The Raiden Project
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Andere Systeme: [PlayStation]
Genre: Ego-Shooter
Erschienen: Januar 1995
Entwickler: Ocean
Verleger: Sony Computer Entertainment
Raiden | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Joker Command P1 | D012 DE64 Joker Command P2 | D012 DEEC | 1 | Player 1 Infinite lives | 8012 F804 0003 | 2 | Player 2 Infinite lives | 8012 F834 0003 | 3 | Infinite "crotits" | 8004 D5F2 0003 | 4 | Mission Modifier | D004 D608 0000 | 8004 D608 000? 5 | Invincible P1 | 800F A0B0 000C | 6 | Bonus At Max P1 | 8012 F814 0063 | 7 | Never Continued P1 | 8013 C5A4 0000 | 8 | No Bombs Used P1 | 8013 C560 0000 | 9 | Start with High-Score P1 | D012 F820 0000 | 8012 F820 C350 10 | Infinite Homing Missiles P1 | (Press L2 & Left) D012 DE64 8001 | 8012 F810 0004 11 | Infinite Thermonukes P1 | (Press R2 & Right) D012 DE64 2002 | 8012 F812 0009 12 | Max Vulcan Cannon P1 | (Press L2 & Up) D012 DE64 1001 | 8012 F80A 0008 13 | Max Laser P1 | (Press R2 & Up) D012 DE64 1002 | 8012 F80C 0008 14 | Infinite Nuclear Missiles P1 | (Press L2 & R2) D012 DE64 0003 | 8012 F80E 0004 15 | Invincible P2 | 800F A194 000D | 16 | Bonus At Max P2 | 8012 F844 0063 | 17 | Never Continued P2 | 8013 C5AC 0000 | 18 | No Bombs Used P2 | 8013 C568 0000 | 19 | Start with High-Score P2 | D012 F850 0000 | 8012 F850 C350 20 | Infinite Homing Missiles P2 | (Press L2 & Left) D012 DEEC 8001 | 8012 F840 0004 21 | Infinite Thermonukes P2 | (Press R2 & Right) D012 DEEC 2002 | 8012 F842 0009 22 | Max Vulcan Cannon P2 | (Press L2 & Up) D012 DEEC 1001 | 8012 F83A 0008 23 | Max Laser P2 | (Press R2 & Up) D012 DEEC 1002 | 8012 F83C 0008 24 | Infinite Nuclear Missiles P2 | (Press L2 & R2) D012 DEEC 0003 | 8012 F83E 0004 Raiden II | Joker Command P1 | D00D FDE0 | Joker Command P2 | D00F 836C | 25 | Player 1 Infinite lives | 800E CFA4 0003 | 26 | Player 2 Infinite lives | 800E CFE4 0003 | 27 | Infinite "crotits" | 800F FC88 0003 | 28 | Invincible P1 | 800F 7A32 0D01 | 29 | Bonus At Max P1 | 800E CFA6 0063 | 30 | Never Continued P1 | 800E D25C 0000 | 31 | No Bombs Used P1 | 800F F9C4 0000 | 32 | Start with High-Score | D00E CFAC 0000 | 800E CFAC C350 33 | Infinite Homing Missiles P1 | (Press L2 & Left) D00D FDE0 8001 | 800E CF96 0004 34 | Infinite Thermonukes P1 | (Press R2 & Right) D00D FDE0 2002 | 800E CF9C 0101 35 | Max Vulcan Cannon P1 | (Press L2 & Up) D00D FDE0 1001 | 800E CF8C 0008 36 | Max Laser P1 | (Press R2 & Up) D00D FDE0 1002 | 800E CF8E 0008 37 | Max PlasmaLaser P1 | (Press L2 & R2) D00D FDE0 0003 | 800E CF90 0008 38 | Infinite Clusterbombs P1 | (Press L2 & Down) D00D FDE0 4001 | 800E CF9C 0202 39 | Infinite Nuclear Missiles P1 | (Press R2 & Down) D00D FDE0 4002 | 800E CF94 0004 40 | Infinite Nuke Bombs P1 | (Press L2 & R2 & Down) D00D FDE0 4003 | 800E CFA0 0003 41 | Invincible P2 | 800F 7B5A 0E01 | 42 | Bonus At Max P2 | 800E CFE6 0063 | 43 | Never Continued P2 | 800E D264 0000 | 44 | No Bombs Used P2 | 800F F9CC 0000 | 45 | Start with High-Score P2 | D00E CFEC 0000 | 800E CFEC C350 46 | Infinite Homing Missiles P2 | (Press L2 & Left) D00F 836C 8001 | 800E CFD6 0004 47 | Infinite Thermonukes P2 | (Press R2 & Right) D00F 836C 2002 | 800E CFDC 0101 48 | Max Vulcan Cannon P2 | (Press L2 & Up) D00F 836C 1001 | 800E CFCC 0008 49 | Max Laser P2 | (Press R2 & Up) D00F 836C 1002 | 800E CFCE 0008 50 | Max PlasmaLaser P2 | (Press L2 & R2) D00F 836C 0003 | 800E CFD0 0008 51 | Infinite Clusterbombs P2 | (Press L2 & Down) D00F 836C 4001 | 800E CFDC 0202 52 | Infinite Nuclear Missiles P2 | (Press R2 & Down) D00F 836C 4002 | 800E CFD4 0004 53 | P2 Infinite Nuke Bombs | (Press L2 & R2 & Down) D00F 836C 4003 | 800E CFE0 0003 |
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- The Raiden Project (PAL) - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- The Raiden Project - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- The Raiden Project - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
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