Strategy Guide for The Tone Rebellion

Written by Marcus Spears

The Tone Rebellion is a trademark of The Logic Factory, Inc.



                This strategy guide is based on my observations from many long hours of playing The Tone Rebellion.  Some of the tables at the end of this document are based on what is printed in the manual.  Let’s start with a brief discussion of the four realms and the effect they have on gameplay.


1.    Realms of Existence


                There are four realms of existence in The Tone Rebellion.  These are:


·         The Physical realm, the realm of matter and objectively defined reality.

·         The Supernatural realm, the realm of logic, reason, and understanding.

·         The Ethereal realm, the realm of spirits, dreams, and the intangible.

·         The Natural realm, the realm of life and instincts.


Living creatures exist on all four realms at once, but they are most comfortable when their perception is firmly rooted in one realm.  They can dimly perceive creatures of other realms, but they will seem to have amazing powers and will seem alien and frightening.

                For example, to a physical Floater, creatures of the natural realm have incomprehensible and otherworldly powers, and what they do is strange and seemingly without purpose.  Energy flows in limited ways between the realms.  The direction of the flow determines how much one realm can affect another, as shown below:


·         Physical dominates Supernatural

·         Supernatural dominates Ethereal

·         Ethereal dominates Natural

·         Natural dominates Physical


There are also tides between the realms which oppose each other.  These pairs of realms are called opposites, as shown below:


·         Physical is opposite Ethereal

·         Natural is opposite Supernatural


When the energy tide favors a realm, it dominates its opposite across the circle.  The tides spend equal time at each end of their swing so, overall, no realm dominates its opposite.  An example of this influence is an ethereal vampire, who has frightening powers at night but is weakened and helpless during the day, when its nocturnally helpless victims of the physical realm are bold and strong.

Each of the four tribes of Floaters comes from a different realm.  The Tark exist in the Physical realm.  They are always more powerful than Supernatural creatures, but are weak against Natural creatures.  Depending on the tides, they may be more or less powerful than Ethereal creatures.  The Zygons exist in the Supernatural realm.  They are stronger than Ethereal creatures and weaker than Physical creatures, and so forth.  The Cepheans exist in the Ethereal realm, and the Dyla exist in the Natural realm.

                In game terms, this means that you may be stronger or weaker than some of Leviathan’s creatures that you will face.  There are four Leviathan spawn of each realm, two with ranged attacks and two without.  When a Tark attacks a Drack, a Leviathan creature from the supernatural realm, the Tark’s attacks will hit more frequently and do more damage, while the Drack will do less damage than normal.  If the same Tark is attacked by a Zwacker, a creature of the Natural realm, the Zwacker’s attacks will be stronger than usual, and it will be more resistant to the attacks of the Tark.  A Zygon would be more effective against a Ronth (ethereal), and less effective against a Rakalingus (physical), and so forth.

                Some Floaters of a given tribe are able to shift their perception into another realm.  For example, the Tark Gazers are able to perceive the supernatural plane.  There are also spells that can shift the perceptions of a Floater to the next realm, or back to the previous one.  For instance, casting the Realm Transcend spell on a group of Gazers will shift their perception (temporarily) into the Ethereal realm.  This affects their strength against creatures of other realms.  Table 4 at the end of this strategy guide gives you some basic information on all the different enemies you will face in the game.

                At the lower levels of difficulty, you can pretty much ignore these effects.  At higher levels, however, the effect of the tides is more pronounced, and you will want to learn which creatures should be attacked by which group of Floaters.


2.    Tone Pools, Tone Flow, and Tone Nodes


You must have an understanding of the way in which Tone functions.  Tone Pools are the source of Tone Flow, which provides the vital force for the structures and Floaters of your tribe.  Each Pool that you restore to health will add to the tribal Tone Flow.  Each Floater consumes one point of Tone Flow simply by living.  Each Tone Spreader, Tone Solidifier, Tone Crystal Grower, and Magic Tone Creator also consumes one point of Tone Flow.

Tone nodes resemble blue spirals.  They come in three sizes: Small, medium, and large.  Your four basic structures (Tone Spreaders, Tone Solidifiers, Tone Crystal Grower, and Magic Tone Creator) should be built on the small nodes wherever possible.  This allows you to build your Dojos and mage towers on the medium and large nodes.  You can see the current boundary of the Tone Flow by looking at which Nodes are lit.

