Spider-Man U.S.
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
T13008N V1.000
0 Codes
Commands, Codes by Nachbrenner
Codes 5, 10 & 33 - 39 by VB|Daryl
Tested on XPDC V502
These codes are for XPloderDC only !
Button command | 0D38ED24
0000???? | |
D-L/R command | 0D38ED26
0000???? | |
A-R command | 0D38ED30
0000???? | |
A-L command | 0D38ED32
0000???? | |
A-Stick command | 0D38ED36
0000???? | |
Button command port B | 0D38EE5C
0000???? | |
D-L/R command port B | 0D38EE5E
0000???? | |
A-R command port B | 0D38EE68
0000???? | |
A-L command port B | 0D38EE6A
0000???? | |
A-Stick command port B | 0D38EE6E
0000???? | |
1 | PAL 60Hz (Note 1) | 0F04637C
0000200A |
2 | Freeze countdown & Scorpion timer | 0F0BD47E
00000008 |
3 | Spidey can carry 63 cartridges | 0F095FDA
0000E663 0F095FE0 00008863 |
Infinite : | ||
4 | Web cartridges | 0F0960CC
00000008 |
5 | Webbing | 0F0960B8
00000009 |
Hypermode | ||
6 | Can't walk but moonjump
(Press B & X & Up) | 0D38ED24
0000FBED 000B1324 00000000 |
7 | Default
(Press B & X & Down) | 0D38ED24
0000FBDD 000B1324 00000001 |
8 | Double speed
(Press B & X & Left) | 0D38ED24
0000FBBD 000B1324 00000002 |
9 | Quadruple speed
(Press B & X & Right) | 0D38ED24
0000FB7D 000B1324 00000004 |
Infinite health : | ||
10 | Spidey | 0F09856C
00000009 |
11 | J.J. Jameson | 0F10B530
00000008 |
12 | Mary Jane | 0F158E96
0000E100 |
Sudden Death : | ||
13 | Scorpion | 0F127028
0000E100 |
14 | Rhino | 0F1224EA
0000E200 |
15 | Venom | 0F157A2E
0000E100 |
16 | Doc Ock | 0F109188
0000E100 |
17 | Carnage | 0F0EF394
0000E100 |
Developer's debug cheats : | ||
18 | Unlimited webbing | 021CB85C
00000001 |
19 | Level select | 021CB844
00000001 |
20 | What if contest | 021CB820
00000001 |
21 | Invulnerable | 021CB830
00000001 |
22 | Skip to restart | 021CB84C
00000001 |
23 | Turn off TV sets in background | 0221B5A8
00000001 |
24 | Display FPS | 021CB874
00000001 |
Head-up display : | ||
25 | Off
(Press A & X & Left) | 0D38ED24
0000FBBB 001CB838 00000000 |
26 | On
(Press A & X & Right) | 0D38ED24
0000FB7B 001CB838 00000001 |
Stick Spidey : | ||
27 | On
(Press A & Up port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FFEB 0221B59C 00000001 |
28 | Off
(Press A & Down port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FFDB 0221B59C 00000000 |
Toon Spidey : | ||
29 | On
(Press B & Up port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FFED 0221B5A0 00000001 |
30 | Off
(Press B & Down port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FFDD 0221B5A0 00000000 |
Pulsating head : | ||
31 | On
(Press X & Up port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FBEF 021CB868 00000001 |
32 | Off
(Press X & Down port B) | 0D38EE5C
0000FBDF 021CB868 00000000 |
Unlocked : | ||
33 | Storyboards | 0120F8E0
00000102 |
34 | All levels | 0120F8E2
00000101 0420F8E4 00080001 01010101 0120F90C 00000FFF |
35 | All character viewer | 0220F910
36 | All movie viewer | 0220F914
37 | All comic collection | 0220F918
38 | All game covers | 0220F91C
39 | Everything | 0420F8E0
00090001 01010101 0420F90C 00050001 FFFFFFFF |
Note 1 : Can be used only with compatible TV sets.
Increases game speed by 20% and removes black borders.
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Abfragen: 5.046
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, www.mogelpower.de. MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.