Complete safe-solutions to
Safecracker by Daydream Software from Peter Ekstrom

This is not a walkthrough of every room in the game, only the
solutions to the safes and the contents of them. Its listed by room-number
but you may not be able to go in that order when you play.

Color Codes:
Name of safe
Solution to safe
Contents of safe

Plans over the house can be found in room 1, Receptions. May come in handy.

Room 0 - The street

Lock on gate:
Get all three musical symbols

Entrance code:

1st floor

Room 1 - Reception (2 safes)

Blue safe
3 1 4
7 x 25c coins,
First piece of elevator codekey (1)

Green safe
This puzzle you have to solve on your own :)
Key to archive, room 6
Key to strongbox in storeroom, room 27
Photo with code to keydisplay, room 10

(Try the Computer)

Room 2 - Small showroom (3 safes)

Blue safe
Hit the switches in this order:
4 2 6 7
3 5 1 8
Note on Libertysafe, room 5

Grey safe
3 2
3 1
Crank to clockmotor, room 55

Brown safe
1 1
5 5
Scrolls to T-1001

Room 3 - Designers room (1 safe)

Jukebox safe
Put in a 50p coin (from strongbox, room 27),
Match the scrambled artist names with the right song:

12    5    11    4 

11    1     6     9 

8     10   12    7 

1      9     4     6 

10    2     8     5 

3      7     3     2 

Jimi Henrix - Purple Haze
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away
The Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
The Beach Boys - California Girls
David Bowie - Lets Dance
Crash Test Dummies - Mmmm mmm
Guns AND Roses - Paradise City
Elvis presley - Hound Dog
The Beatles - She Loves You
Bruce Springsteen - Born In The USA
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Whitney Houston - How Will I Know

A clue can be foundin coffin in room 59
Codes to final safe

Room 4 - Coffee room

No safes in here

Room 5 - Constructors Office (1 safe)

Liberty safe
Key no.2 to safe room 7,
Diapicture disc to safe room 6

Room 6 - Chief Engineer (1 safe, 1 archive)

Green safe
Use diapicture from Libertysafe room 5
Second piece of elevator codekey (8)

Key from Green safe, room 1
Note on clockmotor, room 55

Room 7 - Big Showroom (4 safes)

Green Flower safe
Get all flowers in the same color (red & yellow)
Get one flower right then click that on until all three are right.
Egyptian Cypher (1) to Pyramid safe, room 49,
Scrolls to T-1001

Green blind language safe
Turn: 1 right - 5 left - 4 right - 2 left
Key no 3 to safe, room 13,
Codes to final safe

Red key safe
Keys from:
Liberty safe, room 5
Keybox, room 9
Silver safe, room 7
Fourth piece of elevator codekey (2),
Blueprint on coffegrinder, room 21

Silver safe
Block key from Refridgeratorsafe, room 21
Key no 1 to safe, room 13

Room 8 - Cloak room

No safes in here

Room 9 - Security guard (Keybox, Archive)

Key from strongbox, storeroom room 27
Key no 3 to safe room 7
Key to room 52
Key no 1 to safe room 13
Note on Clocksafe, room 34

Note on handdryersafe, room 21

Room 10 - Secret room, floor 1 (1 safe, 1 keydisplay)

Type in O - P - Q - N in that order
Dispenser key to bars, room 10

Use dispenser key on lock on bars

Job Contract,
Video cassette to Video, room 52

Room 11 - Customer Support ( 1 safe)

Red voice safe
Get dictaphone from lettertray on desk, play tape to safe
Key no 3 to safe, room 13,
Codes on Final safe,
Note on Radiosafe, room 36

Room 12 - Sales & Export (1 safe)

Blue safe
1 6
5 2
Codes to Final safe

(Try the computer)

Room 13 - Administration (1 safe)

Red safe
Keys from:
Red safe, room 11
Keybox, room 9
"Blind script" safe, room 7
Codes to Final safe

Room 14 - Sick room

No safes in here

Check cupboard on wall for third elevator codekey (1)

Room 15-17 doesnt exist

Room 18 - Stairwell/Cannon Annex (1 safe)

Elevator code: 1812

Harnesk-safe in stairs
Key to handdryersafe, room 24,
Scroll to T-1001

2nd floor

Lite fuse (just click on it)
Thermos, crackers, soft-cheese (in case youre hungry)

Look at painting on wall over stairs, cracks safe in room 31

Room 19-20 doesnt exist

Room 21 - Kitchen (1 safe, 1 hidden door)

