Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Tomb Raider 2

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Tomb Raider 2

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Tomb Raider 2
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider - The Dagger of Xian

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: November 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Core Design

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Eidos Interactive

Cover von Tomb Raider 2

42 Codes
Codes by ???
1Infinite Oxygen8008 C4FE 0708
2Infinite Shotgun Ammo8008 C5B4 0012
3Infinite Flares8008 8AAE 0004
4Have All Weapons8008 8AA0 000B
5Infinite Automatic Pistol Ammo8008 C5AC 0028
6Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo8008 C5BC 0008
7Infinite M-16 Ammo8008 C5C0 0050
8Infinite Uzi Ammo8008 C5B0 00A0
9Have All Special Items8008 8B34 0009
10Infinite Harpoon Ammo8008 C5B8 0006
11Large Medi Packs8008 8AB8 03E7
12Small Medi Packs8008 8ABA 03E7
13Have all 3 Secrets800D E682 000F
14All Dragons800D E682 000F
Great Wall Level Codes
15Infinite Health8019 CF52 03E8
16Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
8019 CF50 FFE0
17Long Jump8019 CF4E 006B
Venice Level Codes
18Infinite Health801C 19E6 03E8
19Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801C 19E4 FFE0
20Long Jump801C 19E2 006B
Bartoli's Hideout Level Codes
21Infinite Health801D 0CBE 03E8
22Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801D 0CBC FFE0
23Long Jump801D 0CBA 006B
Opera House Level Codes
24Infinite Health801C F2F6 03E8
25Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801C F2F4 FFE0
26Long Jump801C F2F2 006B
Offshore Rig Level Codes
27Infinite Health801B EC86 03E8
28Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801B EC84 FFE0
29Long Jump801B EC82 006B
ing Area Level Codes
30Infinite Health801B DDA2 03E8
31Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801B DDA0 FFE0
32Long Jump801B DD9E 006B
40 Fathoms Level Codes
33Infinite Health801B B482 03E8
34Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801B B480 FFE0
35Long Jump801B B47E 006B
Wreck of The Maria Doria Level Codes
36Infinite Health801C FE86 03E8
37Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801C FE84 FFE0
38Long Jump801C FE82 006B
39Have All 3 Circuit Breakers8008 8B48 0003
Living Quarters Level Codes
40Infinite Health801B 6916 03E8
41Moon JumpD008 AAD4 0010
801B 6914 FFE0
42Long Jump801B 6912 006B
Note : Use the all weapons code at the very beginning of the Venice level. Use it alone without any other codes. Save your game, restart the Playstation and do not use the code again.
Note 2 : For moon jumps, the longer you hold the square button, the higher Lara will fly. Hold the square button when falling off cliffs.


  • Beschreibung: Handbuch
    Autor: Entwickler – Größe: 1657 KB


  • Beschreibung: Komplettlösung
    Größe: 286 KB

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Tomb Raider: Begleitbuch zum Film Tomb Raider: Begleitbuch zum Film
[Bei Amazon bestellen]


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