quick walk-through - v 1.36







A01 – the can

You start in A01 right in the john.

Take the air vent next to the throne. Also take Gorgious' ass-wipe (military issue) and the WC Duck on the shelves.

Assemble the air vent and the ass-wipe and use this new combined object on the toilet window. Short clip, Bud spits, the vent rises and attaches itself near the ceiling.

Climb onto the roof using the bog roll which hangs down for you to move on to A02.

A02 – Father Christmas' roof

Look down the chimney. Chat with Father Christmas. Use the Toilet Duck on the chimney. Bud pours the abrasive product in there, Father Christmas bites the soot: the way is free to go into the cellar.

A03 - The crypt

Just in front of the fireplace where you arrived, get the sulfuric acid can. Take a quick look at Father Christmas to see him dying admirably. You can also look up the chimney for what it's worth.

At the far end of the crypt you will find a claw and a funnel. Grab all that, it's important. Run to the other end of the cellar where you'll find a lovely closed coffin.

Use the claw to open the coffin, then shove the funnel in the zombie's mouth. Use the sulfuric acid can on the funnel. Now it's the zombie's turn to kick the bucket and dissolve horribly. Bud now gets the key.

Go back to the other side of the crypt, climb the stairs and use the key on the lock to get to the cellar.

A04 – The cellar

Grab the giant flyswatter standing up against the wall. Put it at the bottom of the stairs and move back a bit to switch off the light (the switch is on the post in the middle of the room). Bolok will soon be along, and with the lights out he won't see the trap you've cunningly prepared: the coast is clear. Climb the stairs. You're now in A16 in the ground floor corridor. From here you can get to most parts of the house.

Climb the stairs up to the A10 attic backroom (go via the ground floor corridor, the first floor corridor then on to the attic).

A10 – The attic backroom

Walk into the attic backroom. On you left you will find a dark corner, go in. Grope around on the floor until you will find a switch, press it. And there was light! Close the lid of the chest, and jump up on it. You can now reach the crank at the top of the shelf, put it in your inventory.

Go to the far end of the room, near the bay window. In one of the beams there's a hole, it's the entry point to the mechanism that opens the main window. Use the crank on the hole. Now you can go up onto the roof.

A09 – The roof

After a quick balancing act on the cornice, you get to big plank. Take it and use it on the cornice on the other side to create a makeshift bridge. Go across and you'll come to a ladder. Climb right up to the top onto the other part of the roof where our "friend" the stork is waiting.

Chat with the stork. Nothing can be done, he's dreadfully unpleasant. Not to worry, you've now found a new way into the all-important inaccessible room. Go down to the ground floor.

A16 – Ground floor

You will find no less than 6 access points here, so familiarize yourself with the place. Once you get to the bottom of the stairs, hurry along to the right of the screen. You will come to a door (leading to the kitchen); there's another door even further along in the innermost recess. This is the garage door. Go in.

A11 – The garage

In the garage, get Stereo's rocket. There's a pile of them in a box.

While you're there you can climb onto the chest to inflate your blow-up nipple, play darts or even check out an alien porn mag.

Let's get out of here and make our way to the kitchen (the door is in the ground floor corridor, just in front of the garage door).

A12 – The kitchen

Go to the far end of the kitchen, rummage through the drawers until you find a nice lighter which will come in most handy to see to that stork.

Now head for the lounge (the door on the left at the other end of the ground floor corridor) where you'll find the main chimney, the carnivorous plant and the organ.

A13 – The lounge

Open the first cupboard if you want to have your head smashed by an altogether nasty teddy bear, or go to the far side of the room if you want to get eaten by the carnivorous plants.

Otherwise, your best bet is to put the rocket in the fireplace and light the fuse with your newly acquired lighter. There, no more stork and the coast's clear.

But let's get a few objects that are sure to come in handy. Go to the first floor and head for the bathroom (turn right at the top of the stairs).

A17 – The bathroom

Open the washing machine and get the key. Now head for Candy's bedroom – the other door at the far end of the corridor.

A07 – Candy's bedroom

Start by opening the cupboard to get Candy's Talvin Slime pantyhose. Now use the key you took from the washing machine to open Candy's dressing table drawer. Put the hair dryer in your inventory (the one in the drawer, not the one standing up). Now off to the second floor and the TV room.

