Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Rival Schools - United by Fate

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Rival Schools - United by Fate

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Rival Schools - United by Fate
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • Shiritsu Justice Gakuen - Legion of Heroes
  • 私立ジャスティス学園LEGION OF HEROES

Genre: Prügelspiel

Erschienen: 1997

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Capcom

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Capcom

Cover von Rival Schools - United by Fate

52 Codes
Codes 11 - 14 by Peter Feige
Jokers, Codes 1 - 8, 37 - 57 by DiamondCutter
Joker Command P1D01F 5E00 ????
Joker Command P2D01F 5E02 ????
1PAL2NTSC CD18006 B6A6 3C00
2CD1: Raise screen (y-position) while in game
Press Select + L1
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
D01F 5E00 0104
2006 0FAC 0001
3CD1: Lower screen (y-Position) while in game
Press Select + R1
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
D01F 5E00 0108
2106 0FAC 0001
4PAL2NTSC CD28006 8606 3C00
5CD2: Raise screen (y-position) while in game
Press Select + L1
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
D01F 5E00 0104
2005 DF0C 0001
6CD2: Lower screen (y-Position) while in game
Press Select + R1
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
D01F 5E00 0108
2105 DF0C 0001
7All attacks do ?? damage CD1 ( Note 3 )8002 E0EC 00??
8002 E0EE 2405
8All attacks do ?? damage CD2 ( Note 3 )8002 BEC0 00??
8002 BEC2 2405
9Hit Anywhere CD1 ( Note 4 )8003 ED66 3C00
8003 E486 1000
10Hit Anywhere CD2 ( Note 4 )8003 BE16 3C00
8003 B55A 1000
11Infinite energy P1801E FA02 00C8
12Infinite energy P2801E FE02 00C8
13Max Burning Vigor Bar P1801E FC18 0949
14Max Burning Vigor Bar P2801F 0018 0949
15No Display of Health Bars etc/Players cant attack801F 6300 0000
16No Display or SFX801F 6304 0000
17Color Modifier ( Note 1 )
(Blue/Purple) (Both Players)
801F 61A0 00??
18Color Modifier ( Note 1 )
(Yellow) (Both Players)
801F 61A2 00??
19Players are slightly darker801F 61A4 0000
20Camera Modifier301F 6131 00??
21View/Change Appearance of Characters Modifier301F 6129 00??
22Chunky Looking Fighters801F 6120 3000
23Very Chunky/Close View801F 6120 8000
24Camera is behind Player on left801F 6290 000C
25Over Head Rotating Camera View801F 6200 0202
801F 6202 0101
801F 6204 0001
26Fighters Brightness Modifier301F 6109 00??
27P1 Character Modifier (In Game)301F 6494 00??
28P1 Partner Modifier (In Game)301F 6493 00??
29P2 Character Modifier (In Game)301F 6496 00??
30P2 Partner Modifier (In Game)301F 6495 00??
31P1 Character Mod (Alternative)801F 6716 ????
32P2 Character Mod (Alternative)801F 6718 ????
33P1 'Extra' Character Modifier (In Game)301F 64FC 00??
34P1 Partner 'Extra' Character Modifier (In Game)301F 64FD 00??
35P2 Character Modifier (In Game)301F 64FE 00??
36P2 Partner Character Modifier (In Game)301F 64FF 00??
371 Hit Kill P1801E FA02 0000
381 Hit Kill P2801E FE02 0000
391 Round Win P18009 53BA 0002
8009 53BC 0404
40Score = 9999999 P1801F 64A4 967F
801F 64A6 0098
41Unlock all
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
5000 0802 0000
801F 65D0 FFFF
42Infinite energy P1+P28002 E0FE 3C00
Lesson Mode
43Only 1 move to complete lesson801F 1F14 0A00
44100 Energy801F 1F1C 0064
45100 Accuracy801F 1F1E 0064
46100 Agility801F 1F20 0064
47Total = S801F 1F22 012F
48Lesson 1 completed801F 5B04 0606
801F 5B06 0606
301F 5B08 0006
49Lesson 2 completed301F 5B09 0006
801F 5B0A 0606
801F 5B0C 0606
50Lesson 3 completed801F 5B0E 0606
