Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Rival Schools - United by Fate

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Rival Schools - United by Fate

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Rival Schools - United by Fate
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Shiritsu Justice Gakuen - Legion of Heroes
  • 私立ジャスティス学園LEGION OF HEROES

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Rival Schools - United by Fate

29 Codes
Codes 1 - 5 & 11 - 12 by Thunder2
Codes 6 - 9 & 13 - 18, 21 by
Others also by JollyRoger and Action Replay Master
Joker Command P1D01F 5E10 ????
Joker Command P2D01F 5E10 ????
Both Discs
1P1 Infinite Health801E FA02 00C8
2P1 Max Power801E FC18 0900
3P2 Infinite Health801E FE02 00C8
4P2 Max Power801F 0018 0900
5Unlock All5000 0802 0000
801F 65D0 FFFF
61 Hit Kill P1801E FA02 0000
71 Round Win P18009 53BA 0002
8009 53BC 0404
89999999 Score P1801F 64A4 967F
801F 64A6 0098
91 Hit Kill P2801E FE02 0000
10Always Get Good Ending801F 64C0 0007
Lesson Mode
11Always Get an A801F 1F22 011E
12Only Do 1 Move to Complete Lesson801F 1F14 0A00
13100 Energy801F 1F1C 0064
14100 Accuracy801F 1F1E 0064
15100 Agility801F 1F20 0064
16S Total801F 1F22 012F
Target Mode
179999 Hi Score801F 1F66 270F
Home Run Mode
18999 Hi Score801F 1F3C 03E7
19Infinite Balls801F 1F0C 0000
20Always Hit Homerun801F 1F0E 00C8
Service Mode
2199999 Hi Score801F 1F1C 869F
801F 1F1E 0001
22Infinite Volley Balls801F 1F0C 0000
Robert's Soccer Mode Codes
23Infinite Balls801F 1F64 0006
Other Codes
241 Hit to pass Hayatos Challenge801F 1F4C 1D00
25Faster BV ( Note 1 )801E FB0E 0000
801E FF0E 0000
26Winner Plays On801F 6484 0000
27Character Modifier P1 (Press Select)D01F 5E10 0100
801F 6702 ????
28Character Modifier P2 (Press Select)D01F 5E12 0100
801F 6704 ????
29Stage Modifier (VS)801C A7DC 00??
30Reject Mode P1 ( Note 2 )801E 8B14 FEF0
Quantity Digits to Accompany Stage Modifier Code
00 - Random
01 - Taiyo J.H Ground
02 - Taiyo H.S Slass
03 - Taiyo H.S Roof
04 - Gorin H.S Gym
05 - Gorin H.S Seaside Resort
06 - Pacific H.S Rear Gate
07 - Drive in Theatre
08 - Gedo H.S Work Site
09 - Gedo H.S River Bank
0A - Justice H.S Main Gate
0B - Justice H.S Library
0C - Justice H.S Meeting Room
Quantity Digits to Accompany Stage Modifier Code
00 - Random
01 - Taiyo J.H Ground
02 - Taiyo H.S Slass
03 - Taiyo H.S Roof
04 - Gorin H.S Gym
05 - Gorin H.S Seaside Resort
06 - Pacific H.S Rear Gate
07 - Drive in Theatre
08 - Gedo H.S Work Site
09 - Gedo H.S River Bank
0A - Justice H.S Main Gate
0B - Justice H.S Library
0C - Justice H.S Meeting Room
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes
0000 - Nothing
0101 - Kyosuke
0202 - Batsu
0303 - Hinata
0404 - Shoma
0505 - Natsu
0606 - Roberto
0707 - Roy
0808 - Tiffany
0909 - Boman
0A0A - Edge
0B0B - Akira
0C0C - Gan
0D0D - Hideo
0E0E - Kyoko
0F0F - Raizo
1010 - Hyo
1111 - Akira (Without Mask)
1212 - Sakura
1313 - Daigo
1414 - Hayato
1515 - Hinata 2
1616 - Natsu 2
1717 - Tiffany 2
1818 - Kyoko 2
1919 - Random
1A1A - Random
1B1B - Extra
Note 1 : With this code, it makes the BV (Burning Vigor) attacks alot faster and also Speeds up Some in game action, and also it makes it so your not invincible During the BV and you can also be hit!
Note 2 : With this code, change the last 4 digits for weird affects, such as 2500!!


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