A08 –TV room

This is an impressive room with a few moronic clips in the corners (in particular the return of the punching Teddy hidden in the cupboard), however there's only one thing that really interests us: the extension cord.

Go behind the TV set and grab the extension cord. There you go, now you can free the four Space Goofs who by now must be starting to freeze in their giant block of ice.

Go back to A09 on the stork's roof and drop down the chimney to the spaceship room in A05.

A05 –The spaceship room

Make sure you don't walk in front of the cupboard: Bolok is hidden inside, and won't think twice about freezing you with his laser ending in game over.

Use Candy's pantyhose on the wardrobe. Bud throws the end of the pantyhose over the balcony.

Now it's time to get out of the house. Remember not to pass in front of the wardrobe. Take the chimney and go into the kitchen (drop down to the ground floor and open the back door inside the kitchen).

A14 – Outside the house

Once you get out of the kitchen you'll see a lawnmower and the pantyhose hanging down. Now let's do away with Bolok: tie the pantyhose to the lawnmower and start it. The wardrobe flies through the air and Bolok is stunned for a moment. Now go back up to the spaceship room, this time going through the door - Bolok is no longer a danger (go via the TV room A08 and take the attic corridor or, if you like the long route, take the stork's chimney).

A05 – The spaceship room

The four extra-terrestrials are waiting calmly to be freed. Near the door you will see a power socket; plug in the extension cord. Now plug the hair dryer in to the extension: with that, Bud melts the block of ice and his friends are freed.

Etno will now takes matters in hand. You've almost finished the game's first chapter, all that's left to do is to find Etno's precious encyclopaedia in his secret lab.

A15 – The secret lab

Etno's encyclopaedia is in the safe. Unfortunately, Etno's computer seems to have taken over here… His AI program is no doubt a little too advanced, since it now controls the opening and closing of the safe. Watch out, the computer is pretty smart. Don't let it guess that you intend quitting the planet and, above all, that you will do so without it and with no scruples.

Start by chatting with it a little. You will find out that what it wants to do more than anything is meet Maurice. This is its Achilles' heel. Etno must therefore disguise himself and pretend to be Maurice. For this, you need to use the SMTV.

At the other end of the lab, the SMTV is waiting for you, folded up in a suitcase. Press on the suitcase and the SMTV deploys itself. The trouble is the battery's flat, which makes the SMTV useless. Take the battery in your inventory. Now head to the other side of the lab, walk under the telescope. A large inoperative machine stands against the wall. This machine is of no interest for us, but just to the side of it you will see a power socket on the wall. Plug in the battery to recharge it. Etno recovers it, freshly charged. Go back to the SMTV and connect it to the battery. Yippee, the SMTV starts up, you can jump up on it.

Etno transforms himself into Maurice, a sort of giant laboratory rat. No matter, the computer has never seen anyone other than Etno. It will mistake you for Maurice. You go and chat with the computer, this time it should open the safe.

Go inside the safe, take the encyclopaedia and come out again.

One last little development: the brief return of Bolok, and you're up and away aboard the spaceship…

… but not for long.



The Space Goofs' ship crashes into the marshes. In the distance, they make out the Rednecks' cow dung factory. Etno is sure that by mixing some cow dung with the fuel, he'll be able to get the ship airborne again. Gorgious and Candy are designated as volunteers to go in search of the dung; they head off through the marshes.

B03 – The chick zone

Candy gets eaten by Bernard-Henri Moumouchf, the turd and fly monster, while Gorgious continues his route towards the dung factory to accomplish his mission. He is soon followed by a horde of chicks. Frag-grenade chicks.

Nothing special here, you can look at, and grab, the chicks. Let's make our way to the left.

B05 – The marshlands around the factory

Just after the chick zone and just before you get to the far left of your screen, you can get a branch in a half-dead tree.

The marshlands are vast, you can go all around the factory, but for now there's no way in. Go to the manhole cover. Don't hang about – get going towards the factory: this is when the chicken-zilla shows up, mother of all the chicks you encountered previously.

