Return to Monkey Island
Genre: Adventure
Erschienen: 2022
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The official name of the Voodoo Shop is... | The International House of Mojo |
Which of these is not an island in Monkey Island 2? | Reef Island |
The game of Monkey Island used to be called... | Mutiny on Monkey Island |
Which of these people were not swallowed by a giant manatee? | The Marquis De Singe |
Captain Kate Capsize... | Was wrongly imprisoned on trumped up charges |
In the back of the Scumm Bar is... | The kitchen |
Morgan LeFlay first appeared in: | Tales of Monkey Island |
Who is the local expert on LOOM? | Cobb |
Which of these ingredients is not needed to get to Monkey Island? | Yeast |
Wally's shop is on: | Low Street |
Page 2 | |
The Melee Island Circus was run by: | The Fettucini Brothers |
In Monkey Island 2, who had a glass bottom ship? | Kate Capsize |
Scurvy Island is famous for: | Limes |
What word is the curator asking for when solving the crossword puzzle? | Pirate |
The Voodoo Lady's name is: | Corina |
Which of these ingredients is not required to make a voodoo doll? | Something of the Bread |
The Mad Monkey was... | A sunken ship |
How many prisoners are in the Ice Quarry? | 21 |
Largo LaGrande's catchphrase was: | Wherever you go, on sea or land, you can't ever hide, from Largo LaGrande! |
Guybrush often tries to distract people with the following: | Look behind you, a three headed monkey! |
Page 3 | |
Ron Gilbert started working at Lucasfilm Games in... | 1985 |
David Fox started working at Lucasfilm Games in... | 1982 |
Dave Grossman started working at Lucasfilm Games in... | 1989 |
How many pirates are in the Scumm Bar at the beginning? | Eight |
How many dead pirates are in the abandoned camp on Terror Island? | Three |
Below the cliff on Monkey Island is: | Pain, only pain |
Guybrush wears... | Boxers |
The original Monkey Island was first released on: | IBM PC |
The development of the original Monkey Island took... | 9 months |
The first game to use the SCUMM system: | Maniac Mansion |
Page 4 | |
What bird is on the crest of Brrr Muda? | Parrot |
The volcano on Monkey Island is filled with... | Water |
The Brrr Muda customs form has how many questions? | 33 |
The name of the sheriff in Monkey Island 1 was: | Shinetop |
The parrot on the Brrr Muda seal is holding... | Swords |
Herman Toothrot first appeared in: | Secret of Monkey Island |
What type of cake isn't Otis' favorite? | Carrot cake |
Blood Island is home to: | The Goodsoup Hotel |
How many fish are in the fish school underneath LeChuck's ship when it's anchored? | Eleven |
How long can Guybrush hold his breath under water in this game? | 8 minutes |
Page 5 | |
At the end of Monkey Island 1, LeChuck was defeated with: | Root beer |
Production for Monkey Island 1 happened at: | Skywalker Ranch |
Production for M5nkey Island 2 happened at: | A Building |
How many named books are there in the Mansion bookshelf? | Seven |
What is carved into a tree on the beach on Monkey Island? | "L + E" |
How many windows are lit on the governor's mansion? | Eighteen |
In the Scurvydog Shack, there is a giant... | Fly |
Flags on the midway are... | Red and yellow |
Flowers by the bench are... | Purple |
How long does it take to walk to Monkey Island? | 6 minutes |
Page 6 | |
How many mop trees are there? | Two |
The crate in the hold has what on the front? | Cross |
The acronym for the Marley scurvy foundation is: | STAPL |
Which of the following cannot be bought in the Scurvydog Shack? | Steamin' Weenies |
Which of the following books cannot be found on Carla's bookshelf? | "Piracy for Dummies" |
The duck in the park can be fed: | Bread |
Dee rambles on and on about: | Anchors |
Which is a genuine skull name? | Do-rothy |
Which of these cannot be found on the ocean floor? | A whale bone |
Who is the editor of the Pirate Times? | Conrad Lee |
Page 7 | |
Whose wedding veil can be found in LeChuck's cabin? | Elaine's |