You liberate Tone Pools by removing the spawners and the growths around it.  If it does not start spouting Tone (which means it has not been primed), you can prime the pool by spreading Tone over to it.  You always want to build Tone Spreaders as close to the current boundary of the Tone Flow as possible, and preferably on one of the smaller nodes.

                New Floaters will only be born when you have a Surplus Flow of 5 or greater.  If you lose all your Tone Pools, no new workers can be born, and the game is over for you.  If you have more than one Tone Solidifier, Tone Crystal Grower, or Magic Tone Creator, and you are not using all of them, you can turn the building off to get more Tone Flow.  You cannot turn off Tone Spreaders, but if you are not using any of the nodes that it activated, then you can order your Floaters to attack and destroy it.

                If you need more workers, and you are having trouble getting enough Tone Flow, and if you have more than one Dojo, then try to find a Dojo that you aren’t really using much.  Order your Floaters to attack and destroy it.  The Floaters that were trained in that Dojo will revert to normal Workers.


3.    Workers


Workers are very intelligent, and are the experts on how to get things done.  They organize their own efforts on the jobs you give them, rather than you giving specific orders to each Floater.  They balance their work based on the importance you assign to each job.  Floaters that have been trained in Dojos will not do the job of a Worker.  Workers can and will cross the bridges between the islands, so they will go where the work is.  Here are some of the jobs that Workers can perform:

·         Build structures

·         Charge Dojos and spell towers so their special Floaters can recharge energy, heal, and train

·         Repair structures

·         Enlarge structures

·         Use keys and artifacts

·         Defend against hostile intruders, usually as a last-ditch measure, when the panic button is on


You can control the priority of jobs from the Task List.  Each task can be cancelled, or you can set it to Normal Priority, High Priority, or Exclusive Priority.  Any job set to Exclusive Priority will only share Workers with other Exclusive jobs.  Any High or Normal priority jobs are put on hold as long as an Exclusive job is being performed.

                High Priority jobs get a larger percentage of the work than Normal Priority jobs, but the Normal jobs are not put on hold.  For example, if you had 16 Workers and 4 jobs, then each job would normally get 4 Workers assigned to it.  If you set two of those jobs to High Priority, they would get 6 Workers each, while the other two Normal priority jobs would get 2 Workers each.

                Note that in order to build a Tone Spreader, Tone Solidifier, Tone Crystal Grower, and Magic Tone Creator, you must have at least one point of Tone Flow available.  If you start building one of these four structures, and you notice that no Workers are being assigned to it, then you will have to turn off or destroy one of your other buildings to get the Flow you need.

                Workers can defend against hostile intruders, if you turn on the panic button.  Sometimes, before your first Dojo is built, spores may threaten your only Tone Pool, or a Leviathan creature may start attacking one of your buildings to try to destroy it.  If this happens, use the panic button.  Your Workers are physically weak, however, and if you attack a creature with them, expect some of them to die.  (Spores don’t have an attack, so they are not a danger to your Workers… not directly, anyway!)

4.    Tone Creators and Stockpiles


There are three types of Tone, each with its own purpose.  Structure Tone is produced by a Tone Solidifier.  Your Tribal Center will also produce Structure Tone, but at a painfully slow rate.  These balls of solidified Tone are used to build, upgrade, and repair structures.  It is also used when teleporting structures.

Tone Crystals are the densest, most energetic form of Tone.  A Dojo uses these crystals to fuel the large amounts of energy that the trained Floaters use in their attacks.  They are also used for training and healing Floaters.  Tone Crystals and Magic Tone are both required to cast spells.  Tone Crystals are created by Tone Crystal Growers.

Finally, the intangible orbs of Magic Tone makes the casting of spells possible, and some is used with each spell cast.  It also supplies one of the components needed to teleport structures.  It is created by a Magic Tone Creator.

At the start of a game, your Tribal Center has 50 balls of Structure Tone in its stockpile.  It can store up to 150 of each type of Tone.  As you discover more islands, your Tribal Center will become noticeably larger.  A Level 2 Center can stockpile 200 of each type of Tone, and the largest Center can stockpile 250 of each type of Tone.  When you teleport a building, it always draws Magic Tone and Structure Tone from this reserve.

To look at the Tribal Center status, click on any empty part of the screen.  There will be three huts below the “Spare Flow” indicator.  These icons may have a closed roof (no Tone goes in or out of storage, though the reserve of Structure Tone and Magic Tone will still be used when teleporting buildings).  If there is an arrow pointing out of the hut, your Workers may take that type of Tone from your stockpile.  If there is an arrow pointing into the hut, your Workers will begin delivering the appropriate type of Tone to the Tribal Center, unless you are already storing the maximum possible amount.