The chicken-zilla stops by the manhole. You can look at the chicken-zilla or hit her with the branch, but what you really need to do is to get her to talk: this particular race of chick can't stand being talked to, it makes them explode. Now the coast is clear, the manhole cover blown away and you can drop down into the pipes and drains.

B06-B07 – The pipelines

Candy joins Gorgious for a short while after being spat out by Bernard-Henri Moumouchf. But soon the two friends will have to go their separate ways. First you'll play with Candy.

B09 – Candy's pipeline

In these filthy surroundings, Candy goes further down the pipeline before falling in a hole.

B19 – Candy's corridor

Knock on the door. No reply. Knock again, and Candy wipes her feet and decides to enter.

B20 – At Nelson's

Candy meets Nelson. Having marveled at the charming surroundings, Candy soon sees that Nelson is not a very pleasant or kindly character. We leave Candy in this awkward situation to join Gorgious.

B08 – Gorgious' pipeline

Advance through the pipeline and climb up the ladder.

B10 – Goods lift corridor

After swallowing a manhole cover and a large tire, Gorgious decides to use the goods lift. Press on the big red button to make it go up.

B11 – Cow's arse platform

At the heart of the factory lies a constellation of cows' arses which "produce" the dung non-stop. Unfortunately Gorgious will not be able to help himself here, since gathering the dung soon reveals itself to be more complicated than was at first thought. Make your way along the footbridge to go to the other side of the platform.

B16 – Cow's head platform

If you like, you can chat a little with the cows. Unfortunately they don't have a great deal to say. Turn to the left.

Here you will find a small elevator. Take the elevator, head for footbridge B12 and the foreman's office B13.

B12 – The footbridge

Nothing special here. Admire the view over all those cows. Enter the foreman's office.

B13 – The foreman's office

Just after the small steps, you'll find a large cooking pot on the left. Gorgious will seriously need it in a moment. But this one's full and he can't carry it. You'll have to empty it. Use the ladle two times to empty the pot. You can now put it in your inventory. Go to the far end of the foreman's office to his secret sanctuary: the Dung Museum. Some very rare pieces are exhibited here for you to admire.

One piece in particular is of interest to us: the giant prehistoric turd in the shape of a massive club; you'll find it at the far end of the museum, after climbing 3 small steps.

If you try to take the club directly without due care, you'll be mowed down by the protection system (Gatling machine gun and old blunderbuss which come out of the ceiling and floor respectively). First you must use the pot for protection, that way you can take the club. A chick suddenly appears at top speed to lecture you. If this proves to be tiring, strike it down with the club.

Go out of the foreman's office, cross the foot bridge and go back down to the cow's head platform.

B16 – Cow's head platform

Once you come out of the elevator, go to the left of the screen. A small platform is waiting for you. Use the platform. It will take you to junction B14.

B14 – The junction

Once you get to the junction, look for the stairs that go up (towards the left of the screen) and take them. You will come to the top of the factory, on the roof in the middle of the propellers where there's a strong air current.

B15 – The factory roof

Once you get to the top, make your way to the right by the giant neon sign.

At the end of the platform, a redneck is busy welding. His gas cylinder is of interest to us.

Chat with him a bit if you like, but be careful not to annoy him, and do not attempt to take his gas cylinder straight away, as this could vex him and he'll fry you with his welding arc. In fact, you have one last weapon that you can use to neutralize him: the turd club. Use the club on the redneck to knock him out. Now grab the gas cylinder and add it to your inventory.

Go back down a level to the junction.

B14 – The junction

Once at the junction, don't go back down to the cow's head platform just yet, Gorgious still has to get one object in the storeroom. To get there, go through the small arch at the far end.

Be careful, you'll come across Ricky, the watchdog. He's pretty ferocious, so don't get too close, or game over is just around the corner. You've got to get rid of him to get to the storeroom. You can try throwing the anvil and the plank at him to excite him a bit, but only the gas cylinder you took from the redneck welder will really do the job: throw it for him. Ricky eats it, inflates like a balloon and flies up and away. Your way is clear. Before entering the storeroom through the wire fencing door, don't forget to grab Ricky's kennel (Gorgious can devour the dog's bowl while he's at it).

Once in the first room of the storeroom, you can get the skateboard which will be used later to move a cow. Continue to the back of the storeroom. Put the kennel at the bottom of the boxes and climb up and get the generator.

