Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für WWF - War Zone

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für WWF - War Zone

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


WWF - War Zone
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • WWF - Warzone

Genre: Sportspiel Prügelspiel

Erschienen: Mai 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Iguana

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Acclaim

Cover von WWF - War Zone

38 Codes
Codes 1 - 26, 33 - 38 by
Codes 27 - 32 by
1Slow Motion8005 F2B4 F23C
2Hyper Mode8006 10F8 F32C
3Bootup Increase8006 12A0 0000
4Infinite Match Time ( Note 2 )8007 7C24 0A80
5Infinite Outer Ring Time ( Note 3 )800D 68D0 0375
Unlock Cheats In Cheat Menu Codes
6Unlock all Features ( Note 1 )8007 A0F0 07FF
8007 A0F2 1000
7Unlock all Modes ( Note 1 )8007 A0F4 3FFF
8007 A0F6 2000
Player 1 Codes
8Unstoppable ( Note 4 )800D 6934 0000
800D 6988 0000
800D 69BA 0000
800D 6C74 00F0
9Always can be counted out800D 6988 00FF
10Can't be counted out800D 6988 0000
11Always Stunned800D 6934 2394
12Can't Be Stunned800D 6934 0000
13Strength Increase800D 69CC 0000
14Costume Modifier ( Note 6 )8007 7CC8 000?
15Character Modifier800B 0140 00??
16Invincible800D 69F8 FFFF
800D 69FA FFFF
17Super Strength800D 69F4 63CC
18Super Speed800D 69FC 28CC
Player 2 Codes
( Note 5 )
19Unstoppable800F 6958 0000
800F 69AC 0000
800F 69DE 0000
800F 6C98 00F0
20Always Can Be Counted Out800F 69AC 00FF
21Can't Be Counted Out800F 69AC 0000
22Always Stunned800F 6958 2394
23Can't Be Stunned800F 6958 0000
24Strength Increase800F 69F0 0000
25Costume Modifier ( Note 6 )8007 7CCA 000?
26Character Modifier800B 0142 00??
Player 3 Codes
27Infinite Health8010 2D44 0000
8010 3038 00EF
28Costume Modifier8007 7CCC 000?
29Character Modifier800B 0144 00??
Player 4 Codes
30Infinite Health8011 380C 0000
8011 3B00 00EF
31Costume Modifier8007 7CCE 000?
32Character Modifier800B 0146 00??
Player Creation Codes
33Infinite Attributes Points800B 64F4 0000
34Max Strength800B 6280 0032
35Max Toughness800B 6282 0032
36Max Speed800B 6284 0032
37Max Recovery800B 6286 0032
38Max Charisma800B 6288 0032
39Create Topless Female Wrestler800B 4AD8 0001
800B 4ADA 0F06
800B 6018 0005
Quantity Digits to Accompany Costume Modifier Code
4 - 1st costume
5 - 2nd costume
6 - 3rd costume
7 - 4th costume
Quantity Digits to Accompany Costume Modifier Code
4 - 1st costume
5 - 2nd costume
6 - 3rd costume
7 - 4th costume
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes
00 - Shawn Michaels
01 - Steve Austin
02 - British Bulldog
03 - Faarooq
04 - Goldust
05 - Triple H
06 - Mankind
07 - The Rock
08 - Ahmed Johnson
09 - Bret Hart
0A - Owen Hart
0B - Undertaker
0C - Shamrock
0D - Kane
0E - Thrasher
0F - Mosh
10 - Dude Love
11 - Cactus Jack
12 - Custom
Note 1 : Simply press R1+L1 repeatedly at the menu select screen to load cheat menu! This Code unlocks all secret characters in the game plus more!
Note 2 : Infinite Match Time has one bug which won't allow tieups!
Note 3 : Infinite Outer Ring Time has two bugs...
Note 4 : Unstoppable is combination of infinite power, can't be stunned,and can't be counted do not use those codes when using Unstoppable!
Note 5 : Player 2 Codes should work in all modes but Challenge Mode...and I was told it works for Shawn Michaels in Challenge Mode.
Note 6 : Player 1 & Player 2 cannot use the same costumes if say P1 picks Steve Austin and P2 picks Steve Austin...if you use the same costumes the game will crash!

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