Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Tomb Raider Chronicles
Andere Systeme: [Dreamcast] [Macintosh] [PC] [PlayStation]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Erschienen: November 2000
Core Design
Eidos Interactive

0 Codes
Jokers, Codes 3, 22 - 31, 57, 58, 64 - 147 by Hardy
Codes 1, 2, 4 - 21, 33 - 56, 59 - 63 by Nachbrenner
Code 32 by zardoz
Made on XPClassic V2.0081
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 1 | D00A 60BA ???? | |
RCJC Pad 2 | D00A 60E2 ???? | |
1 | PAL2NTSC | 3423 55D7 41AB |
2 | Y-Fix | 8423 4F09 2BDF |
3 | Y-Fix 2 | 8423 4C8C 285C 8423 4C8E 285A |
4 | Actual level | 800A 3B08 ???? |
5 | Spider Lara | 342F 889E F807 |
6 | Corpses don't disappear | 842C ED77 9BD3 |
7 | Sudden Death enemy | 8421 7795 8707 |
8 | Stillborn enemies (Overrides Sudden Death) | 8421 DB1D 1323 |
9 | Survive shots | 8420 E96B 83DB 8420 E969 83D9 |
10 | Survive shots & and do not bleed | 8420 E9B9 8399 |
11 | Survive deep fall | 8424 E70D 9D4F |
12 | Survive lavapit | 8424 16D2 6E38 |
13 | Survive arrows & and do not bleed | 8426 B597 CDDB |
14 | Survive Lightnings of Mars | 742F C1E1 B187 843B 243A F866 |
15 | Survive all injuries (Note 5) | 5421 4E62 388C EC26 F9E5 8351 0483 2429 31B7 |
16 | Total time 00:00:00 | 3426 4523 2D97 |
17 | 1 collected item counts 10 | 3421 FD83 A77D |
18 | Binoculars have more zoom | B427 F8DC 6FA6 1427 6FC1 0FEE |
19 | Rapid fire (Note 7) | 8421 AC36 D642 |
20 | Living pony tail | 842D AF93 DDED |
21 | Torches burn constantly (Note 6) | 8421 65CF 0F23 8421 65CD 2B03 |
22 | Infinite sprint | 8424 A00C C87C |
23 | Infinite air | 0421 4C96 3642 |
24 | Infinite small medi pak (Note 1) | 842F 8943 1693 |
25 | Small medi pak increases (Note 1) | 8421 F8A6 A28F |
26 | Infinite big medi pak (Note 1) | 842F 8945 168D |
27 | Big medi pak increases (Note 1) | 8421 F836 921F |
28 | Infinite torches (Note 1) | 0421 8FD3 F9C5 |
29 | Torches increase (Note 1) | 8421 8FD7 F9C0 |
30 | Infinite ammo all weapons (Note 1) | 0421 72BA 1C30 |
31 | Ammo increases (Note 1) | 8421 72BE 1C2D |
32 | Flying code (Note 9) | 842F 8896 FF07 742F 9A62 B3B6 842F 889C F80B 742F 9A62 B3B6 8421 5638 64D2 |
33 | Long jump (Hold Square & R2) (Hold R2 & Square) | 742F 9A62 77B6 3422 0D49 69E7 942F 9A62 77B6 3422 0D49 69E3 |
34 | High jump (Hold Square & Up) | 742F 9A62 75A6 3422 02CE 7060 942F 9A62 75A6 3422 02CE 7066 |
Hypermode 3D-Engine | ||
35 | Default speed (Press Start & Left Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 05E6 8424 FB83 A168 |
36 | Double speed (Press Start & Up Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 0576 8424 FB83 A16B |
37 | Triple speed (Press Start & Right Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 0546 8424 FB83 A16A |
38 | Quadruple speed (Press Start & Down Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 0526 8424 FB83 A16D |
Walk through a few things (Note 8) | ||
39 | On (Press L2 & R2 & Left) | 742F 9A62 F637 8420 9A46 1628 |
40 | Off (Press L2 & R2 & Right) | 742F 9A62 F697 8420 9A46 1268 |
Camera height modifier | ||
41 | Default (Press Select & X Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 456F 8422 7E22 3CA8 |
42 | Change height (Press Select & Up / Down Pad 2) | 9000 7802 3C08 5000 7800 005C 0A00 083C E206 0835 0000 0895 EEFF 0934 0600 0915 0700 083C F485 0835 0000 0985 0000 0000 00FF 2921 0000 09A5 0A00 083C E206 0835 0000 0895 BEFF 0934 0600 0915 0700 083C F485 0835 0000 0985 0000 0000 0001 2921 0000 09A5 0800 E003 DEAD C0DE 5006 B53C 0004 001E 000C BEEF |
Walk through air (Note 2) | ||
43 | On (Press L2 & R2 & Up) | 742F 9A62 F6A7 8422 2810 F844 |
44 | Off (Press L2 & R2 & Down) | 742F 9A62 F6F7 8422 2810 F855 |
Hypermode | ||
45 | On (Press L1 & R1 & Left) | 742F 9A62 F936 8423 586C 4478 |
46 | Off (Press L1 & R1 & Right) | 742F 9A62 F996 8423 586C 447D |
Freeze all (Except Lara) | ||
47 | On (Press L1 & R1 & Up) | 742F 9A62 F9A6 8424 25A1 5B65 |
48 | Off (Press L1 & R1 & Down) | 742F 9A62 F9F6 8424 25A1 5B25 |
Roadrunner-Lara | ||
49 | On (Press Select & L1 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 016F 3422 0DD1 794A |
50 | Off (Press Select & L2 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 046E 3422 0DD1 7948 |
Neon-Lara | ||
51 | On (Press Select & L3 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 056D 8427 3E9A 6254 |