Now go back to the cow's head platform at the bottom.

B16 – The cow's head platform

There's one more elevator we still haven't used on the right. Make your way towards it, but don't take it straight away.

Examine the cows closely. One of them has a ring through its nose: this is the cow we are interested in. Use the generator on the cow. Gorgious attaches it. Now start the generator; the cow is hauled off the wall! Gorgious can try all he likes to push the cow, it won't budge. Place the skateboard under its feet and it will move much more easily. Now push it in the elevator and go down with it. Head for the platform above the silos.

B17 – The platform above the silos

Here there's a small maze, easy to get through. Gorgious will have fun pushing the cow up to a steel armored door, a chamber leading to the ventilation duct. Push the cow inside.

B18 – The ventilation duct

Gorgious enters pushing the cow, almost there now! All that's left to do is to get the cow down the duct.

There's a hook on the ground – use it on the cow. Now activate the lever. The cow goes down gently, Gorgious jumps on its back.

Now it's time for Candy to play, she too has had her fair share of trouble before joining up with Gorgious and the cow…

B20 – Candy at Nelson's

Candy has had quite enough of Nelson the pervert and it's time to get her out of here.

After jumping from the bed without making too much noise while Nelson is fast asleep, make your way to the back of the apartment into Nelson's bathroom.

Here there are two useful objets: the bottle of body oil on the side of the bath, and the razor blade hidden in one of the drawers. Get these 2 objects and put them safely in your inventory. Come out of the bathroom.

Make your way to the entrance to Nelson's apartment, but don't go out just yet: turn right towards the psychedelic bar. There's a divine pink inflatable cushion over here. Grab it.

Go back to the door. Be careful, it creaks loudly. Opening it recklessly will wake Nelson and Candy's nightmare will start over, only worse. Pour some body oil on the door hinges. Now you can open it noiselessly. Nelson sleeps on.

B19 – Candy corridor

Go down into the underground corridors to the far end of the screen. You'll get to a garbage dump, the only possible exit.

B21 – The bottom of the dump

At the bottom of the dump, there's a small patch of clay. Look up, there appears to be a hole in the ceiling - a way out.

Put the pink inflatable cushion on the ground and jump up on it. Now use the razor blade on the cushion to burst it. Candy flies!

B22 – The top of the dump

Nothing special here, an intermediate stage; open the double doors to get to the kitchen storeroom.

B23 – The kitchen storeroom

From the first screen, make your way towards the right. Take the vacuum cleaner pipe on your way, it will come in handy later. Now go through the little arch to enter the kitchen (you can climb up to the aquarium now if you like, but Candy will refuse to dive in without her bikini).

B24 – The kitchen

In the middle of the kitchen, a Japanese cook, busily preparing sushis, appears to be blocking the way. In fact if Candy tries to get past him, he'll turn her into sushi too. Let's try and sort the cook out.

Put on the bulky diving suit near the toilet.

Candy the diver will now climb the ladder and dive into the giant aquarium!

B25 – The aquarium

More forwards in the aquarium. On your right you can chat a bit with Steve the plastic diver and Jeffrey the plastic treasure, but for now, we're more interested in the bathyscaph at the bottom of the aquarium. Climb into the bathyscaph and go up the ladder.

B26 – The bathyscaph

After jumping out of her diving suit, Candy must make her way down the left side of the bathyscaph (the right side can only spell trouble).

There, Candy will discover that that there is another aquarium inside this aquarium – rather like a Russian doll. Inside is Fugu the fish. Climb on the wooden steps and put Fugu the fish in your inventory. We'll use him to electrocute the Japanese cook!

Go back to the kitchen where our cook is cutting fish.

B24 – The kitchen

Put Fugu the fish at the top of the pile of fish the cook has cut. After a short while, he'll grab it and eat it, just before collapsing on his work top. The way is clear. Move forwards to the other side of the table.

Open the refrigerator at your risk and peril; you'll come across the game's running gag: the punching teddy. More importantly, get the bucket. You'll need it right at the end of the chapter. Now press the button to call the elevator. Go inside the elevator.

B29 – The elevator

Look closely at the control panel. Press button 2 and come out of the elevator. You reach a new area in the factory, the B30 corridor zone.

