Xploder-Codes für Game Boy Advance: Cheats für Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2 (US)

Xploder-Codes für Game Boy Advance: Cheats für Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2 (US)

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2
(Xploder-Codes für Game Boy Advance)

Auch bekannt als:
  • スーパーマリオアドバンス2

Genre: Jump'n'Run

Erschienen: Februar 2002

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Nintendo

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Nintendo

Cover von Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2

ID : 61867
### Codes
MC by Code Master
Codes 2, 21 & 104 - 109 by UL1
Codes 3 - 20 & 22 - 103 by DarkSerge
Made on VBA 0.9.a
These codes are for XPloderAdvance only !
1MasterCode9A1F 9DC2 4DB3
AE3E 9852 0C49
41CA FC5F 9E7D
2Infinite livesD469 778F 77FF
3Infinite time2259 2F1F 7E7D
4Invincible6E83 DD18 ED06
5Lose yoshi at end / start of levelFE03 CD1C 7FA2
6Yellow yoshi with blue yoshi abilitiesFE89 CD1C FFAE
7Grey yoshi with yellow yoshi abilitiesBA03 9D1C 6DA2
8Yellow yoshiFF07 C914 7EA0
9Blue yoshiBB07 9914 6CA0
10Red yoshiFE12 CC5C 1FA2
11Green yoshiBA12 9C5C 0DA2
12Dark grey yoshiFF16 C854 1EA0
13Aqua yoshiBB16 9854 0CA0
14Map time 00:00:0032E7 2300 ECC1
F6C7 6B17 FEF1
15Eat one enemy for yoshi to grow91E3 AC5B AD1B
16Have 5 dragon coins45E3 670F EC75
17Every pink berry makes yoshi lay a cloud4469 ED1F 7E7D
18Every red berry makes yoshi lay a eeg016D A917 6D7B
19Max coins (Each coin gets you a free guy)98A3 958F E5F7
2099 bonus stars
(Press Select)
2F60 844B 0D12
DCA3 D58F F7F7
(Hold L)
2E64 8043 0E10
00E9 ADFC A0A8
Always :
22Small0826 8040 0C00
23Big08AC 8040 8C0C
24Have star power6F19 DDBC 602C
25Have fire power4C26 D040 1E00
26Have cape power4CAC D040 9E0C
Always have :
(In reserve)
27Mushroom0826 8040 0C04
28Flower4CAC D040 9E08
29Star4C26 D040 1E04
30Feather09A8 8448 8D0A
311-up0922 8448 0D06
32Vine4DA8 D448 9F0A
33Really weird thing4D22 D448 1F06
34P-balloon4CBD D100 FE08
35Flying coin4C37 D100 7E04
36Flying mushroom09B9 8508 ED0A
37Flying key (It hurts you)0933 8508 6D06
38Changing powerup4DB9 D508 FF0A
39Left flying coin block98AC 8044 88A8
40Right flying coin block9826 8044 08A4
41WigglerDC26 D044 1AA4
42Cloud box99A8 844C 89AA
43Giant crusherDDA8 D44C 9BAA
44Strange platform99B9 850C E9AA
45Green blob from ghost house9933 850C 69A6
46Chargin chuckDDB9 D50C FBAA
47Volcano plant6F88 DCD8 9F0A
48Sumo bros6F02 DCD8 1F06
49Flying hammer bros2A17 8990 6C04
50Goomba inside bubble6E9D D990 FE08
51Spike ball on chain6E17 D990 7E04
52Banzai bill2B99 8D98 ED0A
53Strange lightning storm2B13 8D98 6D06
54Mecha koopa6F13 DD98 7F06
55Rotating platformBA8C 88D4 88A8
56RexBA9D 8994 E8A8
57Fishing booFE17 D994 7AA4
58Block buddyBB99 8D9C E9AA
59Right moving blockFF99 DD9C FBAA
60Slanted moving playform01E8 2648 850A
61Info box45E8 7648 970A
62Koopa without shell44FD 7300 F608
63Swooper4477 7300 7604
64Falling platform0173 2708 6506
65Right moving flying platform45F9 7708 F70A
66Green fish4573 7708 7706
67Porcupuffer90EC 2244 80A8
68Red question block9162 264C 01A6
69Coin cointerD5E8 764C 93AA
70yoshi coinD562 764C 13A6
71Instant deathD477 7304 72A4
72Fish6E06 D8F3 1E55
73Flying green koopa9922 846F 09F7
74Green koopa9826 8067 08F5
75Red koopaDCAC D067 9AF9
76Blue koopaDC26 D067 1AF5
77Hopping green koopaDDA8 D46F 9BFB
78Flying red koopaDD22 D46F 1BF7
79Flying yellow koopa9837 8127 68F5
80KeyholeDC37 D127 7AF5
81Goomba99B9 852F E9FB
82Hopping goomba9933 852F 69F7
83Spike shell2A8C 88F3 8C59
84Magic koopa2B99 8DBB ED5B
85Magic blast / magic koopa2B13 8DBB 6D57
86Falling coin6F99 DDBB FF5B
87ThwompFE06 D8F7 1AF5
88Little thwompBB88 8CFF 89FB
89Big booBB02 8CFF 09F7
90TrampolineBB99 8DBF E9FB
91Throwing bone guyBB13 8DBF 69F7
92Normal bone guyFF13 DDBF 7BF7
93Green yoshi44EC 7263 9659
94Ghost0162 266B 0557
95Sleeping fish44FD 7323 F659
96Parachuting goomba01F9 272B E55B
97Parachuting bomb0173 272B 6557
98Pirana plant91F9 272F E1FB
99Moving platform6646 7AF3 1655
100Floding platform67C8 7EFB 975B
101Coin cloudF742 7EFF 13F7
102Big dinoF657 7BB7 72F5
103Small dinoB3D9 2FBF E1FB
(Press & hold L)
2E64 8043 0E10
00E2 2E58 9F06
105Start with high score2AC6 0A50 8C00
11D3 AFA8 61C3
6EC6 4A50 9E00
2A86 9850 8C00
Infinite :
106Lives4CA7 D180 F706
107Credits66C7 7B10 FF02
Start on :
108Phase 6400A7 A100 ED02
F758 7EDC 1AAC
109Phase 9900A7 A100 ED02
6E87 D990 F702
Note 1 : Use only one of the codes.

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