Each Dojo also has its own stockpile of Crystal Tone (and Magic Tone for mage towers).  If this stockpile is less than maximum, your Workers will automatically start delivering Crystal and/or Magic Tone to the building until the stockpile is at maximum.  This stockpile is used whenever a Floater is trained, or when they must return to the building to heal or recharge.  Trained Floaters will only go back to the Dojo that trained them, never to any other Dojo or your Tribal Center. 

So, if you are under frequent attack, and your trained Floaters are returning frequently to the Dojo, you may want to check the task list and find which task is supplying Tone to that Dojo, and assign more workers to it by raising the task’s priority.  The reason they may be returning frequently may be because there is not enough Tone being delivered to fully recharge the Floaters.

5.    Giving Orders to trained Floaters


The quickest way to give orders to your trained Floaters is to left-click on one of the Floaters from a group, then right-click on a target.  They will perform the most appropriate action based on where you clicked.  If you right-clicked on a building, they will guard that building.  If you right-clicked on a creature or growth, they will attack that creature, and so forth.  You can also send them back to the Dojo to recharge if you have time between attacks, to ensure that they are ready for the next attack.

When you attack an enemy, the Floaters attacking that enemy will automatically try to flee back to their Dojo when either their charge or their health gets too low.  It is advisable later in the game to have at least two Dojos, so that you can have one on the front lines while the other returns to its Dojo to recharge.

Spell casters tend to hang around their mage tower, and will protect it if it is threatened.  You want to keep your mage tower close to the front lines so your mages can respond quickly, but not so close that the building gets threatened because your spell casters are physically weak.  You can order Spell Floaters to a specific location by right-clicking on where you want them to go when their spell tower is selected.

                Remember that you can order your Dojo Floaters to attack your own buildings if you need extra Tone Flow.  If you desperately need Workers, you can attack one of your own Dojos.

6.    Getting Started


No matter which tribe you start the game as, you will start with the same resources: You will have one Tone Pool, four Workers, and 50 Structure Tone in your Tribal Center.  If you play as the Tark, you will start on the island Tarzus; the Cepheans start in the Cephean Sea (duh!), the Dyla start on the island Pangir, and the Zygons originate from the Crystal Caves.

Your first objective should always be to build a Tone Solidifier in one of the small Tone Nodes.  Once that is complete, you should begin construction of a Tone Crystal Grower and your first Dojo.  Your first Dojo will be the Brotherhood of the Tentacle for the Tark, the Clan of Sol for the Zygon, the Banshees for the Cepheans, and the Summoners for the Dyla.

Once all these buildings are completed, you might want to build a Magic Tone Creator and start stockpiling all three types of Tone for later use.  Your Tribal Center can store 150 Tone of each type.  As you visit more islands, your Tribal Center will grow; a Level 2 Tribal Center can store 200 Tone of each type, and a Level 3 Center can store 250 Tone of each type.  Depending on the level of difficulty you selected, you may be able to build all four of these buildings and fill your stockpile without ever encountering any enemies, except for spores.


7.    Early Expansion


Now it’s time to start expanding.  Build a Tone Spreader as close to the edge of the Tone Flow as possible.  This will reveal more Tone Nodes and allow you to see more of the map.  Hopefully, this will include a second Tone Pool, which will have a huge spawner growing over it.

You should start by ordering your trained Floaters to attack any spawn with a ranged attack, especially if there is more than one.  These include the Plasid, Grender, Mesron, Clockwork Sentinel, Anenepode, and Xylus.  If there is more than one of these types of spawn, you may want to ignore any creatures until you’ve destroyed the spawn, because the spawn are much easier to kill.

Next, attack any creatures in the area, then start attacking the spawn without a ranged attack.  Once all the spawn and creatures are gone, start attacking the spawner.  (The spawner itself cannot attack, except to create new creatures; this is why you want to save it for last.)  If the spawner creates any new creatures while you are attacking it, destroy the creature, then return to the spawner.

                This should reveal a new Tone Pool, which may or may not be primed.  If it is not yet primed, build another Tone Spreader as close to the current edge of the map as possible.  This should prime it and allow it to add Tone Flow to your tribe.

                Once you’ve captured a second Tone Pool, you may want to teleport a Tone Solidifier and a Tone Crystal Grower closer to the front lines, or build new ones.  Then build a new Dojo near the front lines.  Have the Floaters from your current Dojo set to guard the Tone Spreader that is closest to the Tone Pool.  This way they can defend the Tone Pool from spores, and defend your workers from Leviathan’s creatures.