52 | Off (Press Select & R3 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 056B 8427 3E9A 5A46 |
No background (Note 3) | ||
53 | On (Press Select & R1 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 016F 8423 B262 DA28 |
54 | Off (Press Select & R2 Pad 2) | 742F 9A3A 016F 8423 B262 E219 |
Swimming codes | ||
55 | Big splash | 8421 5591 990D |
56 | Leave water faster | 8421 2379 F92D |
Statistics | ||
57 | Used ammo = 0 | 342F 352D 75E5 |
58 | Used medi paks = 0 | 342F 3526 76EC |
59 | Covered distance | 800A CFF0 ???? |
60 | All secrets | 342F 3527 75CF |
Main menu cheats | ||
61 | Select Cutscene! (Press Select & L1) | 742F 9A62 F1B7 B427 FAD4 6DB1 142F D27A C20A |
62 | All levels (Note 4) (Press Select & L2) | 742F 9A62 F4B6 B427 FAD4 923C 142F D27A C208 |
63 | Special features unlocked | B427 FAD2 9238 142F 2AFE 530C |
Level Codes | ||
The streets of Rome | ||
64 | Have revolver & laser pointer | 742F C1E1 B184 342F 8963 E936 |
65 | Infinite revolver ammo | 742F C1E1 B184 842F 895D 06A5 |
66 | Have garden key | 742F C1E1 B184 342F 897D F92B |
67 | Have golden key | 742F C1E1 B184 342F 894B E952 |
68 | Have secrets & Saturn symbol & Mercury stone | 742F C1E1 B184 342F 894F E95C 742F C1E1 B184 342F 3533 65F4 |
Trajan's Market | ||
69 | Have revolver & laser pointer | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 8963 E936 |
70 | Infinite revolver ammo | 742F C1E1 B187 842F 895D 06A5 |
71 | Have shotgun | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 896E EA31 |
72 | Infinite shotgun ammo 1 | 742F C1E1 B187 842F 895F 06A7 |
73 | Infinite shotgun ammo 2 | 742F C1E1 B187 842F 8951 06A1 |
74 | Have tool | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 8967 E93E |
75 | Have valve wheel | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 897D F928 |
76 | Have golden coin & Mars symbol | 742F C1E1 B187 842F 897F F829 |
77 | Have Venus symbol | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 8971 F92C |
78 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B187 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B187 342F 3533 65F4 |
The Colosseum | ||
79 | Have revolver & laser pointer | 742F C1E1 B186 342F 8963 E936 |
80 | Infinite revolver ammo | 742F C1E1 B186 842F 895D 06A5 |
81 | Have shot gun & UZI | 742F C1E1 B186 842F 896F E031 |
82 | Infinite shotgun ammo 1 | 742F C1E1 B186 842F 895F 06A7 |
83 | Infinite shotgun ammo 2 | 742F C1E1 B186 842F 8951 06A1 |
84 | Infinite UZI ammo | 742F C1E1 B186 842F 895B 06AB |
85 | Have gem | 742F C1E1 B186 342F 897E FA29 |
86 | Have Colosseum keys 1 & 2 | 742F C1E1 B186 342F 894B E950 |
87 | Have secrets & Philosophers' stone | 742F C1E1 B186 342F 894F E95E 742F C1E1 B186 342F 3533 65F4 |
The Base | ||
88 | Have UZI | 742F C1E1 B181 342F 896F E93E |
89 | Infinite UZI ammo | 742F C1E1 B181 842F 895B 06AB |
90 | Have Desert Eagle & laser pointer | 742F C1E1 B181 342F 8963 E93E |
91 | Infinite Desert Eagle ammo | 742F C1E1 B181 842F 895D 06A5 |
92 | Have silver key & key card | 742F C1E1 B181 342F 894B E993 |
93 | Have A fuse | 742F C1E1 B181 342F 897D F928 |
94 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B181 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B181 342F 3533 65F4 |
The Submarine | ||
95 | Have pistols | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 896C EA33 |
96 | Have shotgun & UZI | 742F C1E1 B180 842F 896F E031 |
97 | Infinite shotgun ammo 1 | 742F C1E1 B180 842F 895F 06A7 |
98 | Infinite shotgun ammo 2 | 742F C1E1 B180 842F 8951 06A1 |
99 | Infinite UZI ammo | 742F C1E1 B180 842F 895B 06AB |
100 | Have tool | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 8967 E93E |
101 | Have bronze key & silver key | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 894B E933 |
102 | Have suit-battery | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 897E FA29 |
103 | Have suit-console | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 897F F926 |
104 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B180 342F 3533 65F4 |
Deep Sea Diving | ||
105 | Have shot gun & UZI | 742F C1E1 B183 842F 896F E031 |
106 | Infinite shotgun ammo 1 | 742F C1E1 B183 842F 895F 06A7 |
107 | Infinite shotgun ammo 2 | 742F C1E1 B183 842F 8951 06A1 |