B30 – The corridors

Walk as far down the corridors as possible until you reach a large metal door (next to a door with a half-open iron curtain that Candy can't fully push up). Open the door and go inside the "empty room".

B31 – The empty room

Go to the far end of the room and press the large red push button.

Stay where you are and wait a while. The walls will soon start to crush you to a pancake – don't worry, that's what we wanted. Candy, all flat now, comes out of the empty room and walks through the corridors again.

B30 – The corridors

Now that you're all nice and flat, you can get under the half-open iron curtain to get to room B32.

B32 – Under the silos

Candy shakes herself a bit to get back to her usual extra-terrestrial shape.

Go down the first steps and turn to your right towards the far end of the room.

There you must find the tins of Chili con Carne already open. Take the one tin of chili that Candy can grab and store it safely in your inventory.

Go back up the steps and then go down the others until you reach the elevator. Go inside. You will come out right at the bottom of the factory, on the ground floor near the exit.

B33 – Ground floor near the exit

This is a huge room with lots of entry and exit points. Better check it all out right away.

Go across the room towards the tractor at the far end on the left.

Watch out, a Redneck is busy working; make sure he doesn't see you. Push down the lever on the left of the screen: the tractor knocks our worker friend out cold for the time being. Now you can continue on to the far end of the room.

You'll come across a large double door with an iron bar locking it. Remove the bar and push the door. You're now back in the kitchen storeroom. Go across the storeroom and head for the kitchen.

B24 – The kitchen

Near the stunned Japanese cook you may already have noticed the gas cooker. Not far from it you will see a little cupboard. Open it. Now look inside, Candy will open the gas. The problem is this cylinder is not connected to the cooker. Use the vacuum cleaner pipe you got earlier to connect them.

Put the tin of Chili on the cooker and turn the gas button. Wait for a moment before taking the tin of Chili which is now hot.

Head for the ground floor, exit B33.

B33 – Ground floor, exit side

Go back to the elevator in which you arrived earlier, but don't take it. Look to the left and you'll see a large iron curtain. Go inside this room; you find yourself at the bottom of the ventilation duct, where Gorgious and the cow have been patiently waiting for you for a while.

B18 – At the bottom of the ventilation duct

Candy gives the hot Chili to the cow (the cow would have refused cold Chili). Luckyly Candy has the bucket, and will go to its rear, ready to receive the dung.

The cow does its business. You've got a lot of dung.

Candy and Gorgious return victoriously to join the others, unfortunately Bolok will soon be along to divert our little group of extra-terrestrials to the secret Sakarine base…




After a brief and altogether unpleasant encounter with Dr Sakarine, our 5 friends find themselves in rising bubbles. Stereo manages to break free thanks to a loud and welcome fart which explodes his bubble-prison.

E01 – The prison

There's nothing to do here for now, apart from going from bubble to bubble to observe the other E.T.s. Look for the alien brick floating in the bubble next to Bud – you'll need it later.

Leave via the large door at the end of the corridor (not the one with the stylized alien head, the other one).

E02 – Prison corridors

Just a little stroll here – walk on the platforms to get to the elevator.

E03 – The elevator

You are presently on the second floor; press the floor 3 button and come out of the elevator.

E04 – Dissection corridor

Once you come out of the elevator, make for the other end of the corridor.

Open the door; exit the corridor.

You get to a big junction. Open the door to the left of the screen.

E05 – The shed

Once you enter the shed, head towards the left where you will find a pile of gas cylinders. One of them is empty: take it and place it in your inventory. Now make for the other side of the shed, next to the pipes and valves.

There are three valves. The one marked with a smiling sign is the one we are interested in: this valve gives off laughing gas. Fill your empty gas cylinder with the chortling stuff.

Go out of the shed. Return to the junction, and head for the door to the right of the screen, which leads to the top of the dissection room.

E06 – The dissection room

Towards the left, you will find a small hatch in the wall. Start by opening the hatch, then connect your cylinder full of laughing gas to it.

The effect is immediate, the pink gas expands into all the rooms, soon reaching professor Sakarine and his assistant Igor. Unfortunately, Candy gets thrown to another corner of the lab.

Now go down to the level of the dissecting table taking the elevator platform (at the other end of the hatch which you have just opened).