                Continue advancing in the same manner: Clear a Tone Pool, and set some of your floaters to guard that general area.  At the lower difficulties, you may not have to keep teleporting your structures to the front lines.  At higher difficulty levels, when the enemy attacks far more frequently, you will probably want to teleport your buildings closer to the front lines as you advance, so that your Floaters won’t have to go so far to recharge.

                Once you have destroyed all Spawners on an island, it becomes a mop-up job, destroying any remaining creatures and growths.  Leviathan creatures cannot cross over the bridges to re-infest an island that has been cleared.

8.    Experience and Advancement


As your Floaters attack the enemy, they gain experience.  All Floaters (except for Mage Floaters) gain one experience point per successful hit.  Mage Floaters gain 5 experience points for each spell they cast.  Floaters with enough experience are able to advance to a higher level.

Simply having the experience is not enough, though.  As you open bridges to new islands, your wisdom increases, and you will be able to upgrade your Dojos, or build a new type of Dojo.  If you can upgrade a Dojo, a blue double-arrow will indicate that it can be upgraded.  Once a Dojo has been enlarged to level two, your two most experienced Floaters from that Dojo will become 2nd-level Floaters.  This will increase their hit points and the strength of their attacks.  Two Workers will be recruited to replace the two 1st-level Floaters.

Likewise, when you upgrade a Dojo to level three, your most experienced 2nd level Floater may be advanced to 3rd level.  Your most experienced 1st-level Floater will be advanced to 2nd level, and a Worker will be recruited to replace the 1st level Floater, for a maximum of six trained Floaters per Dojo.  If your Floaters do not have enough experience to advance, that Dojo may be understaffed for a while. 

                Mage towers are different.  They only train one Floater of each level, for a maximum of three mages per tower. 

                The number of upgrades you will have depends on the size of the world, not on the difficulty level.  On a small world (six islands) you will not be allowed to have most of the upgrades and new Dojos.  On a medium world (ten islands) you will have all but one of the upgrades, and on a large world (14 islands), you will be able to have all the upgrades.  This makes a high-difficulty game with a small world extremely difficult, since you will not have as many high-powered Floaters.  Table 1 at the end of this strategy guide gives you some information on the types of Dojos each tribe can build.

                On most games, you can win with only a few buildings (other than Tone Spreaders).  Usually, this consists of two or three Tone Solidifiers, three Tone Crystal Growers, and two Magic Crystal Generators.  One of each of these, you will keep close to your Tribal Center for when you want to replenish your stockpile.  The others you will place close to your front lines, so that you can resupply your Dojos more quickly.  I usually build two Dojos of each type, except for Mage Towers; I usually only build one Mage Tower, because my mages rarely engage in direct combat.

9.    Late Expansion


You will probably find one or more Bridge Keys on each island.  These are used to open passages to other islands.  I recommend advancing slowly, one island at a time.  When you open a bridge, take a look at the new island first.  You may need to send some trained Floaters to that world to destroy any creatures in the area first.  Otherwise, when you start teleporting your buildings to that world, the building may be attacked, and can be badly damaged or destroyed before the Floaters catch up.  Teleporting a building is instantaneous; the Floaters from that Dojo still have to get to the bridge and cross the bridge to get there.

Also, before you start teleporting buildings, go to your Tribal Center and make sure your stockpile is fully charged.  Remember that the Structure Tone and the Magic Tone stored in your Tribal Center is used to teleport buildings.

                After you have cleared out the creatures, and perhaps the spawn with ranged attacks, the first thing you will teleport is one of your Dojos, followed by a Tone Crystal Grower and a Tone Solidifier.  Teleport more Dojos to the island as you free up more Tone Nodes.

10. Mystic Locations and Artifacts


Each island has one of the ancient Mystic Locations on it.  Each of these mystic locations requires two artifacts to activate it.  You will find these artifacts randomly scattered around the islands.  (This randomness is the reason why it is impossible to write an actual “walkthru” for this game.)  The mystic locations will be on the same islands every time, though.  Table 5 at the end of this strategy guide tells you which artifacts are needed for each mystic location.

Each Mystic Location you activate will give you another rune.  All the runes must be found before you can destroy the Leviathan.  At some point after you get your first rune, an Awakened One will be born.  This special floater will glow blue, so it is easy to identify.  It tends to hover around your Tribal Center, except when you send it to Friid (the Leviathan’s home) to use the runes you’ve collected.  You must keep this floater alive; it is the only one who knows how to use the runes.  It will not act as a Worker, nor can it be used to attack the enemy, except when the Panic button is turned on.

