Sega Bass Fishing
(Xploder-Codes für Dreamcast)
MK-51006 V1.020
0 Codes
Commands, Codes by Nachbrenner
Tested on XPDC V502
This code is for XPloderDC only !
Button command | 0D25FFF0
0000???? | |
D-L/R command | 0D25FFF2
0000???? | |
A-R command | 0D25FFFC
000000?? | |
A-L command | 0D25FFFE
000000?? | |
A-Stick command | 0D260002
0000???? | |
Button command port B | 0D260128
0000???? | |
Button command port C | 0D260260
0000???? | |
Button command port D | 0D260398
0000???? | |
1 | PAL 60Hz (Note 1) | 0F0BBA34
0000E000 |
2 | Quick reel-in
(Press B) | 0E02FFFD
0025FFF0 0212D41C 00000000 |
3 | No line tension | 0F0668C4
00000008 |
4 | Weight to clear | 01130B26
0000???? |
5 | Caught weight | 01130B28
0000???? |
6 | Weight of current fish | 01130B10
0000???? |
7 | Number of fishes caught | 00130C30
0000???? |
Original mode | ||
Freeze timer : | ||
8 | On
(Press X & Y & Up) | 0E02F9EF
0025FFF0 0004FAD0 00000000 |
9 | Off
(Press X & Y & Down) | 0E02F9DF
0025FFF0 0004FAD0 00000001 |
Arcade mode | ||
10 | Infinite time | 0F04FA66
00000008 |
11 | Catch one fish to clear area | 0F04EA30
0000E000 |
Note 1 : Can be used only with compatible TV sets.
Increases game speed by 20% and removes black borders.
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