Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Tekken

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Tekken

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • 鉄拳

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: 1995

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Namco

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Namco

Cover von Tekken

0 Codes
Codes 1 - 4 & 63 - 66 by Nachbrenner
Code 5 by Salvador Larroca
Code 6 by slab
Jokers, AnAcs, Codes 7 - 9, 12 - 36 & 38 - 62 by UL1
Codes 10, 11 & 37 by t.a.l.
Made on XPClassic V2.004
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 1D00B 7F7E ????
RCJC Pad 2D00B 7F7E ????
AnAc Pad 1D00B 7F8C ????
AnAc Pad 2D00B 7F8C ????
1AutoActivationF007 C15C 800B
2Screen up
(Press Select & Left)
742E 8494 F953
8422 B349 10EC
3Screen down
(Press Select & Right)
9000 7802 AC08
5000 7800 0040
0400 08AC 0800
09AC 0B00 083C
7E7F 0835 0000
0895 0000 0000
DEFF 0934 0700
0915 0000 0000
0700 083C 9C48
0835 0000 0985
0000 0000 0100
2921 0000 09A5
0800 E003 DEAD
5007 487C 0004
001E 000C C0DE
4Time 00:00:003421 A600 D05A
5Perfect in Galaga - Devil Kazuya (Note 1)8439 BE4A 5054
6Hit anywhere both players (Note 2)8421 7650 1C5A
7Freeze battle timer8437 45DD F469
8Freeze player-select timer842E 805A 01A7
9Replace Yoshi Mitsu with Ganryu
(On character select screen)
842B AD09 D092
10Choose player8437 7BBD 0CC7
8437 7BBF F3DA
11Infinite energy8437 3AAA C2AD
1275 % health7437 3AAA C2AD
8437 3AAA C28D
1350 % health7437 3AAA C2AD
8437 3AAA C298
1425 % health7437 3AAA C2AD
8437 3AAA C2CF
15No health8437 3AAA C2D0
16Sudden Death7437 3AAA C2AD
8437 3AAA C2D1
17Start with one fight won7437 2410 DC28
3437 2410 DC29
18Never wins7437 2410 DC29
3437 2410 DC28
19Second outfit3437 240A CC3F
Character modifier
(Note 3)
20Kazuya3437 2408 CC40
21Paul3437 2408 CC41
22Law3437 2408 CC42
23Jack3437 2408 CC43
24Nina3437 2408 CC44
25King3437 2408 CC45
26Yoshimitsu3437 2408 CC46
27Michelle3437 2408 CC47
28Wang3437 2408 CC48
29Heihachi3437 2408 CC49
30Lee3437 2408 CC4A
31P.Jack3437 2408 CC4B
32Armor King3437 2408 CC4C
33Anna3437 2408 CC4D
34Ganryu3437 2408 CC4E
35Kuma3437 2408 CC4F
36Kunimitsu3437 2408 CC51
37Infinite energy8437 4A6E E249
3875 % health7437 4A6E E249
8437 4A6E E269
3950 % health7437 4A6E E249
8437 4A6E E27C
4025 % health7437 4A6E E249
8437 4A6E E22B
41No health8437 4A6E E234
42Sudden Death7437 4A6E E249
8437 4A6E E235
43Start with one fight won7437 35D5 BD8D
3437 35D5 BD8C
44Never wins7437 35D5 BD8C
3437 35D5 BD8D
45Second outfit8437 342E CC63
Character modifier
(Note 3)
46Kazuya3437 342C CC64
47Paul3437 342C CC65
48Law3437 342C CC66
49Jack3437 342C CC67
50Nina3437 342C CC60
51King3437 342C CC61
52Yoshimitsu3437 342C CC62
53Michelle3437 342C CC63
54Wang3437 342C CC6C
55Heihachi3437 342C CC6D
56Lee3437 342C CC6E
57P.Jack3437 342C CC6F
58Armor King3437 342C CC68
59Anna3437 342C CC69
60Ganryu3437 342C CC6A
61Kuma3437 342C CC6B
62Kunimitsu3437 342C CC75
63Cam 1
(Press Select & L1)
742E 8494 FDD3
342E 83D1 03D3
64Cam 2
(Press Select & L2)
742E 8494 F8D2
342E 83D1 03D2
65Cam 3
(Press Select & R1)
742E 8494 F1D3
342E 83D1 03D1
66Cam 4
(Press Select & R2)
742E 8494 FBD3
342E 83D1 03D0
Note 1 : Load the Galaga game and use this code to get a 'Perfect' on all the stages, then Devil Kazuya will be selectable.
If you use a memory card and save this character you will not need to use the code again.
Note 2 : Using this code allows both players to hit & make contact with each other no matter where they are on the screen.
Note 3 : Use only one of the codes.

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Abfragen: 16.414

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.