(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))
Auch bekannt als:
- Re-Loaded - The Hardcore Sequel
- Reloaded
Andere Systeme: [PC] [PlayStation]
Genre: Action
Erschienen: Juni 2004
Entwickler: Interplay
Verleger: Interplay
Joker Command P1 | D00E 8978 Joker Command P2 | D00E 897A | 1 | Infinite Mega Bombs | D00A DDE8 0002 | 800A DDE8 0003 2 | Level Select | D005 6580 0001 | 8005 6580 000? 3 | Infinite Continues | D00E EBD4 0004 | 800E EBD4 0005 4 | Weapon Upgrade-Level ? (0-7) P1 | D00A DDE4 0FFF | 800A DDE4 ?FFF 5 | Infinite Ammo P1 | D00A DDE6 0001 | 800A DDE6 03E8 6 | Infinite Ultra Bombs P1 | D00A DDE8 0002 | 800A DDE8 0003 7 | Infinite Lives P1 | D00A DDEA 0014 | 800A DDEA 001E 8 | Pulsating Invincibility P1 ( Note ) (Part 1) (Must Be On) | D00E 8978 0003 | 8000 0002 5555 D00E 8978 000C 8000 0002 0000 9 | Pulsating Invincibility P1 (Part 2) | D000 0002 5555 | 800A DDFE 00CD 10 | Body Count P1 | D00A DDF8 0000 | 800A DDF8 00?? 11 | Accuracy 100% P1 ( Note 1 ) | D00E 8978 000F | 801F FF40 0064 12 | Weapon Upgrade-Level ? (0-7) P2 | D00A DEA4 0FFF | 800A DEA4 ?FFF 13 | Infinite Ammo P2 | D00A DEA6 0001 | 800A DEA6 03E8 14 | Infinite Ultra Bombs P2 | D00A DEA8 0001 | 800A DEA8 0003 15 | Infinite Lives P2 | D00A DEAA 001E | 800A DEAA 0028 16 | Pulsating Invincibility P2 ( Note ) (Part 1) (Must Be On) | D00E 897A 0003 | 8000 0002 4444 D00E 897A 000C 8000 0002 0000 17 | Pulsating Invincibility P2 (Part 2) | D000 0002 4444 | 800A DEBE 00CD 18 | Body Count P2 | D00A DEB8 0000 | 800A DEB8 00?? 19 | Accuracy 100% P2 ( Note 1 ) | D00E 897A 000F | 801F FF48 0064 Quantity Digits To Accompany Level Select Code | 1 - Gettin' Started 2 - Smashing Pacifists 3 - Goin' Underground 4 - Keep Cool 5 - Gettin' Hot 6 - Make Some Noize 7 - Hear No Evil 8 - Saving Clones 9 - Cheb's Island A - The House On The Hill B - Bunsen And The Labs C - Kickin' Some Ass D - Happy?End |
Codes für Cheatmodule:
- Re-Loaded PAL - Xploder-Codes für PlayStation
- Re-Loaded - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen)
- Re-Loaded - Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (US-Versionen)
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Abfragen: 5.065
Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.