Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Syphon Filter

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Syphon Filter

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Syphon Filter
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • サイフォンフィルター

Genre: Action

Erschienen: Juni 1999

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Eidetic

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers 989 Studios (Kronos Digital)

Cover von Syphon Filter

79 Codes
Codes 1 - 78 by Thunder2
Code 79 by slab
1Infinite Armor Everyone ( Note 1 )8006 8BEE 2400
2Infinite Ammo on Pickup All8004 67C6 2400
3Infinite Timer all Levels8011 6690 FFFF
4Mostly Weapons Only! Modifiers8011 5FB8 0001
8011 5FBC ????
8011 5FBE 0020
5Mostly Items Only! Modifiers8011 5FB8 0001
8011 5FBC 6002
8011 5FBE 0???
6Mostly Weapons and 13th Item Modifier!8011 5FB8 00??
8011 5FBC 6FFF
8011 5FBE 0020
7Have all Levels in Level Select Screen8014 62AA 0B14
Georgia Street
8Infinite Armor801A 8BDA 0258
9Infinite Health801A 8BDC 0096
Destroyed Subway
10Infinite Armor801A 2EE2 0258
11Infinite Health801A 2EE4 0096
Main Subway Line
12Infinite Armor801C 6CCA 0258
13Infinite Health801C 6CCC 0096
Washington Park
14Infinite Armor801A A442 0258
15Infinite Health801A A444 0096
Freedom Memorial
16Infinite Armor801C 0496 0258
17Infinite Health801C 0498 0096
Expo Center Reception
18Infinite Armor801A C26E 0258
19Infinite Health801A C270 0096
Expo Center Dinorama
20Infinite Armor801A 9ABA 0258
21Infinite Health801A 9ABC 0096
Rhoemer's Base
22Infinite Armor801A 9292 0258
23Infinite Health801A 9294 0096
Base Bunker
24Infinite Armor801B 381E 0258
25Infinite Health801B 3820 0096
Base Tower
26Infinite Armor801C 5A5A 0258
27Infinite Health801C 5A5C 0096
Base Escape
28Infinite Armor801A E44E 0258
29Infinite Health801A E450 0096
Rhoemer's Stronghold
30Infinite Armor801A D592 0258
31Infinite Health801A D594 0096
Stronghold Lower Level
32Infinite Armor801A B066 0258
33Infinite Health801A B068 0096
Stronghold Catacombs
34Infinite Armor801A CE96 0258
35Infinite Health801A CE98 0096
PHARCOM Warehouses
36Infinite Armor801A ACF2 0258
37Infinite Health801A ACF4 0096
PHARCOM Elite Guards
38Infinite Armor801A 4566 0258
39Infinite Health801A 4568 0096
Warehouse 76
40Infinite Armor801B 725E 0258
41Infinite Health801B 7260 0096
Silo Access Tunnels
42Infinite Armor801A 2092 0258
43Infinite Health801A 2094 0096
Tunnel Blackout
44Infinite Armor801B 0A62 0258
45Infinite Health801B 0A64 0096
Missile Silo
46Infinite Armor801A D5D2 0258
47Infinite Health801A D5D4 0096
48Stop Countdown Timer8011 6BAC 008A
Weapon Codes
49Maxed Ammo Reload Silenced 9mm8012 F0B4 03E7
50Infinite Ammo Silenced 9mm8012 F0B6 0063
51Maxed Ammo Reload .458012 F0C0 03E7
52Infinite Ammo .458012 F0C2 0063
53Maxed Ammo Reload G-188012 F0C4 03E7
54Infinite Ammo G-188012 F0C6 0063
55Maxed Ammo Reload Combat Shotgun8012 F0C8 03E7
56Infinite Ammo Combat Shotgun8012 F0CA 0063
57Maxed Ammo Reload Shotgun8012 F0CC 03E7
58Infinite Ammo Shotgun8012 F0CE 0063
59Maxed Ammo Reload PK-1028012 F0D0 03E7
60Infinite Ammo PK-1028012 F0D2 0063
61Maxed Ammo Reload M-168012 F0D4 03E7
62Infinite Ammo M-168012 F0D6 0063
63Maxed Ammo Reload EIZ-28012 F0D8 03E7
64Infinite Ammo EIZ-28012 F0DA 0063
65Maxed Ammo Reload HK-58012 F0DC 03E7
66Infinite Ammo HK-58012 F0DE 0063
67Maxed Ammo Reload NightVision Rifle8012 F0E0 03E7
68Infinite Ammo NightVision Rifle8012 F0E2 0063
69Maxed Ammo Reload Sniper Rifle8012 F0E4 03E7
70Infinite Ammo Sniper Rifle8012 F0E6 0063
71Maxed Ammo Reload M-798012 F0F0 03E7
72Infinite Ammo M-798012 F0F2 0063
73Maxed Ammo Reload K3G48012 F0F4 03E7
74Infinite Ammo K3G48012 F0F6 0063
75Maxed Ammo Reload Grenade8012 F0FC 03E7
76Infinite Ammo Grenade8012 F0FE 0063
77Maxed Ammo Reload Gas Grenade8012 F100 03E7
78Infinite Ammo Gas Grenade8012 F102 0063
79Add Ammo instead decreasingD004 67C2 2462
8004 67C0 0001
Note 1 : With this code, it gives the enemies infinite as well. The only way you can die, or kill enemies, is to get shot in the head or hurt by an explosion..


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