Sakarine has managed to escape, but Igor is still there, stretched out, a laughing heap.

Igor has a wooden leg. Grab it. You'll need it before long. Frisk him some more and you will find a magnetic card in his overall pocket.

Now go back to E01 in the prison room (taking the elevator, second floor).

E01 – The prison

Using Igor's magnetic card, we will be able to get the Space Brick. Apparently, it was the next on the list for dissections.

Go up to the brick, next to the Bud's pod-prison. Use the magnetic card on the magnetic lock on the wall. Now take the brick and put it in your inventory.

Make for the elevator.

E03 – The elevator

Press the button for the first floor.

Go out into the control room corridor.

E07 – Control room corridor

Admire the floating mutant chickens and go to the end of the corridor.

The door is closed, the opening is controlled by a Podocode on the right.

Thanks to the wooden leg you got earlier, pretend to be professor Igor and the door will open (use Igor's foot – in your inventory – on the podocode). You can now enter the control room.

You then change characters: you now control Candy, who you'll find in a really bad position.

E10 – The pile of shit

Candy gets up as best she can having been ejected by Dr Sakarine.

There's no way you can get out of this hole without the help of the giant fly who lords it in here. Talk to it to persuade it to get you out. In fact, it is a taxi-fly, and you'll have to pay up to continue your mission.

The fly gets you out of the hole and drops you off at E09 in the refuse room.

E09 – The refuse room

Walk up the small steps on the right. At the far end you will find John the Robot's house, master of the place. If you go into the house you will immediately be ejected. John doesn't take much interest in his fellow robots, much less in extra-terrestrials.

In a corner of the refuse room, to the right of the steps, you will find a small pile of busted up robots. The pink female robot is actually still operative. Climb inside her.

You can now join John the Robot who will be overjoyed at the sight of a "woman". He's been living the life of a single robot for too long, poor thing.

Once again we're going to leave Candy in a less than agreeable situation.

Change of character, now we'll go and help Gorgious.

E13 – The acid vats

Gorgious escapes death - just. However he's not out of the woods yet – he'll have to get a whole load of objects and use them intelligently.

Gorgious finds himself in the middle of a great big pile of dinosaur-sized alien carcasses. Rummage through the pile and recover the guts, the skull and the bone.

Use the skull in the grooves full of greenish acid to fill it up.

This room ends with a precipice, but you can get out by walking along the wall carefully. Only bring Gorgious here once you have recovered all the objects mentioned above.

Stuck on the ledge, Gorgious must reach the opening above on the right-hand wall to continue. In your inventory, assemble the guts and the bone and throw this new object on the bars at the top. Gorgious plays at Tarzan but unfortunately doesn't manage to heave himself up through the opening. He drops down and lands below. Advance a little in the opening, remove the wedge. A concrete tube pushes Gorgious from the other side. Same again, remove the wedge; Gorgious gets to the other side, but there's another gulf near the required opening. The only thing left to do is to pour the acid (contained in the skull) to melt the bars and pass through to the next room.

E15 – The cold room

Out of luck, Gorgious goes from one dead end to another: a huge cold room filled with meat carcasses (ready-to-eat aliens?).

Head for the other side of the refrigerated room, near to giant metal door. A ladder stands against the wall – climb it. Walk carefully on the large pipe, the carcasses are lined up, held by large hooks. One of the hooks is free; get it. Go back down the ladder.

Go back to the entrance taken previously and strike the vertical pipe with the hook. The pipe smashes and the room fills with gas. Now go back to the large metal door and hit it with the hook. Each time you strike the door, sparks fly which make the gas explode. The door bursts into pieces, and the way is clear. Go into the next room – the canteen.

E17 – The canteen

Start by going towards the right. Against the wall you will find a small hammer. Take it and use it to break the glass protecting the fire axe. Put the axe in your inventory.

Now head for the other side of the canteen (you'll stride over the exploded door). Gorgious is about to leave through the door but pieces of furniture which seem to have appeared from nowhere now block the way. This furniture talks. It wants money in exchange for letting Gorgious pass. But Gorgious is armed. Threaten the smallest piece of furniture – the stool - with the axe. Frightened, the furniture clears off leaving the way clear. Leave the room.

