Vampire Hunter D
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- 吸血鬼ハンターD
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Erschienen: Mai 2000
Entwickler: Victor Interactive Software
Verleger: Jaleco Entertainment
0 Codes
Joker, Codes 1, 2, 6 - 17, 19 - 26 & 28 - 44 by
Codes 3 - 5, 18, 27 & 45 by DiamondCutter
RCJC | D00A 650A ???? | |
1 | PAL2NTSC | 8009 6928 0000 |
2 | Y-Fix | 8006 B628 0000 |
3 | Max HP | 800A 4994 00C8 |
4 | Max VP | 800A 49AC 0020 |
5 | Max L-Hand | 800A 49B0 0048 |
6 | Infinite HP | 8002 4908 0000 8002 490A 0000 |
7 | Infinite VP (Note 1) | 8002 48E4 0000 8002 48E6 0000 |
8 | VP increases (Note 1) | 8002 48D8 0001 |
9 | Infinite Left Hand | 8001 BBE0 0000 8001 BBE2 0000 8002 1A00 0000 8002 1A02 0000 |
10 | Infinite all items | 8002 626C 0000 8002 626E 0000 |
Have : | ||
11 | Dart of plainwood | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
12 | Handgrenade | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
13 | Flashbomb | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
14 | Potion | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
15 | Bloodpill | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
16 | Antidote | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
17 | Elemental stone | 300A 4DB9 0001 |
18 | All of them (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) | 5000 0701 0000 300A 3DB9 0063 |
Have map of : | ||
19 | Level 1 | 300A 4DC0 0001 |
20 | Level 2 | 300A 4DC1 0001 |
21 | Underground 2 | 300A 4DC2 0001 |
22 | Underground 1 | 300A 4DC3 0001 |
23 | Level 3 | 300A 4DC4 0001 |
24 | Level 4 | 300A 4DC5 0001 |
25 | Tower of the sun | 300A 4DC6 0001 |
26 | Tower of the moon | 300A 4DC7 0001 |
27 | All locations (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) | 5000 0402 0000 800A 4DC0 0101 |
Have : | ||
28 | Power plug | 300A 4DC8 0001 |
29 | Silver plate | 300A 4DCA 0001 |
30 | Gold plate | 300A 4DCB 0001 |
31 | Plate of fire | 300A 4DCC 0001 |
32 | Plate of water | 300A 4DCD 0001 |
33 | Plate of wind | 300A 4DCE 0001 |
34 | Plate of earth | 300A 4DCF 0001 |
35 | Key-mirror room | 300A 4DD0 0001 |
36 | Key-tower of the sun | 300A 4DD1 0001 |
37 | Key-tower of the moon | 300A 4DD2 0001 |
38 | Green gem | 300A 4DD3 0001 |
39 | Purple gem | 300A 4DD4 0001 |
40 | Blue key | 300A 4DD5 0001 |
41 | Red key | 300A 4DD6 0001 |
42 | Leila's gun | 300A 4DD7 0001 |
43 | Wrench | 300A 4DDA 0001 |
44 | Key for musicbox | 300A 4DDB 0001 |
45 | All of them (ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) | 5000 0F01 0000 300A 4DC8 0001 800A 4DDA 0101 |
Lösungen und FAQs:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Vampire Hunter D (PAL) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Vampire Hunter D - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Vampire Hunter D - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen)
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