11. Using Spells


This section is slightly out of place, but I had to put it in somewhere.  To use a spell, select a spell tower.  Eight icons will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, each one indicating a different spell.  If the tower doesn’t have any mages experienced enough to cast the spell, the name of the spell will appear in red when you pass your cursor over it.  If you have the skill to cast it (but not necessarily enough Tone Crystals or Magic Tone), the name of the spell will appear in white.

Most spells require a target after casting.  Six spells do not require a target at all.  These are: Healing, Sacrifice, Enchant Tribe, Chi Flare, Cadmus, and Channel Chronomyst. 

Three spells require you to target a Tone Pool.  These are Free Tone Pool, Tone Pool Rebel, and Pool Ward. 

Six spells require you to target one of your Dojos.  These are: Heal Dojo, Repair, Force of Will, Realm Transcend, Stamina, and Racial Memory. 

The spell of Silent Shield is the only one that targets a specific Tone Node.  Enchant Dwelling can target any of your buildings.  Star Disk can be used on any structure or growth except Spawners.  Sky Stoner and Paralyze Growths require you to target a growth, though Paralyze Growth has an area of effect and also paralyzes any growths near the target.  Far Obtain’s target is an artifact.

Spell duration can be classified as Temporary, Instant, or Permanent.  Those with Instant effects are usually those which destroy something.  These are Sacrifice, Star Disk, Sky Stoner, Free Tone Pool, and Chi Flare.

Most spells are temporary, and last for only a certain period of time.  These spells include Channel Chronomyst, Cadmus, Racial Memory, Tone Pool Rebel, Stamina, Enchant Tribe, Realm Transcend, Force of Will, Pool Ward, Silent Shield, Enchant Dwelling, Paralyze Growths, and Far Obtain.

Those spells that I classify as “Permanent” are usually healing spells.  They don’t have a specific duration, and their effects are permanent until the target is damaged again.  These include Heal Dojo, Healing, Repair, and Awaken Spirit. 

Table 2 at the end of this strategy guide tells you which spells can be used by which tribes.  Table 3 tells you how many Crystal Tone and Magic Tone are needed to cast the spell, and a brief description.

12. Useful Spells


This section includes a listing of all the spells in the game, who can use them, and when you will find them most useful.  Some spells are more useful than others.  Your mileage may vary.

                Enchant Dwelling is a 1st-level spell.  The Cepheans and the Tarks can use this spell.  It is most often used when you have a building (any building, not necessarily a Dojo) close to the front lines that the enemy seems determined to destroy.  Casting this spell on that building will temporarily protect it from all damage.

                Far Obtain is a 1st-level spell, used only by the Zygons.  This is useful when you want to grab an artifact that is in a spot surrounded by a lot of dangerous creatures or spawn, and you aren’t ready to try to destroy them yet.  It will fetch an artifact from any visible spot on the island where your mage tower is located.  It would be more useful if it would fetch an artifact from any island, not just the one that the tower is on.

                Heal Dojo is a 1st-level spell, used by the Zygons and the Dyla.  When you cast this spell and pick a Dojo, all the trained Floaters from that Dojo are fully healed.  This is especially useful when you’re engaged in a hot battle on the front lines, and you really can’t risk pulling them back to heal.

                Healing is a 1st-level spell known only by the Dyla.  It calls upon the essence of Tone to heal several of your most wounded Workers.  I didn’t think this spell was that useful, since Workers are usually easy to replace, and if you’re careful, they won’t be attacked anyway.

                Paralyze Growths is known by the Zygons and Cepheans.  This spell must be targeted on a specific Leviathan growth, but it has an area effect, temporarily paralyzing the target and any other growths nearby.  It can be useful when you are getting ready to clear out a large cluster of growths.

                Pool Ward is a 1st-level spell known only to the Dyla.  This is a very useful spell, since it surrounds a Tone Pool with an energy shield that prevents Leviathan Spores from infecting it with a new Spawner.  If you don’t have enough Magic Tone and Crystal Tone in your stockpile, this spell can protect a newly-freed Tone Pool until you can teleport a Dojo close enough to defend it.

                Repair is another 1st-level spell known only to the Dyla.  It is useful in the same circumstances as Enchant Dwelling.  If one of your buildings keeps being attacked, you can use this spell to keep it repaired until help can arrive.  It won’t prevent it from being damaged again, but its relatively low Tone cost makes it economical to cast.

