Soldier Of Fortune
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
Button Command Pad 1 | 0D53B014
0000???? | |
A-L/R Command Pad 1 | 0D53B016
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command Pad 1 | 0D53B024
000?0000 | |
Button Command Pad 2 | 0D53B14C
0000???? | |
A-L/R Command Pad 2 | 0D53B14E
0000???? | |
A-Stick Command Pad 2 | 0D53B15C
000?0000 | |
1 | Infinite armor (Note 1)
(Press Left Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFBF 020E46E4 00000000 |
Infinite ammo for : | ||
2 | Berserker
(Press Up Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFEF 010E81E8 00000000 |
3 | Black Panther / Eagle Eye / Raptor SMG / Silver Talon
(Press Down Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFDF 010EA074 00000000 |
Statistics (Note 2) | ||
4 | Loads of enemies killed
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB38 00000286 |
5 | No friendlies killed
(Press L & R Pad 2) | 0D53B14E
0000FFFC 012DEB3C 00000000 |
6 | Loads of throat shots
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB40 000000D7 |
7 | Loads of nether region shots
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB44 000000D7 |
8 | Loads of head shots
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB48 000000D7 |
9 | Loads of gibs
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB4C 0000009C |
10 | Loads of cash earned
(Press Start Pad 2) | 0D53B14C
0000FFF7 012DEB54 0000FC86 |
Note 1 : You must wear armor to make the code work.
Note 2 : Use any time during mission before statistics screen appears.
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Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.