E22 – The huge alien corridor

All is calm here. Just for the fun of it, you can activate the control panel to explode the imprisoned aliens.

In the next room, a huge alien is locked inside a bubble. Be nasty again and waste him.

A small door leads to the chamber, the place where all the aliens meet. Gorgious has finished his mission, let's go back to Candy.

E11 – John's room

It looks like Candy's had a bit of an ordeal.

Don't leave John's house just yet, you'll be blocked by the taxi-fly who will want his money.

Fortunately, John the robot is thrifty, and hides his nest egg under the sofa. Pinch a little wad from him and leave the place.

E09 – The refuse room

Run to the fly and give him the money taken from John. The fly will do you one last service and get you out of this stinking room.


E21 – Teleportation corridor

The fly drops you off delicately. Take the footbridge to get to the teleportation room.

E22 – The teleportation room

Twenty or so teleportation pods are waiting for you. Only one will lead to the exit, but you get in directly.

Look carefully at the teleportation pods … in fact, the numbers of the pods. You will notice that there are 21 pods! You must reach the 21st to be teleported !

Begin with the teleporter 1, that will send you to the 2. Add up 1+2. You have 3. Enter in the teleporter 3  which sends you to the 5. To discover the next teleporter, add the two previous ones. 5+3=8. Enter in the 8. 8+5 = 13. Enter the 13 … then 13+8=21 !

Candy also completes her mission, ending up in the chamber room.

Change of character; let's go back to Stereo.



E08 – The control room

We are at the heart of Dr Sakarine's secret base. This is where he scrutinizes space in search of aliens to add to his collection.

Stereo must succeed in entering Sakarine's office. To do so, he'll need to perform a number of actions.

Look for the teleportation circle on the floor, near the central platform. This is the one that will teleport you to the platform. There you will find a push button. Activate it and a door opens. Unfortunately, if you move towards the door straight away, it will close in your face. You've got to block it. Nothing could be easier: put the alien brick on the push button and the door will stay open.

This door takes you to a small corridor where a large portrait of Sakarine hangs from the wall. You'll find a little pylon with some nice colored buttons on it. Activate it. Now you can see just how stupid Sakarine really is. He has protected the access to his secret office with a game of Simon. A colored sequence is displayed, you must reproduce it by pressing on the buttons in the right order. The door opens; go back into the main room and enter Sakarine's office.

E14 – Sakarine's office

Go around the desk and sit down in Sakarine's leather chair.

Cut back to Bud in the prison room.

E01 – The prison room

Bud is fuming and doesn't want to stay on his own any longer. He calls for help.

Tonio enters the room. Tonio – the lab's oldest resident – is an alien who has been inside the walls since the 1950s. Sakarine has spared him since he actively collaborates in capturing other aliens. Tonio is dishonest, but Bud doesn't know that.

Tonio is delighted to learn that the aliens arrived in a spaceship. He frees Bud for now, but it seems he has something else in mind.

Bud rushes into the laboratory corridors and reaches the gigantic crappers adapted to all imaginable alien sizes.

E23 – The alien crappers

This huge room communicates with the room with the showers, which is just as big.

The only way out is in the showers high up near the ceiling. And there's only one way to reach it: dive head first in the crappers. Find the biggest toilet and jump in; Bud will take care of the rest, demonstrating his climbing clown talents.

Walk along the pipes until you get to the opening in the wall which leads to the terrifying maze.

E25 – The maze

This maze is actually a rather unusual gold course, surrounded by walls where golf balls are stuck in all the corners.

Once you get down to the middle of the maze on the descending platform, get some paper and a pen to note which route to take, as it's way too complicated to explain in words.

You will then fall on a hyped up snail who knows the maze by heart. He'll get you out of there, but he'll take his time.

Jump into the last hole on the golf course.

E27 – Convector room

Bud finds himself in a huge bubble filled with tiny aliens. To get out of there, Bud must grab and eat an alien. He will then – like with bubble gum - be able to blow a bubble and fly up to the exit.

The air current is very strong here. On the right there is a great big propeller which ventilates the base's contaminated air with fresh air from outside. On the left, a welding robot is busily working. Make your way to him. Chat with this robot and try to persuade him to take off his giant metal shoes by promising him a refreshing foot massage.

