Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Time Commando

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Time Commando

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Time Commando
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Genre: Action-Adventure

Erschienen: September 1996

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Adeline Software

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Activision

Cover von Time Commando

0 Codes
Jokers, AnAcs, Codes by UL1
Made on XPClassic V2.004
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 17008 FE66 ????
RCJC Pad 27008 FE88 ????
AnAc Pad 17008 FE64 ????
AnAc Pad 27008 FE86 ????
1PAL2NTSC7420 4D5B 3787
3420 4D5D 37C9
2Y-Fix7420 7187 2BE7
8420 7187 2BF7
3Infinite energy842C 8365 F183
4Max energy (= batteries)842C 8347 F163
5Infinite blue chips342F B810 D82F
6No virus corruption7427 1DC7 B922
0427 1DC9 8519
Freeze enemies & Sudden Death
(Note 2)
(Press Select)
742D 048C 8D4F
0426 7159 194D
742D 048C 8D4F
8426 B979 D125
742D 048C 8D4F
8426 B97B E531
(Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2)
742D 048C 824F
8426 7159 9724
742D 048C 824F
8426 715B 154B
742D 048C 824F
8426 B979 C116
742D 048C 824F
8426 B97B D160
9Infinite ammo all weapons (Note 1)7426 C280 ACF7
0426 C286 ACD8
10Ammo increases (Note 1)7426 C2B6 4346
3426 C2B6 BCA9
Weaponslot 1
11Active842C 8C70 FC34
12Infinite ammo842C 8C4C EC3C
13Never reload842C 8C72 FC33
Weaponslot 2
14Active842C 8C44 EC61
15Infinite ammo842C 8C40 EC00
16Never reload842C 8C46 EC5F
Weaponslot 3
17Active842C 8C58 FC4E
18Infinite ammo842C 8C54 FC34
19Never reload842C 8C5A FC4B
Weaponslot 4
20Active842C 8C2C EC7B
21Infinite ammo842C 8C28 EC18
22Never reload842C 8C2E EC77
Weaponslot 5
23Active842C 8C20 EC80
24Infinite ammo842C 8C3C FC0C
25Never reload842C 8C22 EC83
Note 1 : Use only one of the codes.
Note 2 : Get in front of the enemy, press button and the enemy won't move.
You can't walk either, but you can hit him and as soon as the enemies' lifebar
has deceased deactivate the code and the enemy will be dead and you can walk again.


  • Beschreibung: Komplettlösung
    Größe: 61 KB

Codes für Cheatmodule:

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