                Sacrifice is a 1st-level spell known to the Tarks.  The Wizard gives up his life, creating a wave of Tone power that will severely damage anything nearby.  I almost never use this spell, because it deprives you of one of your mages until a new one can be trained.

                Silent Shield is a 1st-level spell known only by the Cepheans.  It works like Pool Ward, but it protects a Tone Node from being infected by Leviathan Spawn.  This spell is not really very useful as far as I’m concerned; it’s easy enough to just send some trained Floaters to attack the infection before it grows into a new spawn.

                Star Disk is by far the most useful spell known by the Tarks.  It will destroy a structure or growth at any distance (not spawners, however), so you don’t have to risk your valuable Floaters in a direct assault.

                Awaken Spirit is a 2nd-level spell, known by the Dyla and Tarks.  The target is one of your Dojos.  All Floaters from that Dojo will be given additional hit points equal to their base hit points.  (For example: The base hit points of a Dyla Summoner is 17.  If it had only 11 hit points left, and you cast this spell on its Dojo, 17 more hit points would be added, giving it a total of 28 hit points.)  These hit points are “permanent” until the Floater is damaged again.

                Enchant Tribe is known to the Zygons and Tarks.  It temporarily makes all your workers immune to all harm.  It’s useful when you must send them into combat, or to pick up an artifact surrounded by dangerous growths.

                Free Tone Pool is known by the Cepheans and Dyla.  It summons the Tone Fury (which looks like a glowing magical bird) to destroy a Leviathan Spawner at any distance.  By far this is one of the most useful spells.

                Force of Will is known to the Tarks only.  The target is one of your Dojos.  All Floaters from that Dojo will temporarily have higher strength (more damage per attack) and skill (more damage per attack).

                Realm Transcend is a spell used by the Zygons and Dyla.  The target is one of your Dojos.  It temporarily shifts the Floaters of that Dojo into the next realm of existence, allowing them to have better effectiveness against certain creatures.  Most useful on the higher difficulty levels, where the effect of the tides between the four realms is more pronounced.

                Sky Stoner is also known only by the Tarks.  The target is any Leviathan creature.  It calls down celestial boulders that will totally destroy that creature.  Very useful.

                Stamina is known only by the Zygons.  The target is one of your Dojos.  This allows the Floaters from that Dojo to continue fighting without having to return to the Dojo to resupply their Crystal Tone (though they may still have to return to heal).  Very useful in a pitched battle.

                Tone Pool Rebel is a spell used by the Cepheans.  It temporarily paralyzes the Spawner that you use it on, so it can’t create spores or new creatures.

                Cadmus is a 3rd-level spell known by the Cepheans and the Tarks.  It mesmerizes the hostile creatures (both growths and creatures) so they turn their hostility randomly against each other.  Very useful.

                Channel Chronomyst is known by the Zygons and Dyla.  It temporarily doubles the speed of all your Floaters, both your Workers and your trained Floaters.  Exceptionally useful.

                Chi Flare is a spell used only by the Zygons.  No target is required; the area of effect is centered on the caster, shattering anything nearby.  Rarely useful to me because I don’t let my mages get into front line battles.

                Finally, Racial Memory is used only by the Cepheans.  It temporarily shifts the Floaters of a Dojo into the previous realm of existence, which can change how effective they are against certain creatures.  Most useful at the higher levels of difficulty.

                Keep in mind that in a multi-player game of The Tone Rebellion, any spell that targets a Dojo can be used on the Dojos of another friendly tribe, though this is hard to coordinate.

13. The Final Assault on Friid


The island of Friid, home of the Leviathan, can be tough, especially at the higher levels of difficulty.  It has no less than six Spawners creating spores and creatures, surrounded by dozens of growths.  The rune towers are also here; there is one rune tower corresponding to one of the runes you have collected.  If possible, use long-range spells like Star Disk to destroy growths, Free Tone Pool or Tone Pool Rebel to destroy or paralyze the Spawners, or Cadmus to turn the growths and creatures against each other.

If you don’t have some of those spells, attacking from both sides is advisable.  There are three Spawners on each side of the Leviathan, and the quicker you can kill them the better.  Once your Floaters are no longer being threatened, send in the Awakened One to use the runes.  There is one rune for each tower.  As you use the runes, the towers are destroyed.  Once all the towers are destroyed, the Leviathan will also be destroyed.  Game over!