If the robots agrees, he will fly up and block the enormous propeller. The coast is almost clear now. Go through to the other side of the propeller and hit the robot to make him fall back down. Bud goes airborne and is projected into the desert above Sakarine's base.

E28 – The desert

Bud is now lost in the middle of the desert. To the right of the immense rock you will find the way into the base. For now, go towards the left. Here too you are advised to draw a quick plan.

You must find a skull and a pipe. The pipe is lying on the ground, while the skull is on a seesaw. Once you have got these two objects, make your way back to the huge rock on the other side of the desert.

E29 – The rock

Near the rock you will find an acoustic pipe which you can use to communicate with Sakarine's office. Talk into the pipe.

Dozing away in Sakarine's chair, Stereo is awoken by Bud's voice. He tries to open the rock, but the mechanism is blocked. Fortunately, Etno will soon come to the rescue.

Change of character - Etno.

E19 – The cave

Etno falls into the giant toaster.

He must hurry up and get out before being toasted. Simply climb on to the toast ejector mechanism.

Etno gets back onto firm ground in the cave. A teleportation pod is waiting for him. This pod takes him to the gear room where the rock can be opened.

E20 – The gear room

Etno gets to his feet ready to help Bud.

In actual fact, the mechanism is blocked by a rat, trapped in one of the cogs. Unfortunately the cog is right at the top. Climb up on the platform and walk along the other platforms. You will soon find a ladder which takes you to the top of the room.

Once you get there, take out the rat. The ungrateful rat leaves without so much as a thank you.

With the mechanism now unblocked, all that's left to do is go back down and press the big green button which commands the opening rock. Etno has almost completed his mission. He must now leave the room and gain the chamber room. The way out is on the ground floor, not far from the command buttons. Go out of the room.

Change of character: back to Stereo in Sakarine's office.

E14 – Sakarine's office

Stereo has also completed his mission. He must meet up with the others in the chamber room. Sakarine has direct access to this room. Examine the desk, you'll find a button which commands the opening of the doors. Exit through the doors.

Change of character: back to Bud in the desert near to the now-open rock.

E29 – The rock

Bud must get back down to the center of the base. To do so he must jump in the gaping hole uncovered by the open rock. Some preparations are necessary before jumping in, otherwise you'll be squashed to a pancake.

Near the rock, look for a metal tube sticking out of the ground. Start by attaching the hose pipe to this tube. Don't jump in yet, you'll still be squashed: the hose pipe is too long. Use the skull you found in the desert on the hose pipe. Now you can at last jump in, the pipe is just the right length.

Bud is the king of bungie jumping!

E30 – Hangar Z

The end is in sight.

Bud must now go back up and join the others in the chamber room. You'll find an escalator to the right.

After a strange little walk, Bud finds himself in a corridor. Go to the left: there are two exiting corridors. Take the one on the left to get to the chamber room.

E32 – The chamber room

Everyone is in here, but most of the Space Goofs are still being held prisoner. At the far end of the room, just under the huge portrait of Dr Sakarine, you'll find a push button. Press it, the chamber opens. Everyone is freed. Etno takes matters into hand and brings everyone to the spaceship in Hangar Z.

E30 – Hangar Z

Just as he is about to climb into the spaceship, two-faced Tonio steals the key to the ship and flies away.

After a few moments of dejection, the group decides to try flying off in the huge rocket in the middle of Hangar Z. Candy climbs into the rocket while the rest of the group waits below.

Suddenly Dr Sakarine appears, taking aim at four of the ETs. Now it's up to Candy to save the day.

E31 – The rocket

Go down to the bottom of the rocket. Do not go out through the door, instead jump into the hole at the bottom. Candy comes out near the engines and fuel tanks. The rocket needs filling up before they can leave.

A small ascending platform is waiting for you. Jump on. It will take you to the fuel supply.

Candy manages to carry a huge barrel and brings it back to the rocket. Now simply connect the pipe to the barrel, then return to the rocket.

Start by activating the valve which commands the opening of the fuel supply, then go up to the cockpit right at the top. The buttons are flashing and the rocket is ready for takeoff. Press the button…

… Admire the final sequence which also holds one last surprise.