Space Empires - Star Fury

Questions & Answers


1. Error after hitting the Start button.

Make sure that you have DirectX 7.0 or better installed on your machine.

2. Garbled graphics in game.

Some video cards have trouble with graphics stored in video memory. When you start the game, select Setup. In the Setup window, click the Change button next to Video Memory Usage so that the value reads "Safe". This will make sure that all graphics are loaded into system memory and should clear up your problems.

3. Slow game play.

The game defaults to having the maximum details possible. You can set these lower to increase your game performance. When you first run the game, select the Setup button. In the Setup window you can do the following:

Video Mode - Set your video mode to a lower screen resolution.

3D Device - Be sure that your 3D device is Direct3D and not software emulation.

Sight Distance - Set this to Medium or Low.

Stellar Detail - Set this to Low (you'll need to start a new game).

Background Detail - Set this to Low.

4. The game crashes while a campaign is being created.

Check to see what kind of sound card you have. For some reason (we're looking into it), the older drivers for SoundBlaster sound cards are causing problems. The problem appears to be solved by downloading and installing the laster drivers for your sound card.

5. The music in the game does not play.

First make sure that you have Music selected in the Game Options window within Starfury. Secondly, on some machines, you need to have Media Player be the default player for MP3 files. You can do this by starting Media Player (usually is in Start\All Programs\Accessories\Entertainment\Windows Media Player) and then selecting Tools\Options from the menu. In the Options dialog, select the tab File Types. In the list, make sure that MP3 Audio File (MP3) is checked, and then press OK.

General Questions:

1. Why does your speed sometimes get set to 10% of maximum?

There could be two reasons for your slow movement. One is that your ship have taken engine damage and your maximum speed is reduced. Another more likely possibility is that you have left the solar system. If you leave the boundaries of the solar system, your ship's speed is automatically set to 10%. You can tell if you've left the solar system by looking at your radar map (your white dot will be missing or on the very edge of the map), or by turning on the grid and you're no longer on it.

2. Why can't you fire any weapon banks other than the forward one? Ie there's no point installing weapons in hardpoints other than forward because you can't fire them.

You can definitely fire other weapon banks than just the forward one. All ships have 4 weapon bank designations. You can fire a weapon bank by pressing the 1, 2, 3, and 4 keys. Weapon banks are collections of weapons on your ship. Which weapons fire for a given bank is completely up to you. When you are in the Inventory window, you will notice a number in the bottom left hand corner of each weapon. This is the number of the weapon bank it belongs to. By default, all weapons on your ship are put into weapon bank 1. You can change the weapon bank by moving your mouse pointer over a weapon and then pressing 1 - 4. On the main screen, when you press the 2 key, you will fire all weapons on the Inventory screen which have the number 2 on them.

3. What's the point of the additional sensor array you can get, it says +x ls radar map but doesn't do anything.

On your radar map on the main window, your ship can pick up all planets and bases within a solar system. You can only detect ships up to the range of your best sensor array. Ships will only be displayed on your radar map when they get within your sensor range. This applies to the System Map Window as well.

4. How come Pirates can get ships with rear firing weapons but you can't?

The firing arcs for weapons are dependent on the ship class. Once you purchase a new ship with a different design, you will see that classes have different firing arcs. Small ships like the Destroyer normally only have forward firing weapons. The Terran Cruiser has 4 weapon arcs, 2 which fire forward, and 2 which fire to the sides. Different races have different concepts on what the best arcs are for weapons. Pirates like to have a weapon arc firing directly backwards in case they're being chased for some reason...

5. How do you survive being attacked by 2 Amonkrie destroyers, 1 Amonkrie cruiser, 3 pirate cruisers, and 4 pirate fighters at the same time?

Run, run like hell. A lowly Terran Destroyer cannot hope to survive in a battle against this many enemies. Your best strategy with a small fast ship is to pick off ships away from their support forces. Also, keep your ship well stocked with Emergency Shield Capacitors, Emergency Armor Plating, and Emergency Hull Plating. Some players even try to stay near fellow Terran Ships for protection...

Campaign Problems:

1. In the third campaign, after destroying the Sithrak Starbase, the story does not continue. The mission does not complete and the contact doesn't give any new missions.

There seems to be a bug that occurs sometimes with the destruction of the starbase. To get around it, entering the following cheat codes:

1. At the main window type "~".

2. Then type “triggerevent Event Commander Bensen 6 Finish C”.

3. Then type "~" again.

This will trigger the event that should have fired when you destroyed the starbase. You can now visit your contact for more missions.

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