                I hope this strategy guide helps you in your quest to defeat the Leviathan.  If you have any questions, or need more help, I’m willing to try.  Send comments and e-mail to:


Marcus Spears



Table 1: Building Types


                                                Tark                                       Zygon                    Cephean                                Dyla

Name                                     Brotherhood of Tentacle   Clan of Sol            Banshees               Summoners

Range (1)                              close                                       160                         close                       230

Realm (2)                              physical                                 supernatural         ethereal                  natural

Hit Points (3)                        17                                           13                           14                           17

Attack Charge (4)                19                                           13                           14                           19

Strength (3)                           5                                              5                              5                              5

Speed (1)                               3                                              4                              4                              3

Levels                                    1-3                                          1-3                          1-3                          1-3


                                                Tark                                       Zygon                    Cephean                                Dyla

Name                                     Gazers                                    Spirit Callers         Stormers                Den of the Beast

Range (1)                              145                                         close                       175                         close

Realm (2)                              supernatural                         ethereal                  natural                   physical

Hit Points (3)                        14                                           15                           15                           14

Attack Charge (4)                17                                           15                           16                           17

Strength (3)                           4                                              5                              3                              4

Speed (1)                               3                                              3                              4                              3

Levels                                    1-3                                          1-3                          1-3                          1-3


                                                Tark                                       Zygon                    Cephean                                Dyla

Name                                     League of the Star               Light Shaping       Astral Travelers    Wind Shapers

Range (1)                              120                                         close                       195                         close

Realm (2)                              physical                                 supernatural         ethereal                  natural

Hit Points (3)                        15                                           14                           13                           16

Attack Charge (4)                19                                           14                           16                           18

Strength (3)                           5                                              6                              4                              3

Speed (1)                               4                                              4                              3                              4

Levels                                    1-2                                          1-2                          1-2                          1-2


                                                Tark                                       Zygon                    Cephean                                Dyla

Name                                     Soc. Of Magicians               Sorcerors               Arcania                  Druids

Range (1)                              close                                       close                       close                       close

Realm (2)                              physical                                 supernatural         ethereal                  natural

Hit Points (3)                        16                                           14                           15                           16

Attack Charge (4)                10                                           10                           10                           12

Strength (3)                           3                                              2                              2                              2

Speed (1)                               3                                              4                              4                              3

Levels                                    1-3                                          1-3                          1-3                          1-3


1)       I’m not sure how the range is measured; possibly in pixels.  I also don’t know exactly how speed is determined.

2)       Remember the progression: Physical dominates Supernatural, Supernatural dominates Ethereal, Ethereal dominates Natural, and Natural dominates Physical.  Physical may dominate Ethereal, and Supernatural may dominate Natural, depending on the tides between realms.  This means that some creatures will be more or less resistant to your attacks.

3)       This indicates the basic Hit Points and Strength of the Floaters.  As they go up in level, these two values will also go up.

4)       The Attack Charge indicates how many attacks that these Floaters may make before they must return to their Dojo to recharge.  Usually, they retreat automatically when they are down to 2 or 3 charges.

Table 2: Spell Types


Race                                       1st level                                   2nd level                                  3rd level

Zygons                                   Heal Dojo                             Realm Transcend                                Chi Flare

                                                Paralyze Growths                                Enchant Tribe                      Channel Chronomyst

                                                Far Obtain                             Stamina


Cepheans                              Paralyze Growths                                Force of Will                         Cadmus

                                                Enchant Dwelling                Free Tone Pool                     Racial Memory

                                                Silent Shield

                                                Tone Pool Rebel


Dyla                                       Heal Dojo                             Awaken Spirit                       Channel Chronomyst

                                                Healing                                  Realm Transcend

                                                Repair                                    Free Tone Pool

                                                Pool Ward


Tarks                                      Enchant Dwelling                Awaken Spirit                       Cadmus

                                                Sacrifice                                                Force of Will

                                                Star Disk                                Enchant Tribe

                                                                                                Sky Stoner


Table 3: Spell Descriptions


                All spell effects (except for ones that completely destroy a spawner, growth, or creature) are temporary.  The caster must have enough magic tone and tone crystals to cast the spell (stored in the mage tower he’s from).  Unless otherwise specified, spells that affect floaters (such as Awaken Spirit) affect only floaters from one dojo.