In what room is the ground constantly swirling? | LeChuck's cabin |
What does Guybrush say when landing at an island? | Nothing |
How many different geckos can you spot at the Monkey Island | Head location? Eight |
What does the sign at the Monkey Head location say? | "Private Property" |
The ghost chicken with digestive trouble is called: | Molly |
What is the LeShip cat's name? | Scruffles |
What's the first rule of Melee jail? | No escaping |
How many torches are initially burning on Brrr Muda? | Ten |
What far sea creature can be seen swimming below from the LeShip's crow's nest? | Shark |
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How many hermit crabs have made their home on Barebones Island? | Two |
The coat of arms on the Brrr Muda Ice Castle features the following: | A sword and two fish |
The bird on the Scurvy Island beach is a: | Scarlet plumed point and snip bird |
What animal is featured on Bella Fisher's ship? | A dog |
What is the name of the roguish pirate in Herman's favorite book? | Reginald |
How many crows are in the LeShip's crow's nest? | Zero |
What ocean species cannot be found in the fish shop on Melee? | Squid |
Odina is the ____ reigning Queen of Brrr Muda. | Ninth |
Due to an outbreak of scurvy, all ships heading north of Scurvy Island are required to carry: | Limes |
Stan's accountant is named: | Ned |
Page 9 | |
What does the Terror Island gate sign say? | XYZZY |
Where is Cogg Island located? | X.Y (random coordinates, each playthrough is different) |
How many parrots are next to the Scurvydog Shack? | One |
How many ship masts can be seen in the street with the sleeping pirate? | Three |
The Scurvydog vendor... | Is near-sighted |
What does Guybrush specifically dislike? | Mushrooms |
What is next to a dead end on Terror Island? | A leaning tree |
Where can you find brambles? | Terror Island |
How many skeletons are in the water on the Terror Island beach? | Two |
What cannot be found on the sea floor? | An old diving suit |
Page 10 | |
Which of these is not in the park: | Seesaw |
Chuckie's friend loves her: | Slingshot |
What are the most stone monkeys found in the first ring? | Four |
How many stone monkeys are in the second ring? | Three |
How many stone monkeys are in the third ring? | Three |
On the door of the outhouse is a... | Moon |
Chuckie's friend is called: | Dee |
How many hot air balloons can be seen from the park? | Two |
The couple in the park are feeding a... | Duck |
In the park there is a... | All of these |
Page 11 | |
What is Edward Van Helgen's middle name? | Snugglecakes |
What is the Voodoo Shop called on Plunder Island? | Voodoo 'n' Things |
In Curse of Monkey Island, there is a paper voodoo doll of... | Mort the Grave Digger |
On Plunder Island, what does the secret button at the fort do? | Shoots a cannon |
In Curse of Monkey Island, Bloodnose the Pirate has a real... | Hat |
Who hired the Lookout of Mêlée Island? | Sheriff Shinetop |
What can you do to Meathook's monster? | Tickle it |
What book does not exist in the Phatt Island Library? | Who Blew Up LeChuck? |
What book by E. Marley can you borrow from the Phatt Island Library? | Next to Nothing |
What item from Monkey Island 2 did Guybrush bring into Monkey Island 3? | Helium balloons |
Page 12 | |
What bit off Pegnose Pete's nose? | A duck |
What's Murray's job on Jambalaya Island? | Bouncer at Planet Threepwood |
What are pirates not allowed to do on Knuttin Atoll? | Plotting |
What's not part of the ingredients of the Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu? | A plastic sword |
Who is Davey Nipperkin? | The ace reporter of Flotsam Island |
In Curse of Monkey Island, how many monkeys watch the Shakespeare play? | 7 |
On Skull Island, who is the elevator operator that Effete LaFoot is temping for? | Brawnbeard |
Which family does not exist in Curse of Monkey Island? | LeBrûlée |
Why was Otis in jail on Lucre Island? | He allegedly stole flowers from Ozzie Mandrill's garden |
