that you should hold L2+R2 whenever
reversing. If I say 180 or U-turn here, I mean hold the direction mentioned HARD
and hold Circle (or Triangle). This way, your car will swing around.

PRECISION TEST ONE - Slalom between the first four green cones, starting with the
right side of the first cone. After completing these, drive up to the blue arrow
and turn right. Reverse in the blue spot. Follow the green arrow that appears and
drive into the green spot. Reverse out of the spot, steer right while reversing
to follow the arrows. After that, follow the green arrows. Basically you are go
around counter clockwise around the middle cone. Accelerate for the four cone stop
zone and stop within the zone.

PRECISION TEST TWO - Accelerate straight for the green spot. Reverse out of it,
while steering right in order to back into the next blue spot. Slalom between the
three cones to the green gate. Make a sharp right before the blue arrow and reverse
through the blue gate. Spin the car around and go through the remaining green gates.

PRECISION TEST THREE - Reverse through the blue gate behind you. Swing the car around
and go through the green gate. Do a quick 180 and reverse through the blue gate.
Reverse and steer right and accelerate along the green arrows to go through three
green gates. Pull a quick 180, and go through two more green gates. Turn sharp left,
go into the green spot. Reverse and steer left until you get all the way around
to the blue spot opposite the green one you just came through. Reverse out of the
spot and accelerate, following the green arrows. Stop inside the four cone area
to end this test.

PRECISION TEST FOUR - Follow the green arrow to a quick 180 to get in the green
spot. Reverse, spin around, and follow the green arrow around two gates. Go into
the green spot ahead. Reverse while steering right to go through a blue gate.
Accelerate left or right to do a quick 180. Reverse through the cones again and
reverse left to set up for the green cones. Go through two sets of green cones and
turn sharp left and reverse right to get through the blue gate. Now reverse sharp
left and accelerate through two green gates and slalom green cones to the four cone
stop area.

PRECISION TEST FIVE - Accelerate and follow the arrows around cones to a green spot.
Reverse left to back in to a blue spot. Accelerate, do a 180 while steering left,
and reverse right. Once through the blue gate, reverse right in to a blue spot.
Make a circle around each of the three cones in the direction shown by the arrow.
At the end, stop in the four cone area.

--------   SPEED TESTS   --------

SPEED TEST: LONDON - Accelerate right in to the tunnel and hit the checkpoint as
you come out. Take the next three rights, then a left back in to the tunnel. Take
a right, through a checkpoint, a left, then another right into a warehouse. Take
a left after you've exit, and head for the checkpoint. Take two lefts after the
checkpoint, then a right further down the road. Take two more right turns then a
left, followed by two more left turns, then finally through the final checkpoint.

SPEED TEST: LOUISIANNA - Accelerate and take a left turn. Drive along the road until
you reach a checkpoint. Keep driving until you reach another checkpoint, followed
by yet another checkpoint further on. Drive through a few more checkpoint until
you reach a right turn. Drive along the road until you reach a right turn into a
dirt road and a checkpoint. Drive along the road through one checkpoint, and turn
left at the bridge. Keep driving, and turn left a the barn, and then a right after
that. Accelerate through the last checkpoint.

SPEED TEST: BANGKOK - Take a left at he end of the road, then a right. Keep driving
until you reach another right turn. Now take a right, through a checkpoint, then
a left. Followed by another right. Keep driving and eventually take a left turn
through this road. Head through the checkpoint, take a quick right, followed by
another right a little ways down the road. Take yet another right halfway down the
street, and the final checkpoint.

SPEED TEST: SWITZERLAND - For this level, pick the snowmobile. Take a U-turn to
the left around the ice. Head through a checkpoint, and follow the path between
two medians. Head through the checkpoint at the end and hook a left. Stay left of
the snow hill, and through the checkpoint. Wow, that was surprisingly short.

