Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen): Cheats für Tobal 2

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen): Cheats für Tobal 2

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Tobal 2
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (jap. Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Tobal No. 2
  • トバル2

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: Dezember 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers DreamFactory

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Square

Cover von Tobal 2

0 Codes
Codes 4 - 35 by ???
Code 1 by Nachbrenner
Codes 2 - 3 by DiamondCutter
Joker Command P1D00F 8E3C ????
Joker Command P2D00F 8E3E ????
1NTSC2PAL800F 6DFC 0001
2Y-Screen adjusting800A F450 ????
3Attacks do ?? damage ( Note 2 )8003 7F44 00??
8003 7F46 2411
4Use any of the 180+ characters in pull-down menu ( Note 1 )8012 82DE 0115
5Unlock all Boss characters8012 82E8 FFFF
6Unlock all playable Quest enemies
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
5000 1602 0000
8010 0D60 FFFF
8010 0D8E 0003
7P1 Infinite Health8012 3E70 0100
8P1 No Health8012 3E70 0000
9P2 Infinite Health8012 60B4 0100
10P2 No Health8012 60B4 0000
11Infinite Time800F 7EF4 0510
12Infinite Continue Time800F 8B84 0393
13Infinite Time (Micro Seconds)800F 8B30 0000
14Slow Motion Without Pause800F 6DCC 2B26
15Infinite Quest stamina8012 5760 018E
16Always in Hyper mode8012 5768 0EA0
17Always in Tetsujin Iron Man Mode8012 5774 0724
18Always invisible8012 5778 0724
19Always in Muteki Invincible Mode8012 576C 06CC
20Money modifier8012 575C FFFF
21Stop Timer800F 8BD8 0000
22Target auto dead8012 82DF 0001
23Infinite stones8012 5708 0029
8012 570A 6300
800F 5552 EEEE
24Right and left leg8012 56D8 FFFF
25Right and left arm8012 56D6 FFFF
26Body and head8012 56D4 FFFF
27Guard and throw8012 56DA FFFF
28Body8012 56E4 0064
29Head8012 56EC 0064
30Left arm8012 56E6 0064
31Left leg8012 56EA 0064
32Right arm8012 56E8 0064
33Right leg8012 56EC 0064
34Throw8012 56EE 0064
35Guard8012 56F0 0064
Note 1 : You must have seen the characters in the quest mode for their names to appear on the drop down menu. The shark code above lets you use them regardless if they have a C or an F in fornt of the name. But you must have them on the list to use them. The code will not change the F to a C, so saving won`t let you keep the characters. You`ll have to use the shark every time.
Note 2 : Replace the ?? with the value you want. If you insert 00, then both players are invincible to the end of their days... If you want to fight long, then insert a 01. If it should be quick enter something higher, like perhaps 64, 3C, ...

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