Tetris Plus
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- テトリスプラス
Andere Systeme: [Game Boy] [PlayStation]
Genre: Knobelspiel/Puzzle
Erschienen: Oktober 1996
Jaleco Entertainment

19 Codes
Classic Tetris | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Joker Command | D00C 861E 1 | Press R1 to make a square block | D00C 861E 0008 | 800C 4D40 0002 2 | Special Bonus x 10 | 800C 4DB0 00FF | 3 | Square Blocks Only | 800C 4D40 0002 | 4 | L Shape Right Blocks Only | 800C 4D40 0004 | 5 | L Shape Left Blocks Only | 800C 4D40 0005 | 6 | Straight Line Only | 800C 4D40 0001 | 7 | T Shape Right Only | 800C 4D40 0003 | 8 | Z Shape Right Blocks Only | 800C 4D40 0006 | 9 | Z Shape Left Blocks Only | 800C 4D40 0007 | Puzzle Tetris | Joker Command | D00F 3582 | 10 | Press R2 to Make a Square Block | D00F 3582 0002 | 800E E1A8 0002 11 | Square Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0002 | 12 | Stop Timer | 800E E3A4 0000 | 13 | Stop Spiky Roof from Descending | 8004 5866 000A | 14 | L Shape Right Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0004 | 15 | L Shape Left Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0005 | 16 | Straight Line Only | 800E E1A8 0001 | 17 | T Shape Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0003 | 18 | Z Shape Right Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0006 | 19 | Z Shape Left Blocks Only | 800E E1A8 0007 | |
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