Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Small Soldiers

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Small Soldiers

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Small Soldiers
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Genre: Action

Erschienen: September 1998

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Electronic Arts

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers DreamWorks Interactive

Cover von Small Soldiers

9 Codes
Codes 1 - 6 by Thunder2
Codes 6 - 9 by Bryan Black at InterAct
1Infinite Health (Level 1)800E 11B2 0032
2Infinite Lives (Level 1)800E 13F4 0007
3Have All & Infinite Special Weapons (Level 1)800E 14BC 0064
800E 14BE 0064
800E 14C0 0019
4Infinite Ammo (All Levels)D007 BC46 A462
8007 BC46 2400
5Infinite Lives (All Levels)D004 8A7A AC62
8004 8A7A 2400
6Infinite Health (All Levels)D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2B7C 0C03
D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2B7E 0003
D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2B84 0144
D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2B86 2408
D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2BF0 006B
D005 2B7A 8E22
8005 2BF2 1028
7Walk Thru DoorsD006 FE2A 0C01
8006 FE2A 2400
8Fly Mode ( Note 1 )D009 C11A FDFE
8004 BC32 AE22
D009 C11A F5FE
8004 BC32 2400
9Walk Thru Walls ( Note 2 )D004 C114 00FB
8004 C114 3141
D004 C116 1280
8004 C116 0801
Note 1 : With this code, you have to press R1, R2 & Select at the same time to activate it, and press R2 & Select to de-activate it. It allows you to fly by when you are close to an edge and you can walk right off, (Normally you just fall and hit the floor) this time you will be floating in mid-air. And whenever you want to fall back to the floor, just hit R2 & Select to deactivate the code and you will fall to the floor. BEWARE!! If you are using the walk thru walls code as well, you can fall all the way through the floor and die. So, if using with the walk thru walls code, please keep this code activated if you do not wish to die, and do not deactivate with walk thru walls until you are sure that there is firm ground beneath you.
Note 2 : With this code, it is best used with the Fly Mode code activated. This way if you go inside a wall, the game wont let you fall all the way through the floor. See Note 1 for more details..

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