Refridgerator safe
Fill the thermometors to: C=9,5 - F=49 - K=282,5
Apple, Banana, Milk Carton, Lightbulb
Block key to Silver safe, room 7
Scrolls to T-1001

Turn to open hidden door to cellar

Room 22-23 doesnt exist

Room 24 - WC (1 safe)

Push red button, use key from Harnesksafe, room 18
Scroll to T-1001

Room 25-26 doesnt exist

Room 27 - Technical Design (1 safe)

Blue safe
Hit swithes in this order:

1    12    8    9

2    11    7   10

16  13    3    6

15  14    4    5

Codes to Final safe,
Scrolls to T-1001

Store room, Strongbox
Key from Green safe, room 1
3 x 50p coins (to Jukebox safe, room 3)
3 x 3d coins (to Jestersafe, room 32)
Key to keybox, room 9

Room 28-30 doesnt exist

2nd floor

Room 31 - Dept. Chief Export (1 safe)

Picture safe
Get the picture right, like on wall in over stairs, room 18
Scrolls to T-1001

Room 32 - Dept. Chief Marketing (1 safe, 1 drawer)

Jester safe
Use 3d coin from Strongbox, room 27,
Dont quite know how I cracked this one :)
Codes to Final safe

Check drawer for Note with flags

Room 33 doesnt exist

Room 34 - Purchasing Dept. (1 safe)

Clock safe
Use note from keybox, room 9,
Turn the time to 3 - 7 - 1
Egyptian cypher (2)to Pyramid safe, room 49
Codes to Final safe

Room 35 doesnt exist

Room 36 - Company Psycologist (1 safe)

Radio safe
Use note from voicesafe, room 11,
Push L, turn to Radio 1,
Push S, turn to Radio 4,
Push M, turn to Radio Star,
Push S, turn to Radio Luxemburg,
Push O
Codes to Final safe

Room 37 - Library

No safes in here, but a secret door to Crabb´s office,
a shortcut (!) to the cellar and a couple of books to read.

Shortcut to cellar
In one corner of the Library were theres a sign that
says "Please do not pull" what do you do? Of course you pull :)

Secret door to Crabb´s Office (only way in)
Right next to the "Please do not pull"-sign, check books in bookshelf.

Room 38-43 doesnt exist

Room 44 - Conference room (1 safe)

Boat safe
Turn: 2 right - 4 left - 2 right - 5 left
Scrolls to T-1001

Room 45 doesnt exist

Room 46 - Music Chamber (1 safe)

Piano safe
Either play "Twinkle little star" on piano if you know it,
else play taperecorder to hear it first
Egyptian Cypher (3) to Pyramid safe, room 49
Codes to Final safe

Room 47 doesnt exist

Room 48 - Hall/Secretary´s office/kitchen

No safes in here, but a secret stair to room 55, cellar
behind on of the paintings in Hall

Room 49 - Egyptian room (1 safe)

Pyramid safe
Use Egyptian cypher no 3, turn Pyramid levels to match.
Photo with code to keydisplay, room 10
Codes to final safe

Room 50-51 doesnt exist

Room 52 - Crabb´s Office (1 safe, 1 hidden door)

Final safe
A5, B8, C4, D3, E7, F9, G0, H1, I2, J5, K6, L3

Use chesspiece on chesstable. Put it next to the
Black King. Enter hidden stairs.

Use Videocassett from room 10 in video

Room 53-54 doesnt exist

Room 55 - Cellar (2 safes, 2 hidden doors to rooms 57 & 59)

Heavy key from room 57
Note on Chess,
Photo with code to keydisplay, room 10,
7 x 25c coins to slotmachine, room 55,
Bottle of whiskey

Click on Jester to open, beat the pokerhand
Codes to Final safe

Hidden door to room 59
Look for a switch on wall behind table

Hidden door to room 57
Follow corridor behind table, at hidden door room 59
Use crank on clockmotor at end of corridor, opens
hidden door in fireplace.

This is optional:
You can read the childrens book about Ted Dead & his ABC
to get clue on slotmachine.

You can play slotmachine if you like, use 25c coins, to win
you need to get Apple-Banana-Lemon.

You can click on Ted to watch him...

Room 56 - Corridor to street

No safes in here

Room 57 - Corridor to hidden stairs to room 48, hall.

No safes in here

Room 58 - Key-weighing machine

Read book on shelf for clues on machine

Key-weighing machine
Pick key no 4
Heavy key to Barrelsafe, room 55

Room 59 - Chest room

Open chest to get clue on Jukeboxsafe, room 3
Check shelf for Code to T-1001