801F 5B10 0606
301F 5B12 0006
51Lesson 4 completed301F 5B13 0006
801F 5B14 0606
801F 5B16 0606
52Lesson 5 completed801F 5B18 0606
801F 5B1A 0606
301F 5B1C 0006
53Lesson 6 completed301F 5B1D 0006
801F 5B1E 0606
801F 5B20 0606
54All lessons completed
ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required
Replaces Codes 48 - 53
5000 1102 0000
801F 5B04 0606
Home Run Mode
55999 Hi-Score801F 1F3C 03E7
Service Mode
5699999 Hi-Score801F 1F1C 869F
801F 1F1E 0001
Target Mode
579999 Hi-Score801F 1F66 270F
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color-Modifier (B/P)
00 - Blue
40 - Light Blue
80 - Blue/Purple
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color-Modifier (B/P)
00 - Blue
40 - Light Blue
80 - Blue/Purple
Quantity Digits to accompany Camera Modifier-Code
03 - Extremely Close
06 - Close Up
09 - Size Of Screen
20 - Far Back Camera
40 - Way Far Back
60 - Very Far Back
70 - Extremly Far Back View
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color-Modifier (B/P)
00 - Blue
40 - Light Blue
80 - Blue/Purple
Quantity Digits to accompany Camera Modifier-Code
03 - Extremely Close
06 - Close Up
09 - Size Of Screen
20 - Far Back Camera
40 - Way Far Back
60 - Very Far Back
70 - Extremly Far Back View
Quantity Digits to accompany Appearance-Code
00 - Invisible
01 - Flat
02 - Squashed Up Fighters
04 - Larger
20 - Thin/ Close View
40 - Very Thin/Close
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color-Modifier (B/P)
00 - Blue
40 - Light Blue
80 - Blue/Purple
Quantity Digits to accompany Camera Modifier-Code
03 - Extremely Close
06 - Close Up
09 - Size Of Screen
20 - Far Back Camera
40 - Way Far Back
60 - Very Far Back
70 - Extremly Far Back View
Quantity Digits to accompany Appearance-Code
00 - Invisible
01 - Flat
02 - Squashed Up Fighters
04 - Larger
20 - Thin/ Close View
40 - Very Thin/Close
Quantity Digits to accompany Brightness-Modifier-Code
10 - Normal
20 - Brighter than normal
70 - Brighter again
Quantity Digits to accompany Color Modifier (Y)
00 - Yellow
40 - Lighter Yellow
60 - Very Light Yellow
Quantity Digits to accompany Color-Modifier (B/P)
00 - Blue
40 - Light Blue
80 - Blue/Purple
Quantity Digits to accompany Camera Modifier-Code
03 - Extremely Close
06 - Close Up
09 - Size Of Screen
20 - Far Back Camera
40 - Way Far Back
60 - Very Far Back
70 - Extremly Far Back View
Quantity Digits to accompany Appearance-Code
00 - Invisible
01 - Flat
02 - Squashed Up Fighters
04 - Larger
20 - Thin/ Close View
40 - Very Thin/Close
Quantity Digits to accompany Brightness-Modifier-Code
10 - Normal
20 - Brighter than normal
70 - Brighter again
Quantity Digits to accompany 'Extra' Character Modifier
00 - Rika
01 - Will
02 - Koji
03 - Aki
04 - Jill
05 - Saki
06 - Ben
07 - Saya
08 - Taku
09 - Amy
0A - Goro
0B - Yuji
0C - Mai
0D - Eric
0E - Maya
0F - Sho
10 - Judy
11 - Taro
12 - Hide
13 - Eri
14 - Ban
15 - Beth
16 - Jiro
17 - Teru
Note 1 : These codes aren`t as effective with players with dark clothes etc..
Note 2 : Codes 33 + 34 are for use with the Extra Character Box, the ones that you unlock, These will not work unless you choose someone from that Box.
Note 3 : Replace the ?? with the value you want. If you insert 00, then both players are invincible to the end of their days... If you want to fight long, then insert a 01. If it should be quick enter something higher, like perhaps C8, 3C, ...
Note 4 : With this code, it allows both players to hit, make contact, with each other no matter where they are on the screen.


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