SPEED TEST: EGYPT - Take a left up the stairs, followed by a right around the path.
Head through the checkpoint to a left turn. Stay left here to go down a hill, and
then take two more left turns. After that is a pair of right turns, then a checkpoint.
Take another left, and around the path to a checkpoint further down the road. Head
down the steps on your right and follow the arrows further down to a left turn to
the starting position.

SPEED TEST: MONACO - Stay on the right side at the beginning, and follow the road
to a right U-turn. Drive along the road until you reach a checkpoint. Keep driving
still until a right U-turn. At this time, keep driving straight to reach the final
checkpoint. I'd use the car used in Scene 5 of Live Twice for Tomorrow, as this
level needs a fast car.

SPEED TEST: ARENA - Head right and go up the ramp. Before you hit the checkpoint,
make sure your perfectly lined up. Hit the jump, but don't over accelerate. Brake
after the jump if you have to, and head through the checkpoint. Head right through
a series of more humps, and drive Through a loop. Drive over some more humps still,
and reach the final checkpoint.

--------   STUNT TESTS   --------

STUNE ONE - Accelerate to get the first token. Turn left and go through the boxes
to get the second token. Turn around and through the burning fences to the third.
Now keep driving straight and drive your way into the circular median barrier to
get the fourth token. Drive over the four way ramp for the fifth token. It's
basically four ramps leading into a token. Drive to the back of the vertical ramp
and nail the ramp that leads to the token above the first one you got to get your
sixth. Turn right, go up a three way ramp, and grab your seventh. U-turn and go
up the opposite ramp and turn left when possible to get your eighth. Now gun it
for the vertical ramp to get your ninth token.

STUNT TWO - Take the two small ramps on the left up to he bigger ramp to get the
first token. Now gun it for the token ahead, and you'll get another one. That brings
it up to three. Now head right over the ramps to get the fourth one. Head towards
the vertical ramps and 180 before the second small ramp on the right. 180 and get
these two tokens. Turn left and go between the two fire rings on the ground to get
the next token. 180 left towards the vertical ramps and do yet another 180 to nail
the ramp heading through the two fire rings. After getting these two, 180 AGAIN
and gun it for the vertical ramps. Hit the right most ramp of the left set of ramps
at an angle to the right to get the last token.

STUNT THREE - As soon as the level starts, gun it to the right of the ramp to your
left. Keep going and you'll reach a loop. Drive up and down the loop for get your
first token. Keep driving and you'll reach a road after the loop. Take a left, and
keep driving. 180 at the end and head for the ramp that was on your left at the
beginning of the level. Nail it with sufficient speed, and you'll get your second
token. Drive up the ramps on your right to get your third. Turn right after the
third, and see those billboards? Run through each of them. There's three. That's
six so far. Four more to go. OK, after the third billboard, turn left, PAST the
half loop, towards the building. Go up these humps on the left side. Aim your jump
so you get the token in the air, but land on top of the building to your right.
Drive through the token at the end and OFF the building, that's right, OFF. Once
you land, do a quick 180. Now turn back like your going up the humps again, but
this time go right of the humps. Once you pass the way up to the triple loop, 180.
OK, now go up the middle one. Don't worry about going up the one to your right.
They all lead into each other, but you don't need to waste time on all of them.
So once you get the token, stop before you start on your next loop, and exit to
your left. Now gun it for the half loop and get the last token. You'll crash at
the end, but if it's your last one, it doesn't matter.

--------   THANKS   --------

CJAYC - For maintaining and upholding gamefaqs, possibly the best free gaming site
on the internet.

--------   COPYRIGHT INFORMATION   --------

(c) Copyright 2001 KG21. If you would like to use this FAQ on your own site, please
e-mail me at Do not alter this FAQ's appearance or text, claim
it as your own, sell my FAQ in order to make a profit of money, or use it in any
way other than its primary purpose, without receiving written permission or an
e-mail from myself. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ e-mail me and I
will give you credit under a "credit section". If you have any comments or
suggestions, e-mail me at the above address. This is just the beginning of the FAQ,
it will get increasingly better, I hope. As of 7/10/2001, the only web site allowed
to post this FAQ is,,, and cheatcc.