Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation (UK)

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation (UK)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Core Design

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Eidos Interactive

Cover von Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation

0 Codes
Codes 1 & 2 by zardoz
Code 3 by bongsan & zardoz
Codes 4, 35 - 38 by t.a.l.
Joker, Codes 5, 39 - 74 by BAD OMEN
Codes 6 - 8 by DiamondCutter
Codes 9, 23 - 34 by
Codes 10 - 12 by Lajos Szalay
Codes 13 - 22 by Nachbrenner
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC700A A0D6 ????
1Sudden Death enemies7421 0C5A 66FD
8421 0C58 76CC
2Flying code (Note 5)742F 5A0E B05B
342F 4808 282A
742F 5A0E BF5A
342F 4808 282B
3Levitating Lara ( Note 2 )742F 5A0E B95A
8427 6CEE 2EDA
742F 5A0E B65B
8427 6CEE AA6B
742F 5A0E B65B
842F 482C 28B9
4Have all weaponsB421 FAD4 943A
142F 493D C645
5Hyper mode300A 75C8 000?
6Stage Select ( Note 1 )742F 5BF9 3404
842F 9036 0296
7Spider Lara842F 482E 28B7
8Monkey Lara742F 4814 38D4
842F 4814 3894
98 golden skulls (Training-level)342F 490A 2ADC
10Moon jump all levels742F 5A0E 354A
8420 DEA0 CABA
742F 5A0E 355A
8420 DEA0 CABC
11Rapid fire right weapon8421 45DB 3F17
12Survive spike pit8423 E414 A02C
8423 E410 A030
13Survive deep fall8424 C98D 8FE5
14Infinite health (Note 4)8420 E474 A331
8420 E476 94E4
8420 E448 90DE
8420 E44A 36F8
15Dead enemies do not disappear842C 63CB 11F9
16Rapid fire8421 3AE6 640C
(Press Select & L1 Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B137
3420 DA3C B641
(Press Select & L2 Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B436
3420 DA3C B643
Hypermode 3D-Engine
19Default speed
(Press Start & Left Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B5BE
8424 FB83 A168
20More speed
(Press Start & Up Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B52E
8424 FB83 A16B
21Much more speed
(Press Start & Right Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B51E
8424 FB83 A16A
22Very much speed
(Press Start & Down Pad 2)
742F 5A22 B57E
8424 FB83 A16D
23Large medipacks842F 4915 392E
24Small medipacks842F 4917 3930
25Flares842F 4EE8 2E09
26Stamina342F 87F1 0748
27Oxygen342F 4826 2842
28Energy8439 AC5C 5A67
Infinite ammo
29UZI842F 4EEC 2E05
30Normal gun842F 4EE0 2E01
31Shotgun842F 4EE2 2E03
32Normal arrows842F 4EFA 3E1B
33Poison arrows842F 4EFC 3E15
34Explosive arrows842F 4EFE 3E17
35Revolver842F 4EEE D1F6
36Normal grenade gun842F 4EE4 D1EC
37Super grenade gun842F 4EE6 D1EE
38Flash grenade gun842F 4EF8 C108
Jump modifiers
(Note 3)
39Angkor Wat742F 5BF9 3903
843E B9AF 49A8
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E B9A1 B6B3
40Race for the Iris742F 5BF9 3903
8439 6AFC 1C3D
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 6AFA E304
41Tomb of Seth742F 5BF9 3903
8439 9DCD 2F26
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 9DCB D02D
42Burial Chambers742F 5BF9 3903
8439 2444 D6F7
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 2442 29C2
43Valley of the Kings742F 5BF9 3903
843E 4533 0588
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E 4535 FA53
44KV5742F 5BF9 3903
8439 2840 CAFF
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 285E 252A
45Temple of Karnak742F 5BF9 3903
8438 2A96 CE47
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 2A98 3112
46Hypostyle Hall742F 5BF9 3903
8439 E638 A8ED
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 E636 57F4
47Sacred Lake742F 5BF9 3903
843E 3808 CACB
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E 380E 3596
48Tomb of Semerkhet742F 5BF9 3903
8438 328E C607
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 3290 2932
49Guardian of Semerkhet742F 5BF9 3903
843F B57F 454C
742F 5BF9 3A04
843F B571 BA17
50Desert Railroad742F 5BF9 3903
843E BEE0 50E1
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E BEE6 AFE8
51Alexandria742F 5BF9 3903
843E 8038 4253