Through what challenge did Captain Smirk lose his house to Ozzie Mandrill? | Insult Gin Rummy |
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What does Reginald Van Winslow love? | Pointing at maps |
How many maggots wiggle on the barrel in the Scumm Bar kitchen? | 6 |
Where can you find a floor plan of Maps-n-More? | On a doormat |
In the Alley, what does the sign on the door say? | Employees Only |
How many jail rules are there in part 1? | 1 |
Guybrush's left hand was never... | ... wooden! |
What does Morgan LeFlay have a tattoo of? | The name of her first love |
For a short time in Tales of Monkey Island, Murray believed he was... | ... Democratically United Brotherhood of the Manatee Interior member Santino |
Who is the owner of Club 41? | Judge Wallace P. Grindstump |
What is NOT one of the many forms of LeChuck? | Mummy |
Page 14 | |
In the International House of Mojo, what do the blue price tags mean? | Half of half off |
What animal is carved on the side of LeShip? | A snake |
Who is Apple Bob's best friend? | The sea |
What does Captain Madison owe Flair? | A hat |
On LeShip, who is confused by the bell ringing more than twice? | Apple Bob |
What is the name of the first island Guybrush visits in The Secret of Monkey Island? | Mêlée Island |
Where in Mêlée Town can you see a cat? | Above the shop on High Street |
What's the name of Locke's mother's band? | The Golden Keys |
Where is the graffiti that looks like a chandelier? | High Street |
What kind of wrapping paper does the Voodoo Lady have? | The skin of a lizard |
Page 15 | |
Where on Monkey Island can you spot a dancing crab? | On one of the wrecks of the Sea Monkey |
Gullet has a lost twin brother! What's his name? | Mullet |
What's the name of the fish store? | The Cod's Wallop |
What can Guybrush smell from the limes? | Ascorbic acid |
What's the name of the goldfish in the fish store? | Sushi |
On LeShip, what is not a matter that can be voted on? | A cute crew tattoo for everyone |
What is locked in the cupboard in Putra's galley? | Nothing |
On LeShip, what is something LeChuck berates his crew for? | The crew doesn't grovel enough |
Who plays banjo after 10 o'clock on LeShip? | Flair |
On Monkey Island, what did Captain Madison promise to give Murray? | Guybrush's skeleton |
Page 16 | |
In the Brrr Muda throne room, what is the bucket slowly filling up with? | Castle |
What does Guybrush NOT have to prove in the three contests to become queen? | Loyalty |
As Queen of Brrr Muda, what does Guybrush plan to do with the castle? | Deep clean it with hot water |
On Barebones Island, what advice does Murray have for Guybrush? | Take up knitting |
Who did the Voodoo Lady sell her cauldron to? | A soup shop on another island |
What is a sign on the adrift ship? | No Left Turn sign |
How many skulls are on the magical glow protecting The Secret's safe? | 3 |
What is the most dangerous shark of all? | The coral fire shark |
An extra large killer ant lies in hiding on Terror Island. Where is it? | In the mysterious clearing |
Who or what is Carl? | Herman's rat trap |
Page 17 | |
The dog in the Scumm Bar in The Secret of Monkey Island was called... | Spiffy |
In The Secret of Monkey Island, which floppy disk was not always missing? | Disk #6 |
Who walked out of Dave Grossman's job interview at Lucasfilm first? | Ron Gilbert |
Ron Gilbert's first game at Lucasfilm Games was... | Koronis Rift |
David Fox was Lucasfilm Games employee number... | 3 |
What, other than a golden key, was destroyed by the court according to the probate order? | A fancy box |
What's the seal on Ned's accounting license? | An abacus |
Where does all the driftwood go during driftwood mating season? | Scurvy Island |
What are the silver keys on the Brrr Muda Queen's crown? | House keys of the citizens |
How old was the Mêlée Island mop tree? | Over two hundred years old |
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