Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Ridge Racer Type 4

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen): Cheats für Ridge Racer Type 4

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Ridge Racer Type 4
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen))

Auch bekannt als:
  • アールフォーリッジレーサータイプフォー

Genre: Rennspiel

Erschienen: April 2001

Entwickler: Spiele dieses Entwicklers Namco

Verleger: Spiele dieses Verlegers Namco

Cover von Ridge Racer Type 4

22 Codes
Last update: 15-May-00
Codes by 1 - 6 by Kato & Code Master
Codes 7 - 17 & 20 - 22 by ViperByte
Codes 18 & 19 by Jay1718
1Unlock Extra Trial800F 3B24 0001
2Complete Extra Trial800F 3B2C 0101
800F 3B2E 0101
3Unlock All Team DRT Cars800F 3AE0 FFFF
800F 3AE2 FFFF
800F 3AE4 FFFF
800F 3AE6 FFFF
800F 3AE8 FFFF
4Unlock All Team MMM Cars800F 3AF0 FFFF
800F 3AF2 FFFF
800F 3AF4 FFFF
800F 3AF6 FFFF
800F 3AF8 FFFF
5Unlock All Team PRC Cars800F 3B00 FFFF
800F 3B02 FFFF
800F 3B04 FFFF
800F 3B06 FFFF
800F 3B08 FFFF
800F 3B0A FFFF
800F 3B0C FFFF
800F 3B0E FFFF
6Unlock All Team Solvalou Cars800F 3B10 FFFF
800F 3B12 FFFF
800F 3B14 FFFF
800F 3B16 FFFF
800F 3B18 FFFF
800F 3B1A FFFF
800F 3B1C FFFF
800F 3B1E FFFF
7All Tracks Unlocked800F 3ADC FFFF
300F 3B24 0001
800F 3B28 0101
800F 3B2C 0101
8Infinite Tries800A D698 0303
9Speed ModifierD00F 3BEA 0000
800A C288 ????
10Have All Cars
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed!)
5000 2002 0000
800F 3AE0 FFFF
11Lap 1 is 0:00:00800F 4D58 0000
12Lap 2 is 0:00:00800F 4D5C 0000
13Lap 3 is 0:00:00800F 4D60 0000
14Lap 4 is 0:00:00800F 4D64 0000
15Lap 5 is 0:00:00800F 4D68 0000
16Lap 6 is 0:00:00800F 4D6C 0000
17Start on Last Race of Season ( Note 1 )D00F 3BEA 0004
800A D6A6 0700
18Always 1st/Drive thru cars ( Note 2 )
(Press select)
D00F 3BEA 0100
800A C236 0003
19Instant win ( Note 3 )
(Press X & Select)
D00F 3BEA 0140
800A C236 000A
Ridge Racer HI REZ
20Infinite Checkpoint Timer8008 8488 06C5
21Laps Are 0:00:008008 8958 0000
8008 895C 0000
8008 8960 0000
22Always First8008 8948 0001
Note 1 : Press L1 at the yellow screen that tells you the heat. You will still race on first track but the code tricks the game into thinking you are on the last race so just come in first & win the Season.
Note 2 : You will only race for half a lap or so and you must activate it before the cars in front of you enter second lap...and you could also drive thru cars!
Note 3 : On the last race (shooting hoops course) you still need to race for a short distance.


Prüfvermerk: Diese Cheats wurden erfolgreich getestet.

Abfragen: 4.504

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