108 | Infinite UZI ammo | 742F C1E1 B183 842F 895B 06AB |
109 | Have tool | 742F C1E1 B183 342F 8967 E93E |
110 | Have 255 torches | 742F C1E1 B183 342F 897D F9D6 |
111 | Have secrets & Spear of Destiny | 742F C1E1 B180 342F 894F E95E 742F C1E1 B180 342F 3533 65F6 |
The sub sinks | ||
112 | Have shot gun & UZI | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 896E E330 |
113 | Infinite shotgun ammo 1 | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 895F 06A7 |
114 | Infinite shotgun ammo 2 | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 8951 06A1 |
115 | Infinite UZI ammo | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 895B 06AB |
116 | Have Desert Eagle & laser pointer | 742F C1E1 B182 342F 8963 E936 |
117 | Infinite Desert Eagle ammo | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 895D 06A5 |
118 | Have tool | 742F C1E1 B182 342F 8967 E93E |
119 | Have key card & bronze key & silver key | 742F C1E1 B182 342F 894B E9B3 |
120 | Have nitrogen- & oxygen-bottle | 742F C1E1 B182 842F 897D F82B |
121 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B182 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B182 342F 3533 65F5 |
The Gallowtree | ||
122 | Have catapult & heart | 742F C1E1 B18D 842F 897D F82B |
123 | Have iron rattle | 742F C1E1 B18D 342F 897F F926 |
124 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B18D 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B18D 342F 3533 65F4 |
Labyrinth | ||
125 | Have bone dust | 742F C1E1 B18C 342F 897D F928 |
126 | Have secrets & animal story | 742F C1E1 B18C 342F 894F E95E 742F C1E1 B18C 342F 3533 65F4 |
The Old Mill | ||
127 | Have tool | 742F C1E1 B18F 342F 8967 E93E |
128 | Have chalk & silver coin | 742F C1E1 B18F 842F 897D F82B |
129 | Have secrets & animal story | 742F C1E1 B18F 342F 894F E95E 742F C1E1 B18F 342F 3533 65F4 |
The 13th Floor | ||
130 | Infinite HK-sniper mode | 742F C1E1 B18E 842F 8953 06A3 |
131 | Have accesscode disk & Iris laboratory access | 742F C1E1 B18E 842F 897F F829 |
132 | Have hammer & high level keycard | 742F C1E1 B18E 342F 894B E993 |
133 | Have ID-card & Iris artefact & secrets | 742F C1E1 B18E 342F 894F E95C 742F C1E1 B18E 342F 3533 65F4 |
Escape With The Iris | ||
134 | Infinite HK-sniper mode | 742F C1E1 B189 842F 8953 06A3 |
135 | Have Iris artefact | 742F C1E1 B189 342F 897C FA2B |
136 | Have teleporter disk | 742F C1E1 B189 342F 897F F926 |
137 | Have low level keycard & WC leycard & secrets | 742F C1E1 B189 342F 894F E95C 742F C1E1 B189 342F 3533 65F4 |
Security System | ||
138 | Have HK-pistol & grapple hook thrower | 742F C1E1 B188 842F 8961 E033 |
139 | Infinite HK-sniper mode | 742F C1E1 B188 842F 8953 06A3 |
140 | Infinite grapple hooks | 742F C1E1 B188 842F 8955 069D |
141 | Have runway key & Iris artefact | 742F C1E1 B188 842F 897D F82B |
142 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B188 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B188 342F 3533 65F4 |
Condition : Red! | ||
143 | Have HK-pistol & grapple hook thrower | 742F C1E1 B18B 842F 8961 E033 |
144 | Infinite HK-sniper mode | 742F C1E1 B18B 842F 8953 06A3 |
145 | Infinite grapple hooks | 742F C1E1 B18B 842F 8955 069D |
146 | Have runway key & Iris artefact | 742F C1E1 B18B 842F 897D F82B |
147 | Have secrets | 742F C1E1 B18B 342F 894F E95F 742F C1E1 B18B 342F 3533 65F4 |
would do.
things you can walk through.
You can go anywhere and will not swim into the walls. To resume normal play press R1. You can use this in
reverse - i.e. start on dry land, activate the code and then jump into the water. You can run around underwater,
but this is very limited and you cannot use R1 to walk as the code cancels this.
Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 245 KB
Lösungen und FAQs:
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (Deutsch) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (Beta UK) - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (Deutsch) - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (UK) - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
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Sammelband: Lösungen für Tomb Raider 1-6
[Bei Amazon bestellen]
Tomb Raider 5. Die Chronik. Das offizielle Lösungsbuch.
[Bei Amazon bestellen]
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