Spell Name                           Magic Tone          Tone Crystals       Description

Awaken Spirit                       33                           13                           Double floater’s hit points

Cadmus                                 59                           33                           Make enemies randomly attack each other

Channel Chronomyst         46                           22                           Double the speed of all floaters

Chi Flare                                39                           18                           Shatter anything nearby (area effect)

Enchant Dwelling                10                           9                              Protect structure from damage

Enchant Tribe                      36                           17                           Make workers immune to harm

Far Obtain                             9                              14                           Fetch an artifact from visible location

Force of Will                         28                           17                           Boost floater’s might and skill

Heal Dojo                             9                              7                              Heal all floaters from one dojo

Healing                                  12                           9                              Heal most workers

Paralyze Growths                                16                           11                           Paralyze Leviathan growths (area effect)

Pool Ward                             14                           10                           Protect a Tone Pool from infection 

Racial Memory                    43                           18                           Shift floaters into previous realm

Realm Transcend                                34                           12                           Shift floaters into next realm

Repair                                    9                              12                           Completely repair a building

Sacrifice                                                11                           17                           Wizard self-destructs, area effect damage

Sky Stoner                            7                              13                           Destroy any spawn of the Leviathan

Silent Shield                          12                           7                              Protect a Tone Node from infection

Stamina                                 22                           19                           Allow the floaters of a dojo to fight w/o rest

Star Disk                                11                           13                           Blast a growth (not spawners) at any dist.

Tone Pool Rebel                  35                           12                           Temporarily freeze a spawner

Table 4: Enemy Types


Spawn Name                        Range                    Realm                    Hit Points              Strength                 Speed

Spores                                    n/a                          all                            4                              n/a                          1

Rakalingus                            close                       physical                 16                           4                              2

Broontilingus                        close                       physical                 27                           7                              3

Zeeth                                      130                         physical                 11                           4                              2

Keth                                       130                         physical                 18                           7                              3

Drack                                     close                       supernatural         13                           3                              3

Nadrack                                                close                       supernatural         22                           6                              3

Tone Wasp                           140                         supernatural         8                              3                              3

Sasp                                       140                         supernatural         13                           6                              3

Ronth                                     close                       ethereal                  14                           5                              4

Varnth                                   close                       ethereal                  23                           8                              4

Metha                                    150                         ethereal                  9                              4                              3

Koalint                                   150                         ethereal                  15                           7                              3

Zwacker                                                close                       natural                   15                           3                              3

Zwaup                                   close                       natural                   25                           6                              3

Shandi                                   160                         natural                   10                           5                              2

Flindex                                   160                         natural                   17                           8                              2


Growth Name                       Range                    Hit Points              Strength

Blind Arm                             close                       15                           3

Blistin                                     close                       10                           5

Quitch                                    close                       18                           4

Hydron                                  close                       22                           7

Fire Hive                                close                       24                           8

Mabus                                   close                       23                           10

Plasid                                     150                         9                              2

Grender                                  100                         13                           3

Mesron                                  200                         11                           4

Clockwork Sentinel             175                         20                           5

Anenepode                           260                         15                           6

Xylus                                      320                         16                           6

Table 5: Mystical Locations and Artifacts


                All mystical locations require two artifacts to activate.  These artifacts will be randomly scattered across the islands, so I can’t tell you where to find them.  The mystical locations themselves will always be on one specific island.  Each mystical location you activate, gives you another of the runes needed to defeat the Leviathan.  You do not have to find or deliver the artifacts in any particular order, nor do you have to activate the mystic locations in any particular order.


Mystic Location                                  Island                                     Artifact 1                               Artifact 2

Mantu the Still                                     Tarzus                                    Tetrajen                                 Octajen

Tone Amplifier                                     Crystal Cave                        Taze Crystal                         Taze Crystal

Vortex of Perception                           Cephean Sea                        Ether Lantern                       Ether Lantern

Last Respiria Plant                              Pangir                                     Respiria Spore                      Growth Tone

Dreest the Bog Shade                         Dreen Bog                             skull of a Floater                  skull of New One

The Krajin                                             Onsama                                 idol of Strength                    idol of Surrender

The Hall of Stories                              Palomon                                                Key                                         Key

Memory of the Ancestors                  The Core                               Lunar Disk                            Solar Disk

Shrine of the Storm                             Frenza                                    Xaphen                                  Xenog

Disk of Time                                         Lethe                                      Power Disk                            Sands of Time

Spire of the Dead                                 Mymus                                  Lamp of the Living             Lamp of Dead

Haunt of the Mad One                       Morfid                                   Tone Canister                       Tone Canister

Span of Norasten                                                Norasten                                East Key                                West Key