Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Street Fighter Collection

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Street Fighter Collection

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Street Fighter Collection
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • ストリートファイターコレクション

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: November 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Street Fighter Collection

0 Codes
Codes 2 - 6,11 - 13, 17, 18, 20, 22 - 27, 34 - 36, 43, 44, 46 - 49, 56 & 57 by slab
Jokers, Codes 1, 7 - 10 14, 15,16 19, 21, 28 - 33, 37 - 42, 45, 58 & 59 by DiamondCutter
Codes 51 - 55 by (Gurt)
Code 50 by ???
RJC P1D017 53EA ????
1Infinite health both players8019 8BAA 3C00
2Infinite time801C 1350 0063
3Infinite time (Alternate)8018 F1D2 3C00
4Hit anywhere801A 2242 3C00
5Both players can do specials in mid air801A 7DE6 3C00
P1 Codes
6Infinite health8017 5134 0090
8017 5136 0090
7Right after throwing a fireball : throw another one!
(Press L1)
E017 707A 0004
8017 521C 0001
8P1 one win advantageD017 53E8 0000
2017 53E8 0001
9Color modifier3017 540B 000?
10Can do moves/specials in mid air8017 5320 0000
11Can do moves in mid air8017 520C 0000
12Zangief can do S.P.D. from anywhere801D 563E 1000
P2 Codes
13Infinite health8017 54A0 0090
8017 54A2 0090
14Right after throwing a fireball : throw another one!
(Press L1)
E017 7088 0004
8017 5588 0001
15Color modifier3017 5777 000?
16Can do moves/specials in mid air8017 588C 0000
17Can do moves in mid air8017 5578 0000
18Is fast8017 548A 0001
19Character modifier3017 5755 000?
20Zangief can do S.P.D. from anywhere801E A63E 1000
JC P1D017 707A ????
JC P2D017 7088 ????
21Infinite health both players8019 A3F2 3C00
Infi nite time
8019 037E 3C00
22Projectiles always go right801C 67BA 0000
23Projectiles always go left801C 67BA 0100
24Reverse projectiles801C 67BC 0100
25Hit anywhere801A 1F32 3C00
P1 Codes
26Infinite health8017 5134 0090
8017 5136 0090
27Always super bar8017 5342 3000
8017 5344 0030
28Is Akuma8017 5418 0100
29Right after throwing a fireball : throw another one!
(Press L1)
E017 707A 0004
8017 521C 0001
30One win advantageD017 53E8 0000
2017 53E8 0001
31Color modifier3017 540B 000?
32Can do moves/specials in mid air8017 5320 0000
33Can do specials in mid air8017 520C 0000
34Zangief can do S.P.D. & S.B.C.from anywhere801D 6CDE 1000
801D 7C3E 2400
P2 Codes
35Infinite health8017 54A0 0090
8017 54A2 0090
36Character modifier3017 5755 000?
37Is Akuma8017 5784 0100
38Color modifier3017 5777 000?
39Right after throwing a fireball : throw another one!
(Press L1)
E017 7088 0004
8017 5588 0001
40P2 one win advantageD017 5754 0000
2017 5754 0001
41Can do moves/specials in mid air8017 568C 0000
42Can do specials in mid air8017 5578 0000
43Zangief can do S.P.D. & S.B.C. from anywhere801E BCDE 1000
801E CC3E 2400
JC P1D019 7762 ????
JC P2D019 7AD0 ????
44Infinite health both players8013 A756 3C00
Infi nite time
8018 F750 6302
45Hit anywhere8013 916A 3C00
46Both players can do specials in mid air8012 A63A 3C00
47Zangief can do S.P.D. from anywhere (Both players)D01B 2318 0007
801B 231A 1000
D01B 2364 FC7D
801B 2372 1000
P1 Codes
48Infinite health8019 766C 0090
49Super combo bar is on level 3 (max)8019 76D6 0090
50Has infinite taunts8019 7786 0100
51Can do moves in air8019 880C 0000
52Can do multiple projectiles8019 7850 0000
53Attacks fast8019 7648 0001
54Can do specials in mid air8019 7654 0000
55All attacks hurt P18013 9140 8019
8013 9142 3C10
8013 9148 7610
8013 914A 3610
56Play as Cammy in Vs-ModeD019 76D2 0100
8019 76B6 1E00
P2 Codes
57Infinite health8019 7A68 0090
58Can do specials in mid air8019 7A50 0000
59All attacks hurt P28013 9140 8019
8013 9142 3C10
8013 9148 7A0C
8013 914A 3610
60Invincible8019 7C70 0001
8019 7C94 0001
Index for character modifier

0 - Ryu
1 - E. Honda
2 - Blanka
3 - Guile
4 - Ken
5 - Chun Li
6 - Zangief
7 - Dhalsim
8 - M. Bison
9 - Sagat
A - Balrog
B - Vega
C - T. Hawk
D - Fei Long
E - Cammy
F - Deejay
Index for character modifier

0 - Ryu
1 - E. Honda
2 - Blanka
3 - Guile
4 - Ken
5 - Chun Li
6 - Zangief
7 - Dhalsim
8 - M. Bison
9 - Sagat
A - Balrog
B - Vega
C - T. Hawk
D - Fei Long
E - Cammy
F - Deejay
Index for color modifier
0 - Original (SSF2) or 9th (SSF2T)
1 - 2nd
2 - 3rd
3 - 4th
4 - 5th
5 - 6th
6 - 7th
7 - 8th
8 - Original (SSF2T)
9 - 10th
A - 9th (SSF2)
Note : Using this codes allows both players to hit & make contact with each other no matter where they are on the screen.

Codes für Cheatmodule:

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