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E 803E BD1E
52Coastal Ruins742F 5BF9 3903
8439 E569 971A
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 E567 6821
53Temple of Isis742F 5BF9 3903
8439 97F1 29E4
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 97EF C6CF
54Cleopatras Palace742F 5BF9 3903
8439 4054 02EB
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 4052 FDF6
55Catacombs742F 5BF9 3903
8439 A909 4B46
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 A907 B40D
56Temple of Poseidon742F 5BF9 3903
8439 0EAC B049
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 0EAA 4F10
57Lost Library742F 5BF9 3903
8438 D3A9 7580
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 D3A7 8A4B
58Hall of Demitius742F 5BF9 3903
843E 54B8 E6EF
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E 54BE 19FA
59City of the Dead742F 5BF9 3903
8439 BD59 3F72
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 BD57 C079
60Trenches742F 5BF9 3903
8439 FCB4 7E4F
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 FCB2 811A
61Chamber of Tulun742F 5BF9 3903
8438 0771 C904
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 070F 46EF
62Street Bazaar742F 5BF9 3903
8439 2020 D297
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 203E 1D82
63Citadel Gate742F 5BF9 3903
8439 FC18 7EF3
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 FC16 81FE
64Citadel742F 5BF9 3903
8438 84FE 38F1
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 84E0 B7D8
65Sphinx Complex742F 5BF9 3903
8439 1DE1 AF7A
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 1D9F 6061
66Underneath the Sphinx742F 5BF9 3903
8439 F34D 9544
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 F34B 6A0F
67Menkaures Pyramid742F 5BF9 3903
843E DF03 6F22
742F 5BF9 3A04
843E DF05 9029
68Inside Menkaures742F 5BF9 3903
8438 5371 E5A8
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 536F 0A93
69The Mastabas742F 5BF9 3903
8438 2B91 DD50
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 2BAF 323B
70Great Pyramid742F 5BF9 3903
8439 4789 F91C
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 4787 0627
71Queens Pyramid742F 5BF9 3903
8438 4082 0431
742F 5BF9 3A04
8438 4084 FB38
72Inside Great Pyramid742F 5BF9 3903
8439 8004 325B
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 8002 CD66
73Temple of Horus742F 5BF9 3903
8439 D711 6904
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 D70F 862F
74Final Fight742F 5BF9 3903
8439 43D5 056C
742F 5BF9 3A04
8439 43D3 FA77
Note 1 : Press Select at the title screen to have access to all levels.
After loading one level end it and then you can select the level you wanted.
Note 2 : Press L1 & R1 to activate. Perform a jump - you'll not be falling,
a few jumps and you are above everything! Using this code you can move freely,
as if there was a floor below your feet. Press L2 & R2 to deactivate and keep
pressing L2 + R2 to fall peacefully.
Note 3 : Press R2 for long jump (can cover a great distance in a single bound,all
directions except straight up) and L2 for high jump (more of a floater and will go
in all directions). Combining the two can be hard but is more effective.
Use only the codes for the appropriate level. Don't use any other codes (ammo etc.)
on the first two levels. If you have an unlimited ammo or weapons code : activate it
at the Tomb of Seth, save it, then start the game again without the (ammo) codes on.
To navigate whilst floating use left analogue stick.
Note 4 : Combined with the "Survive Deep Fall" code you should survive anything.
Note 5 : Enter some water, press L1 & L2 to activate, swim up and you will fly. Press R1 & R2
to deactivate the code. Don't activate the code outside the water; game will freeze then !


  • Beschreibung: Handbuch
    Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 343 KB


  • Beschreibung: Komplettlösung
    Größe: 224 KB

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